Is it possible to eat apricots while breastfeeding. Recommendations for drinking apricot juice while breastfeeding

Apricots during breastfeeding at one time even became a stumbling block among Soviet pediatricians. True, at that time feeding a baby for more than 6 months was a rarity, and there were also recommendations that to this day make the hair stand on end on the head of guards consultants. Therefore, let's turn to modern recommendations to find out if apricots can be given to a nursing mother and how to properly introduce them into the diet.

The benefits of apricot for gv

Apricots contain a lot of useful trace elements. They are especially rich in potassium, which is needed for the heart muscle and maintaining the water-salt balance. They also contain iron and fructose. All this is preserved in dried apricots- dried apricots.

And here vitamin benefits apricot is questioned. The fact is that due to its color, apricot can be considered a valuable source of vitamin A, carotene. However, in the fruits it will be enough only if they have ripened under the rays of the sun, and not in a box in a store or warehouse.

The main property of apricots, which is a stumbling block and the subject of controversy, whether nursing mothers can eat them or not is laxative. Yes, these fruits have a lot of fiber and natural laxatives. Therefore, they are not only possible, but also necessary for mothers whose babies suffer from constipation at guards. But you should also remember that being on an exceptional breastfeeding Babies may not poop for up to 7 days. And that's okay! Of course, as long as it doesn't bother them.

Another point is the allergenicity of apricots. It is believed that this is one of the hypoallergenic fruits. However, reactions occur to it, it contains histamine. This implies the rule of introducing apricots into the diet of a nursing mother. Eat one fruit in the morning and watch your baby's reaction for 24 hours. Everything is fine? The stool has not become too liquid, there is no redness on the skin and around the anus? Great. Now eat 3 fruits, and the next day you can eat 5 apricots if everything went well. More than 10-12 pieces a day is not recommended for anyone at all, so be restrained.

Interestingly, even if there is some kind of reaction to an apricot, then almost certainly there will be no reaction when eating dried apricots. Therefore, sushi apricots, harvest them for the future and enjoy the bright taste.

Photo: shutterstock, depositphotos

Fresh vegetables and fruits are good for female body during recovery after childbirth. Apricots during breastfeeding can be included in the diet if the mother and child do not have an allergic reaction to the product.

Useful properties and contraindications

The fragrant fruits of the apricot tree contain a lot of useful substances, which include:

  • vitamins (E, A, C, K, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine);
  • trace elements (calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), manganese (Mg), zinc (Zn), phosphorus (P));
  • alimentary fiber.

By regularly eating apricots, you can improve your health. This product recommended:

  • To normalize digestion and fight constipation. Fiber, which is rich in fruit, has a slight laxative effect, helps digestion products to be transported through the intestines. It stimulates the production gastric juice, which favorably affects the absorption nutrients. Improving peristalsis will be appreciated by young mothers who are faced with the problem of atonic constipation in the postpartum period.
  • To strengthen bones. A complex of microelements, and first of all calcium, which is contained in the pulp of apricot, strengthen bone tissue contribute to their development. During pregnancy, the woman's body intensively gives calcium to build the baby's body, so the introduction of this fruit into the diet is fully justified.
  • To support the heart muscle and cleanse blood vessels. Combination dietary fiber with vitamin C and potassium provides support to the cardiovascular system. Eating apricots provides protection to the heart from the effects of free radicals helps to normalize arterial pressure, promotes the removal bad cholesterol from blood.
  • To get rid of excess weight. Thanks to electrolytes (potassium and sodium), the body's water balance is normalized, energy is properly distributed, and metabolism is accelerated. As a result, it leaves excess fluid from tissues, digestion is activated, the breakdown of fats is accelerated. Apricot is low-calorie, this fruit is recommended for young mothers who want to bring their health and figure in order.

