A dog has an object lodged in its small intestine. The dog swallowed a foreign body - symptoms and treatment

Foreign bodies in tissues and organs of a dog

Causes of the disease

Usually this is the ingestion of inedible objects during feeding, games, walks, etc. Most often these are nails, pins, needles, hooks, bones, wire, polyethylene, corks, rubber and other things that a stupid dog puts in its mouth. It happens that the owners are to blame. Sometimes
even sharp objects come out naturally on one's own. Doctors have to work more often.
They depend on the “parking” of the foreign body in the dog’s body:
oral cavity - difficulty swallowing, drooling, vomiting, refusal to eat, restlessness, the dog rubs its cheek with its paw or on the grass;
larynx - refusal to eat, soreness, fever, swelling, difficulty breathing, suffocation, bleeding from wounds;
esophagus - complete and partial blockage, then inflammation and necrosis of the esophagus; if injured, rupture of the esophagus is possible; the dog stretches its neck, while eating - vomiting, possible lack of swallowing;
stomach and intestines - the dog’s condition worsens sharply, there is no appetite, thirst, vomiting, peristalsis weakens, there is no bowel movement. There is usually no bloating (if there is no damage to the walls).
L treatment
Sometimes it is possible to remove the object with a forceps (if it is visible in the throat, then irrigate the throat with an antiseptic and fast for a day on water). Using emetics and laxatives, you can remove a smooth object. Similar procedures require skill and courage, a doctor will help in these and more severe cases. Extreme case- abdominal surgery.
Treat your dog with care, like a small child, do not leave dangerous objects in an accessible place. Remove threads and needles.

Foreign bodies enter the body of dogs during games, walks over rough terrain, during hunting and service. These items most often include various needles, nails, screws, pins, hooks, metal and rubber balls, pieces of wood, chips, cartilage, bones, polyethylene, corks, rags, rubber, bullets, shot and other things that often get into fabrics and organs of dogs. There have been cases when even when swallowed sharp objects(needles, nails) they were removed from the body without outside help.

Foreign bodies in the larynx
. Foreign bodies in the larynx cause injury to surrounding tissues and get stuck in them. Developing inflammatory process, as a rule, phlegmonous. Pain and developing edema tissues make it difficult to take in food and water.
The main signs are refusal to feed, pain, increased temperature, due to tissue swelling and closing of the lumen of the larynx, breathing becomes difficult, asphyxia develops, which is accompanied by a painful cough and foamy discharge from the nose, and suffocation occurs. When tissue is injured, bleeding may occur. Remove a foreign body from the larynx under general anesthesia, stop bleeding. If a phlegmonous process is observed in the surrounding tissues, a longitudinal incision is made.
After the operation they follow a diet. The dog is not given anything for the first 2 days. From the 3rd to the 7th day the diet includes milk and meat broth, then small pieces of meat, bread in milk, liquid porridge. Regular feeding begins after the 10th day. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed in the first 5-6 days. The wound is treated with a solution of brilliant green. The sutures are removed on the 12-14th day.

Foreign bodies in the stomach and intestines. Objects that are not eliminated from the body, entering the stomach and intestines, often injure the mucous membrane, even to the point of perforation of the walls. The result is obstruction gastrointestinal tract and, as a consequence, necrosis of some of its areas.
The general condition of the animal deteriorates sharply, appetite disappears, thirst and vomiting are observed, defecation stops, intestinal motility weakens. From the 2nd to 3rd day of illness, signs of general anxiety appear, followed by periods of severe depression. Abdominal bloating, as a rule, is absent.
During treatment, it is first recommended to administer subcutaneous emetics (papaverine - 0.1 g, etc.), but only when smooth foreign bodies are detected. If an object with sharp edges is identified on the x-ray, then surgery to remove it from the stomach or intestines is indicated.

