Is it possible to breastfeed if your stomach hurts? What you should know about the postpartum period

Since the birth of a newborn child, every young mother faces a number of difficulties that arise in her health and well-being. During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, it is not uncommon for a woman to experience discomfort and pain in the stomach area.

This condition can be provoked by postpartum changes in the body, poor diet, frequent stress and lack of sleep. If a young mother feels unwell, she should seek medical advice.


provoke painful sensations and discomfort in the stomach area in a nursing woman can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Stressful impact. Those postpartum experiences that every woman faces leave their negative imprint on her health. Being in constant psycho-emotional stress, the young mother’s body begins to produce increased amount gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid. This chemical compound provides irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach walls, causing inflammation and other negative consequences;
  2. Stomach prolapse. When a woman is pregnant, her organs gradually shift to the sides to make room for developing fetus. The process of natural delivery can aggravate this situation, causing prolapse of some organs, including the stomach. This condition is called gastroptosis. Its occurrence is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal area;
  3. Exacerbation chronic pathologies. If a woman was diagnosed with chronic diseases before pregnancy gastrointestinal tract, then in postpartum period these pathologies very often make themselves felt. Such diseases include gastritis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Each of these diseases is accompanied by discomfort and pain in the abdominal area;
  4. Dietary disorder. If the young mother preferred natural feeding a newborn child, then her body will be faced with the need to adapt to a unique diet. The diet of a nursing woman involves limiting some foods and increasing the consumption of others, which often affects the quality of digestion.

In addition, we should not forget that the cause of painful sensations in the stomach area can be radiating pain, which is caused by the following pathologies:

  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the adrenal glands and kidneys;
  • Intervertebral hernia thoracic spine;
  • Pleurisy;
  • Inflammatory lesions of the small intestine;
  • Inflammation in the uterine cavity.

Each of these conditions can provoke discomfort and pain that is felt in the stomach area.


In addition to painful sensations in the stomach, about disorders digestive function These additional signs indicate:

  • Discomfort and heaviness;
  • Nausea;
  • Stool disorders such as constipation or diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • Heartburn and sour belching;
  • Weakness and general malaise;
  • Decreased or increased appetite.


Before starting treatment for this condition, a nursing mother should consult a medical specialist to undergo diagnostics and obtain a reliable diagnosis. WITH diagnostic purpose The patient may be prescribed:

  • General clinical blood test;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • Gastroduodenoscopy.


During the period of breastfeeding, a young mother cannot afford to use the list of medications that are approved for other people. This prohibition is due to the fact that any substances that enter the mother’s body, after some time, breast milk reach the body of a newborn baby. Treatment of stomach pain in a nursing woman depends on the cause that caused it. this state. Medical specialists offer the following ways to solve this problem:

  1. If the cause of the malaise is a violation of the diet and disorders of the digestive function, a nursing woman needs to take one of the enzymatic medications. Preparations containing pancreatic enzymes include Pancreatin, Creon 10000 and Vestal. The dosage and frequency of taking such medications should be discussed with the attending medical specialist;
  2. If a young mother feels not only pain, but also symptoms such as sour belching and heartburn, then this condition indicates excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Enveloping and antacid medications will help to cope with this condition. Prominent representatives are Maalox, Almagel and Phosphalugel. These products are safe for the mother and newborn baby. They help reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and have protective effect on the walls of the stomach.

If the cause of the pain is prolapse of the stomach, then this problem can only be dealt with with the participation of qualified medical specialists. Drug therapy in this case it will be ineffective, so the woman will be advised alternative methods treatment.

When digestive disorders are accompanied by excessive gas formation in the intestines of a young mother, you can use these medicinal drugs, like Sub Simplex and Espumisan. These medications do not provide negative impact on the body of a newborn child. In addition, to eliminate flatulence, an infusion of chamomile flowers, caraway fruits, dill and fennel seeds is used. These natural ingredients help fight flatulence in adults and intestinal colic in newborn babies.

Pain in the stomach area when breastfeeding It is strictly forbidden to treat with painkillers and other unfamiliar drugs. Any treatment methods must be agreed with the treating medical specialist.

When diarrhea occurs in a nursing mother, whether it is possible to feed the baby at this time becomes the main question, because everything must be done to avoid harm to the baby.

Breastfeeding is the happiest moment in a woman’s life, when she and the baby have very strong emotional connection. The entire period of breastfeeding requires strict adherence balanced nutrition(especially in the first months of the baby’s life). It is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol, smoking, and reduce the use of medications to a minimum. Moreover, taking medications must be accompanied by medical supervision.

