Is it possible to dilute penicillin with water. Benzylpenicillin - drugs (sodium salt, potassium salt, novocaine salt, benzathine benzylpenicillin, etc.), action, instructions for use (how to dilute, dosages, methods of administration), analogues, reviews, price

Penicillin- the legendary drug. It started the era of antibiotics that saved millions of human lives. Still this remedy used in the treatment of certain infections. Today it is fashionable to scold antibiotics, attributing to them all conceivable and unthinkable shortcomings. But with the advent of penicillin, the world has changed forever and has certainly become a better place.

Who Discovered Penicillin?

At the beginning of the 20th century, an infection control agent became a necessity. The population grew, especially in industrial cities. And with such crowding, any infection threatened with a large-scale epidemic.

Scientists already knew a lot about bacteria, the causative agents of the most common and dangerous diseases and some drugs were used. But for real effective medicine- did not exist.

At the end of the 20s of the last century (1881 - 1955) he actively studied pathogenic microorganisms, including staphylococci - the cause of many diseases.

Discovery history

Literature, including fiction, colorfully describes that the Scottish scientist was careless and did not deactivate bacterial cultures immediately after working with them. And one day he noticed that the growing mold had dissolved the colonies in one of the Petri dishes.

You need to understand that it was not an ordinary mold, but brought in from a neighboring laboratory. It turned out that it belongs to the genus Penicillium (penicillum). There were doubts about its variety, but experts determined that it was penicillium notatum.

Fleming began growing this fungus in nutrient broth bottles and testing it. It turned out that even with a strong dilution, this antiseptic is able to suppress the growth and reproduction of not only staphylococcus, but also other pathogenic cocci (gonococcus, pneumococcus), diphtheria bacillus. At the same time, cholera virions, causative agents of typhoid and paratyphoid did not react to the action of penicillium notatum.

But the main questions were how to isolate a pure substance that destroys bacteria, how to preserve its activity for a long time? - There was no answer to them. Fleming tried to use the broth topically - for processing festering wounds, for instillation into the eyes and nose (for rhinitis). But massive research has come to a standstill.

In the 40s, attempts to isolate pure penicillin were continued by the so-called Oxford Group of Microbiologists. Howard Walter Flory and Ernest Chain received a powder that could be diluted and injected.

Research was spurred on by the Second World War. In 1941, the Americans joined the research, who invented more efficient technology receiving penicillin. This medicine was needed on the fronts, where any injury and even just an abrasion threatened blood poisoning and death.

The Soviet government approached the Allies for a new drug, but received no response. Then the Institute of Experimental Medicine began its own work, headed by Z. V. Ermolyeva. Several dozen variants of the Penicillium fungus were studied and the most active one was isolated - Penicillium crustosum. In 1943, domestic "penicillin-crustosin" began to be produced on an industrial scale.

This drug turned out to be more effective than the American one. Flory himself visited Moscow to see this. He, too, wanted to get the original culture of our antibiotic. They did not refuse him, but they gave him Penicillium notatum, already known in the West.

The modern concept of antibiotics

Antimicrobial drugs today are divided into many groups. According to the method of production, they are divided into:

  1. Biosynthetic - natural - they are isolated from cultures of microorganisms;
  2. Semi-synthetic - they are obtained by chemical modification of substances released by microorganisms.

The classification by chemical composition is widely used:

  • β-lactam - penicillin, cephalosporin, etc.;
  • Macrolides - erythromycin, etc.;
  • Tetracyclines and so on.

Antibiotics are also divided according to the spectrum of action: broad spectrum, narrow spectrum. By predominant effect:

  1. bacteriostatic - stop the division of bacteria;
  2. bactericidal - destroy adult forms of bacteria.

Modern penicillin and natural antibiotics

Today the ancestor of all antibiotics is called benzylpenicillin. It is β-lactam natural preparation bactericidal action. IN pure form he is no different a wide range actions. Some species are sensitive to it. Gram-negative bacteria, anaerobes, spirochetes and some other pathogens.

