Slight bleeding in the middle of the cycle, what to do. Bleeding in the middle of the cycle - definition and causes

Bleeding that occurs between menstruation in a woman always causes fear and bewilderment, although it belongs to frequent occurrences. It is considered normal if this happens a few days before the start of menstruation or immediately after it ends. But similar symptoms, appeared in the middle menstrual cycle, may be evidence of ongoing disorders in the internal genital organs. Such bleeding is usually divided into two types, depending on their nature, namely: metrorrhagia with heavy blood loss and intermenstrual bleeding.

As a rule, bleeding occurs 10-15 days after the end of menstruation and does not pass profusely and ends on average within one to three days. In the event that this continues longer or even intensifies, the help of a doctor is necessary. There may be several reasons why such cycle disorders occur in the female body:

Uterine bleeding can occur from the development of diseases in the reproductive system, namely:

  • cervical erosion;
  • development of endometritis;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammation of the appendages.

Development of such pathological processes requires immediate treatment, especially medical intervention is necessary when the discharge is accompanied by fever or dull pain. Special attention those discharges that appear after sexual intercourse also require.

Intermenstrual bleeding may occur in the first months of using hormonal hormones. contraception. If this continues no longer than 2-4 months, gradually subsiding, then this deviation from the norm should not be a concern.

In other cases, intermenstrual bleeding most often occurs for the following reasons:

Bleeding or menstruation - the main differences

There are some pretty specific differences between bleeding and menstruation. Menstruation is a monthly flow of blood that is natural and considered the most important final process menstrual function. It is intended
rid the body of exfoliated particles of epithelium that have become unnecessary due to lack of pregnancy. The bleeding is dangerous deviation from the norm, which signals the development of any disorders in the reproductive system.

In the absence of pathologies that can cause such disorders, the so-called, which occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus, may occur. At the moment of attachment, a rupture occurs blood vessels leading to light bleeding. Typically, implantation occurs before menstruation, about a week before its onset, and often leads to erroneous determination of the onset of menstruation.

To be sure of the reason for the appearance of bloody discharge, you need to know their differences:

  • Duration. Bleeding caused by implantation, unlike menstruation, lasts no more than one day.
  • Intensity. Implantation bleeding can hardly be called full-fledged bleeding, since the discharge is very insignificant.
  • Color Differences. Implantation bleeding is only present blood streaks, basically they are only slightly yellowish or pink in color.
  • P during implantation Women can only occasionally feel mild bursting pain.
  • Basal temperature during implantation it will be below 37 degrees, and after that it will rise sharply.

The conclusion suggests itself: the main differences between implantation bleeding and menstruation are that it loses a small amount of blood, it does not last long, and in most cases it is painless.

Intermenstrual discharge in a teenager

The release of blood not at the expected time is a fairly common deviation from the norm, which manifests itself during the formation of hormonal levels in girls in adolescence. This period in life future woman is responsible for the functioning reproductive organs throughout the rest of your life.

Organs internal secretion cannot immediately begin to function at full capacity, these
The formation processes can continue for a certain amount of time, which is individual for each woman. During this period, the girl may experience acyclic bleeding with long breaks between them, varying in intensity and duration. Everything that happens in this age period can be considered normal and does not require treatment.

The unplanned onset of menstruation in adolescents often occurs without much profuseness and without pain. You should only be alarmed if there is severe blood loss - hemorrhage, in which it is impossible to stop the bleeding ordinary measures. In this situation, it is necessary to establish the causes of the violations that have arisen and eliminate the pathology using medicines. Hemorrhage is considered a rather serious disease that can cause serious damage to a fragile young body.

Contact for urgent help It is necessary to consult a specialist in the following situations:

  1. a long period of bleeding that cannot be stopped;
  2. profuse bleeding with large blood loss;
  3. bleeding accompanied by severe pain, nausea, general weakness, headaches;
  4. repeated bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle or before menstruation, which are most often signs of fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Bleeding when taking hormonal drugs

Modern pharmacology offers women a choice huge list means to protect against unwanted this moment, pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives are often used for this purpose, which are almost one hundred percent effective, but are nevertheless capable of providing some side effects. One of them may be the occurrence of bleeding from taking contraceptive medications.

