Therapeutic factor of the resort of Sochi. Arsenic is a substance with pronounced toxic and pharmacological properties.

  • - city, district center, Stavropol Territory. Appeared as a village at Art. , which served the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters, which determined its name. Since 1920, mountains. ...

    Geographic Encyclopedia

  • - In the Stavropol Territory, regional subordination, regional center, 170 km southeast of Stavropol ...

    Cities of Russia

  • - table medical and table medical...

    Universal optional practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

  • - waters containing a number of specific microcomponents in an amount not less than indicated below. Microcomponents Quantity, g/l Water Carbonic acid CO2 free Total titratable with iodine ce- 0.750 Carbonic acid 0.010 ...
  • - natural waters containing in their salt composition increased amount arsenic acid...

    Dictionary of hydrogeology and engineering geology

  • - are characterized by higher the content of some biologically active components and often have an increased temperature and radioactivity ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - I Mineral waters are underground waters characterized by high content biologically active mineral components and having specific physical and chemical properties, on which they are based ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - natural waters containing in high concentrations any mineral components and gases that can affect the human body therapeutic effect...

    Big medical dictionary

  • - - groundwater, characterized by a high content of biologically active chemicals. and organic components and having specific

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - groundwater, characterized by an increased content of some biologically active components and having certain physical and chemical properties that allow you to use...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - groundwater, usually associated with zones of tectonic ruptures and characterized by elevated temperature, radioactivity, high content of various biologically active components ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - groundwater with elevated content, gases, chemical ions. elements and their compounds...

    Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

  • - - The use of M. waters, in the modern sense, that is, systematic proper treatment by them, on the advice of a physician, was practiced in Greece on a considerable scale ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Mineralnye Vody is a city in the Stavropol Territory of the RSFSR. Located in the river valley Kuma. Zh.-d. station on the line Armavir - Prokhladnaya, an electrified line departs from M.V. to Kislovodsk ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - characterized by a high content of some biologically active, chemical and organic components...

    Modern Encyclopedia

"arsenic mineral waters" in books

Mineral water

author Ershov Vasily Vasilievich

Mineral water

From the book Tales of a sled dog author Ershov Vasily Vasilievich

Mineralnye Vody The Mineralnye Vody airport lies in the foothills, and at the very strip Mount Zmeyka rises like a huge pie, so the entry there must be made accurately. And passengers fly there great amount. Therefore, the airfield is equipped with excellent landing facilities,

Mineral water

From the book Tales of a sled dog author Ershov Vasily Vasilievich

Mineralnye Vody The Mineralnye Vody airport lies in the foothills, and at the very strip Mount Zmeyka rises like a huge pie, so the entry there must be made accurately. And there are a lot of passengers flying there. Therefore, the airfield is equipped with excellent landing facilities,


From book Healing drinks author Stekolnikov Leonid Ilyich

Mineral water

From the author's book

Mineralnye Vody After a two-week stay in Novorossiysk, I finally set off. I managed to get a separate compartment, and the trip was completed in complete comfort. Of course, the trains did not run according to a definite and precise timetable, but about twice as long as before.

Mineral water

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (M) author Brockhaus F. A.

Mineral waters Mineral waters (historical and administrative; in medical terms - balneology and balneotherapy). - The use of M. waters, in the modern sense, that is, the systematic correct treatment of them, on the advice of a doctor, was practiced in Greece on a significant scale.

Mineral water


Mineral water

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MI) of the author TSB

Mineral water

From the book Liver Diseases [Most effective methods treatment] author Vasilyeva Alexandra

Mineral waters Balneotherapy - treatment with natural or artificially prepared waters. It says so in the encyclopedia. At the same time, treatment is understood as both the intake of mineral waters inside and bathing in them. One can write poems about the benefits of mineral waters, well, if not

Mineral water

From the book Kidney Disease [The Most Effective Treatments] author Vasilyeva Alexandra

Mineral waters With urate stones, it is best to drink alkaline mineral waters (Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Jermuk). With phosphate, it is advisable to use mineral waters that contribute to the oxidation of urine ("Dolomite

Mineral water

From the book Treatment of diseases genitourinary system author Miroshnichenko Svetlana Anatolievna

Mineral waters Treatment with mineral waters is highly effective and beneficial for the body. But mineral waters can bring even greater benefits if we drink them not only when we are already sick, but also before the onset of the disease, that is, for the purpose of prevention.

Mineral water

From the book Phytocosmetics: Recipes that give youth, health and beauty author Zakharov Yuri Alexandrovich

Mineral waters It is customary to call mineral waters waters of natural sources, characterized by a high content of biologically active substances. minerals and (or) having some special properties(chemical composition, radioactivity, temperature, etc.),

Mineral water

From the book How to restore health after illnesses, injuries, operations the author Popova Julia

Mineral waters In diseases of the stomach, mineral waters can be used to maintain the effect of the main treatment. Of the mineral waters, gastroenterologists recommend Essentuki No. 4 or 17, Starorusskaya Voda, Vytautas, Druskininkai, Mashuk No. 19 and others.

Mineral water

From the book Pancreatitis. What to do? author

Mineral waters Healing properties of mineral waters gastroenterologists who purposefully deal with pathology digestive tract, highly rated. The chemical composition of mineral waters is quite complex, mineral, organic and even

Mineral water

From the book Cholecystitis. What to do? author Eliseev Alexander Gennadievich

Mineral waters Mineral waters have special composition and special physical properties that distinguish medicinal waters from ordinary natural waters, and are therefore used in the treatment and prevention of diseases. The composition of mineral waters is quite complex, it includes mineral

There are not so many analogues of local "kvass" (mineral) waters in the world. The nearest ones are the French resort of La Bourboule, Baden-Baden in Germany, the springs on the island of Sakhalin and the resort of Nakchivan in Azerbaijan.