It is to natural penicillins that most of the “claims” that they now like to make to all antibiotics can be attributed:

  1. They often cause allergies - immediate and delayed type reactions. Moreover, this applies to any means in which penicillin is present, including cosmetics and food products.
  2. Described and toxic effect penicillins on nervous system, mucous membranes (inflammation occurs), kidneys.
  3. When some microorganisms are suppressed, others can multiply extremely. This is how superinfections arise - for example,.
  4. This medicine must be administered in injections - it is destroyed in the stomach. In addition, the drug is rapidly excreted, which requires frequent injections.
  5. Many strains of microorganisms have or develop resistance to its action. Often people who misuse antibiotics are to blame.

But it is important to understand that such a (and wider) list unwanted effects penicillins appeared due to their excellent knowledge. All these flaws don't make this drug"poisonous" and do not cover the obvious benefits that it still brings to patients.

Suffice it to say that all international medical organizations recognized the possibility of treating pregnant women with penicillin.

To expand the spectrum of action of a natural antibiotic, it is combined with substances that destroy the protection of bacteria - β-lactamase inhibitors (sulbactam, clavulonic acid, etc.). Forms of prolonged action have also been developed.

Modern semi-synthetic modifications help to overcome the shortcomings of natural penicillin.

Antibiotics of the penicillin group

Natural penicillins:

  • benzylpenicillin (penicillin G);
  • phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V);
  • benzathine benzylpenicillin;
  • benzylpenicillin procaine;
  • benzathine phenoxymethylpenicillin.

Semi-synthetic penicillins:

Extended spectrum -

Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa -

  • Ticarcillin;
  • Azlocillin;
  • Piperacillin;

Against staphylococcus -

  • Oxacillin;

Combined with beta-lactamase inhibitors -

  • Ampicillin/sulbactam.

How to dilute penicillin

With each appointment of an antibiotic, the doctor must indicate the exact dose and dilution frequency. Attempts to "guess" them yourself will lead to dire consequences.

The standard dilution of penicillin is 100,000 IU per 1 ml of solvent (it can be sterile water for injection or saline). For different drugs different solvents are recommended.

For the procedure, you will need 2 syringes (or 2 needles) - for dilution and for injection.

  1. Following the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, open the solvent ampoule and draw right amount liquids.
  2. Pierce the rubber cap of the penicillin powder vial with a 90-degree needle. The tip of the needle should appear inside caps no more than 2 mm. Inject the solvent (required amount) into the vial. Disconnect the syringe from the needle.
  3. Shake the vial until the powder is completely dissolved. Put the syringe on the needle. Turn the vial upside down and draw the desired dose of medication into the syringe. Remove the vial from the needle.
  4. Change the needle to a new one - sterile, closed with a cap. Make an injection.

It is necessary to prepare the drug immediately before the injection - the activity of penicillin in the solution decreases sharply.

Penicillin - medicinal product from the group of antibiotics, obtained in a special way from penicillium - mold fungus.

What is the composition and form of release of the drug Penicillin?

The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in a homogeneous white powder with a characteristic weak odor. Medication intended for the preparation of a solution administered parenterally, in particular for subcutaneous injection and for injection into the gluteal muscle.

Active substance drug - penicillin G sodium salt 500,000 units, as well as 1,000,000 units. An antibiotic is sold in the prescription department. The date of manufacture of the medicine is reflected on the bottle with the medicine, in addition, the expiration date of the product is indicated on the package, after which it is necessary to refrain from subsequent use of the powder.

What is the action of Penicillin powder?

The drug Penicillin - an antibiotic belonging to the group of biosynthetic penicillins, has a bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of the cell wall of some pathogenic microorganisms.

Active against such microorganisms: Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus anthracis, in addition, Streptococcus spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Actinomyces spp., as well as Neisseria meningitidis, Spirochaetaceae.

After the intramuscular injection the antibiotic is rapidly absorbed directly from the injection site into the bloodstream, and the drug is widely distributed in the tissues human body and in biological fluids, but in cerebrospinal fluid enters in a small amount, penetrates the placenta well.

The half-life corresponds to thirty minutes. Excreted with urine. After injection of an antibiotic into a muscle, its maximum concentration in bloodstream will be celebrated after half an hour or sixty minutes. The concentration of the drug, as well as the duration of circulation active ingredient in the blood will depend on the size of the administered dose of the drug.

What are the indications for use of Penicillin?

