Consequences of being a driver. Occupational diseases of drivers, how to prevent? Muscular and skeletal systems

Occupational diseases of drivers can be conditionally divided into several groups.
The first is diseases of the spine and small pelvis. They are associated with an uncomfortable functional position behind the wheel, in which long time the driver is located. These include radiculitis, osteochondrosis. This bouquet is complemented by hemorrhoids and, of course, prostatitis, which is the most “representative” disease of this conditionally divided group.

Statistics say that 40 to 60% of men suffer from prostatitis. Different reasons contribute to the emergence of this disease - here both smoking and drinking, but the driver has a priority - stagnation of blood circulation in the small pelvis, and I’m not afraid to repeat it, leads to uncomfortable posture in which a person is constantly driving.
Of course, in comparison with hemorrhoids, prostatitis is more dangerous for a man, and the full-fledged action of this composite organism is most important, since prostate disease, as a rule, leads to the development of impotence.
The second group of diseases is associated with increased emotional stress. Constant stress behind the wheel causes cardiovascular disease. That is why drivers have the most frequent heart attacks, hypertension, heart rhythm failures.
The third group - diseases gastrointestinal tract associated with irregular and malnutrition during work. But these diseases are the lot of professionals, mostly truck drivers and, to a lesser extent, amateurs.

By and large, motorists are less susceptible to the listed diseases. It all depends on how much time a person spends behind the wheel and how attentive he is to health.
What needs to be done to prevent the occurrence of diseases, and even more so their transition to chronic form?

No matter how trite it may sound, these are various physical exercise, that is, a daily set of gymnastic exercises, which should keep the cardiovascular system normal, the tone of the nervous system, including blood circulation. There is nothing supernatural in it, in general, this is an ordinary set of gymnastic exercises, the only thing that must certainly be present is circular movements in lumbar spine, all kinds of flexion and extension. This is especially important when we talk about the activation of blood circulation in the pelvis.
There is nothing better for the prevention of occupational driving diseases contrast shower. And at the same time, there is nothing easier - in the morning after taking a hygienic shower, switch to a contrast one. Moreover, you don’t need to immediately rush to the maximum temperature difference, enter this procedure gradually, especially if you have never done it - from cool-warm, bringing the difference over time to the maximum hot-cold, such that the skin can withstand for several seconds. Such a temperature swing activates the blood circulation of the skin, the central blood circulation, normalizes the tone of the nervous system, and stimulates the immune system.

And the final chord of routine preventive measures should be a daily walk. But a walk is not visiting guests, going to a store or a market is just walking. On the day you need to walk about five kilometers for 40 minutes. Whether you do it in the morning or in the evening, it doesn't matter.
These three components are enough to keep yourself in a training mode and activate your vitality. important features organism.

I emphasize especially: everything is good to do on time, it is important to prevent the onset of the disease, and even more so its transition to a chronic form. It is very important to find a doctor who will help you at the stage of microsymptoms, when minimal changes have occurred in the body or their occurrence is possible. In this case, you can put a person on his feet, which medicine rarely achieves today due to the fact that people turn when, as they say, the edge has come. It is better to go to the doctor “in an empty way”, that is, to play it safe than to end up in a clinic.


In many men's magazines, you can often find jokes on the topic "who does he love more: his girlfriend or car?". But you definitely know the answer to this question: of course, you! Because while you give the faithful love, affection and delicious meatballs, the car presents him with hemorrhoids and varicose veins veins… — Occupational diseases of drivers.

Your lover sits his pants in the office for eight hours a day. He spends his evenings lying in front of the TV on a soft sofa, hugging a bowl of chips and a bottle of his favorite beer (or a decent portion of fried potatoes). Therefore, it is not surprising that you are indignant when even the faithful go to the neighboring bakery for bread, saddling his steel horse. It is absolutely impossible to persuade him to go anywhere on foot. And meanwhile the belly is getting bigger and bigger. You know, but you have the opportunity to at least slightly reduce the number of hours that your man spends in the car. He just needs to be explained that car abuse can be really dangerous to health. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

