When can you eat after an FGD? Nutrition after gastroscopy of the stomach

Nowadays, the question of whether it is possible to eat after FGDS, and what kind of procedure it is, is especially relevant.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is, of course, not the most pleasant procedure, but in many cases simply necessary. Using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the doctor examines the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, and takes necessary tests. This is done for the purpose of conducting examinations and identifying diseases. gastrointestinal tract. The patient can find out the exact cause of pain, burning, etc. It is recommended to undergo such an examination at least once a year. Before the study, the patient is usually warned, or he finds out on his own what will be required special training. It consists in the fact that you cannot eat or drink in the evening. And on the day of the study, the stomach should be completely empty. But what about after? Nobody talks about this.

Already half an hour after fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the patient is allowed to eat and drink.

Someone may not want to eat food after FGDS, because unpleasant sensations may arise in the throat: pain, burning, discomfort. Of course, it is advisable to have a snack first light food, for example, porridge from oatmeal, fruit or low-fat yogurt, kefir. Since the stomach for a long time did not receive food, do not overload him. It is better to leave smoked meats, sausages, canned food and other similar products for later. You can drink almost any liquid except alcohol.

Some people ignore the rules and start eating immediately after the test, without subsequently experiencing any negative consequences. It's all about individual characteristics structure of the body of every person. You can consult with the doctor who performed the fibrogastroduodenoscopy on what to eat and what not. He will tell you how to do the right thing, when to have your first snack, and what it should consist of. In most cases, those who are concerned about their health do just that. This allows you to avoid various negative consequences and feel calm.

After the study has been completed, you cannot remain completely hungry. The stomach may begin to get used to doing without food, and this is very bad. It’s not worth worrying and waiting for the moment when you can definitely eat, and constantly delaying this moment. It is better, as already noted, to consult a doctor with a question that is causing concern and get an answer.

Even if the doctor forbids you to eat for the first few hours after the test, he will also tell you that you need to do it in the evening. But in this case there is no need to starve. Among the patients there are those who go hungry and then go back to the clinic for treatment.


So, you can eat after FGDS, but each person has his own rules that relate to the duration of the period of time and the choice of products. To determine them for yourself, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. According to generally accepted rules, the first meal is after 30 minutes, and it should be light so as not to overload the stomach. You can drink it right away.

Gastroscopy is a common diagnostic procedure, which is used in gastroenterology to diagnose diseases of the upper digestive tract. The essence of the procedure is that the patient swallows a special tube at the end of which there is an optical system. It makes it possible to view the walls of the esophagus, stomach, twelve duodenum and identify possible pathologies. Used for suspected gastritis, peptic ulcer, bleeding. Is the main method early diagnosis cancer diseases gastrointestinal tract.

The advantage of this method is that you can examine the internal organs in detail, from the inside, and study their walls and mucous membranes. If an oncological process is suspected, a biopsy can be taken for further cytological and histological examination. It is possible to take a scraping from the mucous membrane to determine the number of Helicobacter bacteria, which are the causative agents of gastritis and peptic ulcers. The procedure can develop from a diagnostic one into a therapeutic one at any moment. If polyps are found during the procedure, they are removed. Also, during the examination, you can stop minor bleeding, apply ligatures to dilated veins and vessels.

Disadvantages of the procedure include discomfort during implementation and the patient’s fear of swallowing the tube. Big problem is vomiting reflex which occurs when swallowing a tube. This is a natural protective reflex that cannot help but occur when the pharynx and root of the tongue are exposed. But thanks to the latest advances pharmaceutical science, it became possible to suppress this reflex. During the procedure, the pharynx and oral cavity are treated with an anesthetic that relieves pain. Muscle relaxants are also used to relax the muscles, so the tube passes freely through the esophagus without encountering resistance. The gag reflex also does not occur.

There are also other types of procedure. For example, there is a more gentle method - transnasal gastroscopy, in which a very thin tube is inserted through the nose into the esophagus and stomach. In this case, there is no pain or gag reflex, and the procedure is considered more comfortable.

During capsule gastroscopy, the patient swallows the capsule with water. This capsule contains a built-in video system and sensor. Such a capsule moves freely along the digestive tract, transmitting an image of the walls internal organs to the doctor's computer. Then the received data is processed using special program, a preliminary diagnosis is issued. After working time, the capsule is excreted from the body in a natural way, with feces.

This is the only way to examine all parts of the intestine, including small intestine. Colonoscopy makes it possible to study digestive system, starting with her lower sections, hardly reaches the large intestine. Traditional gastroscopy makes it possible to examine only upper sections, in which the gastroscope reaches only the duodenum. The capsule passes through all departments. The disadvantage of the method is that the doctor cannot slow down or speed up the movement of the capsule, and also cannot unfold it or fix it. But scientists are working on this, and soon such capsules will be available that can be controlled by a doctor from a computer.

Gastroscopy is also performed under anesthesia and during sleep. In the first case, the patient is put under anesthesia, in the second case, in a state medicated sleep. The advantage is that the patient is asleep, does not move, his muscles are relaxed, and the doctor can calmly perform all the necessary manipulations. The disadvantages include the fact that the patient is not in a conscious state. Usually the doctor performs the procedure based on Current state patient, his breathing, reflexes. In the event of an unforeseen situation or a deterioration in well-being, the patient can give the doctor a predetermined signal.

Such methods are often used by children, people who are overly afraid of the procedure, people with an unbalanced psyche, pregnant women. Medication sleep does not have a negative effect on the body.

Each type of gastroscopy has its advantages and disadvantages, so the doctor independently chooses the appropriateness of this or that method. In this case, the doctor is based on a set of data. It is also taken into account that gastroscopy has contraindications.

Is gastroscopy dangerous?

Patients who have to undergo a study are often worried and afraid of the consequences. Many people wonder if this procedure is fraught with danger. It is necessary to immediately reassure the patient - the procedure is considered absolutely safe. It is carried out even for pregnant women up to 4-5 months and small children, which indicates the safety of the method.

Safety largely depends on the patient himself. If the patient does not interfere with the doctor, does not resist, the procedure will pass quickly, painlessly, without any consequences. You need to try to relax as much as possible, don’t get nervous, breathe calmly. When resisting, you can get mechanical damage to the esophagus, stomach, or vessel. Both during the procedure itself and in preparation for it, you must follow all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor. If there allergic reaction or individual intolerance medicines, you need to inform your doctor about this. This will reduce the risk and prevent the development of a pathological reaction, anaphylactic shock.

