Basic techniques of classical massage. Classic massage equipment includes

Includes the following basic techniques.

Stroking. Depending on the size and shape of the massaged area, stroking is carried out with one or two hands, the ends of the fingers, the palm, the back of the hand and fingers. There are plane (superficial and deep) and grasping stroking (continuous and intermittent); as well as a number of auxiliary techniques: rake-shaped, tong-shaped, ironing, etc. (Fig. 1, 1-5). The reception is carried out slowly, rhythmically, along the blood flow; for swelling of the extremities, stroking the overlying sections, and then the underlying ones in the direction of the muscle fibers. The pressure force is greatest in places with sufficient quantity fatty tissue, muscles and in the area large vessels, the smallest - in places of bone protrusions. The massage begins and ends with stroking.

Rice. 1. Massage techniques. 1-5 - stroking: 1 - flat surface, 2 - deep flat, 3 - continuous grasping, 4 - rake-shaped, 5 - ironing; 6 and 7 - rubbing: 6 - longitudinal direction of massage movements, 7 - circular direction of massage movements; 8-13 - kneading: 8 - continuous - longitudinal direction of massage movements, 9 and 10 - continuous - transverse direction of massage movements, 11 - spiral direction of massage movements, 12 - felting, 13 - rolling; 14 - chopping; 15 - continuous vibration.

Trituration- a more energetic technique than stroking. We do it with the fingers, the whole palm, the base of the palm, the edge of the palm, the fist, one or both hands at the same time. Rubbing is performed longitudinally or transversely, in a circular, zigzag or spiral manner. Auxiliary techniques rubbing: sawing, hatching, planing, tong-shaped, rake-shaped and other techniques (Fig. 1, 6 and 7). Rubbing is carried out both along and against the flow of blood and lymph, slower than stroking; The pressure force increases as the angle between the hand and the massaged area increases. Rubbing prepares the tissues for the next step - kneading and is combined with stroking.

Kneading- the most difficult technique. It is performed with the fingers - thumb and forefinger, thumb and all other fingers, one or two hands. The technique consists of grasping, lifting, pulling, squeezing and stretching tissue. It is carried out in longitudinal, transverse, semicircular and spiral directions. Basic kneading techniques: continuous and intermittent. Auxiliary techniques: felting, rolling, sliding, twitching, compression, stretching, etc. (Fig. 1, 5-13). The technique begins with lighter and more superficial kneading, gradually moving to more energetic and deep kneading, performing it smoothly, rhythmically, slowly in combination with stroking, without pinching or twisting.

Vibration- this technique consists of imparting oscillatory movements to a part of the body. A distinction is made between intermittent vibration and continuous vibration. When performing intermittent vibration, the massage therapist’s hand comes off the massaged area each time, as a result of which the vibration movements follow each other in the form of pushes. The technique is performed with the ends of the fingers, palm, edge of the palm, fist longitudinally or transversely, zigzag or spiral. Auxiliary techniques of intermittent vibration: patting, puncturing, tapping, quilting, chopping (Fig. 1, 14). When carrying out intermittent vibration, the direction of the impact matters: oblique (used to impact superficial tissues), vertical (used to impact deep-lying tissues). When performing continuous vibration, the massage therapist’s hand, without leaving the massaged area, produces rhythmic oscillatory movements in one place or along the entire massaged surface. Performed with one, two and all fingers (Fig. 1, 15), palm, fist. Produced longitudinally or transversely, zigzag or spiral. Reception requires a lot of skill, with incorrect execution a massage therapist may experience various disorders that can lead to vibration disease; when performing, the angle of the fingers is important - the greater it is, the deeper and more energetic the impact; The pressure on the tissues during administration should not be painful. Auxiliary techniques: shaking, shaking, pushing.

Rice. 2. Average physiological position of the upper (1) and lower (2) limbs.

The general mandatory rule when carrying out all the described massage techniques is maximum relaxation of the muscles of the massaged area, which is achieved by the so-called average physiological position (Fig. 2). For dry skin and increased sensitivity, for fragile skin, boron Vaseline is used to improve massage movements; for oily and sweaty skin, ingrown scars - .

