Remove a molar yourself. Never use tools such as forceps or other sharp objects to try to pull out a tooth.

A person’s panicky fear of the dentist makes him put off visiting the doctor for several months, and sometimes for several years. By coping with pain and inflammation at home, you can achieve complete or partial tooth destruction. Deciding to persevere to the end, desperate people try to pull out teeth on their own without going to the dentist. Let's figure out in what cases this can be done and whether it is worth doing at all.

When is tooth extraction necessary?

In modern medicine, qualified dentists are trying with all their might to preserve the tooth or at least its root for further prosthetics. This is possible with timely access to the dentist and successful tooth treatment. In what cases is removal recommended? There are certain indications for this:

Is it possible to pull out a tooth at home yourself?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

Any interventions in the oral cavity should be carried out by a doctor, but sometimes toothache appears at a time when a person is away from civilization. The thought of pulling out a tooth on your own most often comes to mind when it is loose. People pull out such teeth at home without thinking about the consequences.

A baby tooth that is quite loose will not be difficult to pull out without the help of a doctor. In these and other cases, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the theory, assess all the risks and be prepared for the consequences of home removal.

Removal methods at home without pain

If you decide to remove a tooth for yourself or a child without the help of a doctor, carefully study how to do it correctly and make sure that the materials used are sterile. The easiest way is to remove a tooth that is loose, or when it can be loosened.

  • Before starting the procedure, you must thoroughly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with an alcohol-containing mouth balm. You can prepare a rinse solution yourself; calendula tincture (1 teaspoon per 100 ml of boiled water) is suitable for this purpose. Chlorhexidine solution has a good antiseptic effect; it can be used to rinse the mouth without diluting it with water.
  • If a tooth hurts, you must take a painkiller before pulling it.
  • Prepare a sterile bandage and clean thread; silk thread works well for these purposes.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and wipe them with alcohol.

How to quickly and painlessly remove a baby tooth?

Children's baby teeth do not have roots; they begin to loosen before falling out. You can wait for the tooth to fall out on its own, contact your dentist, or try to pull it out yourself.

If a small patient is psychologically ready to entrust his tooth to you, take all the above measures to clean and disinfect the mouth and hands. You should feed the child before removal, since eating is prohibited for 2-3 hours after removal.

  • If the tooth is loose enough, it will not be difficult to pull it out quickly and painlessly. If the tooth is inactive, you need to loosen it first. To do this, wrap the tooth with a piece of sterile bandage and try to rock it. Carry out all manipulations quickly so as not to frighten the child.
  • After this, tie a clean thread around the tooth and quickly pull it up if it is a tooth in the bottom row, and down if it is in the top row. Do not pull the thread to the side or towards yourself, make sure that it does not injure the gum.
  • If the procedure is successful and you have the tooth in your hands, blood will appear from the gums. Apply a piece of sterile gauze tightly to the hole for 30 minutes.
  • You should not torture your child if the tooth does not come out; after some time after loosening it will fall out on its own; if this does not happen, repeat the procedure.
  • Be confident in your movements, then your fear will not pass on to the child, convince him that it will not hurt. Before the procedure, you can watch a video together about how a child’s baby teeth are pulled.


Permanent teeth have a root that securely holds the tooth in its socket. When such a tooth is too damaged, it will be problematic to pull it out due to the inability to cling to the dental crown. The roots may have an incorrect location, for this reason it is very difficult to independently tear out such roots; you can damage not only the gums, but also neighboring dental units.

  1. Clean and disinfect your mouth as described above.
  2. Wrap the molar in a sterile bandage, grasp it tightly and begin to rock it. You should not make sudden movements, as you can break a molar and the root remaining in the hole will be impossible to get out without a doctor.
  3. After rocking, try to pull the tooth out of the gum; if it does not give in, continue rocking.
  4. When the tooth is sufficiently loose, try again, pulling it out of the socket. You can tie a dental crown with a thread without touching the gum and try to pull it out of the gum in this way.

