Papillomas in the intimate area in men. HPV in the intimate area

Growths on private parts are a problem for both men and women. Firstly, they do not look aesthetically pleasing and cause embarrassment of your body, secondly, they can easily be injured while changing clothes or from minor impacts on furniture or in transport, and thirdly, the appearance of papillomas raises serious health concerns.

Many people with this problem are in no hurry to see a doctor, since papillomas rarely cause pain. Despite the fact that these growths are benign formations, there is a certain risk of some of them degenerating into malignant ones, so it is useful to know about their characteristics and modern methods of dealing with them.

The reason for the appearance of papillomas in intimate areas is.

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, human papillomavirus is coded B00.7.

There are several ways it enters the body:

  • Sexual tract. For the onset of the disease, sexual contact with an infected person must occur, after which the virus will penetrate the epithelial tissue of the genital organs. This happens both during vaginal and anal sex, as well as during oral sex. Infection is possible even through kissing.
  • Contact and household path. The virus enters the body very rarely in this way; this happens in public places: in public toilets, saunas or transport.
  • "Vertical" transmission. Occurs during pregnancy or during childbirth, when the child passes through the birth canal and comes into contact with papillomatous growths on the woman’s genitals.

Often the virus is present in the body for a long time in a suppressed state, and its development begins after the immune system weakens: after long illnesses, physical or mental stress, after taking heavy medications that have a negative effect on many organs.

Predisposing factors for the development of the disease are:

  • onset of sexual activity before age 18;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • neglect of condoms;
  • chronic diseases;
  • antitumor therapy;
  • excess weight;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis.

After activation, the virus causes the cell to rapidly divide, resulting in outgrowths of various shapes. The size and danger of the neoplasm depend on the strain with which the person is infected.

What they look like

The shape, size and appearance of papillomatous formations may vary. All of them are divided into endophytic and exophytic structures.

  • Endophytic. Such formations affect the deep layers of the epithelium, so they are difficult to detect for a person without medical education, but they can be easily palpated. They can be located just below the surface of the skin, or they can grow with a stalk or roots far into the dermis. With age, they continue to grow and reach significant sizes.
  • Exophytic. They exhibit external growth and rise above the skin. They are more dangerous and easier to detect. They can be solitary or appear in groups.

In addition, all papillomas in intimate places are divided into the following types according to their shape:

  • Papules(simple). They usually do not grow far above the epithelium and resemble small nodules. These structures have an uneven surface with a stratum corneum. Most often they are flesh-colored, and sometimes they are slightly pigmented and become slightly darker than the skin.
  • Flat. They look like flat moles. They appear rapidly and grow quickly; at the moment of their appearance, the place of their formation itches. Their tops are quite hard. If left untreated for a long time, they can severely damage the surrounding tissue.
  • . They form columns on the mucous membranes, rising above the epithelium. Most often they appear on the coronary groove and the head of the penis, as well as on the mucous membrane of the labia. They tend to grow and form large groups resembling cauliflower inflorescences. They are often damaged and have an unpleasant odor.
  • Filiform. At the base there is a small bump, from which a thin papillary formation grows. The most common locations are the groin, eyelids, armpits and neck.

In addition to endophytic and exophytic, there are mixed outgrowths that simultaneously grow in two directions: inside and above the skin. They are called Buschke-Levenschein formations, they are large in size and periodically recur.

When neoplasms form large colonies, fractures and injuries occur more often, after which blood flows from the injuries, and secondary infections attach to the wounds.

The difference between papillomas in intimate places and other growths on the skin

As you know, such warts grow not only on intimate places. They often appear on other parts of the body, but those that are present in the inguinal or perianal area have their own characteristics:

  • Such neoplasms are more contagious. The risk of infection from a sexual partner with papillomas on the body rarely reaches 50%, whereas when they are located in the genital area it is 80-90%.
  • They most often become the beginning of an oncological process in the body. Such warts are one of the most common causes of cervical cancer.

