Vitamins for facial skin: little secrets of eternal beauty and youth.

If you want to preserve beauty and youth for as long as possible, you need to know which vitamins for facial skin play what role. Each of them has specific functions that you need to know about. Find out in what form and how to properly use vitamins so that they are useful. Vitamin face masks.

Vitamins are usually called biologically active, useful substances for the human body that affect health and beauty. Their deficiency leads to a variety of diseases and troubles. If these substances are not enough for the skin of the face, it fades, begins to fade prematurely, loses its healthy appearance, and looks painful.

In order to regain their lost beauty, women begin to solve problems with the help of cosmetics and procedures, sometimes very expensive and unjustified, while it was only necessary to make up for the lack of useful substances.

In order to be on top at any age and at different times of the year, it is useful for women to know what vitamins are essential for skin , master the basic rules for their use as cosmetics.

Review of vitamins for the face

Modern medicine knows 13 vitamins, and all of them take an active part in the healing and restoration of facial skin. If you know the functionality of each of them, you can determine by your cosmetic flaws which vitamins your skin lacks.

  • A / retinol - moisturizing

Has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing action . It is successfully used to treat inflammations on the skin of the face of various kinds (pimples, acne, common). Helps thin, flaky and dry skin to find protection in his face and receive the necessary moisture. It has a quick calming effect after a hard day, when tired skin needs toning and additional nourishment. Controls how much subcutaneous fat is produced by the sebaceous glands so that the face does not shine with a greasy sheen. It is prescribed by dermatologists and cosmetologists to smooth stretch marks on the face. It makes metabolic processes in cells proceed more intensively, stimulating the activity of the cells themselves. This leads to the necessary tissue regeneration after damage due to increased collagen production - this is how the facial skin rejuvenation desired by all occurs. And one more touch to the indispensability of retinol for female beauty: it effectively solves the problem of excessive pigmentation on the face.

The best way to “deliver” retinol into the body is to include foods high in this vitamin in the diet (yellow vegetables, legumes, liver, fish oil) and switch to skin care products with retinol in the composition.

  • B1 / thiamine - treatment of skin diseases

Thiamine is also actively used by dermatologists and cosmetologists. The former appoint him as basic treatment of neurogenic dermatosis , skin itching, pyoderma, psoriasis, eczema - skin diseases associated with disorders in the nervous system. Since these are quite serious pathologies, if they spill out on the face, without treatment with thiamine, you will not return the beauty and health of the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using vitamin B1 for those who have already experienced signs of early aging: wrinkles. , jowls, etc.

  • B2 / riboflavin - cellular respiration

This vitamin is considered one of the most necessary for the beauty and health of facial skin. It is he who provides free and complete cell respiration, transporting to them more and more doses of oxygen. This leads to an acceleration of metabolism with all the ensuing consequences: the complexion becomes beautiful, healthy and natural, no one torments the skin, it shines, conquering everyone with its brilliant appearance.

  • B5 / pantothenic acid - for

Pantothenic acid has drying properties , therefore, it is excellent for oily, problematic skin. It is also suitable for ladies of Balzac age, as this wonderful vitamin is able to quickly and imperceptibly smooth out fine wrinkles in a short time, give the skin elasticity and firmness.

  • B6 / pyridoxine - treatment

Pyridoxine is without exaggeration the favorite vitamin of all dermatologists: it is prescribed for almost all skin diseases. If you are faced not with a cosmetic defect, but with a serious disease that is reflected in your beautiful face, pyridoxine is exactly the vitamin that your skin needs for a speedy recovery.

  • B9 / folic acid - protection

Folic acid performs protective functions, protecting the skin from excessive doses of ultraviolet radiation. It will also help teenagers get rid of youthful acne.

  • B12 / cyanocobalamin - rejuvenation

Vitamin B12 starts regeneration processes inside the cells, as a result of which they are reborn. The renewal of the cellular composition of the skin cannot but affect its appearance: it blooms, as if in youth - the color improves, the relief is smoothed, and age-related puffiness is eliminated.

  • C / ascorbic acid - acne

Everyone's favorite ascorbic acid stimulates collagen synthesis, making the skin of the face more elastic and elastic. She is also responsible for strengthening the blood vessels that deliver the necessary amount of useful oxygen to the cells. Vitamin C is known for its wound healing properties, so it can be used to treat acne, inflammation, ulcers, wounds and microcracks on the face. This vitamin is one of the best in acne treatment .

  • D / cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol - tone

Vitamin D actively slows down the aging process in cells, helps the skin of the face at any age to be in good shape .

  • E / tocopherol - rejuvenation

Tocopherol is not in vain known as the vitamin of eternal youth and unfading beauty. Not such age-related processes that occur with the skin, in which this unique substance would not interfere. Tocopherol evens out the skin relief, regenerates and renews cells, smoothes wrinkles, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevents early skin aging .