The drug Penicillin instructions for use prescribes for use in the following situations: lobar and focal pneumonia, pleural empyema, meningitis, sepsis, septicemia, tonsillitis, in addition, septic endocarditis, osteomyelitis, infections urinary tract, purulent skin infections, erysipelas, diphtheria, gonorrhea, scarlet fever, syphilis, and anthrax, eye diseases, actinomycosis, purulent-inflammatory pathology of ENT organs.

What are the contraindications for Penicillin?

Antibiotic Penicillin (powder) instructions for use prohibits the use of hypersensitivity to its components, in addition, endolumbar administration of the drug is not carried out by patients suffering from epilepsy.

What is the use and dosage of Penicillin?

The drug Penicillin is used individually, the route of administration of the antibiotic: into the muscle, intravenously, subcutaneously, and also endolumbally. Usually in / m and / in the daily dose of the drug varies from 250,000 to 60 million units, which is determined by the stage infectious process.

A solution of the antibiotic Penicillin is prepared immediately before administration, while water for injection can be used as a solvent, or 0.9% sodium chloride is used, as well as a 0.5% solution of procaine.

It should be noted that when the antibiotic is diluted with procaine, a slight turbidity of the solution may be observed as a result of the formation of a crystal-like precipitate, which is not an obstacle to the subsequent use of the drug.

Which from penicillin side effects?

The use of the drug Penicillin, which we continue to talk about on this page, can cause a number of adverse reactions, among which the following manifestations: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting is not excluded, candidiasis of the vagina and oral cavity joins, the development of a neurotoxic reaction is not excluded, especially with endolumbar administration of an antibiotic into large doses, while there may be irritability, convulsions, and coma.

In addition, the antibiotic Penicillin can cause allergic reactions, characterized by fever, urticaria, joins skin rash, there is a rash on the mucous membranes, pain in the joints may occur, eosinophilia is characteristic, as well as angioedema.

Overdose from Penicillin

In case of an overdose of Penicillin, the patient will experience nausea and vomiting, it is possible liquid stool in addition, hyperkalemia, and also not excluded epileptic seizures. In such a situation, the patient is symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

With caution, Penicillin is used in persons with impaired renal function, with hypersensitivity to cephalosporins, with heart failure, in addition, with a predisposition to allergies.

If three days after the start of the use of the drug Penicillin therapeutic effect does not appear, then it is recommended to switch to the use of other antibiotics. In connection with the possibility of attaching fungal superinfection in the treatment with benzylpenicillin, it is recommended to prescribe antimycotic agents.

How to replace Penicillin, what analogs to use?

The drug Benzylpenicillin, Penicillin G, Benzylpenicillin-CMP, in addition, Novocin, Procaine benzylpenicillin sterile, as well as Procaine-Benzylpenicillin.



Benzylpenicillin potassium salt and benzylpenicillin sodium salt are administered intramuscularly, into a vein, under the skin or into the abdominal or pleural cavity. These substances can be produced in the form eye drops or aerosols. Inject sodium salt only endolumbally. For injection under the skin or into the muscles, make the solution with 1% novocaine.

Use benzylpenicillin novocaine salt as a suspension, prepare it with isotonic sodium chloride solution or sterile water for injection. The drug is administered once a day, only intramuscularly.

A suspension of novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin with an aqueous solution of ecmolin is also injected intramuscularly once a day. It is available in 2 bottles, which must be mixed according to the instructions and stored at room temperature.

drug long-acting is bicillin 1, it is injected with diseases that are caused by pathogens sensitive to penicillin. Prepare the suspension with isotonic saline ...

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100,000 IU - 1 ml solvent

Solvents for antibiotics:

0.25% and 0.5% novocaine

Water for injections

Dose ratio a/b in gr. and ED:

1.0 g = 1,000,000 units

0.5 g = 500,000 units

0.25g = 250,000 units

For example:

In a vial of 1,000,000 units of penicillin.

We know that for standard breeding a / b you need to take 1 ml of solvent for every 100,000 IU, so for this bottle we need: 1,000,000 IU: 100,000 IU \u003d 10 ml of solvent.

In a vial of 500,000 units of penicillin.

500,000 U: 100,000 U = 5 ml solvent.

In a vial of 250,000 units of penicillin.

For this bottle we need a solvent:

250,000 U: 100,000 U = 2.5 ml solvent.