People react more emotionally and disgustingly to such papillomatous formations, so a sick person may feel depressed and experience difficulties in sexual intercourse.

Types by nature of oncogenicity

All papillomatous growths have their own degree of risk of degeneration from benign to malignant. This is determined by the strain that caused the disease.

Based on the degree of oncogenicity, neoplasms are as follows:

  • non-oncogenic (they almost never cause cancer);
  • low-oncogenic (very rarely lead to the onset of an oncological process);
  • highly oncogenic (in many cases they serve as the onset of cancer).

If a person has a genetic predisposition to cancer (for example, his mother or father suffered from cancer), the likelihood that papilloma will develop into cancer increases significantly.


After the end of the incubation period, the virus begins its activity, which causes the first signs of the disease to appear.

The formation of warts occurs in several stages:

  • first, itching appears at the site of their future location, the epithelium may become inflamed and acquire a more pink color;
  • within a day or two, a small rash appears in this place, which may contain liquid;
  • the tubercles gradually increase in length or width (depending on their type);
  • New ones appear next to the formed outgrowths, which, after reaching large sizes, can merge with the old ones and form a common lesion.

The locations where these rashes appear differ in men and women.

Papillomatous warts in women occur in the following places:

  • labia minora and labia majora;
  • vestibule of the vagina;
  • Cervix;
  • clitoris;
  • vagina.

Places where warts occur in men:

  • glans penis (in most cases);
  • penis shaft;
  • scrotum;
  • coronal groove.

Common places for both sexes:

  • crotch;
  • anus;
  • urethral lumen;
  • pubis;
  • inner thighs.

If growths appear inside the urethra, then there may be a bifurcation of the stream or very weak pressure during urination, and the urge to visit the toilet becomes more frequent.

When warts are located in the anal area, defecation becomes more difficult, since pushing becomes problematic, and after defecation, blood may flow from the anus.

Often, rashes appear in many places at once; this occurs when the immune system is depressed (with HIV infection or after using immunosuppressive drugs).

After the tumors are fully formed, the following symptoms are often present:

  • itching at the site of the lesion;
  • feeling of heaviness in the perineal area;
  • constant feeling of moisture at the lesion;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor from the outgrowths.

The general condition most often worsens: headache, fatigue, decreased performance, fever and signs of intoxication may appear.

If papillomatous warts are located on the penis or inside the vagina, then having sex becomes painful. When these structures are damaged, blood appears in small quantities on the cervix or inside the vagina after sex. Often such discomfort makes a person refuse sex.


As a rule, patients seek medical help after discovering new growths on their genitals. But sometimes the patient does not even suspect the presence of pathology in the body. This happens if they are localized on the internal genital organs: in the vagina or on the cervix. Then the gynecologist discovers the symptoms during an examination.

The specialist conducts a survey in order to establish when the person supposedly became infected and how the disease developed. The doctor carefully examines the lesions, determines the condition of the papillomas, their color and size. For women, during the first consultation, a colposcopy is required with preliminary treatment of the cervix with an acidic solution. This makes flat warts appear whiter so they are easier to see because most often their color is the same as the surrounding tissue.

If it is difficult to make a diagnosis based on examination, the doctor prescribes an extended diagnosis:

  • PCR test. For this purpose, a scraping is taken from the genital papillomas to determine the genetic strand of the causative virus.
  • Digen test. He is able to assess the prognosis of the duration of treatment and the possible consequences of the disease.
  • Serological analysis. For this purpose, blood is taken from a vein, purified from interfering elements, and antibodies to the human papillomavirus are determined in the serum.
  • Microscopic oncocytology. For this, a smear is taken from the vagina or cervical canal. This test detects the presence of cancer cells in a sample.
  • Histological and cytological biopsy. For this test, samples of the growths are taken, stained and examined under a microscope.
  • Anoscopy and rectroscopy to examine the anus for the presence of papillomas.

