Determining the date of ovulation. How to determine ovulation at home

What is an ovulation calendar and what should it look like? How to correctly use an ovulation calendar when planning a pregnancy.

Ovulation is a process in female body, in which a change in hormonal levels occurs, causing the ovary to release an egg. This happens once every menstrual cycle. To monitor such processes, women use a special calendar.

More and more modern families are taking the issues of planning pregnancy and childbirth seriously. To calculate days female cycle When the likelihood of getting pregnant is higher, an ovulation calendar is used. In this way, the exact date of egg maturation is determined. During the day before ovulation and two more days after it, the probability of conception will be maximum.

The lifespan of an egg on average lasts from 12 to 36 hours. However, sperm are tenacious. When ovulation occurs, they can already expect an egg, if sexual intercourse took place the day before. That's why perfect time for conception is a couple of days per menstrual cycle.

Some people use ovulation calendars for the opposite purpose, so that on other days they do not use protection during sexual intercourse. However, gynecologists do not advise using such contraception. Even if a woman has a stable menstrual cycle, there is still a risk of ovulation shifting by a couple of days in one direction or another.

Ovulation is a process that occurs once every menstrual cycle. A woman becomes pregnant only if sperm fertilizes an egg. Typically, this occurs 12–16 days before the onset of menstruation.

Ovulation processes and their role in pregnancy

During ovulation, the following processes occur in the body:

  1. The closer the ovulation period, the greater the production female hormone estrogen. This causes thickening of the uterine mucosa and creates a favorable environment for sperm.
  2. An increase in estrogen levels leads to an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH). Therefore, the ovary releases a mature egg. This is ovulation.
  3. Typically, ovulation occurs 24–36 hours after the LH surge occurs. LH is an indicator of peak fertility.
  4. Fertilization is possible within 24 hours from the moment of ovulation. Otherwise, rejection of the uterine mucosa occurs. Then comes menstruation.
  5. The cycle repeats.

Alternatives to calendar definition

In addition to keeping a calendar, there are other ways to determine ovulation.


Tests react to increased content LH in urine. Two bars indicate that ovulation will occur within 24–48 hours. If a woman wants to get pregnant, then it is important to use this time correctly.

Basal temperature

To measure basal temperature you need to measure every day in the morning, even before the woman gets up. rectal temperature bodies. To ensure the accuracy of the research, you will still have to keep a calendar. It is necessary to measure the temperature from the first day of the cycle. If the temperature drops, this indicates that you are ovulating. If it increases, this means that the second phase of the cycle has begun.

How to determine the day for conception using the ovulation calendar?

There are two options for maintaining a calendar:

  1. Tabletop (paper).
  2. Using programs, services and applications.

A paper calendar was used when it was not possible to use programs. Among its shortcomings are noted:

  • You won't be able to add additional information.
  • Easily lost or damaged.
  • You will have to calculate the onset of ovulation yourself. And without special knowledge it will be difficult. There is a possibility of confusion.

All you can do with such a calendar is keep records. monthly cycle based on 28 days, taking into account that ovulation occurs 12–16 days before the start of the next cycle.

The use of programs and services simplifies calendar maintenance and allows you to much more accurately calculate the processes in the female body. Make notes about:

  • Emotional background.
  • Sexual contacts.
  • Discharges.

It is advisable to enter information about the slightest changes in the body, for example:

  1. The beginning of the menstrual cycle, the nature and intensity of discharge.
  2. Loads. Sports (weightlifting and competitive cycling) lead to heavy bleeding, and also cause the extension of the discharge period.
  3. Nutrition. If you consume too fatty or spicy food, then this will affect hormonal background and will lead to strong discharge.
  4. Sexual contact. During the cycle, information about sexual contacts and whether they were protected is required.
  5. Intermenstrual discharge: its color, smell, thickness and frequency. Such discharge is cervical mucus. Appears in the middle of the cycle, before ovulation begins.
  6. Emotional condition. Before ovulation begins, women usually experience an increase in libido, a feeling of tenderness and good mood. In the second half of the cycle, women are irritable, whiny and apathetic.
  7. For greater accuracy, enter information about basal temperature.

Preliminary calculations

A woman is able to independently make preliminary calculations without the use of special calendars.

To do this, it is enough to know that the cycle lasts 28 days, and ovulation occurs 12–16 days before the start of the cycle. Accordingly, if a woman remembers when she had her period, she can easily make preliminary calculations.