Patients who suffer from cardiac or cardiac problems should undergo the procedure with caution. vascular diseases, nervous disorders. About availability concomitant diseases You should also inform your doctor in advance. He will assess all the risks and make a conclusion about the feasibility of such a study.

Complications after the procedure

After the procedure, you may experience a feeling of numbness, swelling, and loss of sensitivity in the throat area. This is fine. These are the consequences local anesthesia. The sensations will pass after 1-2 hours. Various unpleasant sensations in the throat area may also occur, including pain, burning, and soreness. This usually goes away after 2-3 days on its own, without the need to take any action.

There are no more consequences. This is due to the fact that today the technology is more advanced, making it possible to carry out the procedure carefully. Moreover, usually the consequences that arise are not related to the digestive tract, but are more related to the technique of execution and the use of medications.

Many years of practice have proven that gastroscopy is a safe procedure. Complications are rare. A dangerous complication is perforation, which is a perforation of the wall of an internal organ. This situation requires immediate surgical intervention, as severe bleeding and further death. Similar injuries can occur when performing a biopsy or removing polyps. Also, bleeding often occurs during these manipulations. However, there is no need to worry, since such pathologies occur extremely rarely.

Sometimes perforation occurs as a result of swelling of the walls of internal organs with the help of air in the presence of tumors and deep ulcers. Usually complications are divided into 4 groups:

  • mechanical damage (cracks, scratches, wounds, damage to the walls of organs, violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes);
  • damage to the esophagus and stomach;
  • esophageal rupture;
  • gastric perforation.

Main reason similar complications is the human factor. Usually complications are the result of rough insertion of the endoscope, inappropriate behavior patient, disregard for the doctor's recommendations and contraindications.

Infection during gastroscopy

Many patients are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get infected during gastroscopy. Previously, such a possibility was not ruled out. But today you can absolutely not worry about this: there is no risk of infection during the procedure. Today there are strict standards and requirements in the field of sterilization and disinfection.

All instruments are meticulously crafted. First, the mechanical cleaning of the endoscope is carried out, then it is soaked in special solutions. For disinfection, the latest sterilization cabinets and autoclaves are used, which ensure 100% slaughter of any flora. In an autoclave, sterilization occurs under the influence of high temperatures and high humidity at low pressure. This ensures the complete slaughter of everyone possible forms life, with the exception of extreme forms (archaea), which live in deep thermal springs and volcanoes. Of course, it is impossible to encounter such life forms in a gastroenterologist’s office.

Blood after gastroscopy

After gastroscopy, blood may appear when the mucous membranes are damaged, when bleeding from an ulcer occurs, after taking a biopsy or removing polyps. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely. Usually, even if bleeding occurs, it stops very quickly without any additional intervention. The risk of bleeding increases with blood diseases, decreased clotting, and also during critical days and for hypertension.

Pain after gastroscopy

Some patients claim that the procedure is painful, while others are sure that it is not associated with pain. The only thing that absolutely everyone agrees on is that the procedure causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Spasm, pain and a gag reflex can be felt when a gastroscope is inserted into the pharynx, at the very beginning of the procedure. The psychological attitude is very important. If at this time you relax, calm down, start breathing evenly and calmly, everything will go well.

Some patients experience pain after the procedure. Your throat may hurt. There may be minor pain in the esophagus and stomach. This is due to the fact that a certain amount of air is introduced into the cavity, which makes it possible to straighten the walls of the esophagus and stomach and better examine the condition of the internal organs. Sometimes pain occurs after taking a biopsy or removing polyps, if such measures were taken. Usually such sensations pass within 2-3 days, no measures are needed.

Sore throat after gastroscopy

After gastroscopy, some patients may have a sore throat. This may be due to side effect used medications, with mechanical damage. It can also occur as a result of a throat spasm due to excessive nervousness patient. In mild cases, this pathology disappears after a few days without the need for additional treatment. If a person has a weakened immune system, or there is a source in the body chronic infection(for example, caries, sinusitis), an infection may occur. In this case, inflammatory and infectious process. Sore throat often appears.

Harm of gastroscopy

Gastroscopy can harm only those people who resist, are unnecessarily nervous and behave inappropriately. In such a situation, the risk of complications increases sharply, mechanical damage. The procedure will be dangerous even if you do not inform the doctor about allergies, intolerance to substances, concomitant diseases, diabetes mellitus, for people with bleeding disorders, with hemophilia, especially if it becomes necessary to remove polyps or take a biopsy. In other cases, the procedure is considered absolutely harmless.

Post-procedure care

You must not eat or drink water for an hour after the procedure. If a biopsy has been performed, only warm food. Both hot and cold foods can cause complications. Also, food should be soft, preferably pureed. During the week you need to stick to light, dietary nutrition. Food should be only boiled or steamed, without spices, fatty and fried foods.


Gastroscopy is prescribed to many people. Every second gastroenterologist patient requires this study. Most often prescribed for diagnostic purposes. Not everyone passes this test. Many refuse for fear of getting infected or complications. The very need to swallow the probe is frightening. Many postpone the procedure until the last, resorting to it only in case of emergency. Most patients who have undergone the procedure leave negative reviews. They complain of discomfort, pain, gag reflex, fear of swallowing the device. At the same time, they note that the procedure goes quickly enough, and negative emotions are quickly forgotten. Nobody wants to go through the procedure again. There is numbness of the throat and oral cavity under the influence of anesthetics, which somewhat reduces pain and discomfort. Sedatives help you calm down, be in a state of peace and balance, and not be nervous. After these drugs long time drowsiness, disorientation, decreased attention and reaction speed persist. On the day of the procedure, you should not drive and it is better to have an accompanying person who will help you get home.

As for the specialists, they leave only positive reviews. According to gastroenterologists, whenever possible they try to prescribe this particular test to their patients, since it gives the most accurate picture of the disease, quickly makes a diagnosis and selects correct treatment. The advantage is that a preliminary diagnosis is made immediately during the examination.

During the examination, a biopsy and scraping can be taken to determine the content of Helicobacter. Histological and cytological examination of a biopsy specimen can reliably determine the presence of benign or malignant tumor. If Helicobacter, which is the causative agent of gastritis and ulcers, is detected, the diagnosis can also be immediately confirmed. Gastroscopy is the only method that makes it possible to identify a tumor by early stages and even at the stage of its inception and take appropriate measures. Often this method is the only method on the basis of which you can immediately determine accurate diagnosis. If there is insufficient information, additional research may be carried out.

