How to correctly calculate the day of ovulation. What methods will help to know the exact day of ovulation? How to calculate ovulation online

Ovulation- the period when there is an exit, ripe for fertilization by a spermatozoon, an egg from the follicle. This is the only day in the month when conception can occur. Therefore, many women who are planning a pregnancy or do not want to get pregnant try to calculate the day of ovulation.

Today there are many ways to calculate. But, unfortunately, they cannot give an exact guarantee that it is on this day that the egg will be released from the follicle, because many factors can affect this process ( various diets, taking drugs, irregular menstrual cycle, illness, hormonal disbalance and etc.). Therefore, protect yourself in this way from unwanted pregnancy by no means is it possible.

According to the calendar

Apply this method possible only with a regular menstrual cycle, lasting 28 days. In this case, the release of the egg occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next menstruation. To make a calculation, it is necessary by the first day of the start last menstrual period add 28 days (duration menstrual cycle), then from the received date count 14 days ago.

We offer to calculate ovulation online:

First day of last period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2020 2021

Length of the menstrual cycle: days

Period duration: days

(calculation will take a few seconds)

It is important to note that under the influence of some factors, ovulation can occur 1-2 days earlier or later, and spermatozoa can live on average for about 3 days, it is recommended to plan conception 5 days before the calculated date of ovulation.

Calculation of ovulation by basal temperature

Basal body temperature (BT) is the lowest body temperature observed during sleep. By measuring it, it is possible to easily determine ovulation, since it causes an increase in indicators by 0.25-0.5 ° C.

Female hormonal background V different periods The menstrual cycle has different temperature indicators. In the first phase, BT under the influence of the hormone estrogen is kept at a low level. This ideal conditions to mature the egg and prepare it for fertilization. Average temperatures in the first phase are 36.3-36.5 °C. It can slightly increase or decrease by 0.1 ° C. During ovulation, BBT increases significantly, and averages 37.1-37.3 ° C. Such indicators will be kept until the onset of menstruation. If menstruation has not occurred, and the temperature continues to stay at 37.1-37.3 ° C for more than 18 days after the delay, then pregnancy can be judged.

To calculate ovulation as accurately as possible, you should follow clear rules when measuring basal temperature:

  • Measurements are taken daily at the same time after sleep.
  • Apply the same mercury thermometer, which should always be near the bed, since it is impossible to make sudden movements and get out of bed before measuring basal temperature.
  • To measure, the thermometer must be inserted into anus and lie still for 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, enter the indicator in the graph.

To obtain the most accurate readings, measure basal temperature only after a long night's sleep, lasting at least 6 hours. Any violation of the rules during measurement and many other factors (illness, evening sexual intercourse, medication, overwork, drinking alcohol) can affect the performance. These factors are also indicated on the graph.

A schedule drawn up according to all the rules can show the onset of ovulation or its absence. When planning a pregnancy basal body temperature measured over 3-4 menstrual cycles. Thus, it is possible to accurately calculate the day of ovulation.

by ultrasound ( ultrasonography) calculate the release of the egg from the follicle as accurately as possible. Also, this method is suitable for women with irregular menstrual cycles. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to track the development of the follicle and the moment the egg is released from it. With a regular menstrual cycle, ultrasound begins 3-4 days before the expected date of ovulation. When not regular cycle to observe the follicle begin 4-5 days after menstruation every 2-3 days.

Calculation of ovulation by test strips

It is possible to determine a favorable day for conception with the help of special tests, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The test strips react to the content of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which appears in it 24-36 hours before the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg from it.

With a regular cycle, tests begin 17 days before the start next menstruation. But at irregular cycle Finding out the day of ovulation with a test will be problematic, since it is impossible to determine the right time for testing. In this case, it is better to turn to ultrasound monitoring.

Calculate the day of ovulation by discharge and sensations

Some women can calculate the day of ovulation without any calculations. They just need to listen to own body. During the period of ovulation, a woman may experience short aching pain in the lower abdomen, breast swelling, mood changes, increased sexual attraction, the nature of the discharge from the vagina changes (they become plentiful and viscous).

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The calculation of ovulation must be made by several categories of women: suffering from infertility, menstrual irregularities, as well as those women who, for whatever reason, cannot use the most reliable types of contraception, such as a spiral, oral contraceptives and condoms. Modern technologies allow you to calculate ovulation online.

You have that opportunity right now. This page contains a simple calendar program. You are required to accurately indicate the first day of the last menstruation, as well as the duration of the menstrual cycle (average) and how many cycles to calculate. Program different colors will show you which days in the cycle are considered the safest in terms of the possible onset of pregnancy, and when conception is most likely to take place (ovulation day). Of course, the calendar for each woman cannot do an exact calculation of ovulation in any way. After all, as you know, the duration of the cycle, and, accordingly, the duration of its phases is influenced by great amount factors including stress, various diseases, trips to an area with a different climate and many, many others. Such interruptions can happen even in women with regular menstruation, and therefore, for those who really need to make an accurate calculation of ovulation, online calendar not enough... For reliability, we recommend using the following methods (at least one of them).