The patient needs to enter 500,000 units of penicillin. There are 0.25 g bottles in the treatment room. How many bottles should I take? How many ml...

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Antibiotics of the penicillin group part 2!

BAKAMPICILLIN (Bacampicillin)

Synonyms: Baclofen, Lioresal, Penbak, Penglob.

Pharmachologic effect. Semi-synthetic antibiotic from the penicillin group for oral administration. It has a bacteriolytic (destroying bacteria) effect. It has a wide spectrum of activity, including gram-positive (streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci that do not produce penicillinase -

an enzyme that destroys penicillins) and gram-negative microorganisms (enterococci, gonococci, Escherichia and Haemophilus influenzae, as well as Branhamella catarralis, Proteus mirabilis, Shigella species). Acid-resistant, does not break down in the intestines.

Indications for use. Bacterial infections: bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi), pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), dysentery, salmonellosis, colienteritis (inflammation small intestine caused by coli), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney tissue and renal pelvis), purulent infections leather and soft...

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Rules for diluting antibiotics and collecting the drug from the vial

Purpose: parenteral administration medicines.

Indications: doctor's prescription.

Contraindications: expired medicinal product, violation of the vial sterility.

Equipment: a bottle of medicines, a syringe with a needle; 70% alcohol, cotton balls, scissors.

Rules for breeding antibiotics:

Solvents: 0.25% or 0.5% novocaine solution, 0.9% sodium solution chloride, sterile water for injection.

There is a rule:

1 ml of solution should contain 100,000 units of penicillin

Thus, if there are 500,000 units in the vial, then 5 ml of novocaine should be taken.

Algorithm of actions of a nurse:

1. Read the name on the bottle...

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Intramuscular administration of penicillin, especially in massive doses and for a long time, can lead to aseptic infiltrates at the injection site. Aseptic infiltrates result from hemorrhages at the injection site and compression of the vessels that feed the tissue. In the latter cases, tissue necrosis develops. Necrosis is more common in infants and with insufficient depth of needle insertion (if solutions enter the subcutaneous adipose tissue). Therefore, injections must be given slowly. The occurrence of infiltrates is usually not a contraindication for further injections, but it requires appropriate measures. The resorption of infiltrates is facilitated by thermal procedures: paraffin and ozocerite applications and UHF. The use of compresses is undesirable, as they lead to maceration of the skin in the injection area. Less commonly, septic abscesses occur at injection sites of penicillin or other antibiotics, caused by staphylococcus aureus resistant to them, falling on the needle with ...

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How to dilute cefazolin with novocaine

Most often, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly. Antibiotics for injection are produced in the form of a crystalline powder in special vials. Before use, it is dissolved in a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution (physiological solution of 0.9% sodium chloride), water for injection or 0.5% novocaine solution.

Let's look at the rules for diluting antibiotics.

The most popular antibiotic is penicillin (benzylpenicillin sodium or potassium salt). It is available in bottles of 250,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 units. Dosed in units of action.

Cefotaxime is used to treat pneumonia, meningitis, blood poisoning, endocarditis, infections genitourinary system, bones and joints. The use of this antibiotic in immunocompromised patients is also effective.

Dosage and dilution of cefotaxime

Before diluting cefotaxime, its dose is calculated, it depends ...

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The most popular is the antibiotic penicillin (benzylpenicillin sodium or potassium salt). It is available in bottles of 250,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 units. Dosed in units of action.

It is better to dissolve penicillin in 0.25% or 0.5% solution of novocaine, since it is better retained in the body. At individual intolerance novocaine use saline or water for injection.

There is a rule: 1 ml of solution MUST CONTAIN 100,000 IU. PENICILLIN

Thus, if there are 1,000,000 units in the vial, then 10 ml of novocaine should be taken.

Note. Antibiotics are produced in units (units of action), grams, milligrams and percentages.

1 g = 1,000,000 units

1. Take a vial, check the name of the antibiotic, dose, expiration date of the drug, the integrity of the vial.

2. Wash and disinfect hands, put on sterile rubber gloves.

3. Introduce solvent into the vial. For dilution of antibiotics dilution 1:1, 1:2,...

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Most often, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly. Antibiotics for injection are produced in the form of a crystalline powder in special vials. Before use, it is dissolved in a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution (physiological solution of 0.9% sodium chloride), water for injection or 0.25%, 0.5% novocaine solution, 2% lidocaine solution.