However, unfortunately, no one can be insured against illness or pathology. So a nursing mother can catch a cold, get poisoned, or simply feel unwell. What is the cool season worth: viral infections and colds are his main companions. In the summer, you can easily get gastrointestinal upset and even poisoning.

In view of everything, diarrhea in a nursing mother can be caused by numerous factors. This disease should not only be treated quickly, but also prevented in advance. In addition, it is important not only to put the mother on her feet, but also to eliminate the risk for the baby.


Diarrhea is frequent bowel movements that can lead to severe dehydration. Therefore, drinking plenty and often is a guarantee Get well soon for mommy.

Diarrhea may be accompanied by weakness and general malaise. In this case, you don’t have to worry too much. However, the nature and frequency of stool should be controlled. If diarrhea during lactation is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, chills, inclusions of mucus and blood in the stool, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Such symptoms may indicate the presence infectious disease. Moreover, the disease can be transmitted to the baby through mother's breast milk.

Some causes of diarrhea:

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome. Diarrhea itself as an ailment can manifest itself due to irritable bowel syndrome. That is, there is no vomiting or nausea. The urge to loose stools does not bother you at night. When mom rests, the intestinal muscles are relaxed and diarrhea does not occur. After awakening, the pathology may begin again. Treatment of the syndrome is based on taking sedatives, relaxers. Moreover, these medications will not cause the baby the slightest harm. Thus, lactation will be normal and there will be no need to wean the baby from the breast.
  1. Food poisoning. At all intestinal poisoning It is very dangerous during breastfeeding. A baby can become infected from breast milk. Eating a stale product by a mother can cause serious violation in bowel function. Enters the body a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, which causes vomiting, diarrhea and fever. The treatment regimen is complex, including taking antibiotics, strictly following a diet and drinking the proper amount of water.
  1. Allergic reaction. As a rule, a mother’s diet includes foods that are allergens. This may cause diarrhea. Treatment boils down to eliminating the product that causes the allergy from the menu.
  1. Intestinal infection. Sometimes a nursing mother may neglect the rules of personal hygiene. This leads to the appearance intestinal infection. Pathogenic microflora, entering the intestines, release toxins, which disrupts the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. In this case, self-medication is not appropriate and even dangerous. Therefore, if signs of an intestinal infection appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid

  1. Removing toxins from the body by taking sorbents.
  2. Getting rid of frequent bowel movements using a decoction of rice or rose hips.

A nursing mother, due to her illness, may completely lose her appetite. However, completely giving up nutrition is not at all correct. It is necessary to prevent dehydration, otherwise it can negatively affect the baby.

Improving intestinal microflora is also a top priority. It is necessary to consume fermented milk products (kefir, natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream). Porridges based on cereals such as oatmeal, buckwheat and millet will be the best components of mommy’s diet.

Treatment methods

Even before the doctor's visit or while waiting ambulance, mommy needs help to make it easier general state. The cause of the disease will only be determined by a doctor. Today there are a large number of drugs that can help the mother without harming the baby. However, taking sorbents and other aids It is better to postpone it due to the fact that they all pass directly into breast milk. That is, the baby will definitely receive a certain dose of medication. But it is possible to relieve a nursing mother from pathology without medications.

Huge number of methods traditional medicine may come in handy. These recipes, when used correctly, can eliminate diarrhea quickly and effectively.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably clean and boiled water. You can use water-salt solutions, which should be in home medicine cabinet everyone. This is a well-known rehydron. The drug will help replenish the water-salt balance of the body and save from dehydration.
  2. Drink a decoction of oak bark, chamomile tea, an infusion of pomegranate peels or bird cherry fruits. Oak bark and chamomile will relieve pain and relieve inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Pomegranate and bird cherry have astringent properties, which will normalize intestinal function and form proper stool.
  3. Consuming rice water. Rice porridge and broth will allow you to stop frequent, loose stools in a short time.
  4. Walnut is an excellent fixative.
  5. Drinking strong black tea.
  6. Strict adherence to diet.

It is worth excluding fatty and difficult-to-digest foods and dishes. That is, the goal of the diet will be to slow down the contraction of the intestines. Preference should be given to porridges, first courses of lean meats and fish.

Is feeding acceptable?

Naturally, diarrhea in a nursing mother is an unpleasant condition and full of discomfort. The body instantly weakens, dehydration and weakness set in, and appetite disappears. Mothers are always worried that their baby may become infected through breast milk.

