Rules for taking homeopathic medicines for Ehuda Curshen. Scientists against myths: together with a doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, we figure out whether homeopathy can cure

What is homeopathy and should you be afraid of it? Elena Belova, homeopath and former doctor pediatric intensive care unit, answered the most popular questions from mothers about “pseudoscience.”

What is the fundamental difference between homeopathic treatment and conventional treatment?

What is a disease? This is an excessive reaction of the body to a pathogenic factor received from the outside. Classical medicine sends “heavy artillery” to help the body - and other “chemistry” with the prefix anti-. This is indispensable in in case of emergency, but can disrupt the functioning of the immune system, and the body will stop fighting itself.

What does homeopathy do? Sends another microscopic drop of disease - ultra-small doses of poison, prompting the body to react correctly and heal itself, turning on those forces that were turned off or turned on incorrectly.

How does a homeopath choose medicines?

For a homeopath, everything is important: a person’s medical history, his so-called constitution (for example, helping someone with pain cold compress, and someone is warm, one asks for a drink at a temperature, and the other refuses), biorhythms, heredity, the course of pregnancy and childbirth. We select medications based on symptoms, “by similarity.” For example, someone clinical manifestations the diseases are similar to arsenic poisoning, in another - to snake venom. A person will receive these substances in homeopathic dilution. There is a so-called repertory - a catalog of symptoms and their correspondence to homeopathic medicines, of which there are more than 4 thousand.

What are homeopathic medicines made from? Are they harmless to children?

Literally anything can become the raw material for homeopathic remedies: poisons, minerals, plants... All this is diluted and applied to grains milk sugar in ultra-small doses: decimals, hundredths, etc.

Homeopathy is based on the theory of small doses. Everyone knows the saying of Hippocrates: “Everything is poison, and everything is medicine. The dose makes it both.” The poison has been used in classical medicine for centuries, but homeopathy does not allow dilutions that are harmful to the body.

There is no peculiarity; for a homeopath it makes no difference who to treat: an adult or a child. The principles are the same.

How to give homeopathic granules to small children?

Drops are easier to give to infants. To give the granules, take a regular syringe, disconnect the needle and pull out the plunger. Place peas soaked in water inside, and then squeeze the child’s cheek so that he has time to dissolve and not immediately swallow the medicine. It is advisable to wait at least an hour after feeding or give half an hour before meals.

Are homeopathy, herbal medicine and placebo the same thing?

No, homeopathy has nothing to do with therapeutic effect self-hypnosis. There are statistics that homeopathy works best on the elderly, small children and animals. What kind of placebo effect can a cat or baby have? A is the same classical medicine, only based on herbs.

For which diseases does homeopathy help better than evidence-based medicine?

In front of everyone skin diseases, allergic and fungal infections, you can immediately contact a homeopath. Recently in three months active treatment I helped a girl with eczema. Before this, the child was itching for two years, could not sleep peacefully, they tried all kinds of hormonal ointments on him...

Is it possible to combine homeopathic treatment with classical treatment?

Yes. The exception is herbal medicine, chemotherapy and some serious medications that specifically suppress the immune system for autoimmune diseases.

Homeopathy is an unproven scientific approach to human treatment, where microdoses of a substance are used as a medicine, causing symptoms similar to the symptoms of the disease. With homeopathic dilutions, the drug may not contain a single molecule active substance. Traditional (evidence-based) medicine believes that its effectiveness does not exceed the placebo effect and is dangerous myth. In Russia, only specialists with higher medical education who have completed special courses in the field of homeopathy are allowed to use this method in treatment.

How do homeopathic medicines differ from conventional medicines?

For the manufacture of homeopathic remedies, substances from plants, animals and mineral origin. The main difference between homeopathic medicines is that during their manufacture, the original substance is sequentially diluted in a solvent, sometimes tens or even hundreds of thousands of times. Before each stage of dilution, the container is shaken ten times, as a result of which, from the point of view of homeopathy, the substance acquires a special dynamic medicinal power. If the ratio of the active substance and the base (that is, the solvent, which is usually water or a sugar solution) is one to ten, then the first decimal dilution is obtained, denoted in different countries D or X; if one in a hundred - the first hundredth, denoted by the letter C; thousandth dilutions are designated by the letter M. To prepare the second decimal (hundredth, thousandth) dilution, take a tenth (hundredth, thousandth) part of the resulting solution, shake it, transfer it to a new test tube and mix it again with the base. The higher the degree of dilution and the more times the solution is shaken during its preparation, the deeper and longer the effect on the human body will be. At dilutions higher than 12C, not a single molecule of the original active substance remains. There is no single theory explaining how a homeopathic medicine affects the patient, but more than two centuries of practice confirms that properly potentized and dynamized medicines continue to act in any dilution. Homeopathic medicines do not enter into the body in any way. biochemical reactions, and therefore, the body does not waste energy on the disposal of drugs, focusing entirely on recovery.

