Ovulation what happens during it. Pain and ovulatory syndrome

An egg that has matured in the follicle, ready for fertilization, destroys the surface of the ovary and passes through the abdominal cavity into the fallopian tube. This phenomenon is called ovulation. It occurs in the middle of a woman’s menstrual period, but can shift in one direction or another, occurring on the 11th – 21st days of the cycle.

Menstrual cycle

A female fetus at 20 weeks of intrauterine development already has 2 million immature eggs in the ovaries. 75% of them disappear soon after the girl is born. Most women retain 500,000 eggs by reproductive age. By the beginning of puberty, they are ready for cyclical maturation.

During the first two years after menarche, anovulatory cycles are common. Then the regularity of the maturation of the follicle, the release of the egg and the formation of the corpus luteum is established - the ovulation cycle. A disruption in the rhythm of this process occurs during menopause, when the release of an egg occurs less and less and then stops.

When an egg moves into the fallopian tube, it can merge with a sperm - fertilization. The resulting embryo enters the uterus. During ovulation, the uterine walls thicken and the endometrium grows, preparing for implantation of the embryo. If conception does not occur, the inner layer of the uterine wall is rejected - menstrual bleeding occurs.

On what day after menstruation does ovulation occur?

Normally, this is the middle of the cycle, taking into account the first day of menstruation. For example, if 26 days pass between the first days of each menstruation, then ovulation will occur on the 12th – 13th day, taking into account the day the period begins.

How many days does this process take?

The release of a mature germ cell occurs quickly, and hormonal changes are recorded within 1 day.

One of the misconceptions is to believe that if you have periods, then the cycle was necessarily ovulatory. Thickening of the endometrium is controlled by estrogen, and ovulation is caused by the action of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Not every menstrual cycle is accompanied by the process of ovulation. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, it is recommended to monitor the precursors of egg release and use additional tests to determine it. If anovulation lasts for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist.

Hormonal regulation

Ovulation occurs under the influence of FSH, which is synthesized in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland under the influence of regulators formed in the hypothalamus. Under the influence of FSH, the follicular phase of egg maturation begins. At this time, one of the follicle vesicles becomes dominant. As it increases, it reaches the preovulatory stage. At the moment of ovulation, the wall of the follicle ruptures, the mature reproductive cell contained in it leaves the ovary and penetrates the uterine tube.

What happens after ovulation?

The second phase of the cycle begins - the luteal phase. Under the influence of the luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland, a unique endocrine organ, the corpus luteum, appears at the site of the ruptured follicle. This is a small round yellow formation. The corpus luteum secretes hormones that cause the endometrium to thicken and prepare it for implantation of the embryo during pregnancy.

Anovulatory cycle

Menstrual-like bleeding may recur regularly after 24-28 days, but the egg does not leave the ovary. This cycle is called . In the absence of ovulation, one or more follicles reach the preovulatory stage, that is, they grow, and a germ cell develops inside. However, the follicular wall does not rupture and the egg does not come out.

Soon after this, the mature follicle undergoes atresia, that is, reverse development. At this time, estrogen levels decrease, which leads to menstrual-like bleeding. In terms of external signs, it is practically indistinguishable from normal menstruation.

Why is there no ovulation?

This may be a physiological condition during puberty or premenopause. If a woman is of childbearing age, rare anovulatory cycles are normal.

Many hormonal disorders lead to an imbalance of the “hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary” system and change the timing of ovulation, in particular:

  • hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones);
  • hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormones);
  • hormonally active benign tumor of the pituitary gland (adenoma);
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Emotional stress can prolong the ovulatory period. It leads to a decrease in the level of gonadotropin-releasing factor, a substance secreted by the hypothalamus and stimulating the synthesis of FSH in the pituitary gland.

Other possible reasons for the absence or delay of ovulation associated with hormonal imbalance:

  • intense sports and physical activity;
  • rapid weight loss of at least 10%;
  • chemotherapy and radiation for malignant neoplasms;
  • taking tranquilizers, corticosteroid hormones and some contraceptives.

The main physiological reasons for the absence of ovulation are pregnancy and menopause. During premenopause, women may continue to have more or less regular periods, but the likelihood of anovulatory cycles increases significantly.

Symptoms of egg release

Not all women experience signs of ovulation. At this moment, hormonal changes occur in the body. By carefully observing your body, you can discover the period of best fertilization ability. It is not necessary to use complex and expensive methods for predicting egg release. It is enough to detect natural symptoms in time.

  • Change in cervical mucus

The female body prepares for possible conception by producing cervical fluid, suitable for the transfer of sperm from the vagina to the uterine cavity. Until ovulation, this discharge is thick and viscous. They prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Before ovulation, the glands of the cervical canal begin to produce a special protein - its threads are thin, elastic and similar in properties to the protein of a chicken egg. Vaginal discharge becomes transparent and stretches well. This environment is ideal for sperm to penetrate into the uterus.

  • Change in vaginal moisture

Discharge from the cervix becomes more abundant. During sexual intercourse, the amount of vaginal fluid increases. A woman feels increased humidity throughout the day, which shows her readiness for fertilization.

  • Breast tenderness

After ovulation, progesterone levels increase. If a woman keeps a chart, she will see that her basal temperature has risen. It is caused precisely by the action of progesterone. This hormone also affects the mammary glands, so at this moment they become more sensitive. Sometimes this soreness resembles premenstrual sensations.

  • Changing the position of the cervix

After the end of menstruation, the cervix is ​​closed and low. As ovulation approaches, it rises higher and softens. You can check this yourself. After thoroughly washing your hands, you need to place your foot on the edge of the toilet or bathtub and insert two fingers into the vagina. If you have to push them deep, it means your cervix has risen. It is easiest to check for this symptom immediately after menstruation, so that you can then better determine the change in the position of the cervix.

