The smell of sprats in the intimate area. Unpleasant odor in the intimate area of ​​men

Even if a woman's body functions normally, specific glands of the genital organs are capable of producing, which have a very unpleasant odor. This smell may change depending on the onset of a certain period of the menstrual cycle and changes in hormonal levels. This stench is often compared to the smell of fish.

Such an unpleasant odor from a woman’s intimate area can cause her a lot of discomfort. First of all, this relates to psychological mood, since such a problem can negatively affect intimate life. Further, a woman may develop self-doubt and withdrawal in society. Often this unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by the appearance of itching, burning or cheesy discharge from an intimate place. However, a similar aroma can occur without additional symptoms.

Let's take a closer look at the nature of the problem. specific odor in the vagina and ways to deal with it, with itching and discharge.

The appearance of a stench in the intimate area can signal serious problems that are associated with or without an inflammatory process in the female body. Possible reasons for this phenomenon may be the following:

  • Fungal infections on the mucous membrane vaginal lining. This infection is called candidiasis. Symptoms of candidiasis may include a curd-like white discharge and a sour aroma;
  • Disease of dysbiosis in the physiological environment of the vagina. This disease appears due to a sharp imbalance of positive and pathogenic bacteria. Dysbacteriosis also develops against the background of weakened immunity and against the background of existing favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Inflammation on the vaginal mucosa. This inflammation is called “colpitis”. As a rule, the formation of such an inflammatory process is stimulated by coccal bacteria or various infections that can be sexually transmitted;
  • Existing chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. Such diseases may be accompanied by vaginal discharge;
  • Infection microorganism gardnerella. This microorganism can cause a stink in a woman’s intimate area.

It is worth noting that the true reason for the appearance unpleasant vaginal odor can only be determined by a medical specialist.

In addition to the above reasons for vaginal stink, there are some risk factors that contribute to this phenomenon:

  • Non-compliance intimate hygiene;
  • Failure to comply with sexual hygiene;
  • Douching;
  • Existing infections that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Main types

Based on the type of unpleasant odor in the genital area organs, it is usually divided into the following:

  • Fishy smell. Appears due to a violation of the ratio of positive and negative microflora. This phenomenon is called “dysbacteriosis”. In addition to the unpleasant odor due to dysbacteriosis, a woman may be disturbed by severe itching in the genital area, as well as a burning sensation. Against the background of this disease, an inflammatory process of the pelvic organs may begin.
  • The smell of onions. An unpleasant smell of onions from the genitals may indicate a fungal infection of the mucous membrane. A characteristic feature of this phenomenon is an increase in stench after sexual intercourse, as well as against the background of hormonal changes. Diagnosis of such a disease requires mandatory bacteriological examination.
  • Smell of urine. The smell of urine in the intimate area in women indicates a constant state of stress. In addition, the symptom is often observed in women who are overweight. The main reason for the stink is the leakage of urine in small quantities from the bladder due to pressure in the abdominal cavity. This pressure can be caused by laughter or physical activity.
  • Rotten smell. Appears due to bacterial infection of the woman’s vaginal mucosa. The infection is also accompanied by grayish discharge from the vagina.
  • Sour smell. Most often, this smell appears against the background of thrush. In addition, the disease is accompanied by a white, curd-like discharge. Vulvovaginitis can also provoke similar symptoms. This disease is characterized by the presence of inflammatory genital process. The main causative agents of vulvovaginitis are: mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, gonococcus, chlamydia.
  • Smell of acetone. The aroma of acetone from the genital area appears against the background of existing diabetes mellitus in a woman. With this disease, ketone bodies accumulate in the body, which leak out as part of biological secretions. The smell of acetone may also appear due to the following factors: low fluid intake, consumption of large amounts of protein, impaired metabolism, pathologies of the urinary system.
  • The smell of iron. Such a stench in the vagina indicates presence of blood in the discharge. Most often, this phenomenon occurs during menstruation, as well as in the case of erosions on the cervix.

Vaginal odor in pregnant women

Unpleasant smell from genital organs in pregnant women women talk about the following existing health problems:

  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Impaired perception of aromas;
  • Chronic diseases of the reproductive system.

If an unpleasant odor appears in the vagina, the expectant mother should definitely seek the help of a specialist.