Doctors also prefer this method because it makes it possible to immediately carry out therapeutic measures: apply ligatures to the vessels, remove polyps, cauterize areas of possible bleeding.

Many patients, with excessive fear that prevents them from conducting the study, undergo gastroscopy in their sleep. There are two ways to do this - either under anesthesia or in a state of medicated sleep. The second option is preferable, since the drugs used are harmless and do not put stress on the heart or blood vessels. This procedure is also carried out for people with neuropsychiatric disorders, and if necessary, the procedure should be performed frequently. For children under 6 years of age, the procedure is performed under anesthesia.

People respond positively to this method. They don't remember anything. When they wake up, they realize that the research has already been done. Doctors who conduct the study speak negatively about this method. They say that contact with the patient is important, which makes it possible to monitor his condition and respond in a timely manner to possible changes.

As for capsule gastroscopy, this is the most favorite method of patients. It is comfortable, safe, absolutely painless. The patient simply swallows the capsule, which travels through the digestive tract and transmits information to the doctor's computer.

It’s true that many patients were disappointed later. Many people then have to do a traditional gastroscopy because the picture turns out to be incomplete. Or during the procedure there is a suspicion of an ulcer or oncology. Then you still need to insert a gastroscope to take a biopsy or scraping for further laboratory testing. Doctors consider this method the only method that makes it possible to study the condition small intestine, since no other tool can reach this department. The disadvantages, according to experts, are that there is no way to lock the camera, pause it or rotate it. This makes it possible to notice pathology, but it cannot always be seen. Therefore, you often still have to resort to the traditional method.

Also, many patients believe that the method is very expensive and not informative enough. Not all cities have such equipment. Basically, only residents of large cities can afford such a procedure. Many note that the procedure is pleasant and painless. Basically, it is resorted to by those who have had a sad experience of undergoing traditional gastroscopy. Represents the picture in general view and makes it possible to identify only major pathologies; minor ones often go unnoticed. In this case, the probe still cannot be avoided.

Many patients have difficulty undergoing traditional gastroscopy and even run away, unable to overcome their fear. But an injection of sedatives is a salvation and makes it possible to calmly survive the procedure. Some even faint at the sight of the hose. In this case, sedatives also come to the rescue. Or gastroscopy is used in a dream. When the patient wakes up, he simply doesn’t remember anything. Many people experience numbness and a sore throat for several hours after the procedure.

Alternative to gastroscopy of the stomach

Many patients wonder: what can replace gastroscopy? Often this method causes insurmountable fear and is tried in every possible way to avoid it. Currently, medicine has a wide variety of diagnostic methods. To study the condition of the stomach and esophagus, fractional sounding is used, radiological methods, ultrasonography.

Various laboratory tests, biopsy, and laparoscopy are used. Sometimes there is a need to conduct pH measurements. But today the most informative and popular method is gastroscopy. Other methods do not provide such accurate results and do not have such capabilities as gastroscopy or FEGDS. Using this method you can almost immediately, even without additional methods make an accurate diagnosis. Other methods are considered auxiliary, or allow us to identify the picture of pathology from a completely different perspective.

Gastroscopy or MRI

Gastroscopy and MRI are two completely different methods, which are not analogues of each other. They cannot be considered interchangeable.

X-ray of the stomach or gastroscopy

Many patients try to avoid gastroscopy and are looking for an alternative. Often, if the patient refuses the study, it is necessary to resort to an x-ray of the stomach. But this method is less informative; it does not provide the information that can be obtained with gastroscopy. This test is painless, but it is harmful to the body. The contrast agent that a person drinks and the dose of radiation, even if insignificant, cannot but have negative consequences for the body. Radiation exposure is highly undesirable, especially if gastroscopy can be performed.

Very often you can meet people who after the procedure rested for 30 minutes and are immediately ready to go home. There are patients who take sedatives before the procedure, then they need a little longer time to recover. Doctors often give sedatives before the procedure to help the patient relax. It is worth noting an important fact that alcoholic drinks should not be consumed within 24 hours after administration sedatives.

It is necessary to agree with people close to the patient who could accompany him during and after the gastroscopy. This is necessary because many patients cannot come to their senses throughout the day. Diagnostic results can be received within two days, but it happens that the operator may delay the report and send it later. The specialist who will conduct this diagnosis of your internal organs can give you recommendations on treatment or what kind of diet you need to follow. As practice shows, patients after gastroscopy often do not perceive any information that the doctor tells them, which is why it is so necessary to come to the appointment with loved ones.

Is gastroscopy a reliable analysis?

Using this procedure, you can obtain reliable information about the condition of the internal organs, as well as prevent the development of abnormal processes in the upper intestine. But it is worth noting that such a diagnosis is not a reliable guarantee of the presence or absence of the disease. For example, gastroscopy cannot be detected on early stages development of ulcers and cancer. Gastroscopy can be repeated, but this is done at the discretion of the doctor if the patient’s condition worsens or treatment does not bring results.

Can side effects or complications occur after gastroscopy?

Such diagnostics can be carried out without significant complications for the patient. Mostly, patients report pain in the larynx, which lasts for two days. Often there is a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness for two hours, this is due to the use of sedatives. There is a risk of infections or worsening pneumonia. It happens that the endoscope leads to bleeding, infection or perforation. This occurs due to damage to the intestines by the device.

There are a number of signs that may occur in the first two days after diagnosis, and if this happens, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. These signs include:

Sharp pain in the stomach, very often it is aching, but it can also be acute.

Increased body temperature, manifestations of fever can often be observed.

Breathing becomes difficult and heavy.

Vomiting blood.

Doctors have noted cases where patients experienced heart attacks or strokes during or after gastroscopy. Such cases are mainly observed in elderly people, this is due to the fact that they have a number of chronic diseases. After esophagogastroduodenoscopy, people experience sore throat, tingling, and pain during swallowing. Such unpleasant sensations disappear literally within a matter of time or after two days. There is no need to take any medications, everything will go away on its own. If anesthesia was needed to perform esophagogastroduodenoscopy, then after the procedure further medical supervision specialists.

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By visually examining the cavities of the gastrointestinal tract using a special instrument - an endoscope, the doctor performs a gastroscopy procedure. At the same time, the objects of study - the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, can be subjected to both diagnostic examination and surgical intervention. The procedure, in modern medical practice, very common and relatively simple. However, to obtain optimal results, it requires a number of preparations.