How to find out your day for pregnancy: drawing up a calendar

It can be difficult to accurately calculate the date of conception. On average, the entire pregnancy period from conception to birth lasts 38 weeks or 266 days. But exact date Conception is in most cases unknown. Therefore in obstetric practice counting starts from last menstrual period. It is approximately 40 weeks or 280 days.

Phases of the female cycle

The female cycle consists of two main phases:

  1. Before ovulation.
  2. Before menstruation.

They are used to determine the date of birth of the child.

What day is ovulation counted from?

Ovulation and subsequent fertilization usually occurs two weeks after the start of the cycle (average 12–16 days). All ultrasound equipment works on this trailer. Accordingly, if a woman is 4 weeks late, the doctor will report that she is in the eighth week of pregnancy. Although in fact the woman will only be pregnant for 6 weeks. This difference appears because the count is from the last menstruation, and not from the pregnancy itself.

Calculation of days

Knowing approximately the date of the last menstruation, the date of birth of the child is calculated. 280 days pass from the last menstrual period to childbirth (counted from the first day of menstruation).

It is important to consider that in practice, only 5% of all children are born strictly on the estimated day. About 85% are born a week early or a week late. And the remaining 10% may be in a hurry or late for another week. Accordingly, the month when the baby is born is more or less accurately calculated. They also calculate the day when this approximately occurs. The closer this day is, the higher the probability of birth.

Calculation for three cycles

The calculation is carried out according to three parameters:

  1. Date of last menstruation. The first day of the cycle is taken.
  2. Average duration of the last three cycles.
  3. Average duration of the second phase. You can find out by measuring basal temperature or using ultrasound.

Online table for conception by ovulation: features

Use online calendar easier than usual. He calculates on his own probable days when ovulation occurs. A woman needs to enter information about when her period occurs.

The calendar also determines the days before expected ovulation. At this time, the likelihood of getting pregnant is also high. This is due to the fact that male sperm live in the uterine cavity for 3–4 days and are quite suitable for fertilization.

In addition, the calendar helps determine the date of donating blood and urine for testing for the hCG hormone (pregnancy hormone). the main problem is that if a woman irregular cycle, then it will be difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to determine exactly when she should ovulate using a calendar.

In this way, it will not be possible to determine the gender of the unborn child (in order to conceive a girl or a boy) using a calendar.

Ovulation chart for conception

One of the main purposes of the table is considered to be planning the conception of a child. It occurs only on certain days of the month: during ovulation, two days before it begins, and two days after. According to some studies, they not only determine favorable period for conception, but also, by controlling when this conception occurs, they choose the gender of the unborn child.


The choice of the sex of the child is based on the behavior of the X and Y chromosomes. Based on research, scientists were able to establish that the sperm from which girls are born (carriers of X chromosomes) are slow, but at the same time tenacious. They stay in the uterus for 2–4 days without any problems, calmly waiting for ovulation. Accordingly, the period a couple of days before the start of ovulation is best suited for conceiving a girl.


With Y chromosome carriers the opposite is true. They are mobile, but their lifespan is shorter. Therefore, for boys, conception is more suitable at the time of ovulation or immediately after it.

It is important to understand that such calculations are approximate planning for the sex of the child. Y chromosomes are less tenacious and more mobile, but this does not mean that they cannot fertilize an egg before ovulation. Also, when conceiving during or after ovulation, there is Great chance that the female sperm will reach the egg faster.

Possibility of error

All errors are associated primarily with an unstable menstrual cycle. This may shift the timing of ovulation in one direction or another. This interferes both with determining the appropriate period for pregnancy and with determining when sexual intercourse is possible without contraception.

You should not make calculations manually. There are many services that can do this more accurately.

With the help of an ovulation calendar, each woman independently calculates her cycle. Therefore, menstruation will not take her by surprise. In addition, she will know exactly on which days she can get pregnant and on which days she cannot. If you have unstable cycle, then an ultrasound or consultation with a doctor will help.

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Hi all! There are topics relating to our body and our health that ordinary people know almost nothing about. They are not taught about in school or published in glossy magazines. For example, do you know how to find out when ovulation occurs? I didn't know either until I started planning my pregnancy.

Meanwhile, during each monthly cycle, healthy couples Those aged 20 to 30 who do not use contraception have a twenty percent chance of becoming pregnant. And this is a surprisingly high percentage, considering that conception can only occur during ovulation. That is, during the whole month there is a tiny gap (no more than 24 hours) when the egg is ready for fertilization. By what signs can this day be determined?