If removal is successful, place a sterile bandage swab into the hole, biting it tightly to the gum for 30 minutes. The tampon should be removed carefully without removing the blood clot.

Wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth may have deep, irregular roots. Pulling out such a tooth at home cannot be done without pain. Such an operation should be carried out by a dentist in order to avoid dangerous complications, but some daredevils also rip out the so-called “eights” without the help of a doctor. If the wisdom tooth is sufficiently loose, you can try to remove it following the rules described for a molar.

In no case do not forget about care and disinfection before the procedure, since it is the “eights” that even doctors are rarely able to remove from the hole without damage, and when tissue is injured, the risk of infections increases.

Never try to remove a wisdom tooth with pliers or other construction tools. You can damage neighboring healthy teeth or crumble a tooth, making further removal difficult.

What should you keep in mind?

When there is any inflammatory process in the oral cavity, you should not carry out any home manipulations. If you have fever, swelling, gumboil, or there is a smell of pus, consult a doctor; such teeth can only be removed in dentistry.

There is probably no such person who would not have to have teeth removed. This happens for various reasons: it is necessary to get rid of a baby incisor, which must give way to a permanent one, or from a diseased tooth that cannot be treated further, and many others. In the dental office, this problem is solved quite quickly, and painlessly through the use of painkilling injections. But not There is always the opportunity to visit a dentist, or the teeth are so loose that there is no point in seeking medical help.

Many people still experience panic when they see dental chair and are ready to endure pain for several days, just so as not to go to the dentist, but to find a way to pull teeth at home. Knowing how to do it at home, the pulling procedure can be done quite easily.

How to pull out baby teeth

How to pull a tooth at home

Baby teeth do not have roots, so they are much easier to pull out than permanent teeth. However, it is recommended to do this only if quite wobbly. If it sits in the gum very tightly, then it either cannot be pulled out at all, or it will simply break. The reasons for removing primary incisors may be the following - the appearance of permanent, which is hampered by primary caries, extensive caries, inflammation of the tooth and gums around it. To understand how to extract a tooth without pain in a child, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations:

  1. Since such procedures cause fear in children, the baby needs to be calmed down, distracted and distracted, and be sure to feed him, because after the removal is performed, he will not be allowed to drink or eat for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then you need to make sure that the child cleaned my mouth well, preferably with a paste that reduces sensitivity, and then rinsed your mouth with a disinfectant solution (a tablespoon of salt and two drops of iodine are diluted in one glass of boiled water).
  3. After this, making sure that the incisor is really very loose, it should be tied several times with dental or ordinary floss. Then pull sharply in the direction opposite to the jaw, trying not to touch the gums and cheek. This will take literally a couple of seconds and the child will not feel pain, but you should still immediately switch his attention to a toy or tell him a fairy tale, calm him down and cheer him up.
  4. After it is torn out, it is necessary carefully examine the gums, making sure that there are no fragments left in the hole. Then, apply a swab with an antiseptic to the wound that has formed in its place and tell the child to bite it well. You should keep the tampon for about half an hour.
  5. The next day you need to examine the wound and gum. If the wound continues to bleed and the gums are swollen, it is better to consult a dentist.

This is not the only way to get rid of it at home.

Methods for removing teeth in children

Methods for extracting teeth in children

In the case when the new permanent tooth is already cutting in, but the milk tooth sits firmly, not letting it go, you can resort to the following method. Grind a couple of tablets of any analgesic, suitable for a child, add a little water and make a paste. You need to lubricate the gum near the tooth that is supposed to be pulled out with this paste and wait a few minutes. Then, taking clean gauze, you should rock the tooth. This should not be done abruptly, but with smooth movements. When it is sufficiently loose, then, without removing the napkin, you need to press firmly on it with your index finger, after which it should easily come out of the hole. With this method the wound will be bleed profusely Therefore, you should explain to the child that the mouth must be rinsed several times. This is best done with a pre-prepared decoction of mint or chamomile. This decoction has both disinfectant and analgesic properties. After rinsing, place a tampon on the wound, as in the previous method.

