Constant worry and anxiety, how to get rid of it. How to get rid of anxiety and fear

Fear is a natural and necessary emotion for life, or rather an affective state. Healthy fear ensures self-preservation. This is a sign of intelligence and imagination, the desire to live. Justified fear, such as the fear of a fire caused by an electrical appliance being left on, is useful. Like pain, it alerts us to a possible or emerging problem. But what to do if fear is out of control and interferes with life? Read on.

Like any phenomenon, fear can be viewed from two sides, positive and negative:

  • The negative power of fear is that, being uncontrollable or turning into anxiety, behavioral disorders and the like, it ruins the life of an individual.
  • The positive power of fear is that it ensures development. Out of fear of ignorance, schools appeared, out of fear of death and injury in road accidents, mechanics are improving cars, fear of poisoning forces us to process and store food more carefully.

Differences between fear and anxiety

Fear is an emotion that is closely related to another one - anxiety. Sometimes these definitions can be confused. However, there are 3 characteristics that distinguish these concepts:

  1. Fear is more specific, for example, there is a fear of heights. While anxiety does not have clear outlines.
  2. Anxiety is a subjectively significant emotion. It is caused by things and values ​​that are significant for a particular individual. Anxiety arises against the background of a threat to the personality itself, its essence, and worldview.
  3. When faced with anxiety, a person is often helpless. For example, if uncertainty during an earthquake causes anxiety, then a person is unable to influence it.
  4. Anxiety is a constant phenomenon, fear is determined by a specific situation.

Specifics of fear

You can distinguish between real and false fear:

  • We experience the first in critical situations. For example, when a car is caught in a snow drift and is about to roll over.
  • False fear - imaginary worries about what did not happen (“What if I get into a skid?”). It is precisely false fears that need to be fought.

When we experience fear, there is an increase in sensory attention and motor tension. That is, we are more actively observing and are ready to quickly run (act).

Uncontrolled and unprocessed fears turn into phobias and anxieties, which provokes neuroticism of the individual.

Signs of fear

Signs of fear include:

  • anxiety;
  • anxiety;
  • jealousy;
  • shyness;
  • other subjective states;
  • uncertainty;
  • physiological changes;
  • avoidance of the object of discomfort.

Causes of fear

Among the reasons are:

  • self-doubt and other disorders;
  • childhood psychological trauma;
  • constant stress and frequently recurring critical situations;
  • the instinct of self-preservation.

The last reason encourages normative fear.

As V. A. Kostina and O. V. Doronina note, fear can be hereditary. Moreover, women are more likely to have social fears, while men are more likely to have a fear of heights. Fear of heights, darkness, fear of doctors, punishment, and loss of loved ones is inherited.

Why is fear dangerous?

When fear occurs, a number of physiological changes occur in the body. The work includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal cortex. As a result of activation of the hypothalamus, corticotropin is produced. It in turn includes the nervous system and the pituitary gland. It triggers the adrenal glands and produces prolactin. The adrenal glands secrete cortisol. At the same time, adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced. All this manifests itself externally and internally:

  • increase in pressure;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • opening of the bronchi;
  • "goose bumps";
  • decreased blood flow to the organs of the digestive and reproductive systems;
  • dilated pupils;
  • release of glucose into the blood;
  • rapid fat burning;
  • increased acidity in the stomach and decreased enzyme production;
  • shutting down the immune system.

That is, the body comes into tension and takes a low start.

In real danger, this allows you to think faster, see better, hit harder, run faster. But if the fear is imaginary and constant, then the body is not benefited by everything that happens to it at that moment. This is why psychosomatic diseases develop against a background of fear:

  • stool disorders,
  • bronchial edema,
  • dyspnea,
  • chest pain.

Thus, a vicious circle arises. For example, you are afraid of getting sick, but against the backdrop of fear you get sick. In addition, the more often you experience fear (stress), the less you can rationally assess the situation, which results in chronic phobias.

Don't say that you now have a fear of fear (that wasn't my goal). In any case, we’ll deal with him now. Read on.

The most popular fears: description and solution

One of the popular fears is the fear of death (your own or loved ones). This is the most ambiguous phenomenon:

  • On the one hand, it can reach such proportions that a person will close himself within four walls and simply rewind the allotted time.
  • But on the other hand, this is a normal fear that makes us look around when we cross the road.

There is only one way to cope with it - accept it. All people are mortal. There is no point in experiencing death several times in your thoughts and darkening your whole life with this.

Other popular fears include fear of others, of oneself, of time, and of fear.

Fear of others

The basis of fear is criticism, and yours first of all. To overcome this problem, try not to criticize, but to praise. It is human nature to project our shortcomings or problems onto others, that is, in people we notice and criticize what we do not accept in ourselves. And we seem to be playing ahead of the curve until they notice it in our country. That is, we are afraid that our shortcomings will be noticed. This also includes:

  • pickiness;
  • grievances;
  • vindictiveness;
  • unpleasant character traits (conflict, deceit, dishonesty, avoidance of problems, indecisiveness).

