Natural food recipes for cats. How to make healthy homemade cat food

Today, almost every second family has a beloved pet that gives its owners a good mood every day. But in order for him to feel as comfortable as possible, he needs to create certain conditions. Keeping pets comes with a lot of challenges. In order for them to grow beautiful, healthy and cheerful, they need proper care. This is especially true of feeding, since it plays a key role in the life of our four-legged friends.

As practice shows, most owners choose the wrong diet for their pets. Many even contain them on purchased feeds, which, although balanced and also include the optimal amount of all the necessary nutrients, are far from ideal. The best is considered for cats. The advice of experts on this issue varies, so people have a lot of problems with it, as a result of which innocent animals suffer. Let's try to understand in more detail which products should be given, and which ones are better to refuse altogether.

general information

Cats are predatory animals that are distant relatives of lions, so if you are thinking about how to transfer a cat to a natural diet, then this fact should be taken into account. For normal growth and development, a pet must necessarily receive animal proteins, which are found in meat. However, they also require the carbohydrates, minerals, and nutrients found in plant foods. Therefore, the daily diet of animals must necessarily be balanced.

In their natural environment, cats prey on mice, lizards and other small mammals. In some cases, with great luck, they manage to eat fish. However, at home, predators do not have the opportunity to hunt, so the owners should monitor their nutrition. When compiling a menu for your pet, it is very important to choose products so that the animal receives the required amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids every day. At the same time, the nutrition of a cat with natural products should not differ much from the nutrition of their counterparts living in the wild.

As a rule, the main component of the human table is fried fish, meat, sausages and sausage, fried or boiled potatoes, all kinds of cereals, as well as fruits and vegetables. Consequently, all this goes to our smaller brothers. But what can be given to them, and what not? Here it must be borne in mind that, like a person, animals need proteins, fats and carbohydrates for normal life, so the diet must be correct. About which products can be given and which are not, will be discussed further.


These organic substances are the most important building element, since they are involved in the formation of soft and bone tissues, and are also converted in the body into vital energy. Therefore, in any predatory animal, protein must be present in sufficient quantities in the daily diet.

It is found in meat, therefore, when compiling a natural food diet for cats, the following foods should be included in the diet:

  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • any lean fish.

It is recommended to give the meat boiled, after pulling out all the bones from it. As for seafood, despite the great predilection for felines, it is allowed to feed them no more than once a week. If the animals have any problems with the functioning of the digestive system, then it is better to give ready-made baby purees.

In addition, the following products will be very useful:

  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • homemade cottage cheese;
  • hard cheese;
  • oatmeal and semolina.

Sour milk is not only easily digestible, but also has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, and cottage cheese contains calcium, which is necessary for the growth and strength of bone tissue. If for some reason the kitten refuses cottage cheese, then it can be mixed with one chicken egg.

It is worth noting that there are various recipes for natural food for cats, the main ingredient of which is meat or fish. Therefore, you can use them so that the diet does not bother your pet much.


In order to provide the right natural for cats, these organic carbonyl group elements must be included in their diet. Their main source are products of plant origin. As practice shows, they should be given raw, because this way they are much better absorbed in the body. If a raw food diet is not to the liking of a furry friend, you can boil the vegetables and add a little sunflower oil to them. If this does not help, you need to prepare a puree consisting of greens and meat.

The following cultures are considered the most useful:

  • broccoli;
  • salad;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • zucchini.

Many owners also give their pets eggplants and tomatoes, but this is forbidden because they contain dangerous substances that can cause many serious diseases.


Well, what natural food (including cats) can be without them? The answer is quite obvious. This group of low molecular weight organic compounds is very important, since the resistance of the animal organism to diseases, viruses and external irritants, as well as the functioning of all internal organs and systems, depends on it. Vitamin deficiency can lead to the development of various serious pathologies.

  • freshly cut green grass;
  • oats;
  • yeast;
  • beef liver;
  • legumes;
  • fresh fruits;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • fish flour.

If for some reason you are unable to fully provide the cat with natural nutrition, then in this case special vitamin complexes for animals come to the rescue. However, one should be quite careful with them, since hypervitaminosis is a very serious pathology that can cause great harm to the health of the animal.

In addition to the diet, it is very important to monitor the water balance of your pet. The liquid also contains a large amount of various minerals, so it is necessary to regularly change the water in the cat's bowl so that it is always fresh.