From home to work and back

In order to earn a couple extremely dangerous diseases, your missus does not have to work as a truck driver. Some ailments can also form in a motorist who spends only a few hours a day behind the wheel and stands in ordinary traffic jams. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

nervous heart

It's no secret that all diseases are caused by stress. B our Everyday life they are more than enough. As soon as a person gets behind the wheel of a car, he becomes several times more neurotic. The fact is that in addition to the usual problems - a busy schedule, hard work, etc. - a sense of responsibility for life is also added: the driver is worried about his safety, as well as for passengers and other road users. Do not forget about pedestrians who strive to throw themselves under the wheels. And, of course, great amount nerve cells burns out while communicating with other motorists: after all, such an aggressive driving style as in Russia, perhaps, is not found anywhere else in the world. Every day, men cut each other off, butt each other for every meter of road space, desperately swear and, sometimes, even fight right on the roadway, without moving far from their own cars. Naturally, this atmosphere of unhealthy competition and constant risks leads to psycho-emotional overload, which, in turn, increases arterial pressure. Sooner or later, these jumps become the cause of hypertension, which, along with other diseases, of cardio-vascular system- the main cause of death among Russian machos! If you do not want your man to fall down with a heart attack, make sure that he is as worried as possible while driving. It is not difficult to do this, just go to the pharmacy, but rather ask the doctor to prescribe a sedative drug for your missus - an anaxolytic. Unlike potent antidepressants, they improve mood, but at the same time they do not stupefy, do not scatter attention, do not cause drowsiness and addiction. So, after taking a pill or two, you can safely drive. — Occupational diseases of drivers.


Pay for walking

Homo erectus sounds proud! However, the payback for the fact that we walk on two legs, and not jump on all fours, is osteochondrosis. This disease is unique to humans, it does not occur in any animal, even in primates. The point is that in vertical position on our spine is more pressure than horizontal. As a result, the vertebrae are flattened together, overgrown with bone growths and clamp nerve endings, because of which they swell and begin to hurt. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

After 25 years

osteochondrosis develops in absolutely all people. True, in some the disease swells imperceptibly and does not require correction, while in others it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, with which without medical care can't be handled. The second rpWfffe includes motorists. If in a chair or on an office chair you can always change your posture, stretch your legs and reduce pressure on the spine, then driving a car is a fixed and rigid position that leaves too little room for “manoeuvres”. Because of the method, osteochondrosis in drivers develops much faster. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

You will be able to protect your sweetheart from illness if you demand that at any traffic light or while standing in a traffic jam, he performs simple gymnastics: stretching, turning from side to side, alternately transferring weight from one side to the other. And be sure to give him a seat cover with a massage back. And the bigger the bumps, the better. Maybe this chair is not very comfortable, but very useful.

Vision is a victim of pollution hiking were a pleasure, now that the number of cars has increased dramatically, they can only be enjoyed in parks. Even a ten-minute promenade along a busy street or, God forbid, a highway causes dizziness. Still, such an amount of dust, soot and exhaust gases that are in the air simply cannot but affect your well-being. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

Of course, your car enthusiast is protected by the cleaning system and air conditioning. However, while removing dirt, they also dry the air very strongly. In addition, many of the smallest particles of harmful compounds still manage to get through the filters inside the cabin. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

A person who has been in such an atmosphere for several hours, for example in a traffic jam, runs the risk of acquiring conjunctivitis. And first of all, men who wear contact lenses. If your missus is at risk, be sure to put it in his glove box special drops, cleansing the mucous membranes from any dirt. The main thing is not to choose vasoconstrictor, but moisturizing preparations. The former are addictive and cause the eyes to stop producing their own tear fluid. As for moisturizing drops, they are close in composition to human tears and are suitable for daily use. By the way, the most useful are drugs that do not contain preservatives. Such drops are absolutely safe, but, alas, they are not stored for long and are expensive. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

Dedicated to taxi drivers

Unfortunately, men who are forced to drive a car for at least five hours a day are less fortunate than amateur motorists. In addition to diseases that any owner of a personal car may encounter, taxi drivers, traffic police officers, delivery services and other frequently traveling citizens have a professional set of ailments. And all these diseases develop due to a sedentary lifestyle. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

Controls the process of blood circulation, so that the scarlet liquid ceases to accumulate in the vessels. And, of course, you should take your man for a consultation with a phlebologist, especially if he has the first symptoms of varicose veins: the veins began to be clearly visible through the skin or the legs began to swell (clearly printed gum socks - the first wake-up call). In this case, the doctor will prescribe conservative (drug) treatment. Those who do not benefit from it will have to undergo surgery. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

In any case, the course of varicose veins should not be left to chance. After all, sooner or later, against its background, the so-called "thrombophlebitis" develops, when the blood collects in dense clots. Having broken away from their homes, they are able to embark on a long journey through the veins, the result of which may be a blockage of vital vessels. For example, in pulmonary artery. And this is fraught lethal outcome. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

