Taoist massage. Video, description of Taoist massage of face, body and chest

This massage has a pronounced healing and cosmetic effect, rejuvenating the skin by cleansing energy channels.

God created your palms for you, so that from time to time you can rejuvenate your skin, nourish it, and remove traces of stress and the destructive influence of time. In the ability to use the magical properties of the palms, it is very important to choose the right time and the right phases of the Moon. The moon is strongest between the 8th and 23rd lunar days. On other days, it is already close to the Sun, and therefore falls under its “withering influence.” Therefore, rejuvenation rituals must be carried out during the specified period, skipping the 9th, 14th and 19th lunar days. The most accurate way is an astrological program that counts lunar days according to given geographic coordinates, or a lunar calendar specifically for your area. As a last resort, you can use common calendars and choose the very middle of the lunar day for practice - then, most likely, you won’t go wrong.
On lunar days close to the full moon (i.e. those indicated above), the sensitivity of the skin and the healing properties of our palms increase, and therefore practice carried out during these phases will produce two or even three times greater effect than if carried out on other days. This does not mean that on other days it is forbidden to engage in rejuvenation, it’s just that the effort expended will be much greater, and the effect will be less. And we must also remember that no practice should be done all month long and all year round. You always need to take breaks, which is reflected in that frequency.
So, first we need to prepare for effective use our innate magical instrument - our palms! What matters now is how close you are to them energetically. Rub your palms together until you feel hot and feel a soft energy cushion around them. Then rub each finger and each joint separately. Do this with love and attention, but do not linger too long on one finger, because you must give equal attention to each. After rubbing, grab the tip of your finger and rotate it in one direction and the other, kneading it. Do this with each finger as well. After this, rub your wrists and rotate them in both directions. After this, rub your hands against each other again, only with greater feeling, going through not only your palms, but also your fingers and wrists. Thus, the second rubbing is longer and more thorough, as well as more detailed. Once you have completed this, sit down (you can sit from the start), close your eyes, keep your spine straight and your hands in front of you. Keep them naturally, in a semi-compressed, relaxed state. Bring your attention to them. Look at them with your inner vision and feel how energy arrives there, how a thermal shell surrounds them and makes them saturated with a very soft, pleasant and penetrating force. Over time, this power will increase and can produce miraculous effects. When you meditate on your palm like this, don’t think about anything else. You can move your fingers slightly, press them against your palms, tense and relax them - in general, anything that will help you better feel the movement of energy. This exercise is aimed at developing hand magnetism - that power that can work small miracles with appearance and treatment. You can perform it not only in the morning, but also in the evening, but not just before bed, but after sunset. Just be sure to wash your hands before exercising in the evening and dry them thoroughly with a towel so that they are dry during the exercise. If you do asanas or other exercises in the morning, then do the work with your hands in front of them.

Taoist massage "vessels of life"

1. Bring Lao Gong points into working condition.
So, before you start a massage, you can simply practice managing the energy and feeling it, for example, like this. Inhale, place your palms opposite each other, or next to your body, or just in space, as you exhale, concentrate in the middle of your palms and feel the energy emanating from them. The palms should be relaxed and slightly rounded. At first it may not work out very well - simply because you have never used the Lao Gong point, and it seems to have atrophied. In this case, you can first rub your palms together to mechanically awaken Lao Gong and make the energy circulate more actively. Don’t be afraid and don’t doubt - it’s not difficult at all, so you’ll definitely succeed! Otherwise it can not be. In fact, this is deeply human, and you will soon feel it. If you learn to manage your energy, then you will have in your hands the most powerful tool for achieving eternal youth. So, during the massage you need to breathe with your palms. Pleasant meditative music is very desirable, or you can burn incense or aroma oil.
2. Rub your hands vigorously: first with your palms against each other, then with the palm of your right hand on the back of your left hand, then vice versa, then again with your palms rubbing against each other.
3. First, a little anatomy: Feel your palm and find the bones that run from your fingers through your palm to your wrist. The massage will need to be done along vertical lines from the base of the palm up to the fingertips, as if above each bone. Immerse your hands in a bath (bowl) with warm vegetable oil, standing at the ready. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the oil. Hold in the oil for a few seconds, remove and perform the massage described below, holding your hands over the bath while the oil drains. Attention! This step must be performed once a month, and the rest of the time you can perform a massage without oil. Turn your right hand with your palm facing you, with your left hand grab the base of the palm, at its outer edge: the thumb lies on the front of the palm, the rest of the fingers on the back. Carefully performing powerful rubbing movements, begin to move, as if crawling up the bone of the little finger to its tip. Take your time, massage very carefully and powerfully, so that one “crawl” up takes at least 4 seconds. Do this 3 times. Then you need to place your hand again at the base of the palm, only now at the level of the bone of the ring finger and crawl up again. Do this in all four directions (it turns out that when performing a massage over the bone of the index finger, your left hand will seem to cover the entire palm), then move your left hand and grasp only the thumb, carefully massage it in the same way as all fingers. Change hands. Then turn your palm with the back of your hand towards you and do the same thing (now the thumb creeps along the back of your palm). Don't forget to massage your nails too.
3. Dip the palm of your left hand in oil (perform once a month), firmly grasp the wrist of your right hand and perform rotational movements, then change hands. Wrists and ankles are the key to youth for every person; this is something without which a person cannot be young without maintaining them in perfect condition.
4. Using the fingers of your left hand, lightly (see below - “Flight of the Midnight Butterfly”!) walk from bottom to top along the entire right hand, then change hands.
5. Place your hands, palms facing each other, and hold for a few seconds, enjoying the flow of energy from one hand to the other and as if saying goodbye.