But the human body is designed in such a way that any disease provokes the production of antibodies to pathogens. That is, the baby will certainly receive his portion of antibodies through mother’s milk. According to pediatric experts, breastfeeding should not be stopped during diarrhea. Some doctors even recommend breastfeeding so that the baby receives everything useful for better development your immune system.

However, diarrhea while breastfeeding can be caused by a serious viral infection. The addition of high body temperature and frequent vomiting can be very dangerous. Therefore, the appearance of such signs should be a signal to contact a specialist. He will determine the cause of diarrhea and prescribe competent treatment which will lead to recovery. You won't need to stop breastfeeding completely; you will need to take a short break. A nursing mother must get rid of of this disease As soon as possible. She will need to quickly restore her body's strength in order to continue breastfeeding her baby.

Prevention of intestinal dysbiosis

Today, intestinal dysbiosis is a fairly common phenomenon. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract certainly leads to digestive problems. This is a familiar diarrhea, which in itself causes terrible discomfort for a nursing mother. Moreover, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is a deterioration in the interaction of all body systems. This is especially dangerous during lactation and breastfeeding.

To prevent negative phenomena and their consequences, it is important to take preventive measures against dysbiosis. Preventing a disease means eliminating the risk of its impact on the body.

It may seem difficult to carry out prevention, since there are many factors that influence the development of intestinal dysbiosis. One of the reasons for disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is the use of antibiotics. Active components in the composition of medications can disrupt the intestinal microflora. This can provoke destruction of the intestinal mucosa, and subsequently upset stool. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of all gastrointestinal organs and carry out treatment on time.

Pollution environment is also pathological factor in intestinal dysfunction. Pathogenic microbes from outside can enter the body and cause serious illness. A severe form of dysbacteriosis provokes chronic nature diarrhea.

Prevention of such a phenomenon as diarrhea in a nursing mother comes down to proper and balanced nutrition.

Yes, use fresh products foods, including fermented milk products, meat and fish dishes, bread coarse- this is the basis feeling great. Dairy products rich in lactobacilli, which fight pathogenic microbes and contribute to the creation beneficial microflora in the intestines.

Adequate rest, relaxation and avoidance stressful situations will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body of a nursing mother.

Many mothers face the problem of poisoning while breastfeeding. If this happens, then the main thing is not to panic. It is necessary first of all to find out the cause of the malaise, to assess the severity of the woman’s condition in order to decide whether it is possible to breastfeed if poisoned. If the mother's condition is severe, it is necessary to seek medical care, it is better not to self-medicate.

Causes and signs of the disease

Poisoning in a woman can occur after consuming low-quality products. Symptoms of illness may be caused by E. coli, salmonella or staphylococcus. The most dangerous is the presence of botulism bacillus in products.

Poisoning is often caused dirty hands, vegetables or fruits that are poorly washed before eating. Undercooked meat also leads to illness, poisonous mushrooms or berries, canned food, if they are cooked improperly. Confectionery products with cream are often the cause if they have been stored incorrectly or for a very long time.

Signs of poisoning develop several hours after eating low-quality foods. At mild form feeling unwell, the woman feels nausea and the urge to vomit, she has loose stool, minor pain in the abdominal area and general weakness.

You should immediately seek medical help if these signs become more frequent and do not go away within 24 hours. Concerns should also be raised heat bodies and febrile state. Treatment of severe cases of poisoning should only occur in a hospital.

Acceptable therapy

Treatment of poisoning due to hepatitis B must begin immediately after the first signs appear. You can rinse your stomach to get rid of the contaminated product. Used for the procedure pure water or weak solution potassium permanganate. You need to drink about a liter of liquid and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Gastric lavage is performed until the water coming out is clean.

It is imperative to take a sorption drug; it will absorb toxins produced by poisoning agents. The most versatile and safe means in this case it is considered Activated carbon.

Instead of activated carbon, you can take Smecta several times a day. Polysorb has proven itself well; this adsorbent does not penetrate into breast milk, since it is not absorbed into the blood. This is a drug fast action, the effect is achieved literally in 5 minutes.

If there is no diarrhea, you can cleanse the intestines with an enema. clean water volume up to 3 liters in several doses. This procedure removes toxins from the intestines so that they do not enter the blood. The body's fight against bacteria can last several days. If a nursing mother's body temperature rises, it is advisable to take a tablet of Paracetomol, Nurofen or Ibuprofen.