Prostatitis is not easy

When a person spends at least five hours a day behind the wheel, his blood stagnates not only in his legs, but also in the small pelvis. Because of this prostate overflows with a scarlet liquid and swells. As a result, the driver starts prostatitis. And your faithful is deeply mistaken if he thinks that this disease is the lot of pensioners. Alas, prostatitis is the most common urological disease among the representatives of the stronger sex aged 20 to 50 years. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

Most often, the disease creeps up imperceptibly. IN acute form- With high temperature, fever, fever and pain in the groin - it occurs only in a small number of men. The rest of the symptoms are less pronounced (weakness, fatigue, sometimes discomfort in the perineum and during urination). Most members of the stronger sex ignore them and, due to their busyness or innate fear of hospitals and doctors, hope that everything will fix itself. It is more than necessary to pay for such negligent behavior: if you do not start fighting prostatitis on initial stage, there is a huge risk that the disease will become chronic. And it not only responds poorly to treatment, even complex, but can also lead to serious complications- impotence, cystitis and pyelonephritis or infertility! So any professional driver should at least sometimes be shown to a specialist - a urologist. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

As for the prevention of the disease, the same massage cover will help the missus. True, in this case, its hardest part should not fall on the back, but directly on the seat. And make sure that the macho fidgets on it more often: the blood circulation process from such movements will only accelerate. — Occupational diseases of drivers.

People have suffered from diseases at all times. These diseases are so common that almost everyone suffers from them at some point. Even in such a prosperous country as Sweden, diseases account for 10-15% of disability cases. Of the 1,000 patients who first went to the doctor in connection with the disease, 400 are sent to the hospital, 30 of them remain there for examination and treatment, and 5 are operated on.

Familiarization with the state of affairs shows that such diseases are approximately evenly distributed in all age groups, and the increase in their number, due to the aging of the organism, is very insignificant. In other words, diseases are almost as common in the young as in the elderly. Men suffer from them almost twice as often as women. This can be explained by anatomical and physiological features and the fact that many men are engaged in hard physical labor.

There are other diseases spinal column: , discosis, , , , , lumboischialgia, etc. The onset of the disease is acute or gradual, from minor pain to the most severe condition due to unbearable pain. Course - with frequent or rare exacerbations, without periods of improvement, with a gradual or rapid increase in the severity of the disease. The nature of the disease depends on the degree, nature, level of damage to the intervertebral discs.

During x-ray examination: changes in the shape of the bodies, changes in the height of the intervertebral discs, the presence of bone growths on the vertebrae - "claws", "thorns". This was the reason for the widespread opinion about osteochondrosis as a "deposition of salts in".

Due to change metabolic processes in there are vascular, muscular, motive and other disturbances.

Prolonged driving not only causes pain in the neck and back, but can cause chronic diseases. Experts from the British Royal Automobile Society (RAC) found that many drivers constantly sit in wrong posture, which leads to overexertion of the back muscles. The most dangerous is the “banana pose”, when the driver sits, leaning over the steering wheel and stretching straightened legs to the pedals.

This creates maximum pressure on, which is exacerbated by shaking while driving. The risk of serious injury during accidents also increases. Doctors recommend the use of hard seats, well-fitted to the figure of the driver. Don't move too far away from the pedals. It is important to properly adjust the position of the head restraint.

Better use the seats upholstered in fabric rather than leather or vinyl. RAC Foundation Director Edmund King noted that diseases are widespread among taxi drivers, salesmen and other people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, which is largely due to the fact that drivers do not pay due attention to their prevention.

According to the rules - a Russian bath after exercise, and not by itself, but with obligatory cooling of the body before entering the steam room and obligatory dipping (with the head) after leaving the steam room. There are also many myths regarding cold baths, one of which is allegedly arising from cold water prostatitis. But prostatitis is not hypothermia at all. prostate, but congestion in the muscles of the perineum, which (prostatitis) is also an "occupational" disease of truck drivers. To prevent prostatitis and prevent it, I would recommend deep squats before or immediately after a long trip, while keeping your arms extended upwards in front. For achievement desired effect for one exercise you need to sit down at least 100 times.

Get up after squatting, again exhaling "ХХАА". Squats improve venous return blood from lower extremities and thus maintain normal blood circulation in the muscles of the perineum, which is the main prevention of prostatitis. In conclusion, I would like to recommend truck drivers to regularly look into Gym to keep good muscle tone, which is necessary for the prevention of diseases that manifest themselves with long motionless poses. These diseases include headaches, fatigue, irritability, disease large joints, hypertension, hemorrhoids and a number of others. Remember: sickness musculoskeletal system body, or rather musculoskeletal system are treated with exercise alone. But the right movement heals - the wrong one cripples.