Irregularities in the menstrual cycle due to the effects of hormones on the body often occur
and depends on the type of contraceptive. The reception of each of them makes changes to hormonal background, which adapts to new conditions over time. After the required period hormonal changes, individual for each organism, adaptation occurs and bleeding outside the cycle disappears.

In cases where problems do not disappear over time and continue for more than 4-5 months, it is better to stop taking this drug and consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the cause of bleeding was not the contraceptive, but incorrect dosage or non-compliance with the dosage schedule hormonal contraceptive. To correct the developed condition, doctors use special drugs, capable of neutralizing their effect. These include Duphaston, which is used not only for diseases affecting the ovaries, but also to stop bleeding in the middle of cycles.

If taking hormonal contraceptives caused bleeding between periods, and after a certain time they did not disappear, an attempt to change the dose or another drug with similar properties was unsuccessful, then it is better to abandon them. There are other methods of preventing pregnancy, one of which can help avoid abortion.

Blood discharge from fibroids

The appearance of heavy periods, as well as uterine bleeding that occurs between periods, are considered the most common symptoms of the development of uterine fibroids.

Such bleeding occurs for the following reasons:

The appearance of pain from the presence of fibroids, as well as the resulting heavy blood loss, become the main reasons for the operation. Growing to a large size, it begins to compress nearby organs, which causes pain. Myoma stretches the walls of the uterus, the abdomen can increase in size, and in addition to menstruation, bleeding may occur in the middle of the cycle.

Intermenstrual bleeding with a cyst

There is another type of pathology - a cyst, which is a liquid formation in the ovary. The cyst is filled with blood or fluid and has several various types. Most of them are harmless, and some can cause great harm and therefore need certain treatment. A condition in which there is a threat of rupture of the cyst with further penetration of the contents into the cyst is considered dangerous. abdominal cavity. As a result of what happened, a abdominal bleeding, which poses a threat to life. Severe consequences may be caused by its torsion and suppuration, which leads to the development of peritonitis. The cyst may also degenerate into a malignant form.

Bleeding during menopause

The period of menopause and the time before the onset of menopause has a number of features characteristic
for each female body. The processes occurring during this period take quite a long time and depend on hormonal levels. Until complete extinction reproductive functions a woman may experience various disorders at the menstrual level. One of these is bleeding, which can be scanty or profuse. Due to the fact that bleeding during menopause can occur for various reasons, diagnostic difficulties may arise.

However, a number existing signs is able to most accurately indicate the nature of the pathology:

  • Copious blood loss. Large volumes of blood released are a reliable symptom indicating cycle disorders during menopause.
  • Existing blood clots in the discharge, as well as bleeding resulting from sexual intercourse.
  • Shift in the start of menstruation.

This can happen during premenopause. Hormonal instability during menopause can contribute to the development of malignant neoplasms.

Diagnosis and treatment of disorders

To eliminate cycle disorders and the causes that contribute to the appearance of bleeding between periods, a variety of methods are used:

  1. examination of the patient and determination hereditary pathologies directly related to reproductive functions;
  2. carrying out the necessary laboratory tests;
  3. Ultrasound of internal organs;
  4. analysis of progesterone and estrogen levels;
  5. echography of the pelvis;
  6. if necessary, in case of suspicion of the presence of a tumor, a study of the level of tumor markers is prescribed.

Further treatment will be aimed at eliminating existing organic pathologies, depends on existing disorders in the uterus or ovaries, as well as on the age of the patient and her general condition body.

Used to treat intermenstrual bleeding various groups drugs and
Different tactics are used, depending on the cause of the pathology. As a rule, patients with such symptoms are subject to hospitalization and treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician. In most cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and in severe pain– antispasmodics.

As replacement therapy at prolonged bleeding funds are used with high content gestagens, which allows you to normalize hormonal balance. If necessary, resort to a course of treatment with drugs that affect the metabolism of prostaglandins. To stop bleeding, vaginal tamponade is used and a blood transfusion is performed. In critical cases requiring surgical interventions, perform various surgical operations.