Breastfeeding in case of poisoning can be continued; the bacteria penetrate the mother’s gastrointestinal tract and cannot enter breast milk. A woman’s body produces antibodies to the pathogen, transmitting immunity to salmonella, E. coli and other pathogens to the child.

A break from breastfeeding will only need to be taken if the mother’s condition requires treatment in a medical facility. To prevent the milk from disappearing, she will need to express it regularly, then after recovery she will be able to restore normal process lactation.

A prerequisite for poisoning is frequent washing hands with detergent before communicating with the child, especially after visiting the toilet. In order for the body to have the strength to fight the pathogens of the disease, a woman needs to rest often, if possible, adhering to bed rest.

On the first day after poisoning, it is advisable not to eat any food. The next day, if your health improves, you can eat a little light food, for example, rice porridge, crackers from white bread and sweet tea. To a normal diet, including familiar products, we need to move on gradually.

Particular attention in this disease is given to drinking regime. The body needs fluid during this period, especially if poisoning is accompanied by diarrhea. You should drink about 2 liters of water per day. You can use weak infusions of chamomile or calendula, you can also use mineral water, just not carbonated. Even if the baby also experiences intestinal dysfunction, breastfeeding should not be stopped in case of poisoning.

Stabilize normal work gastrointestinal tract will also be helped by drugs that contain vegetable fiber and bifidobacteria. You can use the biological product Eubikon or encapsulated yogurt. Medicines of this type are taken before meals, the course of use lasts 5 days.

Prevention measures

It is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands often with detergent. Only boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking. Before buying groceries and before eating, you need to make sure that the food is fresh. Special attention need to pay attention to the quality of meat, dairy and confectionery. It is better to completely avoid mushrooms in any form during breastfeeding. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be washed well before use.

If the baby is not yet 6 months old, the mother must make every effort to maintain and continue the lactation period. Even if poisoning occurs, but it is mild, do not rush to take medications that can harm the child.

Most often, poisoning occurs in a mild form, without requiring long-term treatment, so there is no need to interrupt the feeding period. But if a woman’s condition worsens, she must mandatory consult a doctor. He will appoint necessary treatment depending on the woman's condition.

Constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding is the most common type of complication that needs to be addressed. It is this rather unpleasant aspect that we will consider today and try to figure out how to influence such conditions of a woman in labor.

Giving birth to a child is a process that involves a long wait, endless worries and sleepless nights. This procedure is extremely painful, but this does not make the child less desirable; on the contrary, it strengthens the bond between the mother and her child. However, the reproductive process can provoke some changes in a woman’s body, which result in various difficulties.

Main symptoms

“What could be easier than treating constipation?” - many of us can say. However, for an organism that has undergone the pangs of giving birth to a new life, this aspect can become a huge problem. Define similar condition quite simple, since it is characterized by obvious signs:

  • bloating;
  • difficulty in excreting feces;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • pain in the intestinal area.

As a rule, these signs do not appear separately. They have the character of a gradual spread, which depends on the time spent without the toilet. Basically, constipation in a nursing mother begins to manifest itself 1-3 days after birth. It can continue for a considerable period of time, and its neutralization requires special preventive measures.

Prerequisites for education

Constipation in a nursing mother can be a consequence of certain pathologies or the result of many other factors. To understand the very structure of the problem, it is necessary to focus in more detail on the reasons for its occurrence. TO similar factors relate:

  • hormonal changes;
  • weakening and stretching of muscles;
  • pressure of the uterus on the intestines;
  • change in bowel position;
  • wrong diet;
  • stress;
  • fear of pain.

All these factors can become prerequisites for the formation of constipation. IN normal conditions eliminating such a nuisance would not be difficult. However, constipation during breastfeeding cannot be counteracted conventional methods. First of all, this is due to the fact that all factors and means acting on the mother’s body, starting from the first seconds of the baby’s life, inevitably affect the child. Therefore, eliminate such unpleasant symptoms traditional methods almost impossible.

Changes in hormonal levels and weakened abdominal muscles

The first factor causing constipation in a nursing mother is hormonal changes and general background disorders that affect the female body as a whole. This process begins during the first months of pregnancy, when all systems and processes begin to be rebuilt in anticipation of the development of a new life. The entire duration of bearing a child is marked by hormonal changes. Over nine months they deviate significantly from the natural level. Everyone knows that after childbirth, hormonal systems cannot quickly and most effectively restructure according to the previous parameters. This process occurs gradually and can take several months. As a result, the violation metabolic processes may cause constipation after childbirth.