The history of "Gornaya Tisa" began in 1958, when a boarding house of the same name appeared here: they planned to improve the health of the USSR pilot-cosmonauts and the personnel of nuclear power plants. Lest you think that when you come here, you will settle in rooms with cracked plaster, and you will take "Sharko shower" in rooms with decrepit equipment: by 2008, the sanatorium was overhauled with the replacement of Soviet equipment with modern ones.

Sanatorium " Mountain Tisza"

In Kvasy there is the only source of arsenic mineral water in Ukraine - effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, endocrine, gynecological diseases and diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

In small doses, the use of this water tones and strengthens the body: with its help, you can improve digestion, increase the hemoglobin content and the number of red blood cells in the blood, reduce the breakdown of proteins, and increase the level of absorption of phosphorus and nitrogen.

Useful arsenic

Arsenic in most people is associated with deadly poison, and here is a surprise! - Can arsenic also be treated?

The point is this: the human body normally contains 0.1 g of arsenic, but it is unevenly distributed. The highest concentration is observed in the brain tissue, muscles and organs with a developed muscle layer- in the heart, larynx, vagina, uterus, bladder, tongue. Arsenic plays here important role: regulates correct use energy at the cellular level.

As soon as arsenic enters the body, the energy potential of cells and tissues increases. At the same time, arsenic can act on our body both with internal and external use (for example, by taking baths in mineral water).

Arsenic - strong remedy. So strong that it is able to heal even an organism poisoned by polonium (with the use of arsenic sodium).

What is treated in Kvasy?

Kvass water from Kvass can even be used to treat chronic and clinically combined forms of gout, there are improvements in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The positive effect of treatment can last from six months to a year.

Arsenic water enhances the protective and compensatory regulation of metabolism in arthritis and polyarthritis, eliminates metabolic disorders, improves joint motility.

A course of arsenic-containing baths can increase the content of ribonucleic acid in cells, change the content of ascorbic acid and glycogen.

Kvasovskaya mineral water has a positive effect on the processes of blood formation and the hormone-forming function of the thyroid gland.

The resort specializes in:

  • arthrosis-arthritis, arthrosis various etiologies including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout in remission;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine, including those complicated by hernias, protrusions, spondylarthrosis, spondylolisthesis, etc.;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • scoliosis, scoliotic posture;
  • hyperthyroidism ( increased function thyroid gland);
  • hypoacid gastritis;
  • psoriasis;
  • chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, vegetative-vascular disorders, including as a result of radioactive exposure;
  • consequences of injuries of the joints and spine.

There is a list of contraindications for staying in the Gornaya Tisa sanatorium, including arterial hypertension III degree, atrial fibrillation, infectious diseases, myocardial infarction (provided that the attack occurred at least 6 months ago), malignant and benign neoplasms, episyndromes, pregnancy, mental disorders, tuberculosis, as well as exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Treatment methods: baths alone are not enough

In addition to balneotherapy, in "Mountain Tisza" they treat with juices, herbs, needles (acupuncture), leeches and even bees - more precisely, bee products, in particular bee venom.

Methods of treatment in the sanatorium "Mountain Tisa"

At the same time, according to the doctor’s prescription, hardware physiotherapy, biorevitalization can be added to the patient’s wellness program, thanks to which it is possible to significantly improve the skin condition not only externally, but also from the inside, physiotherapy or massage, mesotherapy or ozone therapy, eloquently also called "medicine of the twentieth century."

Concerning water procedures, then they can not be counted! Steam treatment, arsenic mineral baths, underwater douche-massage, pearl baths, circular and ascending douches, "Sharko douche". And here you can also go to the infrared sauna, which stimulates blood circulation and improves blood microcirculation, increases the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, increases immunity, positively affects musculoskeletal system, eliminating cramps, pain in muscles and joints, insomnia and in general - making us people much more calm and balanced.

In addition to all of the above, visitors will take a course of climatotherapy - the Carpathians are able to work wonders by their very existence. It is impossible to imagine a better forest path leading into the distance over the hill if you need to treat muscles, joints, lungs or banal human laziness. So that all seven sweats do not immediately leave the patient, the sanatorium has developed special routes of varying complexity, which, with or without a doctor's prescription, can be used for beneficial purposes.

Kvass, author Yaroslav Tyurmenko


In order to diversify your stay in the sanatorium, a lot of interesting things will be offered to you directly in its administration - walking or horseback riding, excursions to cities near and far, even a cultural and local history excursion, on which you will be told about the Hutsul life, history, customs of the Carpathian people.

A tour of the 10 most interesting springs can take 3-4 hours! On such, for example, you can negotiate with Vitaliy Kabal, the cost of the excursion for the summer of 2015 was 250 hryvnia per group (contact number +38 097 998-26-89).

And finally: it was not for nothing that Kvass was named so for their "kvass" water - mineral springs there are more than 200, of which 22 are large sources.

Myths and legends have brought to us from the most distant times evidence that the waters healing springs been used since time immemorial. The ancient Greeks, for example, believed that Hercules gained his heroic strength by bathing in the magical spring of the Caucasus, so the mythical hero at one time was even considered the patron saint of healing waters.