The movement itself, such as playing football, volleyball, tennis, is not a prevention of the diseases we are considering. Proper movement, or exercise, is not entertainment, but a necessary routine, just like maintenance for a car. You have to do it - that's all! Preferably regularly. And through "I can't" and "I don't want to." My average patient is lazy, cowardly and weak. This is the crux of the whole problem. I don't want to make myself sick!
when preparing the material, the material of the magazine "Avtotrak" was used

Each profession affects a person in a certain way and can make him disabled. The work of the driver is no exception. What kind of occupational diseases of drivers quite often become a problem for those who spend most of their lives behind the wheel? What are they associated with, and how can this be avoided?

Drivers are more likely to develop certain diseases

Many illnesses are associated with the fact that for many hours or even days the driver is in sitting position and almost no movement. And this applies not only to truckers or drivers of public or freight transport. Many big cities dictate their own rules, and the car has already become far from being a luxury, but a direct one. For people, a trip to work due to constant traffic jams can last more than one hour, and, therefore, without traffic every day a common person is sometimes more than 4-5 hours.

Why do drivers get occupational diseases?

We can say that the profession of a driver is a time bomb for human health and life. This happens due to:

  • too much strong tension muscles of the limbs and trunk;
  • long working hours;
  • vibration vehicle;
  • availability of overtime hours;
  • responsibility for the lives of passengers;
  • constant noise;
  • responsibility for the safety of goods;
  • work in a sitting position;
  • the constant need to make urgent decisions;
  • harmful effects of the working environment;
  • frequent neuropsychic stress.

The combination of the above factors can cause various occupational diseases of drivers. need to take preventive measures in a timely manner.

The driver's body is constantly exposed to different kind loads

Classification of diseases

Conventionally, all occupational diseases can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Radiculitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with a long stay of a person in a sitting position. All this is due to the fact that blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs. men similar diseases threatened with impotence and infertility. A feature in cars like heated seats can hasten and exacerbate these diagnoses.
  2. Cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, colitis, dysbacteriosis and other diseases arising from irregular and inadequate nutrition of the driver during work. Gastrointestinal disorders are perhaps the most common in those who for a long time is driving. Many truckers also suffer from excess weight, big belly and polyps in the intestines. Snacking and eating on the go contribute to the accumulation of fat on the chest, hips and abdomen. Changes in metabolism may be irreversible.
  3. Obesity and diabetes- these diseases are caused by disorders in the metabolic system, as well as in a sedentary manner life.
  4. Hypertension, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular diseases. They arise from the impact on the human body of prolonged stress. When nervous system is constantly in tension, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases significantly.

Also, the driver is constantly surrounded by harmful toxic substances. Exhaust gases contain more than 200 toxic products. Because of them, a person may begin oxygen starvation symptoms of which are nausea, headache, vomiting, dizziness and high blood pressure. Subsequently, all this can lead to lung disease.

Prevention of occupational diseases of drivers

In order to minimize everything Negative consequences from a long stay behind the wheel, it is necessary. Be sure to stop and stretch from time to time. You can perform simple physical exercise or at least just walk around the car.

It would be useful to equip the driver's seat with a massage cape. It will partially disperse the stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. For those who work as a driver, it is advisable to visit the pool, walk in the park and play sports in their free time.

As for food, you should not eat chips, crackers, chocolate and soda on the road. It is better to take vegetables, fruits, boiled meat, tea, milk or compote with you to work. In some cases, it will be useful to have a full lunch at a roadside cafe.

In order to prevent osteochondrosis, get out of the vehicle every 3-4 hours, squat, bend over and swing your legs. All this will take no more than 3-5 minutes, but will get rid of pain. Such walks also allow you to saturate the body with oxygen and reduce Negative influence toxic substances on it.

In order to reduce the emotional and mental stress, you can from time to time use the services of a psychologist, take sedatives(during non-working hours).

Remember, the work of the driver should not harm your health!

Serviceable equipment and excellent health

As it needs timely technical inspection and repair, and human body requires careful attention. By doing simple physical exercises and eating right, you can prevent heart attacks and strokes, as well as maintain the health of the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if you have health problems. Better on your own early stage to identify the disease and completely get rid of it, than to start the disease and finally lose the ability to work. Much easier to get on time preventive measures and prevent the formation of an occupational disease of drivers.



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