If you notice this in people and are afraid to experience it yourself, then you have probably already experienced it in yourself a long time ago. On the same basis, there is a fear of appearing funny, of falling under the evil spirit of someone. Solution to the problem: demonstrate yourself what you want to see in others.

Fear of yourself

It's about about the fear of one’s own ailments, imperfections of the body, loss of strength, and the like. The solution to such a problem is to achieve harmony of the body, brain and soul. It's very complex and wide path. Simply put, this is getting rid of psychosomatics.

Learn to listen to your body and accept the fact that it is a system capable of self-regulation if it is not interfered with by imaginary fears. Have you ever said: “I don’t understand how I could do this. I won’t repeat it now on purpose”? Here is the answer.

Fear of time

Learn the “here and now” principle. Fear of time passing is often accompanied by self-flagellation due to postponing something for later or to the will of fate. You need to learn to act and take responsibility for your actions.

  • Get rid of laziness.
  • Understand the principle of “everything in its time,” but in the context of your fulfillment of your life plan and creation favorable conditions rather than waiting for the intervention of external forces.
  • Scroll through situations in your head before doing something in practice (only with a successful outcome, of course).

Fear of fear

First of all, learn to call a spade a spade. Not “I’m nervous”, but “I’m afraid of something.” Basically we are talking about fear of the unknown. Read about overcoming it in the paragraph “From fear to freedom” of this article.

  1. Learn to overcome your fears and use them for good. There is no need to be ashamed of fear, but you need to overcome it and resist. Optimal method in this case – “wedge by wedge”. It is important to face your fears. If in alcoholism treatment begins with the acceptance (voicing, recognition) of the problem, then the correction of fears begins with a confrontation.
  2. When working with fears, it is important to understand that it will not work out the first time. You must be aware that it will not be easy, but it will be worth it. In case of failure, have an alternative plan (people with fears are best at coming up with workarounds), but only use it as a plan B.
  3. Pretend you're not afraid of anything. Imagine that you have to play a role on stage. After a while, your brain will believe that you really are not afraid of anything.
  4. Fears about the future are least justified. You create your own future, so pay attention to the present. Fears about him are much more justified. By torturing yourself with something from the future, you ruin your whole life. You exist, not live.
  5. Accept the fact that our life consists of white and black stripes, sometimes gray. Troubles, difficulties and uncertainty will often appear. The important thing is not to be afraid to face it, but to be confident that you can handle it. To do this you need to be the master of your life.
  6. Most fears stem from childhood. But, firstly, a child and an adult perceive the same things differently. Secondly, often fear or disagreement with a specific person is projected onto the subject. For example, you have problems in your relationship with your parents, but you are afraid of the dark (you were once locked in a closet). Then there is only one solution - let go or discuss the grievances.
  7. Have you noticed that fears are always directed to the future (even if they are based on the experience of the past), and fears develop due to the imagination? So why not redirect your energies, for example, into creativity? Learn to switch your attention. Realize that you are expending real physical, mental, and psychological strength working through future events that most likely won't happen. Don't you feel sorry for this?
  8. Fear of the unknown is the most unjustified. You don’t yet know the object (phenomenon) itself, so how do you know that you need to be afraid of it? Give it a try. Haven't been on a plane? Give it a try. And then decide whether you will be afraid or not.

I would like to make a reservation that you should not rush headlong into the pool and neglect your safety. That is, to live life to the fullest without fears does not mean going snowboarding, getting hurt and remaining disabled. Living without fear means making your own decisions and taking responsibility for them, understanding all the risks and possible consequences.

The body is capable of self-healing. Your task is to bring him out of the state of eternal tension. And this is what relaxation was invented for. We are talking about conscious relaxation of the body, replacing negative emotions with positive ones. But let me remind you once again that you only need to get rid of unhealthy fear.

Healing Plan

To overcome fear, you need to consistently solve a number of problems.

  1. Replace faith in the bad (this is fear) with faith in the good. There is a recipe for everyone: some turn to nature, others to spirits, God, their own old pleasant memories.
  2. Next, find support from someone and give it yourself.
  3. Learn to listen to your body and trust your intuition.
  4. Find the root cause of false fear.
  5. Create your own recipe for courage. These are detailed aspirations (desires) and ways to achieve them. It is important to describe not only what needs to be done, but also what you can do.
  6. Refocus your attention from the result to the process.

You can read about each of these points and how to implement them in L. Rankin’s book “Healing from Fear.” The work gives practical recommendations on meditation, finding inner strength, developing courage. For each element (beliefs, courage, search for reasons, etc.) a whole list of techniques with descriptions is presented. The author presented so many techniques in one publication that I think you will definitely find something for yourself there.