Mineral water

In ancient times, the Greeks built sanctuaries near the healing springs, dedicated to god Asclepius (the Romans built temples in honor of Aesculapius in similar places). In Greece, archaeologists have discovered the ruins of an ancient hydropathic facility built around the 6th century BC. e.

The remains of ancient baths are also found here in the Caucasus, where they not only bathed, but were also treated with mineral waters. From generation to generation oral traditions were passed down miraculous properties waters gushing out of the ground here. This is also indicated by the names of many sources. Gak, "Narzan" ("Nart-sana") in translation from Balkar means "heroic drink".

The healing power of groundwater was a mystery to ancient people.

It was sometimes attributed to some mysterious creatures that supposedly lived in the springs. However, scientific attempts have been made to explain the effectiveness of mineral waters. Greek physician Archigenes, who lived in the 1st century AD. e., one of the first in the world to argue that the secret of groundwater is in their composition. He even took up the systematization of waters, dividing them into four groups: alkaline, ferruginous, salty and sulphurous.

About two thousand years have passed since then. Today, no one doubts that the strength of these waters is due to the substances contained in them. Some substances are found in mineral waters in the form of ions, others in the form of undissociated molecules, and still others are colloidal particles. Of course, different mineral waters differ from each other and set constituent parts and their ratio. Some of these "living waters" are suitable for drinking, others for therapeutic baths.

The history of the study and use of mineral waters in Russia is associated with the name of Peter I. By his order, the first hydrotherapy resort in Russia was built on the Marcial (ferrous) waters in Zaonezhye. Peter I himself was repeatedly treated with these waters, and on his own orders the first "Doctor's Rules on how to act with these waters" were drawn up.

The most famous hydrotherapy resort in the USSR, which also has world significance, is the Caucasian Mineral Waters, where a wonderful climate is combined with a large number of sources of the most diverse composition. The year 1803 is considered to be the date of the origin of the resort on the Caucasian mineral waters, when a doctor was sent here, and a fortress was already built at the Narzan spring - the embryo of the future city of Kislovodsk.

In 1823 professor-pharmacologist A.P. Nelyubin was sent to the Caucasus, who, after painstaking research, created the capital work “A complete historical, medical-topographic, physico-chemical and medical description of Caucasian mineral waters. Studying mineral composition waters was produced by the outstanding chemist N. N. Zinin, and the well-known clinician, founder of the Moscow therapeutic school G. A. Zakharyin spoke not only about the beneficial effect of waters at resorts, but also about the benefits of bottled waters in the clinic and at home.

A. S. Pushkin visited the Caucasian mineral waters twice - in 1820 and 1829. on the way to Arzrum. Recalling his first visit, Pushkin wrote:

“... the baths were in hastily built shacks. The springs, mostly in their original form, spouted, smoked and flowed down from the mountains different directions leaving behind white and reddish traces. We scooped boiling water with a ladle of bark or the bottom of a broken bottle ... "

Back in the middle of the 19th century, according to tradition, they were treated at the Caucasian mineral waters as follows: first " dead water"- at the sulfur springs of Pyatigorsk, then "living water" - in Zheleznovodsk and completed the course in Kislovodsk with "Narzan", which was taken in incredible quantities - 30 or more glasses a day!

Only since 1920, When the State Balneological Institute was established in Pyatigorsk by decision of the Soviet government, a systematic and comprehensive study of the effect of natural mineral waters began in our country. Nowadays, these issues are being developed at the institutes of balneology in Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia.

In the area of ​​Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodek, there are about 80 springs with water of 21 types. They provide about 10 million liters of water per day. Everyone here and abroad knows Narzan, Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 17, Smirnovskaya, Batalinskaya and other mineral waters. There is no other place in the world where so many sources are concentrated in a small space; diverse in composition and completely different in their effects on the human body.

So, the healing properties of mineral waters are determined primarily by how much salt they contain. This characteristic is called mineralization and is extremely diverse. For example, in the mineral water "Darasun" there are only 2 g of salts per 1 liter, in the famous "Narzan" - 4 g. This group of mineral waters is called medicinal table waters (mineralization in the range of 2-8 g / l). Such waters can sometimes be used as table drinks.

Along with an increase in the concentration of salts, the properties and purpose of mineral waters change significantly. In 1 liter of well-known water "Essentuki No. 17" there are about 12 g of salts, the mineralization of "Batalinskaya" is 20 g / l, and "Lugely" - up to 52 g / l. These mineral waters have a very strong action, therefore they belong to the group of medicinal. They drink them as directed by a doctor and in a strictly specified amount. So, a single dose of the unique Lugela water is just one tablespoon or even a teaspoon.

On the label affixed to the bottle mineral water, the chemical composition of water and the number of main constituents are usually indicated. Dissolved salts are represented by electrically charged particles - ions. As you know, ions can carry a positive or negative charge, and, depending on this, are called either cations or anions.

The healing properties of mineral water, its chemical essence is determined by six main ions: three cations - sodium, calcium, magnesium and three anions - chlorine, sulfate and bicarbonate. All variety of mineral waters in to a large extent created by various combinations of this magnificent six!

So, for example, the group, which includes "Borjomi", "Dilijan", "Nabeglavi", in which hydrocarbonate ions and sodium ions predominate, is the name of the group of hydrocarbonate sodium waters. In everyday life, they are also called in the old fashioned way - soda, or alkaline .