  • K / phylloquinone - against age spots

Phylloquinone can be advised to those who lead a merciless fighting freckles and age spots other types. Its whitening properties are excellent. In addition to this function, vitamin K eliminates swelling and inflammation.

  • P / niacin - complexion

Niacin is involved in many metabolic processes that occur in cells. First of all, he is responsible for healthy, natural complexion , and in addition to this, it effectively protects the skin from harmful external influences, improves complexion.

  • H / biotin - rejuvenation

Biotin is an invariable participant in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, activates regeneration processes at the cellular level, promoting renewal and rejuvenation facial skin.

Now it becomes clear which vitamins are useful for the face and what functions each of them performs when they enter the skin cells.

To understand what your skin lacks, first decide on the skin problem that worries you more than others (too much sebum secretion from pores, excessive pigmentation, inflammation, flaky spots, dryness, etc.).

Each of the problems is solved by one or another vitamin. So, you have found the substance that can improve the condition of your skin. But where to get it and how to deliver it directly to its destination (ie, to the cellular level)?

Ways of vitamin nutrition of the skin of the face

At home, you can use different ways of consuming vitamins that can quickly and effectively nourish and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

  1. Pharmacy vitamin complexes . Use them regularly - and many skin problems can be avoided, as it will receive them from the inside.
  2. Separately sold vitamins in ampoules, tablets, capsules, oily solutions. If you are sure that this particular drug (retinol, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid) will help you, you can purchase and use it specifically. Moreover, you can use them inside, or you can prepare therapeutic-vitamin masks based on them.
  3. Food . Vitaminize your daily diet. Instead of coffee in the morning, drink freshly squeezed juice, replace a quick big lunch at lunch with a hot first and meat second, and for dinner - no fast foods: only fruits and vegetables. Vitamins will enter the body from the inside and will nourish the skin of the face in this way. After two weeks of such nutrition, you will notice how the condition of your skin has improved.
  4. Cosmetic vitamin masks - store-bought and homemade, they are enriched with all the necessary vitamins for facial skin.

An ideal option for complete facial skin care is a competent combination of the above methods. However, for this you need to know how to combine them correctly, in what doses and other cosmetic nuances.

  1. Decide on the goal you want to achieve with the use of vitamins. Eliminate specific problems - use individual vitamins. We need the usual prevention of beriberi and regular skin nutrition - multivitamin complexes will be a real salvation.
  2. Before ingesting individual vitamins, you need to consult a specialist - it can be a cosmetologist, dermatologist or endocrinologist.
  3. You can not combine individual vitamins with complexes : you will have to choose one thing, otherwise you will feel with your own skin all the “charms” of hypervitaminosis, which negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face.
  4. It is better to drink vitamin complexes 2-3 times a year, preferably in the off-season, when not only the skin, but the whole body feels a lack of vitamins.
  5. Eat right.

Vitamin face masks using individual pharmacy vitamins have an excellent effect on the skin.

Vitamin face masks: recipes

Twice a week, be sure to pamper your skin with vitaminized face masks. It is most convenient to use ampoules for this purpose, although oil solutions are also easy to mix with the rest of the ingredients. Capsules will have to be crushed, tablets will have to be crushed into powder. First you need to test the mask on the bend of the elbow so that it does not cause an allergic reaction. Carefully study the instructions for the purchased drug: despite the external use, they all remain relevant.

  • Tocopherol + Glycerin = Hydration

Perfectly complement each other and: a face mask of these beneficial substances will help to cope with dryness, peeling, as well as early age-related changes. Glycerin (1 tablespoon) is diluted in cold, filtered water (2 tablespoons), liquid vitamin E (1 ampoule) is added.

  • Tocopherol + retinol + dimexide = against acne

Dimexide (1 teaspoon) is diluted with water at room temperature in equal proportions, mixed with vitamins A and E (1 ampoule each), white clay, medium-fat sour cream (1 tablespoon each) are added.

  • Tocopherol + cottage cheese + olive oil = for dry skin

Homemade cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) is mixed with natural olive oil (2 teaspoons), tocopherol is added (1 ampoule).

  • Retinol + Aloe = Anti-Acne

Nourishing cream (1 teaspoon) is mixed with the juice of aloe that has been in the refrigerator (1 teaspoon), retinol is added (1 ampoule). Anti-inflammatory masks with vitamin A are great for getting rid of acne in teenagers.

  • Ascorbic acid + banana + oatmeal = rejuvenation

Vitamin C (1 ampoule), banana puree (2 tablespoons), oatmeal boiled in milk (1 teaspoon) are mixed.

These are the vitamins that nourish the skin, so you need to constantly take care that it never experiences a deficiency in them.

Properly using them, you can achieve excellent results: slow down the aging process and look your best at any age.

Vitamins for facial skin: little secrets of eternal beauty and youth

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A well-groomed female face is not always a gift of nature. It is also a balanced diet, good emotions and regular sleep. A full complex of self-care includes vitamins for facial skin, trace elements. They saturate and enrich the face with everything necessary, add radiance, heal damage, maintain tone, add freshness, youthfulness.