  • Increased sex drive

Women often notice a stronger sex drive mid-cycle. These sensations during ovulation are of natural origin and are associated with changes in hormonal levels.

  • Bloody issues

Sometimes in the middle of the cycle, small bloody discharge from the vagina appears. It can be assumed that this is the “residue” of blood leaving the uterus after menstruation. However, if this sign appears during suspected ovulation, it indicates rupture of the follicle. In addition, some blood may also be released from the endometrial tissue under the influence of hormones immediately before or after ovulation. This symptom indicates high fertility.

  • Cramp or pain on one side of the abdomen

20% of women experience pain during ovulation, which is called pain. It occurs when the follicle ruptures and the fallopian tube contracts as the egg moves into the uterus. A woman feels pain or spasm on one side of her lower abdomen. These sensations after ovulation do not last long, but serve as a fairly accurate sign of fertilization ability.

  • Flatulence

Hormonal shifts cause slight bloating. It can be detected by clothing or a belt that has become a little tight.

  • Mild nausea

Hormonal changes may cause mild nausea, similar to pregnancy-like symptoms.

  • Headache

20% of women experience headaches or migraines before or during menstruation. The same symptom in these patients may accompany the onset of ovulation.


Many women are planning their pregnancy. Conceiving after ovulation gives the greatest chance of fertilization of the egg. Therefore, they use additional methods to diagnose this condition.

Functional diagnostic tests for the ovulatory cycle:

  • basal temperature;
  • pupil symptom;
  • study of cervical mucus extensibility;
  • karyopyknotic index.

These studies are objective, that is, they show the phase of the ovulatory cycle quite accurately and regardless of the woman’s feelings. They are used when normal hormonal processes are disrupted. With their help, ovulation is diagnosed, for example, in an irregular cycle.

Basal temperature

Measurements are taken by placing a thermometer 3-4 cm into the anus, immediately after waking up. It is important to perform the procedure at the same time (a half hour difference is acceptable), after at least 4 hours of continuous sleep. You need to take your temperature every day, including on menstruation days.

The thermometer should be prepared in the evening so as not to shake in the morning. In general, it is not recommended to make unnecessary movements. If a woman uses a mercury thermometer, after inserting it into the rectum, she should lie still for 5 minutes. It is more convenient to use an electronic thermometer, which will beep when the measurement is completed. However, sometimes such devices give erroneous readings, which can lead to incorrect detection of ovulation.

After the measurement, the result must be plotted on a graph, divided along the vertical axis into tenths of a degree (36.1 - 36.2 - 36.3 and so on).

In the follicular phase, the temperature is 36.6-36.8 degrees. Starting from the second day after ovulation, it rises to 37.1-37.3 degrees. This rise is clearly visible on the chart. Just before the release of the egg, the mature follicle releases the maximum amount of estrogens, and on the graph this may appear as a sudden decrease (“recession”), followed by a rise in temperature. It is not always possible to register this sign.

If a woman has irregular ovulation, constantly measuring her rectal temperature will help her determine the most favorable day for conception. The accuracy of the method is 95%, subject to the rules for performing measurements and interpreting the results by a doctor.

Pupil symptom

This sign is detected by a gynecologist when examining the cervix using vaginal speculum. During the follicular phase of the cycle, the external uterine os gradually increases in diameter, and the cervical discharge becomes more and more transparent (+). Outwardly, it resembles the pupil of an eye. By the time of ovulation, the uterine os is maximally dilated, its diameter reaches 3-4 cm, the pupil symptom is most pronounced (+++). On days 6-8 after this, the external opening of the cervical canal closes, the pupil symptom becomes negative (-). The accuracy of this method is 60%.

Extensibility of cervical mucus

This sign, which can be noticed independently, is quantified using a forceps (a type of tweezers with teeth on the edges). The doctor grabs mucus from the cervical canal, stretches it and determines the maximum length of the resulting thread.

In the first phase of the cycle, the length of such a thread is 2-4 cm. 2 days before ovulation it increases to 8-12 cm, starting from the 2nd day after it decreases to 4 cm. From the 6th day the mucus practically does not stretch. The accuracy of this method is 60%.

Karyopyknotic index

This is the ratio of cells with a pyknotic nucleus to the total number of superficial epithelial cells in a vaginal smear. Pyknotic nuclei are wrinkled and less than 6 µm in size. In the first phase, their number is 20-70%, 2 days before ovulation and at the time of its onset - 80-88%, 2 days after the release of the egg - 60-40%, then their number decreases to 20-30%. The accuracy of the method does not exceed 50%.

A more accurate method of determining ovulation is hormonal studies. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of using it with an irregular cycle. The level of luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, and progesterone is determined. Typically, such tests are prescribed without taking into account individual characteristics, on days 5–7 and 18–22 of the cycle. Ovulation does not always occur during this period; with a longer cycle, it occurs later. This leads to unfounded diagnosis of anovulation, unnecessary tests and treatment.

The same difficulties arise when using drugs that are based on changes in the level of LH in the urine. A woman must either accurately guess the time of ovulation, or constantly use rather expensive test strips. There are reusable test systems that analyze changes in saliva. They are quite accurate and convenient, but the disadvantage of such devices is their high cost.

LH levels may be persistently elevated in the following cases:

  • severe stress due to the desire to become pregnant;

Ultrasound detection of ovulation

The most accurate and cost-effective method is diagnosing ovulation using ultrasound (). With ultrasound monitoring, the doctor evaluates the thickness of the endometrium, the size of the dominant follicle and the corpus luteum formed in its place. The date of the first study depends on the regularity of the cycle. If it has the same duration, the study is carried out 16-18 days before the start date of menstruation. If the cycle is irregular, an ultrasound scan is prescribed on the 10th day from the beginning of menstruation.