The most popular is the antibiotic PENICILLIN(benzylpenicillin sodium or potassium salt). It is available in bottles of 250,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 units. Dosed in units of action.

It is better to dissolve penicillin in a 0.25% or 0.5% solution of novocaine, because. it stays better in the body. With individual intolerance to novocaine, saline or water for injection is used.

There is a rule: For 100 thousand units (0.1 g) of penicillin (benzylpenicillin sodium salt), 1 ml of solvent is taken.

Thus, if there are 1,000,000 units in a vial, then 10 ml of novocaine should be taken.

X =------------------= 10 ml solvent

The solution of penicillin must not be heated, because. under the influence of high temperature, it collapses. Penicillin can be stored diluted for no more than a day. Keep penicillin in a cool and dark place. Iodine also destroys penicillin, so iodine tinctures are not used to treat the rubber stopper of the vial and the skin at the puncture site.

Penicillin is administered 4-6 times a day after 4 hours. If the contents of the vial are intended for one patient, penicillin is diluted arbitrarily with 2-3 ml of novocaine or water for injection (if there is an allergy).

STREPTOMYCIN can be dosed both in grams and in units (units of action). Streptomycin vials are available in 1.0 g, 0.5 g, 0.25 g. Therefore, in order to properly dilute it, you need to know TWO RULES:

1.0 gr. corresponds to 1000000 units.

0.5 gr - "-" - 500000 units.

0.25 gr - "-" - 250000 units.

250,000 units of streptomycin diluted with 1 ml of 0.5% novocaine

500000 IU - 2 ml of 0.5% novocaine

1000000 IU - 4 ml of 0.5% novocaine _

BICILLIN - antibiotic of prolonged (extended) action. Bicilin - 1, Bicilin - 3, Bicilin - 5. It is produced in bottles of 300,000 IU, 600,000 IU, 1,200,000 IU, 1,500,000 IU.

The solvent used is isotonic sodium chloride solution, water for injection. REMEMBER that 300,000 units take 2.5 ml of diluent

600000 IU - "-" - 5 ml

1200000 U - "-" - 10 ml

1500000 U - "-" - 10 ml

Rules for performing bicillin injections:

1. The injection is made as quickly as possible, because. the suspension crystallizes. The injection needle should be wide lumen. The air from the syringe must be released only through the needle cone.

2. The patient must be fully prepared for the injection. We dilute in the presence of the patient carefully. When diluting the suspension, there should be no foaming.

3. The suspension is quickly drawn into the syringe.

4. The drug is injected only i/m, deep into the muscle , better in the thigh with a 2-moment method: before insertion, after piercing the skin, pull the piston towards you and make sure that there is no blood in the syringe. Enter suspension.

5. Apply a heating pad to the injection site.

The popularity of penicillins is due to their pronounced bactericidal action, low toxicity and wide range dosages. Disadvantages of this class of antibiotics include frequent allergies for penicillin and high risk cross allergic reactions with others.

All representatives of this group can be divided into biosynthetic penicillins and semi-synthetic.

The first representative of natural antimicrobial drugs and the ancestor of the penicillin class is benzylpenicillin (penicillin).

The drug is completely unstable oral intake and completely destroyed gastrointestinal tract. Penicillin is for injection only. When administered intramuscularly, the drug is well absorbed and is able to create a significant therapeutic concentration within half an hour.

Other biosynthetic penicillins can be used for oral use. Phenoxymethylpenicillin preparations (Megacillin Oral ® , Penicillin v ®) and phenoxymethylpenicillin benzathine (Ospen) have good oral stability, their bioavailability is little dependent on food intake.

Other prolonged natural penicillins (benzylpenicillin procaine and benzathine benzylpenicillin) are administered intramuscularly.

Also, semi-synthetic penicillins are used orally (as a substitute for injectable penicillin):

  • extended spectrum (and Amoxicillin ®);
  • protected penicillins ( /Clavulanate ®);
  • a combination of two antibiotics (Ampicillin ® /).

Antistaphylococcal Oxacillin also has a tablet form of release.

Inhibitor-protected antipseudomonal protected penicillins (Ticarcillin / clavulanate ®, Piperacillin / tazobactam ®) and antipseudomonal non-protected penicillins are used only in / in.

