Dried dried apricots useful properties. Dried apricots - composition, beneficial properties and harm

Dried pitted apricots are a popular delicacy. In addition to the bright taste, apricot has a mass nutritional properties. What are the benefits and harms of dried apricots for a woman's body?

Chemical composition and calorie content of dried apricots

The composition of the apricot includes:

  • carotene (vitamin A), which gives the fruits a bright orange color;
  • a complex of other vitamins (E, group B, ascorbic acid);
  • proteins;
  • fiber (pectins);
  • glucose and fructose;
  • mineral elements - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • organic acids.

Thanks to low content fat (0.3 g per 100 g of fruit), dried apricots have a low calorie content - about 215 kcal.

Dried apricots - benefits for a woman's body

This bright dried fruit deserved the name "women's dessert". Apricot was awarded such an honor because of the special healing effect on young ladies.

Useful properties of dried apricots for women's health:

  1. Normalizes hormonal processes(during menopause, PMS, pregnancy).
  2. Improves mood, fights neuroses.
  3. Replaces sweets, promotes weight loss.
  4. Removes toxic substances.
  5. Stimulates bowel function, prevents constipation.
  6. Protects against blood clots in the vessels, strengthens the walls, removes cholesterol.
  7. Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  8. Prevents the development of cancerous tumors.
  9. Improves the functioning of the endocrine system.
  10. Displays excess liquid, prevents pathologies of the kidneys, urinary tract.
  11. Strengthens immunity.
  12. Activates the brain.
  13. Increases the amount of hemoglobin (during heavy menstruation).

It is enough to eat 100-150 g of dried apricots every day to get required dose beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties during pregnancy and lactation

Doctors advise using apricots during pregnancy to replenish the body of the expectant mother with the necessary substances.

For women in the position of dried apricots, it works especially:

  • gently relieves constipation, frequent occurrence in pregnant women;
  • fights anemia by supplying iron to the body;
  • improves the condition of the heart, blood vessels of the mother and child;
  • supports the work of the thyroid gland;
  • normalizes pressure, the jumps of which are observed in pregnant women;
  • provides normal development fetus;
  • reduces nervousness, calms;
  • reduces manifestations of toxicosis.

In this article, we will answer the question of how and for whom dried apricots are useful, we will learn the secrets correct use dried apricots, learn how to make dried fruits at home.

Dried fruits are a delicious and healthy hello to summer. When eaten, they stimulate digestion, normalize blood pressure are important for the functioning of the heart, brain, nervous system, muscles.

Dried fruits appeared in our diet thousands of years ago. During this time, the process of preparing dried fruits practically did not change: only open space, shade and dry warm air were needed.

All fruits were dried, but the most famous of them: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, figs. drying out naturally, dried fruits retained the taste, vitamins, nutrients and trace elements of fresh fruits. However, the time of transformation of apricot into dried apricots took several months.

Modern dried fruits are made using new technologies: using chemicals and dyes. That is why they not only got prettier, but also lost all the vitamins.

IMPORTANT: Before you buy dried fruits, smell them: quality product cannot smell of gasoline or rubber. The presence of an outsider pungent odor indicates the use of the express drying method.

  • The application of the express method assumes that the fruits are dried in ovens. At the same time, furnaces are heated not only with firewood, but also with waste rubber production, diesel fuel
  • For disinfection, dried fruits are fumigated with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide ( food supplement E220)
  • Plums and grapes even dry in the oven for several days. Before drying, the fruits are placed in a solution of caustic soda. This treatment thins the skin of the berries, and they dry faster.
  • After express drying, the fruit looks shriveled and faded. To give a presentation, they are tinted, impregnated sugar syrup, preservatives
  • Now raisins, dried apricots, prunes look bright, attractive: they are ready to go to your table

IMPORTANT: Before eating, bright dried fruits should be put in hot water for 15 minutes, then rinsed with running water.

How to choose dried fruits correctly?

  • Natural dried fruits cannot be bright colors. Naturally dried fruits are unsightly and tough
  • Dark raisins retain the bluish bloom characteristic of fresh grapes
  • Light grapes in the process of drying becomes reddish or light brown.
  • Dried apricots are tough, brownish in color
  • Natural prunes with pit. Leaves no ink marks when kneaded between fingers

IMPORTANT: Natural dried fruits are matte, without oily sheen.