Living water for face

We have learned to energize our hands and make miracle hands out of just palms. So that these miracle palms can then perform various miracles, for example, making living water out of ordinary water! With the help of our already prepared palms, we will charge the water with energy, and also set it to rejuvenate and smooth out wrinkles! For this you will need purified water.
The amount of water you will charge should be small (0.5 liters), because... You are still just beginning “accumulators”. Pour water into a flat container so that its surface is as wide as possible (i.e. the water should be open to influence so that the energy does not have to be directed too deep - this will require additional costs). The ritual should be carried out in the morning, after hygiene procedures and exercises (if you do something in the morning - yoga, etc.). Pre-rub your hands as described earlier. Then sit at the table, preferably facing north, cross your legs, or sit in the lotus position (which is preferable), place a bowl of water in front of you. Place your elbows on the table so that your overhanging palms are directly above the water. Keep your spine strictly straight, the weight of the body should be entirely on the spine, and not on the elbows. Close your eyes and enter a state of meditation or simply calm your mind. Concentration of attention is on the palms. All actions will be combined with inhalations and exhalations, which should be very smooth, deep and slow, and there will be pauses between them, i.e. holding your breath. Everything is done very slowly and meditatively. Before you begin to inhale, turn your palms up and place your attention in the center of your chest, where the Anahata heart chakra is located. Raise your head slightly and mentally turn to the Cosmos, to God, to the Higher Power. You don’t have to ask for anything, just tune in to the Highest, and you will feel how light and the subtlest energy begins to descend into your heart and onto your palms, accompanied by a deep feeling of grace. As you do this, take a slow breath, absorbing this flow from above. During the breathing pause, smoothly turn your palms towards the bowl of water and hang your relaxed hands. The head lowers slightly, and attention is transferred to the center of the head (Ajna) and the solar plexus (Manipura). For some it will be better if Swadhisthana (lower abdomen) is used instead of Manipura - feel it for yourself. Mentally collect all the energy received from above in these chakras and cultivate the mindset of rejuvenating your skin and getting rid of wrinkles. Basically, this installation is formed in Ajna, and the lower chakra supports it with energy potential. Begin to exhale and direct the energy from your body through your fingers to the water. Constantly remember your attitude and transfer this thought with energy to the water while the exhalation lasts, as well as during the delay after the exhalation. Then turn your palms up again and repeat the entire cycle of actions. In total you need to do 7-9 cycles. At the end of the ritual, join your palms in a prayer gesture and thank your Higher Power.
That's it, the water is almost ready! Almost - because you still need to let it “brew.” The energy must be absorbed by the molecular structure of water and its “internal memory”. This takes approximately 15-20 minutes. After which you can use the water for its intended purpose, i.e. wash her face, eyes, ears, neck and hands. As you do this, feel the healing effect of the water and focus on how it transfers its power to your skin.
Conduct regular 10-day courses of ablution with living water every month, starting on the waxing Moon and ending after the Full Moon. More details about the days for magic were described earlier. This ritual will work best for those who regularly practice yoga and meditation, as well as for true believers. The force in water will be several times greater.

Facial rejuvenation

Filling our hands with energy . The best effect will be achieved if you practice in sunlight, because... The palms must be well charged with solar prana, which greatly enhances their energy. Before starting the ritual, hold your palms in the sun for a few minutes, let the rays of the “heavenly King” penetrate them and saturate them with the highest quality and most life-giving energy in the world. You can help this process with a mental image.

The next step is rubbing your palms, the strength and sensitivity of the palms must be developed! When you feel the strength of your palms after rubbing, place them one on top of the other on the lower abdomen so that the centers of the palms are projected onto each other. Start diaphragmatic breathing, in which only the stomach is involved - it moves due to the contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle in the abdominal cavity. When inhaling, press the diaphragm on the intestines - while the stomach protrudes, when exhaling, release the diaphragm - the stomach deflates. The chest and shoulders are motionless. This breathing itself is very useful, because... provides massage of internal organs, and this is no less, and, most likely, even more important than external massage and physical exercise. But now we use it for another purpose - to to saturate the palms with another type of energy, opposite to solar prana. This type of energy is stored in our Hara center (which is in the stomach). It is opposite not in the sense that it is worse than solar energy, but in the sense that the Sun gives Yang energy, and Yin energy is stored in the stomach, and both of them are needed to transform our face. When you have correctly placed your palms on your stomach and started diaphragmatic breathing, achieve a mental merging of the energy of your palms and your stomach, as if it were a single “organ” pulsating in a common rhythm. After a few minutes, start doing the following. As you inhale, draw in the energy from your abdomen with your palms, during a short pause, raise your palms and place them on your face, barely touching the skin, and as you exhale, pour out the energy from your palms onto your face. Concentrate on the fact that the tone of the face increases, the skin is saturated with regenerative fluids and, as a result, a rejuvenating effect occurs! At first, the strength of your influence will be weak - this is natural, because training is needed everywhere. But over time, you will feel and notice that this ritual seems to be gaining strength, and if you remain devoted to it, it will certainly reward you for your perseverance! Any parallel regular yoga and meditation classes will speed up this process. Passes with your palms from the stomach to the face and back must be done six times.
Rejuvenation: massage !
The role of touch can hardly be overestimated! Under their influence, our skin becomes prettier and younger right before our eyes! Massage can be called the king of all beauty treatments. If creams, herbs, compresses, oils, masks, peelings, etc. Since the skin of different people causes different reactions, sometimes completely inexplicable, then massage will never harm it. If you lovingly and gently massage your skin every day, then don’t even doubt that everyone will be mistaken about your age by at least ten, or even twenty years!
Massage is contraindicated for skin diseases, any inflammatory processes, hairiness and dilated blood vessels.
Massage is a very active procedure, so 5-10 minutes for the face will be quite enough.
The massage should be performed in silence or with pleasant music. in a secluded place, with clean hands on a clean face, most often with the pads of the fingers, sometimes with the entire surface of the fingers and palm. During massage, you can use nourishing cream or aroma oil. This will have an additional nourishing or healing effect on the skin, for example if the skin is very dry, swollen, flabby or wrinkled. If your facial skin is very oily, you can use talc.
This will promote good gliding of your fingers. Facial massage should be performed along massage lines - these are the lines of least stretch of the skin. Any cosmetic products should be applied exclusively along massage lines.
Mentally divide your face with a vertical line running through the middle of your forehead, nose, lips and chin. Well, on the forehead, massage lines are directed from the middle of the forehead to the temples and from the eyebrows to the roots of the hair. On the cheeks - from the nose to the temples. From the corners of the lips to the tragus of the ears. From the middle of the chin to the earlobes. On the nose and wings of the nose - up. Around the eyes - from the inner corners of the eyes along the upper eyelid to the outer corners of the eyes; from the outer corners of the eyes along the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes. On the neck, on its front surface - from bottom to top, on the sides - from top to bottom. Facial massage includes the following movements: vibration, stroking, pressure, tapping, kneading, rubbing, pinching. All movements are performed very gently with relaxed fingers, light and rhythmic movements.
Intuitive massage. Magic fingers that dance across the face and give youth to the skin. To give yourself a massage completely guided by your instincts, you need to cleanse your skin and hands. Sit down, relax and let your fingers dance on your face!