How to pull out permanent teeth

Pulling a permanent tooth without pain

Unlike baby teeth, permanent teeth have roots, so in most cases you should go to a dental clinic to remove them. There, after anesthesia, the tooth is removed without pain using special instruments. At home, without knowing how to pull out correctly, you can damage the gums and enamel of other teeth. In addition, fragments may remain in the hole, which will cause inflammation. Improper treatment of the wound, which remains quite large from permanent teeth, can also lead to negative consequences. This procedure can be carried out independently if the tooth is already very loose, guided by certain instructions.

  1. Before removal, you should thoroughly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with a special solution sold in pharmacies or a solution containing alcohol.
  2. Then you should definitely take a painkiller.
  3. Place sterile gauze on the tooth and squeeze it tightly with two fingers. After this, they begin to loosen it and periodically try to pull it out of the hole. After you feel that the tooth has begun to give in, use leisurely movements, without sudden jerks, to pull it out of the socket. Such removal will ensure that it does not break and the root does not remain in the gum, as this can lead to suppuration and inflammation.
  4. After removal, apply a tampon to the wound, bite it well and hold it for at least half an hour. After this time, you should remove the tampon very carefully, since a protective blood clot has already formed in the wound, which must not be disturbed.
  5. At a minimum, you should not drink or eat after this procedure. 2–3 hours.
  6. During the first 24 hours, cooling compresses can be applied to the gums. To avoid catching a cold, you need to keep them no more than 10 minutes.

If after a day you still feel pain, you should take analgesics and rinse your mouth three times a day. Moreover, you must rinse very carefully so as not to damage the protective clot in the wound. For such rinses, you can use solutions in which soda or soda is added to a glass of boiled warm water. table salt (1 teaspoon). Treat your teeth with care, and if the need arises to remove them, do it correctly and without pain.

Toothache - what could be worse? It is hardly possible to meet a person who has not experienced it and has not visited the dentist to remove a sore tooth.

This happens for a number of different reasons: it is necessary to remove a baby tooth for normal growth, which follows the molar, or to get rid of a haunting sick tooth that can no longer be cured, and so on.

At an appointment with a dentist, such problems are diagnosed and solved quite easily, and taking into account the latest medications and technologies, almost painlessly and quickly.

But not everyone has the financial opportunity to visit a dental office, or their teeth are so loose that there is no point in doing so. There is also a category of people who experience an insurmountable panic fear of dental procedures and are ready to endure pain for several days just to avoid going to the dentist, so they are looking for options on how to pull out a tooth at home.

If you know the technology of the procedure, how to pull out a tooth at home without pain to yourself, it can be done quite easily and painlessly, which is important.

Around the age of 6, the body begins to get rid of baby teeth, since very soon permanent ones will appear in their place.

However, it also happens that the process is sometimes delayed, so the child needs help. But how to pull out a tooth without pain at home?

Of course, almost all children, thanks to their inherent curiosity, try to independently get rid of the “comrade” that is loose in the gum. At the same time, it can be difficult for a child to pull his fingers out of his mouth even for a minute, since now the most interesting thing is happening there!

Most often, the child’s prolonged efforts are crowned with success - the baby solemnly shows off the slightly bloody tooth to the household.

Then another question arises: how to stop bleeding from a pulled out tooth? In this situation, you need to apply a small piece of cotton wool to the hole, rejoicing that the child took on this difficult work.

It is worth recognizing that this is not always the case. Therefore, if a baby tooth is constantly loose, but does not want to fall out, and the child cannot get rid of it on his own, one of the parents will have to join this kind of “game”.

So, the process of tooth extraction can be divided into several steps:

Assessing your capabilities

Give yourself an honest answer whether you can remove the tooth on your own. To do this, carefully examine the child's mouth for swelling, lumps on the gums, or severe redness.