Feeding mode

Are you planning to transition your cats to a natural diet? The menu for the week (start small, you can gradually expand and improve the diet) should be varied, it is important that it is not only balanced, but also regular.

  1. Three-month-old kittens should be given food 6 times a day.
  2. At the age of 3 to 4 months, the number of meals is reduced by 1.
  3. From 4 to 5 months they are already fed 4 times.
  4. Starting from six months, they are transferred to a three-time feeding regimen.

Feeding cats with natural food should be carried out at the same hours. It is recommended to preheat the food so that it is not cold. If you have several pets, then it is best to feed them in different rooms.

What foods should be excluded from the diet?

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Feeding a cat with natural products is a very difficult task, since not all of them are suitable. This is due to the fact that not all food that people eat will be tasty and healthy for animals. Certain foods can harm your furry friend's health.

The banned list includes:

  • fried and too fatty foods;
  • excessive amount of seafood;
  • salted and pickled lard;
  • confectionery;
  • potato;
  • garden cabbage;
  • animal bones;
  • bakery products;
  • onion and garlic;
  • food prepared with spices and herbs.

All the products listed above are strictly forbidden to be given to cats, since they are not only poorly digested, but also very harmful. Therefore, if you value the health of your wards, then completely exclude them from the daily diet of a four-legged friend.

We make a useful menu

What is the cost to start? When planning to switch cats to a natural diet, the menu should be designed in such a way that it is healthy, balanced and varied. At the same time, it is important to take into account the individual gastronomic preferences of the animal, since each of them has a different taste. So that the diet does not become too boring for the fluffy, and he consumes the food offered to him with pleasure, it is recommended to periodically make adjustments to the menu. It is best to make four different options and alternate them over the week.

If you yourself find it difficult to create a competent and thoughtful menu, then here is a great example for you:

  1. Breakfast. The first meal of the day is best to start with light ingredients that are well absorbed, such as low-fat cottage cheese mixed with an egg, yogurt with cereals, or liquid semolina. Also, any porridge cooked in milk will be a good option.
  2. Dinner. During the day, animals do not need a lot of food, but only need a little refreshment to replenish their strength, so you can give fermented baked milk or a balanced dry food rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. Dinner. This meal should be the most dense and high-calorie, since cats, as you know, are predators, therefore they are nocturnal. The best option as food would be meat with vegetables, served boiled.

You don't have to cook food for your pets every day. You can do this with a margin, and then send the food to the refrigerator, where it will not be lost, and also retain its taste and nutritional qualities. After returning home, all you have to do is warm up the food. Thus, natural nutrition for cats will not only be healthy, but will not cause you too much trouble.

In order for the animal to eat everything that you give it with pleasure, you need to make the food fragrant and appetizing. As mentioned earlier, there are various natural cat food recipes that you can safely use. The most interesting and original among them are the following:

  1. Meat balls. Take ground beef and mix it with pre-cooked carrot puree, boiled oatmeal and raw egg yolk. Small koloboks are formed from the finished mixture, placed on a wooden board and sent to the freezer. If necessary, they are thawed and cooked.
  2. Meat with broccoli. Cut the meat into small pieces and mash the cabbage, then mix them until smooth and add a little sunflower oil.
  3. Chicken liver. Finely chop the liver, a small piece of hard cheese and half a banana. Cook and boil oatmeal in milk. Mix all the ingredients well and simmer a little over low heat. At the very end, add a small piece of butter.
  4. Vegetable stew with Hercules flakes. Boil one kilogram of beef or chicken, then take it out to cool. Meanwhile, simmer any frozen vegetable mixture in the remaining broth. Pour boiling water over Hercules flakes for ten minutes. Finely chop 300 grams of meat, fill it with a small amount of the remaining broth and add some vegetables.

If you use the recipes described above, the cat's diet on natural nutrition can be made complete, tasty and healthy, so the animal will grow up healthy and will certainly thank you with its caress.

When is special nutrition required?

Feeding natural food to pets is much better than giving them all kinds of canned cat food and dry food. However, when compiling the menu, be sure to take into account the health status of pets and other factors.

  1. Pedigree individuals should receive daily a large amount of animal fats and vitamin E.
  2. When feeding pregnant cats, you need to reduce the size of portions, but increase their number.
  3. Older pets are best given light food in small quantities.
  4. Special attention deserves the nutrition of a sterilized cat with natural food. The fact is that due to hormonal imbalance, they are prone to excessive weight gain, so it is worth giving low-calorie, but nutritious foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.
  5. If the animal has any medical condition, any questions related to proper nutrition should be consulted with qualified veterinarians.
  6. It is recommended to feed kittens with homemade food, and not with purchased food, as it is more balanced and healthy, but it is better not to give them fish until six months.

