What to do when a wisdom tooth grows. Consequences of failing to see a doctor promptly

To avoid it, we try to visit the dentist regularly. But even such preventive measures do not help when the wisdom tooth grows and the gums hurt. Almost every adult has suffered these unpleasant sensations. Let's understand the root causes of such symptoms, find out methods of pain relief and remember the risk factors when it is better to remove a molar.

What to do if your wisdom tooth grows and your gums hurt

These molars (molars), which dentists often call “eights,” grow over a long period of time, sometimes several years, and this growth is often accompanied by periodic unpleasant swelling of the mucosa and varying degrees of pain. Wisdom teeth grow in by the age of 25-30, although sometimes they do not erupt at all in some people. The process of their appearance is so drawn out because baby teeth did not grow in place of the eights, and they make their way to eruption through the already formed jaw, inflaming the surrounding tissues.

When the gums near the wisdom tooth hurt, other symptoms are often observed: increased body temperature, pain radiating to the throat or ear, and often swelling of the cheek and tongue. Since a person cannot influence the cause of unpleasant sensations, one needs to know what pain relief methods are good to use when a wisdom tooth grows and the gums hurt badly, and in what cases a dentist’s intervention is necessary.

How to relieve pain

The following methods will help relieve pain:

  • Periodically throughout the day, rinse your mouth with a soda-salt solution (dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of hot water, wait until the liquid becomes warm, rinse, slightly holding the mixture near the diseased molar);
  • make applications to the swollen mucous membrane with pain-relieving gels for the oral cavity;
  • drink a pain reliever, for example, analgin, tempalgin, or apply a small piece of this tablet to the sore spot.

If the wisdom tooth grows and the gums continually hurt, you need to seek help from a dentist to prevent complications from developing. Often pain indicates that there is not enough space for the number eight in the row, so when it erupts it is positioned incorrectly, producing pressure. Without timely intervention, this will lead either to the loss of adjacent molars, or to the shifting of the entire dentition, and a damaged bite will then be difficult to correct.

How to relieve gum inflammation

The inflammatory process during the growth of figure eights appears because during slow eruption, part of the molar remains covered with a mucous membrane for a long time - the hood. Pieces of food fall under this tissue, which are difficult to remove during hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity, which causes the proliferation of microbes and, as a result, inflammation of the gums around the wisdom tooth. An effective method of treating this problem is excision of the hood - a simple dental procedure that in a few minutes will eliminate the risk of possible complications: soft tissue swelling, suppuration.

When is wisdom tooth removal required?

It is necessary to remove the problematic eight if:

  • it is cut horizontally, fits too tightly to adjacent molars, and injures their roots;
  • grows into the cheek, injures its mucous membrane;
  • when the molar is submerged (not erupted or partially erupted), due to the high risk of cysts or infection of surrounding tissues;
  • an abscess of the mucous membrane appeared;
  • deep caries developed.

The dentist makes the decision to remove it after analyzing the patient’s complaints, and also on the basis of an X-ray of the jaw. As a rule, a targeted examination of the diseased 8 is enough, but there are situations when, for the correct decision, the doctor needs a circular orthopantogram showing problems in neighboring teeth or indicating the structural features of the jaws.

How much does your gum hurt after wisdom tooth removal?

If the removal of the molar was simple, without previous inflammation of the surrounding tissues, pain will be felt after the end of anesthesia for approximately 24 hours. If the eight was pulled out because the gums near the wisdom tooth were inflamed, there was suppuration, or the doctor took out the remains of the eight piece by piece (cut the mucous membrane), the pain will be longer. Everything will begin to subside in 1-2 days, the maximum period is a week. If the pain continues, swelling of the cheek develops, the temperature rises, an unpleasant taste and bad breath appear, this signals complications.

Video: why wisdom teeth hurt and gums are swollen

To visualize the process, how the figure eight is cut and what problems this sometimes entails for your health, watch the video below. Short, clear information about the causes of rapid decay on these molars and when preventative removal is recommended will help you in your preventive oral health. Be healthy and smile more often!

Only for some people the eruption of the third pair of molars does not cause any inconvenience. Many people say that the gums around the wisdom tooth are inflamed and there is very severe pain. In addition, the process of teething becomes more complicated and brings a lot of different inconveniences.

The most common complication is acute pericoronitis (ICD-10 code K05.2.). The formation of a hood is a very complex problem that can be eliminated surgically.

Features of wisdom tooth growth

A person has a wisdom tooth at the end of each row of teeth. There is no need for them; rather, problems associated with their growth are only added. The reason for this is that by the time they grow, the formation of the jaw bone tissue has already finished. There is not enough space for molars to erupt, so they can cause severe pain and discomfort.

They do not replace milk teeth, so they do not have a conductive channel that would facilitate their eruption. Unpleasant sensations are mainly caused by the thickness of the gum mucosa and the size of the walls of the dental sac. Discomfort may also be accompanied by swelling, fever, and difficulty opening the mouth. This can go on for quite a long time. All these signs occur due to inflammation of nearby tissues. This is why you definitely need to see a dentist.