Is it possible to combine treatment with homeopathy and treatment with conventional drugs?

In general, homeopathic doctors try to avoid the use of traditional medicines such as antibiotics, antihistamines, antipyretics, antifungals, etc., as they all suppress a person’s vitality and prevent the body from moving towards recovery. Of course, when treating with homeopathy, you need to use common sense: put a cast on the broken arm, stop the bleeding and remove the splinter from the finger. When treating chronic diseases with homeopathy, it is necessary to take an individual approach to each case. A homeopathic doctor usually requires the results of examinations of a person in order to assess the severity of his condition, the dynamics of disease progression in order to find the optimal treatment regimen. Particular care should be taken in cases where a person has been receiving traditional medical (allopathic) medications for a long time, for example, hormones or blood pressure-lowering medications. In each case, the issue of the possibility of replacing medications is decided individually after thorough examination. In the event that a person’s condition allows him to refuse allopathic medicines, it is necessary to carry out this transition gradually, smoothly reducing the doses of conventional medications so as not to cause sharp deterioration condition associated with withdrawal syndrome. Of course, such a transition cannot be carried out independently. It can only be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor and under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Is it necessary to follow a diet during homeopathic treatment?

It is necessary to exclude mint, strong coffee, eucalyptus and camphor in any form, as they can weaken or negate the effect of the homeopathic medicine. There is no clear explanation in which cases the use of plant stimulants and sedatives will interfere with the action of homeopathy, and in some cases it will not. Therefore, it is generally recommended to avoid mints, peppermints, chewing gum, tea with mint, mint toothpaste, as well as from rubbing, inhalation, baths with eucalyptus and camphor.

Is it true that homeopathy is completely safe?

This is one of the common misconceptions. Homeopathy provides complex impact per person, and frequent use Incorrectly selected drugs in high potencies can cause serious harm. So it's better not to do it self-treatment chronic diseases, and contact a classical homeopathic doctor who selects drugs individually based on a personal conversation and examination, and also prescribes no more than one drug at a time and carefully monitors the results of treatment.

How is a homeopathic remedy selected?

Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like,” systematized at the end of the 18th century by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, who proved that many traditional means, healing certain diseases, call healthy person symptoms of the disease for which they are used, which means that medicines can be used according to the principle of similarity. Homeopathic medicine strengthens the pathogenic impulse, and the body, forced to “fight” the homeopathic effect, overcomes and physical manifestations diseases expressed in symptoms. As part of an individual approach, the doctor determines specific mental and physical symptoms to select a drug that is suitable for a given specific situation. For example, sore throat can be treated with many drugs, but when it turns out that the sore throat worsens at night, began on the left side and follows changes in the weather, a specific drug is selected for all these symptoms. A homeopathic appointment consists of a thorough interview with the patient, physical examination and observation. In addition to the patient’s complaints, the homeopathic doctor learns from him about his mood and relationships with loved ones, about general condition health and lifestyle current symptoms and about patterns of deterioration and improvement during the course of the disease. To help the homeopathic doctor, there are numerous reference books and repertories that make it easier to find and select drugs. Currently, more than 4,000 drugs have been tested and described. After the doctor has decided on the remedy, he individually selects the appropriate potency (degree of dilution). Thus, for acute diseases, low potencies are used (up to 30C), for exacerbation of chronic diseases - medium (up to 200C), and for the treatment of chronic cases - high (200C or more). Generally, the deeper the level of damage and the higher the degree of similarity, the higher potencies should be used.

What is the opinion of modern medicine about homeopathy?

Modern medicine believes that the effectiveness of homeopathy cannot exceed the effectiveness of placebo (a physiologically inert substance, positive effect from the intake of which is associated with the subconscious expectations of the patient), since in dilutions above 12C (twelfth hundredth) there is not a single molecule of the active substance. Many doctors of the classical school treat this practice with great distrust, and often consider it quite risky, and the statement about the effectiveness of homeopathy is unproven, since large-scale clinical researches V in the usual form It is difficult to carry out, because people with the same diagnosis often require different homeopathic remedies. However, clinical studies of a number of drugs prove the effectiveness of the use of homeopathic medicines in anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial therapy. You should know that WHO recommends not treating diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis, AIDS, malaria and some others with homeopathy.