A detailed examination allows you to select the most effective therapy.


Therapy involves not only getting rid of the external manifestations of the disease, but also suppressing the virus in the body, which will reduce the risk of relapse to a minimum.

Goals of therapy:

  • weakening of the virus;
  • elimination of warts;
  • increasing immunity.

In the fight against papillomas in intimate places, conservative, radical treatment and traditional medicine are used.

Conservative methods

Such treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, at home. It is well suited in cases where the lesions are small and do not affect the deep structures of the skin.

Conservative methods involve the use of such agents for local or systemic use:

  • Necrotizing drugs. When used correctly, they are safe and painless. The compositions must be applied pointwise to the wart for several days in a row. The papilloma dries out and disappears after a while. If the product gets on surrounding tissue, it will burn, so you need to apply it very carefully. For these purposes, Terbofen ointment, Feresol, Novarsenol, etc. are used.
  • Antiviral drugs, which are used topically or orally. Their use helps avoid relapse of the disease and shortens the overall course of treatment. Before local application, the affected area is cleaned. Such drugs are Acyclovir, Realdiron, Imiquimod, etc.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. They allow you to increase the body's resistance, which will ensure lasting results after treatment. Most often prescribed are Viferon, Likopid or Immunomax.

Radical (destructive) methods

Such methods are used if the growths have grown to large sizes, have deeply affected the skin or are located on the cervix.

  • Surgical excision which is performed under general anesthesia. It is rarely used because it can cause severe bleeding in the postoperative period and leads to long-term rehabilitation.
  • Laser removal. An effective method, but also requiring anesthesia due to pain.
  • Electrocoagulation. A common method that sometimes results in scarring at the site of the lesion. It affects the base of the wart with high temperature, with the help of which it burns out the papilloma.
  • Cryodestruction. Another thermal method aimed at freezing with nitrogen. Its main advantage is the absence of defects on the skin after surgery.
  • Radio wave removal. Used for the largest lesions. The manipulation lasts 10-25 minutes, after which, as a rule, no bleeding is observed.
  • Chemical destruction. Treatment of affected areas with aggressive solutions that cause necrosis of grown tumors.

Treatment does not completely get rid of the virus. Once it enters the body, the papillomavirus remains there forever. Treatment can only suppress it and keep it in a latent state.

In this video, a dermavenerologist talks about the removal of papillomas in intimate places.

Traditional methods

Treatment with traditional methods takes a long time and does not always lead to positive results. But for some people, these simple methods help effectively remove papillomas in intimate areas:

  • applying celandine juice to the neoplasm;
  • treatment with castor oil, ammonia;
  • applications with Kalanchoe juice;
  • lotions with aloe juice;
  • treatment with essential oils of lemon, tea tree, fir;
  • applying garlic, apple, potato juice.

All these products must be applied 2-3 times a day. They can be used only if the patient is sure that the neoplasm is benign in nature.

The earlier the course of treatment is started, the faster it leads to getting rid of papillomas and increases the chances that the disease will not manifest itself again.

Condylomas are one of the most unpleasant manifestations of human papillomavirus infection. They are localized in the genital area and cause a person a lot of inconvenience, for example, pain during sexual intercourse, discomfort during bowel movements or difficulty urinating. In addition, such growths are often injured, which leads to the appearance of non-healing wounds or the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a cancerous tumor. In order to avoid serious health problems, it is necessary to treat condylomatosis immediately and this can be done without leaving your home.

The best way to combat genital warts is with the help of various chemical solutions that are applied to the growth and cause its death. The range of such drugs is quite diverse, so in order to make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the best remedies for genital warts, recommended by famous doctors around the world.


Today, Condilin is the most popular solution with which you can get rid of papillomas in intimate places in both men and women. The active components in its composition are the following substances:

  • podophyllotoxin;
  • lactic acid;
  • sodium lactate.

Their combination leads to the rapid death of condyloma and destruction of its root system. This ensures that after the wart is removed, a new one will not grow in its place.

