My sea quotes. Quotes and aphorisms about the sea

I've been dreaming about you all year. I fall into your transparent arms, you caress me tenderly and reverently. I listen to the gentle whisper. Even our spouse can join us for a dip and swim. The sea is fabulous! I love and miss you!

Seasickness will never occur if you confine yourself to the shore, sitting under a palm tree. – Spike Milligan

I want the sea without a husband, children and control. Friends all around, a fun campaign, complete relaxation. No cooking, no cleaning, just sun, beach, boulders and swimming in the depths. Life flies by - she keeps dreaming about the beach.

I’ll buy a house near the sea so that I can count all my relatives. It will not be possible to find out the exact number of relatives and friends - there will be more of them every time. But I'll have fun.

The sea cannot overflow because of sponges, which the Lord created so that they absorb moisture, giving it away during drought. – Alphonse Allais

Sometimes there is a puddle above sea level. – Shenderovich

The starry sky and the endless sea became symbols of infinity and limitlessness. – Giuseppe Mazzini

The Pacific Ocean is huge - just a modest sea in the future. – Alexander Herzen

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

A sailor without a sea needs either the sea again or new love. – A. Perez-Reverte

People usually swim in the sea of ​​love without swimsuits. – Yana Dzhangirova

The sea is bottomless. – Image of infinity. – Brings up deep thoughts. – Gustave Flaubert

Sea? I love him to pieces, sitting on the beach. – Douglas Jerrold

The most pleasant thing in sailing is the proximity of the shore, and in land navigation the proximity of the sea - Plutarch

The best cure for seasickness is sitting under a tree - Spike Milligan

If the sea does not overflow, it is only because Providence has taken care to supply the ocean waters with sponges - Alphonse Allais

A sailor without a sea needs either the sea again or new love - A. Perez-Reverte

The sight of the sea always makes a deep impression; it is the embodiment of that infinite, which constantly attracts thought and in which it constantly gets lost - Anna Stahl

All rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow - Ecclesiastes

And here, in our ward, a new vessel was lowered to the floor, and the captain had not yet sobered up... - Vladimir Borisov

When should a rat leave the ship if it is the captain? – Shenderovich

There were gentlemen and sailors in Charles II's navy, but the sailors were not gentlemen, and the gentlemen were not sailors - Thomas Macaulay

Defenselessness at sea is as dangerous as defenselessness on land - P. Stolypin

The sea is the great reconciliator - F. Iskander

The captain on his ship is first after God, because he is not allowed to take his wife on the ship - Yanina Ipohorskaya

Sea and sky - two symbols of infinity – Giuseppe Mazzini

We sailors work for money like horses and spend it like donkeys. – Tobias Smollett

I'm lying carefree on the beach, A dream has finally come true, And it seems there is no more beautiful life, A wave caresses my feet, And life is carefree free, Finances flow like water, But the main thing is a wonderful vacation, And everything else... bullshit!

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life. – J. Verne

When should a rat leave the ship if it is the captain? – V. Shenderovich

You can’t play tricks with the sea... You can’t flatter yourself with it... It’s everyone on the shore who learns these dirty tricks, but in the ocean you need to have a brave soul and a clear conscience - K. Stanyukovich

Look at the ocean, isn't it a living thing? Sometimes angry, sometimes tender! – J. Verne

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxury hospitals for healthy people. - Salvador Dali

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life - J. Verne

Quarrels on a ship are a terrible thing, my friend, and with them there is no sailing, but, one might say, just an abomination... On the shore you quarreled and separated, but at sea there is nowhere to go... always in front of each other... Remember this and restrain yourself, if you have a hot character... Sailors need to live as a friendly family - K. Stanyukovich

The weather vane was nailed down tightly, and the wind was blowing doomedly in the indicated direction - Shenderovich

Traveling the sea is necessary; living is not so necessary. – Pompey the Great

Summer... sun... sea... beach... children... bags... husband... luggage... room... bed... shower... hubbub... was there a vacation - you'll understand...

The sea is not subject to despots. On the surface of the seas they can still commit lawlessness, wage wars, and kill their own kind. But at a depth of thirty feet under water they are powerless, here their power ends! – J. Verne

The sea is clean... - A. Perez-Reverte

Who would have thought that not even a hundred years would pass before the science fiction would not turn out to be submarine ships created to destroy “their own kind,” but that the words about a peaceful sea and the absence of the threat of destruction of its inhabitants would become fantastic - J. Verne

Those who are not used to losing ground under their feet get seasick. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov

And now - white dance! Those who are not tanned invite those who are tanned.