How to stop uterine bleeding at home

It must be firmly remembered that any effective remedy, which can stop bleeding, will not replace the help of a doctor. Therefore, in any case, you need to visit specialists to prevent the occurrence of a more serious situation in the future.
To stop bleeding and reduce blood loss, you can use medicinal plants, such as , nettle, water pepper. They are able to increase contractility muscles in the uterine cavity, which helps stop bleeding. The main properties of these herbal remedies is the ability to increase blood clotting, as well as cause a constriction of blood vessels that provide blood flow to the uterus.

As therapeutic effect against bleeding that occurs, you can also use medicines, which are capable of, in combination, safely and effectively helping to stop bleeding. This could be Vitamin C, Dicynon, Vikasol, but even these should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. Also, in cases where home methods are ineffective and bleeding does not stop for more than three days, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle is quite common, and almost every woman has encountered it at least once in her life. As a rule, it does not pose any danger, but it happens that the appearance of blood outside of menstruation may indicate various diseases uterus. In this article we will try to talk in detail about the causes and consequences of this phenomenon.

: is this normal

In general, such bleeding occurs in approximately 30% of women. Vaginal or uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle is also called intermenstrual bleeding, and its occurrence in most cases is associated with a slight hormonal imbalance and is not dangerous for the woman. Usually blood appears 10-16 days from the start of the previous menstruation. Bleeding is barely noticeable and goes away after 1-3 days. If you notice that the bleeding has begun to intensify, it is advisable to immediately consult a gynecologist. But bleeding in women can also have a different character, called metrorrhagia, which is severe acyclic uterine bleeding.

Bleeding mid-cycle: causes

Doctors identify several main causes of intermenstrual bleeding. Among them:

Restructuring of hormonal levels in a woman’s body;

Decreased thyroid hormone levels;

The onset of spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage);

The woman has an intrauterine device for contraception;

Starting or stopping taking oral contraceptives;

Starting or stopping treatment various drugs containing estrogen;

Carrying out various gynecological procedures (cauterization or conization of the cervix and others);

Taking certain medications;

Various vaginal infections or vaginal injuries caused by various factors;

Stress in a woman.

Bleeding mid-cycle: what to do?

Since one of the reasons causing intermenstrual bleeding is, unfortunately, which has become quite commonplace in modern life stress, every woman, as far as possible, needs to pay more attention to rest, as well as to her psychological and physical condition. If the discharge is scanty and disappears within three days, then there is no need to worry, since it is considered normal and most likely does not indicate the presence of any disease. But still, at your next scheduled visit to the gynecologist, inform about the presence of this phenomenon. If, after 72 hours, the discharge has not stopped or has intensified, you must immediately contact medical care. The most the best option will call an ambulance, since the bleeding may be a consequence of an ongoing miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, which can pose a threat not only to the health, but even to the life of the woman. Besides, heavy bleeding can be caused by various serious diseases of the uterus that require urgent medical intervention.

The female body is structured in a very interesting and complex way. Thanks to hormonal levels, changes occur monthly. The stability of cycles indirectly indicates the health of the fairer sex. But often women have to contact a gynecologist with different problems. Often the reason for the visit is bleeding between periods. The reasons for their appearance may be different. Today's article will present the main ones.

What happens normally?

Before you find out what the causes of bleeding between periods are, you need to learn about the menstrual cycle itself. Its average duration is 28 days. But doctors allow a deviation in one direction or another for a week. Even very long or short cycle can be considered normal if menstruation comes regularly.

Bleeding is the end female period. At this time, the contents of the uterus are released from the genital tract. The endometrium is rejected and comes out along with the blood. Next, the formation of new follicles begins under the influence of estrogens. Around the middle of the cycle, the vesicles reach their maximum size and release the egg. More often, one ovulation occurs, but in some women certain time two or more eggs may be released. After this, estrogen levels decline, passing the baton to progesterone. This hormone accelerates the growth of the endometrium, which is necessary for the attachment of a fertilized cell. But if conception does not occur, then after 12-16 days progesterone decreases in its concentration, and another menstruation occurs. It would seem that everything is simple. But why then does bleeding occur between periods? We will consider the reasons in detail below.