Penicillin ® - what is it?

Benzylpenicillin ® is a biosynthetic antibiotic, the first natural antimicrobial drug.

Penicillin inhibits the synthesis of cell wall components in bacteria, violating the resistance of the membrane, provoking the death of the pathogen. The mechanism of action of penicillins is bactericidal.

The drug has low toxicity and low cost, but this moment the level of acquired resistance in staphylo-, gono-, pneumococci and bacteroids is quite high, which limits its use in the treatment of diseases caused by these pathogens.

Allergy to penicillin is the most common side effect of penicillin use. Therefore, before use, be sure to test for tolerance.

The antibiotic is active against non-penicillinase-forming strains of staphylococci, streptococci, treponema, anthrax and diphtheria, some gram-negative pathogens (meningococci), etc. Rickettsia and most gram pathogens, as well as penicillinase-producing strains, are resistant to penicillin.

Therapeutic concentration is reached half an hour after intramuscular injection. The drug is excreted from the body with urine, kidneys. Well accumulates in organs and tissues. However, it is unable to penetrate prostate and does not cross the hematoophthalmic and unchanged blood-brain barriers.

Pharmacological group of penicillin ®

Beta-lactam antibiotics are penicillins.

Release forms of penicillin ®

Benzylpenicillin is completely destroyed when it enters an acidic environment, therefore it is not used orally and does not have a tablet form.

For injection produced as benzylpenicillin:

  • sodium salt (penicillin g);
  • potassium salt;
  • procaine salt.

Procaine salt is characterized by the longest duration therapeutic effect. Sodium is the least toxic and rarely leads to local tissue irritation upon administration; it is used in pediatric practice.

Penicillin g is produced in the form of vials containing a powder for making injection solution 500 thousand units and 1 million units each.

Procaine salt has a release form of three hundred thousand, six hundred thousand and 1.2 million units.

Recipe for penicillin ® in Latin

An example of a prescription for penicillin in Latin:

Rp.: Benzylpenicillini-natrii 1000000ED
D.t.d. No. 10 in flac.
S. IM 1,000,000 IU 4 times a day in 2 ml of water for injection

Indications and contraindications for the appointment of penicillin ®

Prescribed for treatment bacterial infections associated with sensitive flora.

Topically, penicillin ® can be used for gargling and instillation into the nose (for purulent, bacterial rhinitis).

One of the methods of treating conjunctivitis in children is instillation weak solution penicillin, however, when using this drug, you should consult your pediatrician, independent appointment not recommended. This is due to the fact that an allergy to penicillin occurs even with local administration and can manifest itself not only as burning of the mucous membrane, redness of the eye, but also angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

Systemically penicillin ® can be prescribed to eliminate infections: wound, urinary tract, skin and pancreas. For therapy, osteomyelitis, septic endocarditis, . And also with, pyemia, diphtheria (in combination with toxoid), actinomycosis, anthrax. It is used in ENT pathologies and in ophthalmic practice.

The drug is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to penicillin or other beta-lactam drugs, as there is a high risk of cross-hypersensitivity. It is also not prescribed to newborn children, from mothers with intolerance to penicillin.

Intralumbar administration is not used for the treatment of patients with epilepsy.

Wed can be prescribed from birth, but children under two years of age are prescribed only for health reasons, strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Potassium salt is contraindicated in patients with arrhythmias and hyperkalemia.

It is used with caution for women who are carrying a child or breastfeeding.

Dosage and instructions for use of penicillin ® sodium salt in ampoules (injections)

Penicillin g can be used intramuscularly, intravenously (jet or drip introduction) and subcutaneously, endolumbar and intratracheal administration is also sometimes used.

Since allergy to penicillin is quite common, a sensitivity test to the drug is mandatory before administration.

Standard daily dosage for adults Penicillin g (intravenous administration) for moderate diseases ranges from one to two million units, with severe course infectious process - up to 20 million units.

The dosage administered at a time is from 250 thousand to five hundred thousand units. Penicillin is administered four times a day.

In patients with gas gangrene the daily dose is from 40 to 60 million units.

For babies up to a year, from 50 to 100 thousand units / kg are administered per day. From a year - 50 thousand units / kg. At serious illness the dosage can be raised to two hundred to three hundred thousand units / kg. daily dose should be divided into four to six introductions.