In sports practice, stroking and rubbing require lubricating the skin with Vaseline; kneading and chopping are done on dry skin. Ointments are not used if it is necessary to cause a thermal, mechanical and reflex effect. To warm up and to reduce pain after bruises and sprains in sports practice, it is recommended to rub in a mixture of equal parts alcohol tincture pepper, castor oil, one or two eggs or a mixture of half a glass, half a glass of castor oil, one egg and other various complex mixtures.

Classic massage . In the technique of classical massage, one should distinguish between basic, auxiliary and combined massage techniques.

The main ones are stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Each of the basic techniques, depending on clinical indications can be used in various forms. Auxiliary massage techniques, for example, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, pincer-shaped stroking, sawing, shading when rubbing, etc., which are variants of the main ones massage techniques, used to strengthen or weaken them physiological action. The choice, as well as indications for the use of auxiliary techniques, depend on the anatomical and topographical features of the massaged area (size, relief, presence of massive muscles, etc.), the object of primary massage influence (skin, muscles, blood vessels, nerves), the functional state of the tissues, organs and reactivity of the patient. Combined massage techniques consist of a combination of basic and auxiliary techniques.

The leading role in massage belongs to the basic massage techniques. The implementation of each of them has its own distinctive features.

Stroking (Fig. 1-2) is characterized by sliding movements that do not cause noticeable displacement or stretching of tissues. When stroking, the massaging hand moves slowly, smoothly, rhythmically. Depending on the clinical indications, stroking can be superficial (with flaccid and spastic paralysis, muscle wasting, weakening vascular tone) or deep (with muscle contractures, joint stiffness), planar (with vascular dystonia) or enveloping (for lymphostasis, peripheral vascular edema), continuous or intermittent (for skin abrasions).

Auxiliary stroking techniques (Fig. 3-5): comb-shaped - performed by the bony protrusions of the distal ends of the main phalanges of the fingers, bent into a fist (in areas of massive muscles, large deposits of fat, in areas covered with dense fascia); ironing - with the back surface of the main and middle phalanges of the fingers (easier effect on fabric); rake-shaped - with the palmar surface of the ends of straightened and spaced fingers (if necessary, spare individual areas of the skin); cruciform - with the palms of the hands (with massive muscles, large fat deposits on the limbs); pincer-shaped - by grasping individual muscles or muscle bundles with the index and thumb or thumb and other fingers (selective effect on muscles).

Rice. 1. Embracing continuous stroking. Rice. 2. Deep stroking. Rice. 3. Stroking - ironing. Rice. 4. Comb-like stroking. Rice. 5. Cross-shaped stroking. Rice. 6. Longitudinal rubbing. Rice. 7. Circular rubbing. Rice. 8. Longitudinal kneading. Rice. 9 and 10. Tong-shaped kneading.
Rice. 11. Kneading - felting. Rice. 12. Kneading - rolling. Rice. 13. Continuous stable vibration. Rice. 14. Continuous labile vibration. Rice. 15. Intermittent vibration (chopping).

When rubbing (Fig. 6 and 7), the massaging hand, unlike stroking, does not slide, but, depending on the degree of pressure, shifts, stretches, and grinds various layers of tissue. By causing increased hyperemia, rubbing improves tissue nutrition and promotes enhanced absorption of crushed pathological deposits in various layers of tissue. Rubbing also excites contractile function muscles, increasing their tone. Vigorous rubbing along the nerve trunks causes a decrease in their excitability. Rubbing is not used on its own, but is usually combined with stroking. Among the auxiliary techniques, sawing is used, performed thumbs both arms or the ulnar edge of one or both hands, moving in parallel in opposite directions (in areas of massive muscles, large fat deposits, with cicatricial adhesions); shading - with the end of the thumb or several fingers (for scars); intersection - with the radial edge of a vertically placed hand (when massaging the abdominal press); planing - the position of the massaging fingers is the same as when sawing, the pace of movement is fast (with scars, adhesions).

Kneading (Fig. 8-12) involves grasping, lifting (pulling), and pushing, or grasping, compressing, and stretching tissue. Kneading can be continuous or intermittent, and is performed in both upward and downward directions. Massage movements should be slow, smooth, rhythmic, without jerking, and without infringing on the tissues. Kneading is combined with stroking. Providing a more energetic effect than rubbing, kneading significantly increases muscle tone, enhances tissue hyperemia, tissue metabolism, and more energetically promotes emptying lymphatic vessels, resorption of pathological deposits in tissues. Auxiliary kneading techniques: tong-shaped kneading - squeezing (when massaging muscles that can be completely grasped, for example the quadriceps muscle); felting (Fig. 11) - squeezing and rubbing the massaged tissues between the palms of the hands moving in opposite directions (for muscle soreness, large fat deposits); rolling (Fig. 12) (in the abdominal area with obesity); shifting (when massaging flat, short muscles); twitching-pinching and stretching (with deep ingrown scars); compression (with a decrease in tissue elasticity); pressure (when massaging the facial muscles, at the exit points nerve endings to the surface).