If you find any of the above, urgently take your child to the dentist, since most likely the baby has developed inflammation in the area of ​​the loose tooth.

Determine the degree of tooth compliance

A tooth that swings freely in four directions and loose gums is an ideal option for self-removal.

But if you notice that the gums are very dense, and the tooth is a little wobbly in one amplitude, then postpone the procedure for a while or have it done by a dentist.

In order to remove a tooth, you need to prepare the following items:

  • spitting container;
  • a strong nylon thread, a piece of gauze, a viscous or hard treat;
  • antiseptic (for example, Chlorhexidine solution);
  • cotton wool

If the tooth is well loosened and was about to fall out on its own, the procedure will take place without unnecessary pain. However, in this case, the psychological shock is much more important, therefore, the child will have to be prepared for the inevitable, use his imagination and turn everything into a game.

For example, tie a toy airplane to the end of the thread and turn the procedure into fun entertainment, because if the baby is distracted, the painful sensations will not be felt too much.

Under no circumstances should you pull the thread unexpectedly; it is much better to calm and warn the baby, since the child’s trust is extremely important during this procedure.

Then sit your baby down and make sure he's in a positive position—putting himself in the mouth of a struggling, crying baby is a terrible idea. If the baby begins to fidget and be capricious during the procedure, this may not only increase the pain, but also cause the tooth to be removed incorrectly.

Try to convince your child of the need to tolerate unpleasant sensations a little. You need to choose the form of such a serious conversation, depending on the character of the child: one needs to be asked to sit still, for the other you will have to put on a performance with the participation of the Tooth Fairy.

First of all, try to feed your child well, since after the procedure it is forbidden to eat for 2-3 hours. Make sure your child brushes his teeth thoroughly and then rinses his mouth with a mouthwash designed for this purpose.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to extract a tooth completely painlessly, but the pain can still be significantly reduced.

In order to “kill two birds with one stone”, to calm the child and numb the gums in the area of ​​​​the tooth being removed, present him with some fruit ice or ice cream. Thanks to this, you will also be able to cheer him up.

If there is no ice cream nearby, use a local analgesic (gels Kamistad for children, Denton, Asepta). Apply a small amount of the product used (about the size of a pea) onto a clean, sterile napkin, apply it to the gum near the tooth that needs to be pulled out.

After this, wait 5 minutes until the gel takes effect (the child should feel numb).

Due to physiological characteristics, children produce more saliva than adults.. Therefore, you can carefully wipe the tooth being removed from all sides with a cotton swab or a sterile napkin - it will be drier, so it will be easier to grip.

Anyone who volunteers to remove a child's tooth will need to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and then wipe them dry with a clean towel.

Next, wear medical gloves to prevent possible infection of the open wound.. If you have sterile gloves, they do not require additional processing. If the gloves are not sterile, be sure to treat them with alcohol.

The time has finally come for tooth extraction

There are several options for the procedure:

What if, despite all efforts, the tooth remains in place? Leave it alone for a while - it is firmly connected to periodontal tissues (special ligaments of the tooth that fix it to the bone socket). If you are completely confident in your abilities, you can try again after a few days.

Be prepared for some minor bleeding after the procedure.. There is no need to be afraid, this is quite natural. Press a sterile cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide with your fingers to the site of tooth extraction and bite it.

Hold it like this for 10-15 minutes. This will help stop bleeding and promote faster healing of the wound. Change napkins if necessary. Carry out the procedure for an hour, then remove the napkin.

When a problematic tooth is removed, you need to spit out saliva and rinse your mouth with an antiseptic.

You can stop the bleeding by placing a piece of cotton wool on the damaged hole and squeezing it with your teeth. After 20 minutes, carefully remove the cotton swab.

In the absence of oral diseases, removing a tooth yourself at home is an easy task. But don’t let your guard down: closely monitor your child’s condition and be prepared for the unexpected, and if you notice that complications have arisen, go to the dentist immediately.