What vitamins are needed for the face

Each of the 13 vitamins known to science leaves its own specific imprint on the beauty of the face and is involved in the process of skin regeneration. With knowledge of the properties of vitamins, you can independently determine the needs of the skin of the face. Vitamins enter the body simultaneously with certain foods, but our skin needs additional nourishment.

  1. Vitamin A (retinol) helps to eliminate pigmentation on the skin, regenerate the epidermis, and produce collagen. Eliminates excessive peeling. Vitamins for acne on the face contain a certain percentage of retinol, which eliminates oily sheen. Retinol is responsible for moisturizing the skin.
  2. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) prevents skin aging.
  3. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) restores a healthy complexion, regulates metabolic processes.
  4. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is responsible for smoothing wrinkles.
  5. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) successfully fights skin diseases.
  6. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) treats acne. Vitamins for acne skin with folic acid content protect the face from an aggressive external environment.
  7. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is responsible for the renewal of skin cells. Any vitamins for rejuvenation necessarily contain B12.
  8. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is responsible for collagen production, elasticity, and skin radiance. Healthy blood vessels of the face is also a regular saturation of tissues with ascorbic acid.
  9. maintains the tone of the facial muscles, inhibits the process of withering of the face.
  10. Vitamin E (tocopherol) protects the face from ultraviolet radiation, renews the dermis at the cell level.
  11. Vitamin K is a wonderful remedy for removing freckles and pigmentation on the face.
  12. Vitamin PP (niacin) has an effect on improving the face, healthy skin color, maintaining elasticity.
  13. Vitamin H (biotin) has a regenerating effect on the cells of the epidermis.

What products are

The best vitamins for facial skin are found in natural products - no creams will make up for the lack of trace elements for the body. With a deficiency of Retinol, hair and nails suffer. Vitamin A is found in the following foods:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • herbs;
  • fish oil;
  • liver;
  • cream;
  • butter.

Vitamin B2 does not tend to accumulate in tissues, so it must be present in the daily diet. Riboflavin is present in the following foods:

  • fermented milk;
  • chicken meat;
  • beef meat;
  • fish;
  • green vegetables;
  • greenery.

Vitamin B6 is found in the following foods:

  • bananas;
  • yeast;
  • wheat germ;
  • carrots;
  • cabbage.

Foods containing Vitamin B9:

  • legumes;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • rose hip;
  • mint;
  • nettle;
  • raspberries;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs.

Vitamin PP contains such products:

  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • wheat bran;
  • different types of meat.

The source of vitamin E are the following foods:

  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • spinach.

Heat treatment quickly destroys Vitamin C. A large percentage of ascorbic acid is present in such products:

  • citrus;
  • currant;
  • wild rose;
  • apples;
  • kiwi;
  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes.

Zinc deficiency leads to the appearance of acne. Vitamin H is found in the following foods:

  • cauliflower;
  • liver;
  • milk;
  • yeast.

How to take vitamins

First you need to decide whether you want to solve a certain cosmetic problem or drink a vitamin complex for preventive purposes. Before taking the course, be sure to consult with a cosmetologist and dermatologist to avoid unexpected allergies and hypervitaminosis. Between doses of vitamin complexes it is necessary to pause. For a sustainable result in matters of beauty, use a variety of vitaminized masks weekly.

Liquid in ampoules

The use of pharmacy liquid vitamins for facial skin of group B will favorably affect the condition of any person. It is recommended to rub these funds in their pure form in courses of 10-20 days. It gives the effect of alternating every other day B1 and B6 per day, one ampoule, without mixing them together. Retinol and tocopherol perfectly moisturize the skin and eliminate dryness. The ampoule solution should be applied to a washed face and left for half an hour. The course is 10 days.

In tablets

Vitamin PP is prescribed by a dermatologist at a dosage of 0.1 g per dose 2 times a day. The course consists of two weeks, after which you will notice that your skin will noticeably rejuvenate, acquire a healthy color. Preparations B2, B5, B6 are responsible for saturating the skin with moisture, eliminating peeling and are prescribed at a dosage of 10 mg 1-3 times a day for a month. The use of the drug is effective after meals and requires a large amount of water to drink.

In capsules

The main vitamins for facial skin responsible for its youth are A, E, C. Capsules are used for internal and external use. It is recommended to either drink the funds or open the capsule and rub the healthy oil into the upper layer of the epidermis with massage movements. The prophylactic course of taking capsules is 15-20 days, 1-2 times a day. After a few months, to consolidate the effect, the course is recommended to be repeated.

Add to cream

For the greatest effect, cosmetologists advise adding vitamins to nutritional care products. To moisturize the face, you can add retinol to the night cream and smear it several times in 7 days. It is especially recommended to do this in winter, when the face especially needs moisturizing, regeneration of dead cells. Vitamin K cream will protect your skin from UV radiation, fight progressive pigmentation and freckles.