Foreign bodies in the esophagus. Various objects that the dog swallows, stuck in the lumen of the esophagus, cause sudden blockage. If the esophagus is completely blocked, the dog becomes anxious, stretches its neck, drools, frequent swallowing movements and the urge to vomit. On palpation in the neck area, limited painful swelling is noted. In case of incomplete blockage, the animal's appetite may be preserved, but the dog may vomit while eating. There are cases when an acute foreign body ruptures the esophagus and an abscess or phlegmon develops in the tissues.
Before starting treatment, the nature of the foreign body should be determined. If smooth foreign bodies get stuck, the dog is given emetics (subcutaneous apomorphine - 0.01 g, papaverine - 0.1 g, etc.). You can carefully remove the foreign body using an esophagoscope or try to push it into the stomach with a probe, first Vaseline oil 2-3 teaspoons per dose. However, this method is used with caution, since the walls of the esophagus can be torn (which often happens). If these methods do not help, then surgery is performed.

Foreign bodies in the oral cavity
. The disease occurs unexpectedly and is accompanied by excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing, the urge to vomit, the dog is worried, and due to pain, it can rub its cheek on the grass and on its cheek with its paw. The animal refuses food or is reluctant to take it. If such signs are present, rabies should first be ruled out.
When providing assistance, apply it to the upper and lower jaw bandage loops and open the mouth. Insert an oral retainer and carefully examine the oral cavity, moving the tongue in different directions.
If a foreign body is detected in the oral cavity, remove it using a forceps, a hemostatic clamp, or by hand, while observing safety precautions. After removing the foreign body, the oral cavity is irrigated from a syringe with a solution of potassium permanganate 1:1000. For prophylactic purposes, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly after surgery. On the first day, they only give you something to drink.

When obstruction occurs, dehydration occurs, a loss large quantity salts, protein. Dogs lose weight before our eyes, instantly lose weight. The owners say: “She has lost twice the weight.”

At untimely application see a doctor, the dog dies from intoxication and volemic blood disorders (disorders associated with changes in blood volume): due to the loss of protein and fluid, the heart works worse and worse, and arrhythmia begins. And of course, dogs die when necrosis of the intestinal wall develops (it ruptures) and subsequent peritonitis. With fecal intestinal peritonitis, the prognosis is extremely unfavorable. Although dogs do not react to peritonitis like humans, and protective forces they are better developed, but the mortality rate reaches 60-70%.

A foreign body can get stuck in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. There was a case where a bull terrier had a bone stuck in thoracic region esophagus. I had to remove the bone through chest. Foreign bodies get stuck in the pylorus (part of the stomach during the transition to the duodenum), in the duodenum itself, during the transition small intestine to thick, etc. But the vast majority of foreign bodies get stuck, of course, in the small intestine.

If treated in a timely manner, the operation consists of cutting the intestinal wall and removing the foreign body. After the operation, the dog recovers before our eyes, the next day begins to ask to drink and eat, and quickly comes to its senses. It is more difficult if you have to perform resection (removal of part) of the intestine. If a foreign body is stuck in the esophagus, then after the operation you have to completely exclude food, otherwise healing will not be successful.

As a rule, intestinal obstruction is treated for anything: hepatitis, gastroenteritis, poisoning, etc. They just don’t realize to carry out a simple diagnostic procedure - X-ray examination With contrast agent. A Doberman was recently brought to our clinic after being treated elsewhere for hepatitis. And the dog is getting worse and worse; they simply brought him here. On x-rays done with contrast, they found a foreign body in the middle of the small intestine. During the operation, I had to perform a resection of the intestine, removing 30 cm, since the area was dead. The dog recovered, but we can say that she still got off happily.

Intussusception - the introduction of a section of intestine into an adjacent section of the gastrointestinal tract - also causes intestinal obstruction. Most often, intussusception occurs in puppies and very young dogs; in our practice, there were only 1-2 cases in adult animals. Most common reason intussusception is an imperfection in the structure of the intestine: the layers of its walls are very mobile relative to each other. Very active peristalsis can lead to intussusception, which again happens more often in young dogs. Other reasons include helminthic infestation and improper feeding. One day, a dog was brought to the clinic with such intussusception that the small intestine came out through the rectum. Upon examination, it became clear that this was not just prolapse of the rectum - the structure of the mucous membrane was not typical for the large intestine, the folds were not the same. And the dog was immediately taken for surgery, during which the diagnosis was confirmed. If treated promptly, a dog with intussusception can still be cured. If time is lost, then a bowel resection has to be done.

For symptoms of intestinal obstruction(vomiting, abdominal pain, retention of stool and gas, weight loss) examination of a sick animal should be standard. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray with a contrast agent, sometimes an ultrasound, which shows antiperistaltic (directed against the natural course) intestinal movements. If a doctor neglects the diagnostic rules, patients often die.