The physiology of the process of eliminating used food involves some muscle activity. The work involves mainly the abdominal muscles, which create the necessary pressure on the rectum. Pregnancy makes some adjustments to their location and subsequent work. A gradually growing belly stretches the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles, causing them to lose some of their functions. The birth procedure gives excessive loads on weakened areas, which leads to their overload. As a result, the muscles simply cannot apply pressure to the intestine with the necessary force. As a result, constipation may occur during breastfeeding.

The pressure of the uterus on the intestines can also cause fecal stagnation. During pregnancy, the uterus gradually stretches. This is due to the growth of the baby. After his birth, she cannot instantly return to her previous condition, therefore she remains in an enlarged form and only over time gradually returns to her original state. During this period, the uterus can press on some parts of the intestine, thereby disrupting its function.

Negative consequences of not eating properly

Constipation in a nursing mother can occur due to changes in the position of the intestines. Pregnancy makes adjustments to all systems of the body, changing them and adapting them to your needs. The growing fetus gradually takes up more and more space, pressing and displacing other organs. The intestines are no exception to this process. The approaching birth puts more and more pressure on him. To restore its full functionality, it also takes some time, during which constipation may occur in nursing mothers.

An improper diet is one of the main criteria for the formation of constipation. In most cases, women suddenly change their diet for fear of eating something wrong or even refuse food in the first days after childbirth. Both of these approaches are fundamentally wrong, since they only aggravate the situation. After suffering stress, the body needs to restore not only its strength, but also all damaged tissues. Fasting or poor nutrition leads to the fact that the regeneration process is prolonged for a significant period of time. A weakened body cannot fully perform its functions and therefore limits some of them. The same applies to sudden changes in nutritional patterns. Fear of eating anything extra, so that manifestation does not occur allergic reactions in a child, also plays a role. Thanks to this, the meager set of products is reduced even more.

Constipation in a nursing mother can be a consequence of stress. In some cases psychological factor comes out on top. Constant unrest and analyzes transferred to recent months pregnancy, leave an imprint on the mental state of the new mother. Childbirth is the final stage of this process. Only now fear for health is added to everything else. little man. This decisive factor can create all the prerequisites for entering a state of severe stress. It also affects the functioning of all systems and organs. The intestines are no exception to general list. So the formation of constipation when feeding a child may well be associated with this generally negative factor.

Start of treatment measures

Treatment primary symptoms constipation during breastfeeding is based on the introduction special diet and conducting preventive methods. More serious degrees of the disease may require minor drug intervention.

The first and most important factor in helping to treat constipation is following the principles of proper nutrition and adherence to healthy image life. These two criteria can as soon as possible neutralize constipation and remove it unpleasant consequences. Some people are afraid to eat various products to avoid negative impact on the child. In general, there is some truth in this. However, the main thing to remember is that most natural products You can still eat them, you just need to subject them to special processing.

Some women stop eating meat immediately after giving birth. Such a decision will not bring anything good, since the body, at the time of tissue regeneration and organ restoration, needs an abundance of light protein, which meat products are rich in. Refusal to use them entails the fact that the body has nowhere to take this building element, and it simply cannot recover normally and effectively. Eating meat is not only possible, it must be done. Fried, smoked, fatty, heavy versions of this dish, of course, will have to be excluded so that this does not negatively affect the quality of breast milk. But boiled or steamed rabbit or chicken will be the optimal solution for creating the necessary supply of energy and building material.

Vegetables are also extremely important products, necessary for both mother and child. They contain many vitamins and mineral compounds that are responsible for normalizing metabolic processes and tissue restoration. Of course, it is not recommended to consume them raw, but it is quite possible to do so in a boiled version. The general principles of nutrition during breastfeeding are to avoid heavy and fatty foods, as well as reorientation of the diet to more simple products. Various cereals and boiled meat are the main allies in the fight against constipation and best helpers in normalizing all metabolic processes in the body, as well as ensuring good nutrition baby.

Preventive measures and drug therapy

Preventive measures are essential for recovery normal functions digestive system. First of all, these include physical exercises that a new mother should perform. In the first days after giving birth, you absolutely don’t want to do anything. physical work, and the muscles are very sore and sore. However, paradoxical as it may sound, it is feasible exercises for muscle development that are the best way to relieve constipation. They should start with several bends or twists, which will engage weakened muscles and give an impetus to the normalization of all body systems.