How does homeopathic treatment work?

Homeopathic doctors consider their goal not to suppress the symptoms of the disease, but, on the contrary, to reveal them and bring them out. If vitality not allow the body to express itself (cover up allergic rash ointment, reduce the temperature, etc.), then sooner or later the body will not have the strength to bring the problem out, and the disease will continue, but at a deeper level, that is, it will be driven inside. For example, after being “treated” allopathically chronic runny nose will appear Chronical bronchitis, after being depressed seasonal allergies– asthma, etc. In the case of effective homeopathic treatment, the symptoms are not suppressed, but are revealed, and the disease continues its course at an increasingly safer, superficial level until it goes away completely. When proper treatment symptoms will move in the reverse order of their appearance (those symptoms that appeared first will go away at the very end); from vital organs to the less important, going from the inside to the outside; from the upper body down. These principles of healing were first described by Constantine Hering, and these rules of healing are called “Hering’s Law” in homeopathy. IN in a broad sense, proper healing is when replacing one chronic disease another, easier one comes, and the patient’s quality of life improves. For example, living with diathesis is much easier than living with depression, and living with frequent acute respiratory viral infections is better than living with asthmatic attacks. If Hering's law is not observed, then we're talking about not about cure, but about worsening the disease, and the disappearance of symptoms will be associated with the transition of the disease to a deeper level.

In what forms are homeopathic medicines available?

The basis for homeopathic remedies can be water, sugar, alcohol, as well as special types of wax. Homeopathic remedies are prepared in several dosage forms. For internal reception drops are usually made using alcohol or water basis, powders and granules based on milk sugar, tablets are less commonly used. For external use in homeopathy, ointments are used, as well as tinctures for rubbing, dressings, baths, etc. last years injection forms began to appear homeopathic medicines, produced in ampoules.

Homeopathy is one of the most discussed medical methods, which has both its devoted supporters and no less fierce critics.

"The author drank poison"

The history of homeopathy began in 1791, when its author, Samuel Hahnemann, literally “drank poison.” Not the most successful doctor with a difficult life, he traveled around Europe for a long time, learned several languages, worked as a librarian for a Transylvanian baron, taught languages, accompanied doctors during their practice, but recognition did not come to him.

During the transfer medical books he came across a mention of the symptoms of cinchona bark poisoning. Quinine in small doses was just beginning to be used to treat malaria. Hahnemann drew attention to the fact that quinine poisoning is very similar in symptoms to malaria.

Then Samuel decided to try large dose quinine on yourself. Everything matched: trembling without chills, thirst, dullness of senses, stiff joints, numbness - all these symptoms were also present in malaria, which Hahnemann himself once suffered from. So he went to the ancient medical principle treating like like. He decided that the same substance in different proportions could both heal and cripple.

It is worth saying that Hahnemann was not a pioneer in this; both Hippocrates and Paracelsus were guided in their practice by the same principle. However, it was Hahnemann who was able to develop this principle to the point that he created an entire industry on its basis. traditional medicine.
Hahnemann did not stop with quinine and began to try various poisons on himself. He tried 60 on himself various substances, which were later included in his four-volume book “Pure Medicine”.

Homeopathy today cannot be considered a full component modern medicine, since it does not have a serious evidence base, does not meet the requirements of an educated, thinking, analyzing doctor of any practice. (V.A. Chipizubov, neurosurgeon) The principle of ultra-low doses, discovered by Hahnemann, is perceived with great skepticism by today's medicine. The whole point is that the substance is diluted in such proportions that in the final composition, according to the Avagadro number, not a single molecule of the original substance remains. Homeopaths have one answer to these arguments: the memory of water.

It is difficult to go against such an argument, which is convincing in its unprovability, although it is not entirely clear why water should “remember” the original substance, and not thousands of other impurities and chemical elements, carried in the air or that were once in the water supply (let’s imagine for a second the “cleanest” water supply of the early 19th century). By the way, experiments conducted by Dr. Cowan in 2005 showed that water molecules can indeed form a molecular metastructure, but it lasts much less than a second.

Birth of a cult

However, over time, Hahnemann's technique began to acquire the features of a real cult. The doctors of traditional medicine, whom Hahnemann contemptuously called allopaths (from a combination of the words “other” and “disease”) hated Hahnemann. Pharmacists also hated him. This is not surprising - both of them lost considerable profits from the advent of homeopathy. The hated Hahnemann, with a bag full of poisonous substances, began to wander around Europe.