Ways to eliminate stench, itching and burning in the area genital organs in women should be based on data after a thorough examination by specialists. Most often, vaginal suppositories are used to treat this phenomenon, which may contain a variety of components, including antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory elements. The choice of such suppositories should be made based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Drugs that are included in the traditional treatment of itching, burning and unpleasant aroma from the genital area in women:

  • Gynoflor. Ensures the formation of a balance of positive microflora in the vagina. The drug is often prescribed for dysbiosis;
  • Fluomizin. The drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories that are inserted into the vagina. Able to influence many pathogenic bacteria and fungi;
  • Clindacin. It has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect and is not able to fight fungal infections;
  • Terzhinan. Suppresses bacterial and fungal microflora;
  • Iodoxide. Used to combat bacterial vaginosis. The drug can be used even during menstruation;
  • Lomexin. Suppresses the development of fungal infection during candidiasis. Do not use during pregnancy or menstruation.

It is worth noting that during the treatment period it is best for a woman to avoid wearing synthetic underwear. In addition, it is necessary to follow the rules on a daily basis personal intimate hygiene. It is better to replace liquid soap and scented gels for the intimate area with laundry soap.

In conclusion, it must be noted once again that the unpleasant vaginal odor, itching and burning may be a symptom of the development of a serious disease of the genital organs. You should not self-medicate without the help of a professional. At the first symptoms, you need to contact a specialist who, after diagnosis and examination, will prescribe the correct treatment. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic will allow you to forget about problems forever.

One of the symptoms of infectious or inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system is an unpleasant odor in the intimate area in men. Normally, the penis should not smell of anything, but as bacterial microflora develops, it begins to emit a sharp, acidic, and sometimes fishy “aroma.” Most often, a rotten smell can be easily eliminated with increased attention to personal hygiene, but in the presence of diseases this is not enough - treatment is required. Let's find out what causes bad smell and how to get rid of it?

Factors influencing the appearance of odor

In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish two groups of reasons that lead to odor from the intimate area. The first group includes provoking factors associated with lifestyle, nutrition, external influences, etc. The second group is systemic diseases and pathologies of the genitourinary system, manifested by an unpleasant odor and other symptoms.

It’s worth knowing: in most cases, when the cause of odor in the intimate area is related to external influences, the “aroma” from the penis is the only symptom. In cases where the etiology is based on a disease, additional symptoms are present, for example, itching, burning, discharge from the urethra, plaque on the head of the penis, etc.

The causes of unpleasant odor in an intimate area are as follows:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Remnants of physiological fluids - urine, seminal fluid - accumulate on the penis, which leads to the presence of odor;
  • Wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials. The skin suffers from oxygen deficiency, a steam room effect is created, and sweat production increases;
  • Beginning of sexual activity in a young man, change of partner;
  • Excess weight or obesity leads to increased sweating;
  • Accumulation of smegma in the foreskin. This substance acts as a lubricant for the genital organs. Consists of the products of sweat and sebaceous glands. When pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the smegma due to lack of showering, a rotten smell appears;
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • The use of barrier contraceptives that contain spermicidal components.

The causes of unpleasant odor from the intimate area, associated with tight underwear or poor hygiene, are easily eliminated. No specific treatment is required in this situation. If the measures do not help eliminate the “aroma,” then it is necessary to look for the disease in the body.

Diseases that cause odor

A fungal infection can lead to an unpleasant odor. Infection with fungi occurs during intimate intimacy with a woman who suffers from thrush or infection is detected from the inside - against the background of a sharp decrease in immune status, an uncontrolled growth of opportunistic microflora occurs, in particular, the yeast-like fungi Candida.

For your information, penile candidiasis is often accompanied by other symptoms. Often men complain of hyperemia of the penis, the appearance of a whitish coating on the head of the organ, and a burning sensation during urination. Pain syndrome develops somewhat less frequently during excitement or during sexual intercourse.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis are two diseases that lead to an uncharacteristic odor from the penis. With balanitis, the head becomes inflamed, and with balanoposthitis, the inflammatory process affects the head along with the foreskin. Causes include fungi and inflammatory infections. The diseases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Sour smell from the penis.
  2. Swelling of the penis.
  3. The appearance of a white coating. After its removal, an ulcer or erosion forms.
  4. Constant irritation in the groin area.
  5. Pain and discomfort.
  6. Burning.

Chlamydia is a disease transmitted during sex. In most clinical pictures, symptoms do not appear in representatives of the stronger sex. You can suspect the presence of chlamydia in the body by the unpleasant odor from the penis. Against the background of an acute lesion, symptoms such as purulent discharge from the urethra, increased body temperature, swelling of the penis, and change in the color of urine are observed. After a short period of time, the signs may disappear on their own, but this does not mean that the man is completely healthy. The pathology has transformed into a chronic form.