Recipes for dried apricots, prunes and raisins

Thanks to modern kitchen appliances, harvesting dried fruits at home has become quite easy process. Fruits or berries need to be sorted out, washed, pitted and placed in a special dryer. As a result: all winter you will enjoy homemade dried fruits.

Video: Drying plums - 16 kg. How to make prunes at home?

Video: How to cook raisins from sultana grapes?

Video: How to cook raisins from Moldova grapes?

Video: Drying apricot - 10 kg. How to make dried apricots at home?

What is dried apricots?

Dried apricots are not the only product from dried fruits apricot. There are such varieties of it as kaisa and apricots.

  • Kaisa- whole dried apricot without a bone. This type of dried fruit is rich in iron, minerals, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. It contains a lot of organic acids, pectin substances, glucose, sucrose, fructose. Unfortunately, there are not very many vitamins in kais
  • dried directly on the branches of a tree and retains all the vitamin and mineral composition fresh berries. Uryuk is always with a bone. Considered the most useful view dried apricots

Video: Dried apricots or apricots?

Dried apricots: vitamins and minerals

IMPORTANT: 100 g of dried apricots are equivalent to 40 mg of iron preparations or 250 g of beef liver.

Varieties of dried apricots and its calorie content per 100 g of product

Dried fruits are higher in calories than fresh fruit. This is explained simply: during drying, dried fruits turn into a kind of fruit concentrate.

  • Dried apricots - 232 kcal (977 kJ)
  • Apricot - 261 kcal (1095 kJ)
  • Kaisa - 275 kcal (1151 kJ)

For example: the calorie content of 100 g of fresh apricots is 45 kcal (185 kJ).

Daily rate and calorie content of dried apricots

The calorie content of 1 medium dried apricots is 23.2 kcal (97.7 kJ).

IMPORTANT: 4-5 pieces of dried apricots provide our body daily allowance potassium, iron, carotene, vitamin group IN.

The glycemic index of dried apricots is within 30. And yet, use it better in the morning or in the afternoon until 16:00.

The use of dried apricots

Inhabitants Central Asia and the Middle East called dried apricots "a gift from Allah." It is difficult to argue with such a definition, because dried apricots are indispensable for the human body.

The benefits of consuming dried apricots are greater than those of consuming fresh apricots.

  • It's connected with high content useful substances and minerals
  • Beta-carotene in dried apricots helps improve vision, protects eyes from inflammation
  • The high content of potassium in dried apricots, among other things, prevents the loss of calcium by the body.

Dried apricots remove harmful substances

  • radionuclides
  • toxins
  • heavy metals
  • bad cholesterol
  • slag

Thanks to large quantities pectin and fiber in the composition, dried apricots improve intestinal motility with constipation, contribute to the normalization of activity beneficial microflora intestines.

Means for strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body


  • Grind 200 g dried apricots, 200 g prunes, 100 g peeled walnuts
  • Mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. If you suffer from constipation - add 50 g to the mixture wheat bran. Such bowel cleansing with dried apricots will be mild and will not cause discomfort.
  • The resulting mass is stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container.
  • Use 2 tablespoons: in the morning - 30 minutes before. before breakfast, in the evening - before bedtime
  • The intake of the mixture can be combined with

Dried apricots and beriberi

One of the most common spring ailments is beriberi.
Its symptoms:

  • drowsiness
  • weakness
  • increased irritability
  • dry skin
  • hair loss

Helps fight disease vitamin blend from lemon and dried apricots.


  • Grind 1 medium lemon (with zest), 100 g dried apricots
  • Mix with 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container
  • Take 1 teaspoon every morning before meals

The benefits of dried apricots for the heart

Cardiologists call dried apricots "food for the heart."

  • The high concentration of potassium and magnesium in dried apricots normalizes the work of the heart, increases the level of hemoglobin, and eliminates vascular blockages.
  • Dried apricots will help maintain normal blood pressure and thus become a reliable tool in the fight against hypertension.
  • With pathology of cardio-vascular system it is recommended to consume 100-150 g of dried apricots daily
  • With atherosclerosis, dried apricots are consumed in the form of a crushed mixture, 1 tablespoon three times a day
  • For heart diseases, it is recommended to take an infusion of dried apricots.


  • Pour 50 g of dried apricots with boiling water (200 ml)
  • Insist 4 hours
  • Take 0.5 cup every day 30 minutes before meals

IMPORTANT: Take only freshly prepared infusion!

You can also make compote from dried apricots, the benefits of which will be somewhat less than the benefits of the infusion.