At the first ultrasound, the dominant follicle is clearly visible, from which a mature egg will subsequently be released. By measuring its diameter, you can determine the date of ovulation. The size of the follicle before ovulation is 20-24 mm, and its growth rate in the first phase of the cycle is 2 mm per day.

A second ultrasound is prescribed after the expected date of ovulation, when a corpus luteum is detected at the site of the follicle. At the same time, a blood test is performed to determine progesterone levels. The combination of increased progesterone concentration and the presence of a corpus luteum on ultrasound confirms ovulation. Thus, a woman undergoes only one test for hormone levels per cycle, which reduces her financial and time costs for the examination.

When examining in the second phase, changes in the corpus luteum and endometrium can be detected, which can prevent pregnancy.

Ultrasound monitoring confirms or denies ovulation even in cases where data from other methods turned out to be uninformative:

  • an increase in basal temperature in the second phase due to a decrease in the production of hormones by the atretic follicle;
  • increased basal temperature and progesterone levels with low endometrial thickness, which prevents pregnancy;
  • no changes in basal temperature;
  • false positive ovulation test.

An ultrasound examination helps answer many of a woman’s questions:

  • does she ever ovulate?
  • whether it will happen in the current cycle or not;
  • On what day will the egg be released?

Changes in the timing of ovulation

The release time of the egg may vary by 1-2 days even with a regular cycle. A persistently shortened follicular phase and early ovulation can lead to problems with conception.

Early ovulation

If the release of the egg occurs 12-14 days after the start of menstruation, there is no reason to worry. However, if the basal temperature chart or test strips show that this process occurred on the 11th day or earlier, then the released egg is not developed enough for fertilization. At the same time, the mucus plug in the cervix is ​​quite dense, and sperm cannot penetrate through it. Insufficient increase in endometrial thickness, caused by a reduction in the hormonal influence of estrogens in the developing follicle, prevents implantation of the embryo, even if fertilization has occurred.

Still being studied. Sometimes it happens accidentally, in one of the menstrual cycles. In other cases, pathology may be caused by the following factors:

  • severe stress and disruption of the relationship between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the nervous system, which leads to a sudden premature increase in LH levels;
  • the natural aging process, when to maintain the maturation of the egg, the body produces more FSH, which causes excessively rapid growth of the follicle;
  • smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine;
  • gynecological and endocrine diseases.

Can ovulation occur immediately after menstruation?

This is possible in two cases:

  • if menstruation lasts 5-7 days, and against this background a hormonal imbalance occurs, early ovulation can occur almost immediately after its completion;
  • if two follicles mature at different times in different ovaries, then their cycles do not coincide; in this case, ovulation of the second follicle is timely, but occurs in the first phase in the other ovary; This is associated with cases of pregnancy during sexual intercourse during menstruation.

Late ovulation

For some women, from time to time the ovulatory phase occurs on the 20th day of the cycle or later. Most often this is caused by hormonal disorders in the complex balanced system “hypothalamus - pituitary gland - ovary”. Usually these changes are preceded by stress or taking certain medications (corticosteroids, antidepressants, anticancer drugs). increases the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the egg, fetal malformations and early pregnancy loss.

If two follicles in each ovary do not mature at the same time, ovulation is possible before menstruation.

The cause of such a failure may be breastfeeding. Even if a woman regains her period after childbirth, she experiences a long follicular phase or anovulatory cycles for six months. This is a normal process established by nature and protects a woman from re-pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, both menstruation and ovulation are often absent for some time. But at a certain moment, the maturation of the egg begins, it is released, and it enters the uterus. And only 2 weeks after this, menstruation begins. This is how ovulation is possible without menstruation.

Often, late ovulation occurs in women who are too thin or in patients who have lost weight quickly. The amount of fat in the body is directly related to the level of sex hormones (estrogens), and a small amount of it leads to delayed egg maturation.

Treatment for ovulatory cycle disorders

Anovulation for several cycles throughout the year is normal. But what to do if there is no ovulation all the time, and a woman wants to get pregnant? You should be patient, find a qualified gynecologist and contact him for diagnosis and treatment.

Taking oral contraceptives

Usually, a course of oral contraceptives is first recommended to cause the so-called rebound effect - ovulation after discontinuation of OCs is likely to occur in the first cycle. This effect persists for 3 consecutive cycles.

If a woman has taken these medications before, they are discontinued and ovulation is expected to resume. On average, this period takes from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the duration of taking birth control pills. Conventionally, it is believed that for every year of using oral contraceptives, 3 months are required to restore ovulation.


In more severe cases, after excluding diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary tumors and other possible “external” causes of anovulation, the gynecologist will prescribe medications for. At the same time, he will monitor the patient’s condition, conduct ultrasound monitoring of the follicle and endometrium, and prescribe hormonal tests.

If there has been no period for 40 days or more, pregnancy is first ruled out, and then progesterone is administered to induce menstrual-like bleeding. After an ultrasound and other diagnostics, medications for ovulation are prescribed:

  • clomiphene citrate (Clomid) is an anti-estrogenic ovulation stimulator that increases the production of FSH in the pituitary gland, its effectiveness is 85%;
  • gonadotropic hormones (Repronex, Follistim and others) are analogues of one’s own FSH, causing the egg to mature, their effectiveness reaches 100%, but they are dangerous for the development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • hCG, often used before the IVF procedure; HCG is prescribed after the release of the egg to maintain the corpus luteum, and subsequently the placenta, and maintain pregnancy;
  • leuprorelin (Lupron) is an analogue of gonadotropin-releasing factor, which is produced in the hypothalamus and stimulates the synthesis of FSH in the pituitary gland; this drug does not cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;

Self-medication with these drugs is prohibited. When strictly following the doctor's recommendations and treatment in accordance with internationally recognized rules, most women manage to become pregnant in the first 2 years after starting therapy.