It is quite difficult to clean wisdom teeth well, and sometimes those located next to them. Even at the stage of their growth, molars are often carious and are also capable of transmitting infection. Their growth is almost always accompanied by various kinds of problems. It is necessary to consult a dentist promptly, as these molars cause significant discomfort, sometimes affecting a person’s well-being.

What is pericoronitis

Pericoronitis is an inflammation characterized by swelling, redness of the mucous membrane, and possibly suppuration of the hood. This is a kind of mucous membrane hanging over the crown tubercles that have not yet appeared.

During the growth process, a space is formed between the tooth and the remaining mucous membrane into which food particles fall. However, its removal is almost impossible. As a result of this, optimal conditions are created for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which causes complications.


When a wisdom tooth erupts, the main causes of pericoronitis are:

  • dystopia of the third molar;
  • semi-retention;
  • thickening of mucous tissues;
  • small width of the dental arch.

Dystopia is characterized by the fact that the tooth grows at an angle or parallel to the main dentition. Semi-retention is a condition accompanied by the eruption of only part of the molar.

All this may be accompanied by the formation of a hood over the wisdom tooth, even if it subsequently takes its normal position.

Main symptoms

Initially, the patient may not even notice for a long time that a hood is forming over the tooth, since in a calm state it rarely causes inconvenience and discomfort. However, literally after 1-2 days certain difficulties begin. Initially, food particles begin to get into the gap between the mucous membrane and the molar, creating good conditions for the development of bacteria.

Due to the fact that pathogens develop very quickly, and inflammation begins. If the gums near the wisdom tooth become inflamed, then certain symptoms begin to appear. The main features include:

  • swelling of the gums and parts of the face;
  • it is impossible to open your mouth normally;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • temperature increase.

Every few hours the symptoms will only get worse. This occurs due to the fact that the developing infection quickly spreads to nearby tissues. Initially, the chewing muscles suffer, which will give off very severe pain with every movement. Gradually the whole jaw begins to ache.

There may also be a general infection. This occurs due to the fact that many blood vessels are localized in the affected soft tissues. Once bacteria enter the bloodstream, they spread throughout all organs. This threatens the development of chronic diseases, as well as a general deterioration of immunity.

Features of treatment

When a wisdom tooth comes out, your gums hurt, what should you do? Every person suffering from pericoronitis is interested in this question, since this condition causes significant discomfort and very severe pain. Treatment is selected only by the attending physician. The most radical method of therapy is wisdom tooth removal. The operation is performed only if the molar has no physiological value. In addition, removal is carried out if the x-ray revealed that there is not enough space for the formation of a molar, and it is growing in the wrong direction.

In all other cases, the hood is removed; in this case, the wisdom tooth can be preserved and the development of complications can be prevented. Excision of the inflamed mucosa is not a very complicated operation and is performed using local anesthesia.

How to remove the hood

If a wisdom tooth grows, removal of the hood may be carried out for reasons such as:

  • when biting the gums, severe pain occurs;
  • local tissue swelling occurs;
  • inflammation;
  • the tooth is located under the hood.

If the pain is tolerable and lasts a short time, then you can try to wait a little. It is quite possible that the hood will gradually wear off on its own. An operation to excise the mucosa is performed if there is severe swelling of the tissue. Often it spreads to the larynx area, then signs of sore throat, dryness and sore throat, and difficulty swallowing appear.

If an unpleasant taste occurs, this may indicate that the infection has become chronic. If the required measures are not taken in a timely manner, the inflammation may spread to the root of the tooth. This condition will require molar removal.

The tooth located under the hood is quite difficult to completely clean, so caries may begin to develop. To carry out high-quality treatment, preliminary excision of the mucosa will be required.

If very severe discomfort and inflammation occurs, the hood is removed. In this case, the wisdom tooth begins to grow correctly and no problems arise. Excision of the mucous membrane is performed by a dental surgeon. This process is not particularly difficult and takes only a few minutes.

Initially, only the gum surface is anesthetized. This can be done by injection or local anesthetic. Once the painkiller has taken effect, the doctor cuts off the hood with a sickle-shaped scalpel. At the end of the procedure, a cotton swab soaked in medication is applied.

After removing the hood over the wisdom tooth, healing occurs within 1-3 days. To speed up this process and prevent complications, you need to strictly follow the dentist’s recommendations.

Rehabilitation after removal

After removing the hood over a wisdom tooth, a person may experience severe discomfort, swelling and pain for 24 hours. To make this process less painful, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and salt. This remedy gives a very good anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

You can also use chamomile flowers and St. John's wort. It is important to wait until the prepared product has cooled to room temperature. Pharmaceutical products such as the drug Miramistin provide good results. Irrigation of the mucous membrane is necessary every 2 hours.