The secret is don’t get lost in your thoughts, dreams and memories! Your massage will have enormous power if you feel every touch!
Taoist massage technique - "Flight of the Midnight Butterfly".
Conventional massage involves mechanical action on areas of the body or acupuncture points, which causes many of the reactions discussed in the last issue. But Taoist massage uses Qi - energy, thanks to which the effectiveness of the effect increases hundreds of times! During the massage, you need to inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the Lao Gong points. They are located in the center of your palms, and right now, if you focus on your hands, you can feel this special energy zone. Those who perform aging energy reset already feel these points well.
The energy that we absorb along with breathing has wonderful qualities and rejuvenates the organs. Sit on the mat on your knees or in the lotus position (you can do it in Turkish). Spine straight, place your hands palms down on your knees and connect the tips of the thumb and index fingers on each hand. Close your eyes and feel your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale as much as possible, so that there is no air left in the lungs, but not sharply. The stomach and chest should be completely pressed in, as if they were sticking to the spine. Now fix the position of your chest and solar plexus and begin to inhale slowly and smoothly through your nose, filling the very bottom of your lungs with a thin stream. At first, this may happen with some tension, because your lungs will have to stretch, because... they are not used to breathing this part. The most important thing at this stage is not to rush, but, on the contrary, to consciously slow down the inhalation so that it does not happen for one moment. The inhalation should last over time. When you feel that the lower part of the lungs is filled to capacity (the stomach is already swollen), without stopping and without jerking, begin to fill the middle part of the lungs with air - the solar plexus area begins to rise following the stomach. At the same time, the upper part of the chest still remains motionless and depressed. When the wave of breathing fills the middle section of the lungs, allow it to move further and fill the upper part as well - the chest rises and the inhalation gradually ends. At the end of the inhalation, your stomach, solar plexus and chest should be as full as possible. Almost without pause, begin to exhale in the same order: first, the chest and middle part of the chest remain raised, and only the stomach deflates. When the stomach is drawn in, the chest begins to descend - its middle section, and then the upper one, until the last drops of air leave the lungs. Exhalation, as well as inhalation, should be as complete as possible. This is the whole point. After exhalation, everything repeats. The duration of one breath should be at least 10 seconds. The same goes for exhalation.
At first, you can simply practice “breathing” with your palms. A special energy - the biofield - constantly flows, moves, circulates and accumulates at certain points of the body. Lao Kung is a special point where, if necessary, a huge amount of energy can be concentrated. And a person can and should be able to manage this energy. This is what the great art of Qigong does. One of the rules of Qigong is: “Qi (energy) follows attention.” All a person’s energy rushes after attention. It’s not difficult now to understand why we get so tired and exhausted, even though we seem to have done nothing. The luckiest people in this regard are creative and purposeful people, because their attention is captivated by one idea, one goal, and the energy does not dissipate, but, on the contrary, is collected in one direction. This is why you enjoyed the intuitive massage so much - your attention was completely focused on what you were doing. And it is precisely such actions that bring great satisfaction and success!
So, before you start a massage, you can simply practice managing the energy and feeling it, for example, like this. Inhale, place your palms opposite each other, or next to your body, or just in space, as you exhale, concentrate in the middle of your palms and feel the energy emanating from them. The palms should be relaxed and slightly rounded. At first it may not work out very well - simply because you have never used the Lao Gong point, and it seems to have atrophied. In this case, you can first rub your palms together to mechanically awaken Lao Gong and make the energy circulate more actively. Don’t be afraid and don’t doubt - it’s not difficult at all, so you’ll definitely succeed! Otherwise it can not be. In fact, this is deeply human, and you will soon feel it. If you learn to manage your energy, then you will have in your hands the most powerful tool for achieving eternal youth. So, during the massage you need to breathe with your palms. Pleasant meditative music is very desirable, and you can also burn incense or aroma oil.

1. "Meet Earth and Sky."

You need to learn to concentrate energy in your palms. This is a preparatory movement. It is very important because it awakens Lao Gong points and harmonizes the entire human energy system. You need to stand straight, raise your right hand with your palm to the sky and mentally collect Cosmic Qi (Yang energy) into it, hold your left hand down with your palm facing the ground and mentally collect the seed substance of the Earth (Yin energy) into it. After a few moments, switch hands: the right hand lowers, and the left rises through the front, at the level of the abdomen, the palms meet and freeze opposite each other - a meeting of Heaven and Earth occurs, then the left hand opens to meet the Qi of Heaven, and the right hand collects the seed of the Earth. After some time, the hands are lowered again in the same way and for some time they are at the level of the stomach opposite each other, Heaven and Earth meet and a substance of amazing strength and impact is accumulated in the hands in order to be directed to the skin; energies are mixed, and power accumulates in the palms, which will transform your face. Now, throughout the massage, remember that there is amazing power in your palms and do not forget to breathe with your palms.

This exercise strengthens the facial muscles, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, increases elasticity and improves complexion.

2. "Open your face towards the wind."

These movements stimulate the facial nerves and subcutaneous tissues. Metabolism is activated and blood circulation improves.

The points where energy is concentrated are located in the middle of the palms, concentrate your attention on them - and feel the warmth. You can rub your palms together to awaken energy. Try inhaling air through your nose and exhaling through your palms.