  • For the treatment of certain diseases. Juice from fresh apricots serves as a source of vitamins necessary for a weakened body, supplies minerals, removes toxins. The fruit has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, helps fight inflammation and fever.
  • For skin care. Vitamin A protects cells skin from free radicals, activates the production of collagen. As a result, the aging process of the skin slows down, elasticity and freshness return to it.
  • To combat anemia. Iron and copper, which are many in the composition of the fruit, will help a young mother increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Deficiency of red blood cells causes disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems. Anemia is manifested by dizziness, weakness, disturbances in the digestive system and other symptoms that you can read about.
  • To improve vision. Carotene and other vitamins strengthen optic nerve eyeballs and retina, reduce the rate of attenuation peripheral vision. Apricots are also useful in the event of dry eye syndrome - they help relieve symptoms.
  • To combat potassium deficiency. This substance is involved in the regulation of cellular water balance, on which the level depends blood pressure. With a lack of potassium in the body develop cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, increases the risk of stroke.

Apricots can be called a valuable product for the nutrition of a nursing mother. But in some cases, the use of fruit needs to be limited.

Contraindications include:

  • diabetes mellitus (fruit pulp contains a large amount of sucrose);
  • liver disease;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dysfunction thyroid gland.

Choose a product

In the summer season, fresh apricots are on sale, and canned product and dried (dried apricots, apricots, kaisa) are available all year round.

In the southern regions, where apricots grow in private gardens, preference should be given to own fruits or those bought from well-known people. Residents of the middle lane and northern regions are forced to purchase mass-produced apricots, which cannot do without the use of chemistry.

Apricots purchased on the market or in a store must be thoroughly washed, it is even advisable to remove the skin, in which they concentrate harmful substances. This will help reduce potential danger for mother and baby.

Canned apricots presented in the distribution network contain preservatives, dyes and other additives that are harmful to the health and development of the baby. Homemade preserves (jams, compotes, etc.) are allowed, but in small quantities - excess sugar in the diet should be avoided.

When choosing dried apricots, pay attention to its appearance. Bright, beautiful dried fruits harmful - they are processed chemicals to save attractive appearance. Give preference to the usual nondescript product - dried apricot compote is very useful, especially in winter and early spring, during a period of heat and vitamin deficiency.

Rules of use

If a nursing mother and her relatives are not allergic to apricots, you can try adding fruit to the menu. It is not recommended to do this until the baby reaches the age of three months - his digestive system should get stronger.

Eat apricots an hour and a half after the main meal, if it contains protein products. One to three fruits are enough, otherwise the risk of diarrhea increases.

Apricots during breastfeeding are a source of vitamins and nutrients. In addition to fresh fruits, dried fruit compotes, jams and marmalades, yeast-free pastries stuffed with dried apricots can be introduced into the diet.

Breastfeeding a baby often forces a young mother to give up her once-favorite foods, as they can harm the baby and provoke allergic reactions. However, this does not mean at all that most of the known dishes should be excluded from the diet of a woman.

On the contrary, the daily should be correct, full and varied. In particular, its menu must certainly include fresh fruits and vegetables that are natural source huge amount vitamins and minerals. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to eat apricots while breastfeeding, or is it better to refuse this tasty and juicy delicacy for a while.

The benefits and harms of apricots during breastfeeding

Of course, ripe and ripe apricots are useful for all children and adults, including lactating women. They are incredibly nutritious, and they contain useful trace elements can provide the following beneficial actions on the human body:

  • potassium - normalizes the work of the heart muscle and helps to strengthen nervous system;
  • phosphorus and magnesium - activate the brain;
  • iodine and iron - support the functioning of the thyroid gland and prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with its improper functioning.

In addition, these small fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, such as A, C, PP, B1 and B2, many pectin substances and natural acids. All these components are directly involved in ensuring the vital activity of the body and help internal organs cope with the tasks assigned to them by nature.

Is it possible to eat apricots while breastfeeding?

During the period of breastfeeding a baby, one should not refuse such a useful and unique fruit. Meanwhile, there is no need to overload the tiny organism, since this product can provoke intestinal colic or intense cramping pain in the abdomen.

To prevent this from happening, you should not eat apricots while breastfeeding in the first month. You should wait for the crumbs to complete 2-3 months, and only after that try to introduce this into your diet. delicious fruit, starting with half a small fruit. If the baby does not have any adverse reaction as a result, the number of apricots in the diet of a nursing mother can be gradually increased to 3-4 pieces per day.