Mode of application

Each bottle cap with a solution is equipped with an applicator stick, with which you need to treat papilloma 2 times a day. The duration of use of Condilin is 72 hours. If during this time it was not possible to completely remove the growth, then it will be possible to continue treatment only after 4 days.

Condilin is based on three toxic chemical components that burn not only infected tissues, but also healthy cells. Therefore, it is very important to prevent the solution from coming into contact with uninfected areas of the skin.


The drug should not be used to remove genital papillomas:

  • during breastfeeding;
  • in children under 13 years of age;
  • at any stage of pregnancy;
  • if you are allergic to the active ingredients.

In addition, Condilin should not be combined with other solutions containing podophyllotoxin. A double dose of the active ingredient will cause a widespread chemical burn.


Another popular remedy for female and male genital warts is the drug Solcoderm. It contains several acids that cope well with various papillomas, regardless of their size and location of appearance:

  • vinegar;
  • ethanedium;
  • dairy;
  • nitrogen

How to use Solcoderm

The solution has a high level of toxicity and its careless use can lead to deep destruction of the epidermis or epithelial tissues. Therefore, doctors categorically insist that treatment of condylomas be carried out strictly according to the instructions for the drug.

Before you start applying the medicine to the surface of a genital wart, you need to lubricate the areas around it with a rich hand cream or Vaseline oil. Next, you need to apply the solution to the growth using an applicator or a regular match. Under no circumstances should you rub it with your finger!

After 3-4 treatment procedures, the papilloma will begin to dry out, and after a few more days it will fall off on its own. In its place there will be a small wound, which should be regularly wiped with an antiseptic and, if possible, sealed with a regular medical adhesive plaster until complete healing.


Solcoderm should not be used if the papilloma has already begun to degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. Also, it should not be applied to damaged growths, near melanomas, birthmarks and ulcers of unknown origin.

The drug is approved for the removal of warts in pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, to avoid any adverse effects, the patient should first discuss its use with her doctor.


Collomak is the most gentle means for carefully removing genital warts at home. It consists of three components:

  • lactate;
  • salicylic acid;
  • lauromacrogol.

They gradually soften the surface of the wart and lead to its death. In addition, the active substances of Collomak cause the burnout of blood vessels inside the root system of the neoplasm, as a result of which the likelihood of its reappearance is reduced.

Instructions for use of the solution

Before you start treating the infected area of ​​your intimate parts, you need to apply a piece of gauze soaked in warm water to it. This will help steam the skin and accelerate the penetration of the active ingredients of the drug into the affected tissues. Next, use a cotton swab to lubricate the growth with Collomac solution. You will need to repeat this procedure once a day for one week. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended a little, but it is not advisable to do this without the doctor’s knowledge.


Due to the fact that Collomac does not contain dangerous chemical compounds, it can be used to treat genital warts in women at any stage of pregnancy. During lactation, the solution is prescribed only when other methods of treatment cannot be used.

When using the drug for the first time, a person often experiences various side effects, such as redness of the skin, itching, or a slight rash. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug or stop using it for a while.

How to treat papillomas in intimate places using traditional methods

Despite the fact that various anti-papilloma solutions can be purchased at a pharmacy at a low price, people still prefer traditional medicine. This is explained by the fact that “grandmother’s” recipes include natural ingredients, which, although they take longer to complete the task than pharmacological drugs, cause less harm to health.

Garlic for warts

In order to permanently get rid of genital warts at home, just take one medium head of garlic, peel it and grind it in a blender. Next, the resulting pulp is filtered through a strainer or gauze, and the pure juice is poured into any bottle. They should lubricate the condylomas three times a day for several weeks.

You can speed up the process of removing the growth by applying half a clove of garlic to the surface of the papilloma overnight. To prevent it from falling off during sleep, it is fixed with an adhesive plaster.

