Culinary recipes with photographs. ASD for cancer - how the drug works, evidence base

Hello my dear. Thank you for not forgetting and visiting my site. Many have heard, or maybe someone has already tried treatment with ASD-2. For those who have not heard anything about this drug, I will briefly tell the story of its creation.

Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the task was set to create a drug that would protect the body from radiation and increase immunity, but at the same time remain accessible for production. And only after 5 years one candidate of sciences A.V. In the VIEV laboratory, Dorogov managed to get closer to solving the problem using a non-traditional and experimental method.

So where was this drug obtained from? At first, the drug was extracted from frogs, but later they began to use meat and bone meal, since during heat treatment, data on the type of use of the body is not saved. The first fraction was similar to water and had no biological value. During the testing process, 2 more fractions were obtained; they were dissolved in water, fats and alcohol. Therefore, only the last two fractions could be used for animal and human organisms.

The ASD-3 fraction was recognized for external treatment, which cannot be said about the ASD-2 fraction. ASD-2 is highly soluble in water and has been used both externally and internally. During the experiments, effective treatment of various oncological diseases without side effects was revealed. The drug ASD - 2 quickly established itself as a drug for the treatment of pulmonary, gastrointestinal, skin, and cancer diseases. But the “Heads” of the Ministry of Health negatively accepted the fact that such a “miracle drug” was developed by a veterinarian. Therefore, this drug has not had official recognition for a long time, but is already widely used in medicine. So we briefly got acquainted with the history of the creation of the drug ASD.

Now I will tell you several options for treating lung cancer with the “miracle drug” ASD-2:

The first option is the simplest and most effective.

Treatment option #1

We dilute 5 drops of ASD-2 in 50 ml of drinking water, then wash it down with infusion of oregano and so on 4 times a day. The course of administration is strict, since the reception is time-bound, we begin at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours, according to this scheme we take 25 days. Afterwards we take a break for 10 days, during this period we take metronidazole 0.25 mg/3 times a day.

Treatment option No. 2

Together with taking ASD-2 for oncology, we also do the same procedures: intestinal microenemas. To prepare, take 50 ml of warm boiled water at 36-37C and 12 drops of the drug, then take the “birch tree” pose or put a pillow on it - this will allow the drug to be completely absorbed. It is better to do the course of procedures at night for 25 days without breaks. At the end of the course, it is advisable to re-examine and donate blood.

Treatment option No. 3

The third treatment option follows the 1/40/1 scheme, or as it is also called “slide”, and has become effective for the treatment of ASD-2 lung cancer. You need to start at 0.5 tbsp. We take just one drop of water (water can be replaced with: carrot juice or oregano infusion), add drop by drop every day up to 40 drops. We take 40 drops a day, then we begin to reduce it to 1 drop.

Treatment option No. 4

Option 4: Scheme of A.V. himself. Dorogova for the treatment of cancer

8 hours 12 hours 16 hours 20 hours

5 drops - 5 days 5 drops - 5 days 5 drops - 5 days 5 drops - 5 days

10 drops - 5 days 10 drops - 5 days 10 drops - 5 days 10 drops - 5 days

15 drops - 5 days 15 drops - 5 days 15 drops - 5 days 15 drops - 5 days

20 drops - 5 days 20 drops - 5 days 20 drops - 5 days 20 drops - 5 days

25 drops - 5 days 25 drops - 5 days 25 drops - 5 days 25 drops - 5 days

30 drops - 5 days 30 drops - 5 days 30 drops - 5 days 30 drops - 5 days

35 drops - 5 days 35 drops - 5 days 35 drops - 5 days 35 drops - 5 days

40 drops - 5 days 40 drops - 5 days 40 drops - 5 days 40 drops - 5 days

45 drops - 5 days 45 drops - 5 days 45 drops - 5 days 45 drops - 5 days

50 drops - until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery 50 drops. - until recovery

And I almost forgot, you need to use the drug ASD-2 extremely carefully. The drug loses its properties upon contact with air - this is one minus, but not significant enough in relation to its medicinal properties. The drug must be drawn up with a syringe with a needle through a rubber cap, removing the aluminum circle (there is no need to remove the entire cap). To prepare the required dosage for administration, it is necessary to introduce the drug directly into the water without introducing air, introducing the drug slowly. I also want to note that the drug has a rather pungent odor due to the content of carboxylic acids, compounds with a sulfhydryl group, cyclic and aliphatic carbohydrates, as well as amide derivatives.

Cancer today ranks second among the causes of death, with cardiovascular diseases in first place. All over the world, many scientists and doctors are searching for an effective cure for cancer, and some of the developments are worthy of attention. Among them we can name ASD2.