1. Measurement of basal temperature. If you go to the websites and forums of the so-called "hochushki" (women who are eager to become mothers), you can find out a lot useful information about how to take measurements correctly, how to draw up graphs and how to use them to identify possible hormonal disorders in the body, which just the same can interfere with becoming a mother. For reference: the most accurate calculation of ovulation is obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum daily at the same time, in the morning, before getting out of bed. When there is a jump of more than 0.4 degrees, it means that ovulation has occurred and there is a maximum of a day left if pregnancy is planned.

2. You can confirm or refute the received ovulation calculation online using a special test for home diagnostics . It is similar to a pregnancy test, only it reacts to the content of another hormone in the woman's urine, not chorionic gonadotropin, and luteinizing hormone. If the test showed 2 stripes, it means that ovulation has occurred. The test will be positive for a maximum of 2 days after this event, then the “barren” period of the cycle begins, when it is no longer possible to become pregnant.

3. Ultrasound examination. If in one of the ovaries of a woman there is dominant follicle, 17-18 mm in size, then this is almost guaranteed to mean that it will rupture soon, and a ready-made egg will come out. Immediately after this, a small amount of fluid appears in the retrouterine space (consequences of rupture of the follicle shell), and the follicle itself disappears, respectively.

4. Personal feelings. Some women feel favorable period for conception, increased sexual desire, others - pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Also, in absolutely all women during this period, the number of vaginal discharge. Their consistency also changes, they become as if stretching. The same feature can be noticed by a gynecologist when examining a woman on a chair.

In these ways, you can determine the day the egg leaves the ovary and calculate ovulation.

Ovulation - calculation of the day of ovulation online, calendar.

Ovulation is a complex aspect female body, especially in comparison with the simplicity male hormones and reproductive cycle. Not all women have a "standard" 28-day cycle. Often the length of the cycle is individual, or it generally changes from cycle to cycle. For example, changes can be caused by illness or stress. For these reasons, it is useful to use an ovulation calculator to help you calculate the phases of your cycle.

Please enter the start day of your last cycle:

January February March April May June July August September October November December / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 / 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2 047 2048 2049 2050

The usual length of your menstrual cycle: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

How to calculate ovulation

For calculations, 2 parameters are used: the date of the beginning of the last cycle and the average length of the cycle. As mentioned above, a "normal" cycle is 28 days long (although deviations and slight fluctuations are normal). The first day of your menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding or the start of your period. Ovulation usually occurs between days 11 and 21 of the cycle. The calculator will calculate this date more accurately based on your average cycle length. At the same time, the accuracy of calculating ovulation depends on the regularity of your cycle.

How accurate is the ovulation calculator?

If you have any doubts or suspicions about the normality or regularity of the cycle, the ovulation calculator may not give accurate results. To use the calculator, you first need to track your cycles, preferably over a long period of 8 to 12 months. In addition, the results will not be reliable if you use hormonal contraceptives, illness, stress. If you want to calculate your ovulation with more accuracy, we recommend using the calculator in combination with other ovulation methods.

Menstrual cycle

There is a common misconception that a woman's menstrual cycle should last exactly 28 days, and ovulation should occur precisely "on the 14th day of the cycle" or "in the middle of the menstrual cycle." This is not true.

In fact, the menstrual cycle is divided into two phases - follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation).

Follicular phase

The follicular phase (prior to ovulation) begins on the first day of the last menstruation and lasts until one dominant follicle (or several) matures in the ovaries. Ends with ovulation.

luteal phase

The luteal phase (corpus luteum phase) begins at the moment of ovulation and lasts about 12-16 days.

At the site of the co-ovulated follicle, within a few days after ovulation, a corpus luteum. Its main function is the synthesis of progesterone and estrogens to maintain future pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, which leads to a drop in hormone levels, after which the next menstruation begins. If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function and support the pregnancy.

In the absence of pregnancy, the level of progesterone reaches its maximum value about a week after ovulation - at this time it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone to assess the function of the corpus luteum.

Length of the menstrual cycle

The follicular phase may vary in duration (as in different women, and in one woman throughout her life). Usually, the length of this phase of the cycle determines the length of the entire menstrual cycle and affects the delay in menstruation - for example, if the maturation of the follicle is faster or slower than usual, or does not occur at all. The luteal phase usually has a constant duration (12 to 16 days).

Gender of the child

The gender of the unborn child does not depend on the location of the stars in the sky, the menu of future parents or the position at conception. The sex of the child depends on what type of sperm will fertilize the egg - carrier male Y chromosome or the female X chromosome. Spermatozoa of the "male" sex, as a rule, move lighter and faster than "female", but are more sensitive to external conditions and adverse impacts. Spermatozoa of the "female" sex, on the contrary, are less mobile, but more hardy. Thus, if sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or later, the probability of having a boy increases, and if sexual intercourse occurs long before ovulation, then the probability of having a girl increases and the probability of conception decreases. However, experts believe that the reliability of this method does not exceed 60%.



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