From fear to freedom

If you are still reading this article, then you are probably in constant captivity of your own fears and are looking for a way to freedom. Right? Well, he is. Includes 5 items:

  1. Exit from the unconscious. Avoiding risk takes more energy than taking the risk itself. A person is driven by the thought “better security than regret.” In order to step over this step, ask yourself the question: is the comfort zone really what it is for you? Imagine who you could be if you didn't have fears.
  2. Getting out of your perceived comfort zone. At this stage, a person is driven by the conviction that uncertainty is the only constant and clear thing in his life. That is, a person understands that he is infringing on himself, but remains in his old place. At this stage, it is important to stimulate yourself with praise. You are a brave person and will be able to get out of your zone.
  3. At the third stage, a person is not afraid of uncertainty, but also does not seek it. Doubt more, be curious.
  4. Search for the uncertain, the unknown, the new. Learn to see opportunities.
  5. Acceptance of uncertainty as such (in the concept of peace). Realize that anything can happen, but every event has meaning.

The fifth stage is the final one. This is the freedom without fear that you need to enjoy. However, this is the most unstable stage. Your freedom must be constantly reinforced and supported by practice. Otherwise it's easy to lose it.

Emergency help

  1. If fear takes you by surprise, then quickly find inner strength possible by switching attention. Having realized the fear, direct your attention to your brightest passion, desire. Concentrate on this. Want it so much that there is no room for fear. Even if the objects of passion and fear are from different “worlds”. Convince yourself that you will quickly deal with what scares you, and then do what you want.
  2. The second way to quickly overcome fear is to imagine what it deprives you of. Usually people evaluate only one side: what fear saves them from. Imagine how fear clamps down on your potential, your individuality, your originality.
  3. Practice self-hypnosis. Repeat daily in front of the mirror, “I am the master of my life. Everything that happens (both good and bad) depends on me. There is no place for fear, as well as meaning in it.”
  4. If the fear is clearly defined, then thoroughly study all its aspects. Look him in the face. Find the positives.
  5. The most non-standard and categorical method of struggle is worrying about the consequences of worries. This is a dubious method, but it exists. Imagine how the situation will worsen from your worries (after reading this article, you know what your body experiences during a period of fear). Oddly enough, the awareness of “playing against yourself” will calm you down. But I’ll say right away that this method is not suitable for everyone. You can go into even greater self-torture. Be careful!

Childhood fears

Despite individual character fears (although, as we remember, they are not as subjective as anxiety), they are based on the current need of age. Therefore, we can generally classify fears by age:

  1. Up to six months - fear of sharp and loud sounds and movements, loss of support.
  2. From six months to a year - fear of changing clothes, changing the usual, strangers, heights.
  3. From one to two years - fear of doctors, injuries, separation from parents.
  4. From two to three years - fear of the dark, parental rejection, animals, loneliness, nightmares.
  5. From three to seven years - fear of insects, water, heights, fairy-tale characters, misfortunes, disasters, fires, school.
  6. School period - fear of sharp sounds, death, physical violence, loss of loved ones. Along with this, social fears arise that persist in the future (fear of being late, not being able to complete a task, of being punished). If you don’t work through these fears, then there will be a fear of not living up to expectations, of looking stupid; relationship problems.

Age-related fears are normative if the child does not drop out of life (sociable, open). They will pass on their own. But if a child avoids communication, is constantly afraid and worried, then professional correction is needed.

Children's fears can be imitative or personal character. In the first case – copying someone’s behavior, in the second – your emotions under the influence of difficult situations.

In addition, fears can be short-term (up to 20 minutes), fleeting (go away after a conversation), or prolonged (up to 2 months, even with correctional work).

Children's fears: what to do?

You can fight children's fears with the help of fairy tale therapy. As part of this, I recommend that you read the book by R. M. Tkach “Fairytale Therapy for Children’s Problems.” In the work you can find not only a description of the method, but also the material (plots) of the fairy tales themselves.

  1. Don't shame your child for his fears, but ask about them. For example, what he saw, what it looked like, why it came.
  2. Accept your child's fear and tell a real or fictional story of personal fear and overcoming it.
  3. Do not lock your child in a dark room for punishment, do not scare him with Baba Yaga or the “evil uncle” who will take him away. This is a direct path to neuroses and fears.
  4. Ask what your child is watching or reading. Discuss this together.
  5. To overcome specific fears, use fairy tale therapy or ridiculing fears.

Ridiculing involves visualizing fear (on a piece of paper) and then adding elements that are funny (for a child).

I also recommend the book by S. V. Bedredinova and A. I. Tashcheva “Prevention and Correction of Fears: tutorial" It presents many practical options for therapy with children to overcome fears. I don’t think it makes sense to list the methods here. The manual describes doll therapy, art therapy, a correction program, and much more (with indications and contraindications for each method, features of implementation). The phenomenon of children's fears themselves is also described.