IMPORTANT: For the first time dried fruit compote was prepared for french king Louis XIV.

Video: Dried fruits benefits and harms. Dried fruits compote

A decoction of dried apricots for babies

Properly prepared compote, infusion or decoction of dried apricots is quite suitable for a fragile baby's body. The first acquaintance of the baby with a drink from dried apricots can take place at 6 months, when complementary foods begin to be introduced. However, if the child suffers from constipation, a drink of dried apricots and prunes (low concentration) can be administered from 3 months.

IMPORTANT: For children's drinks, only organic dried fruits (naturally dried) are used!


  • The correct proportion of the drink: 100 g of dried fruits per 1 liter of water (boiling water)
  • It is better not to boil a children's drink, but to insist 5-6 hours
  • No sugar added to baby drink

IMPORTANT: Multi-component drinks are offered to children after 6 months if the baby is already familiar with each individual ingredient.

Is it possible to drink a decoction of dried apricots during fasting

A lot has been said about the benefits and harms of curative fasting. Those who have experienced curative hunger, know: the most difficult thing is to get out of fasting. Output errors are fraught with serious problems for the body.

IMPORTANT: Therapeutic fasting should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Dr. Ziganshin has developed his own method of therapeutic fasting, which is softer and more acceptable even for an elderly organism. During the "velvet starvation" of Ziganshin, the patient should drink an infusion of dried apricots (preferably apricots) and water.

At the end of the day, the patient eats soaked dry apricots from the decoction. It keeps the stomach from stopping. In addition, soaked dried apricots (apricots) consist of hard veins that perfectly cleanse the large intestine.

Fasting according to the Zingishin method

1 day: 5-7 dried apricots (dried apricots, apricots) are brewed with boiling water (repeatedly). A warm drink is drunk throughout the day. The berries are eaten at the end of the day. In addition to the infusion of dried apricots, it is drunk pure water. All liquid is consumed in small sips of 0.5-1 glass at a time. The total amount of liquid per day is 2.5-3 liters.
During the day you need to take:

  • 1 tsp powder seaweed. This allows you to provide the body with the necessary trace elements.
  • 1 clove of garlic. The slice is divided into tiny pieces, which are carefully chewed and swallowed, which allows you to achieve an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

2 day: An infusion of dried apricots is taken. At the end of the day, the berries from the infusion are eaten. Drinking clean water. The total amount of liquid is 2.5-3 liters.
During the day you need to eat:

  • 1 tsp seaweed
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 orange. Eaten in slices throughout the day

3-4 days: only water in a volume of 2.5-3 liters
Day 5 to Day 14 the cycle repeats
Third week: way out of hunger

Dried apricots: diet for weight loss

If therapeutic fasting is perceived by you as an extreme way of healing, but you need to get in shape, try the "Apricot and Apricot Mono-Diet". The duration of the diet is 3-5 days. Such a diet is carried out 1 time in 2-3 months.

Daily menu:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh apricots and 0.3 kg of dried apricots. Fruits are divided into 5-6 meals
  • Before use, dried apricots must be crushed and diluted with freshly squeezed apricot juice to a puree
  • In addition, during the day you should drink up to 2-3 liters of liquid: water, herbal tea without sugar, infusion of dried apricots without sugar

CONTRAINDICATIONS: diabetes mellitus, intestinal obstruction, obesity, gastritis, ulcer. More than 5 days you can not use dried apricots! After a diet, you should strengthen your diet with protein-rich foods!

The benefits of dried apricots for women

Dried apricots are vital female body. The use of dry apricots normalizes the production female hormones. Antioxidants, which dried fruit is so famous for, prevent the development of fibroids, cysts, and oncological diseases.
Hercules porridge with dried apricots and nuts will not only improve the lactation of a nursing mother, but also compensate the mother's body with trace elements given to the baby.

Hercules porridge recipe with dried apricots and nuts:

  • Pour into boiling water (1 l) cereals(1.5 tbsp). Add salt, sugar to taste
  • After 5 minutes, add finely chopped dried apricots (0.5 cups), peeled chopped walnuts to the flakes
  • Cook, stirring constantly, for another 10 minutes.

Dried apricots during pregnancy: benefits and harms

Pregnancy is a period in a woman's life that requires special attention. Each of the foods during pregnancy should be taken very carefully, especially dried apricots.