Physiological process: ovulation

The causes of bleeding between periods can be natural. About 3 out of 10 women regularly experience this symptom, which occurs as a result of ovulation. In this case, we are not talking about any pathology. Everything is quite normal and natural.

During ovulation, a rupture of the follicle wall occurs. The egg is released into the abdominal cavity. At the same time they can be damaged small vessels. This causes slight bleeding. during this period (luteinizing hormone combination) can also cause bleeding. It is worth noting that a woman often feels a nagging pain in the abdomen (mainly on one side). Such symptoms persist for no more than three days. More often, the bleeding is not profuse and ends within 12 hours. Doctors say that such signs do not always occur and not for everyone. But every second woman has encountered them at least once.

Implantation of fertilized egg

The causes of bleeding between periods may be hidden in the onset of pregnancy. If sexual intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation, that is, Great chance conception. After this, the resulting zygote is sent through the fallopian tubes into the cavity reproductive organ. The entire journey takes from 3 to 10 days. At the same time, progesterone is actively released yellow body. The hormone helps loosen the endometrium and increase its thickness.

When the fertilized egg is in the uterus, it is fixed in a certain area. Nature intended that the zygote choose the most favorable zone. During implantation, small vessels are often damaged. Droplets of blood mix with the secretions and come out. Outwardly it looks like a beige-pink or brown daub. Often women confuse it with the beginning of the next cycle, since bleeding occurs shortly before the expected menstruation. The discharge continues for no more than 1-2 days. This situation is also not a deviation from the norm. These are physiological processes.

Development of hormonal levels during adolescence

Young girls often experience bleeding between periods. The reasons for adolescents are hormonal immaturity. The first menstruation - menarche - lasts from several hours to a week. After this there may be a long break. This is not a deviation, but the norm. The formation of hormonal levels occurs. The body is just learning to work and adjusting its reproductive function.

During the first year after menarche, periods may be spontaneous and short. The interval between menstruation ranges from several weeks to six months. Therefore, we cannot talk here about the causes of bleeding between periods. Most likely, in the near future the cycle will establish itself. But if this has not happened even after a year or you are concerned similar condition, There is additional symptoms, then you need to see a gynecologist.

congenital and acquired

You already know why they arise physiological bleeding between periods. A woman needs treatment when we're talking about about pathology. Often disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur due to neoplasms or irregular structure reproductive organ.

  • Endometriosis. This disease is hormonal. With it, the surface of the inner layer - the endometrium - grows outside the organ. Are affected the fallopian tubes and ovaries, abdominal wall and intestines. In particular difficult situations The endometrium grows on the liver, stomach and other organs. The disease is accompanied frequent pain and infertility.
  • Myoma and polyp. They are often discovered in a woman during the next ultrasound. At small sizes they do not manifest themselves in any way. The patient's only concern is bleeding between periods. At the age of 40, fibroids and polyps are common pathologies.
  • Malignant formations. Such pathologies are much less common, but they are worth mentioning. Cancer is always accompanied. The disease can be detected using laboratory research and diagnostic procedures.

Bleeding between menstruation can occur due to congenital or acquired defects of the reproductive organ, such as saddle or bicornuate, bent, and so on.

Ovarian pathologies

If bleeding occurs between periods (7 days or longer), then it is probably hormonal imbalance. It can arise according to various reasons. These are diseases, medications, stress, infections and so on.

Often hormonal imbalance caused by neoplasms on the ovaries. Cysts can be functional or non-functional. In the second case, it is necessary to conduct an examination. Often the pathology requires surgical treatment.

Inflammatory processes

Almost always infectious processes cause bleeding between periods. The causes and symptoms of such pathologies may vary. Inflammation occurs due to hypothermia, poor hygiene, promiscuous sexual intercourse, and so on. Symptoms: abdominal pain, heat, unusual discharge and others.

It is important to undergo examination and start treatment on time. If the pathology starts, the inflammation will spread to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Such a disease will be much more difficult to eliminate. Therefore, do not hesitate and go to a specialist.