Vibration (Fig. 13-15) consists of transmitting rhythmic oscillatory movements to the massaged part of the body. It can be continuous and intermittent, stable (produced in one place) or labile (over time). Possessing a pronounced reflex effect, vibration, depending on the amplitude and frequency of massage movements, application methods, can varying degrees change the excitability of the neuromuscular system of tissues, activate regenerative processes, tissue trophism, change functional state heart muscle, its rhythm, height blood pressure, have an analgesic and even anesthetic effect. Auxiliary vibration techniques can be divided into two groups: the first represents options for continuous vibration - shaking, shaking and nudging (the massage therapist’s hand and the massaged part of the body are, as it were, one whole); the other is variants of intermittent vibration - puncturing, patting, chopping (Fig. 15), tapping, quilting (massaging hand, in contact with the surface being massaged, moves away from it each time).

Basic and auxiliary massage techniques can be performed with the entire surface of the palm or its supporting part, the thenar and hypothenar areas (in large areas - back, abdomen), the palmar surface of one or several fingers (in small areas, in the area of ​​periarticular tissues, mucous bursae, muscle hardenings, in places where the nerve exits to the surface), bony protrusions of the distal ends of the main phalanges of the fingers bent into a fist, the ulnar edge of the hand, the ulnar end of the forearm (in the locations of powerful muscle layers, muscles covered with powerful fascia, etc.). You can massage with one or both hands, and the hands can work together separately (both hands move in parallel), or together sequentially (one hand follows the other), or by placing one hand on top of the other. The last massage technique is called the “weighted brush” and is used for a more vigorous impact on the tissue. Massage movements can be performed in different directions: longitudinally or transversely (on the limbs), zigzag or spirally (in large areas - back, abdomen; if the skin is partially damaged - abrasions), circularly (in the joint area). The participation of the right and left hands during massaging should be balanced as much as possible to prevent rapid fatigue. The masseur's energy conservation is facilitated by changing the groups of working muscles and working posture.

A classic massage of the whole body or back can be performed for the purpose of treatment or as a preventive measure, and such a session provides the patient with emotional relaxation. However, only an experienced specialist can carry out such a procedure, otherwise significant harm can be caused to a person’s health through ignorance. For many diagnoses related to the spine, this is an auxiliary therapeutic event to speed up the healing process. The classic massage technique is designed so that after the first course completed, complaints disappear and relief comes.

What is classic massage

This is a set of activities carried out by a professional massage therapist aimed at working out the tissues and muscles of the body. If you perform the basic techniques correctly, you can get rid of pain for a long time. different localization, adhesions, increased swelling, while stimulating systemic blood circulation, normalizing the process of regeneration of injured tissues.

With the help of the implemented massage technique, many patients manage to increase vitality and performance, strengthen joints without participation conservative methods treatment. If we talk about anti-cellulite procedures, they can help achieve correction overweight, unnoticeably and without special effort get rid of extra pounds and loose skin.


For joint diseases and severe pain in different areas of the spine, doctors strongly recommend mastering the basics of classical massage. With mechanical impact on suspected foci of pathology, it is possible to achieve long period remission and in others, no less dangerous diseases. The main indications for a classic session are presented below:

  • violation of the systemic circulation of the body;
  • congestion;
  • migraine attacks;
  • radiculitis;
  • consequences of sprained tendons, ligaments, muscles;
  • arthritis different stages;
  • paralysis;
  • decreased motility of the large intestine;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • rehabilitation after limb fractures;
  • metabolic disease;
  • emotional turmoil, stress, increased fatigue.

What is included in a full body massage?

The massage is carried out using individual techniques, according to medical indications. Wellness tactics are aimed at eliminating increased muscle tension, relaxing and stretching the vertebrae, and achieving emotional balance. Movements should be unhurried, but intense, and the fingers should be rigid and targeted at the source of the pathology. The principle of a classic session is based on:

  • pressure;
  • rubbing;
  • stroking;
  • pinching;
  • vibrations;
  • kneading.