The benefits of dried apricots:

  • has a general strengthening effect due to the large number of trace elements and vitamins
  • fructose and glucose satisfy the need for sweets without raising blood insulin levels
  • prevents the appearance of anemia, alleviates the condition with it
  • saves from beriberi
  • relieves toxicosis
  • is prophylactic constipation
  • eliminates heartburn
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • has a diuretic effect and prevents the appearance of edema
  • preserves the condition of teeth, hair, nails


IMPORTANT: Eating dried apricots with diabetes requires mandatory consultation with a doctor! The sugar content in dried apricots is 84%!

The benefits of dried apricots for men

Navigators, going on long journeys, always took with them great amount dried fruits.

In addition, doctors found that dried apricots - good remedy to improve potency. And the “Hippocratic Mixture”, known to the ancient Greeks, saved more than one male heart.

Video: The benefits and harms of dried fruits

Recipes with dried apricots: photo

Casserole with cottage cheese and dried apricots

1. Finely chop 1 cup dried apricots. Add to it 1 egg, 4 tablespoons of semolina, 0.5 teaspoon of salt
2. Add 0.5 kg of cottage cheese of any fat content to the mixture. If the cottage cheese is lumpy, it is advisable to pass it through a meat grinder
3. Stir the mass until completely homogeneous.
4. Pour curd mixture into rectangular shape(size 18x25). Grease the mold with butter or vegetable oil. Spread the mass carefully and evenly over the bottom of the mold.
5. Grease the top of the curd mass with sour cream of any fat content.
6. Bake in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes

Well, if for some reason you do not like dried apricots, take the advice and pamper your face with a mask of dried apricots. Your skin will thank you.


  • Take 1 cup dried apricots
  • Fill with water and let it swell
  • Grind in a blender, food processor or meat grinder
  • Mix with 2 teaspoons of powdered milk
  • Apply on face for 15 minutes
  • Gently clean your face with a tissue
  • Rinse your face with warm water

The mask is suitable for any type of skin, nourishes it, promotes regeneration. It should be done 2 times a week (especially in winter).

Video: Sambuk from dried apricots. Delicious

In the cold season, the body is in dire need of an influx of vitamins and other nutrients. Therefore, everyone begins to more or less regularly consume foods rich in them. Stand apart in this series, especially the beloved by many dried apricots. Let's consider how exactly it is useful and whether harm from this "yummy" is possible.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Dried pitted apricots are considered high-calorie product - per 100 g account for 215-232 kcal(specific figure depends on storage conditions).

Among, and carbohydrates, the primacy of the latter - they are about 51-53 g here. There are much fewer proteins: 5.2 g, while fats are indicated symbolically (0.3 g). The rest of the mass is water (20 g), valuable alimentary fiber(11 g) and ash with organic acids.
In the same 100-gram serving, there are compounds such as:

  • - 5.5 mg;
  • - 4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 3.5 mg;
  • , among which niacin stands out, aka, at a dose of 3 mg. and are presented much more modestly (0.1 and 0.2 mg each);
  • - 583 mcg.

Among the main is considered (1.7-1.8 g). and much less: 160 and 146 mg. Content - 105 mg. and with their 26 and 17 mg, the role of fastening components is assigned.

Of the series, it is usually mentioned in the amount of 3-3.2 mg. The dosage of copper, and others is much less: their share is reduced to micrograms.

What is useful dried apricots for the body

Delicious dried fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and is able to replace other sweets that are sometimes more harmful to us. But this beneficial features are by no means limited - dried apricots are suitable for everyone.

Did you know? It still remains a mystery from which region apricots spread to the current range. Many scientists believe that the Chinese Tien Shan was the center of origin, but there are a lot of contradictions in this version.


Men appreciate this product for the following "abilities":

  • normalization of the cardiovascular system. In many ways, this is the merit of magnesium and potassium, which, in addition, also prevent the appearance of muscle cramps;
  • body support during hard physical labor;
  • regulation blood pressure and accelerated cleaning of blood vessels - this effect is given by nicotinic acid;
  • removal of toxins and oxides heavy metals;
  • support for bone tissue due to. Thus, testosterone is redirected to work with other systems;
  • prevention of urological problems (in particular, prostatitis).

Athletes who pay a lot of attention to their diet note another quality of this product - it is an equivalent replacement flour products, and sugar. That is, the annoying menu items can be safely replaced with delicious dried apricots.