If sodium ions are combined with chlorine ions, then the water belongs to the group of sodium chloride, or salty, mineral waters. This group includes Mirgorodskaya, Rostovskaya. The combination of sodium, chlorine and bicarbonate gives a group of hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium mineral waters (they are also called "salt-alkaline"): "Essentuki M" 4, "Essentuki No. 17", "Arzni". But "Narzan" contains four main ions: magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate and sulfate, so it is called "sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium mineral water."

Carbon dioxide, or carbonic anhydride, or what we used to call "carbon dioxide" - makes mineral water palatable; carbonated water quenches thirst better.

It can be said that it is thanks to carbon dioxide in giant underground laboratories that many healing mineral waters are formed: dissolved carbon dioxide acts on the surrounding rocks, as a result of which calcium, magnesium and sodium hydrocarbonates are formed. Such wonderful waters as Narzan, Dilijan, Essentuki, Borjomi and many others owe their birth to C02.

Carbon dioxide is also needed to stabilize the chemical composition of mineral waters, therefore, before bottling, water is additionally saturated with carbon dioxide to preserve its healing properties.

It can be stated with full confidence that, in addition to the mentioned main six ions, almost the entire periodic table is present in mineral waters. Those elements that are contained in very small quantities are called microelements and even ultramicroelements. Among them are iron, cobalt, - molybdenum, arsenic, fluorine, manganese, copper, iodine, bromine, lithium. including those with a pronounced pharmacological action-, arsenic, iodine and bromine.

Iron is found in many mineral waters of Siberia and the Caucasus.

Most of the iron in the above-mentioned "Marcial" waters - up to 70 mg / l. The presence of iron makes healing even water with a very low mineralization, for example, "Polyustrovo" (less than 1 g / l). If the iron content reaches 20 mg / l, then the water is already considered “ferrous” and is prescribed to people suffering from anemia.

Arsenic is a substance with pronounced toxic and pharmacological properties.

Mineral waters containing 0.7 mg/l of arsenic and above have a specific therapeutic effect and are classified as mineral arsenic waters. "Avadhara", "TurshSu", "Jermuk" - medical table waters, they contain no more than 1.5 mg/l of arsenic. Among the arsenic mineral waters, the Chvizhepse water, or Sochi Narzan, also appeared.

Among drinking mineral waters there are also bromine.

(As you know, bromine is used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system.) Among them, "Lugela" and "Talitskaya" are used only on doctor's orders, and "Nizhne-Serginskaya" is a medical dining room. The lower the mineralization of water and the less chlorides in it, the more pronounced the effect of bromine on the human body. The group of iodine waters includes "Azovskaya", "Semigorskaya". Iodine is important trace element and plays an important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Drinking mineral waters also contain organic matter.

The organic composition of mineral waters has not yet been studied to a large extent. It is to him, most likely, that Naftusya, the mineral water of the Truskavets resort, owes its healing power.

By chemical composition There are six classes of mineral waters: bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, mixed, biologically active and carbonated. By temperature, mineral waters are divided into cold (up to 20 °C), subthermal (20-37 °C), thermal (37 - 42 °C) and hyperthermal (over 42 °C).

The technology of bottling of mineral waters necessarily includes, through asbestos, lamellar or ceramic filters, saturation carbon dioxide up to 0.3-0.4%. According to the requirements of the state standard, mineral water is a colorless liquid, without extraneous, unusual odors and tastes. Mineral water is bottled on powerful automatic and semi-automatic lines, into bottles, usually with a capacity of 0.5 and 0.33 liters. Each bottle must be labeled with the release date and description. By special permission, for some waters it is allowed to release without labels - "Narzan", "Kyiv", and the necessary data are indicated on the crown.

It should be noted that one cannot expect any miraculous effect from medicinal mineral waters. At correct application them, while maintaining a diet and general regime, with the exclusion of excessively irritating moments (primarily alcohol), the consumption of mineral waters gives good results.

Mineral waters bottled, however, find everything greater application as table water. This is explained by their pleasant taste, saturation with carbon dioxide and a number of other advantages over fresh water. With profuse sweating, our body loses with sweat significant amount salts. Consumption fresh water does not compensate for these losses, for this reason, undesirable depletion of the body with salts may occur.

It has been established that workers in hot shops sweat less when they quench their thirst with salted rather than fresh water. But mineral water is such salted water, but only in its composition, except table salt, includes others necessary for the body salt. Not to mention that the sanitary condition of bottled mineral water is always impeccable.

The main condition for the use of mineral waters as table waters is their low mineralization, since the use of highly mineralized waters can lead to undesirable results.

Taking into account the effects of mineral waters on the body, it can be assumed that sodium chloride type waters with a mineralization of not more than 4-4.5 g / l should be used as table waters; for hydrocarbonate waters, this limit is about 6 g/l, and for waters mixed composition it is between the given values. Reasonable use of mineral table waters has a beneficial effect on the body.

Mineral waters of our country.


Carbonic ferruginous bicarbonate-sodium mineral water of the "Borjomi" type. Contains arsenic in the amount of 1.2 mg/l. recommended for treatment gastrointestinal tract, liver, urinary tract. It can only be used as directed by a doctor. The source is located 16 km from the high mountain lake Ritsa in the Abkhaz ASSR.


Chloride sulfate, sodium mineral medicinal water. Recommended for diseases of the stomach and liver. Can also be used as a dining room. The source is located on the banks of the river. Or, 165 km from Alma-Ata (Ayak-Kalkan resort).


Carbonic ferruginous bicarbonate-calcium magnesium-sodium water. It is similar to the Darasun water, widely known in Transbaikalia, but has a higher mineralization. Good in the treatment of chronic catarrhs ​​of the stomach and intestines, chronic inflammation Bladder And renal pelvis. Source (Sour key) - in the Amur region.