I’m trying... to persuade my husband... to go... to the sea... For the third day... I’ve been sleeping... with him... in fins!!:) ...

The sea is a great reconciliator. – F. Iskander

Sea? I love him madly, sitting on the beach - Douglas Jerrold

I want to go to the sea now. I want to listen to the sound of the waves, the cries of the seagulls. I just want to relax, just away from everyone...

Experienced sailors get seasick on land. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov

You have to work as a cook on ships of the longest voyage. And I will never be able to say that there is no work, an empty refrigerator at home, no personal life and, my God, how long it’s been since I’ve been to the sea!

There is nothing more hopelessly monotonous than the sea, and I am not surprised at the cruelty of pirates - James Russell

The sea connects the countries that it separates - Alexander Pop

We sailors work for money like horses and spend it like donkeys - Tobias Smollett

The most pleasant thing in sailing is the proximity of the shore, and in land navigation - the proximity of the sea -

Traveling the sea is necessary; life is not so necessary - Pompey the Great

If the sea splashes in your soul, then waves of inspiration will certainly flow, splashing beautiful thoughts onto the shore of life. – Georgy Alexandrov

My reflection in the mirror, on my knees, begs to be let go to the sea!!!

There were gentlemen and sailors in Charles II's navy, but the sailors were not gentlemen, and the gentlemen were not sailors. – Thomas Macaulay

The captain on his ship is first after God, because he is not allowed to take his wife on the ship. – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Times change, we save money for Sochi and Yalta, and if that doesn’t work out, we go to Turkey.

If a woman goes on a diet and starts working out her abs, that means... That means she has to go to the seaside in two days!

Nothing pleases the eye more than a packed suitcase at sea...

The sea is calling... The wave is singing... And I’m like this in the garden...)))

What kind of sea are you talking about? I'm sick on dry land! – Shenderovich

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxury hospitals for healthy people - Salvador Dali

A seaman must always remember God. Water is not a dry way. Don’t joke with her and don’t think too much about yourself... a person who has been to the sea and has an understanding of himself must certainly be simple in soul, and compassionate towards people, and reasonable in mind, and have courage for the reason that at sea death is always before our eyes - K. Stanyukovich

Pacific Ocean - Mediterranean Sea of ​​the Future – Alexander Herzen

I lick my wounds like an animal... And like coffee I dissolve grief... I smell like happiness, the southern sun and hookah... Come! I miss! (signature) SEA

The sea is everything! His breath is pure and life-giving. In its boundless desert, a person does not feel lonely, because around him he feels the beat of life - J. Verne

Victims of legendary shipwrecks who died prematurely, I know: it was not the sea that killed you, it was not hunger that killed you, it was not thirst that killed you! Rocking on the waves to the plaintive cries of the seagulls, you died of fear - Alain Bombard

Aphorisms and quotes about the sea

The sea is bottomless. - Image of infinity. - Brings up deep thoughts. (Gustave Flaubert)

Sea? I love him to pieces, sitting on the beach. (Douglas Jerrold)

If the sea makes you sad, you are hopeless. (Federico Garcia Lorca)

When you look at the sea for a long time, you begin to miss people, and when you look at people for a long time, you begin to miss the sea. (Haruki Murakami)

The sea also has its migraines. - Victor Hugo

The best cure for all ailments is salt water. Sweat, tears and the sea. (Karen Blixen)

You cannot prevent thoughts from returning to a certain object, just as you cannot prevent the sea from returning to its shores. The sailor calls it a tide, and the criminal calls it remorse. (Victor Hugo)

The sea knows no mercy. Doesn't know any power other than his own. (Herman Melville)

Sea and sky are two symbols of infinity. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

If the sea splashes in your soul, then waves of inspiration will certainly flow, splashing beautiful thoughts onto the shore of life. (Georgy Alexandrov)

The sight of the sea always makes a deep impression; it is the embodiment of that infinite which continually attracts thought and in which it is continually lost. (Anna Stahl)

In the sea, in the sea and in the weightlessness of the depths - where all dreams come true and two souls merge, the most cherished desires come true. Our eyes meet, and a silent echo carries inaudible words - deeper and deeper, beyond the limits of what is flesh and blood. But I always wake up and always long for death. And I pressed my lips to your hair forever. (The sea inside (Mar adentro))

Why is it so,” Yuneu addressed the guest, “when you live on the shore, on a large sea route, it always seems that the best, most beautiful ships are those that passed by? (Yuri Rytkheu)

Angry storms and robber ships came from the sea, but I loved him all the same. Looking at the sea, I dreamed of the extraordinary. The dream did not have a clear appearance - I just wanted to either run somewhere, or flap my gentle wings - and fly... (Maria Semenova)