It is possible to consume these fruits while breastfeeding only in a ripe form and only on condition that no chemicals were used during the entire period of their cultivation. That is why young mothers can enjoy the fruits of an apricot tree only for a few months, and the rest of the time they are forced to give up tasty and healthy fruits.

Meanwhile, if desired, apricot compote can be prepared during the season, which can be drunk while breastfeeding throughout the year. To do this, you must use the following sequence of actions:

Cooked can be drunk throughout the year, diluted with clean water if necessary.

The best food for a child early age, especially in the first months of life, is mother's milk. It is healthy, tasty and for the baby. It contains a full range of essential nutrients, vitamins and enzymes. Breastfeeding provides normal growth and full development of the child, correct formation his brain and intellect. Mother's milk contains immunoglobulins and immune cells that protect the baby from various infections(intestinal, hepatitis, diphtheria, etc.) and stimulate proper development own immune system baby. Breastfed babies suffer from allergies much less often than "artificial" ones. Necessary condition to develop quality breast milk V the right amount is balanced diet mothers while breastfeeding. Women are especially attentive to the products that they consume during the GV period. And even such a beloved by many and harmless fruit as an apricot raises a lot of questions related to whether it can be eaten while breastfeeding and in what form, whether it affects the composition of milk and whether it can harm the baby.

This is interesting! The birthplace of the apricot is China, where it was already known for 2-3 thousand years BC. and even then it was used in medicinal purposes. Later, the apricot spread throughout Asia, and it came to Europe from Armenia, there - in Europe, then it was called the “Armenian apple”. It came to Russia from the West in the 17th century, by the way, out of 10 species of apricot trees, only 3 wild species can be found in our country. Most often, the common apricot grows as a single tree, but sometimes there are also sparse groves of apricot trees. Apricot trees (wild) can often be seen along roadsides in middle lane, cultivars are grown in fruit farms.

Are apricots good for breastfeeding?

In most cases, if there are no contraindications associated with individual intolerance to the body, apricots are useful for both pregnant women and nursing mothers. They belong to dietary fruits, and due to the sweet and juicy pulp, they are also nutritious.

A ripe apricot is rich in potassium, necessary for normal operation hearts and nerve cells. Dried apricots contain 5-6 times more potassium than fresh ones. Also, apricot contains magnesium and phosphorus, which activate the brain; iron and iodine, preventing thyroid diseases; many vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, PP) and useful substances. In addition, apricots contain a lot of pectin and natural acids such as citric, tartaric and malic. All these elements are directly involved in the life of the body.

It is known that in order to satisfy daily requirement organism in ascorbic acid it is enough to drink ¾ cup of natural apricot juice.

Considering everything beneficial features, doctors recommend during breastfeeding to use this incredibly tasty and juicy fruit, but in moderation, without frills. In order to avoid possible pain in the baby's tummy, they advise waiting until the child is 2-3 months old, when his digestive system becomes more adapted and then you can try to introduce apricots into the mother's diet. For the first time, it is enough to eat half an apricot and observe the reaction of the child after breastfeeding. If everything is in order, then you can safely include them in your diet.

By regularly consuming apricots, you can feel for yourself and appreciate their beneficial properties for the body of a mother who is breastfeeding:

  • They will help to quickly recover after childbirth and support during the period of breastfeeding due to the unique and balanced composition of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients;
  • Maintain and improve external beauty a young mother, ensure the health of teeth, hair and skin;
  • Contribute quick recovery cells and normalization of internal organs;
  • Normalize the work of the stomach (contribute to the removal of toxins from the body);
  • prevent possible problems young moms associated with hormonal disorders, dysbiosis and edema;
  • This good remedy for weight loss, because contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, and, accordingly, the speedy weight loss;
  • Have a diuretic effect;
  • Helps improve memory;
  • Good remedy for colds. IN oriental medicine Apricot seeds are widely used as an antitussive. It's time to prepare at least a few cans of jam from this fruit for the winter: together with hot tea, it will effectively eliminate colds;

Good to know!