Results and literature on the topic

Fear is the echo of the animal in man, the primitive. Previously, this emotion was justified even if it was constant. But in modern world it prevents a person from living. The situation gets even worse if fear is intertwined with anxiety, shame, guilt and other emotions.

The danger of fear is not far-fetched. He not only creates psychological discomfort, but also on physical level destroys the body. In part, the phrase “Whoever is afraid of something will happen to him” is true. And we are not talking about the highest powers, attracting misfortunes and illnesses. The point is that, when experiencing fear, our body radically changes its functioning: an excess of hormones occurs (with prolonged excessive influence they provoke imbalance and intoxication, destruction of organs), digestive and reproductive system fade into the background, the activity of the cardiovascular system gains momentum. A person can really get sick.

You need to get rid of fear (let me remind you, false fear). But only childhood fears can go away on their own. Adults will have to consciously break themselves, rebuild their belief system, challenge themselves constantly, and draw up an action plan.

I recommend reading another book: D. T. Mangan “The Secret of an Easy Life: How to Live Without Problems.” The author reveals his own concept, according to which we are complex mechanism, which requires passwords to enable or disable systems. The book provides practical recommendations for restructuring your thinking, including getting rid of fears. To solve each problem, Mangan suggests using a unique password. These are the words that need to be spoken difficult situations. And from them, supposedly, the situation will turn in your favor. I haven’t tried this approach myself, so I can’t say anything good or bad. But in my opinion, the idea of ​​the concept itself is interesting.

In the fight against fears, as in any business, the main thing is the beginning! You yourself will not notice how it will become easier to fight. Gradually it will no longer be a struggle. Well, the result in the form of complete mental freedom is the highest reward. I wish you success in your fight against your inner demons!

Omar Khayyam said that internal anxiety does not eliminate future problems, but it takes away today's peace. And this is absolutely true. Alas, a constant feeling of anxiety has become an almost integral part of modern life.

People worry about health and work, about successful solution various life issues, even about natural disasters or about the possible end of the world.

If you look at it, the feeling of anxiety has already turned into something that constantly accompanies us, a kind of background. And I must say that there is nothing positive in this state of affairs.

Consequences of anxiety

Anxiety not only takes away the opportunity to enjoy life, but also causes stress. And there it’s not far from depression. There is a popular belief that most diseases are the result of malfunctions of the nervous system.

Since everything in the body is interconnected, there is a fair amount of truth in this opinion. Frequent results, which brings a constant feeling of anxiety and stress, the following symptoms become:

  • headache,
  • bad dream,
  • too low, or vice versa – excessive appetite,
  • lethargy, apathy, loss of interest in what previously aroused enthusiasm,
  • surges in blood pressure.

If a person regularly has at least a couple of manifestations from the above list, his condition cannot be called healthy. And this means that you need to fight anxiety, as the root cause of all troubles.
Determining the cause of anxiety is the basis for solving the problem of increased anxiety

First of all, you need to determine the cause of the experience. As soon as you feel a surge of anxiety or again notice that you are in a state of anxiety and depression, you need to put everything aside and delve into yourself.

Remember how long ago you began to feel something like this, try to determine what it is connected with. This will help you understand how to get rid of anxiety.

Perhaps the company of a certain person has such a negative effect on you? Such people are called " energy vampires" In psychology there is another name for them - toxic people. Actually, not only men and women, but also relationships can be toxic.

Source: iStock

Having more or less accurately determined the cause of the anxiety, you need to try to “sort everything out.” In other words, you should think through and analyze why this is so important and significant for you.

If you find the origins of what gives rise to a constant feeling of anxiety in the soul. If it doesn’t work out, you need to think about all areas of your life. What don't you like? What seems overwhelming or upsetting?

What is the reason for grief? Most likely, this causes constant stress on a subconscious level, and anxiety becomes its result.
Effective techniques for dealing with anxiety

Don’t be shy about seeking help from a specialist. Stress has long been recognized as a serious problem. Moreover, doctors and psychologists all over the world unanimously repeat this.

True, if in the West, in order to talk out and analyze some events and situations, they go to a psychoanalyst, then our mentality is somewhat different. For many, relatives or friends do an excellent job as a psychologist.

Tell to a loved one about what you have internal anxiety about is a great solution. Firstly, what is said out loud often ceases to be a very significant problem. Secondly, sincere support and the feeling that they are ready to help you are excellent antidepressants.

There is another advantage here - it is possible that a friend or relative will be able to tell you a solution unpleasant situation. It’s not for nothing that they cook, that from the outside it can be seen better.

How to relieve anxiety on your own

Not everyone wants or can even talk about their own failures, problems or fears. People see this as a weakness, a loss of authority, or simply do not want to make certain personal aspects public.

Then you will have to fight your worries on your own. With desire and some persistence, this is quite doable. Especially if you want to understand how to get rid of anxiety.

First you need to recognize the fact that feeling anxious is normal. This emotion is basic and is a derivative of the instinct of self-preservation.