Assisted reproductive technologies

In the event that ovulation disorders cannot be corrected, assisted reproductive technologies come to the woman’s aid. However, they are associated with a strong hormonal influence on the body to produce a normal mature egg. Complex drug regimens are used. Such procedures should only be performed in specialized medical centers.

What's in the article:

Ovulation is the release of an egg ready for fertilization into the abdominal cavity. This word also refers to one of the phases of the menstrual cycle, during which the egg is released. And therefore, signs of ovulation in women indicate that the body is ready to conceive a child.

Ovulation and menstrual cycle

The first menstruation begins on average in girls aged 11–15 years, which indicates that the body is ready to conceive and bear a child. Initially, the first menstrual cycles are unstable, so it is quite difficult to calculate on which days ovulation occurs. Over time, the menstrual cycle becomes stable. The ideal duration is 28 days with discharge lasting 3-4 days. But since each organism is special, cycles from 19 to 35 days are considered the norm. The discharge can also last not 3 days, but a week.

In order to understand when ovulation should approximately occur and observe symptoms during this period, it is necessary to understand what is happening in the body during this period. The entire menstrual cycle is a complex process that is controlled by the reproductive centers. These centers are located in the hypothalamus, which is located in the diencephalon.

During the menstrual cycle, some changes last in almost the entire body, but they are most noticeable in the ovaries and uterus. Under the influence of hormones produced by the ovarian follicles, testes and adrenal cortex, the main follicle develops and matures. An egg matures inside this follicle. At a certain point in time, the follicle ruptures and the egg is released along with the follicular fluid into the fallopian tube. It is this process that is called ovulation and it is during this period that it is possible to notice its various signs.

At the site of the ruptured follicle, the formation of a corpus luteum occurs. At the same time, there is an increased production of sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone. And if estrogens are produced during follicle maturation, progesterone produces the corpus luteum.

A mature egg can be fertilized in only 24 hours, but if nothing happens during this period, then pregnancy does not occur. The process of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus continues for about another week. And if pregnancy does not occur, then the reproductive system begins to reject the endometrium that has expired - menstruation.

Timing of ovulation

Not only does ovulation occur at different times in different organisms, but also in the same woman, in different months, the timing of egg maturation may vary. This primarily applies to those patients who have an irregular menstrual cycle. Also, with short menstrual cycles, ovulation may occur closer to the end of the discharge. But these are quite rare cases; basically, the maturation of the egg occurs in the middle of the cycle.

Doctors divide all ovulations into premature, timely and late. Depending on the type, the signs of ovulation in women, as well as the discharge that occurs during this process, may vary. With premature ovulation, early rupture of the follicle and release of the egg occurs. The reasons are most often physiological - stress, too intense sexual intercourse, excessive exercise and diet. Although sometimes the cause can be hormonal imbalances and certain diseases. The cause of late ovulation is almost always hormonal imbalance.

Ovulation does not necessarily occur every menstrual cycle. After all, the body is sensitive to the following situations:

  • stress,
  • climate change,
  • infections,
  • active lifestyle.

Sensations during egg maturation

There are signs by which you can understand that the egg is maturing, which means ovulation will occur soon. The first symptom that occurs in many women is pain in the lower abdomen. The nature of such sensations can be varied - pulling, cramping, stabbing, cutting. The pain goes away after about an hour and can sometimes be accompanied by nausea. This symptom usually appears within a few days.

The cause of the pain is a rupture of the follicle, and if it is severe enough in the right or left side of the abdomen, you should visit a gynecologist. To reduce pain, your doctor may prescribe painkillers. If the case is very advanced, then the gynecologist can prescribe hormonal contraceptives that suppress the onset of ovulation. For mild pain, a relaxing environment and various herbal teas help well.

In the period before the maturation of the egg, such a sign of impending ovulation in women as a feeling of increased sexual desire intensifies. This is a signal that the body is almost ready for conception. After ovulation ends, such a strong attraction goes away.

Also, in some cases, mood swings, tearfulness, and irritability may occur. But such conditions pass quickly.

Signs of ovulation

The first signs of ovulation appear during the maturation of the egg, but for some they are so weak that they are almost invisible.

Therefore, for those patients for whom it is important to know when ovulation occurs, gynecologists recommend paying attention to the most noticeable signs of egg maturation. The main symptoms of ovulation that have already occurred are:

  • Discharges that differ in their characteristics from those appearing in other phases. The nature of the discharge changes due to the fact that the composition of the mucus that the cervix secretes during this period changes. During other phases of the cycle, a healthy woman’s discharge is slightly watery and resembles a raw egg in color and consistency. During ovulation, the amount of discharge increases and it appears thicker, becoming more creamy. Some women have no discharge at all during this phase.
  • Sexual desire remains high throughout the entire period of ovulation.
  • Increase in basal temperature. This is one of the most noticeable signs of ovulation. If the discharge does not change in all women, then an increase in temperature occurs in any case. Immediately on the day the egg is released, the temperature drops just a little, and the next day it increases. Typically, the indicator value increases by 1–2 degrees compared to the temperature in other phases of the cycle. Increasing the temperature improves progesterone production.
  • Changes in the mammary glands and pain in them. This sign of ovulation is not observed in all women. Increased sensitivity of the glands appears due to hormonal changes that occur in the body during ovulation.
  • Changes in the cervix. The organ itself rises slightly, opens and becomes softer. It is this process that changes the characteristics of the discharge.
  • The production of luteinizing hormone increases, which helps improve all metabolic processes occurring in the body and prepares the reproductive system for bearing a child.