1) Bring your palms filled with energy to your face, as if hiding your face in them, and make 24 circular movements - up, to the sides, down. It turns out that the right hand moves up-right-down, and the left hand moves up-left-down. Touches should be very light, gentle, penetrating and sliding. It's like butterfly wings touching your face. Don't forget to breathe with your palms.
2) Place your palms on your cheeks and slightly shake your head up and down, as if shaking against your palms. The touches are the same as in the first movement. 24 times.
Besides everything else, this movement eliminates fine wrinkles around the eyes, strengthens the facial muscles, prevents the occurrence of wrinkles, revitalizes the skin, gives freshness, elasticity, returns blush and a great mood! Even if you just do this exercise, which is sometimes called “dry washing,” every day, your skin will improve many times over! We begin to live in harmony with the Divine rhythm, transforming and rejuvenating our lives!

3. "Eye crystals"

Includes a whole series of movements aimed at the skin around the eyes and the condition of the eyes themselves:
1) "Butterfly Antennae" The thumbs lie and seem to rest on the cheekbones, and the index and middle fingers together describe circles around the eyes: a large circle - up the nose, to the left (left hand) - to the right (right hand) along the eyebrows, down, inward, up again, and transition to a small circle - right along the upper eyelid, go around the corners of the eyes and along the lower eyelid very close to the eyelashes, and move to a large circle. You need to make only 22 such circles. Your fingers should touch the skin very lightly and gently, flutter directly over it, remember, you are doing a massage not even with your fingers, but with the energy flowing from them. This movement is very good for wrinkles and for toning the skin.
2) "In the Dark Grotto" Close your eyes with slightly concave (like a bowl) palms so that the Lao Gong points are just above the eyes. Stay idle for a few seconds, feeling your eyes fill with magical energy. Then, make 12 eye movements vertically (up and down is counted at one time), horizontally, diagonally and circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. At the same time, constantly feel how energy flows from your palms into your eyes. Then place the bases of your palms on the eye sockets and press lightly on the eyes 12 times. This exercise has a great effect on the eyes themselves, increases visual acuity, relieves fatigue, and gives liveliness and shine to the look. You can do it separately, whenever your eyes get tired.
3) With three fingers, as if resting on the upper bone of the eye socket (i.e., where the eyebrow is) and press continuously and gently, as if trying to lift it, slowly counting to 36. Then press three fingers into the lower bone of the eye socket and continuously and gently press, as if trying to lower it, slowly counting to 36.

4. "Disperse the clouds in the vault of heaven"

We are talking about the forehead and partly the nose. Place the index and middle fingers on the sides near the wings of the nose, lift up the sides of the nose to the bridge of the nose, above the bridge of the nose, above the eyebrows, the fingers each diverge in their own direction (left hand to the left, right hand to the right) and lower slightly to the temples. Then place your fingers again at the wings of your nose and repeat the movement, only your fingers rise higher on your forehead and also diverge to the sides. Next time even higher - already in the middle of the forehead. And so on to the roots of the hair. In this movement, the finger pressure should be stronger and more noticeable than in the previous ones. The fingers move slowly, viscously. You need to do three such cycles. Then, with your index and middle fingers, begin to lightly “drum” on the forehead from the middle to the temples and back - from the temples to the middle of the forehead, rising from the bridge of the nose to the hairline and lowering. This movement smooths out wrinkles on the forehead and prevents their appearance, prevents and treats sinusitis, headaches, insomnia, and hypertension. Don't forget about breathing with Lao Gong points.

5. "Stroke the phoenix's tail"

Press your palms to your temples near the outer corners of your eyes. Stroke the temples with the part of the palm that is adjacent to the thumb from the corners of the eyes to the temples. 16 times. This movement prevents the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, stimulates brain function, treats headaches, neurosis, and eye diseases.

6. "Stroke the apples of your cheeks"

Place all your fingers on your cheeks with your fingertips facing your eyes and stroke your cheeks from the middle of your face to the edges, moving down to your chin, then up again. You need to do 8 such cycles - up and down. Don't forget about the Lao Gong points. Among other things (skin rejuvenation, wrinkle elimination), this movement eliminates age spots and evens out the complexion, so that it really looks like a plump apple.

7. "Make the Sun smile"

Place the index and middle fingers above the upper lip, and the ring and little fingers under the lower one so that the lips are between the fingers. Now move your fingers towards your ears, as if drawing a smile. Do this 22 times. This exercise reduces nasolabial folds, improves lip color, emphasizes the cheekbones, invigorates, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Remember that if you massage regularly, it will save you from many problems with your facial skin! And this Taoist massage has a very high rejuvenating effect: it makes the skin fresh, elastic, smooth, soft, eliminates wrinkles, pimples, spots, and evens out the complexion. And, in addition, it has a pronounced healing effect: diseases of the eyes, head, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract.
Let's move on to swan necks and voluminous hair!

8. "Grooming the Willow Stalk"

1). Place your left hand on the back of your neck so that it covers it as far as the length of your palm is sufficient: it turns out that the center of the palm lies directly on the back surface of the neck, and the base of the palm and fingers on the side surfaces). Do light, gentle stroking of the neck back and forth vertically, as if wrapping your palm around the neck. 8 times. Back and forth is counted as 1 time. Then change hands. Don't forget about breathing with Lao Gong points.
2). Tilt your head forward just a little, placing the fingertips of both hands in the groove that runs right through the center of your neck. Make pressing point movements, sliding up and down along the neck. Do this 8 times. Up and down counts as one movement. The energy from the Lao Gong points is directed to the fingertips and flows directly into the groove of the neck, distributed in the cervical spine.
3). Place your fingers exactly as in the second movement, but on the sides of the back of the neck and again make 8 up and down movements.
4). Place the fingers of the right hand on the front surface of the neck to the left of the Adam’s apple at the very base of the neck (it turns out that the place where the fingers are attached to the palm will be located exactly on the Adam’s apple). Make one stroking viscous upward movement, grasping the lower surface of the chin, while the head is slightly thrown back. Then place your left hand on your neck in the same way and make one upward stroking movement. So constantly alternating hands, make a total of 16 movements. “Willow stem grooming” not only tones and rejuvenates the skin of the neck, but also improves vision, eliminates headaches, relieves nervous tension, eliminates neuralgia, prevents and treats various mental illnesses and heart diseases!