If you experience fever after removing the hood over your wisdom tooth, it is important to visit your dentist immediately, as this may be a sign of serious inflammation.

Causes of pain during teething

If a wisdom tooth is coming out and your gums hurt, only a dentist can determine what to do after a comprehensive examination. There are several reasons why pain may occur during the eruption of extreme molars. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • atypical tooth growth;
  • pericoronitis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

When the extreme molars erupt, it is not the tooth itself that hurts, but the nearby soft tissues. This can happen if the tooth grows incorrectly and rests on the gum, and it hurts very much.

When the eruption of a molar is difficult, a kind of gingival hood is formed. Food debris and pathogens penetrate under this fold, causing inflammation.

Sometimes the wisdom tooth begins to put pressure on the facial nerves, and then very severe pain occurs that covers almost half of the face.


It is important to know if a wisdom tooth is cutting and your gums hurt, how to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. It is worth remembering that medications that eliminate pain relieve only general symptoms, but do not solve the problem as a whole. To eliminate discomfort, the following remedies are well suited:

  • analgesics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • gels and ointments for local treatment.

If the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, only a dentist in the clinic can determine what to do. However, if severe pain is present, analgesics can be used. It is recommended to take a tablet of Nurofen, Ketanov, Analgin. The effect lasts 1-5 hours. It is worth noting that in some cases analgesics may not work. Then you cannot increase the dosage of the drug and you must strictly follow the instructions for use. If there is very severe inflammation, then antibiotics may be prescribed for pericoronitis to eliminate pathogens, as this will prevent the subsequent spread of pathogens.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are also taken orally and they provide a good analgesic effect and help reduce the temperature, which often rises when the extreme molars erupt.

If a wisdom tooth is cutting out and your gums hurt, how to relieve the pain is a question that worries many people who experience discomfort and severe pain. You can use local remedies, for example, such as “Metrogil Denta”, “Kamistad”, “Cholisal”. These agents have an antibacterial, analgesic and wound healing effect. Instead of ointment or gel, you can use Angilex spray.

It is worth noting that these are only temporary measures, so if a wisdom tooth grows and your gums hurt, only a qualified dentist can determine what to do.

If a wisdom tooth grows and the gums hurt, what should a person do who does not want to take medication but cannot visit the dentist? In this case, you should turn to traditional medicine. There are many different recipes that will help eliminate soreness and inflammation. Sage is considered one of the most effective remedies. To eliminate pain, you need 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs. Cover with a plate and let sit for at least 1 hour. Rinse with warm solution.

A decoction of oak bark will help reduce pain and inflammation. It should be brewed as indicated on the package, and for greater effect it can be combined with sage. Rinse every hour.

For pain relief, you can additionally use propolis infusion. Some benefit greatly from propolis applications applied to the inflamed area of ​​the gums. Such remedies have a short-term effect, and if pericoronitis has formed, it is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible for treatment.

Possible complications

Complications of pericoronitis due to untimely or incorrect treatment are quite common. The disease can lead to the development of an abscess or cellulitis, and also affects nearby teeth. Sometimes inflammation quickly spreads to the pharynx and tonsils, simulating the development of tonsillitis. It is worth remembering that complications can only be dealt with during treatment in a hospital setting, since a full-fledged operation is required.

If a lot of pus has accumulated, then over time this can lead to osteomyelitis and pathologies of the entire jaw. When lymph nodes are affected, patients sometimes develop lymphadenitis. It is also possible that problems such as actinomycosis, ulcerative stomatitis and many other dental diseases may occur.

Untimely dental care can lead to blood infection. If there is an infiltrate in the mouth for a long time, it breaks out. The tissues of the neck and jaw have a loose structure, which contributes to the very rapid spread of infection. In particularly advanced cases, this threatens human life.

If a wisdom tooth grows and the gums hurt, the dentist must decide what to do, since the extreme molars, if they erupt incorrectly, can lead to the development of malocclusion. This leads to impaired diction, distortion of aesthetic functions and deterioration in the quality of chewing food.

Carrying out prevention

It is impossible to exclude the possibility of improper eruption of wisdom teeth. It depends on the structural features of each person’s jaw. In order to prevent the occurrence of rather dangerous complications and the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive measures. These include the following:

  • regular oral care;
  • periodic visits to the dentist;
  • See a doctor for any signs of illness.

The dentist must conduct not only a visual examination of the oral cavity, but also, in case of certain complaints and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, perform an X-ray examination. The image will clearly show the problem area. This will allow you to choose the method of therapy.

Most dentists do not support the idea of ​​removing a wisdom tooth, as they believe that it may still be required for subsequent prosthetics. Others, on the contrary, strongly recommend their removal, as they say that this will avoid many dental problems.

Most people are afraid of visiting the dentist, but this is wrong, since only a doctor can help eliminate the existing problem and relieve unpleasant symptoms. In addition, after dental treatment, a person feels better, and the smile becomes aesthetically pleasing.

