Causes of dry lips in women. What to do if your labia are itchy and when to see a doctor

Throughout their lives, women face various intimate problems that are not usually discussed in polite society. Naturally, they are not subject to discussion, but they should be a reason to contact a specialist. Vaginal dryness is a condition in the intimate area when the amount of natural lubrication secreted by the body decreases sharply (the process of its secretion stops). As a result of a lack of fluid, the vaginal walls become thinner, causing unpleasant symptoms that interfere with a healthy, active life.

Causes of vaginal dryness

In medical practice, this pathology is called atrophic vaginitis (). However, this term applies only to some variants of the occurrence of pathology. The processes of thinning of the vaginal mucosa, changes in size, and loss of elasticity of squamous stratified epithelium are not always associated with hormonal imbalances in the female body. Infections of the urinary tract, an abundance of perfumed intimate cosmetics, and long-term use of antibiotics sometimes become the causes of the disease.

A number of gynecologists prefer the term “vaginal atrophic dermatitis,” which more accurately indicates the manifestations of the disease. Typical symptoms are:

  • a feeling of tightness in the inner walls of the vagina;
  • itching in the labia area, vaginal opening;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse, which is accompanied by pain;
  • bleeding of the mucous membrane due to the appearance of wounds and ulcers on the epithelium of the intimate zone.

The above symptoms are accompanied by a number of specific ones if a woman has classic signs of colpitis caused by hormonal disorders of the body:

  • Reluctance to have sexual intercourse with a partner. Low estrogen levels reduce libido. In addition, pain, dryness, bleeding during sex negatively affect a woman’s intimate life.
  • Infectious diseases. A decrease in natural lubrication leads to thinness of the epithelium of the internal and external genital organs, deterioration of the beneficial microflora of the mucous membrane, and dryness of the mucous membrane. Therefore, the pathogenic environment becomes a source of inflammation in the intimate area.
  • : frequent urge, burning.
  • General deterioration in health, headaches, lethargy, weakness.

In order to normalize the functions of the glands, balance hormonal dysfunction, remove dryness, determine the correct treatment, it is necessary to find out the reasons that can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Serious illnesses / diseases of the body. Only a doctor will help to establish an accurate diagnosis, prescribe competent treatment. Observed when:
    1. the appearance of neoplasms;
    2. vaginosis caused by a bacterial infection;
    3. , uterine fibroids;
    4. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the whole body due to a violation of the activity of the glands (Sjögren's syndrome).
  2. Changes in a woman's hormonal levels. In most cases, the pathology occurs at the time of menopause or during pregnancy.
  3. Common reasons. Appears when:
    1. improper intimate hygiene;
    2. unreasonable use of douching;
    3. taking antibiotics or diuretics, medications that lower blood pressure;
    4. allergic reactions to components of washing powders, soaps, gels;
    5. deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
    6. irregular sexual activity or lack thereof.

The now popular use of perfumed shower gels is dangerous for the woman's body: fragrances, an excess of chemical components cause disturbances in the activity of the mucous glands. They cease to function normally, their secretion decreases: as a result, an unpleasant sensation appears. We should not forget about possible allergic reactions to the components of intimate cosmetics.

The acidic environment that stimulates the production of beneficial lactic acid bacteria by a woman's genitals is destroyed by gels that are unbalanced in terms of acidity. The optimal value should be 4-4.5 pH. To get rid of problems, you should abandon the newfangled deodorized toilet products in favor of ordinary soap, toilet paper without impurities and additives.

Tight underwear that compresses blood vessels and disrupts the circulation of the pelvic organs; synthetics, sometimes of poor quality, from which the panties are made, are harmful to the health of a woman. The disease makes itself felt by irritation, tingling, and itching of the perineum. Replace fashionable, beautiful linen made of polyamide with no less beautiful and elegant cotton linen - and you will forget about the problem.

Another threat is the lack of hygiene of the intimate area. Pathogenic microflora displaces beneficial lactobacilli: many women face problems caused by Candida fungus. The appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching and burning, and thinning of the mucosal epithelium signal problems with the body. Even with heavy discharge, signs of atrophic vaginitis and discomfort appear.

Before menstruation

Unpleasant sensations periodically bother healthy women of reproductive age before menstruation. About 10% of the fair sex consult a gynecologist with this problem: a few days before the onset of menstruation, the amount of the gestagen hormone in the body increases, which suppresses estrogen production for a short period. Such phenomena do not relate to pathologies and are considered absolutely harmless.