Women, among whom there are traditionally more sweet teeth, have long noticed a valuable dried fruit. And it is absolutely deserved, because with moderate use it:

  • cleanses the body, removing mass harmful substances(including the extra one). This prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic;
  • deeply penetrating into the skin, vitamins and rejuvenate and cleanse it;
  • raises the level of hemoglobin, which is used in the fight against iron deficiency anemia;
  • dried apricots in pure form(that is, without heat treatment) normalizes the functions of the endocrine system;
  • relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal disturbances, especially chronic constipation. This is merit;
  • acting as a diuretic, helps in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • with stable reception reduces to zero the risk of developing malignant tumors(or stops development, if any).

Those who follow their figure know about another property of such drying: acting as a sugar substitute, it does not increase the level of insulin in the blood and, if taken correctly, blocks it.


This delicacy will appeal to both parents and children. In addition to its taste, dried apricots are powerful general tonic And natural immunomodulator, which is relevant in the autumn-winter period.

Support for the growing body of the baby is also manifested in such properties:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of hemoglobin level;
  • stimulation of the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • quick relief of constipation, which is often baked at such a tender age.

But in the case of children, the issue of dosage is especially acute. If the norm for an adult is 100, a maximum of 150 g of dried fruit per day, then the child needs less. The maximum share for crumbs is 50 g.

There are also age restrictions. So, small additions of dried apricots to the main dishes are allowed to be given to healthy little ones over 1 year old. If the baby has an allergy (but the reason has not yet been established), you will have to wait up to 3 years.

First tricks healthy treats will be trial: drying in the form of puree is given in half a teaspoon, while evaluating the reaction. After making sure that everything is fine and the product has not caused rejection, you can gradually increase its content on the menu (up to the same 50 g).

Did you know? Archaeologists claim that mankind has been cultivating apricots for at least 6,000 years.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating mothers

The abundance of vitamins and minerals makes this product indispensable for women in labor, whose body works with a double load. Yes, and the baby will benefit from them.

Support for the heart, blood vessels and kidneys - all this is within the power of dried fruit. Often gynecologists advise expectant mothers to eat 4-5 slices a day to maintain endocrine system. If accompanied, dried apricots are included in the menu as an indispensable element in the same quantities.
True, its use will not benefit everyone. This technique is prohibited for women who have low blood pressure, bronchial asthma or allergic reactions.

With absence similar complications this type of drying is best used as an additive to muesli or cereals and cottage cheese. Although here you will have to start small: 1 slice, then 2, and so on.

Important! The ideal option for a while breastfeeding dried apricot compote is considered to be drunk by mother: compounds in liquid form are absorbed by her body much faster than solid drying.

Same situation with: healthy woman and her baby dried apricots in small doses will be useful. The main thing is to stick to the measure (2-3 pieces that have entered the mother's body have a good effect on lactation and milk content, while 5 or more slices can cause serious disorder stomach).

Although there is one caveat here: when feeding during the first 3 months of life, it is advisable to refrain from fruit.

How to choose a quality product when buying

Let's make a reservation right away - it is better to buy dried apricots in the market, where it is offered by weight. Purchasing a packaged product in a store or elsewhere casts doubt on its usefulness.

The fact is that the industrial processing of raw materials often takes place with the participation of sulfur dioxide. It prolongs the shelf life, but at the same time neutralizes some of the nutrients.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Color. Natural dried apricots are visible by a dark orange or brownish color (a grayish tint is allowed). At the same time, the surface itself seems a little dusty and matte. But the uniform and too bright orange color indicates that it was not without “chemistry”.
  • Overflows on the skin itself. The surface should not be transparent or shiny. If you notice this, put the drying aside: it was probably rubbed with glycerin or oil to give it a presentation.
  • Size. It is advisable to take the largest slices - the larger the fruit, the heavier the ripe apricot was (hence, there are more vitamins here).
  • When holding the fruits in your hands, make sure that they are wrinkled, but not cracked, slightly crumbly and do not stick together. Naturally, no traces of mold or the presence of insects. If the product has been stored properly, it will be firm to the touch and a bit stiff. Soft wet "slurry" indicates that the goods are stored with violations;
  • Smell and taste. Usually sellers give a couple of pieces to try. If they have a distinct fruity flavor and smell good - you can take it. A barely perceptible aroma of gasoline is characteristic of apricots that have been overexposed in the oven, and a distinct sourness is the result of accelerated fermentation.

Did you know? In Chinese culture, the apricot symbolizes timidity.

Having chosen the highest quality product, many are wondering how best to store this sweetness in order to keep vitamins longer.

How to store at home

Dried fruits purchased for future use are stored in clean and airtight glass or plastic containers (a tight-fitting lid is required).