Tumors. Among the catastrophes in the abdominal cavity, the presence of tumor bodies should be noted. The most common tumor in dogs is the spleen. The tumor, having reached a certain size, can rupture with careless movement or a blow to the dog’s stomach. Bleeding occurs in abdominal cavity, sometimes fatal - they don’t even have time to take the dog to the clinic. I recently had a shepherd dog at my appointment - a seven-year-old black male. They brought him in with complaints of severe, sudden weakness. Just now he was cheerful, never sick, a strong, healthy dog. On examination - the mucous membranes are pale, even white, body temperature is 37 "C (as is known, with bleeding, the temperature decreases), vomiting. On ultrasound - great amount fluid (like blood) in the abdominal cavity. We urgently open the abdominal cavity and find a ruptured tumor of the spleen. The tumor had grown to a considerable size, and with an unsuccessful jump it simply ruptured. The dog lost a lot of blood, it was necessary to receive blood transfusions from other dogs, since autotransfusion (return to circulatory system own lost blood) in case of tumor rupture should not be carried out under any circumstances. In general, it took a lot of effort to save the shepherd.

Continuing the conversation about neoplasms, it should be noted that owners usually learn about tumors when they reach an extreme stage and begin to interfere normal functioning body. Not long ago, an eight-year-old bull terrier was brought to the clinic with signs of partial intestinal obstruction. The dog periodically vomited, she lost weight, but some of the food still passed through the intestines. The condition worsened gradually over a long period of time. During the operation, a tumor was discovered that had grown through all layers of the intestine. Despite such a terrible diagnosis, the dog recovered, and distant metastases We did not find it during the examination.

Most pet owners face this question at least once in their lives. Every dog ​​or cat owner who finds himself in such a situation should know how to help his pet.

Let's ask this question Alina Sprut , leading surgeon. Our four-legged pets There is a very wide variety of objects around, and there are many reasons why animals begin to eat foreign bodies. A foreign object may enter the gastrointestinal tract during play, feeding, due to lack of nutrients in the diet, with intestinal invasions, etc.

In any case, we recommend that owners immediately contact their pet. veterinary clinic. I will talk about the problem associated with foreign bodies in the upper regions digestive tract, and the method of eliminating it - esophagogastroduodenoscopy (gastroscopy). Most often, foreign bodies such as bones, cartilage, etc. appear in the esophagus.

The clinical picture in this situation is characterized by drooling, vomiting, pain and anxiety of the animal. Large foreign objects that pass the esophagus most often remain in the stomach. There they can be very long time. There may be no symptoms or periodic vomiting may be observed, but stool is usually present.

If a foreign body has entered the lumen of the duodenum, it will be difficult to remove it. Then it begins to move through the intestines and stops most often in places of physiological narrowing. The diagnosis of a foreign body in the upper parts of the digestive tract is made on the basis of taking an anamnesis - a detailed questioning of the animal owner about the symptoms that have appeared, feeding and housing conditions, the possibility of eating a foreign body, clinical picture, X-ray and endoscopic examinations.

If the localization of a foreign body in the upper gastrointestinal tract is confirmed and the size of the object itself allows it to be removed through the cardiac sphincter (for example, a coin, ring, button, sock, needle, etc.), then it can be used endoscopic method. Endoscopic extraction must be performed urgently, without waiting for the foreign body to penetrate the intestine. The animal is examined under anesthesia to avoid the development of pain during the procedure.

Endoscopic examination begins sequentially with oral cavity, carefully examine the pharynx, all physiological narrowings of the esophagus, ending with the stomach and duodenum. Used to retrieve items special devices various modifications: grips, loops, baskets, etc. If the foreign body cannot be removed due to big size or there is a risk of injury to the esophagus and stomach, then there is a need to use a surgical method.

At this stage of development of veterinary medicine, the endoscopic method of removing foreign bodies from upper sections gastrointestinal tract in relation to the surgical one is advantageous: this method is considered less traumatic for the animal’s body and there is no complex postoperative rehabilitation(antibiotic therapy, intravenous infusions nutrient solutions, starvation diet). Here is one of clinical cases from my practice: French Bulldog, according to the owner, swallowed nylon socks.