"Arzni"- medical and table carbonic chloride bicarbonate-sodium mineral water. It has a pleasant sour taste. Indicated in the treatment of the digestive system, liver and urinary tract. Spring in the Arzni resort, in the gorge of the river. Hrazdan, 24 km from Yerevan.


Carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-magnesium water of medium mineralization. A close analogue of the Kislovodsk "Narzan". It can also be used as table water. The source is on the territory of the Arshan resort, 220 km from Irkutsk.


Hydrocarbonate-sodium mineral water of low mineralization with a high content of sulfates. The source is located in Middle Achaluki, 45 km from Grozny (Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). A pleasant, thirst-quenching table drink.


Carbonic bicarbonate sodium-calcium mineral water of low mineralization. Source - 2 km from the village. Badamly, Nakhichevan ASSR. It is famous as a wonderful table drink, refreshing and good thirst quencher.

This water is also used for catarrhal diseases of the stomach, intestines and urinary tract.


Bitter highly mineralized water with a high content of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate, is known as a very effective laxative. Distinguished by its mild action and does not cause pain. Source - near the station. Inozemtsevo, 9 km from Pyatigorsk.


Hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium-magnesium low-mineralized water with a high content organic matter. Regulates gastrointestinal secretion and increases diuresis. Springs - 25 km from Kharkov.


Carbonated hydrocarbonate sodium alkaline mineral water. Doctors recommend it to people suffering from diseases of the stomach and duodenum usually accompanied by hyperacidity, violations water-salt metabolism. "Borjomi" is prescribed for inflammatory processes upper respiratory tract and gastric mucosa, congestion in gallbladder and in the bile ducts.


is a world-famous mineral water, very pleasant in taste, perfectly quenches thirst. Its source is in Georgian SSR, in the resort of Borjomi.


Ferrous sulfate calcium water of low mineralization. Known in the western regions of Ukraine as a good remedy in diseases gastrointestinal a path, a liver and at an anemia. Can be used as table water.


Carbonic hydrocarbonate-chloride calcium-sodium mineral water. Nice table drink. It is also used in chronic catarrhs ​​of the stomach and intestines. The source is located in the gorge of the river. Shtifulets, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.


Chloride-sulphate sodium-magnesium mineral water, the source of which is located on the banks of the Neman (Lithuanian SSR). It is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract.


Sodium-calcium chloride water comes from a deep well on the territory of the Valmiera Meat Processing Plant (Latvian SSR). General mineralization 6.2. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

"Hot key"

Chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water of medium mineralization from spring No. 68 of the Goryachiy Klyuch resort, located 65 km from Krasnodar. In its composition, it is close to the water of Essentuki No. 4. It is very famous in the Kuban as a good remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and as a table drink.


Carbonic ferruginous bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium water with great content free carbon dioxide. Its source is located on the territory of one of the oldest resorts in Siberia Darasun in the Crimean district of the Chita region. Water "Darasun" (in translation means "Red Water") in its composition is close to the Kislovodsk "Narzan", but differs from it in the almost complete absence of sulfates and less mineralization. Widely known in Transbaikalia as a wonderful refreshing table drink. It is also used for therapeutic purposes in gastric catarrhs, chronic colitis and cystitis, phosphaturia.


Carbonic hydrocarbonate sulfate-sodium mineral water. Hot spring is located on the territory of the high-mountainous resort of Jermuk, 175 km from Yerevan. It is a fairly close analogue of the well-known waters of the Czechoslovakian resort of Karlovy Vary, but differs from them in lower mineralization and higher calcium content. It is also close in composition to the waters "Slavyanovskaya" and "Smirnovskaya".

Water "Jermuk"

A very effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, bile and urinary tract. It can also be used as table mineral water.


Carbonated hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water, similar in chemical composition to Borjomi, but with lower mineralization. It is used for diseases of the digestive system and urinary tract. It is indicated for catarrh of the stomach, mainly with high acidity.


-carbonate bicarbonate-chloride sodium water of medium mineralization. In terms of chemical composition, it is close to Essentuki No. 4 mineral water. The source is located on the right bank of the Tereblya River in Transcarpathian region. It is successfully used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract, obesity, mild forms of diabetes.


Chloride sodium mineral water. It is used in chronic catarrhs ​​of the stomach, mainly with low acidity, catarrh of the intestines. Spalis spring is located in the ancient resort of Druskininkai, 140 km from Vilnius.


General The name of a group of medicinal and table mineral waters, the numbering of which is carried out according to the sources of origin, located in the Stavropol Territory, in the resort of Essentuki.

"Essentuki No. 4"

Carbonic bicarbonate-chloride-sodium medicinal water of medium mineralization. Recommended for diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, urinary tract. Favorably affects metabolic processes, causing a shift acid-base balance to the alkaline side.

"Essentuki No. 17"

Carbonic bicarbonate-chloride sodium water of increased mineralization. It is used with great success in the same diseases as "Essentuki No. 4" (except for diseases of the urinary tract), and sometimes in conjunction with it.

"Essentuki No. 20"

-- table mineral water, belonging to the type of low-mineralized sulfate hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium waters. Bitter-salty in taste, with a sour taste of carbonic acid.


Sulfate-chloride-sodium-calcium-magnesium mineral water. Recommended in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, as well as metabolic disorders. It can also be used as a table drink. The source is located 2 km from the Izhevsk Mineral Waters resort in the village of Izhevka, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.