Once again, it is worth noting that the natural nutrition of a sterilized cat should be dietary so that it does not get too fat. Obesity negatively affects the health of animals and can cause various serious problems.

A few words about dry food

If for some reason natural food is not suitable for cats, and you plan to feed your pet with purchased products, then there are a few things you should know about them. Among the positive aspects, one can single out the fact that dry food is already balanced, there are no harmful synthetic additives and preservatives in their composition, and they also have a long shelf life. In addition, the choice of flavors is simply amazing. However, there is one important nuance. As practice shows, it is quite difficult to choose a specific product for an animal. Very often, feeds lead to food allergies, so they should be introduced into the pet's diet gradually and in small quantities. In this case, you need to monitor the condition of the cat after eating. If any symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, then the food you have chosen should be discarded.

If you have been feeding your pet with purchased mixtures for a long period of time, then giving them homemade food is not recommended, since in this case there is a high probability of developing various problems with the digestive system.

As for the choice of specific feeds, cheap options are not even worth considering. They are made from scrap meat and are not as well balanced as products from well-known manufacturers. Therefore, in this case, saving is not the best option. In this situation, gradually transfer the cat to natural products.

We mentioned earlier that natural food for cats is the best. The advice of veterinarians only confirms this.

If you follow these simple tips, your furry four-legged friend will receive the right and complete nutrition necessary for normal growth and development.

How to accustom an animal to homemade food?

Many people are interested in how to transfer a cat to natural food.

The following tips from felinologists will help you with this:

  1. In order for the animal to quickly get used to ordinary food, a little catnip should be added to it in the first stages.
  2. At first, you can put a few pieces of dry food in your cooked food.
  3. To maintain the intestinal microflora, which suffers greatly when changing diets, animals need to be given probiotics. This will reduce your chances of developing food allergies.

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Often, owners pay little attention to the nutrition of their pets. Unfortunately, this is the wrong approach, as a quality and balanced diet for your pet is the key to his health and longevity.

Cat food is divided into two types:

  • Ready feed
  • natural food

You can read about ready-made food in the article “Ready-made cat food”. In this article, we will take a closer look at natural nutrition. Domestic cats are not averse to eating their favorite dishes with the owner, and sometimes even stealing something tasty from the table, while the owner is passionate about cooking or household chores. Of course, there are also fastidious people who prefer only one dish in their diet and are indifferent to the rest of the food.

Daily allowance calculation for your cat

Feeding natural food will allow you to control your pet's weight, the amount of vitamins and nutrients he consumes. However, do not forget that thoughtless feeding can also harm your cat and cause disease or pathology.

With natural nutrition, it is necessary to correctly calculate the daily intake of food. There is a misconception that the cat herself knows how much she needs to eat per day. Unfortunately no. Many of our furry brethren do not know the measure in nutrition, and therefore acquire problems with excess weight, breathing, or other dangerous diseases.

Please note that the amount of food for kittens and cats is different, so it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of food consumed for different ages.

Nutrition calculation for small kittens

You can wean a kitten from its mother at the age of 10 weeks. Until 9 months of age, cats should consume at least 10% of their body weight. In other words, with a weight of 2.3 kg, a kitten should consume up to 230 grams of food per day. (2.3×0.10=0.23) It is advisable to divide the diet (100-110 grams of fermented milk and 100-110 grams of meat).

Nutrition calculation for adult cats

The daily norm of an adult is 5% of its weight. Thus, a cat weighing 4.5 kilograms should consume 225 grams per day. Of these, 115 grams of fermented milk products and 110 meat.

The addition of vegetables in the amount of 10-15 grams and oil from 2 to 5 drops is welcome.

It should be noted that not every owner of fluffy paws and tail is willingly weighed. To avoid the hassle associated with this process, the cat can do the following. Stand on the scale and determine your own weight, then pick up the animal and repeat the procedure with him. Subtracting your weight from the total, you get the weight of your pet.

You can calculate the required number of calories your pet needs. Young and growing cats need much more energy than adults - their intake rate is 838 kJ. An adult cat needs only 353 kJ, and for obese or overweight animals, the need is reduced to 251 kJ.

What foods can be given to a cat?