There are times when there is no other choice but to use medications. Typically this is various complications, which block intestinal function for a long period. In such circumstances, the best solution would be to report the problem to your doctor, who will make his recommendations and give an opinion. In most cases, doctors prescribe special glycerin suppositories for constipation, which are designed to eliminate the problem at the local level. The principle of their application is to introduce anus and a short rest, during which the elements dissolve. The effect on the body begins its process from the moment the capsules dissolve. As soon as this happens, the active elements begin to be absorbed into the rectum, helping it contract and push out feces. This leads to the passage of stool.

However, it should be remembered that suppositories for constipation should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor who is observing a woman. Such an appointment is usually made in the most extreme cases, when the effectiveness of other methods is practically zero.

A complex approach

Constipation in women who are breastfeeding is negative consequence past births. Stress, weakened muscles and poor nutrition sometimes lead to the formation of intestinal obstruction. Therefore, to prevent such consequences, you should adhere to a special diet and do not forget about physical exercise. Proper nutrition is extremely important not only for the normalization of metabolic processes female body, but also to ensure a complete diet for the child. Physical activity, which is the basis of preventive measures, can have a beneficial effect on weakened muscles and areas, bringing their functioning to normal levels. normal mode. Exactly like this A complex approach can become a panacea and solve the current problem in the shortest possible time.

Almost every person faces problems with indigestion and intestinal obstruction. This problem does not escape breastfeeding women either.

The drug market offers a variety of drugs to eliminate the symptoms that accompany indigestion and are aimed at effective treatment, however, if a nursing mother has a stomach ache, then not all medical supplies allowed for use. The fact is that the milk used to feed the baby will contain medications taken by the mother, and not all of them will benefit the child. It is very important to carefully consider the issue of choosing a drug, and, above all, take into account that it should not harm the health of the newborn.

Causes and symptoms of indigestion

Dyspepsia or indigestion is characterized by disruption of food digestion processes and the occurrence of constipation during breastfeeding in mothers.

The causes of dyspepsia can be different, namely:

The result of these reasons is that digestive system simply unable to cope with their functions, and as a result, pain, belching, constipation, heaviness in the stomach, loose stools, heartburn, bloating, mild nausea, general weakness of the body and dizziness occur - symptoms of dyspepsia.

Drugs used for stomach pain in a nursing mother

Since the causes of abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea in a nursing mother are different, the drugs aimed at neutralizing these symptoms are different from each other.

If a nursing mother has a stomach ache due to a lack of digestive enzymes, then their balance can be replenished only after consultation with a gastroenterologist with the help of medications such as Pancreatin, Vestal and Creon 10000. These drugs are indicated for use by women during lactation and are made from the pancreas animals. The drug Pancreatin contains enzymes such as lipase, protease and amylase, which not only promote the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, but also normalize digestive processes.

Most often, a deficiency or decrease in the activity of digestive enzymes is accompanied by dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract, so medications containing components that normalize bile secretion, absorption and other indicators, such as Digestal, Festal, Panzinorm Forte and Digestal Forte, may be required. These drugs are allowed to be taken by women during lactation and pregnancy. The most effective and gentle active drug, the effect of which is aimed at relieving symptoms if the stomach hurts during breastfeeding, is Mezim Forte - these tablets can be taken even by very young children.

In cases where a nursing mother has a stomach ache, heartburn may occur, the appearance of which is due to the fact that gastric contents enter the esophagus. To neutralize heartburn, it is necessary to use antacids, which, by neutralizing hydrochloric acid, reduce the acidity of gastric juice. There are a large variety of drugs that have this effect on the drug market, but the following are suitable for use by women during lactation medicines like Almagel, Maalox and Phosphalugel.

The causes of flatulence in nursing mothers may be the consumption of large portions of such food products like fried potatoes, brown bread, milk and vegetables, since during childbirth the tone of the stomach muscles is lost, or insufficient absorption gases in the intestines due to gastrointestinal diseases. Often flatulence (excessive gas formation) is accompanied by a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, hiccups, unpleasant smell from the mouth, belching and paroxysmal abdominal pain, which disappears after the passage of gas. Traditionally, if a nursing mother has a stomach ache and flatulence develops, various infusions from caraway fruits, chamomile flowers, garden or dill seeds, as well as dill oil or fennel oil. These products facilitate the passage of gas due to their ability to relax smooth muscles and at the same time stimulate intestinal motility. Infusions made from the above ingredients can be combined, and nursing mothers are also allowed to use drugs such as Espumisan and Sab Simplex.