The sea is everything! It covers seven tenths of the globe. His breath is pure and life-giving. In its vast desert, a person does not feel lonely, because around him he feels the beat of life. (Jules Verne)

The drop began to cry that it had parted with the sea.
The sea laughed at the naive grief. (Omar Khayyam)

After I saw the raging sea with a clear, luminous sky above it, I can no longer stand all the sunless, cloud-covered passions that know no other light except lightning. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life. (J. Verne)

The sea... Why is it so attractive? What attracts poets, writers, artists and ordinary people? It’s hard to describe everything in words, isn’t it? We invite you to read quotes and aphorisms about the sea. These statements very successfully describe what a person feels when meeting the sea. And those who have not yet seen the expanses of the sea will fall in love with it and want to go on a pleasant journey.

We have prepared a selection of quotes about the sea. Here you will find short, beautiful sayings about the sea, meaningful and funny, about love, about relaxation and holidays at sea, quotes from books and songs.

Sea and sky - two symbols of infinity

Short and beautiful quotes and aphorisms about the sea

Only the bottom of the sea knows its weight.
Feng Jicai

I envy those who wake up and see the sea.

A man at sea is never alone.
Ernest Hemingway

The sea never gets old.
Mark Levy

The sea always awakened in her a craving for some unknown goal.
Cornelia Funke

The sea knows no mercy. Doesn't know any power other than his own.

Sea and sky are two symbols of infinity.
Giuseppe Mazzini

Time, like the sea, unties any knots.
Iris Murdoch

Oh sea - you are deep, you are blue, how I adore you!

If the sea makes you sad, you are hopeless.
Federico Garcia Lorca

The sea - it washes away melancholy and disappointment better than any medicine.
Tatiana Stepanova

Sea and peace. Freedom and music. What more does a person need?

The moon worries the sea like a woman.
Ernest Hemingway

Life is like waves in the sea. One goes up, the other goes down.
Francoise Sagan

The sea attracts people with its magical beauty and mysterious grandeur.

The sea is big because it doesn’t disdain small rivers

Listening to the sea is also music, looking at the sea is also sex.
Rinat Valiullin

The fact that there are more harbors will not make the sea smaller.
Emily Dickinson

No matter how, no matter where, the sea will always be waiting for you.
Alessandro Barrico

Sea. Four letters with so much freshness, depth, sweetness and peace.

Our sea is unsociable,
Day and night it makes noise;
In its fatal expanse
A lot of troubles are buried.
Nikolai Mikhailovich Yazykov

When I encounter difficulties, I go to the sea to remind myself how insignificant vanity is. The sea is my textbook and teacher.
Hasegawa Taizo

The foam was born by a wave of the sea,
And the wave is covered with foam.
So the truth is like the depth of the sea,
Sometimes parables are not visible under the foam.
Jalaluddin Rumi

Artists often depicted the main virtue of Prudence - Wisdom, as a sea animal plowing the depths of the sea. This probably stems from the peculiarity of human perception of the sea as a source of life and a boundless spring of prudence and wisdom.

It seems to me that it is better to dream about beauty than to live nearby and not feel... There are the people of the Black Sea coast, they don’t notice either the sea or the warmth, for them this is everyday life.

When you watch the sea, you always admire its depth and eternal movement, it seems to you that it is endless and life is endless along with it...

You stand on the shore and feel the salty smell of the wind that blows from the sea. And you believe that you are free, and life has just begun.

When you look at the sea for a long time, you begin to miss people, and when you look at people for a long time, you begin to miss the sea.
Haruki Murakami

Try to stop and become the sea: he cares least of all about this crazy running around and meaningless work.

The sea is large because it does not disdain small rivers.
Japanese proverb

Free yourself from the hope that the sea will ever calm down. We must learn to sail in strong winds.
Aristotle Onassis

Fish in the sea act like people on earth: the big ones eat the small ones.
William Shakespeare

The main rule for a good vacation is to remember to call your wife every day.

Sea? I love him madly, sitting on the beach

If you want to learn something about the sea, you must be at the sea, otherwise it is impossible.
Maria Parr

From time to time, everyone dreams of the sea: some - on the way to work in a stuffy bus, others - while answering numerous work messages and sorting out a bunch of things.

Are you breathing? No, you are breathing in dust. Are you resting? No, you're not at sea.

The sea is waiting for you, choking with blue. At sea, everyone will become children.
Kamilla Lysenko

Sea? I love him to pieces, sitting on the beach.
Douglas Jerrold

Goodbye work, goodbye worries, the sea is waiting for me and I’m carefree.