The list of products for natural feeding of cats includes:


The most useful for a cat is lean beef, and chicken meat. It is allowed to add lamb, rabbit meat and horse meat to the diet. Pork must be excluded from the menu of your pet. Meat can be given raw, after having poured over it with boiling water. There are cats who love boiled meat, if your cat is one of them - the meat can be boiled and combined with a little vegetable and oil.


It is unlikely that you have ever met a cat that would refuse fish. Low-fat varieties of sea fish are suitable for feeding. When feeding raw fish, the bones can be left, but if your pet prefers boiled fish, then it must be cleaned of bones. This is done because the bones are easily separated from the boiled meat and can be accidentally swallowed whole by the cat.

You should not abuse the fish menu - its excessive consumption can cause urolithiasis or deficiency. The best option is to give fish once a week, instead of meat. Sterilized cats and castrated cats fish is contraindicated.

Meat by-products

Many owners replace meat with offal (kidneys, liver, lungs, heart), probably guided by the fact that the price of offal is much lower. Feeding with these components is possible, but it should be borne in mind that their energy value and usefulness are much lower than that of ordinary meat. It is necessary to give offal only in raw form, no more than 1-2 times a week. It should also be taken into account that not all purrs easily digest and assimilate such food. Many cats react negatively to such feeding - vomiting and diarrhea, and other side effects are not excluded. When these signs appear, by-products must be excluded from the diet.

Dairy products

Half of the daily diet in the cat's menu should be fermented milk products. Please note that they should not be too fatty (up to 9%) or low fat (may cause stool upset). Cats perfectly eat cottage cheese, kefir and various starter cultures. With milk, you need to be careful - as the cat's body grows older, it absorbs lactose worse, so problems with the digestive tract are inevitable.


Vegetables are also nutritious and useful components in the diet of our smaller brothers. You can give almost all vegetables - peppers, cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin ...

The list is quite extensive - pay attention to what the cat likes more and the recipe is found! You can either combine several types of vegetables, or opt for one thing. Vegetables should be served raw, finely chopped, separately or mixed with meat. It is not recommended to give potatoes or dishes containing them.


Cats perfectly absorb both chicken and quail eggs. You need to give both the protein and the yolk together. You can add eggs to milk nutrition, along with cottage cheese or kefir.


Great substitute for vegetables. They have a number of useful properties - they are the basis of fiber, have a beneficial effect on the microflora and peristalsis. Many owners recommend mixing them with meat and dairy products.


Cats tolerate the following types of oils well: vegetable, olive, pumpkin and linseed. Oils need a little just 2-5 drops. The oil has an enveloping property and contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract.

How often to feed a cat?

It is necessary to feed the cat 2-3 times a day, if possible. Small kittens need 4 meals a day until the age of 5-6 months. Spayed cats and neutered cats need to be fed strictly once a day. One of the invariable rules is the constant presence of water in a bowl, but with food everything is a little more complicated:

  1. Try to feed your cat at the same time each day to develop a feeding schedule.
  2. Meat feeding is best left for dinner.
  3. A cat should not have constant access to food - unfortunately, our furry brethren do not know the measure, and can harm themselves by overeating.
  4. If the cat refuses to eat, or if she has side effects (vomiting, diarrhea, fever, decreased activity), this is a distress signal, and the reason to urgently contact the veterinarian.
  5. After feeding, cats often find a secluded place and rest - do not disturb your pet during these periods of time.
  6. If the pet left some food behind, do not leave it for a long time - the food spoils quickly.

How to cook?

Food should not be cold or hot, but slightly warmed or at room temperature.

The consistency of food should be comfortable - do not give large pieces of meat. Cats eat quickly, so large bites can cause digestive difficulties or vomiting.

Products must always be fresh.

Food is divided into two or three parts - sour-milk - 45-50%, vegetables and meat.

A few simple examples for your pet (calculated for an adult animal weighing = 4.3-4.5 kg.):

Example 1:

Breakfast: 10 g of kefir, 10-15 years. vegetable puree 30-40 years. cottage cheese, 2-3 years. oils, water.
Dinner: 50-60 years chicken meat, water.
Dinner: 40 g of cottage cheese, 60-70 years. rabbit meat, water.

Example 2 (with the addition of by-products):

Breakfast: 1 raw egg + 20-30 yrs. cottage cheese, water.
Dinner: 20-30 chicken hearts, 30-40 cottage cheese, water.
Dinner: 70-80 g minced chicken, 10 g vegetables, 2 g vegetable oil, water.