During pregnancy

Waiting for motherhood is a wonderful period in a woman’s life. However, sometimes pregnancy is accompanied by certain health problems: morning sickness, nausea, dryness in the intimate area, and common thrush are due to changes in the body and the activity of the gestagen hormone. An enlarging uterus creates additional pressure on all organs, resulting in changes in the vaginal microflora, decreased elasticity, and the appearance of symptoms of itching and irritation.

After childbirth

In the postpartum period, in most cases, vaginitis goes away on its own: hormonal levels normalize and the secretory glands of the vagina begin to work in their usual rhythm. About 20% of women in labor complain of a feeling of dryness and burning in the area of ​​the labia minora. This is due to the release of the hormone prolactin, which temporarily “interrupts” estrogen. The recovery period takes from 60 to 90 days. For women who gave birth by cesarean section, gynecologists advise allowing up to 120 days to restore hormonal levels.

During menopause

Menopause () is a time of significant age-related changes in a woman's life. The restructuring of the body is associated with a significant decrease in the production of the female hormone estrogen. Vaginal dryness occurs in 50% of women over the age of 55. With menopause, this pathology is called atrophic vaginitis. Narrowing of the vaginal walls, loss of natural lubrication, deterioration of the glands lead to the formation of an alkaline environment, causing a feeling of friction and itching. Be sure to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

During sexual intercourse

Unpleasant sensations during sex have a negative impact on the sex life of both partners. Pain, discomfort, and, sometimes, bleeding, discourage a woman from having an intimate life, and a man will get a little pleasure from intimacy. However, gynecologists advise not to give up carnal pleasures: hormonal suppositories and lubricants will help improve your sex life.

If the reason is simple ineptitude or haste of the partner, then the solution to the problem will be to increase the time for foreplay. When aroused, a woman’s body reacts with an increased flow of blood to the genitals and vagina, enhancing the natural secretion of secretions from the glands. Constant use of condoms negatively affects the amount of lubricant formed in the vagina: if the epithelium of the mucous membrane is irritated, try to abandon the condom at least for a while.

age dryness

5-7 years after menopause, the amount of estrogen secreted by the body decreases by 80%. According to scientists, at the age of 60 to 65 years, more than 75% of women suffer from atrophic colpitis with all the accompanying symptoms: decreased vaginal lumen, dryness, bleeding of the mucous membrane. References to age and reluctance to see a doctor can end in failure: with this disease, not only the stratified epithelium of the vagina, but also the walls of the bladder (urethral tissue) becomes thinner and loses elasticity.

Methods of treatment

Only a gynecologist can determine and prescribe the correct treatment after examining and determining the causes of vaginitis. Among the necessary procedures, a woman will have to undergo a gynecological examination, during which the doctor will take a Pap smear (to exclude cancer) and prescribe a general (clinical) blood test to avoid the possible development of urinary tract infections.

General measures aimed at eliminating pathology such as vaginal dermatitis include the following:

  • During menopause, women may be offered non-hormonal or hormone replacement therapy to relieve vaginal dryness and irritation.
  • During pregnancy and when breastfeeding, the doctor will advise women to use special moisturizers - gels, ointments, topical lubricants that are not absorbed into the blood to protect the baby.
  • If you experience dryness due to violation of intimate hygiene rules, it is preferable to refuse any intimate cosmetics, toilet paper or wet wipes with aromatic additives.
  • Any medications, especially Atropine, antihistamines, blood pressure lowering medications, or diuretics, should be used only when necessary and with a doctor’s prescription. Self-treatment is dangerous due to the occurrence of side effects: from dryness to inflammatory processes in the vagina and urinary tract.
  • Refusal of bad habits that impair blood supply to the vagina and cause dryness, itching, burning.
  • A balanced diet with a high content of legumes to normalize the production of secretions by the vaginal glands and prevent dryness of the intimate area.
  • Have regular sex life with a regular partner. In the first stages, it is advisable to use intimate gel lubricants to reduce dryness. It is preferable to avoid condoms with aromatic additives.
  • The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, the side effect of which is dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina, is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. In this case, surgery or a lengthy treatment procedure may be necessary.