The effectiveness of homeopathy was demonstrated by Hahnemann during the epidemic of cholera and typhoid that spread across Europe. Hahnemann was on horseback. In his clinic, every patient was greeted kind words, asked about life, children and the weather - Hahnemann was sure that every patient needed individual approach, so he was both a psychologist and a brother for the sick. Of course, people came to his clinic in droves. The alternative was to go to traditional doctors, who treated with bloodletting, harsh laxatives, mercury and hot forceps.

Now homeopathy is the lot of people who are either afraid of doctors, or disillusioned with classical, university medicine, or simply desperate (V.A. Chipizubov, neurosurgeon)

Healthy skepticism and the Russian nobility

Traditional medicine even today treats homeopaths as sectarians, even despite the fact that not the very last people paid tribute to homeopathy. IN Russia XIX centuries, the teaching of Hahnemann was not even a fashion, but a craze, albeit not without its persecutors. Representatives of the upper classes of Russian society were delighted with the obscure language of homeopathy, all these flies and volatile ointments, which then seemed to be the secret language of alchemy. A perennial family practice homeopathic treatment emphasized a kind of membership in secret circles.

In "War and Peace" there is a lot of evidence of the Russian nobility's passion for homeopathic medicine. Even Tolstoy’s eternal ideological opponent, Dostoevsky, paid attention to her. “Homeopathic lobes can be the strongest,” says the writer through the mouth of one of his heroes. Vladimir Dal went from a persecutor of homeopaths to their most faithful supporter, curing even eye diseases with homeopathic methods.

But homeopathy cannot be completely discounted and consigned to oblivion. There are many, albeit scattered, cases where after treatment homeopathic remedies people got better. Placebo? - Maybe. Taking into account the fact that any product must be at least non-toxic, when recommending homeopathy, the doctor follows the minimum, but at the same time, the main principle of medicine - do no harm. This is such a “convenient thing” - homeopathy. (V.A. Chipizubov, neurosurgeon).

Homeopathy remains a mystery. Doctors are convinced that it’s all about the placebo effect, children love homeopathy for the possibility of healing with small sweet peas, and adults, convinced of their life experience that the world is not always the abode of logic and common sense they just believe in miracles.

The lack of information leads to people making mistakes - self-medicating or turning to a specialist without appropriate medical education. To avoid this, experts advise remembering a few basic rules.

Fact one. Only doctors with medical education can treat patients in Russia, this also applies to homeopaths. If you turn to a specialist without medical education, then you will be solely responsible for the results.

Fact two. The treatment process for any doctor, including a homeopath, begins with a complete clinical diagnostics patient - examination, laboratory tests, collecting information about concomitant diseases. And only after this the doctor begins to identify individual characteristics the patient and the factors that improve or worsen his well-being.

Fact three. Clinical homeopathy is a system that takes into account psycho-emotional symptoms to the extent that they reflect physical state patient or related to him. She doesn't deny others medical approaches: Today neither the doctor nor the patient has to make a final choice between homeopathy and conventional medicine. You can take homeopathic medicines in addition to others - for example, they have proven themselves to be effective for the treatment of post-vaccination allergies.

Fact four. Homeopathy is not herbal medicine, only half of all remedies are plant origin. A quarter of the medicines are mineral-chemical, another quarter are of animal origin.

Fact five. Regular pharmacies most often sell complex homeopathic preparations produced under a brand name. They are registered in Russia as medicines for general principles, this means that the manufacturer has completed all the necessary preclinical studies. This is a significant difference between homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements.

Fact six. Homeopathic medicines have different shapes release. These may be familiar white granules, tablets, drops, gels, ointments and even syrups.

Fact seven. There are few complex homeopathic medicines, but these are universal combinations that have shown effectiveness for common colds. It's important to remember that complex preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy, knowing the desired purpose (for a cough, for ARVI, for a runny nose, etc.), and only a doctor can select the correct single drug.

Fact eight. It is generally accepted that you need to wait a long time for results from taking homeopathic medicines. In some cases, it really takes time, but there are many drugs that quickly cope with their task. For example, homeopathic medicines are widely used in sports medicine- for bruises and bruises, muscle pain, and in everyday life - mosquito bites, burns, abrasions. These are the areas where noticeable relief occurs within a few hours.