As it evolves, human personality became more and more complex, therefore, more and more reasons for worry appeared. Being nervous is as natural as being happy or sad. Relieving anxiety is also normal.

There is no need to “break yourself” with ostentatious calm. You may deceive others, but not own brain. Driven deep into the subconscious, fear will act destructively, internal anxiety will drive you crazy. It is better to give yourself time when you can feel anxious.

This will probably seem strange at first, but after a couple of sessions you will definitely notice the result. For example, let you be busy for half an hour a day with bad thoughts, anxiety and other negative experiences, but for the rest of the time, forbid yourself to remember about it.

External factors for coping with stress

In addition to soul-searching and the use of various psychological techniques, no less effective in getting rid of anxiety is correct mode day. The rules are extremely simple, many people know them, but this does not diminish their effectiveness:

  • full-fledged good dream. An adult needs at least 8 hours of rest, this figure varies depending on the season of the year and the level of physical activity, as well as general condition person,
  • walks on fresh air and sunbathing. Man, like all living things on our planet, depends on sunlight. Its lack affects mood and well-being - this is a fact proven by science,
  • moderate physical activity not only improves your health, but also stabilizes the production of endorphins - pleasure hormones.

It would also be good to take sedatives, herbal teas. This will perfectly help get rid of anxiety. It is ideal to drink them before bed. Mint, lemon balm, thyme, chamomile and other representatives of the world of flora have a sedative effect. At the same time, they are completely harmless.

You need to fill your life with positivity. Find something that makes you happy. Let it be an interesting hobby, a new book or a vacation trip. Oscar Wilde advised treating the soul with sensations, and he was absolutely right.

Taboo for anxiety

There are plenty of reasons for the emergence of a state of anxiety: these include imperfect relationships with children, work problems, and dissatisfaction in the personal sphere.

The body instantly reacts to negative thoughts:

  • the heart rhythm is disturbed (as a rule, the heartbeat quickens, a tingling sensation may appear, the heart contracts);
  • intermittent breathing (or, conversely, there are such long pauses between breaths that discomfort is felt, the person seems to forget to breathe);
  • covers either fussiness or apathy - just thinking about the scale of the problem makes you want to do nothing;
  • the brain refuses to work productively, even doing routine tasks requires a lot of effort.

When faced with such an unpleasant condition, the first thing you want to do is solve the problem with the help of medications. But, firstly, only a doctor can make such prescriptions; Secondly, similar drugs negatively affect other body systems.

Treatment at home will help you cope with increased anxiety. We picked 18 effective recommendations to combat anxiety in adults.

1. Chamomile.

This is a kind of " ambulance» – a cup of tea made from flowers and twigs of a plant brings a feeling of peace immediately. The effect is provided by substances contained in the plant. In terms of their effect on the body, they are identical to tranquilizers such as diazepam (they bind to the same dopamine receptors as the compounds in pharmaceutical drugs).

Chamomile flowers also contain the active ingredient apigenin. Thanks to its antispasmodic effect, this flavonoid soothes and relieves pain symptoms, helps relax.

Help chamomile (for long-term use, at least a month) may even during the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.

2. Green tea.

Perhaps it is this drink that helps Buddhist monks maintain peace and concentration during long hours of meditation - green tea has been present in their diet for 13 centuries.

L-theanine has a calming effect on all body systems. Amino acid normalizes heartbeat, pressure indicators, reduces anxiety. Those who consume 4-5 servings of the drink per day are calmer and more focused. In addition, green tea is part of a group of natural remedies that protect against the development of cancer.

3. Hops.

It is used not only in the preparation of a popular foamy drink, but also to relieve anxiety.

It is easy to prepare hop cones yourself (in mid- or late August). Hops are harvested when the inside of the cones turn yellow-green with a pinkish tint. We need to pay attention to weather ripening can occur at the end of July - (if the summer is hot).

The sedative properties of the plant appear not only when brewed; it is useful for relieving anxiety and essential oil hops, its tincture and extract. But the taste of the tea is not pleasant - it is very bitter, so it is better to combine hop cones with mint, chamomile, and honey. If the goal is to improve sleep, it is good to add valerian to the hops (for example, making an aromatic sachet).

When using others sedatives combining them with taking hop cones is not recommended. It would be a good idea to notify the doctor of your desire to use this natural remedy to combat anxiety.

4. Valerian.

Some of the remedies listed above reduce anxiety, but do not provide sedative effect(like green tea, for example). But valerian is from a different group: the plant causes drowsiness and contains sedative compounds that help fight insomnia.

Not everyone likes the taste and smell of the plant, so valerian tea is not as popular as tincture or capsule preparation. To improve the taste, the plant can be combined with mint or lemon balm, honey.

While taking this medication, plan your day so that after taking it you will no longer need to drive or perform tasks that require precision and concentration. Valerian greatly relaxes both the body and the brain.

5. Melissa.

Another plant that has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress levels and solve sleep problems.