Example 3 (with the addition of fish):

Breakfast: 50 g boiled fish, 10-15 years vegetables.
Dinner: 30-40 years cottage cheese, 10-20 years. kefir.
Evening: 70-80s lean beef, 20 g of kefir.

Exceptions to the rules

It should also be noted that some cats need a special diet. If your pet is expecting an addition, has recently undergone surgery, is undergoing treatment, or is simply naughty, you must coordinate the diet with the veterinarian and knowingly exclude dangerous ingredients.

Health to you and your pets!

Many owners prefer to feed their pets natural homemade food. The advantages of such nutrition are the natural composition, the absence of artificial additives, preservatives and dyes, quality control and freshness of the components used for cooking and the possibility of creating a new recipe for the individual characteristics of the animal (diet for diseases, picky pet). The principles of feeding and options for dishes will be better formed according to the advice of a veterinarian.

    Show all

    The Importance of Good Cat Nutrition

    Nutrition is the most important component of the animal's health, well-being and appearance. In nature, felines feed exclusively on meat (caught birds and other animals). It is this diet that fully fills the need of cats for nutrients.

    Unfortunately, some owners underestimate the importance of proper nutrition for their pet, offering monotonous or completely inappropriate food.

    The cat's body cannot produce some important trace elements on its own. For this reason, food should contain all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements.

    Unbalanced food for cats leads to various diseases:

    • visual acuity decreases;
    • the heart muscle is weakened (possible death);
    • digestion is disturbed;
    • urolithiasis develops;
    • problems with reproductive function appear:
    • there is rapid fatigue, weakness.

    An attentive owner can also see the changes in the appearance of the animal:

    • wool becomes dull, shine disappears;
    • dandruff appears;
    • wool becomes more rare, sticks out in shreds.

    The Basics of Proper Cat Nutrition

    When forming the right diet for your pet, you need to remember that it will differ significantly from a healthy human diet. In other words, not all food from the human table is suitable for a pet.

    Cat nutrition should contain a number of important components.

    There are also several micronutrients whose presence is essential for the health and well-being of cats.

    Element name What role does it play in nutrition What products contain
    TaurineMaintains visual acuity. Responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular systemBeef, poultry, seafood, white fish
    Vitamin AIncreases immunity. Maintains good eyesight. Gives hair shine and glossEggs, milk, liver
    Vitamin EPrevents the appearance of fatty deposits. Supports normal reproductive functionCereals, fish, vegetable oil, eggs
    B vitaminsNormalize digestionMeat, fish, eggs
    CalciumAccelerates the growth of the skeleton in young individuals. Responsible for bone strengthEggs, dairy products, fish

    Hill's cat food line: types and composition

    Advantages and disadvantages of natural nutrition

    Benefits of natural nutrition:

    • Freshness. Being engaged in cooking food for cats on their own, the owner can control the quality and freshness of the products.
    • Balanced composition. In such food, you can include all the necessary elements for the health and good mood of your pet.
    • Accounting for individual characteristics. Ready-made store-bought food takes into account the general requirements of feeding, only homemade food provides an individual approach (recommended for cats with diseases and intolerance to certain products).
    • No harmful additives, artificial preservatives and colors.

    No matter how good homemade cat food is, this approach to feeding still has its drawbacks:

    1. 1. Wasting time. It takes a lot of time to prepare food for pets. That is why this method is not suitable for people with a tight work schedule.
    2. 2. Special knowledge. In order to develop a balanced diet for a cat, knowledge from the field of veterinary medicine is required. On the other hand, you can always consult a veterinarian-nutritionist on this issue.
    3. 3. This method is not always cheap.

    Feeding rules

    Before you start planning a healthy diet for your furry pet, you should pay attention to some rules:

    1. 1. Kittens who are 3 weeks old should be fed 3-4 times a day. For adult cats (from 6 months old) two meals a day are enough.
    2. 2. If several animals live in the house (cat, dog, chinchilla), food will have to be prepared separately for each of them. The reason for this is the different nutrient requirements. For example, cats need 5 times more protein than dogs.
    3. 3. The cat should always have free access to water. The bowl of food can be removed after each feeding, for adult cats it can be left.
    4. 4. The bowl should always be clean. Leftover food quickly turns sour and can cause indigestion.
    5. 5. It is not necessary to completely switch your pet to natural food. It can be successfully combined with ready-made food.
    6. 6. Including raw eggs in the pet's diet, protein should be avoided - the cat's body does not digest this product. In boiled form, you can safely give both the yolk and protein.