1. What is ASD2?

This drug is an antiseptic stimulant that was invented by a Soviet scientist specializing in veterinary medicine, A.V. Dorogov. He studied how sorbents act in the body of animals during poisoning. ASD stands for “antiseptic Dorogov stimulant.”

He discovered that if animal tissue (for example, frogs) is burned, the resulting substances have new and very interesting properties. A large number of experiments were carried out, and finally, the substance began to be used for the effective treatment of patients with trophic ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds, chronic inflammation, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and other serious diseases.

2. ASD2 for humans with oncology – is it effective or not?

The ASD2 fraction is a very effective way to combat cancer. There is information that Beria’s mother managed to cope with uterine cancer in its most severe form, which caused metastasis to the liver and lungs. But subsequently, the scientist who discovered a panacea for cancer began to be persecuted for no apparent reason, and in the end he died in a rather mysterious way. It is possible that the reason for the persecution was that A.V. Dorogov was an ordinary veterinarian who managed to make a great discovery that saved many lives. And professors of medicine had to learn from this genius.

Today, the study of the action of fraction 2 ASD and its improvement continues. It is officially approved in the field of veterinary medicine for the treatment of animals, and is very widely used in the treatment of various diseases. The third fraction of this drug (ASD-3) was patented, which helps well with various skin lesions.

As for ASD2, its main positive effect is that it helps to quickly restore and strengthen the immune system and normalize all metabolic processes at the cellular level. In this case, the effect is produced not only on individual types of tissues and microorganisms, but also on the body as a whole.

It was found that most diseases occur due to severe stress, primarily chronic stress. The body has a perfect self-healing and protection mechanism, but it does not work 100% if there is a disease or other pathology. ASD fractions are designed to activate the body's defenses for effective and quick victory over diseases.

3. How does ASD-2 work?

In case of cancer in humans, the use of ASD2 causes many positive effects. Among them are the following results:

  • body tissues become more resistant to various negative factors, including stress;
  • fraction 2 ASD easily penetrates all cells, regardless of the type of tissue, and is not rejected by the body due to the fact that it is similar in structure to ordinary living cells;
  • When using this drug, no negative side effects are detected, it can be used during pregnancy;
  • ASD has a positive effect on hormonal levels, restoring them to normal;
  • when using this drug, the functions of the peripheral nervous system are activated;
  • the second fraction acts as an effective immunomodulator, helping to restore the impaired functioning of the immune system;
  • metabolism is restored, and after long-term use of the drug, the joint work of all tissues, organs and their systems, even at the cellular level, becomes harmonious and rhythmic, which leads to the restoration of the healthy functioning of the entire body.

As can be seen from the list above, this product has a lot of positive qualities. With all this, it is completely non-toxic and does not cause any harm to the body. For any disease, patients tolerate it well. The course of treatment with fraction 2 ASD takes a long time, while signs of intoxication of the body, as well as symptoms of accumulation of the substance, are not observed.

Of course, no medicine can do without its drawbacks. The only disadvantage of ASD2 is that it has a very unpleasant and quite strong odor. But you need to remember that a bad smell can be tolerated if this medicine allows you to get rid of serious diseases, including cancer.

4. ASD2 for humans: scheme of use in oncology

For oncological diseases, there is a certain scheme according to which you need to take this remedy, previously diluted in the required amount in cool boiled water. For cancer, you need to drink the fraction dissolved in water in the mornings half an hour before breakfast and in the evenings 2-3 hours after meals. There is an opinion that after taking the drug, the blood thickens, for this reason, in order to avoid problems, you need to drink lemons, citrus juices, or Cardiomagnyl or Aspirin every day. To remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, you need to drink more fluid - the minimum recommended amount is about two liters per day.

There are two options for using ASD-2: gentle mode and intensive. With the first method, you need to drink a fraction diluted in 30-40 milliliters of water or tea at room temperature for four weeks according to a certain scheme: 1st day - 3 drops, 2nd - five, 3rd - seven, 4th – nine, 5th – 11, 6th – 13, 7th – need to take a break. Second, third and fourth week - the dosage will be similar to the first week. After this you need to take a break for one week. Then continue taking it according to the already familiar scheme, but you need to start with an amount of five drops, adding two drops of fraction to this amount every day. After four weeks of taking it, you need to take another week's break.

The intensive method of treatment involves using the drug four times a day every four hours. During the first five days you need to take the drug five drops at a time, for the next five days you need to drink the drug 10 drops at a time, then you need to add another five drops (that’s 15). Thus, after a few weeks a single dose of 50 drops will be reached; this amount will need to be taken until recovery.