Melissa is safe and beneficial only when used in moderation. Exceeding the dosage is fraught with increased anxiety. Therefore, you need to take infusions, tea, capsules, lemon balm, starting with small portions (for infusion - no more than 150 ml per day). It is not advisable for hypotensive patients to use this remedy, as lemon balm reduces blood pressure.

6. Passionflower.

Passion flower is the second name for passionflower, along with medicines relieves anxiety attacks, is used to treat insomnia.

May cause drowsiness, enhances the effect of other sedatives. Passion flower is best used as a one-time remedy to help relieve anxiety (in as a last resort- apply no more than two weeks).

7. Lavender.

The intoxicating aroma of the plant soothes and helps balance emotional condition. You can often smell lavender in the reception area dental clinics or others medical institutions. And this is not an accident: it has been experimentally proven that the aroma has a calming effect and helps those waiting for a doctor’s appointment to relax.

In another study, the smell lavender oil inhaled by students during exams. And although anxiety levels decreased, some students noted a decrease in concentration. Therefore, people whose work requires good coordination and quick reactions should carefully use products with lavender.

8. Omega-3 fats.

For those who have had to deal with the treatment of heart ailments, this group of fats is well known. Omega-3 (for example, fish fat) help restore the patency of blood vessels and restore their elasticity. They are useful when you need to calm your nerves and get rid of a depressive mood.

There are omega-3 in salmon, anchovies, sardines, mussels, vegetable oil(olive, flaxseed), nuts. But it is preferable to get omega-3 supplies from seafood, as they contain a higher concentration of these substances.

9. Exercises.

Exercise is good for your muscles and joints, as well as your brain. Moreover, they can be used both as an urgent remedy to help relieve tension and have an effect in the long term.

Physical activity improves self-esteem and makes you feel healthier. The result of efforts can be assessed objectively - and by appearance, and how you feel. Improving health removes the cause for concern even for people prone to reflection.

10. Holding your breath.

Short-term hypoxia and then filling the body with oxygen can reduce anxiety. You can use a technique borrowed from yoga, it is called “breathing on a count of 4-7-8.”

Before you let air into your lungs, you need to exhale powerfully (through your mouth). Inhale (through your nose) for four counts, hold your breath for 7 seconds, then exhale as powerfully as you did at the beginning (for 8 seconds). 2-3 repetitions a day are enough. This practice is also useful in the treatment of insomnia.

11. Adjustment of sugar levels.

Often irritability and anxiety increase for a banal reason - a person is hungry. At the same time, sugar levels drop, which affects mood and behavior.

It is necessary to keep foods with you for a quick snack: nuts (raw and unsalted), whole grain bread, fruit, dark chocolate, a sandwich with lean meat and herbs.

Snacking on processed foods (sausages, smoked meats), sweets only aggravates the condition due to sharp jumps glucose levels. Very soon the body will again require food and return to a state of irritation.

12. Effect of 21 minutes.

If the thought of systematic exercise scares you, it is enough to find just 21 minutes a day in your schedule - this time period is enough to relieve anxiety.

It is necessary to choose aerobic exercise: running, jumping, walking on an elliptical (or regular) staircase; in extreme cases, a regular walk will do (if you keep a high pace).

13. Mandatory breakfast.

Those who suffer from increased anxiety often ignore breakfast. An excuse can be too much workload (when every minute, especially in the morning, is precious), or lack of appetite, or fear of gaining weight.

Choosing the right foods will not only energize you good mood for a long time, but it will also have a beneficial effect on the figure. One of the obligatory dishes during the morning meal should be scrambled eggs (also suitable boiled eggs, omelette). This product fills the body with protein, healthy fats, which allows you to feel full longer. There is choline in eggs - low content This element in the body provokes anxiety attacks.

14. Refusal of negative thinking.

When anxiety attacks, for positive thoughts there is no space left, pictures are scrolling in my head again and again, one more terrible than the other. Moreover, the probability is so poor development situation may be negligible.

This flow of negativity must be stopped as early as possible using practice deep breathing and looking at the problem from all sides. If you work through the situation soberly, without emotions, it will become clear that everything is fixable, and the order of necessary actions will immediately emerge.

15. Sauna or bathhouse.

When heated, the body relaxes muscle tension subsides, anxiety decreases.

Even the neutron networks that control mood (including those responsible for the production of serotonin) change under the influence of heat. It’s not for nothing that after the procedure there is a feeling of peace, calm, and your head literally clears up.

16. Walk in the forest.

The Japanese know a lot about maintaining health, including emotional health. The popular practice of shinrin-yoku helps restore psychological balance.

The procedure is also available to residents of other countries – it’s an ordinary walk along forest paths. It is preferable to visit a coniferous forest, receiving a portion of phytoncides as a bonus.

The surrounding aromas, sounds, and the need to walk on uneven ground have a calming effect on the psyche. After just 20 minutes of walking, your stress levels are significantly reduced.