Use of contraceptives

It is not uncommon to experience bleeding between periods with an IUD and hormonal contraception. If this symptom occurs in the first 1-3 months after starting to use a certain method, then there is nothing to worry about. But when you regularly observe bleeding, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist. Perhaps not suitable for you this drug or the spiral is installed incorrectly. Do not delay and do not wait for complications; it is impossible to solve this problem on your own.

Short term miscarriage

During pregnancy, any discharge of blood from the genitals should alert the woman. Don't believe experienced friends who say that this is normal. Bleeding is always a threat to the development of pregnancy, and in some cases a symptom of its termination. If you find out about your new position, and after a few days discharge appears, then there are probably some pathologies. In most cases, this is a lack of progesterone. If you contact a gynecologist in a timely manner, the situation can be corrected. But if you hesitate, peeling will begin. ovum, a hematoma will form and, as a result, a miscarriage will occur.

But even after termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist. After all, parts of the fertilized egg may remain in the uterine cavity. They need to be removed.

Intimate health and other reasons

Bleeding between periods after 45 years is not uncommon. At this time, the hormonal background in a woman’s body changes dramatically. Regular menstruation stops and menopause occurs. Breakthrough bleeding is not excluded. But if there has been no menstruation for more than a year, and spotting suddenly begins, be sure to see a gynecologist.

Bleeding between periods may be caused by exposure to external factors such as stress, depression, poor nutrition, maintaining not healthy image life, drug use and alcohol abuse. To restore the cycle, you need to adjust your environment, establish a routine, and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Bleeding between periods can occur due to pathologies of the cervix and vagina. Often such signs occur after gynecological procedures, examinations with a mirror, colposcopy and hysteroscopy. Other causes of bleeding include cervical erosion, polyps cervical canal. In some women, the symptom appears after rough sex.


You already know about the causes of intermenstrual bleeding. They may have physiological or pathological character. But it is not possible to install it yourself. If you have encountered such a symptom once, then most likely there is nothing to worry about. But with regular breakthrough bleeding You should definitely consult a gynecologist. You will probably be prescribed treatment after a detailed diagnosis. Keep track of your women's health and get checked regularly. Do not be ill!

Discharge of blood clots in the middle monthly cycle is called Often women, faced with this phenomenon, mistake this discharge for menstruation and believe that their cycle is too short. A shortened cycle or polymenorrhea is the occurrence of menstruation every 13-15 days. This phenomenon is observed in women with impaired blood clotting, as well as with pathologies of uterine development. But, in most cases, bleeding in the middle of the cycle has nothing to do with polymenorrhea.

In approximately 80% of cases, bleeding in the middle of the cycle is characterized by scanty discharge and only 20% of women complain about copious discharge. Most often, bleeding in the middle of the cycle does not pose a threat and is caused by a failure. Often this situation occurs when incorrect reception oral For example, if a woman misses taking several tablets in a row.

Bleeding may occur in the middle of the cycle and when using an IUD as a contraceptive. If a lot of blood is released or bleeding becomes regular, then you should see a gynecologist and, perhaps, choose another means of protection.

The appearance of spotting during the cycle can be caused by for various reasons. These include disruptions endocrine system, overwork or stress, presence inflammatory process and pathologies of the pelvic organs, as well as factors of a psychogenic nature. Women often experience the appearance of dysfunctional bleeding during periods of serious hormonal changes. That is, in youth, when the cycle has not yet been established and the period preceding menopause.

However, you need to know that uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle may indicate serious illness. This condition may be a symptom of endometriosis or tumor formation. It is especially dangerous if severe uterine bleeding occurs in women who have already entered menopause. This phenomenon often indicates the presence of neoplasms, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

If bleeding in women is observed in connection with sexual intercourse, this may indicate that the mucous membrane or cervix was damaged during intercourse. Of course, this condition cannot be called normal, therefore, if blood stains appear regularly on your underwear after sexual intercourse, you should definitely tell your gynecologist about the problem in order to rule out the presence of any diseases.

It happens that in the middle of the cycle there is a slight discharge of blood; it does not stain the laundry and is usually detected when using toilet paper. This phenomenon most likely indicates the passage of ovulation. This condition is not a pathology and occurs due to a hormonal surge caused by the release of an egg from the ovary. About a third of women experience this phenomenon and no treatment is required in this case. However, if such bleeding causes discomfort, sometimes doctors prescribe medications that contain estrogens to normalize hormonal levels. In addition, a woman is recommended to get more rest and, if possible, avoid stressful situations.

If the bleeding does not stop within two to three days or the bleeding begins to intensify and is accompanied by pain, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist, and if sharp deterioration cause states ambulance. Such bleeding may indicate the presence serious problems, for example, an ectopic pregnancy that was not detected in a timely manner. In this case, the woman requires emergency surgical assistance.

There probably won't be a woman who own experience I wouldn't experience what it's like. The site tried to figure out what causes this feature of the female body.

What is intermenstrual bleeding?

If you notice that in the middle of your cycle (during the period between two menstruation) spots appear on your underwear. bloody stains- do not panic. It turns out that you are one of many women who are faced with the phenomenon of intermenstrual bleeding, the causes of which can be very diverse.

In most cases, discharge in the form of blood is observed in women a few days before the start of a new period, or a couple of days after its end. “Smearing” can occur both spontaneously and after some actions, for example, after sexual intercourse. Often these are just minor discharges, and only in 20% of cases does actual bleeding appear from the vagina, which, most likely, is not without reason, but indicates some kind of disorder or pathology.

When should you start panicking?

Intermenstrual bleeding can be observed on days 10-15 of the cycle. If you have enough daily pads, but the abundance does not increase, and the discharge is observed no longer than three days, then there is no reason to worry. In the case when it happens great loss blood, and the intensity of discharge only increases, it is necessary at the most as soon as possible seek medical help or call an ambulance. It happens that a woman has a pregnancy that she doesn’t even know about, and her bleeding may indicate a miscarriage or other problems.

If intermenstrual bleeding is heavy and/or accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor immediately!

What causes bleeding between periods?

If you have spotting or other bloody issues from the genitals during the intermenstrual period, secrete following reasons this phenomenon:

  • There was a miscarriage;
  • The result of stress or depression;
  • Conducted gynecological manipulations– inspection, cauterization of erosion, etc.;
  • Taking certain medications, such as drugs emergency contraception;
  • Genital injuries or infections;
  • Starting to take contraceptives;
  • Reduced levels of thyroid hormones or dysfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • Diseases of the genital organs;
  • Implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus;
  • Installed intrauterine device.

Intermenstrual bleeding when taking contraceptives and other drugs

In general, any hormonal agents can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle in a woman, especially contraceptives. Many women have experienced what bleeding means, including intermenstrual bleeding, while taking contraceptives. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the first 2-3 months of taking pills, which is explained by the body becoming accustomed to these drugs. You could say that this is normal phenomenon when taking oral and other contraceptives. Only if the bleeding does not subside or is observed for longer than three months, you should consult a gynecologist.

Another case is if you used emergency contraception methods. Such intermenstrual bleeding after postinor or other similar drugs- the phenomenon is not so rare. They contain a huge dose of a hormone - an analogue of progesterone, which suppresses the development of the egg and its possible fertilization. Postinor also makes the inner uterine layer unfavorable for the implantation of a fertilized egg into it; it is rejected and bleeding may occur.

Intermenstrual ovulation bleeding

Most often, bleeding between periods is associated with ongoing ovulation. Many representatives of the fairer sex at this time observe drops of blood on underwear, this is often accompanied by aching or nagging pain lower abdomen. This may indicate that you have low pain threshold, and you feel the egg leaving the follicle. If you are planning a child, then this phenomenon may be to your advantage, since your body will signal you about when you need to conceive a child. And if you do not want children yet, then during this period you need to be careful and use additional protection during sexual relations.

If you have intermenstrual bleeding become regular and “habitual”, you need to contact a doctor you trust for advice. Perhaps you have some gynecological diseases(cyst, fibroid, etc.). To exclude such diagnoses, the gynecologist will examine you and send you for an ultrasound. A blood test for hormones may be needed. In any case, it is better to be examined and rule out all possible “problems” in the body.

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