The best way to relax is to escape from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

For a whole year you dream about the sea, and then you come, look at it and don’t know how it will all fit in your heart.

You stand on the shore and feel the salty smell of the wind that blows from the sea. And you believe that you are free, and life has just begun...

Sea and relaxation are two more eternal elements that you don’t want to part with.

I’m flying to the ends of the world for two weeks, where the sun, sea, wind and all inclusive will clear my brain from the Internet.
Peter Kwiatkowski

The soul asks to go to the sea, and the body gets ready for work...

Two things fly by especially quickly near the sea - time and money.

I want a dacha by the sea... and a sea of ​​luck...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!
Vladimir Mayakovsky

I imagine my future in black: in a black limousine I’m going on vacation to the Black Sea to treat myself to black caviar.

I’m thinking about what I could take with me to the seaside so that I could go out to the beach and everyone around would be stunned?!

Quotes about the winter sea

Even in winter the sea breathes and lives
In an inimitable slow dance
And breaks the clinging ice,
Like remains in relict shale.
Yulia Vi Komarova

The winter sea is so lonely
Like an old man in deep sadness.
Ice grooves wrinkle the surface,
There is gray water in the tired waves.
Lyudmila Savina

Do you know such an interesting fact that the sea never freezes? Even in the most terrible frosts...

She would like to go to the sea and only in winter,
In summer, everyone can swim in the warmth. ..
Anastasia Filippovskikh

The winter sea is something amazing! There is so much power, freedom, energy in it. You want to breathe next to him. Deep, as if for the first time. To the point of dizziness.

Quotes about summer and sea

Everyone has summer, sea, sun, air and water - I’m alone in the kingdom of hot concrete and stuffy asphalt! What kind of life is this?!

I want summer, the sea, sunset, yellow-red sand, And from the sun along the water to the very horizon a golden road.

Summer is a kiss from a sunbeam, a salty sea breeze, strawberries and lots and lots of sun...

It's just summer, just the sea, just the sun, just the beach. This is our summer, bright stars, sleepless nights...

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life.
Jules Verne

The sun fell into the sea
Painting its edges.
Blue and scarlet argue,
How sadly my love.
Andrey Dmitrievich Dementiev

One day he asked me: “What are your favorite colors?”, I answered: “Black, blue and red...” And he gave me a red rose, the sea and the night sky...

Sun, sea, beach... The smell of the sea wind and the kisses of a beloved man.

Love is like a sea sparkling with heavenly colors.
Mikhail Prishvin

Sea, sun, loved one nearby, what could be better!

Everything has disappeared, nothing exists anymore. There is only the sea and you and me...

The love for the sea does not fade over the years. I will always think about it, and it will always make me happy, this is love without disappointments...
Natalya Andreeva

The sea sometimes has a good character, sometimes a bad one, and it is impossible to understand why. After all, we only see the surface of the water. But if you love the sea, it doesn't matter. Then you accept both the good and the bad...
Tove Jansson

No one sets sail on the sea of ​​Love unless he discerns or imagines the stars of Hope above its stormy waves.
Charlotte Bronte

Now I know that love is like the sea: sometimes calm, sometimes stormy. It can be formidable, it can be beautiful, it conceals death and gives life. But it is never constant, it changes all the time. And remains unique only for one brief moment in the eyes of eternity.
James Clavell

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.

There are three kinds of people: those who live by the sea; those who are drawn to the sea; and those who return from the sea.
Alessandro Baricco "Sea-ocean"

All rivers are mothers of the sea

It was the smell of salt, the smell of algae, the smell of sea drops left after the waves rushing onto the pier, the smell of seagulls that greet fishing boats in the evenings. The smell of fresh coolness, the smell of fish, the smell of the breeze and the smell of freedom.
Alexey Pekhov “Dzhanga with shadows”

The sparkling surface of the sea, reflecting the sun, intertwined with the bright blue of the sky, forming a monotonous pattern that filled the entire field of vision.
Yukio Mishima "The Sailor Whom the Sea Fell Out of Love"

So the sea is a long space in which, apparently, there is more meaning than in me.
Al Quotion "Verbal"

All the rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow.
Bible "Old Testament"

A passion for the sea, like a disease, has struck me since I began to remember myself.
Slava Kurilov “Alone in the Ocean”

To the open sea! Damn the treasure! It's the sea, not the treasures, that makes my head spin.
Robert Louis Stevenson "Treasure Island"

All rivers are mothers of the sea.
Feng Zicai "Flight of the Soul"

He loved the local sea very much, saying that it was the same color as in his homeland, and, often standing on the beach, he played his saddest melodies and assured that the sea fell silent to listen to them.
Gaston Leroux "The Phantom of the Opera"