A little theory

I hope all girls over 12 years old know what the menstrual cycle is and how to calculate it. Just in case, let me remind you that this is the period of time from the first day of one menstruation to the first day next menstruation. U different women Normally it ranges from 21 to 35 days. Ideally – 28 days. Ovulation usually occurs mid-cycle. That is, with an ideal cycle of 12-14 days. How can you find out the day of ovulation if you have an irregular cycle or a non-standard cycle length?


For several months, lead menstrual calendar. The middle of the cycle will be from high probability the day of ovulation. You can count the old fashioned way on a paper calendar, or use the service on my website. If you have an irregular cycle, then this method is not for you, the probability of error is too high.


Listen to your body. Unpleasant sensations in the middle of the cycle can be a definite symptom. Approximately 20% of women experience pain or a series of cramps in the lower abdomen - this is called ovulatory syndrome. Moreover, this pain is localized on the right or left, depending on which ovary the egg comes from.


Basal temperature is a fairly accurate indicator that will help determine not only the day of ovulation, but also the phase of the cycle, the possible presence of pregnancy or some disorders in the body.

Today we will consider only the method of determining ovulation by basal temperature (BT). It can be measured in the mouth, vagina or rectum (the latter gives more exact result) at rest after sleep. At rest means that as soon as you wake up and have not yet stretched, sat up or thrown back the blanket, you need to take a thermometer and lie down with it for a few more minutes. You need to make a schedule every day, starting from the first day of your cycle for at least 3 months. Only in this case can you draw some conclusions without fear of error.

This method is quite labor-intensive, requires precision in meeting the requirements, and is also absolutely useless when receiving oral contraceptives, as they suppress ovulation.

What does the basal temperature chart look like? healthy woman? During menstruation, the temperature drops below 37°C, since the rise in temperature in the second phase of the cycle is due to progesterone (acts on the thermoregulation center in medulla oblongata). And before menstruation, the level of progesterone drops sharply, menstruation begins, and the basal temperature drops to approximately 36.3-36.6. The temperature remains at these numbers until the middle of the cycle. Critical for determining ovulation is a rise in temperature in the middle of the cycle by more than 0.5 degrees. Then, until menstruation, the temperature remains at approximately 37.0-37.3.

Cervical fluid

The appearance, amount and consistency of vaginal discharge can also tell you a lot about the phase of your menstrual cycle and whether ovulation is approaching.

  • At the end of the cycle, there is little or no cervical mucus, everything is dry. Sperm will die immediately in such an environment.
  • Immediately after the end of menstruation, the amount of mucus will be small, it will be white or cloudy. If you try to stretch it between your fingers, the “thread” will immediately break. Sperm will die in just a couple of hours, and ovulation is still far away.
  • Closer to ovulation, the discharge becomes more abundant, transparent and watery.
  • On the day of ovulation (or sometimes the day before), cervical mucus becomes similar to raw egg white. Transparent, thick, very slippery and viscous. Stretched between the fingers, it forms a thread several centimeters long. This is the ideal environment for transporting sperm to the egg.
  • After ovulation, the mucus becomes liquid again, and its amount decreases day by day.

Pharmacy tests

The greatest accuracy at home is provided by special tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. They come in two types. Some determine the approach of ovulation by the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine. Others are based on the ability of salts contained in saliva to crystallize under the influence of the hormone estrogen. Such devices differ in the method of sampling (disposable test strips or reusable touch surface) and in cost.

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It often happens that couples who want to have a child for a long time can't get pregnant. The reason for this may be various diseases. But, in some situations, the situation is much simpler. It’s just that young couples are not sufficiently aware of what ovulation is and miss “favorable days.”

Ovulation is a period in the female body when an egg ready for fertilization is released from the ovary. Ovulation occurs once per cycle. To “catch” ovulation, you need to learn how to correctly determine it.

Determining ovulation - home methods

Currently, determining ovulation at home has become widely available. Ovulation is determined using special tests that can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. An ovulation test should be taken in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Outside this period, such a test makes no sense. You'll just waste your money. To calculate what period the middle of the cycle falls on, you need to know its duration. Duration is characterized from the beginning bleeding before next start menses. Basically, the cycle consists of thirty days, give or take, depending on individual characteristics female body.

The use of home ovulation tests should begin approximately seventeen days before the start of menstruation. But it all depends on individual characteristics. It is better to consult your gynecologist.

Ovulation testing is recommended to be done in the morning. In the case when a woman has been trying to get pregnant for several months, then, in addition to knowledge of how to determine ovulation, she will also need knowledge of what she can feel if long-awaited pregnancy nevertheless, it has finally arrived.

Pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms for everyone individual woman may be their own. It all depends on individual characteristics. But, nevertheless, there are basic characteristic symptoms pregnancy:

  • The first and most well-known sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation.
  • Increased basal temperature (temperature in the rectum).
  • Copious discharge.
  • Feeling tired and having headaches.
  • Toxicosis.
  • Constipation.
  • Frequent urination.

But not necessarily, all pregnant women experience these symptoms. Some people have them full complex, in others they manifest themselves partially, and still others do not notice any changes in their health at all, except for a delay in the menstrual cycle. But, a delay in menstruation does not yet indicate the presence of pregnancy. Perhaps this is simply a manifestation of the disease. It also happens that pregnant women experience bleeding.

The cervix of each woman produces a special fluid - cervical mucus, which is necessary to maintain the life and movement of sperm in the genital tract, the quantity and condition of which depends on the amount of estrogen in the blood. Attentive ladies who know their physiology and the functioning of their organs know how to determine ovulation by these secretions.

Discharge during ovulation

When considering how to determine ovulation by discharge and sensations, you should remember the phases of the cycle. In the beginning, immediately after menstruation, estrogen levels are low, so there is almost no discharge in the vagina. At this moment they are very thick, due to which a kind of soft plug is formed that closes the cervix to prevent microbes and sperm from entering the uterus, since their presence is not yet needed. This period is called “dry”.

As the day of ovulation approaches, estrogen levels begin to rise, and along with it, the nature of the cervical mucus changes. It begins to gradually liquefy, becomes sticky and sticky, and then creamy, “creamy”, as in the photo. Discharges that have the following characteristics are considered normal:

  • transparent, jelly-like;
  • present in small quantities;
  • have no smell;
  • No irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • no itching, pain, no fever.

As the cell matures, the cervical mucus becomes more abundant and thinner. On the eve of the day of release of the reproductive cell, immediately at the moment of rupture of the follicle and 1-2 days after this process, the discharge resembles the consistency and color of egg white. They are light, transparent, unusually viscous and very plentiful.

Characteristics of slime

The amount of mucus and duration of presence vary from person to person. For some ladies it is 2-3 days, for others it is half a day, and for some it is only one night. There are also cases of absence " egg white", while more liquid mucus.

Effect of age

Age also plays a role. For 20-year-old girls, this period can take up to 5 days, while for women over 35 years old it can take 1-2 days. These are very peculiar discharges; it is impossible to confuse them with others. They are present only at a specific moment. And since before that a long period There were no external secretions at all; it is not difficult to determine the moment of cell release.

Day to conceive according to photo

Any girl can observe this process in herself every month and use it to determine the right day for conception. And if there are any doubts about how to determine ovulation by discharge, photos from the network will help you understand the level of transparency of the mucus and its viscousness (how many centimeters it can be stretched).

This state of cervical secretion occurs only at the moment when the level of estrogen is highest, which occurs when the ovarian membrane ruptures and the egg is released for further movement in fallopian tube. If you monitor the type and abundance of mucus throughout the cycle, the woman herself can prescribe desired date for conception.

After ovulation

After ovulation, subsequent processes occur: growth of the corpus luteum, production of progesterone, preparation of the uterus for reception ovum. Cervical mucus thickens again, there is little of it and it is characterized by stickiness and viscosity. Before menstruation, changes are observed: the mucus becomes watery.

Once fertilization has occurred, the “dry period” in the vagina continues throughout pregnancy, and the cervix is ​​again closed by a mucous plug, protecting the developing fetus.

Feelings during ovulation

Having figured out how to determine ovulation by discharge, you need to know about the signs that accompany it and help confirm the moment. When a follicle ruptures, a small wound, which causes the following characteristics:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the form of some pain on the side where the cell exited.
  • Brownish or slight bloody spots sometimes appear in the mucus, which is also explained by a mini injury to the ovary.
  • Enlargement and tenderness of the breasts, sensitivity of the nipples once again confirm the fact of ovulation.

The duration of these sensations usually does not exceed 48 hours.


A woman who hears her body and understands the processes occurring in it can plan without much difficulty important points: will be able to avoid unnecessary pregnancy or calculate the day for the planned conception. Understanding how to determine ovulation by discharge or using other methods will help you plan your pregnancy more accurately.

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At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, many women wonder how to calculate those days when the probability of conception is maximum. In other words, how to calculate ovulation?

First of all, you need to understand what ovulation is.