To comply with the penicillin dilution technique, the solution is prepared immediately before administration. When used intravenously, water for injection or 0.9% saline is used to dilute the powder. It is administered slowly, over 5 to 10 minutes.

With a drip appointment, dilute 0.9% saline and administered within one and a half hours.

Intravenous use can be alternated with the / m (once or twice / in a day, the rest intramuscularly).

For intramuscular injection, to dilute the powder, use water for injection, procaine solution, 0.9% saline.

Standard dose (per day) for moderate infections:

  • VDP (upper respiratory tract);
  • NDP (lower respiratory tract);
  • MVP (urinary);
  • ZhVP (biliary);
  • Skin and pancreas,

It is in the range from 2.5 to 5 million units (for adults). The dose is administered 4 times.

Also, the drug can be used subcutaneously, for the purpose of chipping inflammatory infiltrates. Penicillin at a dose of 100 to 200 thousand is diluted with 0.25-0.5% procaine solution (1 milliliter).

In ophthalmology, it is used in a dose of 20 to 100 thousand, diluted with saline or distilled water. Assign 1-2 drops four to six times a day. Before using the drug, you must always consult with your doctor.

Features of the use of penicillin ®

It is important to remember that all parenteral penicillin solutions must be used immediately. Since during storage wed-in breaks down into metabolites.

With prolonged use of the antibiotic, the risk of fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes increases, therefore, for the purpose of prevention, B vitamins are prescribed, ascorbic acid, antifungals(Nystatin ® , less often Levorin ®).

It must be remembered that courses of treatment that are insufficient in duration, as well as low dosages, can cause the formation of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

During penicillin therapy, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, as they are categorically incompatible, juices, sweets, yogurts and milk. It is also recommended to exclude muffins and carbonated drinks.

Symptoms of an overdose of the drug are manifested by convulsions, meningeal symptoms, loss of consciousness, electrolyte disturbances, arrhythmias.

Treatment of overdose is symptomatic. In severe cases, hemodialysis may be performed.

Penicillin can be used to treat women who are carrying a child, however, when prescribing the drug during lactation, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding. This is due to the ability of the antibiotic to penetrate into milk and cause sensitization, dyspeptic disorders And fungal infections at the breast.

If there is no effect from penicillin monotherapy for three to five days, it is necessary to switch to a combined one. antibiotic therapy or switch medications.
Penicillin is not combined with Allopurinol ® , this can lead to a non-allergic rash.

Also, it is not prescribed with tetracycline, due to the antagonistic interaction of benzylpenicillin with bacteriostatic antimicrobial agents.

WITH bactericidal antibiotics penicillin interacts synergistically.

Levels efficiency hormonal contraceptives, increasing the risk unwanted pregnancy or bleeding (if used for medicinal purposes).

Not combined with anticoagulant drugs, this combination can cause bleeding. When prescribing an antibiotic to this category of patients, it is necessary to carefully and regularly monitor the prothrombin time.

The antibiotic does not affect the speed of mental and motor reactions, and does not affect the ability to drive a car. However, it is important to consider the risk side effects drugs on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, since side effects may affect the ability to work with complex mechanisms.

Allergy to penicillin ® and other side effects from the use

Undesirable effects from use may be manifested by an allergy to penicillin varying degrees gravity. Intolerance can be manifested by urticaria, common and exfoliative dermatitis, arthralgia, bronchospasm, eosinophilia, angioedema, fever, erythema multiforme. Anaphylactic shock, thrombocytopenic purpura.

When using sodium salt (penicillin g), the pumping function of the heart may decrease.

Potassium is characterized by cardiac arrhythmias and hyperkalemia, in rare cases possible cardiac arrest.

Also possible: jade, meningeal symptoms development of seizures.

In the blood test, a decrease in the number of leukocytes and neutrophils is possible. Hemolytic anemia rarely develops.

There may be gastrointestinal disturbances, phlebitis at the injection site (to prevent this, change the injection site every two days), and.

In the treatment of syphilis, Jarisch-Herxheimer syndrome may develop, characterized by chills, fever, pain in muscles and joints, serum sickness, tachycardia, sharp decline AD (up to collapse), abdominal pain and rarely, heart failure.



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