Preparatory process

Statistically, around 2% of patients become victims of an erroneous diagnosis as a result of gastroscopy due to violation of preparation conditions. Today it is not difficult to obtain information about where to have a gastroscopy in Moscow, how much it will cost and other details. Sources can be medical publications (reliable), both printed and electronic. A personal consultation with an endoscopist or gastroenterologist is still more effective.

First, general preparatory stage, consists of three main points:

. for the required psychological mood, the subject has full right know about everything related to the upcoming procedure - purpose, method, result, consequences;

Preparation of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular systems for gastroscopy by stabilizing them, in order to reduce the risk of possible surprises;

If the patient has problems with blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing, the doctor is obliged to correct medical supplies to bring these parameters to acceptable levels.

In agreement with the patient's attending physician, the endoscopist has the right to prohibit the use of medications during preparation and the examination itself.

When selecting anesthesia, the specialist must take into account the individual sensitivity of the patient to the selected drugs and their components. Such data can be obtained from the hospital record and in personal communication before the procedure.

As part of local training, the following is carried out:

. identification and treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of all paths of the digestive tract along which the gastroscope will pass;

Cleansing the diagnosed organs by refusing to eat on the day of the procedure;

Using local anesthesia by injecting or swishing Lidocaine on the base of the tongue to relax the muscles of the throat and alleviate discomfort.

Such rules for the general preparation of the patient are mainly the responsibility of the doctor, no matter where the gastroscopy takes place - in Chertanovo or the central hospital of the capital.

Gastronomic restrictions

For many, burdensome but necessary changes in culinary preferences are introduced at the general preparation stage. Taking into account the peculiarities of digestion, the fasting period begins 48 hours before the procedure and includes:

. giving up alcohol and spicy food;

Fast foods, ketchups and other condiments;

Pickles, mushrooms and sour marinades.

The day before gastroscopy you should not consume:

. meat, flour products and dishes made from whole grains;

Smoked meats;

Fat and heavy food.

In other words - all the most harmful and delicious, at this time - a taboo!

Food should be soft, light and quickly digestible. Boiled or steamed vegetables, fish, and chicken are quite acceptable, as are soups, including those made with low-fat milk. The main condition for food is not to burden or irritate the digestive tract and related organs.

The same goes for drinks. Water should be still, and juices, compotes and fruit drinks should be non-acidic, as should fermented milk (kefir, yogurt). Avoid hot food and drink.

When undergoing gastroscopy in Butovo, the doctor will urgently ask the patient not to eat anything for at least 8 hours before the procedure, and will allow him to drink little by little, and no later than 3 hours before the start of the study.

Using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the doctor examines the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, and takes the necessary tests. This is done for the purpose of conducting an examination and identifying diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient can find out the exact cause of pain, burning, etc. It is recommended to undergo such an examination at least once a year. Before the examination, the patient is usually warned, or he learns on his own, that special preparation will be required. It consists in the fact that you cannot eat or drink in the evening. And on the day of the study, the stomach should be completely empty. But what about after? Nobody talks about this.

Already half an hour after fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the patient is allowed to eat and drink.

Someone may not want to eat food after FGDS, because unpleasant sensations may arise in the throat: pain, burning, discomfort. Of course, it is advisable to first have a light snack, for example, oatmeal porridge, fruit or low-fat yogurt, kefir. Since the stomach has not received food for a long time, do not overload it. It is better to leave smoked meats, sausages, canned food and other similar products for later. You can drink almost any liquid except alcohol.

Some people ignore the rules and start eating immediately after the test, without subsequently experiencing any negative consequences. It's all about the individual structural features of each person's body. You can consult with the doctor who performed the fibrogastroduodenoscopy on what to eat and what not. He will tell you how to do the right thing, when to have your first snack, and what it should consist of. In most cases, those who are concerned about their health do just that. This allows you to avoid various negative consequences and feel calm.

After the study has been completed, you cannot remain completely hungry. The stomach may begin to get used to doing without food, and this is very bad. It’s not worth worrying and waiting for the moment when you can definitely eat, and constantly delaying this moment. It is better, as already noted, to consult a doctor with a question that is causing concern and get an answer.

Even if the doctor forbids you to eat for the first few hours after the test, he will also tell you that you need to do it in the evening. But in this case there is no need to starve. Among the patients there are those who go hungry and then go back to the clinic for treatment.


So, you can eat after FGDS, but each person has his own rules that relate to the duration of the period of time and the choice of products. To determine them for yourself, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. According to generally accepted rules, the first meal is after 30 minutes, and it should be light so as not to overload the stomach. You can drink it right away.

A person who has never encountered this procedure, of course, asks many questions. But to answer at least 1 of them, it is enough to follow all the above recommendations. If you do this once, in the future there will be no doubt as to whether you can eat after the examination. Perhaps someone who has done this will even be able to advise someone else who needs this information to do the same.

Stomach biopsy

If the patient complains of pain in the stomach, the doctor prescribes endoscopy. Often, simultaneously with examination of the gastric mucosa, a biopsy is taken for histology.

Why is a biopsy performed?

Study of mucous tissue is required when other hardware or laboratory research do not provide the necessary data. When performing gastroscopy or radiography, it is impossible to obtain a comprehensive picture of the disease and establish the type of tumor.

At peptic ulcer The patient is always recommended to undergo a gastric biopsy, since an ulcer can cause mutations in cells and provoke a tumor. If a stomach ulcer develops for a long enough time, then its clinical picture is similar to the manifestations characteristic of a malignant tumor, and the procedure helps the doctor find out how much the disease has progressed and whether it has transformed into cancer.

A biopsy is also performed for gastritis. This allows you to accurately determine the stage of the disease, whether it provokes the formation of an ulcer, and how much the organ tissue is damaged. A biopsy reveals the cause of stomach inflammation, namely the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (hp).

The study also helps determine how the gastric mucosa is restored after removal of a tumor or major surgery. An examination is necessary to establish the rate of regeneration and timely detect possible postoperative complications.

Often the procedure is performed to find out whether the formation is malignant or a polyp, not life-threatening sick

Thus, during gastric endoscopy, the doctor may detect the following pathologies:

  • gastritis, erosion;
  • perforation of mucous tissue;
  • the presence of a pathogenic bacterium;
  • neoplasm in the stomach or on the mucosa of the esophagus;
  • trauma of chemical or mechanical origin;
  • complication after surgery.