17. Mindfulness meditation.

This Buddhist practice is effective in treating anxiety disorder. It helps to realize the importance of each moment, and to critically evaluate what is actually happening, and not the terrible pictures drawn by the overflowing imagination under the influence of panic.

You can start by simply concentrating on what is happening, the most ordinary things, the main thing is not to allow your consciousness to slip into fantasy (especially with a negative connotation).

18. Statement of the problem.

Finding ways to deal with increased anxiety already indicates that the person has realized the problem. The ability to analyze one’s emotional state and draw the right conclusions – good sign and the first step towards improving the condition.

When you know the problem in person, it is easier to solve it. Further steps include work on the formation positive thinking(eg reframing), and lifestyle changes.

Constantly being in a state of anxiety over time destroys not only your emotional health, but also your physical health. Use these recommendations to combat stress, and if there is no improvement, seek help from a specialist.

It is human nature to experience anxious thoughts which are accompanied by insomnia and anxiety. If you are in constant emotional stress, which goes into panic attacks, this means that there is a malfunction in the nervous system and help is needed. He has been studying how to get rid of fear and anxiety forever, understanding the importance of the issue. What types of fear exist, what causes of anxiety within oneself do psychologists identify? This knowledge will help us live in peace and harmony and teach us how to manage our emotions.

Definition of anxiety

It is an emotion that is expressed the whole range unpleasant feelings and sensations. The most common negative emotions, according to psychologists, are jealousy and envy. However, experts call anxiety the most destructive and destructive emotion.

This is an uncontrollable fear of upcoming events. Sigmund Freud defined anxiety, like fear without a specific reason.

Important! According to statistics, mental disorders are the most common psychological pathologies.

Anxiety is divided into two types:

  • normal – an anxious state occurs periodically and does not affect life;
  • pathological – negatively affects the quality of life, accompanied by severe symptoms.

Often, an anxious state manifests itself in people with a rich imagination, when a person is worried about future events. In a state of anxiety, a person obviously predicts failure and foresees danger for himself.

This condition is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • becomes more frequent;
  • sweating increases;
  • arises itchy skin and dizziness;
  • children become whiny and fussy.

Important! It is especially important to recognize anxiety and children in adolescence. If a teenager uses the expressions “somehow uneasy” or “restless” in his speech, pay attention to the child’s psychological state.

Anxiety increases gradually and reaches its peak at evening time, motor activity a person is trying to suppress aggression.

Neurotic anxiety

It is human nature to exaggerate the threat. In psychology, such a condition is classified as chronic; a person is constantly in a state of internal conflict, he is torn apart by contradictions. As a result of the condition, neurological disorders develop and vital functions deteriorate.

Personal anxiety

Psychologists call the state of personal psychological feature– a person experiences anxiety even in situations that do not pose any threat. A person is in constant tension and perceives most events as potentially dangerous.

Anxiety and fear - what are the differences?

Anxiety, panic and fear are related, however, not the same feelings.

The definition of fear in psychology is an immediate reaction to real danger, circumstances that pose a threat. It is necessary to understand that the psychology of fear is significantly different from anxiety emotionally and biologically. In a state of severe fright, a person is excited and focused on finding a way out of the current situation.

Anxiety is more focused on future circumstances. We are talking about premonitions associated with upcoming events.

Important! Anxiety and fear are preventive in nature - they report possible danger and force a person to avoid this danger. However, in most cases, anxiety occurs when no danger threatens.

To practically understand the essence of the two concepts and the difference between anxiety and fear, let’s look at an illustrative example. A man is walking down the street and a dog jumps out at him. The first feeling that arises is fear. If a person is walking down the street and imagines that a dog is jumping out at him from around the corner, this is anxiety.

Panic is a totality physical symptoms, which are aimed at fighting or fleeing from a far-fetched, non-existent threat. Panic state accompanied by increased heart rate, sweating, and thoughts associated with death arise. Psychologists note that in such a state, a person’s thoughts and feelings, which can cause fear and physical malaise, pose a great threat.

Psychology of fear

Two neural connections are responsible for fear and control. The first - regulates the main emotions, is characterized by a quick reaction, accompanied by big amount wrong actions. The second is characterized by a slow but clear reaction. The first connection provides a quick response to a potentially dangerous situation, but often the alarm turns out to be a false alarm. Second neural connection allows you to correctly see and assess the situation, the degree of threat, and choose the right solution.

If fear is provoked by the first neural connection, the second connection, which is able to distinguish between real and unreal dangerous sources, is automatically blocked. When a phobia develops, the second neural connection does not function correctly, and the person experiences uncontrollable fear.

Concepts of fear, its causes

Psychology identifies human fears as one of the most powerful negative emotions; they can be short-term or long-lasting. Most often, the condition is accompanied by emotional and physical discomfort, while fear is a signal for a person to protect himself.