9. "Grow a barley field"

1. Bury your hands in your hair, hold the strands between your fingers and lightly but quite noticeably pull them up. So go over your entire head, not forgetting to breathe with Lao Gong points. The second version of this movement: completely pass the strands between your fingers, pulling upward. It is not suitable for those with oily hair, because... In this case, the fat is distributed throughout the hair and it becomes dirty faster and takes on an unattractive appearance.
2. Easily clench your palms into a fist, place your knuckles at the forehead parallel to each other, as if along the ribs of the skull, and tapping on the head, move down to the base of the neck. Then move your hands back to your forehead and tap your head down again. Do this 16 times.
3. Performed every time you wash your hair. Having lowered your head into a basin of water (or it’s even better to do this with a herbal decoction, with a hair mask on your head), firmly place your fingertips in the form of claws on the sides of your head at forehead level and draw furrows up to the parting. Then move your fingers a little back over the head and repeat this movement again. And so get to the back of the head. All this counts as one trip. In total, make 8 such trips around the head. Then place hard fingers at the forehead and draw furrows from the forehead back in the same way. Also 8 times.
“Grow a barley field” improves hair growth, reduces hair loss, stimulates blood circulation in the brain, prevents and relieves headaches, dizziness, epilepsy, vomiting, has a beneficial effect, and tones the whole body.

Masks for strengthening hair, against hair loss


It is difficult for a European to understand the depth of Chinese and Japanese teachings. Lamas, honored teachers of Tibet almost always refuse to pass on their knowledge to the average person. We perceive this as a desire to keep our secrets. But in reality, the point is not even in the secrets of the teachings, but in the fact that not every person is able to understand and accept the very essence. For us, massages are one of the ways to relax the spine and relieve strain on tense muscles.. Motivation is only physiological, but among the Chinese it comes in second place.

Taoist massage is not just a way to restore the health of the spine. Tao was a great teacher, had many admirers, and founded his own teaching. This doctrine is based on the belief that health is a holistic system and does not allow the treatment of any individual organs. Thus, Taoists are confident that all diseases occur due to exhaustion and weakness of internal energy. Man is being destroyed by civilization; technology and growing needs are breaking the spiritual connection with nature. Because of this, a person weakens and loses spiritual balance.

If we give the Chinese teaching a medical form, the essence will be the same: the body suffers from an incorrect lifestyle:

  • chaotic eating;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • tendency to bad habits;
  • exposure to negative emotions.

People who come to a session for the first time are perplexed because of the non-standard approach. We are accustomed to a certain technique, but in a Taoist massage salon everything is different. The procedure is lengthy and not only because of the technology itself. Experts place the main importance on a person’s preparedness. The ideology of massage is to use movements to release all negative emotions and restore emotional balance.

Taoist massage is divided into several components. Each area of ​​the body is prepared separately, and an appropriate environment is created in the salon for relief. This is not just a Taoist massage. This is an involvement in the basics of learning, where a person is taught the need for inner harmony to maintain balance and health.

Massage especially affects people with an unstable psyche, prone to frequent breakdowns and irritation. After some time, their emotional background improves and at the same time their physical ailments decrease. Not everyone can understand the relationship, but it is enough that Taoist massage helps the patient get stronger and get rid of many problems, including pain in the spine.

Taoist massage always begins with the neck and face area. First, the skin condition is diagnosed, since this is how oriental medicine specialists quickly determine which organ needs urgent help. According to the doctrine, facial skin is divided into certain points and areas. Each point and area is responsible for the normal functioning of a separate organ. If there are violations, the skin reflects this in the form of rashes, spots, and dryness.

The second step is facial cleansing. It is necessary to rid the surface of the skin of dead tissue before starting the massage. After this, the procedure itself begins, always accompanied by quiet and relaxing music. Relaxation and absolutely calm breathing are an indispensable condition.

The specialist massages the necessary points, as a result it is possible to obtain the following results with regular procedures:

  1. activate blood circulation;
  2. improve muscle tone;
  3. straighten the contours of the face.

Nerve points are treated with the palms. Before starting a Taoist massage, you need to put your palms together and rub them together. This will allow you to focus your energy. The right hand moves only this way: up, to the right and then down. The movements of the left hand are mirrored: up, then left and then down. The movements are soft, caressing, relaxing.

Taoist chest massage can improve cardiac activity and the condition of the spine. An additional advantage of massage is its cosmetic effect for women. The technique will strengthen the chest muscles and maintain a beautiful shape, even in advanced cases. It just takes time and consistency, just like with exercises. Otherwise there will be no effect.

The movements must be performed 9 times for each breast separately. Take one breast in your hand so that it fits smoothly into your palm. Then make soft and gentle movements from the shoulder to the middle of the chest. There is no need to rush, movements should bring pleasure and relaxation. The main condition is not to stretch or wrinkle the skin itself.

The second part is done while exhaling and only 10 times on each chest. Place the breast in the palm of your hand so that the nipple itself is in its center. And then press lightly. It is important not to make forceful movements, only softness and slowness.

By massaging the center of the sternum, the thymus gland is activated. It starts the process of restoration and rejuvenation of the whole body. Taoist breast massage is done with the middle finger or thumb. Move only in a circle, creating slight pressure. Massage movement is only from top to bottom. At painful points you need to stop a little and massage additionally. But only on the condition that this massage session is not the first.

Taoist massage has a special technique for influencing the spine. Much attention is paid to it as the basis of the human skeleton. Each vertebra is massaged separately; the Taoist technique allows you to relieve any tension. The movements go from the collar area to the legs. The Taoist massage therapist no longer kneads the vertebra itself, but the tissue surrounding it.

The movements are soft and even. Having reached the gluteal area, you need to perform the same movements, but up the spine. Taoist massage therapists pay special attention to those points that cause pain to the patient. Pain is always a signal that unpleasant and dangerous processes are occurring in the body. Therefore, these points are kneaded especially carefully and carefully when performing Taoist massage.

After the spine, Taoist massage moves to the buttocks and thighs. It is assumed that kneading the gluteal muscles stimulates a surge in sexual energy. Physiologically, complete relaxation occurs, blood flow to the pelvic organs improves.

When going down to your knees during a Taoist massage, the movements are even softer. From the knee joints, smoothly descend to the calves. Knead your calves in a circular motion. There should be no pain when performing Taoist massage. Foot massage is done with both hands, not forgetting that there is a maximum number of points on the heel and each is responsible for organs. Especially for the work of the heart and the condition of the brain. Taoist massage should activate these points, stimulating the overall condition.