Ordinary plastic bag suitable only for temporary storage. For the longest storage, the slices are poured into a sterile wooden container, not forgetting to check it for the absence of insects.

The easiest way is to put the covered blank in, you can even put it in the freezer. Frozen food will thaw at room temperature. Warming up is not required: too fast heating destroys useful substances.

Particular care should be taken by pregnant women and people suffering from. They should coordinate the use of dried apricots with doctors. They will determine the dosage and frequency of use.

Remember the sense of proportion: busting with an additive in the form of a valuable dried fruit can turn into side effects. Their list is rather modest, but there is something to think about: allergies and digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation), as well as dangerous attacks hypoglycemia is a drop in blood glucose levels.

As you can see, moderation in food does not hurt. We hope our readers will take this information into account, and tasty dried apricots will only benefit. More sweet moments every day!

Dried apricots are one of the favorite delicacies of many gourmets. All over the world, this oriental sweetness is widely used in cooking. It can be found in a wide variety of serving variations: both as a separate dessert dish, and as an additive in the preparation of various pastries, cereal porridge, delicious desserts or drinks. Dried apricots are used even in the preparation of many meat dishes, salads and marinades. Undoubtedly, the amazing sweet taste and aroma should be attributed to the obvious advantages of such fruits. In addition, this type of dried fruit perfectly satisfies hunger. However, the undeniable benefit of dried apricots is that it has a unique mineral and vitamin composition. Therefore, in many medical and unloading diets it is recommended as an alternative to sweets.

The benefits of dried fruits

Despite the fact that dried apricots contain relatively little a large number of vitamins, content minerals and fiber, they are considered clear leaders among many other dried fruits.

The benefit of dried apricots for the body is that it is able to compensate for the lack of many vital important trace elements. In addition, the organic acids and pectins included in its composition contribute to the removal of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

What does the dried fruit contain?

The tender pulp of dried apricots not only has an amazing taste, but also has an excellent chemical composition, due to which it is widely used in various diets And traditional medicine. The main micro and macro elements that make up this amazing product and determine the undeniable benefits of dried apricots are:

  • Vitamin A - contributes to the normalization of work reproductive system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin.
  • B vitamins - necessary to optimize the metabolism in the body, significantly improve brain activity.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful source defensive forces organism, strengthens blood vessels and is involved in the production of collagen.
  • Vitamin E - has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as a whole, contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.
  • Vitamin PP - stabilizes the level of cholesterol in the blood and normalizes the protein balance in the body;
  • Iron - necessary for anemia, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.
  • Potassium - essential for full-fledged work heart and stabilization of many vital important processes in organism.
  • Calcium is an essential element that is necessary for bone and muscular system.
  • Phosphorus - has a positive effect on brain function and supports vitality organism.
  • Copper - promotes the absorption of iron and affects the turgor of the skin.

Surprisingly, it is in dried apricots that the benefits and harms are more pronounced than the effects on the body of fresh apricots. This is due to the fact that in the process of drying in the fruits, they fully ripen and evaporate excess moisture. Similar chemical processes cause a multiple concentration of nutrients contained in the fruits.

Properties of dried apricots

This variety Dried fruits have excellent tonic qualities. Dried apricots can prevent and alleviate the symptoms of anemia, some heart diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for diabetes and as a means to improve the functioning of the organs of vision. If dried apricots are regularly included in your diet, then the vessels will remain elastic, and cholesterol plaques will not form on their walls.

Dried apricots are an excellent way to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Since they are a source of essential micro and macro elements, their use not only contributes to the overall health of the body, but also makes hair and nails stronger. Therefore, the benefits of dried apricots become obvious.

Harm and undesirable consequences

However, there are opinions that dried apricots can harm the body. Overuse dried apricot fruit can cause disturbance digestive system. Ideally, their use should not exceed 4-6 pieces per day.

In addition, if only these dried fruits are present in the diet, then the body may be deficient in other essential substances. Therefore, to ensure normal life of all organs and systems, it is advisable to regularly eat (in addition to dried apricots) raisins, nuts, honey, lemons. The benefits of these products are useful qualities dried apricots, known to mankind since time immemorial.

Another limitation for eating dried apricots is their intolerance. Some people suffer various manifestations allergies to this product.

Do not forget that any dried fruits are dishes with high content glucose. So, people with diabetes should take them with caution. Therefore, the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body for many people are relative concepts. In such cases, dried apricot will only really be useful when used in very small quantities.