An unpleasant odor in the intimate area indicates the following diseases:

  • Colpitis. Pathology occurs due to hormonal imbalances, fungal infections, and allergic reactions. Signs include fever, discharge from the urethra;
  • Trichomoniasis. Trichomonas are transmitted through sexual intercourse. Symptoms are usually erased or mild. The pathological process affects the glandular organ, urethral canal and testes. The disease can be suspected if there is an unpleasant odor in an intimate place without discharge. Additional symptoms include pain during emptying the bladder and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Men do not have bacterial vaginosis, but their partner may well suffer from this disease. As a result of sexual intercourse, men develop a specific – unpleasant odor from the reproductive organ. The pathology is non-infectious in nature and is caused by a lack of hygiene, vaginal microflora, and peculiarities of the female structure.

Important: a fishy smell may indicate gardnerellosis. The route of infection is sexual, but gardnerella is often part of the microflora of the genital organs, which is activated when immunity decreases. The smell of fish is the first and most obvious symptom of the disease. Sometimes other signs are present: burning in the urethra, discharge from the urethra, pain, erectile dysfunction.


So, how to get rid of odor from your intimate area? First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause. If eliminating possible factors such as wearing underwear made of synthetic materials, excessive sweating, etc., does not help, then you need to seek qualified help from a medical specialist.

Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause - the disease that provoked the appearance of the unpleasant odor. All diseases are treated in different ways. It is not recommended to self-medicate, since medications have contraindications and are not always effective if the dosage is incorrect.

Treatment depending on the disease:

  1. For initial stage balanitis, external agents are prescribed - creams and gels with an antiseptic effect. In case of severe inflammation, it is recommended to take antifungal and antibacterial drugs orally.
  2. For balanoposthitis take antibiotics, use topical agents with antiseptic and antifungal effects.
  3. For candidiasis of the reproductive organ, antifungal tablets for systemic use, creams and ointments for application to the genital organ are prescribed.
  4. Gardnerellosis is treated with antibiotics; immunostimulants and immunomodulators are additionally prescribed, as well as vitamins to strengthen the immune status.
  5. To cure chlamydia antibacterial therapy is carried out. Treatment often involves the use of two antibiotics from different groups at once.
  6. Trichomoniasis is treated with antibiotics. In advanced cases, other procedures are recommended - magnetic therapy, mud therapy.

Treatment of other pathologies that develop as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse is carried out in accordance with the nature of the disease. In most cases, treatment involves taking antibiotics, antifungals, anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins.

How to get rid of odor using home methods?

If the cause of the rotten smell is a consequence of insufficient hygiene, then it is recommended to wash the genitals twice a day with warm soapy water. After hygienic manipulation, wipe dry. It is also necessary to change your underwear daily. Baby powder helps with excessive sweating - it absorbs odors perfectly. Before use, you need to get rid of hair in the perineum.

Folk remedies for unpleasant odor:

  • Plantain decoction helps with unpleasant odor and inflammation. Add 10 g of plantain leaf to 300 ml of water and brew for an hour. Filter. Using the solution, make a bath or compress. The procedure is carried out twice a day, after which the penis is wiped dry;
  • A decoction with chamomile and calendula inflorescences copes well with the rotten “aroma”. To prepare it, take a mixture of medicinal collection. A tablespoon is infused in 400 ml of hot water. Immerse the penis in a warm solution for 15 minutes, repeat 3 times a day;
  • If the unpleasant odor is a consequence of a fungal infection, then an infusion with juniper will help. It improves immunity. Add a tablespoon of raw material to 300 ml of water and leave for 24 hours. Filter. Take 20 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month.

Tip: an unpleasant odor due to balanitis can be eliminated using a medicinal mixture based on oak bark, chamomile and sage. The components are mixed in equal proportions, brew 2 tbsp. in 700 ml of water, leave for an hour. Using the decoction, wash yourself 4-5 times a day or take baths for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day.

To prevent unpleasant odor, it is necessary to wash the penis twice a day, use a condom during sex, avoid casual sex, and promptly treat urological diseases.

And here we will talk like women.

I would like to talk about intimate hygiene gels and other products for maintaining women’s health. I once heard a question about which intimate hygiene gel is best, and that’s how the basis for this article arose. But in the course of writing it had to be expanded, and we will talk not only about washes.