    Particular attention should be paid to the list of products that must be included in the diet:

    • meat (lamb, beef, horse meat, rabbit meat);
    • poultry meat (chicken, turkey) should be introduced into food carefully, as some breeds of cats do not tolerate this product;
    • offal (heart, liver, lungs) is very useful, but it is often not recommended to give;
    • fish (ocean, sea, river) should be lean and not bony;
    • dairy products (cottage cheese, milk-based starters, kefir) should not be given often, as these products have a laxative effect;
    • boiled vegetables (carrots, potatoes) - in small quantities;
    • cereals.

    When preparing food for a cat, the following formula should be taken as a basis: ½ protein (meat) + ¼ carbohydrates (cereals) + ¼ fiber (vegetables).

    Prohibited Products

    Many foods that are good for the human body can be extremely harmful to animals. That is why the owner should pay attention to the list of food prohibited for cats. It includes:

    • pork (for the cat's digestive system, this meat is too fatty);
    • garlic and onions (they are toxic substances for animals);
    • chocolate (white and black);
    • raisin;
    • raw dough;
    • sugar;
    • nutmeg;
    • ready-made dog food (it has different proportions of nutrients, so such food does not fill the needs of cats);
    • sweets (the sweeteners included in the composition negatively affect the liver of the animal);
    • tea, coffee and other products with caffeine (cats have been poisoned by caffeine);
    • medicines for people (including painkillers and cold medicines).

    How to transfer a cat to natural food?

    Cats are quite picky when it comes to food. They get used to one food and are reluctant to change their diet. To transfer them to homemade food, the owner must be patient and enlist the advice of experienced veterinary nutritionists:

    • The cat may refuse new food. This behavior is quite normal. Do not persist, it is better to remove the rejected food. At the next feeding, you must again offer the same dish to the pet. Soon the animal will be interested in the new taste.
    • You can add a little homemade food to the already familiar food. This will facilitate and speed up the transition to homemade food.
    • When introducing new food into the diet, you should pay attention to the behavior of the cat. Products can cause indigestion. This will need to be taken into account next time.

    Homemade Cat Food Recipes

    In order to make food at home, you need to use both meat and vegetables. Do not forget about porridge and cottage cheese.

    To prepare food with your own hands, you will need a blender or food processor. You can experiment and mix recipes.

    Chicken liver with vegetables

    Not all cats like liver, so it is worth offering a new dish in small portions.

    For this recipe you need:

    • 1.5 cups of chicken liver;
    • 0.5 cups of carrots (can be replaced with celery);
    • 0.5 cup rice

    Boil all the ingredients separately until fully cooked. Do not throw away the liquid left after cooking the liver. Put all the products in a blender and grind thoroughly, add a little liver broth.

    Cottage cheese with meat

    Great dairy recipe. Very easy to prepare.

    The composition includes:

    • 100 g of poultry, beef or other meat;
    • 1 st. l. fresh cottage cheese;
    • 1 st. l. vegetable oils;
    • 1 st. l. carrots.

    The meat and carrots are boiled, chopped well and cottage cheese and butter are added.

    Chicken breasts with egg

    A recipe that even the most capricious cat will appreciate.

    It included:

    • part of boiled chicken breasts the size of a palm (do not use the skin);
    • 1 st. l. boiled green beans;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 st. l. boiled carrots;
    • ⅓ cup rice (brown)
    • some olive oil.

    All products can be finely chopped, or you can grind in a blender to a puree state.

    Liver with oatmeal

    The liver is a product that is often not recommended for cats, so it can be safely replaced with kidneys.

    In the composition of the dish:

    • 1 glass of boiled kidneys or liver;
    • 3 art. spoons of zucchini or carrots;
    • ¾ cup boiled oatmeal;
    • 1 st. a spoonful of butter;
    • ⅓ kefir.

    Boil offal, finely chop or chop in a blender and mix with oatmeal and chopped carrots. Add oil and kefir, bring to a state of puree.

    Vegetables with chicken

    The basis of this recipe was poultry meat, so this dish is suitable for most cats.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 2 cups of chicken;
    • 1 tbsp brown rice;
    • ¼ st. carrots.

    Boil the chicken and chop finely. Boil rice until fully cooked, grate boiled carrots on a fine grater. Mix all ingredients. Another option is to grind all the products in a blender.