Carbonic bicarbonate-chloride sodium water of medium mineralization with a high content of sulfates of the hot spring of the Isti-Su resort, located 25 km from the regional center of Kelbajara (Azerbaijan SSR) at an altitude of 2225 m above sea level.

"Isti-Su" refers to the terminal waters and approaches in its composition to the waters of the Karlovy Vary resort in Czechoslovakia. The healing properties of this water have been known since ancient times. Indications for treatment with water "Isti-Su" - chronic catarrhs ​​and functional disorders of the stomach and intestines, chronic diseases liver, gallbladder, gout, obesity, mild forms of diabetes.


Sodium chloride thermal mineral water with a high content of bicarbonates. Refers to medicinal, but can also be used as a table drink. It is indicated in the treatment of chronic catarrhs ​​of the stomach, mainly with low acidity, chronic catarrhs ​​of the intestines. The source is located 35 km from Ordzhonikidze.


Chloride sodium-calcium-magnesium mineral water from a spring located on the territory of the Kemeri resort in the Latvian SSR. It is a very effective remedy in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Table mineral water of hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium type. Produced by the Kyiv Experimental Plant of Non-Alcoholic Drinks, where water treatment was introduced using an ionizer with silver ions (0.2 mg / l).


Low-mineralized sulphate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-sodium-calcium mineral water is a refreshing and thirst-quenching table drink.


Hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water of the Kornesht spring in the Moldavian SSR. It belongs to the waters of the "Borjomi" type, but is less mineralized and does not contain free carbon dioxide.



Sulfate-calcium mineral water with a high content of magnesium. With their healing properties known since the last century. It is very effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, urinary tract and metabolic disorders. It can also be used as a table drink.


Chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium water comes from a source located in the Kuyalnik resort in Odessa. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is a pleasant table drink that quenches thirst well.


Calcium chloride highly mineralized water is unique in its chemical composition. The source is located in the village of Mukhuri in Georgia. Due to the very high content calcium chloride used only as directed by a doctor. Indications for treatment: tuberculosis of the lungs and lymphatic glands, allergic diseases, inflammation of the kidneys with hematuria, as well as diseases in which calcium chloride is usually prescribed.


Carbonic bicarbonate sodium water of "Borjomi" type. Contains such biological active substances as boron, fluorine, silicic acid, as well as free carbon dioxide. It has high medicinal properties, it is used for diseases of the digestive system and liver.

This mineral water has been known since the 15th century. It began to be poured in 1872 - then it was called "Margit". It is divided into No. 1 and No. 2 - somewhat different in chemical composition. The source is located in the Svalyavsky district of the Transcarpathian region.


Sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium water of increased mineralization, similar to mineral water "Batalinskaya" is an effective laxative. The source is located 22 km from the Pyatigorsk resort. In terms of chemical composition, it is close to Batalinskaya, but differs from it in lower mineralization and a significantly higher content of chlorine ions.

"Mashuk No. 19"

Chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium-calcium thermal mineral water of medium mineralization. In composition, it is quite close to the water of the spring of the Karlovy Vary resort in Czechoslovakia. The drilling rig is located on Mount Mashuk in the Pyatigorsk resort. Is a good remedy in diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as in diseases of the digestive system. "Mirgorodskaya" - sodium chloride water of low mineralization. It has valuable healing properties: it helps to increase secretion and acidity gastric juice, stimulates the activity of the intestines, improves metabolism. It can also be used as a table drink, it quenches thirst well.


Carbonic bicarbonate sodium mineral water of the famous Borjomi water type. The source is located on the territory of the Nabeglavi resort. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-magnesium mineral water, which has won world fame. An excellent refreshing table drink. It quenches thirst well and promotes a good appetite.

It can be used to treat a number of diseases. Being well saturated with carbon dioxide, "Narzan" enhances the secretory activity of the digestive glands. A significant content of calcium bicarbonate makes this water a drink with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. "Narzan" has a beneficial effect on the activity of the urinary tract.

The sources are located in Kislovodsk.


Hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium medicinal water. Indispensable for urological diseases. Produced under the name "Truskavetska" ("Naftusya No. 2"), It contains significantly less organic matter than the water of the main source "Naftusya", located in the resort of Truskavets, Lviv region.


Chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium-magnesium table water. A good refreshing drink bottled in Kyiv at the Obolon brewery.


Ferrous low-mineralized water, known since 1718. Due to the high content of iron, it is used for anemia, blood loss, loss of strength. The intake of this water helps to increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood. It is also used as a table drink that quenches thirst well. The source is located near Leningrad.

"Polyana Kvasova"

Carbonated hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water with a significant content of carbonic acid. It surpasses Borjomi in terms of mineralization and hydrocarbonate content. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, urinary tract.

The source is located in the Transcarpathian region.


Carbonic ferruginous bicarbonate sodium-calcium mineral water. It is recommended in the treatment of chronic gastric catarrhs, mainly with high acidity, obesity, mild forms of diabetes, chronic catarrhs ​​and functional disorders intestines, with diseases of the urinary tract. It is also a pleasant table drink. The source is located in Georgia, on the territory of the Sairme resort.


Carbonated bicarbonate sodium water, known since ancient times. Since 1800 Svalyava has been exported to Vera and Paris as an exquisite table drink. From biologically active components contains boron. The source is located on the right bank of the Latoritsa River in the village. Svaliava, Transcarpathian region.