But first, the question is: is such a gel even necessary? After all, they used to somehow make do with soap? And the most ordinary one. And nothing, they gave birth to children, survived the war.

So, let's look at this issue.

Why do you need intimate hygiene gel?

First, a little theory.

You've probably heard the phrase “acid-base balance”, which is defined in terms of a certain pH value.

pH (from potentia hydrogeni - the strength of hydrogen) is a value that shows the level of acidity of the environment. Conventionally, there are three states of the environment:

  • Neutral
  • Sour
  • Alkaline

And this very pH shows the degree of acidity or alkalinity. The acidity level in the vagina is quite high - pH is approximately 4. And at different periods of life it can fluctuate. For example, it is different for teenage girls and menopausal women.

If we use soap for intimate hygiene (even if), we significantly disrupt the acid-base balance.

And this leads to dysbiosis caused by changes in the internal environment. Some bacteria that are accustomed to living in a fairly acidic environment die. And others are starting to develop. And from here all further troubles arise.

Thus, it becomes clear that the use of intimate hygiene products for women is completely justified and highly desirable. Yes, our grandmothers managed without it. But that doesn't mean we should either.

But not only the pH level is the main indicator when choosing intimate hygiene products. In Thailand it is not indicated at all, but you can often read a phrase that, when translated into Russian, means: normalizes pH levels.

What other tasks can intimate hygiene gel cope with?

Modern “washers” are capable of much! The assortment of Thai stores includes gels for intimate hygiene with whitening, cooling, rejuvenating, tightening, firming, softening and deodorizing effects.

Good gels for intimate hygiene prevent the appearance of thrush when taking antibiotics and even eliminate unpleasant intimate odor. But not everything is so simple, so in this article I decided to expand on the issue of unpleasant intimate odor in women.

Why does the intimate area smell bad?

This question worries many. No matter how good a woman looks, no matter how well-groomed her face, hands and hair are, no matter how expensively she is dressed, no matter how beautiful she is, one small and unpleasant detail can ruin everything...

The “smell of a woman” in the intimate area is an absolutely normal phenomenon inherent in everyone. It is there that natural pheromones are produced, and a healthy woman who follows all the rules of hygiene practically does not feel this smell. But sometimes it happens that there is an unpleasant smell from the vagina, discharge, itching and burning.

The causes of unpleasant odor from the intimate area are very diverse:

By the nature of the odor that appears and the accompanying manifestations, you can roughly determine the root of the problem. Of course, you should not cancel tests and visits to the gynecologist. There are several typical unpleasant odors, each of which signals the presence of a particular problem:

  • Sour odor from the intimate area, the causes of which are most likely a manifestation of thrush. This odor is sometimes identified as “yeasty.” In this case, white discharge of the curd structure is observed. It is usually caused by fungal infections. The disease is most often caused by the bacterium Candida.
  • Fishy smell from the intimate area signals the presence of dysbacteriosis and infection. Sometimes there is also obvious itching and burning when there is a fishy smell from the intimate area. If the causes of herring odor in the intimate area are not treated, the disease can go deeper and manifest itself in the uterus and ovaries. To identify the pathogen and prescribe adequate treatment, an examination with all the necessary tests is necessary.
  • Rotten smell from the intimate area, which may be caused by the activity of the gardnerella bacterium, is often accompanied by a grayish-white discharge. This is also to the gynecologist for tests and treatment.
  • Onion smell of discharge in women it can signal both the presence of dysbiosis and the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. It’s also better not to joke with this, you won’t be able to get by with just washes.
  • Urine-smelling discharge In women, they most often appear in adulthood; the problem is caused by urine leakage due to weakness of the pelvic muscles and the genitourinary system. Wash will not help here either.

If any of the above or abnormal symptoms occur, you should consult a gynecologist. After the tests obtained, the doctor will be able to more accurately identify the cause of the problem. He will also prescribe treatment - perhaps antibiotics to suppress the activity of a particular bacterium.

If the source of the problem is not found, or the prescribed treatment does not give the expected results, as an alternative, you can try products that have received good reviews over the years of use.

Let's start with the simplest. If you suspect that you have a reaction to the product you use to wash your underwear, replace it with a more natural one. Here you can recommend or use it, unlike ordinary laundry soap, it leaves a subtle pleasant coconut smell on things.

What folk remedies help get rid of unpleasant intimate odor?

Foam is a more gentle product than gel. Contains lactic acid and milk powder. Extracts include chamomile, royal jelly, manuka honey. This foam just increases the local immunity of the intimate area.