Modern man inherited wisdom teeth from his ancestors, who had to chew hard and rough food.

Nowadays, “eights” in most cases do not perform any functionality, but only cause a lot of trouble for a person.

Always accompanied by pain. In addition, erupted molars can hurt and cause discomfort to a person.

I haven’t gotten out yet, but it already hurts...

The first pain occurs at the stage. The fact is that third molars are from 17 to 25 years old, although they can be later, depending on the individual characteristics of the person.

The tooth breaks through bone and soft tissue, resulting in aching pain. It is worth noting that by this period the bone tissue is fully formed, which complicates the eruption of figure eights.

Due to the lack of space in the mouth for figure eights, they often grow incorrectly. The tooth can grow horizontally, sideways or obliquely. In any of these cases. When a wisdom tooth “pushes” onto the “seven”, a displacement of the entire dentition can occur, the so-called crowding of teeth.

In this case, it can hurt not only in the area of ​​​​the wisdom tooth, but the entire jaw.

When the figure eight presses on the roots of adjacent teeth, chronic pain occurs, as well as swelling of the cheek or gums.

Often, teething causes an inflammatory process, which may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • or aching;
  • swelling of the gums and cheeks;

Neurological pain

Often the inflammatory process, localized in soft tissues, spreads to the roots of nerve endings. In this case, the eruption of wisdom teeth may be accompanied by a headache, as well as pain in the ear or throat.

Pain may occur in the neck or cheeks. Sometimes a person does not correctly determine the cause of the pain, and treats a sore throat for a long time, while the inflammation in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth continues to develop.

I got out and everything hurt - what, how and why?

The third molar may still hurt after eruption is complete.

The reasons why a wisdom tooth hurts after it has come out can be different, but most often it is:

  • acute or chronic;

What to do with pericoronitis

When a wisdom tooth appears, a fold forms on the gum, which dentists call a “hood.” Food particles easily fall under this fold, thereby creating excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria. Inflammation of the “hood” is called pericoronitis.

This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the area of ​​the outer tooth;
  • swelling of the gums;

Sometimes pus may ooze from under the fold.

What to do?

If the inflammation is not severe, it can be eliminated at home. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth with special antiseptic solutions (can be bought at the pharmacy) or herbal decoctions (sage, oak bark, chamomile).

Also, the site of inflammation should be lubricated with gel, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. After applying the medicine, you should avoid eating and drinking for a couple of hours. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

If the disorder is accompanied by purulent discharge, then a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. To relieve symptoms, you can rinse your mouth and apply anti-inflammatory ointments. The doctor excises the “hood” and also prescribes a course of antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Caries does not spare anyone, even the “wise”

Due to the inconvenient location, the outer teeth are more likely to suffer from. They are more difficult to clean from plaque and food debris, which contributes to the development of caries. Tooth damage can be signaled by:

  • sharp or aching pain;
  • when eating hot, cold or sour foods.

Giving help

Caused by caries in the “eight” can be relieved with the help of an anesthetic drug. It is necessary to visit a dentist who will decide whether the third molar should be treated or whether it needs to be removed.

If the tooth has grown vertically and can be approached with a drill, it is treated. In addition, preserving a molar is possible if it is necessary for installing a bridge (it will serve as a support).

Help with pulpitis

Wisdom teeth are susceptible, just like other teeth. Pulp inflammation can occur in acute or chronic form. At In acute pulpitis, pain is spontaneous.

Attacks of acute pain can occur after exposure to an irritant, such as hot food, or on their own. Often the pain intensifies at night.

In the chronic form of the disease, the pain becomes more aching. It may appear periodically, most often after exposure to an irritant.

After eliminating the impact of cold or hot food on the wisdom tooth for 10-15 minutes, the pain may subside.

What to do?

To relieve pain, take a pain reliever. If it is not possible to visit a doctor in the near future, try to reduce your exposure to irritants, that is, avoid very hot and cold drinks and food for a while.

Contact your dentist for . Treatment of figure eight pulpitis is rarely carried out.

What is periodontitis and how is it treated?

In the area of ​​the wisdom tooth it has the following symptoms:

  • It's a dull pain;
  • increased pain when biting a tooth;
  • swelling of the gums and/or cheeks.

The chronic form of the disease may also be accompanied by purulent discharge in small quantities.

Therapeutic measures

The disease is dangerous due to the development of complications. Inflammation can take on a purulent form and also spread to bone tissue. This is fraught with loosening of teeth and their loss.

If you experience severe pain and swelling of the cheeks and gums, you should consult a doctor.

The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment with anti-inflammatory and other drugs. The selection of medications depends on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Having a cyst in a tooth is dangerous

The appearance of wisdom teeth is quite common. Through the “hood” bacteria enter the root of the wisdom tooth, as well as the jaw bone. This leads to infection of the bone cells, causing them to die.