The types of movements of the massage therapist completely depend on final result. The technique is determined individually, based on the specific area of ​​skin that was involved in pathological process. Doctors distinguish the following official classification:

  1. Performance hygienic massage provides for health promotion, prevention various diseases. More often the session is carried out in combination with hygienic gymnastics.
  2. Interested sports massage, it is useful to know that the session can be training (with a deep impact on the muscles), restorative (with the goal of properly relaxing the muscle corset), and preventive (against the consequences of increased stress).
  3. Treatment session effectively eliminates symptoms individual diseases, accelerates and prolongs the period of remission.
  4. Cosmetic massage treats the patient’s skin, maintaining its health and beauty, providing prevention premature aging, correcting a number of cosmetic imperfections. This includes an anti-cellulite procedure.

How to prepare your body for a massage

During the preparatory activities, patients should use massage oils, which must be applied to a previously cleansed and dried body. Such aromatics have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, have healing, preventive effect. Other measures self-study to the classical procedure are presented below:

  1. When treating your face, the first step is to remove makeup, then thoroughly clean and dry the skin.
  2. When working on the neck and collar area, clean problem areas, avoid local reactions in the form of irritation.
  3. For safe strengthening pectoral muscles(especially in women) it is important to exclude the presence of tumors in the breast.
  4. If this is a session after an injury or to strengthen blood vessels, you must first consult with highly specialized specialists for contraindications.
  5. A relaxing massage is required using aromatic oils, which significantly improve the final result.

Massage technique

The benefits of such therapeutic and preventive procedures are obvious; the main thing is to strictly adhere to the chosen technique, and not to overdo it with the intensity of the impact with brushes and fingers. Here are the basic rules during this procedure:

  1. Before you start taking it, it is important to lie on your stomach and ensure complete relaxation muscles.
  2. During the procedure lymphatic system(nodes) are prohibited from being worked on.
  3. When working on individual zones acute attacks There should be no pain.
  4. The massage should begin with large areas, which helps to quickly “put into operation” stagnant vessels.
  5. The duration of sessions is determined on a purely individual basis.

Basic techniques of classical massage

To strengthen the back, improve vascular permeability and increase elastic muscle tissue, it is important to know the basic secrets of classical massage, which, if available, special education can be safely implemented in practice. Below is a set of simple movements that works every muscle of the body and explains the cost of the massage.


This is the first and last exercise of classical massage, which helps to relax the body as much as possible and tune it in the right way. Such a leisurely and even pleasant movement is equally recommended for adults and children; moreover, parents should perform it almost from the first days of the baby’s life. It is recommended to work your back first, then go down to lower limb, don't forget about your arms and neck.


The massage therapist uses this exercise already in the middle of the session and involves displacement skin without harm to health. These should be progressive manipulations with both hands in one direction and the other, while the patient feels inner feeling heat, skin noticeably reddens. This kind of rubbing is necessary for small children aged 3–6 months, but it is recommended to choose circular movements of moderate intensity.


This technique includes several manipulations at once. These include pulling, squeezing, squeezing and lifting tissue. The muscles begin to work productively, systemic blood circulation increases, congestion and visible swelling disappear. Movements should be leisurely; classical kneading is allowed for children from one year of age, earlier - exclusively for medical reasons. With quick and sharp manipulations, tissues and blood vessels can be injured.


This is the use of oscillatory movements to enhance the effectiveness of classic massage. In this way you can work out the muscles not only of the back, but also of the whole body. The technique involves gripping by a massage therapist upper layer epidermis or muscle of the fingertips. The classic procedure itself is not complicated, but very effective for patients of any age.


The implementation of the classic procedure depends on the affected area. Here are some valuable recommendations he gives knowledgeable specialist, but at the same time it is strongly recommended not to carry out superficial self-medication. So:

  1. Foot massage should be carried out from the feet to the knees, from knee joint To intimate areas.
  2. When working on the back, you need to move from the sacrum to the neck, and along the side surfaces of the back - to the armpits.
  3. Classic procedure chest is realized from the sternum to armpits(nodes).
  4. Massage of the pelvic, lumbar and sacral regions carried out towards the inguinal lymph nodes.
  5. The rectus abdominal muscles should be worked from top to bottom, and the oblique muscles from bottom to top.