Ovulation - This is the process of release of a mature egg from the ovary.

Every woman's ovaries contain great amount immature eggs located in follicles. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, preparation for ovulation occurs: one or more dominant follicles appear in which the eggs mature. This process takes every woman different quantity time. The length of the menstrual cycle is determined by this phase. The period from ovulation to the first day of the next cycle (the first day of menstruation) takes on average 14 days (varies from 12 to 16 days).

First phase The menstrual cycle is called follicular. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, several follicles begin to mature, and the hormone estrogen is also produced. Simultaneously with the maturation of follicles, estrogen levels increase. Under the influence of this hormone, the mucous membrane in the uterus thickens, preparing to receive an already fertilized egg.

One or more follicles become leading (dominant). That is, they are larger in size than others. The eggs mature in them. Most often there is only one such follicle. If there are several of them, and during ovulation several eggs are also released, then multiple pregnancy(twins).

The growing level of estrogen at a certain stage leads to a sharp increase in the content of luteinizing hormone. An increase in the level of this hormone leads to rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg into it. abdominal cavity. It then enters the fallopian tube.

Coming luteal phase, or corpus luteum phase. This phase is aimed at supporting a possible pregnancy.

To most accurately track the moment of ovulation, you need A complex approach. The set of measures includes folliculometry, determining the level of progesterone in the blood, measuring basal temperature and using home test strips.


Folliculometry - This ultrasonography, which allows you to assess the condition of the endometrium of the uterus in the first phase of the menstrual cycle and detect signs of an ocular vulation.

Folliculometry is prescribed by the doctor for:

1. determining the onset of ovulation, exact days its passage;

2. assessments functional state ovaries;

3. planning pregnancy;

4. control over multiple pregnancies;

5. diagnostics possible violations menstrual cycle;

6. assessing the effectiveness of ovulation stimulation, if any;

7. assessment of hormonal levels.

To determine ovulation, the test is prescribed on days 8-10 of the cycle. Then ultrasound is repeated every 2-3 days until signs of ovulation appear. If none are found, then folliculometry is continued every 2 days until the onset of the next menstruation. Usually, dominant follicle has a size of 15 mm. After it reaches this size, the reverse process begins in the rest - atresia. The follicle in which the egg matures increases in size by 2-3 mm. At the time of ovulation, its size is 18-24mm.

After the follicle ruptures and a mature egg leaves it, a corpus luteum forms in its place. On ultrasound it looks like a heterogeneous sac round shape. If it measures 18-23 mm, then the body is ready for fertilization.

Signs of ovulation occurring on folliculometry are as follows:

1. before ovulation, a dominant follicle is detected;

2. then he disappeared, and a yellow body appeared in his place;

3. Fluid is located in the space behind the uterus.

Determining the level of progesterone in the blood

In parallel with folliculometry, the doctor prescribes a hormone test. The analysis is prescribed in the middle of the second phase (7 days after detection of signs of ovulation). The level of progesterone in the blood is examined. Progesterone is a hormone produced yellow body in the ovary. Its role is to prepare the woman’s body for pregnancy. Thanks to him it becomes possible implantation fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. It reduces the intensity of uterine contractions and helps the mammary glands adapt to produce milk during pregnancy.

When ovulation occurs, the normal level of progesterone in the blood is from 0.45 to 9.45 nmol/l.

You must donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. At least 8 hours must pass between the last meal and the analysis.

Basal temperature measurement

Basal temperature is the temperature it has human body at rest. In women in different phase During the menstrual cycle, basal temperature has different meanings.

It is necessary to start measuring from the first day of your period.

It is measured in the morning after sleep (duration of sleep for at least 3 hours in a row), without getting out of bed. Even stretching can give you unreliable readings. Therefore, it is most convenient to keep the thermometer on the bedside table. Be careful with mercury thermometers!

Most often, temperature is measured in the rectum (rectally). It is believed that this method gives the most reliable readings and the likelihood of errors is minimized. But it is also possible to measure in the mouth and vagina. If you start measuring temperature, for example, in the mouth, then all subsequent measurements must also be carried out in the mouth. That is, you cannot change the method of obtaining data, since it will be unreliable.

It is necessary to always use the same thermometer and record the readings immediately.

There are a number of factors other than the phase of the menstrual cycle that influence changes in basal temperature. These include:

All these circumstances must be recorded in the form of comments to the basal temperature readings.