Medicines: tablets, suppositories and creams

Uncomplicated cases of atrophic colpitis, slightly associated with impaired production of the hormone estrogen, doctors suggest treating with non-hormonal drugs. They are also good in situations where hormone replacement therapy is not possible for a number of reasons. Vaginal tablets, homeopathic preparations, gels and ointments, topical creams (moisturizing the mucous membrane) will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

  • Before sexual intercourse, use lubricants without fragrances or fragrances.
  • – support the healthy state of the mucosal epithelium without irritation.
  • Calendula-based suppositories "Vagikal" help relieve irritating factors - burning, itching, dryness, and heal wounds and cracks.
  • Vaginal suppositories “Feminela”, “Cicatridin” of oval shape provide long-term hydration of the vagina due to hyaluronic acid - the elixir of youth, and aloe and calendula remove dryness.
  • Homeopathic medicines “Cyclodinone” and “Klimadinon” act on the pituitary gland, stimulating the production of estrogen, protecting the intimate area from dryness.
  • Vaginal gel "Ginocomfort" relieves symptoms of colpitis, normalizes the acidity level of the vagina, and protects against infections.

hormone therapy

With menopause and age-related hormonal changes, the optimal solution to the problem of dryness in the vaginal area will be. Self-prescribed estrogen medications (on the recommendation of a friend, neighbor, or the Internet) are dangerous to health: they can cause the formation of malignant tumors or dysplasia. Hormone therapy suggests the use of vaginal rings, ointments or lubricants, suppositories, tablets:

  • Gels “Dermestril”, “Klimara”, “Divigel” are inserted into the vagina with a special applicator. Unpleasant sensations disappear within an hour.
  • Hormonal rings are installed by a gynecologist. They contain a certain dose of estrogen, which is gradually absorbed by the vaginal epithelium (effectiveness lasts from 1 to 3 months), relieving dryness and burning.
  • Vaginal suppositories “Ovestin” and “Oripod” are used in a course: daily for 2 weeks, gradually reducing the dosage to a minimum until the feeling of dryness disappears.
  • In some cases, systematic use of tablets is prescribed as part of complex hormone replacement therapy.

How to eliminate dryness with folk remedies

Herbal infusions, baths, douching are very important aids in the treatment of atrophic dermatitis of the vagina. Taking into account individual characteristics (intolerance, allergies), a woman can avoid the symptoms of dryness, itching and burning in the vagina by taking orally or taking baths with medicinal herbs:

  • You will need: nettle, oregano, calendula in the ratio (60 g, 20 g, 30 g), chamomile and speedwell 50 g each. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for at least 5 minutes. Leave it to brew. The course of admission is 10-12 days, 100 ml daily. If dryness in the labia area does not go away, consult a gynecologist.
  • A decoction of the uterus and motherwort is very good at removing dry walls in the vagina. Mix 50 g of each type of herb, pour 400 ml of water and boil. Take a third cup 3 times a day before meals.
  • Douching with a decoction of calendula is an ideal way to get rid of atrophic colpitis during menopause, remove the feeling of dryness, tightness of the walls. In order not to disturb the beneficial microflora of the vagina, the number of douches in one course is no more than 5.
  • Baths with a decoction of motherwort relax the nervous system, relieving itching and discomfort: pour 60 g of grass into 500 ml of boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour, strain and add to the bath. so that the feeling of dryness disappears, take such baths at least once a week.
  • Homemade tampons from a sterile bandage moistened with a liquid oil solution of vitamin E will help remove dryness and strengthen the walls of the vagina. Combine the contents of the capsule with 10 teaspoons of boiled refined sunflower oil, dip the tampon in the mixture and place it in the vagina for 5 minutes. Can be used to lubricate the mucous membrane until symptoms disappear.

The delicate problem of dry labia can affect almost any woman at least occasionally. This unpleasant condition most often occurs in women before and after menopause. However, vaginal dryness, like a number of painful conditions, is now becoming noticeably younger, so this problem often worries young women.

To give significance to this not-so-rare phenomenon in our latitudes, the term was assigned to it atrophic vaginitis, but it represents only irritation of the vagina, which is a consequence of thinning and wrinkling of the tissues of the walls of this intimate organ, and a decrease in the amount of natural lubricant that is released from it. manifests itself in the form of discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse. In addition, bleeding of the vaginal walls may occur due to microtraumas that occurred during sexual intercourse without the necessary natural moisture of the vagina. In this case, itching and burning are usually annoying. Another unpleasant sign is a frequent and obvious urge to urinate.