Constipation during breastfeeding is usually accompanied by symptoms such as malaise, weakness, headache, insomnia, irritability and decreased appetite, which are caused by toxic substances that are absorbed from retained stool. Constipation during breastfeeding can lead to an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, which interferes with the absorption and synthesis of B vitamins. If constipation occurs, laxatives are used, among which the main ones are herbal remedies such as rhubarb root, buckthorn bark, joster fruits, senna leaves , anise and castor oil, sabur, aloe juice, seaweed, flax-seed, agar-agar and various bran, defecation after consumption of which occurs after 12-20 hours. In addition to the above herbal remedies If a nursing mother has a stomach ache and constipation occurs, medications such as Regulax, Mucofalk and saline laxatives such as magnesium hydroxide, sodium phosphate and Carlsbad salt are indicated for use, the effect of which - defecation - occurs 3-6 hours after use.

Stomach hurts when breastfeeding: diet for a nursing mother

The occurrence of abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea in a nursing mother is often due to poor nutrition.

The most common diet myth for breastfeeding mothers is that they need a strict diet. It is very important to consider that a woman during lactation spends at least 500 kcal per day on feeding her baby, and this is not the only thing she has to do during the day. Carrying out household chores, shopping and going to markets, caring for a child, and working part-time indicate that nursing mothers should eat a nutritious and varied diet in order to replenish the calories expended in the body, and compliance strict diet during this period will only lead to exhaustion of the body.

So, if a nursing mother has a stomach ache, you should definitely remember that this indicates mistakes made when preparing the diet. What the mother absorbs during the day is passed on to the baby through breast milk, so in order for none of them to have health problems, a woman’s diet during lactation should be as balanced as possible.

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If your stomach hurts during breastfeeding, this may be due to an intestinal disorder or obstruction. Among pharmaceutical drugs There are enough products to eliminate the problem, but not all are allowed for nursing mothers, because most of the substances included can harm the baby. Therefore, the medicine must be safe and approved by the attending physician.

A nursing mother has a stomach ache: causes and complaints

When the digestion process is disrupted, frequent constipation is possible. The problem especially worries women in labor and continues until the body recovers and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. Pain that accompanies the feeding process can be caused by the following factors:

  • binge eating;
  • existing chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • poor nutrition and abuse of fatty and heavy foods;
  • enzyme deficiency.

All this is because the organs cannot cope with the task. In addition to stomach pain, a woman experiences the following symptoms when breastfeeding:

  • pain;
  • belching;
  • discomfort;
  • heaviness;
  • bloating;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn.

Treatment safe for hepatitis B

Creon will help eliminate the consequences of dietary errors.

When breastfeeding it is very important to choose correct therapy and medicines. Everything must happen delicately and safely, because the newborn is still defenseless, and some substances, once in the mother’s milk, can greatly harm the child. Experts recommend doing this:

  • If the diet is disrupted and a disorder appears, then you can take enzyme-containing products (Creon, Festal).
  • When, in addition to stomach pain, heartburn appeared and sour belching, then these are symptoms of increased production of hydrochloric acid. We need protective stomach walls and enveloping agents, such as "Phosphalugel" or "Almagel".
  • At increased gas formation You can drink activated carbon and the drug "Sab Simplex".
  • When constipation is tormented, a drug that softens stool and does not damage the intestines, for example, Duphalac, is allowed.
  • At severe pain The use of painkillers is undesirable. You can turn to proven recipes of traditional medicine.

The dosage of medications should be prescribed by the attending physician, as well as the duration of therapy. Self-medication during lactation is unsafe.

More about the drugs

Action of enzymes

Mezim increases the activity of digestive enzymes.

“Pancreatin”, “Vestal”, “Creon”, “Pancreazim” help replenish the balance of missing elements, improve their production and normalize digestion in a nursing mother. These tablets are made from animal pancreas. It is lipase, amylase and protease that help break down proteins and fats, which leads to the proper functionality of organs. If the activity of enzymes is reduced due to problems with the liver or biliary tract, then you need to take medicine, which will resume their work and the absorption of food. Mezim is best suited for treatment, and you can also take Festal, Digestal, Panzinorm.

How do antacids and painkillers work?

With increased secretion, you need to take medications that neutralize hydrochloric acid, and also reduce acidity and eliminate heartburn. Maalox, Almagel and Phosphalugel are considered effective. Painkillers are not recommended because they contain complex and harmful substances for the baby. It is better to identify the nature of the pain and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. Analgesics can only be taken after a caesarean section.