The following symptoms should prompt you to see a doctor:

  • severe bleeding that does not stop for more than a day;
  • redness of the gums and their swelling;
  • the cheek is swollen on the side of the extracted tooth;
  • increased body temperature of the child;
  • very unpleasant purulent odor from the mouth.

These signs are evidence of an inflammatory process that has begun in the oral cavity, which will not go away on its own. Therefore, the sooner you see a doctor, the better.

Molars grow tightly into the gums, so it is best to have them removed by a dentist. Using the necessary anesthesia, he can do this almost painlessly.

By trying to remove a tooth yourself, you expose yourself to the risk of at least severe pain, and it is also possible that serious complications will arise, such as damage to the base of the jaw or the enamel of neighboring teeth.

In addition, fragments may remain that will contribute to the inflammation process. Without special treatment of the wound, it can become infected, which is also fraught with trouble.

Before removal, you must thoroughly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with an alcohol solution.. Next you need to take a painkiller.

When a tooth is loose, it can be removed by wrapping a gauze bandage around your fingers.. You don't need to pull it, but gently scroll it. However, if the tooth does not give in and holds tightly, then it cannot be pulled out without special tools.

There are several other options that can be used at home:

  • loosen the desired tooth with your tongue; if you feel that it is barely holding on, then carefully pull it out;
  • Eat hard vegetables and fruits regularly, biting and chewing them, using the tooth being removed;
  • It is not recommended to touch the tooth with your hands, but if you cannot do without it, disinfect your hands.

After the tooth is removed, a tampon must be applied to the wound and held for forty minutes until the bleeding stops and a protective crust forms. Therefore, remove the tampon carefully, slowly, so as not to tear off the protective film and clot.

However, as already mentioned, attempting to remove teeth on your own is extremely dangerous, especially if it is a wisdom tooth or a deeply embedded aching tooth.

Unlike carrying out such a procedure yourself at home, for professional high-quality removal, the dentist has all the necessary accessories, as well as irreplaceable experience in performing the operation without pain, without affecting neighboring teeth and tissues. He can also accurately select the appropriate painkiller.

Therefore, to avoid unnecessary agony and pain, it is better to immediately contact the clinic for professional help.

If your tooth is wobbly and looks like it's about to fall out, you'll no doubt want to have it pulled out painlessly. To reduce pain, you need to properly rock the tooth in the gum, reduce the sensitivity of the adjacent tissues and get rid of the pain that may occur after tooth extraction. If you are unable to pull out a tooth on your own, it is better not to risk it and seek help from a dentist.


Part 1

Rock the tooth and pull it out of the gum

    Rock the tooth. The weaker the tooth is held by the adjacent gum tissue, the less pain there will be when you pull it out. To loosen the tooth in the gum, gently rock it with your fingers and tongue. You should not push or pull the tooth too hard, as this can cause significant pain.

    • Throughout the day, constantly rock the tooth in the gum to make it easier to remove.
  1. Eat hard, crunchy foods. Start eating hard, crunchy foods to loosen the tooth and help it fall out of your gums painlessly. Chew apples, carrots, stalked celery, and other crunchy foods to help loosen the tooth's grip on the gum tissue.

  2. Brush your tooth with a brush and floss. Brushing and flossing regularly will also help loosen the tooth and prepare it for painless removal. At the same time, try not to overdo it, otherwise it will be very painful for you. Simply brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day as usual will help strengthen your tooth while also benefiting the health of your remaining teeth.

    Part 2

    Reduce gum sensitivity and extract tooth
    1. Suck on a piece of ice. Cold numbs the gum tissue and helps reduce pain during tooth extraction. You can also suck on ice cubes after a tooth extraction to help manage the pain.