A woman can notice some symptoms of the release of a mature egg on her own, others are visible only to a doctor with the appropriate equipment. Therefore, for those patients for whom it is important to track this phase, doctors recommend paying attention to such signs of ovulation in women that are monitored, and not to sensations and discharge that can easily be ignored.

Ovulation and pregnancy

All preparations of the body during this period occur so that the egg can be fertilized and implant in the uterus. Fertilization of a mature egg is possible only within a few days. Patients for whom it is very important to conceive a child need to know the first signs that indicate that conception has occurred during ovulation.

  • Increased appetite. This occurs in many all women and is associated with hormonal changes occurring in the reproductive system and in the body as a whole.
  • Breast enlargement and increased sensitivity. These changes are also associated with an imbalance of sex hormones. Almost from the very beginning of fertilization of the egg, the woman’s body prepares for bearing and feeding a child.
  • Constantly elevated basal temperature.
  • Changes in taste buds. This happens because the body begins to lack certain nutrients and vitamins. Because of this, it is possible to develop cravings only for certain foods, sometimes even strange ones at other times. For example, a combination of sweet and salty. Or a woman may want to eat inedible foods, most often chalk.
  • Inappropriate reaction to sounds and smells.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Apathy and constant fatigue. This is observed almost from the first days of conception due to changes in hormonal levels. Impairment of memory and attention may also occur.
  • Changes in the nature of discharge.
  • The next sign is the absence of menstruation. But only those women whose cycle was regular can notice that the discharge did not come at the right time.
  • The urge to urinate frequently appears quite early.

Those women who planned pregnancy and waited for it for a long time will pay attention to the slightest changes in the body, so they will be able to detect most of the signs of pregnancy. But those for whom this is a surprise usually begin to worry only in the absence of menstruation.

How to determine ovulation yourself

In order to determine the body's readiness to conceive, there is no need to undergo any tests or tests. To do this, it is enough to listen to your feelings and pay closer attention to the main signs of ovulation.

  1. For at least a month, you need to keep a diary with a graph of your basal temperature. If it is measured correctly, a jump in readings of 1-2 degrees in the middle of the menstrual cycle will indicate ovulation. A month of observation is necessary in order to obtain reliable results and find out your usual basal temperature, which varies among different women.
  2. Maintaining a menstruation calendar. On average, ovulation occurs on day 14 of a cycle of 28. This calendar and various online calculators will help you understand on what day this happens for you.
  3. Application of special tests. This is the easiest way to determine the onset of ovulation at home. You can buy such a test at any pharmacy, and use it in the same way as a test to determine pregnancy.

If there is no ovulation, then you should not be afraid of this situation. In this case, anovulation is diagnosed and diagnostic measures are carried out to find the causes of this. Most often, the cause of disorders is hormonal imbalance, so treatment of such a disorder is quite possible.

Signs of ovulation are trying to figure out 2 categories of women: those who want to conceive a child quickly and, on the contrary, do not want children yet and thus protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Let's take a brief look at the ovulation process itself and why you need to be able to calculate a given day.

So, the female menstrual cycle (the period of time from one menstruation to the next) is divided into 2 phases, which are approximately equal in duration. In the first phase, a dominant follicle is formed in the woman’s ovaries, from which an egg ready for fertilization can be released. And in the second phase, in the event of conception, the endometrium receives the fertilized egg and various hormonal changes occur to preserve the child. If conception does not occur, then after about 2 weeks the endometrium will begin to shed and the next menstruation will begin. So, conception can only occur in a certain period of time, lasting no more than 1, less often 2 days, when the egg leaves the ovary and waits for the sperm. This day, the only one in the cycle, is called ovulation. However, sperm have the ability to maintain their viability for several days, and therefore sometimes even 3 days before, sexual intercourse gives birth to a child. And yet, what are the signs of ovulation in women?

Subjective signs

Attentive ladies who understand their own physiology and the functioning of the internal genital organs can almost accurately determine their ovulation without the use of special techniques. For what symptoms do they do this?

1. Increased vaginal discharge. Mucous discharge from the vagina is quite noticeable and different from what happens on other days. This is cervical mucus. Proven signs of ovulation are discharge without a hint of its infectious nature. Within 1-2 days they disappear. By the way, a gynecologist can also determine the period favorable for conception using the same vaginal discharge. The maximum stretch of mucus reaches 12 cm. This sign of ovulation in gynecology is called the “pupil” symptom.

2. Quite pronounced, but not regular pain in the lower abdomen or in the area of ​​one of the ovaries (where the egg has matured). This symptom does not appear in everyone, only in the most sensitive women.

3. Increased sex drive. Not the average woman's libido is at the same level throughout her entire cycle. In the middle of the love cycle, as a rule, you want more. Especially on the day of ovulation...

Other methods for determining ovulation at home

1. Method of measuring basal temperature. Although more and more doctors are abandoning it as uninformative, this technique does not lose popularity among women. And this is no wonder. The main advantage is accessibility. The only item needed is a thermometer. It is advisable to measure the temperature from the first day of the cycle, recording the values ​​​​in a special chart. As a rule, throughout the first half of the cycle the temperature fluctuates between 36.6-36.9. Signs of ovulation are shown in the form of a slight decrease in temperature values, which means that ovulation will occur within a few hours after this. After the release of a mature egg from the ovary and almost until the very end of the menstrual cycle, the temperature will remain elevated - 37-37.3 degrees. Further, if pregnancy does not occur, it will drop. If there are no temperature fluctuations in your cycle, most likely the month was anovulatory, that is, ovulation did not occur this time. This happens to every woman in 2-3 menstrual cycles per year. And with age, anovulatory cycles occur more and more often. This is why gynecologists call every pregnancy a small miracle, especially if it was not planned. After all, getting into a non-fertile month on the right day with sexual intercourse is not so easy. If you have signs of lack of ovulation, there is no need to worry right away. We need to watch. If anovulatory men. The cycles will constantly repeat, you need to go to the doctor.