Sour apple juice

A good alternative to garlic is using fresh fruit juice. It can be made from apple varieties such as:

  • Bessemyanka;
  • Semerenko;
  • Granny Smith;
  • White filling.

To remove condylomas, you need to moisten a small piece of bandage in fresh apple juice and apply it to the surface of the genitals. Every day you need to do at least three lotions and after 7-10 days the process of death of the neoplasm will begin. To enhance the properties of the juice, you can mix it with a few drops of celandine extract

Video on topic

It should be noted that this type of infectious disease can be oncogenic or non-oncogenic. Therefore, under no circumstances should they be ignored, as otherwise they can cause cancer.
In itself, these are characteristic growths that should be a cause for concern and an immediate visit to a doctor - a gynecologist for and a urologist for. After all, such rashes on the skin and mucous membranes of intimate places can significantly speed up the oncological process.

This disease is caused by various sexually transmitted infections (for example, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others), hormonal imbalance in the body, smoking, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, etc.

Of course, you need the help of a specialist to know with. After all, during sexual intercourse a painful sensation may occur, as well as injury to the neoplasm. And this is fraught with negative consequences and the appearance of unpleasant discharge from the reproductive organs. Papilloma in situ can often cause quite severe burning and systematic bleeding.

If a person has papilloma in an intimate area, this may include the following: promiscuous sex life, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules (shared towel, bed linen, washcloth of an infected person), various stressful situations, a sharp decrease in the body’s immune defense, taking contraceptives for a long time. long time and others.

The main methods of getting rid of papillomas on various parts of the human body are laser removal and cauterization using liquid nitrogen. But liquid nitrogen is used only if papilloma in an intimate place has affected the skin and external areas, because it is not used for internal organs and mucous membranes.

Among folk remedies, various infusions, creams and plant juices are in greatest demand. For example, garlic cream, for which you need to chop the garlic. For a teaspoon of garlic pulp, you will need two teaspoons of any cream. The prepared composition is laid out on a bandage and tied to the affected area for 3-5 hours, after which it is thoroughly washed off with warm water and soap. Celandine juice, which is used as a solution for lubricating affected areas of the skin, has a similar effect. But in this case, you need to consult a specialist, since the juice is quite toxic and can cause skin burns.

Green walnuts are also used, which should be chopped first. Place 2/3 of the prepared gruel in a liter jar and fill it with purified kerosene to the very top. After 3 weeks, strain the composition, and lubricate the papillomas with liquid until they disappear completely.

To prevent a viral infection, it is necessary to regularly increase immunity, the level of which significantly affects the risk of illness. The higher the indicator, the lower the likelihood of infection of the body upon contact with infectious agents. The predisposition of papilloma to the cancer process can be identified by taking a Pap smear, which helps to identify existing changes in the body. Next, it is advisable to carry out a biopsy of the material in the laboratory.

Papilloma in an intimate place occurs for various reasons. Unfortunately, not everyone who discovers this problem is in a hurry to see a doctor.

But papilloma is not such a harmless phenomenon as it seems at first glance. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, these growths can cause burning in the intimate area, pain during sexual intercourse, and bleeding.

In addition, if the papilloma is damaged or disrupted, there is a possibility that new growths will appear with a large lesion. It is worth mentioning the 100% probability of infecting a sexual partner during unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as the possibility of this formation degenerating into a malignant tumor (in women, this is cervical cancer).

Therefore, papilloma that occurs in an intimate place must be treated. We'll talk about treatment methods next.

Why do papillomas appear in intimate places?

The most important cause of growths on the genitals of men and women is the human papillomavirus.

What is it and how does it enter the body? It is transmitted through contact with an infected person. Its distinctive feature is its long incubation period.

An infected person does not even suspect that he or she has HPV.

Only when the body’s immune functions begin to weaken (this happens in the autumn-spring period, with vitamin deficiency, stressful situations, poor diet, frequent infectious diseases, taking antibacterial drugs, addictions, hypothermia, etc.), the virus begins to manifest itself in the form formations on the skin and mucous membranes.