A cavity forms in the bone, which over time becomes overgrown with a shell. The appearance of a cyst irritates the tooth root and nerve endings, which causes severe pain. In addition, the cyst is accompanied by the appearance of flux and suppuration.

Contact your doctor immediately for help when the first symptoms appear. Do not let the disease progress, which will complicate the treatment and recovery process.

When to remove "eights"

Often the only correct solution to get rid of toothache is. Typically, the doctor will take x-rays before performing surgery to evaluate the location of the tooth and also to decide whether the outermost tooth may be helpful.

The main indications for wisdom tooth removal are:

  1. Incorrect tooth position. If the third molar grows laterally or horizontally, which often occurs due to lack of space, it must be removed. When a tooth pushes against a neighboring one, it also needs to be removed. In this case, it is often necessary to treat the seventh tooth, since the enamel may be damaged.
  2. Dental crowding. If the eruption of a tooth causes the displacement of several teeth or the entire dentition, it must also be removed. Only a brace system can correct crowding.
  3. Not enough space for teething. If the eruption of a tooth is accompanied by very severe pain, and the doctor finds that there is no room for it, then the outermost tooth can be removed even before it completely appears above the surface of the gum. In this case, removal not only relieves pain, but also helps to avoid many problems, including crowded teeth.
  4. Pericoronitis. If the “hood” is inflamed, it is also recommended to remove the wisdom tooth. Sometimes it is enough to excise the gum fold to prevent the recurrence of the disease. In this case, if there are no other indications for removal, the tooth is left.
  5. Severe caries. If the crown of the tooth or its canals are severely damaged by caries, the wisdom tooth is removed.
  6. Pulpitis. Inflammation of the pulp is also an indication for removal of the third molar.

How to relieve pain quickly?

You can remove it quickly at home. To do this, you need to buy painkillers at any pharmacy (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Nimesil, Nise, and so on).

Ketanov is a potent remedy that quickly eliminates pain, but this drug should not be taken for more than three days.

Before taking medications, read the instructions for use in detail. Remember that these medications only relieve symptoms, but do not cure, so do not delay your visit to the dentist.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Kalgel, and so on, will help reduce the inflammatory process, which is accompanied not only by tooth pain, but also by swelling and pain of the gums or cheeks.

Traditional methods

Some people, in order to numb their wisdom teeth, resort to. They use herbal decoctions, lotions or applications.

Non-traditional remedies can sometimes alleviate the inflammatory process, but do not eliminate the problem. This is why a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

A decoction of sage, chamomile or oak bark, as well as solutions of soda or salt, are used to rinse the mouth.

In this case, folk remedies play a supporting role and accelerate the treatment of the inflammatory process.

Do not self-medicate to avoid making the problem worse.

Preventive measures

The best prevention is wisdom tooth removal. Especially in cases where the tooth is still at the eruption stage, it causes many problems. If a tooth has erupted almost imperceptibly, and there is no indication for its removal, pay special attention to it when brushing your teeth.

After eating, rinse your mouth so that food particles do not remain in the tooth, causing the development of caries and other diseases. Also, be sure to visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

Everyone knows about wisdom teeth; in dentistry they are called “eights” or molars. The presence of these dentition units is determined at the genetic level. It is not necessary that all 4 teeth will erupt; only 1–2 may appear throughout life.

Sometimes the process of appearance causes a lot of inconvenience and complications. Useful recommendations will help prevent acute pain and other complications. Do not delay going to the doctor; advanced cases lead to severe inflammatory processes and the formation of ulcers.

What is a wisdom tooth and when does it start to grow?

There is nothing superfluous in our body; for example, the tonsils or appendix have long been considered unnecessary appendages. Over time, it was discovered that they replenish the body’s defenses. With “eights,” everything is ambiguous: not everyone has them, even at the genetic level, 15% of the Earth’s population do not have them.

Scientists explain this fact by the fact that during evolution the human jaw narrowed by 10 cm due to the consumption of soft food. There was no room left for additional teeth, so nature began to get rid of them. Some are still lucky enough to know the joy of having a wisdom tooth or even several. Typically, “wise men” begin to cut themselves between the ages of 16 and 25.

In some countries, the newly made “neighbor” is immediately removed. We prefer an individual approach: based on the specific situation, the fate of the G8 is decided. Molars can become a kind of “reserve”; they almost do not participate in the chewing process, but help to restrain the loosening of teeth. If necessary, the figure eight becomes a support for the bridge.

Important! A positive outcome is observed only in cases where the wisdom tooth grows correctly, does not have carious complications, and is properly cared for. In other cases, the “uninvited guest” requires immediate removal; the best option is to immediately consult a doctor, he will identify possible risks and suggest a further course of action.