2. Ovulation tests. Everyone is familiar with pregnancy tests, but these ones cause some confusion. Yes, for now they are used only by women suffering from infertility, and young girls who are advanced in terms of contraception and methods of quickly conceiving. So, these tests look for signs before ovulation, such as a sharp rise in luteinizing hormone. It is observed 1-1.5 days before the release of a mature egg. If you decide to speed up your motherhood with the help of test strips, then keep in mind that you will have to do them more than once, but over the course of several days is quite possible. On what days of the cycle should you start experimenting? Experts recommend that women with a regular menstrual cycle subtract 17 from the day of the expected start of the next months. And start from this date. However, the numbers may vary up or down depending on the length of the interval between menstruation. The number 17 is relevant for the “classic” 28-day cycle. After receiving a positive result, and it is also reflected by the usual two stripes, you don’t have to do any more tests, you have already calculated ovulation, all that’s left is a small matter... In order to get a reliable result, follow the following rules:

  • do not urinate for 4 hours before the test;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid during this period of time (this may reduce the concentration of the hormone and there will be no reaction);

Medical methods for determining ovulation

1. Ovulation can be determined by an experienced doctor “by eye” during a gynecological examination. Firstly, as we already wrote above, during the period of ovulation the amount of stretchy cervical mucus increases significantly, its stretchability is 10-12 cm, and these signs of ovulation are clearly visible to the doctor.

2. This is the so-called “pupil symptom”. From the 5th day of the cycle until the egg matures, the cervix (its external opening) tends to open slightly. You can see the mucus inside, which we wrote about in the previous paragraph. Maximum dilatation is observed on the day of ovulation, then the cervix closes again and the mucus disappears.

3. Determination of luteinizing hormone in urine using a laboratory urine test. This is for those who don't trust tests.

4. Ultrasound examination. Your doctor will monitor the thickness of your endometrium and the appearance and growth of a dominant follicle. From this follicle the egg will appear. With anovulatory cycles, there is no follicle (instead of the dominant one there are many, several millimeters long) and ovulation - it makes no sense to wait for signs of pregnancy at the end of this cycle.

Medical methods for determining the probable day of conception are popular among women who have had unsuccessful pregnancies in the past and (or) suffer from infertility, as well as those preparing for IVF. Home search for signs of ovulation attracts women who do not want to wait several months for conception (and this happens), but want to speed up the process. But there is a category of women who use this information not entirely for its intended purpose - in order to protect against unwanted pregnancy. I would like to remind you that the method is not very reliable, the failure rate is quite high.

“Female” hormones and mood during ovulation: why it worsens

Normally, every woman experiences almost complete renewal of the body every month, which is associated with the menstrual cycle. If you observe carefully, you will notice the following pattern: ladies who do not have problems with menstruation look much younger than their peers who suffer from ailments in this area. They also tend to have a more positive outlook on life. The body signals: the egg is maturing, everything is fine, there are no failures, it has a large supply of vitality and is able to bear a healthy child.

To see if there are any problems, try paying attention to your mood during ovulation– sometimes the disappearance of indirect signs may indicate that the female reproductive system is not in order; you need to consult a doctor.

Mood before ovulation: normal options

The first half of the menstrual cycle is a thorough process. The first days of the cycle are the time when a woman experiences not the most pleasant sensations.

She has increased sensitivity to pain, periodically experiences cramps in the lower abdomen, and sometimes her blood pressure rises (or falls), which in turn can cause nausea and apathy. She wants to be left alone and given the opportunity to leisurely stroll along the city streets or lie down on the couch at home listening to her favorite movie. This is the still ongoing action of prostaglandin hormones, which completely control the end of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - that is, 1-2 days before the next menstruation. Often painful periods completely discourage the desire to communicate with the man you love and even just engage in any active activity.

But a couple more days pass, and my period is close to ending. The woman notices an extraordinary surge of strength, her behavior changes. She:

  • becomes cheerful and cheerful;
  • easily, “on the fly” learns new information;
  • It is easier to endure visits to the dentist and gynecologist - the most “scary” doctors for women, thanks to an increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity.

Sexual desire at this time tends to peak, but does not yet reach it. A huge role in all these metamorphoses is played by adrenaline and norepinephrine, which “rule the roost” during this period. The body is ready for change and is able to endure stress without complications.

But then - closer to the middle of the cycle - the lady begins to notice that her worldview has become less bright and colorful. In other words, your mood before ovulation worsens slightly. This happens just a few hours before the “moment X”, when the egg is about to leave the mature ruptured follicle.

Ovulation, mood and behavior

Interestingly, it is during this short period that a woman becomes unusually attractive to members of the opposite sex. If at some point she notices that men have begun to look after her more often, smile, and say compliments - most likely, her ovulation is “approaching.” The body releases special substances - pheromones, which increase the attractiveness of such a woman to gentlemen on a subconscious level, behavior changes and becomes more playful. The secretion of estrogen increases. Sexual desire before ovulation - libido - often increases in the woman herself.

It would seem that if everything is so wonderful, then why does a woman have a bad mood so often during ovulation? After all, we see a completely optimistic picture:

  • the follicle has matured, the egg has come out and hid in anticipation of sperm;
  • beauty blinds others;
  • men are ready to lay down in stacks at their feet.