If, as a result of examination during a gastric biopsy, a polyp is discovered, it will be removed.

How is the procedure performed?

For examination, abnormal cells from the stomach can be taken in two ways: during strip surgery or through endoscopy. So, if during a planned or emergency surgery If the doctor notices a neoplasm, material is collected for histology. Otherwise, a procedure is prescribed to take material and examine the mucous membrane.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is a method for examining the digestive tract using a flexible apparatus equipped with optics. During diagnostic FGS, tissue can be collected for histological examination, a smear can be made for cytological test, check the acidity of gastric juice.

Gastroscopy of the stomach is performed in medical institution and requires some preliminary preparation. It is important that the patient's stomach is empty, so you should refrain from eating for at least 10-15 hours before the procedure, otherwise the results may be unreliable due to large quantity vomit and inability to examine the mucous membrane.

Before endoscopy, an x-ray of the stomach is prescribed

Examination of the mucous membrane is carried out using a flexible tube - a gastroscope. There is a video camera at the end of the device, the image from it is immediately transmitted to the screen. This allows the doctor to examine the organ from the inside and make a diagnosis.

The subject is placed on his left side with his back straight. If required, then give sedatives. The throat is treated with an anesthetic (lidocoine), then the device is inserted through the esophagus. To prevent the subject from biting the pipe, a mouthpiece is inserted into his mouth. When inserting an endoscope, the patient should deep breaths nose, this will help reduce discomfort.

Before the material is taken visual inspection the entire organ. After that, a piece of tissue is plucked for examination. According to patient reviews, the process of collecting material does not cause pain, and the place where the material is taken does not hurt subsequently.

If necessary, material is taken from various places. This allows you to exclude errors in the diagnosis. If, in addition to examining the mucous membrane, it is necessary to remove a polyp during the procedure, this can be done immediately.

There are two ways to collect tissue for histological and microbiological studies:

  • search or it is also called blind. The procedure is performed with a special search probe, and there is no visual control;
  • targeting method. The procedure is carried out using a gastroscope, at the end of which there is a camera and an instrument for collecting cells (knife, forceps, loops). The sample is taken from specific suspicious areas.

The duration of the study depends on the disease and the size of the tumor, but, as a rule, endoscopy lasts no more than 15 minutes. Even before conducting the study, the doctor may know exactly where the tumor is located, and the specialist needs to take a sample of cells located at the border of healthy and diseased tissue.

What to do after the examination

After the material has been collected and the procedure is completed, the patient is advised to lie down for some more time. You should not eat for 2 hours after the examination. Then, during the day, eat only fresh, lukewarm food, this will help reduce irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus.

A short time after the examination, the patient’s tongue sensitivity returns and the swallowing reflex is normalized, since the local anesthetic used in small dosage.

After the procedure, the subject will be observed for two hours to exclude complications that may arise after anesthesia. Doctors do not recommend driving for 12 hours after taking sedatives, as there may be a decrease in reaction and attention.

Until the effect of the painkiller wears off, you are not allowed to eat or drink.

You should exclude smoked, salty, spicy, hot or cold foods; you should also avoid eating nuts and chips, as they can injure the mucous membranes. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. If you neglect this advice, the biopsy wound will take a long time to heal.

After excision of the polyp, bleeding occurs; in order to prevent it, the doctor will prescribe drugs that accelerate blood clotting. After surgery it is recommended bed rest, as well as stick to a diet for 2-3 days.

When Not to Do a Biopsy

Biopsy, like any other surgical intervention, has absolute and relative contraindications. The procedure is not prescribed for people with mental illness or of cardio-vascular system if the gastric mucosa has received chemical burn, as well as inflammation of the upper or lower airways.

A biopsy is not performed if the patient has a narrowing of the esophagus or perforation of the intestinal mucosa of various origins or in this moment an acute infection occurs.

Possible complications

Most often, after taking the material, no traces remain. Rarely appears slight bleeding, but it goes away on its own and does not require additional medical care.

Complications after gastric biopsy occur in less than 1% of patients

If after the biopsy the patient feels unwell, has nausea or vomits blood, then he needs to go to the hospital. Although the probability is extremely low, the following complications are still possible:

  • damage to the stomach or esophagus (due to motor activity subject during the procedure);
  • development of septic shock;
  • bleeding resulting from a rupture of a vessel when taking a biopsy;
  • development aspiration pneumonia. It develops when vomit enters the airways, causing infection. That is why the patient must breathe deeply through his nose and follow the specialist’s instructions.

When an infection occurs, the patient experiences fever and pain. Inflammation is accompanied by exudation. As a result of poor-quality manipulations, abrasions and swelling occur on the mucous membrane.

What the analysis shows

The results of a gastric biopsy should be interpreted by a doctor. The study will show the type of tumor, its size and shape, location, and structure. the main objective research is to determine whether the neoplasm is malignant or not, and also whether there is ulcerative lesions mutating cells.

The biopsy results show the doctor the following information:

If the presence of malignant cells is confirmed, a conclusion is drawn as to whether the disease has progressed to such an extent. Based on the material taken, one can judge the causes of cancer development.

After examining the obtained biopsy, a laboratory specialist issues a conclusion on the degree of damage to the organ, and the attending physician decides on the advisability of surgical treatment.

The analysis determines the type of tumor, its size, location and area of ​​spread

The study may disprove the presence of cancer, in which case the type is flagged benign tumor. The timing of deciphering the biopsy depends on the workload of the laboratory staff. As a rule, it takes three days to study the material.

In the conclusion of the biopsy study, you can see the following terms:

  • hp (indicates the presence of a bacterium that causes inflammation of the stomach, “0” no bacterium detected, “X” present);
  • adenomacarcinoma is the medical name for stomach cancer;
  • adenoma - benign formation;
  • activity - reflects the degree of inflammation of the mucous membrane (determined by the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, severity of atrophy);
  • atrophy - thinning of the walls of the stomach (“0” no atrophy, “xxx” complete thinning);
  • polyp - benign growth;
  • malingization - a benign formation contains cancer cells.

Accurate research results are only possible with full compliance with all the specialist’s instructions during the biopsy. This procedure is not painful, but unpleasant (when the endoscope comes into contact with the root of the tongue, a natural gag reflex occurs), so it will not be very good if you have to repeat the study because it is not informative or if not enough material was taken.