Vitamin masks for facial skin at home

Modern science of beauty allows you to actively use vitamin masks at home, while achieving remarkable results. A properly selected vitamin mask can restore youthfulness, radiance, restore elasticity, and get rid of pimples to your skin. The main thing is to follow the exact instructions. All vitamin masks must be tested on the delicate skin of the wrist to make sure there are no allergies. Apply the mask only on a washed face and neck.

For dry skin

  1. For dry skin prone to peeling, masks with vitamin A are recommended.
  2. Mix a few tablespoons of cottage cheese with sunflower oil and a few drops of retinol and tocopherol.
  3. Apply to the face with massage movements and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with running warm water.
  5. This mask is effective several times a week at night for 10-20 days.

Around eyes

A refreshing mask around the eyes is prepared using tocopherol:

  1. Melt a spoonful of cocoa butter in a water bath, add sea buckthorn oil, the contents of an ampoule of vitamin E.
  2. Apply on eyelids and under eyes.
  3. After 15 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad.
  4. Beauticians advise doing this procedure before going to bed several times a week.
  5. After a few treatments, you will notice that the wrinkles under the eyes have become less noticeable.

For acne

Preparations containing A, E, B2, B6, H and C stop the appearance of acne, affect skin cleansing. Therefore, if you have acne on your face, you can use these vitamins with various masks:

  1. For example, take a little May honey, add half a spoonful of sour cream, lemon juice, the contents of the B6 ampoule.
  2. Mix everything well, put on the face.
  3. After half an hour, wipe with a cotton pad and rinse with running warm water.

For oily skin

To reduce oily sheen, cosmetologists advise using a special sour-milk mask:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of kefir at room temperature with natural honey, a few drops of fresh lemon juice, the contents of an ampoule with B2.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture for half an hour, then rinse with running warm water.
  3. It is recommended to use kefir mask several times a week.

For elasticity

To increase the tone of the epidermis, cosmetologists advise using the well-known ascorbic acid:

  1. Mix a spoonful of oat milk porridge with banana pulp, add 9 drops of vitamin C and mix well.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture on the face, neck, décolleté, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. After washing off the mixture, you will immediately be able to evaluate the effect, noticeable freshness and elasticity.

From wrinkles and aging

Anti-aging vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K contribute to rejuvenation in the complex - the only one of them will not be enough. Current cosmetology advises to start nourishing the epidermis as early as possible. Prevention of wrinkles consists in the use of fortified masks containing the above-mentioned preparations:

  1. Dilute glycerin with boiled water, add a few drops of tocopherol.
  2. The effect of the mixture is 15-20 minutes.
  3. This mask can be successfully used by women and men.


The video materials presented in this article below will reveal to you the whole wide range of vitamins for facial skin. You will learn about their reasonable and effective use in cosmetology to achieve the optimal effect. After watching the video, you will find out which trace elements can cure problem skin, save it from acne, flaking, and excessive dryness.

Problem skin treatment

For dryness and flaking

Today, scientists have already come close to solving the problem of prolonging youth, and radically, thoroughly, but many of us (especially women) are still looking for all kinds of rejuvenation products faces, necks, hands, associate the solution of this problem only with an external effect and often very short-term and without even thinking about the consequences of such a decision.

Vitamins for rejuvenation

Few people know that our body needs various vitamins for normal functioning, but few people know that they prolong life and “slow down” the aging process. For example, the famous 2-time Nobel laureate L. Pauling claimed that vitamins can prolong a person's life by 20-30 years (!) If they are taken from an early age.

Vitamins for rejuvenation our body needs in very large quantities and there are not many of them. For example, vitamin A is a very powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of aging processes in cell membranes. Among other things, this vitamin is a very good element for the prevention of cancer.
Of particular importance for the rejuvenation of our body are also vitamins B5 and B6, vitamins C, E, F (unsaturated fatty acids), vitamin P, vitamin H1 (novocaine).
Therefore, when you purchase various preparations for yourself, first of all, pay attention to the fact that they contain exactly the above listed vitamins. For the rejuvenation of the body, they are necessary in the first place.

Preparations for rejuvenation

To date, there are a very large number of various drugs and dietary supplements to prolong youth, but when choosing them for yourself, you need to know the dosages of the substances used - this is the first thing that distinguishes a true professional from an amateur. An amateur will see some "rejuvenation pills" and immediately buy them, eat them and expect a "miracle". A professional, on the other hand, will carefully study the drug, its composition, concentration of nutrients, and only then will make a decision on the purchase of this drug. A real pro definitely knows what substances should contain preparations for rejuvenation and focuses primarily on amino acids.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Without them, our body simply cannot develop, they are responsible for the work of our brain, central nervous system, are responsible for the production of many hormones and much, much more. But there are amino acids that speed up metabolic processes and, accordingly, shorten life. And that is why you should never abuse protein foods.
We also want to say that anti-aging preparations must necessarily contain the following amino acids: proline, methionine, lysine, threonine, ornithine, cysteine, phenylalanine, taurine...