Fact nine. If you want to be treated for real, choose real medicines - produced in modern pharmaceutical production and registered as medicines with the Ministry of Health. For example, BOIRON drugs respond international standards GMP, and production is regularly inspected by the FDA, just like any other modern manufacturing site.

Check the registration of the drug as medicine can be found on the Roszdrav website: Registration number The medicine must be indicated in the instructions included in the box.

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1. On what principle is homeopathy based?

There are two ways to treat a sick person.

One way is based on law of opposites(treat high fever with antipyretic drugs, treat constipation with laxatives, diarrhea with fixatives). Traditional medicine works on this principle.

The second way is based on law of similarity. This is homeopathy treatment. This means that medications that cause insomnia in a healthy person can cure insomnia in someone who suffers from it. A medicine that causes diarrhea in a healthy person may cure a person suffering from diarrhea. Homeopathic medicine stimulates and strengthens the body's own mechanisms, namely immune system body, and then it copes with the disease more effectively.

2. Why does an appointment with a homeopath take a long time?

The homeopath's goal is not disease. Its goal is to boost your immunity and improve your overall health. In order to achieve this, the homeopathic doctor needs to know your entire personality, and this includes physical body, intelligence, emotional sphere, as well as your subconscious. Understanding all this as a whole helps you choose the homeopathic medicine that is most similar to your condition and suits you like a “key to a lock”. Therefore, a homeopathic doctor spends much more time on an appointment, and the more information about yourself and the characteristics of your body you tell your homeopath, the easier it is for him to help you.

3. Is homeopathy always a slow-acting medicine and does it take a long time to be treated?

This is not true! Homeopathy can give quick effective result within 5-10 minutes at acute conditions (sharp pain, heat). However, in chronic cases arthritis, skin allergies, asthma, which the patient has suffered for 15-20 years, is difficult to expect quick effect. You need to let the medicine work for six months to get a good effect.

4. Do homeopathic medicines have any side effects?

One of the main differences with homeopathy is that very small dosages are used. In the literature they are called differently - ultra-low, ultra-low doses. If in a 6-hundredth dilution molecules of the original substance can still be found, then in a 12-hundredth potency they are no longer present, and the medicine gains strength. The healing potential of high doses with high dilution increases greatly, and in homeopathy 200, 1000, 10M (ten-thousandth dilutions) can be used, there is even 50M (50-thousandth dilution) and SM (100-thousandth dilution). When diluting homeopathic medicines, the toxic effect of the original substance is reduced and lost and the dynamic effect increases. For example, Arsenicum albumum is known as a poison with high toxic effect on organs gastrointestinal tract and the whole body. But when breeding it toxic properties disappear and only the healing effect remains.

Therefore, I can say that there are no side effects in homeopathic medicines. But still, homeopathic medicines should not be taken uncontrolled. I often give recommendations for the use of homeopathy at home, and always emphasize that low potencies can be used - 6, 12 or 30, which have an effect on physical layer body. But I don't recommend taking it high doses without the supervision of a medical specialist, because high doses have a dynamic effect, and if they are chosen incorrectly, they can harm the body. That's why high dosages homeopathic medicines are the responsibility of a homeopathic doctor, who has been studying to work with them for many years.

5. What should I avoid during homeopathic treatment?

Maintain your normal diet and lifestyle. External agents with camphor may interfere with the effect homeopathic medicine, so they can be put aside. And such supposed antidotes as mint, chocolate and coffee, in my opinion, are not as dangerous as they say. Antibiotics and hormones definitely interfere with the effect of homeopathy. Of course, I recommend not getting carried away with sweets, chocolate, limiting strong coffee, smoking and alcohol, but for other reasons. These products are harmful to health, and anyone who is thinking about health and longevity should avoid using them.

6. Should I take my medications on an empty stomach?

I tie my medications to breakfast, lunch, and dinner not because of the food connection, but simply to find some comfortable rhythm for taking my medications. Food has nothing to do with it. On the contrary, the mouth should be clean while taking homeopathic medicine. Therefore, I recommend taking it either 30 minutes before a meal or 30 minutes after a meal. You can simply give it to children in their mouths to dissolve. Adults need to shake the bottle of medicine, add 5 grains and dissolve under the tongue. The sublingual zone is rich blood vessels, so the medicine immediately enters the bloodstream and begins to act.