Taoist massage for men is different from the usual one. First of all, the fact that greater importance is removed from the sexual organ. The latter is especially sensitive; there are many points in the area of ​​the head and throughout the entire surface. These points are responsible for normalizing the functioning of the prostate gland, lungs, and heart. In the upper part, the points directly affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; they are associated with the liver. The lower part is responsible for communication with the urinary system and its health.

The penis should be massaged from the testicles. First, they actively warm up, causing the release of testosterone. It increases potency and gives strength. The pressure on the intimate area with the Taoist technique depends only on the sensations of the man himself. If during a Taoist massage a man feels a rush of blood or discomfort, the pressure during kneading must be reduced.

After that, move to the head, holding it with two fingers. First, pat it a little, pulling the flesh a little. Then, using a spiral-type movement, knead along the entire length. Then you need to find an important place - the prostate. You need to find a small hole located between the prostate itself and the anus. Lightly press this area. Taoist massage therapists are confident that this technique contributes to the growth of male strength and health.

Chinese healers are capable of real miracles, sometimes bringing back what traditional medicine could not do. There is such an exercise in Taoist massage as palming. To do this, you must first warm up your hands (in cold weather) or cool them down (in hot weather). Sit at the table and rest your elbows on the surface. Fold your palms into boats and close your eyes, then cover them with your boat palms. It is important to sit upright with your neck in the correct position. The eyes are completely relaxed, the person should not feel anything but darkness.

There is another exercise from the technique of Taoist teaching. Without suspecting it, director Jan Fried reflected it in his production of “Die Fledermaus”, giving it a humorous form: “shooting with the eyes.” The elbow is placed on the table, the index finger is extended in front of us so that it is at the level of the middle of the eyes. And move your eyes from side to side, but do not move your neck. This will strengthen the optic nerve and help relax the eyes.

Taoist massage is beneficial for many. Nervous people find peace of mind, and those suffering from spinal pain notice a decrease in severity.

Currently, despite the active development of medicine, treatment and recovery methods that have come to us from time immemorial are especially popular.

Taoist breast massage is one of the components based on the teachings of Tao. The Taoist system of massage and healing is aimed at restoring the circulation of internal energy, which allows one to achieve harmony between the physical and energetic states.

From a physiological point of view, massage can improve blood supply and oxygen saturation of tissues, relieve muscle tension, and stabilize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, Taoist massage for women has a positive effect on the functioning of the hormonal system.

What is Taoist breast massage, and what is its secret?

The structure of a woman's mammary gland has a number of features. The glandular structures are surrounded by a huge number of capillaries, which ensures good blood supply to this area. The abundance of lymphatic vessels allows for cleansing of the body. Lymph nodes represent an immune barrier, performing a protective function.

Taoist breast massage allows you to improve blood supply and blood supply to tissues, eliminate venous congestion and lymphostasis, normalize skin condition, increase breast elasticity, activate immune defense, and improve hormonal levels.

It should be understood that these practices can be used as a preventive measure for breast diseases such as cysts and mastopathy; however, they are not a recommended method of treating these diseases.

In terms of energy, massage movements stimulate biologically active points, allowing you to optimize and normalize their activity.

Indications for massage

Regular use of breast massage allows women over 30 to maintain their firmness and shape. It has become especially widespread among young mothers who have stopped breastfeeding.

In consultation with a doctor, for therapeutic or preventive purposes, massage can be indicated for women with mastopathy, cysts and different sizes of mammary glands. In rare cases, it may be recommended for persons with benign tumors who are under the constant supervision and supervision of a doctor.

Hello. Is it true that Taoist massage is very painful?

Massage technique

  • Before starting the procedure, you should warm your hands. To do this, rub your palms in a circular motion against each other so that a feeling of warmth arises.
  • Hands should be placed on the chest, creating a kind of “boat”, so that the nipples touch the middle of the palm.
  • Massage gently in a circular motion from the shoulder to the center; changing direction is not recommended.
  • The number of movements must be a multiple of 36, but not exceed 360.
  • While performing the technique, you should clear your mind if possible and try to imagine how warm and soft energy penetrates your chest.
  • After completing the first stage of the massage, take a 30-second break, and then proceed to the second stage.
  • The position of the hands is unchanged. Slightly lifting your chest, you need to apply 10 light pressures on it.

Before you begin the massage, you should carefully examine your breasts. Changes in shape, size (a noticeable increase or decrease in one relative to the other), color of the skin, the appearance of painful or painless lumps in the thickness of the mammary gland, rashes are a contraindication to the procedure.

Taoist breast massage can also be performed by a male partner. It is believed that this helps to form a special emotional connection, as well as deeper relaxation. However, in this case, the woman must control the intensity of the exercise, warning in advance of discomfort and pain. The technique of this massage can be combined with a set of special exercises for the chest and a contrast shower.

Remember, sudden movements contribute to stretching and injury to the structures and tissues of the mammary gland, so all manipulations are performed easily. The appearance of pain and discomfort during a massage indicates that it was performed incorrectly. If the pain does not subside, or any changes in the mammary gland are visually noted, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The Taoist healing system is aimed at maintaining and restoring energy balance by achieving harmony on both the physical and psychological levels, thanks to the maximum possible relaxation of the whole body.

The use of aromatic oils and massage oils is recommended in cases where there are no allergic reactions to their components. To test the skin's sensitivity to a particular oil, apply a small amount to the inner surface of the wrist and leave for 15 minutes. If there is no swelling, rashes, or redness of the skin in this area, you can safely use it.