Why then do you so want to go home and delve into sad depressive thoughts about the imperfections of this world? Worsening mood during ovulation is caused by banal reasons - your state of health during these hours may not be at the highest level. The stomach may ache on the side of the ovary where the egg was released, sometimes the head hurts a little, and a slight swelling is felt. Occasionally, some women will release 1-2 drops of blood, but more often they are visible only as a trace on toilet paper. No gaskets are required. However, the desire for intimacy may remain high. This is such a paradox.

Mood after ovulation: how will it change and why?

After ovulation is left behind, the woman’s body rebuilds and prepares for change: the abundant production of stress hormones and growth hormones is inhibited, replaced by those hormones that promote maturation and preservation of cells. The parasympathetic nervous system becomes more active. The corpus luteum, formed after the rupture of the follicle, is produced. But since testosterone is still very active until about the 20th day of the cycle, sudden mood swings are possible after ovulation. Until approximately 24–25 days of the cycle (with a length of 28 days), the lady feels great. She is calm, active, enjoys working and studying.

Some women experience an increase in sex drive after ovulation. If this happens immediately after the “X hour,” then this phenomenon is explained by the activity of the egg: within 24 hours after ovulation, it is still capable of capturing sperm. She needs to be in time, and therefore the woman feels a surge of desire. If the desire for intimacy increases after a few days, then, on the contrary, this indicates that the body has “calmed down”: conception is guaranteed not to happen, so you can enjoy the company of your beloved man without consequences.

The body's reaction is unpredictable and depends on many circumstances: in particular, on whether the woman is determined to become pregnant or is trying to avoid this event.

When there are a couple of days left before the expected period, the female body again undergoes a slight restructuring. The amount of prostaglandins increases. Irritability appears and pains that resemble spasms appear. , because of which the arrows on the scales creep up, the legs swell slightly, and swell.

As a result, the mood decreases and deteriorates. I don’t want to think and solve the world’s problems, but I have a desire to watch some melodrama and even cry over the difficult fate of its heroes. All these are absolutely normal sensations before menstruation. As soon as the critical days are left behind, the woman will blossom again, and the depressed mood will disappear.

If you notice approximately the following changes in your mood and attitude during the cycle, then everything is in order. But if you have never felt anything or your own scheme is slightly different, this is also a variant of the norm. You should only worry when something has changed in the body: for example, there was always slight pain during ovulation, and then suddenly disappeared completely. Or if you previously noticed a sharp increase in libido in the middle of the cycle, but over the past few months you have not experienced anything like that. Then it would be useful to consult a doctor - perhaps the body is giving the first alarm bells.

Ovulation can be tracked in many ways: by measuring basal temperature, observing “pupil syndrome” at an appointment with a gynecologist, scrupulously doing folliculometry or using special tests. Or you can just relax and trust nature, and then you yourself will feel when a new life has arrived. Women's intuition rarely fails!

Knowing the signs of the approach and onset of ovulation, a woman can predict which days will be favorable for the desired conception or, conversely, find out when she needs to take special precautions. There are several such symptoms. Among them there are more accurate ones, taking into account changes in physiological indicators in the body. There are also those that are based on the study of everyday experience; they allow you to find out about the onset of ovulation only approximately. But it is useful for every woman to get acquainted with them. This will help you find out how well her reproductive system is functioning.


What is ovulation

From the first day of menstruation, a woman begins her next menstrual cycle. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the body (hereditary or acquired after birth), its duration is individual. Some women have a short cycle (21-23 days), while others have a long one (may consist of 35 days or even more). The end of the cycle is considered the last day before the next menstruation. If menstruation comes after approximately the same number of days, then the woman is said to have a regular menstrual cycle, and if the number of days between menstruation is inconsistent, then it is said to be irregular.

Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg is released from the follicle - the capsule surrounding it and located in the ovary. Here, even before birth, an individual supply of eggs is formed, which can mature during the woman’s cycle throughout her life. In the first (follicular) phase, a so-called dominant follicle with an egg is formed.

If there are no deviations in the functioning of the reproductive system, then ovulation occurs, after which the second (luteal) phase begins. During this period, the mature egg moves into the fallopian tube, where sperm enter during sexual intercourse. In this case, fertilization and pregnancy may occur.

If conception does not occur, the egg dies after about 12-24 hours and is removed from the uterus along with the functional layer of the endometrium. Another menstrual bleeding appears.

Calendar method of determination

The time at which the egg is released from the follicle can only be determined approximately, since it depends on the duration of the entire cycle and many other factors (the functioning of the reproductive organs, changes in hormonal levels, general health).

The normal duration of the luteal phase is approximately 14 days. This means that the duration of the follicular phase is equal to the difference between the total cycle length and the number 14. Therefore, theoretically, the day of onset of ovulation is:

  • 7 – with a 21-day cycle;
  • 11 – at 25 days;
  • 14 – at 28 days;
  • 21 – at 35 days.

This method of calculation is called calendar. By regularly marking the start and end of periods on a calendar, a completely healthy woman with a regular menstrual cycle can predict which days of the month she is most likely to conceive. Considering that cycles are quite often irregular, and not every woman can boast of ideal health, deviations in timing can be significant. In addition, anovulatory cycles may occur, when conception cannot occur at all. At the same time, a woman planning a pregnancy will hope in vain for its occurrence. Therefore, this method of determining the onset of ovulation cannot be called effective.

Video: What signs can you use to know that ovulation is approaching?

Signs of approaching ovulation

There are several signs by which you can know with greater or less accuracy how soon the egg will be released. They can be divided into home and medical.

First manifestations

The nature of vaginal discharge. During the cycle, it changes repeatedly, since the work of the glands that produce mucus is directly related to fluctuations in the ratio of hormones in the body. You may notice that immediately after menstruation there is almost no discharge (it is so thick that it forms a plug in the cervix). By the time of ovulation, they become abundant, stretchy, and resemble egg white in color and appearance.