"Sergeevna M2"

Chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium water, in chemical composition resembles the well-known domestic mineral waters "Arzni", "Dzau-Suar", "Kuyalnik No. 4", "Hot Key". Recommended for peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis.


Carbonated bicarbonate sodium water of medium mineralization.

Close in composition to Borjomi. It is popular as an effective remedy in the treatment of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. Its sources are located 3 km from Nakhichevan, on the Araks.


Carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium-calcium water of low salinity. Its temperature at the exit to the surface is 38-39 °C. Very effective in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


In terms of chemical composition and mineralization, it is close to the water near the Slavyanovsk spring. It differs from it by a higher temperature (55 ° C) and a higher content of natural carbon dioxide. Indications for treatment with Smirnovskaya mineral water are the same as for Slavyanovskaya. Both can be used as a table drink.


- sulfate-chloride sodium water. The source is located 2 km from Feodosia - on Bald Mountain. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver. When drinking this water, the work of the intestines is regulated, in obese people suffering from a metabolic disorder, weight can decrease under the influence of this water.

"Kharkovskaya" is the name under which two types of mineral waters are produced from springs near Kharkov.

"Kharkovskaya M 1"

Bicarbonate calcium-sodium low-mineralized water is similar to Berezovskaya water. It is used as a table drink, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and metabolism.

"Kharkovskaya M 2"

Sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium-magnesium low-mineralized water. This water is a pleasant table drink, refreshing, thirst quenching. It is used for the same diseases as the water "Kharkovskaya No. 1".


Ferrous weakly mineralized chloride-sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium-magnesium water. Basically, this is table water, which tastes good and quenches thirst well. How can glandular be useful in different forms anemia and general loss of strength.

Artificial mineral waters are obtained by dissolving in drinking water neutral or alkali salts and saturation of the solution with carbon dioxide.

Soda water is a transparent colorless liquid of a salty taste, containing 0.2-0.25 soda, 0.15-0.1 sodium chloride of common salt.

Seltzer water is obtained by dissolving the same salts and calcium chloride (0.1-0.15), magnesium chloride. It also has a salty taste.


Depending on the nature of arsenic compounds, arsenic waters are distinguished, containing arsenic to-that (H 3 ASO 4) And its ions, and arsenic, to-rye contain arsenic (ortho-arsenic) to-that (H 3 AsO 3) and its ions. Arsenic min. waters are usually acidic sulfate waters(so-called vitriol) of the mine type (for example, the waters of the Zubi springs in the Georgian SSR). Arsenic waters, as a rule, belong to carbonic ones (for example, the Sinegorsk deposit in the Sakhalin region, the Darydag and Chvizhepsinsk deposits in the Caucasus, Gornaya Tisza in Transcarpathia), According to the arsenic content, M. m. divided into weak (0.7 - 5 mg / l), strong (5 - 10 mg / l) and very strong (over 10 mg / l). Max. the content of arsenic in arsenic carbonic waters (60 - 70 mg / l and more) was established in the USSR in the waters of the Sinegorsk deposit, in arsenic acid sulfate (vitriol) waters it reaches 200 mg / l and more.

With the so-called. the average background content of arsenic in groundwater, not exceeding 0.1 mg / l, the origin of M. m. associated with the entry of arsenic into groundwater as a result of leaching of arsenic ore masses and arsenic, which is in the rocks in a dispersed state, and also due to absorption by groundwater, i.e. endogenous (magmatic, etc.) emanations. Arsenic waters in the USSR are mainly located in the alpine (Transcarpathia, Caucasus) and Pacific (Sakhalin, Kamchatka) so-called. geosynclinal areas, with which the province of carbonic mines spatially coincides. water. In geol. structure of the Nalachaevsky deposit M. m. in Kamchatka (55 km north of the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) volcanic rocks play a role. The Chvizhepsinskoye deposit in the Krasnodar Territory is characterized by M. m. in crushed limestones and at the contact of sandstones and shale at depths. from 30 to 100 m. Arsenic waters of the Caucasus are confined to geologically young structures; it is assumed that their formation requires the presence of sedimentary and sedimentary-volcanic rocks enriched in arsenic. rocks, the presence of chloride waters in the structures, as well as the phenomena of magmatism, etc.

Use M. m. for drinking, inhalation and externally - in the form of baths, irrigation. Therapeutic the effect is due both to the content of biologically active arsenic compounds and other features of the min. water (gas content, primarily carbon dioxide, general mineralization, the presence of other chemical elements - sodium, chlorine, bromine, etc.). Both at vnutr., and at external application of M. of m of century. part of the arsenic enters the body (through the mucous membranes or skin). At the same time, arsenic affects enzymatic processes, contributing to a change in energy. cell potential and increasing their resistance to various influences. In the mechanism of action of M. m. a certain importance is also attached to the change in metabolism, the improvement of tissue respiration. As a result of M.'s application m. blood formation, functions of the cardiovascular system, stomach, intestines are stimulated, immune systems. Usually M. m. used to treat patients with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the blood, skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal. apparatus, stomach and intestines, nek-ry endocrine diseases.

In the USSR, M. m. with to lay down. the purpose is used in the resorts of Gornaya Tisa, Avadkhara, Sochi (Chvizhepse); abroad - at the resorts of Parade (Hungary), Bad Liebenstein (GDR), Roncegno (Italy), Carratraca (Spain), La Bourboule (France), etc.

Mineral waters of the USSR. Explanatory note to the map of mineral waters of the USSR, M., 1974; Possokhov E. V., Tolstikhin N. I., Mineralnye vody. Medical, industrial, energy, L., 1977.