Within half an hour, the owners contacted our clinic, where we removed the foreign body using modern equipment - using a gastroscope; The animal did not need surgery. Once again I would like to note that the main advantage of gastroscopy is its safety for the animal. Regardless of whether the procedure is performed as planned or urgently, you can be completely confident that your pet will not suffer, and its treatment after the study will be faster and more effective.

Doctor's advice

Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract

It happens quite often when an animal comes to an appointment with symptoms similar to several diseases at the same time. In this case, the doctor needs to carefully examine the animal, find exactly those symptoms that will help him in the future. differential diagnosis. Typical symptoms may include vomiting, loose stool, dehydration, exhaustion to varying degrees. Vomiting in cats and dogs is a reflexive contraction of muscles, as a result of which the contents of the cat's stomach, and sometimes the intestines, are expelled through the mouth. Most often, vomiting occurs in cats and dogs - not so much independent disease, how much is a consequence of some changes or violations:

  • a sudden change in the usual diet for a cat or dog;
  • eating spoiled food;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • inflammation of the colon (colitis), which can cause diarrhea or constipation;
  • foreign body in the stomach or intestines;
  • hypersensitivity to food;
  • neoplasms;
  • hormonal disorders(eg diabetes or hyperthyroidism);
  • viral infections(feline panleukopenia, canine distemper, roto-, coronavirus enteritis);
  • ARF, CNP.

All objects that an animal can swallow can become foreign bodies. Dogs swallow foreign bodies more often than cats, although it is more difficult for cats to resist pulling off a sausage in a casing, New Year's rain from a tree, or needles and thread. In addition, at healthy cats There are balls of fur in the stomach, which they periodically vomit. There are cases when a foreign body can pass through the gastrointestinal tract completely without any symptoms, and then, most likely, you will notice it after it has come out.

If a foreign body remains in the stomach, then, of course, it irritates its mucous membrane and causes gastritis. Vomiting some time after eating too characteristic symptom. If the foreign body has sharp edges, then severe pain, as well as violation of the integrity of the stomach wall and the development of peritonitis. If the “foreigner” has safely passed the stomach and moves further through the intestines, injuring it, then black feces appear or streaked with blood and mucus. Sometimes foreign bodies can remain in the stomach for quite a long time, even a month, without causing complete obstruction. During this time the animal develops: periodic or constant vomiting, severe dehydration, dull coat.

Diagnostics. The diagnosis is made comprehensively: Clinical signs, anamnesis, owner observations and special methods studies such as x-rays, ultrasound, endoscopy. In our clinic this is done using methods that are absolutely safe for your animal and have virtually no contraindications. For large dogs this can be done using a gastroscope to small dogs and cats using X-ray with contrast agent and ultrasound.

Complications: rupture of the wall of the esophagus, with the development of pneumothorax (entry of air into chest cavity), which will inevitably lead to the death of the animal.

Treatmentsurgical removal foreign body. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the less likely it is to develop intestinal necrosis and peritonitis.

  • Case Study 1. A dog of the breed was brought to the reception German boxer, age 1 year 6 months. The dog Agatha was playing on the street with a stick and swallowed it. She was taken to the clinic 20 minutes after the incident. At initial examination a foreign body was sticking out of the mouth, signs of suffocation were observed, minor bleeding. After sedation, a stick 21.5 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter was removed. The dog was discharged an hour after the procedure.

  • Case Study 2. Bar's dog, 2 years old, Bernese Mountain Dog, was admitted to the clinic with periodic vomiting and preserved appetite. Foreign body in thin section intestines - about 50 cm of necrotic area with foreign bodies was removed: a cotton glove, fragments of clay tiles. Dog after surgery and course intensive care, aimed at preventing peritonitis and detoxification, was discharged from the clinic on the 4th day. Further treatment included dietary food RC Recovery, a course of antibiotics, antispasmodics, proton pump inhibitors.

  • Case Study 3. Dog Gracia, 4 years old, German Shepherd, is in the service of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan. A foreign body was removed from the stomach - a ball weighing 150 g, diameter 7 - 8 cm. The dog was operated on and discharged from the clinic on the 3rd day. After the operation, the animal was discharged on the 3rd day.

  • Case Study 4. Dog Bonita, 1 year old, Bernese Mountain Dog. She swallowed a children's car, which safely passed through the gastrointestinal tract without harm to health.