Contraindications for massage

Despite a fairly gentle recovery technique, Taoist breast massage is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. In case of inflammatory skin diseases, pustular rashes, it is not recommended due to the possibility of infection spreading in the body or damage to deeper tissues and structures of the mammary gland.
  2. In case of allergic rashes, massage should be postponed until the body is completely restored and healed.
  3. In case of malignant neoplasms, the use of techniques is strictly prohibited, since improving the blood supply in this area leads to the progression of the oncological process and increases the risk of metastasis to other organs and tissues.
  4. For benign tumors, performing the Taoist technique can lead to tumor growth, so you must first consult with your doctor and conduct a series of examinations to determine the stage of the disease.
  5. Viral diseases (colds) are a relative contraindication to the implementation of this system; according to the recommendations, the massage course can be continued only after complete recovery.
  6. If the lymph nodes are enlarged, it is prohibited to carry out a course of restorative techniques, as this can lead to serious problems.
  7. If capillaries are fragile, the blood coagulation system is impaired, or there is a tendency to easily form hematomas, massage is strictly contraindicated, since the significant benefit is much lower than the risk of serious complications.
  8. In case of pulmonary heart failure, the use of the complex is impossible, as this can be life-threatening.
  9. During pregnancy, the technique is not recommended due to changes in hormonal levels as a result of stimulation of the mammary gland, which can cause premature birth.
  10. performing massage movements can aggravate the condition.

Smoking and alcohol are not a contraindication to the use of Taoist massage techniques, but you should give up bad habits or reduce their use, as they significantly affect the restoration of energy balance and physical health.

How can you tell if Taoist breast massage is effective?

There are the following criteria for the effectiveness of Taoist breast massage:

  1. Feeling of peace and relaxation. Many women note a decrease in stress and anxiety levels already on the third day of performing the technique. This fact can be explained by two reasons: an increase in the content of the hormone oxytocin, which occurs as a result of stimulation of the mammary gland and partial relief from obsessive thoughts during a massage.
  2. Breast augmentation. By improving blood supply, breast volume and firmness increase.
  3. Increasing the body's resistance to colds. Due to the provision of lymphatic drainage and an indirect effect on the function of the lymph nodes.
  4. Reduction of breast swelling, achieved through active circulation, blood supply and lymphatic drainage from this area.

Ask a free question to a doctor

Taoist massage is a group of individual massages that normalize the functioning of the whole body. It is part of the famous teachings of Tao, the ideology of which is based on ridding a person of existing obstacles that do not allow energy to move normally. All this allows you to achieve inner harmony and improve your emotional and physical well-being.

Chinese teachings indicate that a person ages due to the loss of internal energy, but this process can be restored. A course of massages will help get rid of insomnia, fatigue, stress, and you can also restore strength and slow down the aging process.

If you do special movements correctly, you can improve blood circulation and metabolism, saturate tissues and cells with oxygen, strengthen the immune system and make the skin elastic.

Taoist breast massage

The procedures can be performed on both women and men. So, place your hands on your chest and slowly move in a circle, make 9 turns. You should move from the shoulder to the center of the body. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances, as this may stretch the skin. Then place your palm on your chest so that its center is on the nipple. Do 10 light pressures.

You can make it located between the ribs. Such manipulations will help open and activate the thymus glands, which are responsible for the rejuvenation of the soul and body.

You should start from the top and work your way down. Walk over this area in a circular motion, paying special attention to pain points. Do everything with your index finger. After the manipulations, the sternum may hurt for 2 hours.

Taoist facial massage

With regular massage you can rejuvenate your skin. It is recommended to do a complete skin diagnosis before a course of procedures. Even in ancient times, people believed that each section on it was responsible for the work of a specific organ.

If you want to carry out the procedures yourself, it is recommended that you study this information. By activating certain points on the face, you can start the rejuvenation process and cleanse tissues and cells. Thanks to massage, muscle tone and blood movement increase, the walls of the circuit are strengthened, and harmful substances and toxins are removed.

Such manipulations can get rid of headaches. For a woman, Taoist massage is an excellent opportunity to preserve the youth and beauty of her face.

Exercise No. 1. It will help strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of wrinkles, increase elasticity and improve complexion. Rub your palms to concentrate the flow of energy into them. Bring them to your face and move them in a circle (about 24 times), first moving up, then to the sides and down.

The right hand should move according to this pattern: up, right, down, and the left hand should move like this: up, left and down. Touches should be gentle.

Exercise No. 2. This will help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. For women, this place is one of the most problematic. Cover your eyes slightly, and place your palms folded in a “boat” so that the eyes and the center of the palm are at the same level.

Feel the energy moving from your hands to your eyes. Make eye movements to the sides and in a circle in different directions. After this, lower your hands to your face and make 12 pressing movements.

Exercises No. 3. It is used to, as well as reduce the risk of their occurrence. This energy massage will help get rid of insomnia and migraines. Place two fingers of both hands on different sides of the nose, near the wings and move up to the bridge of the nose.

Having reached it above the eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then repeat the same, but go even higher and do everything until you reach the hair.

Taoist massage for men

It is reliably known that representatives of the stronger sex have the most energy points on the penis, and they are responsible for different organs and systems.

The points that are on the upper part of the shaft of the penis affect the stomach and spleen. Active centers on the middle part of the trunk affect the small intestine and liver. The points located at the base of the penis are related to the kidneys, intestines and bladder. The testicles are related to all glands.

The Taoist massage technique for men is as follows:

  • You should start by kneading your feet, which will allow you to relax and activate your sexual center. After this, gradually move up your legs;
  • Using light spiral movements, knead the testicles. Do approximately 36 repetitions. Thanks to this, male testosterone, which is responsible for potency, will begin to be released. The force of pressure depends on the man’s sensations;
  • Move to the head. Pinch it with two fingers and knead it with light movements. Gently pat the head to improve blood flow. After retracting the foreskin, make spiral movements in both directions (36 times);
  • Now rub your penis along the entire length with your hands. Do everything in the following directions: along the central and two side lines;
  • Feel the depression between the prostate and the anus, and massage it with spiral movements in both directions.

Other energy Taoist massage options for men

It is difficult to find representatives of the stronger sex who do not like massage; many even compare the pleasure they receive to an orgasm. It is recommended to massage all significant parts of the body.

Head. Important points are located on the back of the head. Walk along them in a circular motion, gradually moving towards the middle of the collar area.

Shoulder blades. Warming up this part of the body will allow you to relax. Various oils can be used. Using circular movements, massage your shoulder blades, applying gentle pressure.

Spine. You should start with the collar area, and move around each vertebra in a circular motion. When you reach the end of your back, repeat in the opposite direction. After this, lightly move along the spine, applying light pressure. Thanks to these manipulations, you can get rid of pain and relieve tension.