After it passes, the amount of mucus decreases. If there is no change in its consistency, this indicates that there was no ovulation.

It is not always easy to notice such a sign, since the condition of the mucus is affected by the presence of infectious diseases, the use of lubricant during sexual intercourse, and the woman’s sexual excitability.

Ovulatory bleeding. The fact that ovulation has occurred can be judged by slight bleeding on a certain day of the cycle. They appear in the form of a daub and quickly disappear. If the “bleeding” is prolonged and is accompanied by other symptoms of cycle disorders, this indicates diseases of the genital organs.

Changes in the condition of the mammary glands. Before ovulation occurs, a feeling of swelling and soreness usually appears in the breasts, and the sensitivity of the nipples increases. This condition can persist until the onset of menstruation, so it is almost impossible to determine the end of ovulation.

Pain in the lower abdomen. At the moment the follicle membrane ruptures and the egg leaves it, especially sensitive women feel a slight stabbing pain in the groin. It is characteristic that short-term pain sensations appear on the side of the ovary where the dominant follicle grows.

Increased sexuality. The body instinctively reacts to the hormonal shift that occurs at the moment the maturation of the egg completes and the maximum possibility of its fertilization appears.

Crystallization of saliva (arborization effect). An increase in estrogen levels in the first half of the cycle leads to an increase in the salt content in saliva. This can be noticed already a few days before ovulation. If you apply saliva to glass, then under a microscope it is noticeable that crystallization occurs in it, and a pattern appears in the form of fern leaves. After completion of the ovulatory process, the density of saliva decreases.

Addition: If a woman pays attention to her sensations during different periods of her cycle over the course of several months, she may notice that as ovulation approaches, her sensitivity to odors increases. Some people feel bloated.

All these signs are not accurate enough, since subjective sensations may be erroneous.

Changes in the condition of the cervix. By the time of ovulation, the cervix becomes softer, and the production of cervical mucus increases. In addition, the position of the neck changes, it moves higher. This creates conditions for sperm to penetrate into the uterus. Some women are able to recognize changes in the condition of the cervix by touch.

During examination, the gynecologist detects them by the appearance of the “pupil effect”. About a week before ovulation, the diameter of the cervical canal begins to increase, so the outlet becomes like a pupil.

Home Methods to Track Ovulation

There are ways in which you can more reliably verify at home that ovulation is approaching.

Plotting a basal temperature chart. A sign indicating the approach and onset of ovulation is an increase in basal temperature. It is usually measured rectally. This eliminates the influence of external factors on body temperature. To build a graph, it is measured every day at the same time throughout the entire cycle. Before ovulation, the temperature is approximately 0.4°-0.6° higher than at the beginning of the cycle. After reaching a peak at the time of ovulation, it begins to decline.

If fertilization has occurred, no decrease in temperature is observed.

To obtain a more accurate result, temperature measurements must be carried out over several months. You should stop drinking alcohol. Measurements are not taken during illness.

Using tests. The principle of operation of pharmacy tests for ovulation is based on the fact that before its onset in a woman’s urine, the concentration of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH), which regulates the course of the 2nd phase of the cycle, sharply increases. A sign of approaching ovulation is a change in the color intensity of the strips impregnated with a substance that reacts to LH. The first strip is the control strip. If the second stripe is faintly colored, it means there are 1-1.5 days left before ovulation. Intense coloring indicates that ovulation will occur in the coming hours.

Testing is carried out over several days so as not to miss the moment of interest. In order to find out from which day of the cycle the check should begin, you need to subtract 17 from the duration of the cycle (14 + 3 = 17, where 14 is the duration of phase 2 of the cycle, and 3 is the possible error). Thus, it is determined that it is necessary to start measurements, for example, on the 7th day, if the cycle lasts 24 days, or on the 11th day, if the cycle lasts 28 days.

Medical methods

They are the most accurate. This includes a blood test for LH hormone done in a laboratory, as well as a transvaginal ultrasound.

Using a sensor, the development of follicles in the ovary is monitored. Size measurements begin approximately on the 6-7th day of the cycle and are carried out every 2-3 days.

Video: How to determine whether ovulation is occurring. Tests

Signs of the end of ovulation

Knowing what day ovulation ended, we can assume that after 2 days the likelihood of pregnancy will significantly decrease.

Warning: It is impossible to consider the following days completely “safe”, since sometimes deviations appear (for example, spontaneous maturation of another egg occurs), thanks to which conception, in principle, is possible on any day of the cycle.

Signs that ovulation has taken place are a decrease in the intensity and viscousness of the discharge, a weakening of sexual desire, and the disappearance of one-sided stabbing pain in the ovaries. Measuring basal temperature shows its decrease.

Signs of an anovulatory cycle

Anovulatory cycles often appear in girls at the beginning of puberty, as well as in women on the eve of menopause. The reason is hormonal instability. In the first case, it is caused by the immaturity of the ovaries, and in the second, by their aging.

Often, cycles without ovulation appear in women during breastfeeding due to increased production of prolactin and a decrease in the levels of the hormones FSH and LH in the body.

Hormone imbalance can occur with long-term treatment with hormonal drugs. Artificial suppression of ovulation for the purpose of contraception is achieved by taking oral contraceptives. Cycles without ovulation can appear in a woman after stress, physical fatigue, a sharp decrease or increase in body weight, or a change in climatic conditions.

The absence of ovulation is indicated by the fact that during the cycle there are no signs of changes in the consistency of discharge or the condition of the mammary glands. There are also no ovulatory bleeding or ovarian pain.

If a young woman does not ovulate for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of this condition.



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