Fear is accompanied by rash actions and severe anxiety, a condition called panic attack. Everyone experiences fear differently, depending on their psycho-emotional state, characteristics of upbringing. Timely identified cause that provoked fear will allow a specialist to quickly determine further actions aimed at eliminating the pathological condition.

The causes of fear can be obvious and hidden, but in most cases obvious reasons are not stored in memory. The situation is more complicated with hidden reasons, which have deeper roots. Among the main ones, psychologists identify:

  • childhood psychological trauma;
  • excessive parental care;
  • moral.

There are also reasons that formulate and develop independently. They are triggered by a feeling of rejection, depression, and constant loneliness.

The effect of fear on a person

To talk about the impact of fear on a person, you need to understand how this emotion affects us. On the one hand, any fear destroys and suppresses, preventing you from living and developing. A person who is afraid becomes weak and weak-willed. However, this emotion also has another side - by overcoming the fear within ourselves, we become stronger and receive a charge of energy. Eastern wisdom accurately conveys the essence psychological state- He who conquers himself becomes powerful.

Psychologists believe that there are no fears that cannot be overcome. There are faint-hearted people who are unable to find the strength and resources in themselves to cope with fear. The easiest way to overcome fear is to find support, a person who is experiencing the same problems. Together you can do much more than alone. It is preferable to look for a like-minded person who is more experienced, otherwise you will have to drag your partner along with you. Grow in all areas, because the more you know, the easier it is to overcome subsequent fear. Try to consciously expand your own comfort zone.

Important! To overcome fear, you must first of all learn to protect yourself from negativity. To do this, you need to be alone and imagine that rain is flowing on you from above, washing away dirt and fatigue.

How to get rid of fear and anxiety

First of all, you need to understand that every person is capable of overcoming fear and it is not so difficult. The main thing is to set yourself a clearly formulated task - how to stop worrying and become happy - and follow the recommendations of psychologists. Self-regulation and expert advice will help you:

  1. Determine the cause of your worries and learn not to hide, but to boldly admit your fear. This is important because it will help you create a further action plan and follow it.
  2. Learn to relax. Constant feeling Anxiety is mentally and physically exhausting, so it is especially important to rest and relax in order to restore energy and wasted strength. Walk in the fresh air, do yoga, take warm baths, listen to music.
  3. Discuss your condition with a loved one you trust. Quite often, after a confidential conversation, the attitude towards a negative emotion changes - it becomes calmer, it is possible to soberly assess the situation.
  4. Write down your thoughts and feelings on paper. If you are unable to talk to a loved one, contact Personal diary, where you write down all your thoughts, feelings, experiences. By rereading the text, it is easier to understand the causes of anxiety and fear.
  5. Smile more often. Make it a rule to bring humor into your life, watch more comedies, read jokes, do it in the company of friends. Laughter allows you to forget about problems and overcome fear.
  6. Don’t sit idle, find a hobby, a favorite pastime, or simply clean your apartment. A person who is not busy with anything inevitably has dark thoughts that do not allow him to relax.
  7. It is unlikely that you will be able to constantly keep your worries and anxieties under control; set aside for them certain time eg 15-20 minutes every day. Give free rein to your imagination, but don’t analyze the emotions, just experience them. When the allotted time is over, return to your usual activities.
  8. Don't allow yourself to go back to the past and failures. Remember, the past has already passed and the future will be completely different. present.
  9. Engage in visualization - as soon as your imagination starts to draw scary pictures, switch to something good, imagine only a positive outcome of the situation. Psychologists note that positive visualization influences life circumstances and allows you to radically change them.
  10. To overcome fear, you don’t need to “feed” negative emotions. This primarily concerns impressionable people. Avoid watching crime news and horror films.
  11. Talk to people more. You can't be alone when you're feeling anxious. Go with friends to a movie, a concert, play sports. Give preference to live communication.
  12. Mantras and affirmations help overcome fear. You can use ready-made texts or write your own.

How to make an action plan

A psychologist will tell you in detail and clearly about how to deal with fears within yourself. There are situations when you can cope on your own anxious feelings impossible, then it is necessary. Sometimes the problem lies so deep that only an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist can get to it. A specialist will help you understand the causes of anxiety and tell you how to deal with fear and panic.

Important! Special sedatives should only be prescribed by a specialist; you cannot take them yourself. It won’t overcome fear, but it will help ease the condition. folk remedies– valerian, chamomile, mint, motherwort, lemon balm.

If you are overcome by worries and anxieties, do not be shy about them. Accept and admit your imperfection, in this case it will become much easier to overcome fear. All people are afraid of something and many manage to overcome their fear, and if one can do it, then so can another. Turn your worries into a positive direction, because most have achieved success through fear, which forced them to move forward, overcoming difficulties. The topic - how to get rid of fear and anxiety - is very broad. The main thing is that these negative emotions can be made your allies.

Watch the video to learn how to overcome fear.



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