There are funds for rejuvenation of a variety of compositions and it is simply not possible to list them all, and there is no need for this, because we want to introduce you to a unique drug that has become the basis of an effective body rejuvenation program.

Facial rejuvenation products

Below we give some examples of recipes that are successfully used to rejuvenate facial skin.

1. 2 kg. pour bran with 5 liters of water, bring to a boil and boil for several minutes. This decoction should be filtered and poured into a bath of warm water.

2. Excellent facial rejuvenation product It is considered ordinary tea made from rosehip leaves, strawberries and raspberries.

3. Rejuvenating balm: pour a glass (200 ml) of fortified white wine over one peeled head of garlic, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. After that, the resulting liquid must be cooled and, together with garlic, poured into some container. Drink 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals. Course: three times for three days with a week break.

4. An excellent remedy for facial rejuvenation is an almond oil mask. To do this, you just need to whisk almond oil with a whisk or spoon, saturate it with oxygen. In this form, it gives an excellent antioxidant effect.

5. Tibetan recipe for youth: birch buds - 100 gr., St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle flowers - 100 gr each. Pass all this through a meat grinder. In the evening 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of this mixture with boiling water (500 gr.), let it brew, add honey at the rate of 1 tsp. honey in a glass and drink for the coming dream. In the morning, do the same for 20 minutes. before breakfast.

6. There are products for facial rejuvenation based on chicken eggs.
In 1 st. add a spoonful of olive oil and beat the yolk., then add 2 drops of lemon juice or a spoonful of honey to this mixture. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
The second recipe: mix whipped protein with 1 teaspoon of honey and add 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 15 minutes.

There are many similar recipes. But you should know that they give only an external effect that passes within a short period of time. And everyone needs to understand that no "rejuvenation pills" will help you if you have already brought your body to a deplorable state, "shattered" your immune system with the wrong lifestyle.

The most powerful rejuvenator

As we have already said, scientists have understood what makes a person young, what slows down the process of his aging. The immune system (IS) is the main "mechanism" that plays a key role in the rejuvenation of the body, and the loss of IS functionality is the main cause of aging.
Relatively recently, based on this discovery, our scientists have developed a unique so-called flowing rejuvenation program, which gives amazing effects: after passing it, a person dramatically improves more than 100 (!) biochemical indicators, his biological age decreases by 5, 10, 15 and often for 20 years. What is this program and what is its secret?

The basis of the ongoing rejuvenation program is the immunomodulator Transfer Factor (TF). This is also a unique immune preparation, which has no analogues in the world. It consists of immune molecules that, once in the body, "correct" all violations in the chain of our DNA. It is these DNA disorders that are the real cause of all our diseases. TF brings the IS into full order, which immediately affects the whole organism and gives a rather strong external effect. To date, this is perhaps the most powerful remedy for rejuvenation in the world.

Do you want to look young and feel healthy? Then go through the emerging rejuvenation program - you will never regret it.

The article discusses vitamins for the skin. We talk about the different types, what effect they have on the epidermis. Following our advice, you will learn how to use and prepare masks for each skin type, and which preparations are suitable for internal use.

The skin needs micronutrients to develop, regenerate, grow new cells to replace those that die naturally. The condition of the skin depends on biochemical reactions occurring at the cellular level.

Collagen and elastin are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis, the production of which is facilitated by coenzymes. Vitamins act as coenzymes. They can be taken orally or used externally.

The method of application depends on the condition of the skin. In case of poor condition, it is recommended to simultaneously take vitamins inside and apply externally. As a preventive measure, it is enough to take them 2-4 times a year and regularly add them to cosmetics.

Most often, vitamins A, C, E and group B are used for skin care.

Vitamin A

Retinol provides cell nutrition, stabilizes the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of acne, increases collagen synthesis. Under the influence of retinol, which activates the process of cell renewal and collagen synthesis, shallow crow's feet are smoothed out, dryness disappears, skin elasticity and firmness increase.

With a lack of retinol in the body, black dots appear on the face, flabbiness and sagging of the skin, sweating and sebum production worsens.

B vitamins

Nutrients in this group have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, and each of them acts differently:

  1. B1 - smoothes small and deep crow's feet, slows down the aging process.
  2. B2 - accelerates metabolic processes, as a result of which the skin acquires a healthy color, and also eliminates inflammation. With a lack of this nutrient, creases form in the corners of the lips, as well as peeling.
  3. B6 - nourishes, moisturizes, restores and protects the skin from environmental influences.
  4. B9 - helps to cope with acne, blackheads.
  5. B12 - has a rejuvenating effect, normalizing blood circulation.