Volume 100 ml. A well-known manufacturer of Mistine cosmetics, familiar to many for its high quality. Compliance with the declared properties of this foam was checked by the manufacturer in a European laboratory.

Contains lactic acid and whey. Extracts - brown algae, Jicama root. This is a specific foam, it is produced only on the Asian market. In addition to the main function, the components in the gel are designed to help brighten the intimate area.

According to manufacturer statistics obtained during testing on the Asian market, 9 out of 10 women noted a whitening effect.

The gel is very economical in consumption, and it was loved by those who used it. As those who left their reviews say, all other products have lost their place on the shelf after using this gel.

GMP certification. Volume 150 ml. Well-known manufacturer, large pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis. There are good reviews.

This company also has an intimate gel “ultra protection”, “refreshing” - with a bunch of plant extracts in the composition, moisturizing and “renewing” with collagen in the composition. These gels are made for the Asian market and differ from those sold in Russia. As a European, the whole line suited me perfectly. The refreshing gel is especially good in the hot climate of Thailand; it leaves a pleasant coolness in the intimate area for a long time.

If you are interested, leave a comment on the article which type of intimate hygiene gel from this company from Thailand you want to try, and I will add it to the range.

Same manufacturer Mistine. Additional components include an extract of the Hi Yum herb, known for its wound-healing and regenerating properties.

Yes Yes! This is the same herb that is included in capsules and natural intimate deodorant. And the best result in solving the problem of unpleasant odor from the intimate area is achieved with an integrated approach.

Manuka honey also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Instead of artificial perfume compositions, here is lavender essential oil, which also has antibacterial properties and strengthens local immunity.

According to buyers of this gel, it helps to cope with unpleasant odors, relieves dryness and itching, and gives a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Some noted a narrowing effect, while others did not. But there are no people left dissatisfied with the gel - everyone recommends it.

Good feedback. Economical, a 200 ml bottle lasts for 2-3 months.

So, let's summarize:

  1. Intimate hygiene gel is not just a marketing gimmick, and the modern woman needs it.
  2. There are gels for intimate hygiene that not only cleanse and maintain pH balance, but also have a lot of interesting and useful properties.
  3. It is desirable that the composition contains fewer chemical components and more useful active ingredients of natural origin.

And be healthy!

If the female body functions normally, then the woman is faced with the phenomenon of discharge from the genitals (both during menstruation, before it, and every day). Vaginal discharge can be both physiological and pathological, and a woman must distinguish one from the other.

Criteria for normal discharge:

  • Colorless (sometimes with a whitish tint);
  • There is no unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • There are no subjective sensations in the form of itching, pain or burning.

The first alarming sign is a change in the color of the discharge, and then an unpleasant odor appears in the intimate area. In such a situation, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist in order to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor most often indicates pathology, even if there are no other symptoms. However, in most cases, a woman is additionally bothered by itching in the genital area, burning sensation there, and sometimes pain occurs.

The main causes of vaginal odor:

  1. Vaginal dysbiosis. Violation of the ratio of beneficial bacteria and opportunistic bacteria, which ultimately leads to inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. In this case, the process can spread from the vagina to the uterus, appendages and testicles.
  2. Candidal vaginitis. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. This pathology is preceded by vaginal dysbiosis. It is characterized by inflammatory symptoms and the presence of a specific type of discharge.
  3. Gardnerellosis. The causative agent of the disease is Gardnerella, which appears when the amount of normal microflora in the vagina decreases significantly.
  4. Vaginitis (various etiologies). There can be many pathogens, or inflammation is caused by mechanical irritation, sometimes the cause is an allergic reaction. The symptoms are the same for all forms of the disease, but treatment should be prescribed in accordance with the etiology.
  5. Inflammation of any other organs of the reproductive system (except the vagina). Pathological processes in the uterus, appendages and testicles, as well as in the urinary system, can spread to the vagina, causing corresponding symptoms.

In addition to the direct causes of unpleasant odor and discharge in an intimate place, there are risk factors, the presence of which increases the chances of developing diseases:

  • Hormonal imbalances (physiological and pathological);
  • Immunodeficiency conditions (primary and secondary, including);
  • Periods of changes in the body (adolescence, menopause, pregnancy);
  • Chronic and acute inflammation in any system of the body (including the genitourinary);
  • Promiscuous sex life;
  • Having an STI;
  • Violation of intimate hygiene rules (or excessive compliance);
  • Physical and mental stress (especially chronic).