Further treatment tactics depend on the results of the study. A biopsy will show the type of formation and its structure. These data are considered final, and the doctor relies on them when drawing up a treatment regimen. If required, removal surgery is prescribed.

The procedure allows you to understand at what stage the disease is and how the organ was damaged at the time of the examination, so there is no need to refuse a gastric biopsy and look for alternative methods. A gastric biopsy provides 100% correct data, so it is worth suffering temporary discomfort in exchange for timely and adequate treatment.

When can you eat after gastroscopy?

FGDS or fibrogastroduodenoscopy is the most informative gastroenterological diagnostic method. The examination allows you to identify diseases in the initial period of their development. Using gastroscopy, the presence of cancerous tumors, erosions, stenosis, ulcers.

To obtain the most accurate results, special preparation for the examination is required. A few days before the procedure, the patient switches to dietary ration, twelve hours before - stops eating, one hour before - liquid intake is excluded. The doctor informs the patient in detail about all preparatory measures when issuing a referral for examination.

FGDS gives the person being examined quite unpleasant sensations, which may accompany him for some time after the procedure. Therefore, many are concerned about questions related to the post-procedure period: how long after gastroscopy can you eat? How to eat properly? What complications may arise?

Diet issues after fibrogastroduodenoscopy

The main symptoms that patients who underwent examinations complain about are discomfort in the throat and esophagus. In this regard, even after forced preliminary fasting, most people do not experience intense desire in food. In any case, eating or drinking any liquid (including water) is not recommended for an hour after a gastroenterological examination.

This is due to inhibition swallowing reflex which appears as a result of treating the throat anesthetic drug local action before insertion of the endoscopic tube. A person may simply choke on food or drink. In addition, under the influence of the anesthetic, the tongue and sense of taste are lost for some time. There are no strict dietary restrictions.

To make things easier somatic condition, you should follow some rules that will help you figure out what and when you can eat after gastroscopy:

  • The first meal should not be plentiful (gr. will be quite enough).
  • Preference should be given to light meals. It can be dairy products(soft cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk), creamy soups, oatmeal or semolina porridge.
  • Not welcome solid food. Hard pieces can damage the irritated mucous membrane of the throat and esophagus.
  • You should not fast after EGD for more than two hours. The stomach must be returned to normal mode work.
  • Concerning tobacco products, then it is also necessary to wait an hour and not smoke immediately after the examination.

If during the examination biological material was taken for laboratory analysis (biopsy), the recommended time range of fasting after fibrogastroduodenoscopy is two hours. It is forbidden to consume hot food and drinks. Well-heated food can be eaten when the injured mucous membrane has recovered. Usually this happens within 24 hours.

During the procedure, the digestive organs are exposed mechanical impact endoscope tubes. Foreign body, to some extent, disrupts the natural state of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, after gastroscopy, it would be useful to maintain a dietary diet for 24–48 hours.

Standard set of prohibited and permitted products

Typically, a gastroenterologist advises following the “table No. 1” diet. This is a gentle diet for people suffering from chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.

The basic principles of the diet are:

  • Do not be greedy in food, that is, do not overeat.
  • Do not consume food or liquid that is very hot. Do not burn the esophagus or stomach.
  • Choose the right culinary method for processing food (cooking, steam mode, stewing). Fried foods should be excluded.
  • Avoid hot spices, marinades and seasonings.
  • Replace fatty meat with diet chicken, turkey or lean beef;
  • Refrain from coffee, sweet pastries and soda.
  • Give preference stewed vegetables, cereals, pasta.
  • Do not flavor food with mayonnaise-based sauces, ketchups, mustard, etc.

Based on the results of FGDS, the doctor will diagnose the disease, prescribe the necessary medications, and help adjust the diet. If the examination does not reveal any serious pathologies, you can return to your normal diet. The transition should not take place in forced mode. Solid and heavy foods are introduced gradually to avoid indigestion and dyspepsia (difficult and painful digestion).

If, while following all the nutritional rules, the patient experiences pain in the gastrointestinal tract, irregular bowel movements, or diarrhea for more than three days, the doctor should be notified. There may have been some complications with the procedure.

Normal metabolism

And on the day of the study, the stomach should be completely empty. Preparation for EGD of the stomach with biopsy is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. FGDS can be diagnostic and therapeutic. Nowadays, the question of whether it is possible to eat after FGDS, and what kind of procedure it is, is especially relevant. You can start eating after gastroscopy quite quickly.

Using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the doctor examines the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, and takes the necessary tests. It consists in the fact that you cannot eat or drink in the evening. Someone may not want to eat food after FGDS, because unpleasant sensations may arise in the throat: pain, burning, discomfort.

Some people ignore the rules and start eating immediately after the test, without subsequently experiencing any negative consequences. You can consult with the doctor who performed the fibrogastroduodenoscopy on what to eat and what not. He will tell you how to do the right thing, when to have your first snack, and what it should consist of.

FGDS of the stomach and biopsy results - an accurate diagnosis

After the study has been completed, you cannot remain completely hungry. Even if the doctor forbids you to eat for the first few hours after the test, he will also tell you that you need to do it in the evening.

Preparation for FGDS

So, you can eat after FGDS, but each person has his own rules that relate to the duration of the period of time and the choice of products. According to generally accepted rules, the first meal is after 30 minutes, and it should be light so as not to overload the stomach. If you do this once, in the future there will be no doubt as to whether you can eat after the examination. There are many diagnostic measures, helping to determine the essence and causes of various pathological conditions.

If you regularly use such medications, be sure to consult the doctor who prescribed them. You may just need to change your priming regimen or dosage. If you also undergo a biopsy, you must stop using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Approximately six to eight hours before the procedure, you will need to stop eating and significantly reduce fluid intake.

How should you behave after gastroscopy?

Accordingly, after all the manipulations you will be in a state similar to alcohol intoxication. Thanks to tranquilizers, many patients experience the procedure with minimal stress and remember little about it. After the procedure, you may experience belching as well as a feeling of bloating.

However, do not get carried away and do not overload your stomach. In addition, nutritional recommendations may differ depending on the results of the study; in this case, your doctor will definitely give you some advice. Please note that the food consumed must be warm; hot and cold foods are strictly not recommended. Do not be afraid of this procedure; today it brings minimal discomfort and is safe.