Vitamin C

In most cases, ascorbic acid is used to prevent the formation of wrinkles. In addition, its action is aimed at:

  • increased immunity;
  • restoration, skin whitening;
  • increase in elasticity, elasticity;
  • return of a healthy complexion;
  • activation of the production of collagen fibers;
  • UV protection;
  • neutralization of free radicals.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol has many useful properties, namely:

  1. Prevents age-related changes, activates cell regeneration, smoothes crow's feet, has a lifting effect, gives elasticity, improves blood circulation. It also helps in the fight against age-related changes.
  2. Acts as an antidepressant - eliminates fatigue, improves complexion.
  3. Protects cells from free radicals, frees from harmful substances.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates acne, pimples, black spots.
  5. Lightens freckles, age spots.
  6. Moisturizes dry skin, maintains water balance in cells, regulates the sebaceous glands.

How to use

The effect of nutrients largely depends on how they are used. Before using vitamin-based cosmetics, it is advisable to do a simple allergy test. To do this, apply a little funds to the bend of the elbow. After a quarter of an hour, see if redness has occurred or not. In its absence, the use of the drug is allowed.

For facial skin

The use of vitamins is quite simple. All you need:

  • add 2-3 drops to a regular day or night cream;
  • apply the oil solution on the face for half an hour, then remove the residue with a paper towel or napkin;
  • prepare cosmetic masks from them.

For the skin of the hands and body

In this case, apply them on clean skin with gentle massage movements. Optionally, it can be mixed with other components or used in its pure form. The optimal application time is before bedtime, after taking an evening bath. After application, wait 30 minutes for the oil solution to be well absorbed. Remove excess with a dry cloth.

Use body oils in the same way.

Around eyes

Retinol, tocopherol are ideal for the skin around the eyes. They must be used in the following way:

  • add 2 drops to the finished face mask;
  • mix with olive oil, then treat the skin around the eyes;
  • use as an addition in the manufacture of cosmetic masks.

Mask Recipes

Home cosmetics will help restore the skin to a beautiful and healthy look. Below are the mask recipes.

For dry skin


  1. Green clay - 20 gr.
  2. Olive oil - 70 ml.
  3. Retinol - 3 drops.
  4. Vitamin E - 3 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients, heat the composition in a water bath.

How to use: Take a small piece of clean gauze, make slits on it for the eyes and mouth. Dip the cloth in the prepared mixture, squeeze lightly and place on the face. When the gauze has cooled, soak it again in the composition. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes, wash with warm water.

Result: Nourishes, additionally moisturizes dry dermis.

From peeling


  1. Natural wax - 5 gr.
  2. Borax - 0.5 gr.
  3. Vitamin B12 - 1 ampoule.
  4. Retinol - 1 ampoule.
  5. Vaseline - 7 gr.
  6. Water lanolin - 12 gr.
  7. Peach oil - 20 gr.
  8. Zinc oxide - 2 gr.
  9. Water - 30 gr.

How to cook: Heat lanolin, petroleum jelly, wax in a water bath. Add peach oil, zinc oxide, borax. Pour in water and then vitamins.

How to use: Apply a cosmetic product to the peeling area. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Result: Eliminates peeling. Provides nutrition and hydration. Has a rejuvenating effect.

For oily skin


  1. Vitamin C - 5 gr.
  2. Vitamin A - 3 drops.
  3. Mineral water - 30 ml.

How to cook: Grind ascorbic acid in such a way that its volume becomes equal to a teaspoon. Add retinol, dilute with mineral water, mix.

How to use: Apply the product avoiding the area around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool water.

Result: It has a matting, anti-inflammatory effect. Narrows pores.

For youthful skin


  1. Linden honey - 10 gr.
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Sour cream 20% - 25 gr.
  4. Children's natural cottage cheese - 10 gr.
  5. Lemon juice - 10 drops.
  6. Aloe in ampoules - 2 pcs.
  7. Cobalamin - 1 ampoule.
  8. Vitamins B1 - 1 ampoule.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients.

How to use: Apply the product on clean skin of the face, rinse off after a quarter of an hour. The course is 2 weeks.

Result: It has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates wrinkles.

For acne


  1. Vitamin A - 2 ampoules.
  2. Lentil flour - 14 gr.
  3. Zinc ointment - 3 gr.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients.

How to use: Treat problem areas with the product, wait until it dries completely, then rinse.

Result: Eliminates acne, acne.

With glycerin


  1. Vitamin A - 3 ampoules.
  2. Glycerin - 12 ml.
  3. Starch - 23 gr.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

How to use: Apply to clean skin, wash your face after 40 minutes.

Result: Eliminates peeling, provides additional nutrition.

For internal reception

In cases where the external use of vitamins did not bring the desired result, attention should be paid to preparations for internal use. Below is a list of the most popular tools.