Only at the moment of sexual arousal does a woman secrete a moisturizing lubricant from the vaginal walls. Dryness is felt when fluid either ceases to be produced or is produced in insufficient quantities.

Main causes of dry labia

During menopause, the level of estrogen, which is responsible for keeping the vagina in normal conditions of moisture and acidity, decreases. With a decrease, the natural defense weakens, which, given the thinness of the vaginal tissue, favors the penetration of infections, which is why the likelihood of open ulcers or cracks on the vaginal walls increases.

Dryness of the labia may also occur as a result of allergic reactions to a number of hygiene products, such as lotions, soaps, gels, perfumes and others, which contain hard alkalis. When choosing preparations for intimate hygiene, you should prefer hypoallergenic products without the inclusion of dyes and flavors, with a pH level of four to four and a half, but the inclusion of fats should be very noticeable. However, you should not use such products specifically to reduce dryness of the labia, this is fraught with irritation or, worse, an inflammatory process.

The use of medications that suppress estrogen levels may also be a cause of vaginal dryness. These are, for example, antidepressants, atropine, blood pressure lowering drugs, desensitizing drugs, drugs for the treatment of uterine fibroids, diuretics, antihistamines, cardiovascular and stimulant drugs.

The causes of dry labia are oral contraceptives, in particular mini-pills using progesterone.

A feeling of dryness in the vagina also occurs in the last days before the onset of menstruation. Here, the level of estrogen is also significantly reduced, and the level of progesterone is increased, which leads to dryness.

Unnecessary habits, such as smoking and alcohol, disrupt the functioning of internal organs and cause changes in hormonal levels. Reduced blood flow to the vagina is fraught with atrophic changes. Smoking neutralizes the beneficial effects of estrogen on the body.

Chemotherapy and radiation treatment for a malignant tumor clearly inhibits the functions of internal organs, including the genital area.

Frequent and not always justified douching can contribute to the occurrence of dryness, since it disrupts the normal microflora of the vagina and damages the vaginal tissue.

The delicate problem of dry labia can affect almost any woman at least occasionally. This unpleasant condition most often occurs in women before and after menopause. However, vaginal dryness, like a number of painful conditions, is now becoming noticeably younger, so this problem often worries young women.

To give significance to this not-so-rare phenomenon in our latitudes, the term was assigned to it atrophic vaginitis, but it represents only irritation of the vagina, which is a consequence of thinning and wrinkling of the tissues of the walls of this intimate organ, and a decrease in the amount of natural lubricant that is released from it. manifests itself in the form of discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse. In addition, bleeding of the vaginal walls may occur due to microtraumas that occurred during sexual intercourse without the necessary natural moisture of the vagina. In this case, itching and burning are usually annoying. Another unpleasant sign is a frequent and obvious urge to urinate.

Only at the moment of sexual arousal does a woman secrete a moisturizing lubricant from the vaginal walls. Dryness is felt when fluid either ceases to be produced or is produced in insufficient quantities.

Main causes of dry labia

During menopause, the level of estrogen, which is responsible for keeping the vagina in normal conditions of moisture and acidity, decreases. With a decrease, the natural defense weakens, which, given the thinness of the vaginal tissue, favors the penetration of infections, which is why the likelihood of open ulcers or cracks on the vaginal walls increases.

Dryness of the labia may also occur as a result of allergic reactions to a number of hygiene products, such as lotions, soaps, gels, perfumes and others, which contain hard alkalis. When choosing preparations for intimate hygiene, you should prefer hypoallergenic products without the inclusion of dyes and flavors, with a pH level of four to four and a half, but the inclusion of fats should be very noticeable. However, you should not use such products specifically to reduce dryness of the labia, this is fraught with irritation or, worse, an inflammatory process.

The use of medications that suppress estrogen levels may also be a cause of vaginal dryness. These are, for example, antidepressants, atropine, blood pressure lowering drugs, desensitizing drugs, drugs for the treatment of uterine fibroids, diuretics, antihistamines, cardiovascular and stimulant drugs.

The causes of dry labia are oral contraceptives, in particular mini-pills using progesterone.

A feeling of dryness in the vagina also occurs in the last days before the onset of menstruation. Here, the level of estrogen is also significantly reduced, and the level of progesterone is increased, which leads to dryness.

Unnecessary habits, such as smoking and alcohol, disrupt the functioning of internal organs and cause changes in hormonal levels. Reduced blood flow to the vagina is fraught with atrophic changes. Smoking neutralizes the beneficial effects of estrogen on the body.