You can express your love, attention, and care not only with gifts, but also with special attention. A relaxing massage will help the woman you love forget about problems for a while, put yourself in good hands, and, if necessary, get rid of a slight ailment.

You can give a girl a massage both at home and in nature, relaxing in the country or basking on the seashore. There is probably no woman in this world who would refuse a massage done with her hands. loving person.

How to massage a girl: what’s the difference?

Before we start giving a massage to a girl, let's try to figure out what is the difference in this case from a classic massage. At the same time, we will learn how to perform basic techniques for influencing various parts of the body of a loved one.

To bring a woman bliss, you need to identify her problem and erogenous zones. The process itself will give you real pleasure if you massage a girl with knowledge of her erogenous areas.

The main difference between a relaxing massage from the therapeutic one is that in this case the main attention is paid not to kneading, but to stroking and rubbing, which we will perform with pulling.

— Every type of massage begins and ends with stroking. When stroking, we prepare every cell to receive touch and mechanical impact on the body. Stroking can be done with the pads of the fingers, an open palm, the base or the back of the hand.

Hand movements should be soft, slow, zigzag or circular, grasping or straight, depending on the body surface being massaged.

Trituration differs from the previous technique in its intensity, we can say that stroking, performed with greater pressure and more quickly, with impact several times on one point, is rubbing.

— When massaging a girl, we try to use gentle kneading techniques. The heated body can be rolled between the palms, simulating the process of preparing dough. When massaging the buttocks or thighs, the girl enjoys kneading using the supporting side of the palm or the knuckles of the folded fingers with emphasis on the thumb.

Vibration or tapping performed in several ways, but always lightly, even playfully, with open palms, hands folded into a fist or fingertips.

Massage for a girl at home is performed with love, wanting to give joy and fill the world with happiness.

How to massage a girl at home (little tricks)

When planning to give your loved one an unforgettable experience, you should take care of the location of the massage and the lighting.

The impact of your hands can be enhanced by using oil to massage a girl; the sliding of your palms will become especially pleasant, and the aroma in the room will excite the senses.

Aroma oils They can not only activate skin cells, they perfectly:

Create an intimate atmosphere;

Brings peace;

They give pleasure;

Relieves tension.

On occasion, you should ask what smell your woman likes and whether she is allergic to a particular scent. Offer her a choice of apricot seed oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, the main thing is that it is your girl’s favorite scent.

Candles and aroma lamps will create a romantic atmosphere.

A good way to relax is relaxing music, which will sound as if shading your touch.

The venue should be comfortable, spacious, and warm.

Every little thing in the room should “speak” of the desire to please the woman you love. It is advisable to turn off both the TV and mobile phone. Nothing should distract your attention from the body of the woman you love.

Massage for a girl at home is performed with love, with the desire to give joy and fill the world with happiness.

“Happy feet” - Chinese wisdom

The Chinese have known for a long time that the points of all organs are located on the feet. They even call the feet the second heart, which gives life and energy to the entire body.

To maintain family happiness, wise Chinese regularly give each other a “happiness feet” massage before bed. What is unique in this case is that massaging the foot has no contraindications, but with regular exposure the body is transformed:

Stress and fatigue will be relieved;

Headaches will go away;

Blood circulation will improve;

Will recover reproductive system;

There will be a desire to live and create.

Foot massage We do it alternately on each leg. For convenience, place the woman's leg on your lap. While performing the massage, compliment your beloved, admiring the elegance of her feet.

— A girl should start massaging from the heel, after stroking the entire foot several times with an open palm and fingertips. Try to press your hand tightly onto the massaged area, increasing the pressure from time to time.

Rub your heel with the pad of your thumb in a circle. Continue making rubbing movements with four fingers, gradually moving to kneading. Deep pressure with the middle finger in a circle, from the center of the heel to its edges, can sometimes cause painful sensation, be careful and release pressure if pain occurs.

— We grasp the edge of the foot between the big toe and the open palm, move from the heel to the little toe and, increasing the intensity, rub and knead this area.

— We massage the tender cavity more gently; it is in this zone that many women have erogenous points, by pressing on which you can evoke the desired sensations in your beloved. This is also where the spine area is located - from the heel to the big toe.