The sources of papillomas in the intimate area are also:


If a person, regardless of gender, leads a healthy lifestyle - eats rationally, gets enough sleep, does not get nervous, plays sports - then the virus present in his body will not manifest itself in any way. It will remain at rest until the body's protective functions weaken.

Once this happens, recognizing the manifestation of papillomavirus will not be difficult.

Here are the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. The appearance of a growth on the genitals. As a rule, formed warts resemble oblong formations on a thin stalk of a whitish or flesh-colored color. The shape of papillomas is very similar to “rooster comb” or “cauliflower”. Rarely, warts are single. Basically, the affected area is large. If you touch the papilloma, it will be either soft or with a keratinized surface.
  2. Neoplasms are necessarily accompanied by redness of the genital mucosa, itching, and burning. Soreness and slight bleeding from the vagina appear during or after sexual intercourse.
  3. Women in advanced cases develop an unpleasant odor and discharge from the genital tract. As a rule, these symptoms are observed when the papilloma is damaged and a secondary infection occurs.

Attention! If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Papillomas in men

In men, papillomas in intimate places are located:

  • On the foreskin;
  • On the scrotum;
  • Around the anus;
  • On the coronal sulcus of the glans penis;
  • Inside the urethra;
  • On the body of the penis.

During sexual intercourse, the formations are often damaged, which leads to pain, severe itching and burning. If a papilloma has formed inside the urethra, then the act of urination is disrupted (the flow of urine is splashed and interrupted).

The likelihood of malignancy in growths between the legs in men is minimal.

Photos of papillomas in the intimate areas of men

Attention! In men, HPV can cause the development of bowenoid papulosis. With this disease, the head of the penis is affected, which becomes covered with yellowish, pink and whitish plaques.

Papillomas in women

In women, warts appear on intimate places:

The doctor will conduct a number of studies, namely:

  • Visual inspection;
  • PAP test, which detects whether there are atypical cells;
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • Biopsy - to exclude the development of a malignant process.

To strengthen the immune system, the doctor will definitely prescribe immunostimulating drugs based on interferon (Alfaferon, Cycloferon, Neovir, Likopid, Imiquimod, Reaferon, etc.). Further treatment will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of HPV.

Drug treatment

Various drugs are used to treat papillomas on the genitals in women and men.

The most effective in this case are considered to be:

All of the above products are intended for external use. However, doctors often prescribe antiviral drugs to prevent relapse.

Most modern drugs have an immunomodulatory effect. As a result, two tasks will be solved: strengthening the immune system and suppressing infection activity.

The most effective antiviral drugs are:

  • Isoprinosine;
  • Panavir suppositories - used for papillomas that appear in the vagina;
  • ointments Acyclovir, Acigerpin, Zovirax.

Antibacterial agents are also often prescribed for papillomas. The drugs themselves, or rather their active ingredients, do not affect HPV. They are prescribed to relieve the inflammatory process against the background of infection (syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

To relieve inflammation caused by HPV, women are prescribed:


One of the most popular folk remedies is celandine for papillomas in intimate places. Benign neoplasms of the genital organs require special attention, as they often degenerate into cancerous tumors. They can appear in both men and women; the cause of their formation is the papillomavirus, which is activated against the background of reduced immunity.

Symptoms of papillomavirus lesions of the genital organs

Growths in intimate places appear as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) through sexual contact. For a long time, the disease may not manifest itself in any way; the first symptoms are detected when immunity decreases. When the body's defenses weaken, the virus becomes active and infects epithelial cells, causing their pathological growth. Unsightly growths appear on the body, which, moreover, often hurt and itch.

Papillomas can form in various parts of the body, but it is the growths of the genital organs that are considered the most dangerous in terms of the likelihood of malignant degeneration. If a person discovers tissue growth on his genitals, he should immediately contact a gynecologist, urologist, dermatologist, surgeon or oncologist.