Buttocks and feet. Make circular movements with light pressure and pinching. This will allow you to relax even more. You should massage your thighs with both hands. Grab both sides of the body and start whisking.

Moving to your knees, do the same movements in a circle with light stroking and periodic pats. Move to the foot and massage the toes and the spaces between them. Using your thumbs, massage the center of the foot and move to the heel.

Taoist massage to restore vision

Ancient healers knew how to do massage, which helped restore vision. Many techniques have survived to this day. Let's look at a couple of exercises.

Palming. Rub your hands so that they become warm, but if the exercise is done in the heat, then you need to put them in the cold. Close your eyes and cup your hands over them so that the inside of your hands touches the bottom of your nose.

The palms should not touch the eyes and it is important that no light comes through. The neck should be straight, rest your hands on the table so that your fingers are relaxed. The goal is to completely relax, that is, there should be no white spots before your eyes, only blackness.

People have known about the benefits of massage since ancient times. It relaxes, has a healing effect, and reduces the level of stress hormones. Tighten facial muscles, get rid of a double chin, smooth out wrinkles and restore lost blush - Chinese facial massage can do all this.

Taoist facial massage for rejuvenation

The massage technique of Taoist monks is about 5 thousand years old. It is very important to learn to concentrate energy in your palms. Concentrate your attention in the center of your palms, feel the warmth. For maximum effect, rub your palms together.

The difference between Taoist massage and conventional massage is that when carrying out the procedure, the specialist uses not only mechanical effects on the skin, but also the power of vital energy Qi.

Place your closed palms in front of your face. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your palms. Taoist self-massage fights wrinkles, improves skin tone, prevents insomnia and headaches. Regular exercise will improve visual acuity and make your eyes look more lively.

  1. Stand up and raise your right arm up, with your palm facing the sky. Mentally imagine how a flow of cosmic energy is directed towards your hand. The left hand is lowered down, the palm collects the energy of the Earth. Then you need to rub your palms, while the two energies mix.
  2. Bring your palms to your face and make circular movements. The right palm moves up, then to the right, and then down. Left - up, left, down. Repeat this exercise 24 times.
  3. The thumbs rest on the cheekbones, and the middle and index fingers describe circles around the eyes, first the largest circles, then smaller ones. The movement should begin along the line of the nose upward and then towards the temples. In total, you need to make 22 circles around each eye.
  4. Bend your palms so that they look like bowls. Cover your eyes with them. Feel your eyes filled with the energy of your palms. Do gymnastics for the eyes: up and down, left and right, diagonally and circular movements. Each exercise must be performed 12 times. Place the heels of your palms gently over your eyes. Then gently, without applying too much pressure, apply pressure to your eyes 12 times.
  5. Using three fingers, press on your eyebrows, without lifting your fingers, count to 36. Then, with three fingers, gently press on the lower bone of the eye socket and slowly count to 36.
  6. Place your index and middle fingers along the wings of your nose (on both sides). Move up to the bridge of the nose, then above the eyebrows and to the temples (left hand to the left, right hand to the right). Then do the same, but your fingers should rise higher and higher on your forehead. Gradually you need to reach the hairline.
  7. “Drum” your fingertips from the center of the forehead to the temples, and then vice versa.
  8. Press the sides of your palms to the outer corners of your eyes. Run your palms from your eyes to your temples 16 times.
  9. Using your fingertips, massage your cheeks from the middle of your face outward. Move first down to your chin, then up. Do 8 approaches.
  10. Place your middle and index fingers above your upper lip, and your ring finger under your lower lip. Move your fingers to your temples, as if outlining a smile. Do the exercise 22 times.

What you need to know about massage

  • Chinese facial massage for rejuvenation should not be performed on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. Contraindications to the procedure are vascular thrombosis and elevated body temperature. You should not smoke 2 hours before the procedure and 3 hours after it. After the session you need to lie down for half an hour. When performed correctly, massage does not cause complications and contributes to a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin.
  • One of the conditions for an effective massage is the correct energy in the massage therapist’s hands.
  • The various essential oils used by a specialist should not cause allergic reactions in you. Find out in advance what aromatic compositions will be used and whether they suit you.
  • During Tibetan and Chinese massages, meditative relaxing music is usually played.
  • Tibetan facial massage is performed on reflexogenic zones without stretching the skin.

Chinese facial massage with spoons

A video of the procedure will help you follow the technique clearly. Alternating cold and hot spoons enhances lymph flow, relaxes muscles, and improves skin tone. About 30 minutes should be allocated for this procedure daily, and then the result of your labors will be elastic and smooth skin.

Guasha facial massage

The word "gua sha" in Chinese means "to clear away the bad." This ancient technique accelerates metabolic processes in the skin, activates blood circulation, cleanses lymphatic capillaries, removes toxins, and makes the skin smoother and softer.

When performing the procedure, a special tool is used - a comb. It is made from jade or buffalo horn. A specialist in this type of massage first works on biologically active points. It is noteworthy that during the procedure the skin does not move, and therefore this massage can be performed even after Botox injections.

Guasha massage:

  • has a relaxing effect on facial muscles;
  • improves lymphatic drainage, relieves swelling and fatigue of the skin;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system (improves sleep, eliminates anxiety);
  • removes skin toxins, reduces the effects of acne.

This is interesting. In India and China, massage was performed by clergy. They were taught the art of massage in special schools.
Video of facial gua sha massage - the sequence of actions performed matters.

Jade (scallop material) is an energy stone that can give youth to the skin. It absorbs negative energy and gives out positive energy. Thus, with the help of this mineral it is possible to restore the normal flow of energy along the meridians. In China, they believe that jade helps to find a way out of the most difficult situations. This is a talisman of pure, wise and merciful people.

The massage procedure should be preceded by a diagnosis of the skin condition. Pimples, hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the skin and other defects are an external manifestation of internal malfunctions of the body. Massage of biologically active points rejuvenates the skin by harmonizing energy flows. At the same time, the circulation of qi, ki and chi energy improves. Lymph and blood circulation accelerates, toxins are more actively removed through the pores of the skin, the tone of the facial muscles improves, and its contour becomes clearer.

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