The calorie content of dried apricots is approximately 240 kcal (per 100 g of dried fruits).

Secrets of choice

For dried fruits to bring the expected healing effect, they must be chosen correctly. But how to do that? After all, there are so many different dried fruits on the shelves: from nondescript and small to bright, fatty and juicy.

Oddly enough, it is the beautiful, bright orange and fleshy dried apricots that can be absolutely unhealthy and even dangerous for the body. Usually excellent marketable condition fruits are acquired as a result of chemical processing.

The “correct” dried apricots, the benefits of which are so obvious, usually have a completely nondescript appearance. The color of the dried fruit, which has not been subjected to any processing, is close to natural, and is completely opaque. During the process of natural drying, a slight grayish tint appears on the surface of dried apricots, and the pulp becomes moderately hard and elastic.

The use of dried apricots in cooking

Dried apricots are widely used in cooking. Various jelly, compotes and fruit drinks are prepared from them. Dried apricots (benefit and harm to the body in this case are not taken into account) are widely used in the preparation of a wide variety of sweets, desserts and confectionery.

IN Eastern countries this dried fruit crushed and added to various seasonings, spicy mixtures. Such "cocktails" are used in the preparation of dishes from meat, poultry and fish, which makes the dishes more aromatic and acquire a specific sweet and sour taste.

Dried apricots are added to fermented milk dishes and desserts, fruit salads and various cereals. They even boil it diet soups. Often you can find cooking recipes, according to which these oriental dried fruits are recommended to be baked, stewed or boiled. They are wonderfully combined with other berries, fruits and nuts, so dried apricots are of inexhaustible interest for culinary specialists.

Dried fruits in the diet

In eastern countries, not only the useful qualities of dried fruits, but also their ability to satisfy hunger have long been valued. Therefore, merchants and seafarers, going on long journeys, always took fragrant dried apricots with them. This allowed me to replenish my diet useful elements and save supplies. Nowadays, such qualities have not lost their relevance, so dried apricots are widely used in various methods diets.

Followers healthy lifestyle life and adherents of all kinds of diets have long appreciated the benefits of raisins, prunes, dried apricots. No wonder such mixtures are an integral part of the treatment and diet food.

In tandem with raisins

If we consider dried fruits separately, then each of them will differ in its own set of essential substances and affect the body in different ways. So, for example, the uniqueness of raisins is that it has good laxative qualities, so it is often recommended for constipation. In addition, white and black have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, increase hemoglobin and are useful for stomach ailments. Therefore, in combination with raisins and dried apricots, the benefits of the healing mixture become even more pronounced. When added to culinary dish dried fruits complement each other palatability and useful features.

Prunes and dried apricots

An excellent combination of prunes and dried apricots gives no less effective result. Dried fruits plum trees of certain varieties contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood and the condition of the skin. They are recommended as a preventive measure. oncological neoplasms. Since, in addition to some laxative effect, they also have a diuretic, it is believed that with the regular presence of a mixture of dried apricots and prunes in the diet, it will be beneficial for people who are prone to edema.


The regular presence in the diet of various dried fruits has beneficial effect for the entire body as a whole. However, when choosing the “right” dried fruits, you should pay attention to appearance fruits: the brighter and prettier coloring, topics more likely buy a processed product chemicals. Such dried fruits should not be consumed. To experience the full benefits of dried apricots, purchase only natural product. Eat right and be healthy!

Marina knew that there are products that will help you lose weight and cure diseases. Therefore, losing weight once again before a trip to the sea, she thought: “What would you like to eat to lose weight?”, And remembered dried apricots. “It seems that dried apricots weaken ... In addition, it is sweet and nutritious. All. I will sit on one dried apricots and drink water. I'm definitely going to lose weight!"

But this tactic is not only wrong, it is also harmful to health. Let's see, can a valuable product that doctors advise eating during winter vitamin deficiency really do harm? What are the useful properties and contraindications of dried apricots?

Dried apricots are dried apricots that have been pitted and cut in half. Apricots are harvested and dried when ripe. At this time, they contain the largest amount of nutrients. When dried, they do not collapse due to special process dehydration. This means that the apricot is losing moisture. naturally. It is laid out on pallets and taken out into the fresh air under the sun. So he dried from six to eight days. After it is collected and packaged. Natural dried apricot has a dark orange color, sometimes it is light brown.