Most often, signs of HPV appear in men on the penis (especially around the head), on the skin of the scrotum, and also in the anal area. In women, warts form on the skin of the labia minora and around the anus, in the vagina, and on the surface of the cervix. A person who has growths on the genitals infects his sexual partner through unprotected sexual contact in almost 100% of cases. This is explained by the fact that the skin of the genital organs is quite thin and easily damaged.

Principles of fighting the disease

Often people who have discovered warts on their genitals are interested: if papillomas appear in intimate places, how to treat them? And they independently purchase pharmaceutical drugs or use folk remedies, for example, castor oil for papillomas. Under no circumstances should this be done.

First of all, you need to visit a doctor and get tested. This is necessary in order to identify the genotype of the virus. In total, there are about 40 types of genital HPV, some genotypes are low-risk, while others pose a serious risk of developing malignant tumors.

The doctor must determine the type of virus and select the appropriate therapy; for each patient, the doctor develops an individual drug regimen, taking into account the condition of the patient’s body and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Treatment for papilloma should be comprehensive; only in this case can you get rid of existing growths, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones.

Therapy includes several main areas of therapy:

  • weakening the virus and stopping its spread throughout the body;
  • increasing immunity necessary for the body to successfully suppress the virus;
  • elimination of existing warts.

The patient is prescribed antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs to combat HPV. In order to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, local drug therapy can be prescribed. Sometimes warts are excised in an outpatient clinic or beauty salon. Radical measures have to be resorted to when drug therapy is ineffective, as well as in the case of rapid progression of the disease or a large number of skin tumors.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, but treatment can reduce its activity. Folk remedies can only be used with the consent of the doctor, simultaneously with drug therapy. Replacing conservative treatment with herbal medicine often leads to aggravation of the problem.

Methods of tumor destruction

Not a single effective remedy for papillomas provides removal of large growths in one session. Elimination of a large number of formations also requires long-term therapy. You can quickly get the desired result only if warts are removed using hardware methods. Such manipulations can be carried out in the absence of the risk of malignant tissue degeneration. The procedure must be performed by an experienced doctor in an outpatient setting.

If there is a risk of developing cancer or the formation is large, then surgical treatment is indicated for the patient. Surgery is also performed if a large number of growths appear in a certain area of ​​the body. Surgical destruction involves excision of the wart using a scalpel. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and leaves a small scar.

Hardware methods provide a more gentle excision of the growth; the most popular now are:

  1. Laser excision. The laser beam acts on the wart and completely removes it, regardless of the depth of its location. After excision, there is no scar left on the skin.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Neoplasm tissues are cut using an electric knife. At the same time, the vessels of the adjacent tissues are sealed, which minimizes the risk of bleeding. After the wound heals, a small scar remains.
  3. Cryodestruction. In this case, genital tumors are removed by freezing with liquid nitrogen. This local treatment technique is highly effective, but it can only be used to treat the external part of the genital organs. Cryotherapy is not used to combat the manifestations of HPV in the vagina and cervix.
  4. Electrotherapy. It involves burning out the growth using an electric current. Recently, this method has been used extremely rarely due to the pain and risk of burns.
  5. Radio wave destruction. It is performed using the Surgitron apparatus, which generates radio waves. These waves have a destructive effect on the affected areas of the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs, but do not affect healthy tissue.

These treatment methods eliminate tissue growths in certain areas, but do not prevent further formation of warts. To prevent the disease from returning, it is necessary to carry out antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy simultaneously with the destruction of growths.