      • Dissolve a few small pieces of ice immediately before tooth extraction. This will help reduce the sensitivity of the gum tissue and make tooth extraction painless.
      • Try sucking on small ice cubes throughout the day after tooth extraction to help manage pain.
      • Hold an ice cube in your mouth for 10 minutes 3-4 times a day.
      • Be sure to leave enough time between these treatments because prolonged exposure to cold temperatures on your gum tissue can cause damage.
    2. Use dental gel to reduce gum sensitivity. In addition, the gum tissue near the rocking tooth can be lubricated with an anesthetic gel containing benzocaine. This will help if you still feel pain when rocking the tooth. If you apply a small amount of gel to your gums before removing a tooth, it will numb the tissue.

      • Be sure to read the instructions for the drug and follow all recommendations.
      • Gels such as Metrogyl Denta, Kalgel and Kamistad are often used.
    3. Wrap the tooth in sterile gauze. If you feel you have wiggled the tooth enough to pull it out without pain, wrap a piece of sterile gauze around the tooth and twist gently. If a tooth is ready to fall out, it will not be difficult to turn and pull it out without pain.

      • If you tried to pull out a tooth and felt pain, or the tooth did not move when you pressed lightly on it, then it is too early to pull out the tooth. Continue to rock the tooth in the gum and do not try to forcefully pull it out, otherwise the tooth extraction will be very painful.
      • Rock the tooth back and forth and left and right, and then try to twist it and pull it out of the gum. This will help separate the surface of the tooth from the surrounding tissue that holds it in the gum.
    4. You can rinse your mouth no earlier than 24 hours after tooth extraction. If you have a tooth pulled out, a blood clot forms in the resulting hole. For gum healing to proceed properly, it is necessary that this clot remains in the socket. So, refrain from rinsing your mouth, don't drink through a straw, don't suck too hard, and try not to disturb the tooth socket to avoid damaging the blood clot.

      • When brushing your teeth, do not touch the socket of the extracted tooth with either a brush or dental floss. You can brush the remaining teeth, but it is not recommended to touch the gum at the site of the extracted tooth.
      • You can rinse your mouth gently after brushing your teeth, but do not rinse too vigorously.
      • Avoid exposure to both hot and cold temperatures. For the first two days after tooth extraction, eat soft food at room temperature.

Visiting the dentist to have a tooth removed is a very scary procedure that both children and adults are afraid of. If it wobbles or hurts, the decision to remove it is made unconditionally. And if you are afraid of visiting the dentist, then you can remove the tooth at home yourself. Of course, such actions can lead to serious consequences. But if you follow all the rules and regulations, you can carry out the removal not only quickly and painlessly, but also safely for your future health. So, how to pull out a tooth at home without pain and consequences.

Before implementing the presented process, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of the procedure. Firstly, sometimes it is necessary to qualitatively and consistently assess all risks. Secondly, you should carry out several preparatory steps to understand whether you can pull out a tooth at home. Perform the following actions in the presented sequence:

  1. Inspect the item to be removed for damage: chips, caries and other unpleasant manifestations. Surprisingly, the presence of such defects somewhat increases the pain, which often leads to refusal to carry out the procedure on one’s own.
  2. You should also evaluate the work plan: if it is loose, then removing it will not be a difficult undertaking. No additional anesthetic gel or other drug is required here. When the tooth is held tightly and hurts, the procedure will take a lot of time and physical effort, and will also lead to additional pain.
  3. Before carrying out the procedure, it is extremely important to make sure that there are no food residues or other reasons left in the oral cavity for further proliferation of microbes and the occurrence of infections. Therefore, it is recommended to clean and rinse your mouth with alcohol or high-quality vodka. When removing a baby tooth, a child must use a special antiseptic before pulling the tooth out at home.
  4. Prepare in advance all the tools and supplies necessary for the procedure and further treatment of the oral cavity.

To determine how to remove a tooth at home, you must first find out what kind it is: milk, molar or wisdom. To remove each of them you will need your own tools and instructions.

Video: How not to be afraid to pull out a baby tooth

How to pull out a baby tooth at home

The loss of baby teeth is a natural process that occurs in every person, because at the age of 6 to 8 years a characteristic replacement of molars occurs. Of course, milk representatives don’t have to be pulled out on purpose - they often fall out on their own, after noticeably starting to wobble. Sometimes the presented process seems like a kind of fun to children, and they happily wobble the tooth in the hope of pulling it out. This does not cause pain and does not provoke excessive bleeding.