Chemotherapy and radiation treatment for a malignant tumor clearly inhibits the functions of internal organs, including the genital area.

Frequent and not always justified douching can contribute to the occurrence of dryness, since it disrupts the normal microflora of the vagina and damages the vaginal tissue.

Dry labia is an alarming signal from the female body that it needs to have its health checked. Such sensations bring a lot of inconvenience. Many representatives of the fair sex prefer to remain silent about this symptom and not visit a doctor. We’ll look at what this can lead to in this article.

Dryness of the outer labia

This is a fairly common problem that any woman can face. Dryness often occurs during menopause, but young girls are equally susceptible to it.

In medicine, dryness of the external genitalia is called atrophic vaginitis, which occurs due to the fact that the tissue of the vaginal walls becomes thin and does not produce enough natural lubrication. If dryness appears, this is an alarm bell. It is often accompanied by itching and discomfort. Bloody discharge and pain may also occur during sexual intercourse.

Dryness usually indicates that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body. This is how the sexually transmitted disease leukoplakia of the vulva manifests itself. Only a qualified specialist can correctly and accurately diagnose the cause.

Dear women, do not be afraid to consult a doctor: today there are many ways to help get rid of such an unpleasant problem as dryness.

Causes of dry external genitalia

Let's look at the reasons why dryness in intimate areas may occur in women.

  1. Insufficient estrogen levels. Estrogen is a female sex hormone that is designed to maintain normal acidity and moisture in the vaginal area, as well as control the elasticity of vaginal tissue. If the level of the hormone is reduced, then the general protective functions weaken, which leads to thinning of the tissues and insufficient elasticity. This subsequently affects the condition of the labia. Estrogen may decrease during menopause, lactation, after chemotherapy, surgical removal of appendages, ovaries. This is also caused by smoking and weakened immunity.
  2. Intolerance to components contained in personal care products. Allergies can occur if medications contain hard alkalis. The skin and the external organs themselves become irritated, causing dryness and itching. Before using any products, you need to carefully study their composition. Only hypoallergenic gels should be used.
  3. Vaginal trauma, STDs, malignant and benign tumors.
  4. Autoimmune diseases, Sjogren's syndrome and other diseases that can affect healthy tissue.
  5. Regular douching. It disrupts the natural acidity in the vagina, washing away all the useful and necessary lactobacilli, thereby causing itching and dryness. Douching can be done twice a day (no more often): in the morning and before bed.
  6. Drugs that: are designed to lower blood pressure; have diuretic properties; atropine; medications for cardiovascular diseases; agents with antihistamine and desensitizing effects.
  7. Adverse habits: smoking, alcohol, abuse of antidepressants.
  8. Infectious and venereal diseases.
  9. Leukoplakia - a dystrophic change in the mucous membrane occurs, which is accompanied by itching and dryness.
  10. Dryness may occur 2 to 3 days before your expected period due to increased progesterone levels.

Treatment of dry external genitalia

Do not forget that only a specialist can prescribe appropriate therapy after making the correct diagnosis. In this case, treatment will be quick and effective.

There are many methods of combating intimate diseases that cause dryness, itching, etc.

As a rule, therapy includes drugs that have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E and immunomodulators.

Comprehensive treatment helps a lot. Herbal medicine is aimed at relieving discomfort. The medicinal veronica has proven itself well in treatment.

  1. Decoction. Take 1 dessert spoon of herb, pour 300 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then strain well and divide into 3 servings. Take half an hour before meals. This decoction is also great for sitz baths; proportions - 5 dessert spoons per 2 liters of boiling water.
  2. Infusion from the mother and boron uterus. Take 2 dessert spoons of herbs and pour 2 cups of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 2 hours. Drink in one day, dividing into 3 servings. This tool also helps to cope with dryness and itching during menopause.
  3. Warm sitz baths and hydrocortisone ointment are considered effective for treating leukoplakia. If the case is severe and neglected, laser therapy is used. It is recommended to take two courses of herbal medicine, each lasting 3 months, with critical days and a break between them.
  4. Herbal collection. You need to take 60 grams of nettle, 40 grams of knotweed and fireweed, 30 grams each of yarrow, chamomile, bear's ear, calendula and mullein, 20 grams of medicinal speedwell with common oregano. Mix all the dried flowers, take 1 dessert spoon of the medicinal mixture, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Take a quarter of an hour before meals. Drink the resulting amount of broth throughout the day.