Rotten fish smell from vagina

A similar smell indicates the presence of dysbacteriosis. This condition occurs when opportunistic flora overproliferates and replaces beneficial bacteria. The disease is additionally accompanied by subjective manifestations in the form of itching or burning and is dangerous because it may be accompanied by concomitant pathology. may also indicate the presence of gardnerella in the reproductive system, a microorganism that causes inflammation and is difficult to get rid of.

Onion smell from vagina

In most cases, the appearance of such an odor indicates the proliferation of fungal flora in the vagina. Additionally, the odor is characterized by intensification after sexual intercourse. This disorder is more noticeable if a woman additionally suffers from any hormonal problems.

Sour vaginal odor

This smell is also a sign of a fungal infection, in particular candidiasis (or thrush). This pathology is recognized not by the type of smell, but by specific secretions in the form of a cheesy coating. Bacterial vaginosis precedes the development of the disease.

Rotten smell from vagina

This manifestation is characterized by the disease gardnerellosis, which combines the smell of rotten meat and fish. The pathology is manifested by typical signs of vaginitis, that is, itching, burning, swelling and redness of the genitals. Its treatment is antibacterial in combination with supportive therapy, often quite long.

Herring smell from vagina

Vaginal dysbiosis can also be manifested by the formation of a herring odor from the reproductive system. In this case, there may not be any other symptoms, but if treatment is delayed, the pathology will be complicated by an inflammatory process, which will complicate therapy and significantly affect the woman’s general condition.

Strong odor of urine from the vagina

Predisposing factors for the appearance of such a smell are frequent nervous tension or excess body weight. The mechanism for the appearance of the odor is an imperceptible and very minimal leakage of urine due to relative incontinence (appears when the abdominal wall is tense). However, an unpleasant odor remains the only symptom of such a disorder.

Smell of sperm from vagina

If the smell appears regardless of a woman’s sexual activity, it means that the vaginal microflora has suffered some changes or disturbances. This condition is not a pathology, but in the presence of predisposing factors it can develop into it. In this case, it is better to play it safe and adjust the composition of the flora using special topical medications.

Acetone smell from vagina

Most often, the smell of acetone (not only from the vagina, but also from the mouth, urine and other secretions) indicates the presence of diabetes. This is a very serious disease that requires lifelong replacement therapy. However, not in all cases acetone indicates damage to the endocrine system. A similar smell can occur when there is insufficient water consumption, when there is an excess of protein in food, or when the genitourinary system is directly affected.

Vaginal odor after menstruation

The menstrual cycle is a factor that is considered physiologically normal, but still leads to various changes in a woman’s body. During menstruation, a woman is exposed to psychological stress, her body’s immune defense decreases, and hormone levels change. If personal hygiene rules are violated during menstruation, pathogenic bacteria can multiply and lead to inflammatory processes. All this is the reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina after the end of menstruation or even during it.

Vaginal odor after childbirth

A normal physiological phenomenon in the postpartum period is the presence of bloody discharge, which lightens over time until it becomes the same as it was before pregnancy. However, in some cases, normalization of discharge does not occur; in addition, it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the vagina after childbirth. This indicates the development of inflammation in the reproductive system, most often in the uterus, and requires immediate treatment.

Vaginal odor after sex

An unpleasant odor after sexual intercourse can be associated both with the pathology of the female body and with disorders in the male reproductive system. The most common reason for the appearance of odor immediately after sex is the excessive development of pathogenic bacteria in sexual partners. In addition, a man may not have additional symptoms, which makes diagnosis difficult. If a woman experiences such a sign that precedes inflammation, she should consult a doctor to identify the pathogen and undergo a course of treatment.

How to get rid of vaginal odor?

Before prescribing treatment for unpleasant odor in an intimate place, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence. The woman undergoes a full examination, during which she is diagnosed.

Since to remove odor from the vagina, it is enough to cure the underlying disease, separate therapy for this symptom is not required. Methods of combating gynecological lesions:

  • Drug therapy. Depending on the pathology, antibiotics may be prescribed: clotrimazole (for fungi), metronidazole (for protozoa) and other drugs. Symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment is also carried out (elimination of pain, inflammatory processes).
  • Physiotherapy. Various hardware procedures, massage, manual therapy and others (for example, irrigation) are used. Such methods improve the effects of medications or allow them to be administered directly into the lesion.
  • Maintenance treatment. To restore the body and maintain its defenses during illness, immunomodulators, vitamins, and, in some cases, psychotherapeutic techniques are used.
  • Hormonal treatment. It is used strictly according to indications, in the presence of any hormonal imbalances and is constantly monitored by a gynecologist using special tests.