But sometimes a loose baby tooth causes inconvenience, or it begins to hurt slightly. In this case, parents should help the baby . How to extract a baby tooth at home for a child:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly. Use soap or a special antiseptic. It is better to use sterile gloves, because they are easier to grip the tooth with your fingers.
  2. Prepare your child mentally. Tell him that it will become much easier for him if this temporary incisor or molar is somehow bothering him. Give your baby ice cream to carry out safe freezing, during which all further actions will be carried out. When the child is seriously worried and does not want to sit quietly, throwing tantrums in attacks of fear, then the procedure should be postponed.
  3. The tooth that is to be removed must be wiped with a cotton swab to remove any remaining saliva and to better grip it with your fingers.
  4. Grasp the tooth with your thumb and forefinger and then lightly rub it to check how firmly it is holding onto the gum.
  5. When a tooth becomes loose, you can simply rub it in different directions without applying any additional effort. In the case when the tooth is held tightly, force should be applied, but not to the detriment of the child’s health - the removal process should not be started at all if the child experiences pain during the procedure presented.

If you have not been able to pull out a child’s tooth at home, give him certain foods to eat. It may fall out on its own under the pressure of biting or chewing. Such products include carrots, apples or nuts.

If the outcome is successful, carefully remove the “trophy” from the baby’s mouth and apply a cotton swab to the open area. Monitor the condition of your gums for several days. If redness or inflammation of the gums occurs, then you should start rinsing your mouth with a soda solution, the preparation of which does not take much time - add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of boiled water and rinse every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

Video: How to pull a tooth at home

How to pull out a molar at home

Removing a molar on your own requires a lot of physical effort, and most importantly, strength. If you do not play sports and your professional activity does not involve physical labor, this will be much more difficult to do. It is better to use the help of a relative.

How to pull out a tooth at home if it is a molar:

  1. First, you should do all the steps listed above for an independent “inspection.” Don't forget to clean your mouth and prepare your own hands. It is also better to use sterile gloves.
  2. Apply a piece of ice to your gum. As soon as you feel the characteristic frost, you can begin removal.
  3. Grab it and swing it to the sides, applying physical force. Don't overdo it - otherwise you may break the roots. You should feel the incisor naturally pull out. With chewing teeth, things are more complicated. They contain several roots at once, so it is important to be especially careful here.
  4. As soon as you feel that the tooth is loose, pull it with one jerk. You may feel pain, but you should not stop - the whole procedure should take no more than a couple of seconds.
  5. There should not be excessive bleeding. Apply cotton wool or a bandage to the wound and hold it for 10 minutes. If you feel that the bleeding does not stop, then keep the cotton wool on for an hour.

In the first three days after self-removal, it is forbidden to rinse your mouth, take hot baths or contrast showers, stay in the cold for a long time, drink alcohol or smoke.

Video: Molar tooth removal

How to extract wisdom teeth at home

Removing the “representative of wisdom” at home is not recommended. First of all, you can only do more harm. In particular, it can provoke inflammation of the gums or crack the tooth altogether, which happens in those citizens who try to pull out a tooth using a conventional tool - pliers. Secondly, it is very painful to pull it out. Even a cooling and pain-relieving gel will not help here. Therefore, it is better to trust the hands of professionals.

If the wisdom tooth begins to become slightly loose due to some previous circumstances, you can perform the removal procedure yourself. Carry out all the preparatory work and grasp the tooth with your fingers wearing sterile gloves. Rotate the tooth clockwise and then counterclockwise. Rock this way until you feel the tooth begin to come out. You have to pull with considerable physical force, which will cause severe pain.

Before pulling out a tooth at home, you should think carefully about the whole process and prepare yourself mentally. Use the instructions provided and follow all the tips.

Be healthy!

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