    To do this, you need to take 4 elements:

    • 1.5 cups of meat (this is any meat - turkey, lamb, horse meat, beef, rabbit);
    • ½ cup of vegetables (you can choose zucchini, carrots, wheat germ or pumpkin) - over time, you can notice that the cat eats one with pleasure and dislikes the other;
    • ½ st. vegetables or grains (boiled potatoes, oatmeal or rice);
    • 1 st. l. vegetable oil.

    Cook all components separately and grind in a blender.

    Aromatic beef with herbs

    Greens in this case effectively replaces the previous vegetables.


    • 1 cup beef (boiled and chopped);
    • ¼ cup parsley (you can use alfalfa)
    • half a glass of cottage cheese with cream.

    Finely chop all products and mix.

    Shrimps with carrots

    An original dish for a pet, rich in useful substances.

    To prepare food for 1 meal, take:

    • 2-3 shrimp (their tail is cut off and the top layer is removed);
    • 2 spoons of carrots.

    Boiled shrimp are finely chopped and mixed with boiled carrots chopped in a blender.

    In order not to have to prepare food for each feeding, food can be prepared at once for several days. The finished mixture is laid out in bags and frozen. It is best to freeze food in portions. It is worth bearing in mind: depending on the size of the body and the needs of the body, the cat eats about 150-200 g of food at a time.

    In fact, switching your pet to homemade food is not difficult. It is enough just to periodically spend 20-30 minutes of time on this, keeping the cooked food in the refrigerator.

When a cat appears in the house, the question arises: what to feed it, and what kind of food will be most useful for it? Often the owners begin to give the pet the same food that they use themselves, but this is not always true. When the nutrition of an animal is not balanced, it can cause serious harm to its health. To ensure a long life and excellent health for a cat, it is necessary to properly compose its diet.

What should not be fed to a cat?

Food from our table will not always be healthy for the pet. A person consumes a lot of unhealthy food, which harms not only his health, but can also adversely affect the health of the animal.

Prohibited food for a domestic cat will be foods such as:

  • Fried.
  • Salted and marinated.
  • Sweet.
  • Baked and flour.
  • Food that contains various spices and seasonings.

It is important to know that what is "tasty" for a person will be harmful for a cat.

Advice from veterinarians about pet nutrition is broadly similar.

It is forbidden to feed the animal with pork, it is too fatty food. Pork liver also appears among the forbidden meat, it can cause and.

An old-school veterinarian feeding a natural cat video

Fish as the basis of natural food

Properly cooked fish is very healthy for cats

All our pets, without a doubt, love fish.

Flour foods and diabetes

If the cat eats pasta and flour products, then the risk of constipation is high.

Cats that like to eat pasta, bread or other floury products are often obese and. And any foods containing bones can cause obstruction in the stomach and injury in the intestines. Sweets, cakes and chocolates can lead to diabetes and.

Food that contains a lot of salt and spices can cause upset. Milk is useful only for kittens, in adult cats it causes.

How to feed a cat the right natural food

Which of these do you think will be good for the cat?

The basis of the diet of the animal should be meat. Doctors advise feeding pets the following meat products:

  • Beef and veal.
  • Chicken and turkey.
  • Rabbit meat.
  • Marine non-oily fish.
  • Meat puree with vegetables for children.

The meat must be boiled and not contain bones. Feeding fish is allowed no more than once a week. Baby purees are good for small kittens, or adults with stomach problems.

Some cats love boiled vegetables. It is very useful.

Vegetables are also good for animals. True, not all cats love them, but if you properly introduce them into your pet’s food, he will not even notice that they are there. Among the most useful vegetables, there are:

  • Carrots and beets.
  • Cauliflower and lettuce.
  • Zucchini and pumpkin.

In the cat's diet tomatoes and eggplants should be absent , as they contain harmful substances for your pet's body. If the pet is not against simple vegetables, then you can give them raw and add a little vegetable oil. If you refuse them, vegetables are added to meat food.

Dairy products

Caught in the act!

Fermented milk products are very useful for the cat's stomach, such as:

  • Kefir, ryazhenka.
  • Yogurt.
  • Not greasy cottage cheese.
  • Hard cheese without additives.
  • Semolina, oatmeal.

Not all cats like cottage cheese, so you can mix it with fermented baked milk or kefir and add a little egg yolk. Cheese is recommended to be given to pets no more than once a week.

Other foods for a healthy diet

Cat and egg yolk

Other products useful for the pet, and necessary for the proper functioning of his body:

  • Egg yolk.
  • Rice, oatmeal, wheat porridge mixed with boiled or frozen meat or fish.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, oats, wheat).
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Purified or boiled water.