Solgar (Solgar) is an American-made drug. Increases the synthesis of collagen, keratin. As a result, problems with the epidermis disappear, the skin looks healthy and fresh. There are only a few contraindications: pregnancy, lactation period. Estimated price - 1500-2500 rubles.


As part of dietary supplements Evalar "For skin, hair and nails" there are zinc, fructose, vitamin C, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate. The average course duration is 2 months. It is not recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach. Estimated price - 700 rubles.


The action of the multicomplex is aimed at increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Recommended for dermatitis, cracks, burns, frostbite. Contraindications: pregnancy, personal intolerance to the components that make up the composition. Estimated price - 950 rubles.


Doppelhertz is a complex of vitamins and minerals, the action of which is aimed at improving the condition of the dermis, eliminating dryness, preventing the formation of wrinkles, and nourishing the cells of the epidermis. The composition includes wheat germ oil, biotin, vitamins B6 and B9, zinc sulfate. Estimated price - 500-700 rubles.


The action of this complex is aimed at improving the condition of the epidermis. It contains cystine, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, iron, beta-carotene. Contraindications: children's age, taking various types of vitamins. The course of treatment is 1 month. Estimated price - 1000-1500 rubles.

Vitamins in injections

There are special injections for rejuvenation of certain parts of the body and face. This procedure in a beauty salon is called mesotherapy.

As part of one injection, there is a complex of nutrients, the action of which is aimed not only at updating the epidermis, but also at increasing protective functions, getting rid of bags under the eyes.

Most often, one injection consists of 5 components that are created immediately before use. Immediately after the injections, the formation of small bruises, swelling is likely.

The course of mesotherapy is 8-10 procedures. Sessions are held no more than 1 time per week. A second course is possible in a year.


  • hypertension grade 3;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • breast-feeding;
  • postoperative period.

Of course, ideally, our skin should receive everything it needs from the body. That is, eat well enough - and the skin will look perfect. But in fact, everything is not so simple. Our ecology, food, lifestyle, and simply - the general health of our contemporaries leave much to be desired. But the skin of the face is a kind of business card of a woman, a clean canvas for creating a beautiful image. And if her condition is far from the ideal of freshness and elasticity, then effective actions must be taken urgently to restore it. The best way to restore youth, tenderness and purity to the face are vitamins for the skin, which are inexpensive and are always available in any pharmacy.

Skin alarms for vitamin deficiencies

To bring their face in order, many turn to the absorption of expensive anti-aging pills and the use of equally expensive cosmetics. But there are much cheaper ways to restore youth to the skin, for example, vitamins. They can be called biologically active substances that affect the health and beauty of a person. It is because of their deficiency that most diseases and other troubles arise. So, if the skin of the face does not receive vitamins that are important for it, then it begins to quickly fade, fade and lose its beauty and healthy appearance, which is so necessary for any woman. And in order for the skin to shine with freshness, you need to know what vitamins it needs to be nourished and how to use them correctly.

In fact, all the vitamins known today, of which there are 13, actively restore and heal the skin of the face. And for any of her skin types, even the most non-problem ones, regular feeding with these preparations is required. They prevent early aging, dryness, pigmentation. Today, vitamins for facial skin are produced in the form of capsules, mixtures, powders and tablets.

But, before looking for ways to enrich the skin, it would be necessary to understand not only what vital substances make the skin beautiful and fresh, but also whether our skin needs support in general. So, hypovitaminosis on the face manifests itself:

  1. acne, red spots on the face, which indicates a deficiency of vitamins B (of the whole group) and A;
  2. frequently occurring dermatitis, which indicates a deficiency of vitamin B2, as well as B3 and B6;
  3. eczema, which depend on the presence of vitamins B (of the whole group) and A;
  4. long non-healing wounds that need replenishment of vitamins C, D and K;
  5. frequent acute respiratory diseases that occur against the background of a deficiency of vitamins B3 and A;
  6. dandruff, which accompanies a deficiency in the body of vitamin B (the whole group) and selenium;
  7. hair loss, dullness and brittleness of hair and nails, which confirms the lack of vitamins B (of the whole group) and vitamin C;
  8. bruises that do not pass for a long time, formed even from a slight pressure on the body. This is a signal from the body that vitamin C and rutin are depleted in it.

How to make up for the lack of vitamins in the skin

Having determined what is lacking in the cover of the face, given its problems, you can begin to make up for the lack of certain substances. Instead of one vitamin, you can purchase a whole complex of vitamins that nourishes skin cells, significantly improving its condition and appearance.

However, no one canceled nutrition as one of the main sources of vitamins. But for this it must be correct, balanced and varied. And from fast foods, carbonated drinks that displace fruits and vegetables, cereals and juices, the skin will certainly “rebel”.

The application of cosmetic masks, both store-bought and homemade, enriched with many important substances, has a good effect on the condition of the skin.

Homemade masks can improve skin condition

And the most ideal option for replenishing these substances is a competent combination of all possible methods. Although there are also certain rules for combining substances and choosing their doses.