— Using your thumb or the other four, massage the pads under your fingers.

— Each toe is massaged separately. We grab the woman’s finger between the index and middle fingers and rub it. Then using the big index finger knead each point without causing pain.

We finish the foot massage by generally stroking the lower and upper parts of the foot, smoothly going down to the ankle.

How to give a girl a foot massage

What could be more pleasant for a woman than a foot massage after a tiring day? The mysterious atmosphere of the room, your intriguing look, the offer to give a girl a massage will already make her freeze in anticipation of a fairy tale.

We start the foot massage from the ankles, having previously generously lubricated your hands massage oil. The gentle, sliding hands of a beloved man will in themselves excite the girl. We perform all movements from the bottom up, trying not to take our hands off our feet as long as possible.

We do a stretching stroke, to do this we grab the leg with both hands, and “go” up first with one hand, followed by the other, pressing on the thumbs. Having reached the popliteal cavity, we “slide down” and so on 3–4 times.

For rubbing, we do not change the position of our hands. In this case, we will do 2 steps. The first is rubbing with your thumbs, reminiscent of drawing a Christmas tree. The second is crossing, when the hands, tightly grasping the leg, move one relative to the other, as if twisting the skin around the bone. We reach the knee again and return to the ankle with a stroking movement.

In the second case, rubbing smoothly turns into kneading, only all movements are made more slowly with pressure.

Let's move on to the thigh massage. If you are planning to complete the massage for a girl, then remember that the inner thighs are an erogenous zone for many women.

We repeat all the techniques performed when massaging the lower leg, from the knee, along the thighs, grabbing part of the butt.

We grab a well-heated leg, the skin of which has become pink, even red, with both hands and “fell”, throwing it from one hand to the other, without removing the palm from the leg, and move from bottom to top. We perform it 2 – 3 times and do general stroking.

We finish the foot massage with a gentle patting of open palms or a light tapping with our fists.

Now we turn the woman over onto her back and repeat all the techniques on the front part of the leg, focusing Special attention elaboration kneecap.

When massaging the upper thighs, do not touch the woman's intimate parts; remember that the longer the wait, the more attractive the action.

Massage of the abdomen and chest of a girl

The front leg massage can be completed with light stroking of the abdomen. Hands lubricated with massage cream will gently glide around the navel from the center to the periphery, clockwise. Gradually move from stroking to impulsive rubbing and kneading.

Having finished manipulating the abdomen, place your open palms on the girl’s waist, so that your thumbs are in front and the rest are behind.

Sliding down and moving up, we massage the body from the hips to the armpits. Do not forget that we perform all movements slowly, pulling a little, moving the skin along the way.

Rising higher, we massage the ribs and approach one of the most erogenous zones, the chest area.

Using the techniques described above, with open palms, we smoothly and gently work through the chest.

Forbidden! It is forbidden to massage the breast itself; you can lightly play with the nipple and lightly stroke the mammary glands, and focus on the peri-thoracic area.

Girl's ear massage

A massage to a girl, which can be done in the ear area, will help relieve fatigue after a working day and give bliss.

I wonder what direction of movement during massage auricle affects people differently. If we want to cheer up, then we massage the ears clockwise, and to relax, we perform all manipulations in reverse order, counterclockwise.

We massage the ears with kneading movements with the thumb and forefinger. We start with the lobe, work along the edge of the ear, don’t forget about the tragus, and return to the lobe and so on 2-3 times.

If you look closely, you can see the resemblance of the auricle to an inverted human fetus. On the auricle, as well as on the heel, all vital active points, influencing which we influence the corresponding organ.

Therefore, gently, with light pressure, massage inner part the auricle, we stroke each curve, while by touching we convey our desire to the woman.

We perform all manipulations with circular movements of the index finger., sometimes with light pressure. Be very attentive to the woman’s reaction; if pain occurs, and this may be in the area of ​​the diseased organ, stop massaging the girl at this point.

At your partner's request, you can massage each ear separately or perform parallel manipulations of both ears.

Whatever type of massage you choose for a girl, you can give a 100% guarantee that in any case you will give her great pleasure and receive great gratitude.

For headaches and osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, neuralgia and arterial hypertension and even after myocardial infarction, classical massage is indicated. Of course, the list of indications for this therapeutic and preventive procedure is not limited to these pathological conditions. Massage is indicated for diseases of the genital area and respiratory system, gastritis and bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer and metabolic diseases.