Egg yolk must be boiled. You can give it both separately and as an additive to cottage cheese and porridge, but not more than twice a week. Porridge for a cat should be prepared on the basis of a ratio of 1 to 2, that is, one share of porridge and two parts of meat. In the same cereals, you can add finely chopped dill or parsley. You can buy oats and wheat at the pet store or grow your own.

Never give your cat weed that you picked from the street. Such greens can be contaminated with poisons and toxins, which will cause serious harm to the health of the animal.

When feeding natural food, do not forget about vitamins

Vegetable oil can be added to the pet's food no more than 2 teaspoons per day. Vitamins are sold in pet stores in the form of tablets or various goodies, they must be given to the cat every day.

Water is one of the main elements that a cat needs for the normal functioning of its stomach. Drinking in a bowl should always be clean, and it must be changed as it gets dirty.

Do not give your cat meat and dairy products at the same time. This may cause .

Natural menu for a cat for every day

Each cat needs its own personal approach based on its individual characteristics. Therefore, the owner can change the menu a little, adjusting to the pet. For the full functioning of the body of an adult cat, two meals a day, properly balanced nutrition is enough.

Morning : waking up, the cat will gladly eat something not very heavy. It can be cottage cheese with yolk, yogurt with cereals or liquid milk porridge.

For a cat's morning meal - it's better not to find!

Dinner : fermented baked milk or fortified sweets from a pet store are suitable as top dressing.

Evening : before going to bed for a cat, you need to eat well. For this, meat porridges or meat with the addition of vegetables are suitable. Alternatively, you can give just boiled chopped meat.

A few days ahead

Cat food can be prepared days in advance and placed in the refrigerator for storage. This is very convenient if you work and come home late. Upon returning home, you just need to get cat food, warm it up to warmth and feed your pet

Recipes for cats

Your cat will love these dishes!

Meat with vegetables and cereals


  • 1 kg of meat;
  • 500 gr. vegetables that your pet prefers;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of a mixture of 5 cereals.


  1. It is necessary to boil the meat until cooked, then take it out and put it to cool.
  2. In the resulting broth, boil the vegetables until half cooked.
  3. Pour the flakes with broth, and let it brew.
  4. When the cereals are ready, place them and vegetables in a blender and grind well.
  5. Cut the meat into small uniform pieces, convenient for a cat to eat.
  6. Mix the resulting mass from the blender and chopped meat, add 300 ml broth .

Our dish is ready! It can be immediately divided into small portions that your cat eats and frozen in the freezer.

lazy dumplings


  • 1 glass of purified water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 gr. wheat or corn flour;
  • 300 gr. chicken liver.


  1. Grind the raw liver in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix water, eggs, flour and the resulting liver mixture.
  3. We knead the dough.
  4. The consistency of the mass should be very soft.
  5. We roll out a long sausage, and cut into small pieces similar to cherries.
  6. Next, stir our pieces into boiling water, and as soon as they float, they can be removed.

It is better to cook for 1-2 servings. The rest of the mixture can be placed in the refrigerator. Cool the resulting lazy dumplings, and being warm, serve to the cat.

Nutrition for sterilized cats and neutered cats

Spayed cat obese from malnutrition

After sterilization, the cat loses interest in animals of the opposite sex, and it is replaced by a hung interest in food. Therefore, very often spayed animals are obese so try not to overfeed your pet.

If you decide to feed your pet with homemade food on your own, then remember that the basis of the diet, just like ordinary cats, should be meat food. Beef, chicken, chicken hearts, liver or ventricles are suitable as meat products.

And in this case, it is better to completely abandon the fish

In addition, sterilized cats should be given cereals, vegetables and various dairy products. But it is better to refuse fish completely, since fish contains phosphorus and magnesium, which is harmful to sterilized animals.

Thus, the diet of spayed and non-neutered cats is similar.. The only difference is the fish. Veterinarians advise buying special vitamins for sterilized pets. They contain all the necessary trace elements for such animals.

Video on how to feed a cat with natural food and not catch worms


If you decide to feed your cat homemade food, then strictly follow all the above points. Do not let your cat feed on its own, and give her the same food that you eat yourself.

Pay close attention to your pet's behavior, as one or another product may not suit the cat, and you will have to replace it with something else. Therefore, please your pet with delicious food prepared by your own hands, and your cat’s long and healthy life will be your gratitude.



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