During the postpartum period, women often experience exacerbation of chronic gastritis. This is also related to hormonal changes, and with pressure on the stomach of the uterus during pregnancy, and with the woman’s lifestyle. Chronic lack of sleep, restricting oneself in nutrition, stress lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Types of chronic gastritis

Symptoms of gastritis are renewed pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, bloating. Any woman who has suffered from gastritis in the past can easily recognize the signs of exacerbation, although sometimes the first signs of the disease appear during pregnancy.

Chronic gastritis can be of three types, depending on the reasons that caused it:

  1. Chronic gastritis A. The reasons lie in the autoimmune processes occurring in the body. The gastric mucosa suffers from antibodies that the body mistakenly produces, and its own tissues are affected.
  2. Chronic gastritis B. Bacterial (superficial) type of gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori on the mucous membranes.
  3. Chronic gastritis C occurs due to reflux bile acids. This type of gastritis is also called reflux gastritis.

These are the main types of chronic gastritis, although others occasionally occur: lymphocytic, granulomatous, eosinophilic. At chronic inflammation stress and vitamin deficiency have significant role, so a nursing woman should monitor her emotional state and taking vitamin complexes.

Gastritis B and C are characterized by increased or normal acid content; with gastritis A, the acidity of gastric juice is reduced. More than 90% of all gastritis are bacterial. Atrophic (autoimmune) and reflux gastritis occur much less frequently.

Feed or treat

When the gastric mucosa is inflamed, a nursing mother is faced with the question: stop breastfeeding and treat the sore stomach or continue breastfeeding. Each choice has pros and cons. No one will dispute the importance of breastfeeding. If the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, a woman can continue to breastfeed for up to a year, and then begin therapy. Most medications for gastritis are contraindicated in hepatitis B.

For mild pain, a woman is prescribed a gentle diet containing mineral waters, stewed and steamed vegetables, dairy products, boiled meat and fish. Meals during the treatment period are fractional, in small portions. When creating a menu, you should start from individual characteristics body: stop eating foods that cause stomach irritation and confidently eat something that does not cause nausea, pain, or discomfort. Well coats the stomach walls that are very boiled cereals and natural jelly. It is recommended to drink kefir at night, limit the consumption of salt and hot spices.

To reduce symptoms postpartum depression shown to a woman good sleep and the absence of emotional turmoil. It can be extremely difficult to completely rest and recover in the first months after the birth of a child. The mother has to get up several times to a crying baby. You should expect help from relatives who can take on some of the responsibilities. Before going to bed, the mother can express breast milk so that the baby's father or grandmother can cope with feeding without waking the woman in labor.

Treatment with drugs and herbal medicine

Taking herbs with an enveloping and analgesic effect is not contraindicated: chamomile, flax seed, oats, dill, licorice root. Such infusions can really safely relieve pain. But mint can reduce lactation and should be taken with caution. To reduce pain, taking a spoonful of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach is recommended.

To treat gastritis during breastfeeding, decoctions of other herbs are often used. They may provide mild analgesic and sedative effects, but their effectiveness has generally not been proven. Such herbs include deyasil, buckthorn, and calamus powder.

There are a number of drugs that are sometimes used to treat gastritis during breastfeeding, but their effect on the infant body is unknown or research is being conducted but not yet completed. Of these drugs, it is worth noting Gastrosidin (famotidine), Digestal, Mezim forte, Pancreatin, Festal.

Unsafe medications are harmful because they pass into breast milk and can cause various degenerative changes. Cannot be taken with breastfeeding Controloc (pantoprazole), De-Nol, Gerusil lac, Helicocin. Cimetidine, Enterosgel, Gasterin are recognized as safe. Smecta helps reduce pain a little, but it does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Use Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, Gaviscon with caution. To relieve pain, you can use No-shpu (it is also used during pregnancy), Papaverine.

After breastfeeding

Superficial gastritis during breastfeeding does not require treatment, just like acute gastritis, caused by Helicobacter pylori. Treatment of bacterial gastritis must be started after finishing feeding.

At unbearable pain You can begin treatment by transferring the child to complementary foods. During treatment, if a woman plans to breastfeed in the future, every effort should be made to preserve milk supply. To maintain lactation, you need to take vitamins for nursing mothers, massage your breasts, express milk regularly, and drink plenty of fluids.

When treating bacterial gastritis, therapeutic measures must be comprehensive. Painkillers, enveloping drugs must be combined with antibiotics. Treatment is aimed at reducing the content of hydrochloric acid, eliminating inflammatory process and spasm, removal of bacteria. The Helicobacter bacterium, having entered the body, settles in it until it is destroyed by an antibacterial drug.

Video: symptoms of gastritis



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