In almost all cases, the appearance of a wisdom tooth is accompanied by pain. If it cuts like all other teeth, you are very lucky. Molars still form incorrectly in the periodontium and grow in the wrong direction. Dentists highlight several main points:

  • vertical (correct);
  • buccal-angular;
  • lingual-angular;
  • horizontal.

Only in the first case the tooth does not injure the gums, tongue, or nearby teeth. In other cases, the wisdom tooth hurts and there is bleeding. Only an experienced specialist will help you cope with the situation, having first performed a series of tests and carefully studied the clinical picture.

Signs of wisdom teeth appearing:

  • painful sensations in the jaw. The process indicates the tooth making its way through bone tissue and gums;
  • slight swelling of the gums and cheeks;
  • the course of the inflammatory process is indicated by an increase in body temperature, general malaise, pain when swallowing;
  • difficulty opening the mouth. The symptom indicates damage to the masticatory muscle. In this case, immediately contact a specialist;
  • at the next stages of the process, a special “hood” appears over the unit of the dentition, it covers its upper part. It is under this formation that many pathogenic bacteria accumulate, which leads to an abscess, osteomyelitis, and phlegmon.

A timely visit to the dentist will help you avoid negative consequences. Sometimes it is enough to skillfully cut the “hood” to eliminate accumulated bacteria.

Possible complications

The appearance of negative consequences during the appearance of the “eight” directly depends on age. Over time, the jaw decreases slightly in size; the rest of the dentition is already fully formed. It is the lack of space that becomes the main cause of inflammation.

Possible complications as a result of wisdom tooth eruption:

  • crowding of teeth. Lack of space leads to a displacement of the dentition towards the central incisors. Advanced cases require bite correction. The procedure is lengthy, expensive, and requires extreme attention;
  • pericoronitis. The disease is an inflammation of the “hood”. Residues of food remain underneath, causing swelling of the gum tissue, which later leads to an abscess, which can lead to blood poisoning. Associated factors are a sharp increase in temperature, headache, and sometimes swelling of the cheek;
  • damage to the “seventh” tooth. Incorrect growth of a molar injures its neighbor, resulting in caries.

There are many solutions to the above problems. Only an experienced dentist will tell you whether to remove or treat a wisdom tooth. Do not forget that the constant inflammatory process not only causes inconvenience, it provokes the development of tumors in the oral cavity.

How to relieve pain

Only after consulting a dentist can you resort to methods that eliminate pain. There are many of them, choose the perfect option.


Take a comprehensive approach to pain management: use not only painkillers, but also anti-inflammatory drugs when a wisdom tooth is cutting out. They will help kill pathogens and reduce the risk of inflammation and suppuration.


The drug quickly relieves pain and helps eliminate inflammation of the gum tissue. A very important plus is that the medication copes with high temperatures. The active ingredient is codeine, use carefully due to the impressive list of adverse reactions, it is not recommended for pregnant women.


A well-known, inexpensive painkiller. Used for mild pain. The pill is not only taken orally, there is another way to use it: crush the pill, pour it on the tooth, cover with a cotton pad. Be careful, prolonged exposure to analgin destroys tooth enamel.


A powerful pain reliever that copes with acute pain. Recommended for one-time use. Cannot be used by pregnant women, children under 15 years of age, or people suffering from kidney, heart, or liver diseases.

Special gels

Medicines are applied directly to the site of pain and are mainly used for children. There are also medications for adults; they are powerless against severe pain, but they will certainly provide temporary relief before visiting the dentist.

List of effective drugs:

  • Holisal;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol;
  • Solcoseryl and others.

Relief occurs almost immediately, the medications do not last long - only half an hour. For some, this is enough to fall asleep or get to the dentist's office. The products are approved for use by pregnant women and children.

Folk remedies and recipes

Relieve the condition when the “eight” appears with the help of natural remedies:

  • clove oil. Even experienced dentists use it to eliminate severe pain during manipulation. A few drops are enough to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. At home, apply 5 drops of the product to a cotton pad, apply to the sore spot, hold for 20 minutes, repeat the procedure if necessary. In addition to clove ether, sea buckthorn and fir oil are used;
  • rinse with soda. This method is the simplest, accessible to everyone: dilute a dessert spoon of soda and table salt in 250 ml of warm water. Rinse your mouth with the prepared product, paying special attention to the wisdom tooth area;
  • apply a cold object to your cheek. 15 minutes is enough to improve the situation. Do not warm up a sore tooth under any circumstances; the flow of blood will only increase the pain;
  • Wipe the swollen gums with propolis tincture. To enhance the effect, soak a cotton pad in the product and apply to the sore spot for 20 minutes. This method is contraindicated for people who are allergic to honey;
  • rinse your mouth with decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark, and plantain. Alternate the means, choosing the most effective one. Method for preparing the decoction: pour two tablespoons of boiling water over it, let it brew for half an hour. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product 4-5 times a day;
  • onion garlic. The products have antiseptic properties, help relieve pain, but have an unpleasant aroma. Finely chop half a small onion and one clove of garlic. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area. After half an hour, remove the compress, the pain should subside
  • unsalted lard. An unusual folk method, many claim it works. Apply a piece of lard to the sore tooth and hold it for 20 minutes until the discomfort completely disappears. If there is no unsalted lard, take a salted product and rinse it thoroughly under running water;
  • turnip. The vegetable has antiseptic properties. Finely chop the vegetable, pour boiling water over 50 g of raw material, and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Cool the broth, strain, rinse your mouth every four hours.