Dryness in the intimate area is a fairly common problem that many women face for various reasons. A similar symptom often occurs during menopause and is associated with atrophy of the vaginal walls. However, there are frequent cases of dryness of the mucous membrane and skin of the vagina and in the reproductive period.

Dryness of the genital organs may be present as a monosymptom or accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms: burning, including during urination, itching, pain during intercourse and after, redness and swelling of the external genitalia.

Causes of dry labia

The appearance of vaginal discomfort is mainly associated with hormonal changes in the body. So a deficiency of the female sex hormones estrogen leads to a decrease in the production of natural vaginal secretion and a violation of the level of acidity of the mucous membrane. The result is dryness, burning, and irritation in the intimate area.

The most common situations when a woman faces this problem:

  • Pregnancy and postpartum period. The period of gestation is characterized by significant changes in hormonal levels, which affects the microflora of the vagina. The appearance of dryness and itching of the labia during pregnancy is fraught with scratching and the formation of abrasions, into which pathogenic microorganisms can enter. This is especially dangerous given the woman's position and the possibility of infection of the fetus. Therefore, if severe dryness of the labia and vagina occurs during pregnancy, you should definitely tell your doctor about these symptoms;
  • Taking certain medications that reduce estrogen production (antihistamines, oral contraceptives, drugs to lower blood pressure, etc.);
  • Vaginal discomfort during this period of a woman’s life is also associated with hormonal changes. Estrogen deficiency leads to changes in the mucous membrane and loss of its elasticity, and local immunity decreases.

Causes of vaginal dryness also include:

  • Use of products unsuitable for daily intimate hygiene (regular shower gels, soap). Washing gels for intimate care, as a rule, have a pH level corresponding to the physiological acid-base level of the genital organs, which allows maintaining the natural balance of the vaginal microflora;
  • Leukoplakia. This is a disease that is characterized by a change in the upper layer of the epithelium of the cervix (hardening or keratinization) and is accompanied by itching, dryness and burning in the vaginal area;
  • Frequent douching. This procedure can lead to vaginal dysbiosis, dryness, redness and peeling of the labia;
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse. Alcohol and tobacco affect hormone production, which can lead to dryness and irritation of the labia majora and minora.
  • Surgical interventions;
  • Stress and depression. Unresolved stressful situations and prolonged depression lead to increased production of the hormone cortisol. The ratio of other hormones in the blood also changes, which can lead to vaginal itching and dryness.

Dryness of the vagina and labia: what to do

Women complain of burning, itching and dryness in the vulva; surges in blood pressure, sleep disturbances, psycho-emotional disorders, and pain during sexual intercourse may occur.

Abrasions, cracks and scratches appear in the intimate area, the skin gradually turns gray, wrinkles and hair loss begins. Over time, the labia atrophy and the vaginal lumen decreases.

In men, the symptoms of kraurosis manifest themselves in the form of wrinkled skin in the foreskin and on the head of the penis, its dryness and pallor, itching, which results in abrasions and scratching, as well as the appearance of a sclerotic hoop, which, squeezing the penis, is an obstacle to sexual activity.

Symptoms and treatment of pathology

Unfortunately, kraurosis is not completely cured, but the process of its development can be stopped. Treatment of this disease is carried out using conservative therapy, which includes measures to relieve itching and reduce discomfort in the genital area. For this we use:

  • sedatives;
  • antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil);
  • estrogens and progesterone for oral administration;
  • hormonal ointments;
  • antimicrobial ointments in the presence of additional infections;
  • vitamins C, A, E, biostimulants and immunocorrectors;
  • reflexology, x-ray therapy, balneotherapy, herbal medicine, local laser therapy;
  • testosterone and lidase injections (for men);
  • surgical intervention - in case of advanced disease or ineffectiveness of therapeutic methods.

In order to minimize the risk of problems in the intimate area in the form of dryness, itching and the possible occurrence of kraurosis, it is necessary to maintain proper hygiene of the external genitalia, lead a healthy lifestyle, and at the slightest sign of a genital disorder, contact a specialist.

Dry labia are most often a symptom of low estrogen levels. In some cases, this condition indicates the presence of diseases of the genital organs. Treatment for dryness depends on the cause of its occurrence.

Causes of dryness

The hormone is responsible for the level of moisture and acidity in the vagina.