7. I heard that some people have an exacerbation after taking homeopathy, and that this good sign. Is it so?

In some cases, homeopathic exacerbation occurs, and this is a really good sign. During a flare-up, symptoms become somewhat more intense before the problem goes away completely. Homeopathic exacerbations do not always occur. In acute conditions, improvement occurs without exacerbation. In chronic conditions, exacerbations are more likely.

8. Why do some people develop skin rashes, which were once before?

Healing occurs from the inside out according to Hering's law, and this is a very good sign. There is no need to be afraid. Old problems are usually less intense and go away on their own with continued use of homeopathic medicines. This is an important part of the healing process. Read more about this in the article - Suppression Theory. Don't panic, but be sure to tell your homeopathic doctor. Gradually these symptoms will subside. Sometimes during homeopathic treatment it may appear skin rash. This happens because healing process moves from more important organs to less important parts of the body; for example, on the skin. You need to wait a little and skin problem will resolve on its own during homeopathic treatment.

9. What will change during homeopathic treatment?

Goal of treatment- improvement in all areas:
Reducing the intensity and frequency of your chief complaint.
Yours general criteria- appetite, sleep, dreams, energy level, your mood, temperament, your ability to cope with stress, your general mental state.

10. What should I do if I get sick? viral infection or some acute problem during treatment?

The better contact you have with your homeopathic doctor, the better. You need to call your homeopathic doctor and report your symptoms. Homeopathy can deal with any acute problem very effectively. Moreover, understanding acute problem helps to understand the chronic problem even better. Typically, in the process of homeopathic treatment, such acute situations occur less and less often, as the immune system is strengthened and the ability to endure stressful situations improves.

11. Is faith in homeopathy necessary? Many skeptics say that homeopathy is based on the placebo effect.

Medicines work in any case, whether you believe in homeopathy or not. Faith is needed so that you trust the doctor and talk in detail, as fully as possible about your problem, so that the homeopathic doctor selects the most suitable medicine for you. We could talk about the placebo effect if the homeopathic doctor had any mental effect on the patient. But we are just talking, and my goal is to try to understand the person as deeply as possible. If this were a placebo effect, how could this be explained? high efficiency homeopathic medicines for babies who cannot yet speak, and, accordingly, cannot be subjected to suggestion? Homeopathic medicines are also used in veterinary medicine and are popular. They even began to be used in plant treatment. Currently, many people are trying to avoid using pesticides and herbicides in growing plants and fruits on the ground. Instead, they began to use homeopathic medicines in their treatment. A placebo wouldn't work like that.

12. Can my problem return after treatment?

Homeopathic treatment strengthens your immunity, makes you able to cope with stress, and helps you gain a more positive outlook on emerging situations. Maybe some moderate episodic chronic problems may return, but they will be very rare and their intensity will be minimal.

13. How long can homeopathic medicines be stored?

Homeopathic medicines can be stored for a very long time, provided they are kept in a dry, dark, cool place, away from direct influence. sun rays. They must be stored separately from heavily odorous substances such as camphor, menthol, or perfume. Average term storage of homeopathic medicines - 2 years.

14. Can homeopathy be used for babies?

Homeopathy gives excellent results in the treatment of children of any age, from the first days of life to several months. In infants, problems such as colic, neonatal jaundice, fever, diathesis, and colds are well treated.

15. Do I need to do any medical examinations before homeopathic treatment?

Most often, patients come for homeopathic treatment after use traditional methods treatment, and already have the results of the studies in hand. If there are none, in some cases I ask you to do additional research. They are needed to obtain an objective picture of the disease and assess the patient’s condition. They are not needed for the selection of homeopathic medicine. Examinations are sometimes necessary for objective monitoring of treatment. I usually ask to repeat the study to confirm positive dynamics in treatment. For example, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs before starting treatment for an ovarian cyst and a repeat ultrasound to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

16. Why is an appointment with a classical homeopath more expensive than with traditional medicine doctors?

In principle, classical homeopathy is an elitist and exclusive medicine. Homeopathy training itself is very expensive. It takes time and money. Good homeopaths study abroad in strong schools where knowledge is needed in English. The apparent ease of administration can be misleading. Behind good quality treatment costs years of daily research and training, reading specialized literature, painstaking work and expensive seminars. You can wait two hours in line to see a traditional doctor. It will take about 5 minutes to take, you will receive standard recipe, and then buy standard drugs for a decent amount. Or you can make an appointment with a homeopath, who will spend these two hours exploring your inner nature. The technique will be very similar to the expensive practices of psychoanalysis with the only difference being that therapeutic effect homeopathic medicine will be aimed at both the psyche and the body.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs