2 physiological periods of a woman’s life. Age periods of a woman, their characteristics

Rehabilitation after inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs Antonina Ivanovna Shevchuk


Having become familiar with the anatomical physiological characteristics female genital organs in various age periods, it will be easier for you to understand many biological processes, occurring in a woman’s body.

Age, functional features The reproductive system of a woman is closely dependent on a number of factors. Great importance have primarily periods of a woman's life. It is customary to distinguish:

1) period intrauterine development;

2) the period of childhood (from birth to 9-10 years);

3) period of puberty (from 9-10 years to 13-14 years);

4) teenage years(from 14 to 18 years old);

5) period of puberty, or childbearing (reproductive), age from 18 to 40 years; transition period, or premenopause (from 41 to 50 years);

6) the period of aging, or postmenopause (from the moment of persistent cessation of menstrual function).

In prenatal period the formation, development and maturation of all organs and systems of the fetus, including the reproductive system, occurs. During this period, the laying and embryonic development ovaries, which are one of the most important links in the regulation of the function of the reproductive system female body after birth.

During the prenatal period, various factors (intoxication, acute and chronic infections, ionizing radiation, medications etc.) can have a damaging effect on the embryo or fetus. These factors can cause developmental defects various organs and systems, including the genitals. Such congenital abnormalities in the development of the genital organs can lead to disruption of the functions characteristic of the female body. Intrauterine developmental defects that arise under the influence of the factors listed above may be accompanied by damage to various parts of regulation menstrual cycle. As a result, girls may experience various disorders menstrual, and subsequently reproductive function.

During childhood There is relative rest of the reproductive system. Only during the first few days after the birth of a girl can she experience the phenomena of the so-called sexual crisis ( bloody issues from the vagina, engorgement of the mammary glands). This occurs under the influence of the cessation of the action of placental hormones, which occurs after childbirth. In childhood, the organs of the reproductive system gradually grow, but the features typical for this age remain: the predominance of the size of the cervix over the size of the body of the uterus, convoluted fallopian tubes, the absence of mature follicles in the ovaries, etc. During childhood, there are no secondary sexual characteristics.

Puberty characterized by relatively rapid growth of the organs of the reproductive system and primarily the uterus (mainly its body). In a girl of this age, secondary sexual characteristics appear and develop: a female-type skeleton is formed (especially the pelvis), fat is deposited along the female type, hair growth is observed first on the pubis, and then in armpits. Most a clear sign The period of puberty is the onset of the first menstruation. For girls living in middle lane, the first menstruation appears at the age of 11–13 years. Then, for about a year, menstruation may be irregular, and many periods occur without ovulation (the appearance of an egg). The onset and formation of menstrual function occurs under the influence of cyclic changes in the nervous system and glands internal secretion, namely the ovaries. Ovarian hormones have a corresponding effect on the uterine mucosa, causing characteristic cyclic changes in it, i.e. the menstrual cycle. The teenage period is also known as the transitional period, since at this time there is a transition to the onset of puberty - the flourishing of the function of the organs of the female reproductive system.

Puberty period is the longest in a woman's life. Due to the regular maturation of follicles in the ovaries and ovulation (the release of an egg), as well as the subsequent development corpus luteum everything is created in the female body the necessary conditions for pregnancy. Regular cyclical changes occurring in the central nervous system, ovaries and uterus, which externally manifests itself in the form of regular menstruation, are the main indicator of the health of a woman of childbearing age.

Premenopausal period characterized by the transition from the state of puberty to the cessation of menstrual function and the onset of old age. During this period, women often develop various disorders of menstrual function, which may be caused by age-related disorders of the central mechanisms that regulate the function of the genital organs.

Aging period characterized by a complete cessation of menstruation and general aging of the female body.

The frequency of diseases of the genital organs in women is closely related to the age periods of their life. Thus, during childhood, it is relatively common to experience inflammatory diseases external genitalia and vagina. Often occurs during puberty uterine bleeding and other menstrual dysfunction. During puberty, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as well as menstrual irregularities, are most common. of various origins, genital cysts, infertility. At the end of the childbearing period, the frequency of benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs increases. Less common during premenopause inflammatory processes genital organs, but the frequency increases significantly tumor processes and menstrual dysfunction (menopausal bleeding). During the postmenopausal period, prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs occur more often than before, as well as malignant tumors. The age specificity of diseases of the female genital organs is mainly determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body in individual periods life.

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Characteristics are given reproductive system women, features of their functioning depending on the time of ontogenesis. Are being considered possible deviations and complications in the reproductive system, their pathogenesis in different periods life. The dynamics of the female population in general and in individual areas is given. age groups, its impact on the demographic situation in the republic.

The human body is a complex physiological systems, the normal operation of which ensures his existence as an individual. Currently, there are 12 systems in the human body: central nervous, reproductive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, lymphatic, immune and peripheral nervous, respiratory, circulatory, hematopoietic, digestive, excretory and skin. All systems consist of various organs, functionally related friend with each other, and represent a single whole, existing in constantly changing conditions environment, performing all vital functions, the quality of which determines the level of health of the human body. Normal operation These systems ensure the existence of the individual and his life activity. In addition, nature has endowed the human body with a unique mechanism of self-regulation and self-healing; it is also called the natural self-organizing system of the human body. The principle of self-regulation is that the body, using its own mechanisms, changes the intensity of functioning of organs and systems according to its needs in different conditions life activity. Thanks to this, a person is able to endure significant loads and restore his health.

When any of the body systems is disrupted, disorders occur that are often incompatible with life. But there is a system that is not involved in life support processes, but its importance is extremely great - it ensures the continuation of the human race. This is the reproductive system. Like all body systems, the reproductive system is established and begins to develop during fetal development. This system is unique: if all others are vital important systems formed and function from the moment of birth to death, then the reproductive system works only during a certain period of time - during the heyday of all vitality. Genetically, this period is programmed for the age of 15-49 years.

The optimal age for the implementation of the basic functions of the reproductive system is considered 20-40 years, when a woman’s body is fully prepared for conceiving, bearing, giving birth and feeding a child.

The normal functioning of this mechanism depends on the coordinated interaction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and endometrium, which ensures the regularity of menstruation every 21-35 days, which makes it possible to judge regular ovulation and, in general, the functional viability of the reproductive system. Any disease of the tissues or organs of the reproductive system or organs endocrine system may cause disturbances or lack of ovulation, which is manifested by irregular uterine bleeding.

Functionally, all organs and systems of a woman’s body are closely interconnected: activation of the activity of one body system necessarily entails activation of the activity of others. For example, during pregnancy, all organs and systems of the mother’s body work with increased load, the quantity and quality of which increases with the duration of pregnancy, which ensures its normal course, fetal development and prepares the woman’s body for childbirth and lactation. Excess functionality mother's body leads to pathological course pregnancy or its termination. On the other hand, modern traditional medicine cannot completely cure many diseases, since it is not possible to immediately influence all body systems. For example, not well known optimal conditions to maintain pregnancy, therefore, if there is a threat of its premature termination, they are used standard methods treatments provided for by the protocol, without correction of other body systems, the function of which, as a rule, is involved to a greater or lesser extent. As a result, treatment may not be effective. Therefore for accurate diagnosis and developing the correct treatment tactics, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the functional state of both the reproductive system and other organs and systems.

The female reproductive system is represented by an anatomical and functional system that ensures the reproduction of the body. Anatomically, it is a set of female internal and external genital organs located in the pelvic area, between the rectum and bladder in the lower abdomen. The internal female genital organs are: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina, external - the pubis, labia majora and minora, vestibule of the vagina, clitoris, large glands of the vestibule of the vagina, hymen. The female reproductive system is characterized by four specific functions: menstrual, sexual, reproductive and secretory, the normal implementation of which ensures the continuation of the human race.

Functional status The reproductive system of a woman is largely determined by age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics, depending on which they distinguish following periods woman’s life: antenatal, childhood, puberty, puberty, menopause (premenopause, menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause). The boundaries between periods are very arbitrary and vary depending on individual developmental conditions, hereditary, biological and social factors. Modern interpretation of existing age-related problems of reproduction, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships in the formation of somatic, reproductive health and quality of life during puberty, reproductive and menopausal periods makes it possible to develop a strategy for managing a woman from her intrauterine development to old age. Correction of identified disorders, based on determining the relationships between the body systems responsible for its reproductive system, allows us to re-imagine the pathogenesis of many diseases and disorders of the reproductive system, improve its condition at different age periods, and reduce reproductive losses.

    I have just returned from a large international forum of doctors and scientists that took place in St. Petersburg. It discussed issues of improving the diagnosis and treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia. We have now achieved that the life expectancy of such patients has increased fourfold; people cured of this are already living, enjoying life and working in Russia serious illness... Along with domestic clinicians, hematologists from Houston (USA), Turin (Italy), and Mannheim (Germany) spoke at the forum.

    I remember my conversations with sick teachers medical institute, professors. What can I say, it’s difficult to work with them! It is difficult to talk and act with them, as with all other patients... What else is characteristic of a sick doctor psychologically? Often such a patient completely forgets not only the effect of the drugs, but also the time of taking them, although he himself has prescribed them several times in his life.

    During the inspection, we also first of all pay attention to Special attention skin. Normal skin and its changes during various diseases presented in sufficient detail in textbooks and monographs. Here I would just like to provide some information that will be of interest to doctors of various specialties and will allow them to understand why the skin undergoes changes. It is known that the skin is a full-fledged organ that complements and duplicates the functions of various internal organs. It actively participates in the process of respiration, excretion, and metabolism.

    I never finish a questioning or conversation with a patient without finding out at least approximately the state of relationships in the family. Polypharmacy is a scourge modern medicine, internal medicine clinic. On rounds, we often see how patients are prescribed 13-16 drugs, often with mutually exclusive pharmacological properties.

    Having studied hundreds of diagnostic errors, our team members are convinced that during diagnostic process practical doctors violate even the most basic rules logic. For example, they incorrectly use the methods of analogy, induction, and deduction.

    And now I myself have heard such “respectful and sweet” addresses both in clinics and in hospitals medical workers(and even students who take an example from their elders!!!), like “darling”, “grandmother”, “darling”, “darling”, “darling”, “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “grandfather”, “woman” ”, “man”, “old man”, “dad”, “mother”, “father”, “mother”, “young lady”, “man”, “aunt”, “uncle”, etc. Many of these words They are offensive to patients, full of contempt, and, as a rule, hurt the pride of patients and their relatives.

    He rarely listened to the end of a report about a patient, often immediately asking questions clarifying the nature of the course of the disease and the characteristics of life. It’s amazing that he could say out loud: “Something is not clear to me here. There’s something missing in the medical history.” And he began to collect and figure out these “missing links” himself.

Having become familiar with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a woman’s genital organs at different age periods, it is much easier to understand the biological processes that take place in the female body.

Periods of a woman's life

Functional age characteristics The female reproductive system depends on a number of factors. Important periods of a woman's life:

  • period of intrauterine development;
  • childhood (from birth to 9-10 years);
  • puberty (from 9-10 to 13-14 years);
  • adolescence (14-18 years);
  • reproductive period, or puberty (18-40 years);
  • premenopause, transition period (41-50 years);
  • postmenopause, period of aging (from the moment of cessation of menstruation).

Prenatal period

During this period, all organs and systems of the fetus are formed, develop and mature. The ovaries are also laid and developed - one of the most important links in the functioning of the female reproductive system.


During this period reproductive system resides in relative peace. Only during the first few days of a girl’s life can symptoms of a sexual crisis occur (engorgement of the mammary glands, bloody discharge from the vagina). It's all because of the termination hormonal action placenta. In childhood, the organs of the reproductive system gradually grow, but at the same time typical features are preserved: the size of the cervix prevails over the size of the uterus, the fallopian tubes are tortuous, there are no mature follicles in the ovaries, etc. And there are no secondary sexual characteristics.


During this period, the organs of the reproductive system (mainly the body of the uterus) grow rapidly. The girl begins to appear and develop secondary sexual characteristics: a female-type skeleton is formed, female-type fat is deposited, hair grows first on the pubis, then in the armpits, and the first menstruation begins.


This period is the longest in a woman’s life. As a result of the maturation of the follicle in the ovaries and further ovulation, all conditions for further pregnancy are created in the woman’s body. Menstruation becomes regular - and this is the main indicator women's health childbearing age.

This period is characterized by the transition from puberty to old age. Various disorders of menstrual function often develop; they can be caused by age-related disorders in central mechanisms, which regulate the function of the genital organs.

Aging period

The period of aging is characterized by a complete cessation of menstruation and general aging of the female body. Ovarian function completely fades away (no ovulation, cyclical changes in the body, no menstruation), estrogen levels decrease, which can provoke osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and cardiomyopathy.

Periods of development of the female body.

It is customary to distinguish between seven periods: 1) the period of antenatal, or intrauterine, development; 2) the period of childhood (from birth to 9-10 years); 3) puberty, or the period of puberty (from 9-10 years to 15-16 years); 4) adolescence (from 16 to 18 years); 5) period of puberty, or reproductive (from 18 to 40 years); 6) premenopausal period, or transitional period (from 41 to 50 years); 7) the period of aging, or postmenopause (from the moment of permanent cessation of menstrual function).

1.During the prenatal period the formation, development and maturation of all organs and systems of the fetus, including the reproductive system, occur. In the antenatal period, the formation and embryonic development of the ovaries occur, which are one of the most important links in the regulation of the function of the reproductive system of the female body in the process of postnatal ontogenesis.

2. During childhood There is relative rest of the reproductive system. Only during the first few days after the birth of a girl, under the influence of the cessation of the influence of placental steroid hormones(mainly estrogen), she may develop phenomena of the so-called sexual crisis (bloody discharge from the vagina, engorgement of the mammary glands). In childhood, the organs of the reproductive system gradually grow, but the features typical for this age are preserved: the predominance of the size of the cervix over the size of the body, tortuosity of the fallopian tubes, the absence of mature follicles in the ovaries, etc. During childhood, there are no secondary sexual characteristics.

3. Puberty characterized by relatively rapid growth of the organs of the reproductive system and primarily the uterus (mainly its body), the appearance and development of secondary sexual characteristics, the formation of the female type of skeleton (especially the pelvis), the deposition of fat according to the female type, the growth of hair first on the pubis and then in the armpits depressions. The most striking sign of puberty is the onset of the first menstruation (menarche). The appearance and formation of menstrual function occurs under the influence of the cyclic secretion of releasing factors of the hypothalamus, gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland and ovarian steroid hormones. Ovarian hormones have a corresponding effect on the uterine mucosa, causing characteristic cyclic changes in it (proliferation, secretion, desquamation).

4. Puberty period is the longest. Due to the regular maturation of follicles in the ovaries and ovulation with the subsequent development of the corpus luteum during this period, all the necessary conditions for pregnancy are created in the female body. The most clearly expressed indicators normal functioning The reproductive system of a woman during puberty is characterized by specific cyclic changes that occur in the central nervous system, ovaries and uterus, which outwardly manifests itself in the form of regular menstruation.

5. Premenopausal period characterized by the transition from the state of puberty to the cessation of menstrual function and the onset of old age. During this period, women often develop various disorders of menstrual function, the cause of which is age-related disorders of the central mechanisms that regulate the function of the genital organs.

In special medical literature There are reports of pregnancy in a six-year-old girl with premature sexual development and in a 113-year-old woman, who was apparently distinguished by the special preservation and activity of the endocrine system.

Of course, such cases belong to the category of casuistic, that is, exceptional, falling out of social patterns. But even within the limits of the laws, individual fluctuations are very large, and therefore it is impossible to say with absolute accuracy from what age and ending with what age a woman is able to become pregnant and give birth to a child.

There are six periods in the development of the female body. This is the period childhood(up to 8 years), the period preceding puberty ( prepubertal- 8-11 years old); period of puberty ( pubertal- 12-18 years old); childbearing(reproductive - 19-45 years); transitional ( climacteric 45-55 years): period of withering ( postmenopause- after 55 years).

Their change is determined by those changes that occur in the gonads, in the cerebral cortex, its subcortical structures (hypothalamus), in the leading endocrine gland- pituitary gland.

The female sex glands are the ovaries. An egg matures in them, capable of merging with a male reproductive cell - a sperm - to give rise to a new life. But the maturation of the egg occurs only if there is a clear interaction between the functions of the ovary and the mechanisms that regulate its activity. In the very general view it goes like this: the hypothalamus produces hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland, and pituitary hormones awaken the activity of the ovaries.

In the first years of a girl's life, the regulatory systems and especially the ovaries are almost inactive. This period is rightly called “rest of the reproductive system.” Only within a few days after the birth of a girl, under the influence of placental and maternal hormones, she may develop the phenomenon of the so-called sexual crisis (bloody discharge from the vagina, engorgement of the mammary glands).

Only in the prepubertal period does the formation of the complex system hypothalamus - pituitary gland - ovaries begin. For some time, her activities proceed chaotically, with many disruptions and dissonances. Sex cell As a rule, it does not yet mature, but under the influence of hormones produced by the pituitary gland and ovaries, signs of puberty appear - a female physique is formed, and the mammary glands develop. From 11 to 15 years of age, girls experience a period rapid growth, it seems to “stretch out”, from 15 to 19 years the processes of fatty tissue deposition predominate; The girl doesn’t stretch out so much as she gets fatter and takes shape.

From the moment the first menstruation appears, and this can happen from 11 to 16 years, puberty(i.e. puberty). Now a clearer relationship is being established between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. Menstruation gradually becomes regular. The time of onset and course of puberty is influenced by external and internal factors. TO internal factors include hereditary and constitutional factors, health status and body weight; to the outside - climatic (illumination, geographical position, altitude), nature of nutrition (content of food proteins, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements).

I wouldn’t want, of course, for the decline of reproductive function to be perceived as a decline of the body in general. No, that's a long way off! Woman and menopause still full of strength, energy, attractiveness. It must be said that sexologists believe that prolongation intimate life at this age it helps to prolong the activity of the endocrine system and maintain general tone.

Sevostyanova Oksana Sergeevna



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