If you meet bright orange, juicy and shiny dried apricots on the market, do not rush to buy it. It is made quickly industrial way. She does not dry fresh air in the rays of the gentle sun, but in the industrial workshop. To speed up the drying process and maintain its presentation, it is treated with E 220 (sulfur dioxide). This preservative is not prohibited, and in small quantities is not capable of causing harm. But if you eat dried apricots daily, the preservative will accumulate in the body. It can provoke asthma, diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

When buying dried apricots, be sure to pay attention to its color. Let beautiful bright orange shiny dried fruits stay on the counter. Choose natural - matte dried apricots in a darker color. It is sweeter and will bring more benefits.

In 100 g of dried apricots, there are approximately 240 kcal. If you are losing weight, then this figure will tell you that you can eat sweet and tasty dried apricots as a dessert. She is nutritious and helpful. It consists of:

  • carotene, which helps strengthen hair and nails;
  • organic acids responsible for youth and skin health;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus;
  • vitamin A, which helps to keep vision sharp and skin hydrated;
  • vitamin C, which boosts immunity;
  • vitamin B 5, contributing rapid growth and hair nutrition.

The sweetness of dried fruits is provided by glucose, sucrose and fructose. Thanks to them sweet dried apricots can be eaten by diabetics and those seeking to lose weight.

Energy value per 100 g of product:

Beneficial features

Dried apricots are recommended for pregnant girls, children and adults with poor immunity. It helps to cope with constipation, headache, high pressure and avitaminosis. It is interesting how exactly dried apricots affect the body.

For heart disease

For constipation

The fiber included in the composition acts on the body like a brush. She sweeps out all the garbage that has accumulated over several days. In this, pectin helps her, which has a mild laxative effect. To cleanse the body, 60-100 g of dried fruits are enough. For convenience, you can cook compote from them or add them to a salad. The greatest laxative effect is achieved if you eat dried apricots half an hour before the main meal.

To protect against cancer

Minerals and antioxidants help cells fight against free radicals. This means that dried apricots increase the body's defense against harmful factors, teaches cells to resist cancer.

To lower cholesterol

If you add dried apricots to meat dishes, then cholesterol, harmful to the work of the heart, will not be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Fiber helps to remove it from the body. Its content in 100 g of the product is small - only 7 g, but this is enough.

For healthy eyes

The unique combination of carotene, vitamins, A and C allows dried apricots to have a beneficial effect on eye health: maintain visual acuity, improve blood circulation, and prevent the development of eye diseases.

With anemia

If, after reading about the beneficial properties of dried apricots, you start eating it immediately, then you should know that it is also harmful. Yes Yes. It's exactly like that. Dried apricots only benefit those who eat 5-6 pieces a day. If you eat more than 100 g of the product during the day, then diarrhea will not go far from the toilet. The body will send greetings at any moment.

You can not eat a lot of dried apricots for those who have low blood pressure. Otherwise, it will fall even lower, and health will deteriorate significantly. Also, you can’t eat a lot of beautiful dried apricots treated with E 220. The preservative is not excreted from the body, accumulating in the respiratory system. This leads to diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

If you, like Marina, decide to lose weight exclusively on dried apricots, then you will only make yourself worse. Let's count. We know that 100 g of dried apricots contains 240 kcal. If daily rate for a losing weight girl is 1200 kcal, then she can eat half a kilogram of dried fruits per day. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. Dried apricots are sweet and nutritious, it is pleasant to eat, after it there is no feeling of hunger. But let's remember that after 100 g, indigestion begins.

You do not need to eat only dried apricots during the diet, this will lead to severe diarrhea and weakening of the body. It's better to add it to diet menu. Fiber will help get rid of toxins, and pectin will speed up the digestion of food.

Girls in interesting position doctors advise to eat different dried fruits. Do you know why?

    The body receives from the pulp the minerals and vitamins necessary for the formation of the fetus.

    Dried apricot compote brings relief during toxicosis.

    Dried apricots will help to avoid loss valuable substances maternal organism. After all, all his strength is spent on the formation of a small organism, so the mother’s teeth may collapse due to a lack of calcium, hair fall out or nails break.

If you eat a lot of dried apricots while feeding your baby, then it can have a laxative effect on his fragile body. In this case, it is better to refuse sweet treats.

So, dried apricots have useful properties and contraindications. There are definitely more benefits. If in the winter you want to improve your immunity, and you think: “To eat or not to eat dried apricots?”. Then we will confidently tell you: “Eat this immediately!”.



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