Here is a short video in which you will learn how to drink ASD2 for prevention

ASD is a product of organic raw materials that is of animal origin and has undergone heat treatment. The drug is called an antiseptic stimulant for its ability to penetrate tissues without causing side effects and restore hormonal levels, normalize the functioning of the peripheral nervous system and increase the body's resistance to various external and internal influences.

How does the ASD-2 fraction work?

A method for treating various diseases, including cancer, with the ASD-2 fraction was developed by scientist A.V. Dorogov. He conducted a series of studies with the ASD-2 fraction and found that this drug has an antibacterial effect, stimulating immune defense and improving nutrition and tissue metabolism. In addition, the drug increases the overall tone of the body, eliminates increased and relieves intoxication. Many scientists conducted research on the ASD-2 fraction, in particular, Professor Aleutsky, who proved that the drug can be combined with both traditional and cancer treatment methods, in particular, multicomponent herbal remedies, tinctures of potent poisonous herbs - hemlock, aconite and fly agaric. However, treatment should be supervised by an experienced herbalist.

How to use the ASD-2 fraction to treat cancer

Herbalists recommend fraction ASD-2 for cancer of the lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach, body, mammary glands and other organs. According to research, there are many people with diseases of the circulatory and lymphatic systems - leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis. The purified ASD-2 fraction is also effective in the treatment of benign neoplasms. Herbal medicines based on multicomponent herbal mixtures and medicinal herbs should be selected strictly individually, depending on the nature of the patient’s disease. We are talking about lymphatic drainage, blood purifying, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, adaptogenic and other infusions.

ASD-2 cannot be combined with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Treatment with the ASD-2 fraction involves several treatment regimens. However, it is worth noting that Dorogov himself recommended taking the drug only on an empty stomach, adding it to water or strong tea 20-30 minutes before breakfast. But other treatments continue to be popular.

a) add 1-2 drops of the drug to water, kefir or milk 1 hour after meals two to three times a day. Every day you need to increase the dosage by 1-2 drops, gradually reaching 40 drops three times a day, and continue treatment at this dosage for 1-3 months. At the initial stage of cancer, 10-20 drops will be enough, in any case, everything is decided by the oncologist-herbalist.

b) With the second scheme, you also need to gradually increase the dosage of the drug to 40 drops and start reducing it again to 1 drop 2-3 times a day. Treatment of cancer with the ASD-2 fraction also includes short shock treatments with a short break, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Published: May 28, 2015 at 04:19 pm

The use of ASD 2 has positive results in the prevention and treatment of stomach cancer. This is an antiseptic stimulant obtained from raw materials of animal origin. The feasibility of using the fraction for stomach cancer is due to its stimulation of the secretory function of the digestive glands, improving the activity of tissue and digestive enzymes. It has an activating effect on the autonomic, nervous systems and central nervous system. Increases the permeability of K+, Na+ ions, as well as nutrients through cell membranes, ASD 2 is a powerful immunostimulant with pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Non-toxic and non-cumulative.

Due to its similarity in structure to a living cell, ASD 2 is not rejected by the body and easily overcomes the placental and tissue barriers. Helps normalize the function of metabolic processes, both in all kinds of dystrophic conditions, and in a healthy body for the purpose of prevention. The fraction does not affect any microbe or bacterium, but the human body itself. Gives him the material and strength to fight the disease himself.

Treatment of stomach cancer with ASD 2

Dorogov (the creator of the faction) developed a regimen of four doses of the drug for stomach cancer. The dosage was 5 drops of ASD 2 every four hours, always starting at 8:00. And so on for five days, and then a break is needed for two to three days. Afterwards, another five-day therapy, but 10 drops of the drug four times a day and then another break. After each break, increase the number of drops by 5. And continue treatment of stomach cancer up to 50 drops per time of taking the drug. Having reached this maximum, continue to take 50 drops at a time until complete recovery.

ASD 2 for stomach cancer is taken only in diluted form. It is recommended to dissolve any number of drops in a glass of water or milk. Such strict use of the drug is not suitable for all patients. Therefore, you should start taking 1 drop of ASD 2 per day and increase the dosage by 1 drop over 25 days. The appointment time remains the same (8:00). And already on the 26th day, start taking the fraction four times, 25 drops at a time. And continue this way for five days. Then you need to reduce the dosage to 20 per dose four times a day. After five days of this use, increase the amount again to 25 drops per dose. Use the same four times a day for five days. Next, increase the number of drops to 30 at a time, and this must be continued until complete recovery from cancer.



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