In addition, dryness occurs:

  • in case of allergic reactions to intimate hygiene products that contain hard alkalis;
  • as a side effect from taking medications (mainly from drugs that have a diuretic and antihistamine effect);
  • as a result of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • due to increased levels of progesterone in the last days before menstruation;
  • due to improper removal of hair on the labia (too frequent shaving, lack of hygiene, non-compliance with the rules of skin treatment).

The dryness of the labia is affected by the use of contraceptives, radiation exposure, chemotherapy, and repeated douching. The symptom is a temporary condition after childbirth, at the beginning of pregnancy, after an abortion, with inflammatory processes affecting the uterine mucosa.

Dry lips as a symptom of the disease

If there are additional symptoms, dry lips may be a sign of one of the following conditions:

  • vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and endometrium, most common in adolescents and the elderly);
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis (otherwise the disease is called dysbiosis. It is put in violation of the normal microflora of the vagina);
  • candidiasis (popularly the inflammatory process is called thrush);
  • trichomoniasis (sexually transmitted infection).

Dryness of the labia may be the result of infectious and sexually transmitted pathologies, as well as diseases that affect healthy tissues (for example, autoimmune diseases, Sjogren's syndrome). Most often, additional symptoms are: itching, burning, heavy discharge and pain in the pelvic organs.

Important! Dryness of the labia may indicate a degenerative change in the mucous membrane (leukoplakia). In this case, in addition to treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that provoked the disease (only a doctor can determine them).


Therapy is prescribed by a specialist depending on the cause of dryness. The main method is drug treatment; folk remedies are used in combination with taking medications.

Folk remedies

The most effective recipes for infusions and decoctions are as follows:

  • Infusion of Veronica officinalis. 1 tbsp. l of dry crushed herb, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Divide the resulting medicine into 3 parts and take three times a day half an hour before meals. The infusion is also suitable for douching and sitz baths.
  • A decoction from the motherboard and... 2 tbsp. Mix each of the indicated herbs, add 500 ml of cold water (not boiled, but from the tap) and bring to a boil. Leave for about an hour, strain, take according to the same regimen as the first medicine.
  • Herbal collection. To prepare the medicine, you need: nettle - 60 gr, highlander - 40 gr, fireweed - 40 gr, yarrow - 30 gr, chamomile - 30 gr, bear's ear - 30 gr, calendula - 30 gr, mullein - 30 gr, medicinal veronica - 20 gr. Oregano - 20 gr. Mix all the named plants, take a dessert spoon of the collection, pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain the broth and cool. The dose received is the daily norm, you need to drink it throughout the day. Take a quarter of an hour before meals.

Important! Recipes are provided for general information purposes only. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.


Drug therapy is prescribed based on the cause of dry labia. Experts prescribe the following homeopathic medicines:

  • Ovarium compositum (Ovarium compositum) - is prescribed if the cause of dryness is a decrease in estrogen or an increase in progesterone.
  • Apis mellifica - The drug is intended to combat allergic reactions. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system, eye pathologies, and toothaches.
  • Candida albicans () - used to treat inflammatory processes.
  • Magnesium carbonicum - cures dryness and itching that appears due to improper care of the skin of the perineum. The drug is also prescribed for mental shock, hypersensitivity, insomnia and other diseases associated with the nervous system.

Important! The use of homeopathic remedies without consulting a specialist is prohibited.

All women face delicate problems in the intimate area. Sometimes their labia are very itchy, painful, or flaky. These conditions should not be ignored.

Itching of the genitals can be caused by harmless reasons: uncomfortable underwear or poor-quality products for caring for the intimate area. In other situations, a burning sensation confirms the presence of diseases (itching will be accompanied by other symptoms).

Why do the labia itch?

Conventionally, there are two main reasons that cause itching. The first is safe for women’s health. It is associated with third-party factors. This is irritation of delicate skin in response to poor-quality items, linen, and depilation.

The second group is disruptions in the functioning of the body. Itching is caused by gynecological pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases and diseases of the endocrine gland (diabetes mellitus).

Based on the pathology, women have pain and itching of the labia majora (external) or minor (inner) labia. In some cases, a burning sensation accompanies both the labia and the vulva.

When is itching safe?

Often, a burning sensation is caused by extraneous factors that do not cause serious harm to health. In these cases, itching is not accompanied by any additional symptoms (for example: no unusual discharge or pain when urinating).