Apricots are an excellent prevention of many serious diseases. It has been scientifically proven that eating apricots prevents the development of diseases of the heart, stomach, genitourinary system, arthritis and even lung cancer - due to high content carotene. To satisfy a person's daily need for carotene, it is enough to drink a glass of natural apricot juice or eat 5-6 fresh fruits. By the way, carotene is very useful for vision.

Apricots are used in cosmetology. Wide use apricot received in cosmetology. Oil is prepared from its seeds, which is close to almond in composition and quite nutritious. It can be used as a face cream and remedy for dry ends of the hair. Finally, now is the time to pamper yourself with an apricot puree mask that will saturate the skin. valuable elements, will give her a healthy even tone and help to get a beautiful tan.

canned apricots

In progress heat treatment apricots can lose their appearance, various flavors can be added to them. Getting with mother's milk to the baby, artificial additives can cause and disrupt the functioning of the intestines.

compote recipe:

Moms take note!

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Dried apricots

Dried apricots doctors unequivocally advise both pregnant and lactating mothers to eat daily. It contains everything essential vitamins, fiber, trace elements, organic acids and carbohydrates and brings irreplaceable benefit mothers during lactation.

Useful properties of dried apricots:

  • Removes various harmful metals and radionuclides due to pectins and natural acids;
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Normalizes the activity of the digestive system after childbirth;
  • Lowers blood cholesterol;
  • Is excellent tool for the prevention of endocrine diseases;
  • Helps with beriberi and anemia;
  • Due to fructose and glucose, they satisfy the need for sweets without harm to the female body;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the mother, strengthens hair and nails, improves skin condition;
  • Used with HB, dried apricots perfectly prevent the appearance;
  • Due a large number potassium is a wonderful medicine for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
  • Normalizes pressure;
  • Thanks to carotene, it is useful for vision;
  • Is a source of excellent well-being;
  • It has active diuretic properties and normalizes the condition of the kidneys.

Dried fruit can be used as ingredients for desserts and salads, hot and meat dishes.

Rules for use and precautions

The main rules for eating apricots during breastfeeding are as follows:

  • Choose only ripe fruits;
  • Buy them during high season (June-July);
  • Don't overeat;
  • Do not consume on an empty stomach;
  • If your child develops an allergy or upset stomach, stop using them immediately.

When buying dried apricots, pay attention to its appearance. If she has too bright color and glitters, this may indicate that the drying used chemicals(for example, sulfuric anhydride), which is often used to fumigate fruits in drying chambers. Dried apricots good quality has a color from pale yellow to grayish brown and bright pronounced taste. It is better to choose gray dried apricots, which have a nondescript color that appears naturally when drying fruits.

Before use, dried apricots should be thoroughly washed, pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse again and only then you can eat.

Dried apricots should not be abused. It is enough to eat five or six pieces of dried apricots a day as a sweet dessert.

Apricots are widely known for their ability to loosen stools. Experts advise to be more attentive to yourself and to the condition of the baby when you first use a new fruit. With constipation in a child, they will benefit. In case of diarrhea in a baby, it is better for a nursing mother to refrain from eating apricots and dried apricots.

IN rare cases the child may develop an allergy after the mother eats apricots. It can be expressed not only in rashes and irritations on the skin, but also in disorders of the stool. The imperfect digestive system of the baby is still weak protective functions and cannot digest everything that the stomach of an adult is capable of digesting.

Be aware of the possible individual intolerance fruit, which may be in the mother or father. Someone can eat half a bucket without consequences, and sometimes a few pieces are enough for some to appear. severe diarrhea. If parents have an intolerance to this fruit, then most likely the child will not perceive it. In this case, it is advisable for the mother not to take risks and refrain from using them.

Let's summarize.

Apricots are useful and necessary in the diet of a nursing mother. It is advisable to use them not from the birth of the baby, but after 2-3 months. At the same time, remember the precautions. Do not forget that the mother's diet can affect the health and well-being of the baby. Don't be selfish and think only of yourself. If you see that the use of apricot causes allergic reactions in a child or intestinal disorders, then it is better to refrain from taking them during breastfeeding. To be a mother is to be able to put the interests of the child above your own, to be able to sacrifice something for the sake of the health of your baby.


  • What fruits can a breastfeeding woman eat?
  • Feeding a nursing mother


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