What is deep and what does the procedure give? We have the answer!

The features of wearing and installing braces on teeth are described on the page.

Find out about the causes of dental pulpitis and methods of treating the disease at this address.

Interesting! The ancient Slavs believed that the appearance of a wisdom tooth meant a person had reached certain heights and become spiritually mature. The presence of all four teeth is a sign of the protection of higher powers. The pain of the appearance of the “eight” did not bother our ancestors; the tooth was not treated, but talked about.

Nowadays, it is impossible to use unconventional methods; it is better to use proven traditional medicine products and other drugs.

It is important to monitor the status of the process in a timely manner. It is best to immediately consult a doctor and follow his instructions. The average period of molar growth is 1.5 months; it is completely formed in 4 years. The process is not pleasant; it requires patience and endurance. Relieve pain with proven means, monitor your health, and prevent complications from developing.

There is no need to be afraid of the appearance of “eights”. Follow simple rules, use painkillers and antiseptics. In this case, the appearance of molars will proceed smoothly, without complications.

What to do when a wisdom tooth grows? The answer is in the next video:

Once upon a time, the appearance of wisdom teeth was considered a sign of maturation and increased intelligence. Now everyone understands that intelligence has nothing to do with them, but that problems with their growth may increase. First of all, these are pain sensations that are localized in nearby tissues and organs. Do you need to endure them stoically or is it better to go to the dentist and find out exactly what hurts and how to treat it?


Features of wisdom teeth growth

By the age of 18, a person has 28 teeth. After this age and until about 30 years old, at the end of each row, 4 more appear above and below. These are wisdom teeth. Nature conceived them, taking care of people who previously lost their chewing organs at an early age due to insufficient hygiene and the predominance of roughage in the diet. Wisdom teeth could replace them.

Modern man has no need for these organs; rather, problems associated with the period of growth are added. The reason for most of them is that it ended by the time of eruption. bone formation jaws. There is not enough space on it for the placement of wisdom teeth, and they grow as best they can, delivering pain and discomfort. Moreover, they don't replace dairy, which means they do not have a ready conducting channel, which would make cutting them easier. Unpleasant sensations are caused by the thickness of the walls of the dental sac, the size and density of the gum mucosa.

Lack of space for the organ can cause crowding of all or part of the dentition, also accompanied by pain. It, in turn, is complemented by high fever, swelling, and difficulty opening the mouth. This can take a long time, since wisdom teeth do not erupt quickly either. All these signs mean inflammation of the surrounding tissues, including bone. Therefore, visiting a dentist is inevitable.

Brush your wisdom teeth well, and often those located nearby, because of the mentioned problems it is difficult. Their role also plays a role in this location deep in the jaw, where it is difficult to reach with a brush. Therefore, even at the growth stage, a wisdom tooth can become carious; it is also capable of transmitting infection and neighboring. Sometimes the disease affects him while he is in the gum.

In a word, appearance of wisdom teeth almost always accompanied by problems. It is necessary to ensure that they do not get close to the frames, life-threatening. After all, the brain is located in close proximity.

Is it true, in extremely rare cases, wisdom teeth do not grow at all. If the reason for this is the absence of their rudiments, this does not pose any danger.

Wisdom teeth and pericoronitis

Gum soreness associated with the eruption of wisdom teeth occurs due to inflammation of the soft tissues, called pericoronitis. This is a reaction to irritation provoked by the “eight” and often the “seven”.

In addition to pain in the gums, pericoronitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

The appearance of these signs is an indispensable reason for a visit to the dentist if the sensations do not subside within 2-3 days, especially when they increase.


In this short time, you can independently reduce the pain with the following medications:

  • Ketanov;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketarol;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Etoricoxib.

They are used orally with water 3 times a day, and the last medicine will be enough and once a day. If there is no effect, the dose should not be increased, this fraught with poisoning. This indicates that the process already requires the intervention of a specialist.

For topical use it's worth trying:

Rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions relieves pain and disinfects a little:

  • Sage, if you brew 2 tbsp. 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for an hour;
  • Oak bark. Here you need 6 tbsp per 0.5 liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes.