The main causes of burning include:

  • Unsuccessful - the outer labia not only itch, but may also swell. Sometimes a burning sensation appears a few days after hair removal. Hair begins to grow back and irritates delicate skin.
  • Poor-quality intimate area care products - if soap or gel causes an allergic reaction, you should discard them and take any antihistamine.
  • Synthetic underwear – a similar reaction is caused by wearing tight panties and frequent use of scented panty liners.
  • The outer labia swell during pregnancy - they become filled with blood, swell and cause mild itching.

A burning sensation can be the body’s reaction to stressful situations or manifest itself as an allergy to any irritant.

Diseases of female organs

Vulvitis in diabetes mellitus

In this case, itching is one of the symptoms of gynecological diseases. The vaginal microflora includes beneficial microorganisms and opportunistic ones. Under favorable conditions (decreased immunity), bacteria begin to actively multiply, causing itching.

Common illnesses that cause burning include:

  • Vaginitis is a disease in which the lips and vagina become inflamed. Develops after an unsuccessful abortion, if the reproductive organs are injured, or as a result of a malfunction of the endocrine system. Women experience copious discharge with a pungent odor and impurities of pus.
  • Thrush – vaginal candidiasis occurs due to the active proliferation of Candida fungi. The disease develops with a persistent decrease in immunity (for example: after using antibiotics). Thrush is accompanied by striking symptoms: cheesy discharge, severe itching (lips major and minor are itchy), pain during and after sex, swelling and redness in the intimate area.
  • Vulvitis is an inflammation in which the upper labia swell. The infection is caused by staphylococci, streptococci or other microorganisms. The lips are red and itchy, women feel pain when emptying the bladder, and plaque is noticeable inside the labia majora.
  • Ganderellosis is a pathology characterized not only by a burning sensation, but also by discharge with a strong smell of rotten fish.
  • Acute period of endometriosis - this disease has an endocrine nature, but during the period of exacerbation, patients complain that their genitals are very itchy and bleeding is possible.
  • Leukoplakia is a pathology accompanied by the appearance of white plaques on the genitals.
  • Bartholinitis – located near the vagina. When it becomes inflamed, the genitals suffer. The vagina, lips and clitoris become red and swollen. Purulent ulcers appear on the vulva. Urination is also possible.

Venereal diseases

Itching accompanies most sexually transmitted diseases. Some of them are transmitted only through sexual contact, while others can be infected even by using the patient’s personal belongings.

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is prescribed only by a doctor (venereologist or gynecologist). Self-treatment will aggravate the condition and may lead to infertility.

Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea

Severe burning is accompanied by copious discharge with serous-purulent contents and a pungent odor. In women, the labia, vulva and even the urethra hurt and swell.


The disease can be transmitted through household means. Additional symptoms: women have pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, and the amount of discharge increases greatly. Itching begins after urination and sexual intercourse. Similar symptoms are observed with ureaplasmosis.

Genital herpes

The pathology is chronic and worsens with any decrease in immunity, even during allergies. Small pimples with purulent contents form on the skin in the intimate area. The papules burst and then peel off a little.


If unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a gynecologist. After making a diagnosis, he will tell you how to treat the disease. The treatment regimen is individual and depends on what microorganisms caused the disease, the general condition of the woman, contraindications and a number of other factors.

Most sexually transmitted infections are treated with penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics. After recovery, itching and other symptoms disappear.

To treat gynecological diseases, suppositories, creams or other local therapy products are usually used. Sometimes doctors recommend that patients take antifungal tablets (for example, Fluconazole, Itraconazole). After treatment, the microflora of the vagina and intestines should be restored with the help of probiotics.

The treatment regimen for endocrine diseases is prescribed by an endocrinologist, based on the general well-being of the patient and the form of the disease.

During therapy, you should not have sex, avoid drinking alcohol and stick to a diet: limit fried, spicy and fatty foods, baked goods and sweets.

Preventive measures

Prevention will help reduce the risk of itching of the labia. However, this is not a panacea; in rare cases, these measures are powerless.

The main preventive measures include:

  • wearing linen made from natural materials (linen or cotton). Even if you wear lace panties, the gusset should be made of cotton;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, but do not overdo it with the use of care products, they can cause irritation;
  • use barrier methods of contraception, especially when having sex with a casual or unfamiliar partner;
  • Strengthen your immune system: balance your diet, drink mineral and vitamin complex regularly, eliminate bad habits.


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