Timely treatment of vaginal odor helps to completely get rid of this symptom.

How to prevent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor?

A few simple rules to follow will help reduce the risk of vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor:

  • Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene (but do not overdo them, abuse douching and constantly dry the vagina with soap);
  • Using products whose composition does not cause irritation and allergic reactions (preferably natural);
  • Ensuring access of air to the intimate area (excessively tight clothing and synthetics should be avoided);
  • Use of barrier contraceptives during sexual intercourse (even with a trusted partner);
  • Maintaining the body's defenses at a high level (hardening, healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition);
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of any diseases, including gynecological ones.

To avoid serious consequences, as soon as vaginal odor appears, you should contact a specialist and then follow all his instructions. Timely treatment is the key to complete recovery in many gynecological pathologies.

Every woman strives to look good and make a positive impression on other people. But if she is unsure of herself, then this, of course, affects her attractiveness. Therefore, we should try to eliminate all negative factors that affect self-esteem. One of these is strong genital odor , as a result of which a representative of the fair sex may feel discomfort and self-doubt. At the same time, sometimes you can’t count on the help of panty liners or feminine hygiene products, because in some cases the stench can be very strong and appears again and again some time after hygiene procedures.

An unpleasant odor from the female organs is not only an aesthetic problem, but also evidence that everything in the body is not going as it should. Therefore, treatment of unpleasant odor from the intimate area should be carried out by a specialist. A gynecologist should be contacted immediately after the lady notices unpleasant manifestations. After all, the longer you wait for the problem to disappear on its own, the greater the likelihood that the condition will eventually worsen. Below we will talk about the main reasons why a woman has a bad smell from her genitals.

Why does fishy-smelling discharge appear in women?

Noticing unpleasant changes, women are often puzzled by the question of why the discharge smells like fish. The causes of fishy discharge in women are most often developmental. In this condition, the amount of discharge increases significantly due to changes in normal microflora vaginal mucosa. At the same time, either the fungal or bacterial component increases. Discharge with the smell of rotten fish from the vagina appears when the discharge is bacterial in nature.

Bacterial vaginosis - an infectious syndrome of a non-inflammatory nature, in which there are practically no vaginal microflora or their number is significantly reduced. In their place they develop anaerobes And gardnerella . These bacteria are present in the vaginal microflora in healthy women, but in small quantities. However, when the body is exposed to provoking factors that upset the natural balance, the flora changes, and the proliferation of gardinella and anaerobic bacteria is activated. As a result, women develop the smell of rotten fish and experience menstruation with an unpleasant odor. A woman notices that even after her period she has discharge with an unpleasant odor.

In about half of cases, bacterial vaginosis is caused by gardnerella. In this case, the woman notes that the smell of fish regularly appears from the vagina, the discharge becomes grayish-white, not too abundant, and homogeneous. As a rule, no traces are left on the underwear, but during sexual intercourse the woman feels pain, and after that the fishy smell of the discharge intensifies.

Treatment of fishy discharge odor in women must be carried out in a timely manner. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors that cause bacterial vaginosis.

Endogenous (influencing from within)

  • local violations;
  • period;
  • And ;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • kraurosis of the vulva;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hypotrophy, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa;
  • endocrine disorders.

Exogenous (external)

  • long-term treatment with antiviral agents, antimycotic drugs, cytostatics;
  • the use of condoms with spermicidal lubricant, as well as contraceptive suppositories with;
  • radiation therapy, ;
  • excessive adherence to hygiene rules (frequent douching with antiseptics containing chlorine, washing with soap);
  • violation of norms. intimate hygiene;
  • deformation of the cervix, vagina, pelvic floor muscles after the birth of a child or surgical interventions;
  • polyps of the vaginal walls, cysts;
  • treatment with broad-spectrum vaginal suppositories (, etc.);
  • the use of tampons, the use of an intrauterine device, spermicides, a diaphragm, a cervical cap;
  • foreign bodies in the vagina and uterus;
  • promiscuous or overly active sex life;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system in history or currently.

How does bacterial vaginosis manifest?

Very often, with bacterial vaginosis, women complain only of very strong discharge with an unpleasant odor. Women describe bad vaginal odor as a fishy, ​​“rotten” odor or herring odor. When the infectious process just begins, and if the causes are related to gardinella, white or grayish liquid discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor appears.