So, in order to get the maximum benefit from vitamins used for facial skin, you need to follow a few unspoken, but very important rules for their proper use. After all, if you overdo it and start experimenting, indiscriminately taking vitamins for skin beauty, you can achieve the opposite effect: from an overabundance of vitamins, as well as from a deficiency, the skin of the face will only acquire new problems.

If it is already determined what vitamins are for, and which ones, you can take a course of a specific vitamin that is lacking in the skin. General nutrition of cells for preventive purposes is best done by taking good vitamin complexes.

It is advisable to consult a dermatologist about the intricacies of taking individual vitamins. A specialist will help determine which drug is needed for a particular skin. He will also recommend not to get involved in excessive combination of individual vitamins with a vitamin complex, so as not to overdo it. It's better to stick with one thing. Reception of a vitamin complex or vitamin can be repeated after a few months.

The main rule in caring for facial skin is regularity!

The most important vitamins for skin

As previously mentioned, all vitamins known to modern medicine have a beneficial effect on the skin - both individually and in complexes. Vitamins that are beneficial for the skin are distinguished by the following features:

  • A or retinol is able to fight inflammation of the skin of the face, its thinning, dryness and flaking. It soothes the skin, normalizing the work of the fatty and sebaceous glands of the skin of the face, smoothes stretch marks, and removes age spots. He can stimulate the activity of skin cells, accelerate cell regeneration after damage, increase collagen production and rejuvenate the skin.
  • B1 or thiamine prevents premature aging that overtakes the skin not only in old age, but also in youth.
  • B2 or riboflavin regulates the respiration of skin cells, speeds up the metabolism, as a result of which the skin becomes blooming and healthy in appearance.
  • B5 or pantothenic acid has the ability to quickly and efficiently smooth out wrinkles.
  • B6 or pyridoxine can effectively cure most skin diseases and restore skin after illness.
  • B9 or folic acid overcomes acne.

  • B12 or cyanocobalamin promotes cell renewal, rejuvenating the skin. Yes, and all representatives of group B are vitamins that improve the skin in all respects.
  • C or ascorbic acid is involved in stimulating the production of collagen in skin cells, strengthening blood vessels, rapid healing of wounds and microcracks.
  • D or vitamin of the sun is able to slow down the aging process of the skin, helps it maintain sufficient tone.
  • E or tocopherol evens out the structure of the skin, participates in cell renewal, actively protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
  • K is the best vitamin in the fight against freckles and other pigmentations. It successfully fights puffiness of various origins and skin inflammations.
  • PP or niacin stimulates cells, protecting and improving complexion.
  • H or biotin is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, stimulates the skin to regenerate.

Some, according to experts, the best vitamins for the skin, deserve to be said more about them. So, the most popular is vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is very important both for the whole organism and for the skin in particular. With its deficiency, the resistance of the whole organism to the influence of various infections decreases. Under the action of this acid, the metabolism is regulated, and with its shortage, the vessels crumble, the skin is pigmented. It is also a powerful antihistamine drug that exhibits allergic reactions on the skin. Itching and redness are the result of internal reactions, alarm signals important for keeping the body in balance. And the optimal dose of vitamin per day is 200 - 500 milligrams per day, for which it is enough to eat 2 oranges or a pound of apples.

Natural vitamins for facial skin are found in vegetables and fruits

There is also a lot of it in rose hips, lemons, black currants, kiwi and many vegetables.

Vitamin A is extremely important for the skin of the face, and is involved in the thickening of the horny covering of the skin, known as keratosis. With its lack, dry skin, peeling, coarsening begins. It is abundant in animal fats, carrots, onions, beets, apricots and many other fruits. As a remedy, you can take fish oil in 2 tablespoons, which is equal to 100 grams of liver, 300 - carrots and 100 - dried apricots.

You can apply vitamin E from ampoules directly to the face

Important for the skin and B vitamins, and especially - B5. It stimulates the skin, regulates redox processes. From the lack of nicotinic acid, itching occurs and the protective function of the skin decreases. There is a lot of it in meat of any kind, milk, yeast, wheat bran, peanuts, soybeans and berries. It is enough to eat 250 g of meat per day to replenish the norm of this substance.

And vitamin E is indispensable for the skin. Under its influence, the metabolism is normalized, the skin becomes younger and looks healthy. Also, under the influence of tocopherol, the normal functioning of the whole organism is maintained, including the elimination of capillary fragility, and the destruction of facial muscle cells stops. From 60 to 100 milligrams of the remedy is enough for a day, which is most found in sunflower seeds, corn oil, almonds, peanuts, spinach, beets, brown rice, green parts of plants, young cereal sprouts.

If you choose the right vitamins to nourish and restore the skin, optimally provide them with skin cells, use them correctly, you can easily achieve the highest result: the skin of the face will shine with freshness and health, remaining young even at the most respectable age.

Properly selected vitamins are the key to beauty and youth



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