  1. Resorts. Encyclopedic vocabulary / Chapter. ed. E. I. Chazov. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983. - 592 p.

ARSENIC WATER- natural mineral waters containing arsenic in an amount of more than 0.7 mg / l (mainly in the form of arsenic acid, as well as its dissociation products), used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

According to the content of arsenic (As) M. century. subdivided into weak arsenic (As 0.7-5.0 mg / l), to the Crimea include the waters of the deposits Avadkhara, Vardzia, Gornaya Tisza (well 1-R), Nakalakevi, Chvizhipse; strong arsenic (As from 5.0 to 10 mg / l) - Goverla (source No. 4), Gornaya Tisza (well 2-R), Nagadzhir; very strong arsenic (As St. 10 and up to about 100 mg / l) - Gornaya Tisza (well 2-K), Darydag, Sinegorskoye. In terms of pH, all M. in. are slightly acidic (almost neutral). By temperature they are divided into cold - below 20 ° (Avadhara, Sinegorskoye, Chvizhiise); hot - from 35 to 42 °, very hot - St. 42nd (Vardzia, Darydag, Nagajir. Nakalakevi). By amount of content mineral salts distinguish between waters with low mineralization - from 2 to 5 g/l (Gornaya Tisza - well 1-R, 4-R, 352 and 353, Chvizhipse), with medium mineralization - from 5 to 15 g/l (Avadkhara, Vardzia, Nagadzhir , Nakalakevi); with high mineralization - from 15 to 30 g/l (Goverla, Darydag, Sinegorskoe) and brine (Gornaya Tisza, well 2-K).

According to the ion-salt composition of M. century. mainly refer to bicarbonate calcium-sodium (Narzan type) and chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium or bicarbonate-chloride sodium water(type Essentuki No. 4, 17).

Carbonic arsenic mineral waters have the greatest use in balneology, the saturation of which with carbon dioxide reaches 3.5-9.0 g / l. In the USSR, approx. 20 carbonic mineral deposits The main group of sources of carbonic M. in. located in Transcarpathia, the Caucasus, Kamchatka, Sakhalin. Resorts with M. in. There are also in Poland (Kudowa), France (La Bourboule), Germany (Dürkheim), etc.

It is believed that the enrichment of underground mineral waters with arsenic occurs in the process of activation of leaching under conditions elevated temperature and pressure.

M. v. used for drinking treatment, general and local baths. When prescribing drinking treatment, it is assumed that the water received contains therapeutic dose arsenic (taking into account one-time, daily, course), adopted by the pharmacopoeia. Due to the different content of arsenic in the water of a particular source, the amount of water prescribed for drinking at one time can vary widely - from 5 to 200 ml. For example, the water of the Sinegorsk deposit at drinking cure dosed with teaspoons (about 5 ml per dose), water from the Chvizhepse deposit - up to one glass (about 200 ml) per dose.

For baths: for one bath, apply M. century. with arsenic content from 20 to 50 mg/l, temperature 36-37°; the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, for a course of treatment from 10 to 15 baths every other day or every day.

Both at internal, and at on-ruyashom M.'s application of century. arsenic ions penetrate intact skin or mucous membranes into internal environment organism. The intensity of arsenic penetration depends not only on the concentration of arsenic in mineral water, but also on the total mineralization of water, its main ionic composition: than more quantity arsenic, the general mineralization is higher and pH is lower, the penetration of arsenic ions through skin or mucous membrane is more intensive. - kish. tract. Arsenic enters all organs and tissues, but has a special affinity for the nervous and muscle tissue. Entering into enzymatic reactions of tissue respiration, arsenic reduces its intensity and reduces the level of free-radical oxidation, in connection with which the energy potential of cells increases, their resistance and the resistance of the body as a whole to damaging factors increase. Formed at external application of M. century. a raid of arsenic on the skin to a certain extent reduces the impulse from its receptors, this contributes to the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition in c. n. With. At drinking treatment arriving in cells of a mucous membrane went. - kish. tract arsenic increases its resistance to the aggressive action of gastric juice. An increase in the body's resistance occurs in connection with the activation of the body's adaptation systems, the normalization of the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Course of treatment M. century. improves central and peripheral hemodynamics, tissue trophism, accelerates regeneration processes, increases myocardial contractility.

Indications and Contraindications

M. v. are used mainly in diseases, the pathogenesis of which is associated with a violation of cellular metabolism: funkts, disorders of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system, hypertension stage I and II, atherosclerosis in initial stage, atherosclerotic coronary cardiosclerosis, ischemic disease heart, rheumatism (inactive phase), peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, endocrine diseases, hyperthyroidism, ovarian dysfunction on the background of hron, adnexitis (all diseases outside the period of exacerbation). At all specified diseases apply both internal, and external treatment of M. of century. or their combination, however at diseases went. - kish. tract - mainly internal, and in diseases of the cardiovascular system and metabolic diseases - mainly external.

Contraindications to M.'s application of century. serve all diseases, at which balneotherapy is contraindicated (see Sanatorium and resort selection, table).

Bibliography: Questions of experimental and clinical balneology and physiotherapy, ed. Yu. E. Danilova, p. 114, M., 1975, p. 33, 69, Moscow, 1976; Methods of prevention, diagnosis and therapy of endocrine disorders in women, ed. J.I. S. Persianinov and M. L. Krymskaya, p. 133, M., 1975; Arsenic-containing mineral waters of the USSR, ed. L. A. Yarotsky, M., 1973.

I. N. Danilova.



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