Drug therapy

The doctor selects a remedy for papillomas individually for each patient, depending on the characteristics of his body and the nature of the disease. Therapy includes taking immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, as well as the use of local agents. To combat the causes of the disease, the patient may be prescribed the following medications:

  1. Isoprinosine. This is a drug that has both an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Tablets for papillomas should be taken 3 times a day, 2 pieces for two weeks. Then you should take a break and repeat the course. The first results (reduction in tumor size) can be noted after 7 days of treatment.
  2. Genferon. An interferon drug produced in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories.
  3. Viferon. Also contains Interferon. Produced in the form of ointments, gels, suppositories. Viferon ointment is applied to the affected area several times a day, the therapeutic course is from 5 to 30 days.
  4. Alloctin-Alpha. Antiviral, immunomodulatory drug in the form of an injection solution.

The patient is also prescribed local remedies to remove papillomas. The most widely used medications are:

  1. Super clean. An alkaline mixture that cauterizes the wart. It should be applied to the affected area one drop at a time for 5 days, after which the tumor should disappear. It is important to protect the healthy skin around the growth. Before applying Super Clean, it is recommended to lubricate healthy skin with Vaseline or baby cream, this will reduce the risk of burns if the medicine gets on these tissues.
  2. Solcoderm. A cauterizing preparation made on the basis of acid concentrators. Effectively eliminates neoplasms, however, if used carelessly, it can cause a burn with subsequent scar formation. It is used on the external genitalia, and Solkovagin is used to eliminate signs of HPV in the vagina or cervix.
  3. Panavir. One of the safest and most effective remedies. Panavir has a completely natural composition; it is made from potato shoot extract. The course of treatment is 10 days, the affected areas are treated 5 times a day. If necessary, therapy can be repeated after a break.
  4. Feresol. A medicine with an oily structure and a phenol odor. It must be continuously applied to the wart for 10-45 minutes, depending on the size of the affected tissue. The destruction of the wart should occur in one session.
  5. Condilin. A medicine made from Himalayan plants. It is poisonous to viruses, prevents their reproduction, therefore not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also reduces the risk of relapse. At the same time, Condolin is safe for humans; it is applied to the skin or mucous membranes 2 times a week. Its main disadvantage is the need for long-term use.
  6. San fen zhong. This Chinese remedy acts quite aggressively on tumors: it burns them out. At the same time, the drug has an antiviral effect. The medicine must be applied to the affected area and left for 3 minutes, and then washed off. To completely remove the growth, 5 procedures are enough.
  7. 5-fluorouracil. Destroys the DNA of the virus, allowing you to get rid of tissue growth in the intimate area in one go. It should be applied to the affected area and left overnight. The only possible side effect is contact dermatitis.
  8. Cryopharma. A medicine for papillomas that freezes the tumor, causing the death of its cells. After this, the growth disappears. To remove small formations, one procedure is enough, for larger ones - two.
  9. Aladara cream. Stimulates the production of interferon and has virtually no contraindications. Apply to the skin for 6-10 hours, then wash off with soap and water. The procedure should be carried out once a day until complete recovery, but no more than 4 months.
  10. Ointment Stefalin. Herbal preparation with high permeability. The new growth begins to dry out after several treatments and then disappears. The tubercle formed after this must be lubricated with the drug until complete recovery.

Folk remedies can also be used for local treatment, for example, ointments and creams based on castor oil, celandine, potatoes or essential oils.

Traditional methods of treatment

The most popular folk remedy for papillomatous formations is a cream based on celandine. To prepare it, you need to grind the plant to a powder, mix with alcohol or vodka and leave in a dark place for 3 days. Then you need to add oil to the tincture. Apply to the growth, avoiding contact of the medicine with healthy tissue.

For treatment, you can use grated red potatoes. You need to squeeze the juice out of it and drink half a glass or lubricate the warts with the juice every day for 2 months. Castor oil is highly effective against papillomas; it must be applied to the affected areas several times a day until the desired result is obtained.

Tea tree, fir, juniper oils have proven themselves well, as well as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. They need to lubricate the affected areas. Another effective antimicrobial bactericidal agent is garlic. It should be crushed to a pulp and then mixed with any cream. The resulting mass must be applied to the growths and bandaged for several hours. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.



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