Who and when first began to use classical massage in therapeutic purposes It is no longer possible to establish whether this happened in prehistoric times. Today it is customary to distinguish four main types of massage: sports, cosmetic, hygienic and therapeutic.. The difference between them is very arbitrary, because the same techniques of classical massage are used, only the localization, intensity and duration of the effect differ.

Depending on the location of the impact, the following types of massage can be distinguished: classic back massage, massage of the cervical-collar area and massage of the limbs. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about general massage, in which the specialist consistently acts on all of the above zones. The classic facial massage and abdominal massage stand out.

According to the canons, all massage techniques are divided into four groups - stroking, rubbing and kneading, vibration. However, often in the literature you can find a different classification, in which another technique is added - squeezing. In principle, both classifications have the right to exist; the main thing is to correctly perform each of the listed techniques.

Classic massage technique

1. Any massage always begins with stroking. It should be performed with the palm of your hand with constant pressure of low intensity, and the movements of the massage therapist’s hand are directed towards the nearest large lymph nodes. The main purpose of stroking is to warm up the skin and subcutaneous structures, preparing them for more intense methods of exposure.

2. After stroking comes rubbing - performed with the palm, knuckles, thumbs or edge of the palm. Rubbing is performed with noticeable pressure on the skin of the person being massaged at the threshold level pain sensitivity, the goal is to affect the skin and deep tissues.

There are many options for performing this technique - superficial and deep, forceps-shaped and spiral-shaped, comb-shaped and with pressure with both hands. Squeezing largely replicates the goals and technique of rubbing, and not all massage schools distinguish it as a separate technique.

3. After rubbing, we begin kneading. In principle, this particular technique in the case of therapeutic and sports massage of the back, limbs and collar area can be called the main one in terms of the depth and intensity of the impact. Our task is to grab and stretch deep-lying muscles and tissues with our hands, increase their mobility, improve outflow venous blood and lymphatic drainage.

Kneading is a complex technique, it is impossible to learn it remotely, because the massage therapist must use his fingertips to determine the condition of the muscle fibers. Kneading should be carried out on relaxed muscles, and if they are tense, it is worth achieving relaxation by stroking and rubbing. If you learn how to knead correctly, you will learn how to do a classic massage. In this case, the video cannot replace the advice of an experienced massage therapist.

4. Vibration - the last technique of the main phase of the massage . It is performed by shaking, tapping and patting the body of the person being massaged. The goal is to stimulate the neuromuscular system and deep receptors, enhance the processes of blood supply to tissues.

All four techniques are actively used when a classic back massage is performed. The video will help you compose general idea about the sequence of massage techniques; We recommend paying attention to the direction of movement of the massage therapist’s hands: along the spine - from bottom to top, on the side surfaces and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades - in the direction axillary fossae(and, accordingly, axillary lymph nodes).

Has many features cosmetic massage to which it refers. The technique of this type of massage comes down to the correct implementation of techniques such as stroking and superficial rubbing. Pinch techniques and kneading on the face are used only by professionals when conducting therapeutic and plastic massage.

Facial massage should be carried out only after preliminary makeup removal and cleansing of the skin. ; oils and special creams are used that are suitable for the client’s skin type, the direction of movement is along massage lines, the effect is exerted by the fingertips.

To perform this procedure, it is not necessary to visit a beauty salon, because everyone can master a classic facial massage - the video quite clearly demonstrates both the peculiarities of performing massage techniques and the direction of movement of the massage therapist’s hands. There are few intricacies and subtleties, unless, of course, we are talking about certain types professional massage.

What should you remember when starting a massage? Of course, about the presence of contraindications. There are quite a lot of them, and we will not list them all. Let's pay attention only to those that everyone can encounter. Do not perform massage during a cold, flu or ARVI, if there is an acute illness in the body inflammatory process, at hypertensive crisis And skin diseases any etiology. Massage is contraindicated for enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes and abdominal pain.

Massage can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. To understand how to do a back massage, it is useful to master its basic methods and principles.

All movements when treating the back should be in the direction of the lymph flow:

  1. The session begins and ends with relaxing superficial strokes;
    • From the lower back to the inguinal lymph nodes;
    • From the bottom thoracic to the armpits;
    • From the upper thoracic region to the supraclavicular lymph nodes.
  2. Classic massage techniques include superficial (stroking, rubbing, continuous vibration) and deep techniques (kneading, squeezing).