Based on the data obtained, a basal temperature chart is drawn up. Now there are a number of sites offering to build a chart online. But you can also draw it up on paper. For the graph to be the most informative, the following indicators are required:

  • date of,
  • day of the menstrual cycle,
  • basal temperature data,
  • character vaginal discharge(dry, bloody, mucous, viscous, watery, etc.),
  • notes on factors influencing temperature changes.

It is necessary to describe the nature of the discharge in order to complete the picture of the graph. During ovulation, discharge from the genital tract becomes watery. Also, the sight and smell of some discharge may indicate a disease.

Basal temperature readings are normal

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 degrees. On average it ranges from 36.3 to 36.5 degrees. On the eve of ovulation occurs a sharp decline temperature by 0.1-0.2 degrees. If this does not happen, then do not worry, since in individual cases this rule does not apply. Then there is a jump of 0.4-0.6 degrees. This jump is associated with the release of progester into the blood she and the onset of ovulation. Throughout the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature remains at 37 degrees and above. Before menstruation, the temperature drops again. If the temperature remains high for more than 16 days and menstruation does not occur, this may indicate pregnancy.

The indicators described above are ideal. In reality, the average values ​​for each individual case vary. The difference between average temperature the first and second phases are at least 0.4 degrees. In this case, we can talk about ovulation occurring.

To determine ovulation using a basal temperature chart, use the rules that have been established World Organization Health (WHO). Based on these rules, you can create an algorithm for determining ovulation.

1. Find the lowest point on the chart (36.2 on our chart). This indicator is usually on the eve of ovulation.

2. We count 6 days backwards from it (from 7 to 12 days)

3. Now from these days we select the days with the highest values ​​(8, 10 and 11 days). We draw a straight line through them. It's called average. This line is drawn for clarity when determining ovulation.

4. The next three basal temperature readings should be above the midline. The place where it intersects with the graph is ovulation. On our

On the chart, this point is located between 14 and 15 days. The day of ovulation is taken to be the one to the left (day 14).

5. Now you need to confirm ovulation. To do this, we consider three subsequent values ​​(from 15 to 17 days of the cycle). According to the rules, on two out of three days the difference between the midline and basal temperature readings should be at least 0.1 degrees, and on one of these days - at least 0.2. On our chart, the data from the 15th day has a difference of 0.2 degrees with the average line, and the 16th and 17th days have a difference of 0.3. This corresponds to the rules, so we can talk about the onset of ovulation.

It is not always possible to apply WHO rules to determine ovulation. This happens in cases where there are high temperatures in the first phase. In this case, the so-called “finger rule” is used. It lies in the fact that values ​​that differ from the previous and subsequent ones by more than 0.2 degrees are not taken into account (as if covered with a finger). They are not taken into account if, in general, the schedule corresponds to the norm.

The disadvantage of the method of determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature is that the ovulation line appears on the chart only 2 days after its onset. While the most favorable days for conception are the day of ovulation and the 2 previous ones. That is why this method used in combination with the others.

Test strips for determining ovulation

On this moment V pharmacy assortment There are test strips for determining ovulation at home. The principle of operation of these tests is based on determining the level of luteinizing hormone. As we have already said, before ovulation there is sudden jump its content in a woman’s body. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the norm of luteinizing hormone is from 2 to 14 mU/l. By the time of ovulation, from 24 to 150 mU/l. That is, its content increases 10 times. The average sensitivity of tests is about 30 mU/l. Thus, the first positive test indicates that the next 48 hours are the most favorable for conceiving a baby.

When to test to determine ovulation

Most manufacturers produce packages containing 5 test strips. This is the average amount needed to complete the test. If the analysis is carried out in parallel with determining basal temperature, then 3 test strips may be enough.

If the cycle is regular, then the calculation of the beginning of the analysis is carried out in this way: Cycle length minus 17 days. That is, with a 28-day cycle, testing must begin on the 11th day.

If the cycle is irregular, then the shortest one over the last six months is selected. In this case it may be necessary large quantity tes-strips.

The analysis is carried out between 10 am and 8 pm. Morning urine cannot be used, as this data will be unreliable.

One hour before the test, you should not drink a lot of liquid. It is also necessary to refrain from going to the toilet for 2 hours.

How to Evaluate Ovulation Test Results

If the test strip is absent, or is significantly weaker than the control strip in color, then the test is considered negative.

If the test strip intensity matches the control one, or is brighter than it, then the test is considered positive.

A third option is also possible, when control strip completely absent. Such a test is considered invalid and must be redone.

Thus, an integrated approach to determining ovulation will allow high accuracy calculate the most favorable days for conception.



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