  • Case Study 5. Cat, 1 year old, entered in serious condition. Conventional radiography revealed a metallic foreign body.

One of the causes of damage to the gastrointestinal tract in dogs is a foreign body, which various reasons was swallowed by an animal. This often happens during active play (small toys, chewing large objects into pieces), eating (large bone fragments, eating packaging), as well as when a dog eats inedible objects on the street. A variety of foreign bodies are found in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs - from pieces of polyethylene and fragments of toys to items of clothing of the owners.

Foreign body in a dog symptoms

Signs that may indicate that an animal has swallowed foreign objects:

  • Gagging or vomiting varying degrees expressiveness.
  • Diarrhea, often mixed with blood.
  • Pain in the abdominal area, which manifests itself as hunching and soreness when touched.
  • Decreased appetite up to complete absence.
  • Visible straining when trying to defecate.
  • Dehydration.
  • Apathy, lethargy.

Other symptoms of foreign bodies in a dog depend on their location in the gastrointestinal tract.

Foreign body in a dog's esophagus

Objects entering the esophagus often lead to blockage. Complete obstruction is characterized by restless behavior, neck stretching, drooling, retching, and frequent attempts to swallow. Palpation determines a limited area of ​​swelling with severe pain.

With incomplete obstruction by a foreign body in the esophagus, the dog may maintain appetite, but vomit during meals. Sharp objects can cause a rupture in the wall of the esophagus, which leads to the formation of an abscess or cellulitis in the affected area. Dehydration and general depression develop.

Foreign body in the stomach of a dog

If foreign object passed the esophagus and entered the stomach, the leading symptom is irritation of the mucous membrane. Perforation of the walls is possible from the impact of not only sharp, but also blunt objects with a large mass or volume. When the stomach is perforated, its contents exit into the abdominal cavity, leading to the development of peritonitis.

Gastrointestinal obstruction syndrome and necrosis of the affected areas develop. A foreign body in a dog’s stomach leads to a general deterioration of the dog’s condition, loss of appetite, and weakened peristalsis.

Additionally, there is severe thirst, accompanied by vomiting. Characteristic is the absence of bloating, which occurs when a foreign body enters the intestines. Possible defecation disturbance. Small items able to remain in the stomach for several years without symptoms.

Foreign body in the intestine of a dog

The entry of objects into the upper intestines leads to uncontrollable vomiting (and resulting dehydration), severe pain in the abdominal area.

Foreign bodies in lower sections (colon, rectum) appear depending on the sharpness of the edges. Blunt objects can cause pain, intestinal obstruction, bloating, and ischemia of nearby areas due to compression. The presence of acute foreign bodies in a dog’s intestines is manifested by constant attempts to hunch over, loose stools mixed with blood, and, less commonly, constipation. Symptoms of general intoxication and dehydration may occur.


Public precise methods does not exist for detecting foreign bodies. Ultrasound can only suggest their presence. X-ray reveals x-ray contrast objects (metal, bones). Most exact information the presence and location of foreign bodies is indicated by an x-ray contrast image with barium desalination. Sometimes, if a foreign body is suspected and its diagnosis is difficult, they resort to diagnostic laparotomy.

What to do if your dog swallows a foreign body?

If there are symptoms of upper gastrointestinal blockage, an oral examination should be performed. Often long objects (threads, ropes, hair) are wound around the root of the tongue and can be removed.

Foreign bodies are not large sizes in the esophagus are eliminated using emetics. Vaseline oil is sometimes used to help push the object into the stomach. Large objects are removed using forceps or an esophagoscope under local anesthesia.

They try to remove objects with smooth edges from the stomach using emetics; if this fails, then surgically. Identifying sharp objects requires immediate surgical intervention.

If the dog has eaten a foreign body, additional symptomatic medications are prescribed:

With pronounced pain syndrome veterinarian prescribes painkillers. For the first 2-3 days after surgery, a strict fasting diet is observed.

In our veterinary center, all animals with suspected foreign body and intestinal obstruction undergo strict preoperative diagnostics. In some cases, a council of doctors gathers to decide on the operation. As a rule, after surgery, animals are left in an inpatient clinic, under the supervision of doctors, to monitor recovery and rehabilitation.



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