Besides general rules, there are also specific recommendations and techniques that can teach you how to properly massage the back and individual muscle groups.

Massage technique

The person being massaged lies on his stomach, his arms are extended along the body, slightly bent at the elbows, and there is a small flat pillow under his head. If the massage cannot be performed in the prone position, it can be done with the patient lying on his side.


First, apply broad superficial stroking. Then deep ironing with the back of the hand from the crests of the iliac bones, rising up to the collarbones. Having reached the supraclavicular fossa, they smoothly return to the sacrum.

The palms are moved some distance away from the spine and movements are made upward towards the armpits. Return with the same movement to inguinal folds. Massage movements you need to treat your entire back. On the lateral surfaces, grasping stroking is performed.


A deeper technique - squeezing is performed along the flow of lymph. It runs slowly. They affect not only the skin, but also the deeper layer. For better effect Squeezing is performed with weights. To do this, one hand is placed on top of the other. Begin by treating the long back muscles. Gradually switch to latissimus muscles. Reception is carried out along three lines.


Before starting deep treatment, prepare the muscles by rubbing. The technique is performed with skin displacement. On long muscles, rubbing begins from the sacrum. Use semicircular movements to treat the area of ​​the spinous processes upward to the neck. Having reached the hairline, return to the sacrum in a reverse movement. The technique can be performed 5-6 times.

You can cut with both hands or use the elbow surface of the hand. Start from the lumbar region. You can perform the technique with the phalanges of your fingers spaced apart.

“Intersection” is used on the side surfaces. It is performed using the radial surfaces of both hands. Start moving from the pelvic area to the armpits.

Rubbing the intercostal spaces is performed from the spinal column to the sides. Apply straight-line rubbing with fingers placed in a rake-like manner with one or two hands. You can perform the technique alternately.

In order to rub the inner edge of the scapula, the patient’s hand is placed behind the back and the elbow is lowered. With one hand you need to lift the shoulder girdle, and with the other you need to rub it. In the area between the shoulder blade and spinal column You can perform the technique with the pads or ridges of your fingers.

Finish with general broad rubbing of the entire surface of the back. As a rule, it is performed with both hands. Be sure to do a few strokes.


For the greatest effort during kneading, one hand is placed on the other. They start by treating the long muscles. Depending on the purpose of the massage, this area can be the following types kneading:

  • The thumb of one hand. The finger presses the muscle to the bone and makes rotational movements upward along the paravertebral zones.
  • With both hands. Performed alternately with thumbs on both sides of the spine.
  • Use the pads of four fingers in a circular motion.
  • Using the phalanges of the fingers in a circular motion.

Having processed long muscles, begin to warm up the lats. Movements from the ridge ilium to the armpits. During the execution of techniques, the muscle is grabbed, pulled and massaged in a circular motion.

In order to knead the muscles of the scapula, you should place one hand under the shoulder joint and lift it slightly. Proper massage includes treatment of the shoulder joint. Rubbing is carried out in a circular motion along the back, front and middle surfaces of the joint.

End of session

Finish the back massage with vibration techniques. Vigorous striking movements with the palm of the hand or fists are used over the entire surface of the back. You can “chop” using the elbow edges of the hand. It should be performed along the muscle fibers.

After shock techniques, vibration stroking is performed. Finish the massage with general broad strokes of the entire surface of the back.

A classic back massage usually takes about 20 minutes. Half of this time is devoted to kneading.

Massage at home

When performing a massage at home, prepare workplace. The surface must be level, hard and stable. You can carry out the procedure on the floor. Under ankle joints there should be a small cushion or pillow. There is a flat pillow under your head. You can ask the patient to place his hands under his head.

The room should be warm enough. Otherwise, you will not achieve normal patient relaxation. Massage is best performed using special tools.

You should adhere to the general rules for classical massage.

  1. You need to do a back massage correctly, using light, gentle techniques in the first sessions.
  2. During the session, techniques are performed that act superficially on the tissue, then move on to deeper techniques.
  3. Should not be used striking techniques in the area of ​​​​the projection of the kidneys.
  4. In the area of ​​the projection of the heart, gentle percussive techniques are performed.
  5. Finish the session with calming superficial techniques.


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