The gastroscope has a channel into which an instrument can be inserted to take a tissue sample for examination (biopsy). The patient lies on his left side and puts the mouthpiece in his mouth - through it the doctor inserts the endoscope tube. The endoscopist advances the tube to the stomach and further to the duodenum, examining all mucous membranes.

With the help of FGDS, you can also carry out therapeutic manipulations: stop bleeding - ulcerative or from varicose veins of the esophagus, administer medications, remove polyps from the stomach. In this case, of course, the procedure will take longer.

Many people are afraid of this study and therefore refuse to visit a doctor. Of course, this procedure is unpleasant, but for gastrointestinal diseases it is simply necessary. As the endoscope moves into the stomach, a strong urge to vomit may occur. To cope with it, you need to relax and focus on breathing.

What is possible and what is not possible after FGDS

Taking tissue for a biopsy is completely painless, since there are no pain receptors in the gastric mucosa. After FGDS, discomfort may appear in the throat, stomach or esophagus. This is advisable if the patient has a strong gag reflex and has previously had an unsuccessful experience with this procedure. EGD is performed on an empty stomach. On the day of the study, you should not eat or drink anything, preferably not smoke.

As with any medical manipulation, complications are possible with fibrogastroduodenoscopy, although their risk is minimal. This is most often bleeding after taking material for a biopsy. An alternative to FGDS is an x-ray of the stomach. Detection of malignant and benign growths in the stomach. Taking a biopsy sample while performing a biopsy. Before prescribing FGDS, clinical and X-ray studies in order to identify gastric pathologies contraindicated for manipulation.

Is it possible to eat after FGDS?

To do this, the doctor describes in detail the stages and sensations during the manipulation. The patient must be hungry, since the manipulation is performed on an empty stomach. In preparation for anesthesia, patients may be offered to take muscle relaxants, which will help the body better absorb the anesthesia. Gastroscopy is performed in the endoscopy room.

The doctor carefully inserts a probe through the mouth into the esophagus and stomach. If necessary, the probe is advanced into the duodenum and intestines. When air is supplied to expand the walls of the esophagus and stomach, the patient may feel discomfort.

After gastroscopy, you should not eat for 2 hours or until the effects disappear completely. local anesthesia. The results of gastroscopy are given to the patient on the day of the procedure. Together with the description and biopsy results, this will make it easier for the treating doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

If unpleasant and painful sensations In the area of ​​the stomach, the best – and most correct – thing a person can do is to seek help from a gastroenterologist. In particular, if certain symptoms are present, the patient may require an FGDS or FGS procedure of the stomach. However, there are no significant differences between FGS and FGDS of the stomach. Let's look at the decoding: FGS means fibrogastroendoscopy; during this procedure, the inner layer of the stomach and its walls are examined, and the condition of the epithelium is assessed.

The occurrence of belching of air, observed after eating. This symptom indicates atrophic gastritis, at which slime layer becomes inflamed and thinner. Preparation for FGS of the stomach with a biopsy is necessary when a specialist suspects gastric cancer or atrophic gastritis, as well as to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori.

Half an hour after the procedure you can drink and eat. When performing a biopsy, it is not recommended to consume anything hot (food or drinks) during the day. Sometimes it is possible to perform FGDS for these diseases for health reasons and in a hospital setting. FGDS of the stomach and biopsy results have crucial when prescribing conservative or surgical treatment to a patient.

What and when can you eat after gastroscopy?

After gastroscopy, when can you eat? This is very frequently asked question. There are certain nutritional rules before and after the study that every patient must follow. This procedure is prescribed quite often when gastrointestinal pathologies are suspected, and it requires certain preparation that will help avoid discomfort. After the study, you also need to follow the specialist’s recommendations so as not to harm the stomach.

Features of nutrition before gastroscopy

FGDS of the stomach (fibrogastroduodenoscopy or FGS - fibrogastroscopy) is considered a very unpleasant procedure. During gastroscopy, a special tube with a camera is inserted through the oral cavity into the stomach and intestines, which allows you to examine the mucous membrane from the inside. Every patient should know that not all food can be consumed before and after the study.

To obtain exact information about the state of the digestive system, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Before gastroscopy, you should not eat anything for fourteen hours before the examination. It is very important that the food is completely digested and the stomach is empty.
  2. If the patient cannot withstand such a period, then the last meal should be a maximum of eight hours before the test. Failure to comply with this rule will distort the results of the study.
  3. The last sip of water can be taken three hours before the procedure. The presence of liquid or food in the stomach will cause vomiting during a gastroscopy. Before the test, it is not advisable to drink coffee or tea with milk, as they are digested more slowly.
  4. People who smoke should refrain from doing so. The entry of nicotine into the stomach leads to increased mucus production, which can negatively affect the results of gastroscopy.
  5. You should also not take medications; only intravenous and intramuscular medications are allowed.

It is necessary to take a towel with you to the procedure and wear loose clothing that will not increase discomfort. It is important to follow all recommendations of a specialist.

Nutrition after EGD

“What should I eat after gastroscopy?” - patients often ask. Most people have no desire to eat after gastroscopy. Your doctor will tell you how long and what you can use.

There are no special restrictions regarding abstaining from food. You can eat right away, but the food should be light.

You need to eat like this after gastroscopy:

  • a light snack of boiled porridge or yogurt is allowed;
  • You can drink weak tea or unsweetened juice;
  • for several days it is advisable not to eat fatty or smoked foods, as well as fast food;
  • If after the procedure you feel a burning sensation, a stomach ache or discomfort in the throat, it is advised to drink several glasses of clean water at once.

Many patients immediately after the study begin to eat the same as before, but this is not advisable. Each person’s body adapts differently after gastroscopy. If the patient ate heavy food, then after the procedure you should not immediately return to it. It is better to consult on this issue with the specialist who conducted the study. He will tell you what foods to watch out for. Following the recommendations will prevent the development of possible complications.

Should You Diet?

Many people have questions about diet after gastroscopy. You need to know that after FGDS you can eat those foods that the patient ate before the study. Restrictions need to be introduced only before the procedure. This allows you to increase the information content of the study.

During the day before visiting a specialist, only light food is recommended:

If you have gastritis or ulcers, you can only eat what will not aggravate the pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid sour and sweet foods, carbonated drinks, and certain types of fruits and vegetables. In the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), preparation will be standard.

This implies the following restrictions throughout the day:

  • you need to give up all types of sweets and baked goods;
  • do not eat all dishes made from legumes, seeds, nuts;
  • fiber is contraindicated as it takes a long time to digest.