If the process lasts many months, gradually leucorrhoea become viscous, their color is greenish. If pathogenic flora joins the infectious process, it may develop vaginitis .

Vaginal dysbiosis often develops in women who notice a strong strong smell of discharge. Sometimes they become foamy. It is important to know why this condition is dangerous for the expectant mother: the fact is that when it manifests itself in the early stages, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases. However, at any time it is important to find out how to treat this condition. Indeed, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, vaginosis can provoke infection of the fetus, as well as the membranes. Purulent-septic diseases can appear in a woman even after.

Therefore, the expectant mother should immediately after diagnosis take care not only of how to get rid of vaginal odor, but also how to remove, that is, cure gardnerellosis.

Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but most doctors are confident that this disease can still be transmitted through sexual contact.

The incubation period of gardnerellosis lasts from 5 to 10 days. At the same time, it is generally accepted that changes in microflora are facilitated by a number of factors associated with sexual life - frequent changes of partner, unprotected sexual contacts.

It is important to realize that gardnerellosis is a disease that should never be taken lightly. After all, after the addition of other infections, a woman’s condition may worsen even more.

If the intimate area smells like fish, it is possible that with gardnerellosis a woman is simultaneously infected with sexually transmitted infections, for example, trichomoniasis , . After all, the signs of these diseases are similar to the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. A patient with an STD may also notice that the genitals stink and unpleasant discharge appears. Therefore, before starting treatment for fishy smell from the groin in women, it is necessary to undergo an examination and pass all tests. The causes of unpleasant urine odor in women may also be associated with genital infections. It is necessary to be examined for their presence if the urine smells like fish in women or has any other unpleasant odor.

Gardnerella not only multiplies in the vagina, but also reaches the uterus and fallopian tubes. Modern doctors cannot yet clearly say whether this provokes serious inflammatory processes. However, gardnerellosis definitely contributes to the introduction of other infections into the body, which subsequently cause unpleasant diseases - inflammatory processes of the appendages, uterus, etc.

How to identify gardnerellosis

It is very important that smelly discharge in women, both during pregnancy and during any other period, is perceived as a signal of “problems” in the genitourinary system. Therefore, if you are bothered by an unpleasant odor, and the discharge in an intimate place appears viscous and unpleasantly smelling, you should immediately contact a specialist.

First of all, it is important to tell the gynecologist about when it was discovered that the female discharge smells bad, whether the strong smell of herring constantly appears and other features of the symptoms that appear. All further studies will be prescribed by a doctor whose specialty is gynecology. Discharge that smells like fish, garlic, or other unpleasant odors indicates infection. This means you need to undergo a general smear and be tested for sexually transmitted infections. When performing a general smear, the doctor can obtain information that the microflora does not contain lactobacilli and are present coccobacilli . This confirms the diagnosis.

The doctor conducts a differential diagnosis with inflammatory processes that develop in the vagina. The gynecologist also conducts an examination, during which he discovers large quantities of discharge on the walls of the vagina.

You should definitely consult a doctor if, after childbirth, discharge with an unpleasant odor appears regularly in women. In this case, discharge with the smell of rotten meat or fish may indicate the development of an infectious process. Therefore, it is important to immediately find out why the discharge smells rotten and take measures to get rid of the pathological process.

Gardnerellosis in men

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as the smell of fish from the groin of men can also occur in some representatives of the stronger sex. A fishy smell in men should immediately alert you and be a reason to consult a doctor. The smell of rotten fish in men is evidence of a local pathological process. After all, gardnerellosis also develops in men. It is provoked by weakened immunity, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, disturbed intestinal microflora, antibiotic treatment, disorder in sexual life, etc. Sometimes, when sexually transmitted infections occur, a man’s urine smells like fish. Therefore, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and practice the treatment he prescribes. When it comes to sexually transmitted infections, it is important that both partners undergo therapy.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?

Once the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is confirmed, your doctor will tell you how to treat this disease. How successful the treatment will be depends on the medications prescribed. Therefore, the doctor determines how to treat this disease in women individually.

If smelly discharge appears due to vaginal dysbiosis, treatment is carried out in two stages. Initially, measures are taken to improve the physiological conditions of the vagina and activate protective forces - both local and general. It is also important to eliminate hormonal imbalance and, of course, normalize the microflora. Treatment is aimed at restoring the acidic environment in the vagina and stopping the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.



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