Lasting longer the inflammatory process in the gums becomes purulent. Pain, as well as swelling, increases, general condition worsens, the temperature rises. Sensations are no longer localized only in the gum area, but also in the throat, jaw, and radiates into the ear. When you press the hood covering location of wisdom tooth, foul-smelling discharge comes out. You can't do without it here surgical assistance for cutting the mucous membrane at this point and removal of the masticatory organ, because the consequences can be unpredictable and the most terrible, up to blood poisoning and human death. Even if the patient has high immunity, and the purulent contents safely burst into the oral cavity where it was from expelled by rinsing, the disease is sure to recur. Periostitis will then occur with the penetration of exudate into other tissues and cavities. A characteristic sign of such suppuration is increased facial asymmetry. The side where the wisdom tooth is cut becomes noticeable more swollen. The patient is no longer able to open his mouth on his own; the doctor has to do this. Lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.

What does jaw pain mean when wisdom teeth erupt?

It is almost always difficult for the patient to determine exactly where pain is felt during the eruption of a wisdom tooth. It seems to exist everywhere. But if there is also a cyst on it, as a rule, the sensations are clearly manifested in the jaw area. This is a fluid-filled formation that forms due to the long eruption of wisdom teeth.

In addition to pain in the jaw, the cyst also has symptoms:

This condition requires medical intervention, since an accurate diagnosis can be established using an x-ray, then it is necessary to check the absence of a tumor using a puncture. The cyst is filled with liquid contents. As temporary pain relief measures, you can use rinsing with cool decoctions of sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme, cranberry juice, and Kalanchoe.

Treatment when it comes to wisdom teeth is surgical. It is removed, and the cyst cavity is drained. To avoid inflammation and the addition of infection to it, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs.

Delaying medical help will lead to cyst growth and bone tissue damage.

The list of possible complications includes:

Another cause of pain in the jaw when wisdom teeth erupt may be abnormal growth. If he tends to the side neighboring organs, they inevitably shift. Their movement causes traumatization of bone tissue And. The treatment method is the same here, that is wisdom tooth removal. Delay this, waiting malocclusion, which will also have to be corrected later, is not worth it.

Why does my cheek hurt?

There may be several explanations for this symptom:

  1. Already mentioned pericoronitis. Under the dense gingival hood, which has a large area, food debris accumulates, with which bacteria actively “work.” In this place inflammation occurs, then suppuration. Left without professional treatment, the disease covers an ever-increasing area. Pus penetrates into soft tissues, including the cheeks. This is an absolute reason to run to the dentist. If the wisdom tooth needs to be preserved, treatment is limited to trimming the hood, extracting pus and antibiotic therapy. If there is no need for it, an operation to remove it is performed;
  2. Incorrect growth of wisdom teeth. When there is not enough space in the row, it changes its normal position and can be directed, deviating towards the cheek. The mucous membrane is chronically injured, which first causes discomfort, then pain. The damage at first provokes stomatitis, which either plays out or heals with the formation of scars. But since the main traumatic factor remains in place, inflammation occurs again, and in advanced cases, a tumor may later form at the site of the wound. So the treatment in this case consists of getting rid of the cause, that is, the wisdom tooth.

Sore throat and wisdom teeth

Quite often, when a wisdom tooth erupts, especially if it is located on the lower jaw, a sore throat appears. This symptom can be similar to the manifestation of a sore throat, but in this case the sensations are localized only on one side. Upon examination, it is easy to see swelling and redness; the pain intensifies when swallowing, but does not go away with rest. The submandibular lymph node on the side of the cutting tooth is also enlarged.

To relieve symptoms, you can gargle with decoctions of medicinal plants ( chamomile, sage, thyme, calendula). It is important that they were not hot or even warm. If a purulent process has begun in the tissues, such treatment will be harmful. It's better to take room temperature rinse.

Pharmaceuticals can also be used:

If this treatment does not help, the sore throat intensifies, the temperature rises, swelling appears on the cheek or neck, you cannot wait any longer. You need to rush to the dentist, as such signs indicate a bacterial infection. Most likely, the tooth will have to be removed, the purulent contents pumped out, and treated with antibiotics.

Can the eruption of wisdom teeth cause headaches and ear pain?

This the sign sometimes accompanies a normally growing wisdom tooth, if it is located on the upper jaw, and the complications already mentioned in this process. In the first case, local remedies will help, applied to the gum, and to eliminate headaches you can take Analgin or Ketorol.

When a wisdom tooth grows incorrectly, it also occurs. inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Then the pain in the head is accompanied by the same sensation in the ear, twitching of facial muscles. Symptoms are more pronounced when brushing teeth, shaving, eating. Such a disease with home remedies, rinses and tablets cannot defeat. I'll have to use it surgical methods and treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Neuralgic pain in the head and ear also indicates an unerupted wisdom tooth. Its absence on top of the gum and its presence in its thickness is dangerous due to damage to the roots of neighboring organs and their complete destruction. This happens when the wisdom tooth is incorrectly positioned when it lies in a horizontal plane. Hence the pain and swelling of adjacent tissues. The salvation will be surgery to remove the wisdom tooth.



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