There should be no food left in the stomach before the procedure begins. Otherwise, the examination will take longer, since the presence of a problem will be more difficult to determine and severe discomfort may occur.

When and how much can you eat and drink after FGDS?

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is unpleasant procedure, but without it it is difficult to choose the right treatment. During the diagnosis of FGDS, the condition of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum is assessed. In doing so, it is possible to identify the most various pathologies, see the lesions, assess the degree of the disease, carry out therapeutic manipulations, and also take material for a biopsy. For some time after FGDS, you must follow a strict diet.

Nutritional Features

After the procedure there is a feeling in the throat unpleasant feeling. A burning sensation and discomfort may also appear. Therefore, you should not immediately eat hard foods. It is best to eat something soft after gastroscopy (mashed potatoes, jelly, soup, fermented milk products). The first meal should be no earlier than four hours after the procedure with a biopsy, without it - no earlier than an hour. You should also not drink after FGDS. This is due to the fact that in order to reduce gag and cough reflexes, the patient’s throat is treated with lidocaine spray before the procedure. This local anesthetic blocks important reflexes, and if you do not wait time, you may end up choking on liquid food.

You can drink any liquids except those containing alcohol.

It is strictly forbidden to eat or drink immediately after the FGDS procedure. After the procedure, it should be about an hour before the patient drinks any liquid or eats a snack.

After the procedure, the doctor determines the period during which it is necessary to follow a diet.

Diet after FGDS

After gastroduodenoscopy, nutrition should be strictly adjusted. Patients after FGDS are prescribed diet No. 1. It is usually prescribed to patients with pathologies of the stomach and duodenum: gastritis, peptic ulcer, duodenitis.

Diet No. 1 provides for the consumption of foods that can be eaten after gastroscopy and for pathologies of the stomach and duodenum.

The diet has rules that must be followed:

  • Steamed, boiled and baked dishes are allowed.
  • Salt consumption is kept to a minimum.
  • You need to eat in small portions - at least 5 meals.
  • You need to eat from 1500 to 2800 calories per day.

The diet includes a number of prohibitions.


After FGD with biopsy, you cannot eat smoked, fried foods. Spices and spicy foods are prohibited. It is also prohibited to eat:

  • margarine;
  • strong fish, meat broths(except for chicken);
  • sour foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee, black tea;
  • marinades;
  • butter dough and all dishes prepared from it.

You cannot eat certain grains: millet, barley, pearl barley.

Authorized Products

Many people after FGDS are interested in what they can eat after diagnosis. The list of permitted products includes:

  • Soups. It is recommended to prepare them from pureed vegetables. It is best to cook soups using potato or carrot broth. You can eat milk soups with well-mashed cereals. These can be rice, oatmeal dishes, noodle soups. Allowed to eat potato soup, cooked on chicken broth.
  • Bread. You are only allowed to eat yesterday's bread from wheat flour first grade. Other types of bread are prohibited.
  • Bakery. After FGS, you are allowed to eat uneaten cookies, biscuits, pies with boiled meat, jam, and eggs. You can include cheesecakes with cottage cheese on the menu.
  • Meat. Many people are interested in, is it possible to eat meat? Diet No. 1 includes chicken, rabbit, and turkey. Allowed low-fat varieties lamb and pork. Steam cutlets, meatballs, and zrazy are prepared from meat. You can eat the most different dishes, but only from boiled meat.
  • Fish. Some time after diagnosis, it is allowed to introduce fish into the diet. It is best to cook steamed fish cutlets. It is also allowed to steam and boil fish.
  • Dairy products. Diet No. 1 allows the consumption of dairy products. You can drink milk, kefir, yogurt. It is allowed to add a small amount of non-acidic cottage cheese and low-fat sour cream to the menu.
  • Eggs. You are allowed to eat no more than two soft-boiled eggs per day. You are allowed to eat an omelet.
  • Cereals. It is allowed to eat oatmeal, rice, buckwheat. You can make porridge and soups from them. You can cook cereals in milk, water or chicken broth. You can make cutlets from cereals.
  • Pasta. You can include small pasta in the menu.
  • Vegetables. They are pureed or steamed. Potatoes are allowed as vegetables, cauliflower, zucchini. Tomatoes are allowed, but not more than one hundred grams per day and only non-sour varieties.
  • Beverages. Some time after FGDS you can drink water. After three hours, it is allowed to introduce weak tea, cream, weak cocoa, juices, and rosehip decoction into the diet.
  • Oils and other fats. Can be added to dishes vegetable oils, warm butter. Other fats are excluded.

Diet No. 1 is prescribed not only for pathologies of the stomach and duodenum. It is necessary to eat gentle foods after FGDS, when various diseases esophagus.

Features of table No. 1

After FGDS, the doctor determines how long the patient can eat and how long he will have to follow the diet. The doctor must explain what foods you can eat and what menu you should have while following the diet.

Table No. 1 has a number of features:

  • The duration of the diet is determined by the doctor. Usually after FGDS, the diet lasts about two weeks. If tissue was taken for biopsy during the procedure, the period can last up to a month, but this is in rare cases.
  • Portions should be moderate. If you eat large portions, this will cause even more irritation to the stomach and duodenum.
  • Meals should be fractional. Daily diet divided into 5-7 doses. The last meal should be no later than eight o'clock in the evening (three hours before bedtime).
  • There are certain requirements for food temperature. All dishes must be warm. You cannot eat cold or hot food; food should be moderately warm.
  • Patients must stay hydrated. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

If the patient eats heavy food, he may experience pain. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. And the first thing to start with is to observe the time from which you are allowed to eat. The doctor should explain how long after the patient can eat.

When following a diet, especially if a biopsy examination was performed, it is necessary to carefully monitor what the patient or patient ate, as well as the temperature of food and drinks. The menu should contain only boiled, steamed, pureed products. Some dishes can be eaten baked.

First meal after FGDS

When wondering when you can eat after gastroscopy, many people think that they can eat as soon as they leave the doctor’s office. But in reality it's not like that. Eating is allowed no earlier than an hour after the procedure. In some cases, the doctor may allow you to eat earlier. If some complications arise during the insertion of the endoscope, the doctor strictly selects a menu for each day.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor determines for what period of time diet No. 1 should be followed. It can last two weeks, and in some cases patients are forced to follow nutritional therapy for several months.



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