The sea sometimes has a good character, sometimes a bad one, and it is impossible to understand why. After all, we only see the surface of the water. But if you love the sea, it doesn't matter. Then you accept both the good and the bad.
Tove Jansson "All about the Moomins"

On the seashore I chew on my old and fresh grievances. And I immediately feel how funny it is to engage in self-care when a spectacle of such breadth is before your eyes.
Emil Michel Cioran "Trying to Forget"

The sea is a multi-story building. Each “floor” has its own inhabitants, who do not go up to the upper ones and do not go down to the lower “floors”.
Alexander Belyaev “Island of Lost Ships”

Everything about him was old, except for his eyes, and his eyes were the color of the sea, the cheerful eyes of a man who does not give up.
Ernest Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"

We break our hearts on the shore of love,
We are falling down and cannot be found.
We are leaving alone on the sea of ​​love,
We are lonely as ships.
Knight "We Break Hearts"

Captain, captain, smile!
After all, a smile is the flag of a ship,
Captain, captain, pull yourself up!
After all, only the brave conquer the seas!

And the ship sailed on the sea, waves ran behind the stern,
And the gentle sea wind, having fun, played with you...
Yuri Antonov “White Ship”

I will come to the sea, where summer is green.
I will wash away autumn and heaviness in warm sea water.
In the meantime, the day will extinguish the flame above us,
Two green stars will tell me everything.
Yuri Antonov “Road to the Sea”

I'm drinking to the bottom
For those at sea
For those whom the wave loves
For those who are lucky...
A. Makarevich “For those who are at sea!”

Watch this video, read wise quotes about the sea and enjoy beautiful music.

The starry sky and the endless sea became symbols of infinity and limitlessness.

"Giuseppe Mazzini"

The sun was happy that it was shining; the sea - by what reflected its jubilant light.

"Maksim Gorky"

The Pacific Ocean is huge - just a modest sea in the future.

"Alexander Herzen"

I want the sea without a husband, children and control. Friends all around, a fun campaign, complete relaxation. No cooking, no cleaning, just sun, beach, boulders and swimming in the depths. Life flies by - she keeps dreaming about the beach.

A man at sea is never alone.

"Ernest Hemingway"

In any case, he smells of the sea wherever he pleases, that’s his nature. He wants it here, he wants it a thousand miles away. It didn't care about distances.

"Max Fry"

On the open sea, the air is fresh, wounds heal faster, and the silence is so dense that you can bear unanswered questions without being tormented by your own silence.

"Arturo Perez-Reverte"

Sometimes there is a puddle above sea level.

Living by the sea, people become wise. They are not locked in the mountains and are not tied to a monotonous plain. The sea has plenty of space for the eyes. This probably helps people think freely.

"Annika Thor"

And only a few understand the language of the sea. And it is simple, like the voice of a mother who sings a song to her unborn child: “You and I are of the same blood, there are no differences between us, drop by drop...”

"Elena Gordeeva"

The sea cannot overflow because of sponges, which the Lord created so that they absorb moisture, giving it away during drought.

"Alphonse Halle"

Seasickness will never occur if you confine yourself to the shore, sitting under a palm tree.

"Spike Milligan"

I will never cease to be amazed by the beauty of the sea. Looking at him, I seem to look into my soul, allowing my consciousness to rethink a lot.

"Alexandra Bulgakova"

One day you will find yourself by the sea, and it will carry away the pain of memories on its waves. Each of us has our own sea.

"Elchin Safarli"

It will forever remain in my memory with color repetitions, the day when I saw the sea

"Haruki Murakami"

When I look at the sea, it seems to me that its waves carry away my sadness.

"Elchin Safarli"

I’ll buy a house near the sea so that I can count all my relatives. It will not be possible to find out the exact number of relatives and friends - there will be more of them every time. But I'll have fun.

Sea and relaxation are made for each other

I love the sea and freedom more than anything in the world

When you look at the sea for a long time, you begin to miss people, and when you look at people for a long time, you begin to miss the sea.

"Haruki Murakami"

The best cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree.

"Spike Milligan"

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxury hospitals for healthy people.

"Salvador Dali"

The sea is bottomless. - Image of infinity. - Brings up deep thoughts.

The sea is a great reconciliator.

"Fazil Iskander"

The sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life.

"Jules Verne"

Sea? I love him to pieces, sitting on the beach.

"Douglas Jerrold"

There is nothing more hopelessly monotonous than the sea, and I am not surprised at the cruelty of pirates.

"James Russell Lowell"

The most pleasant thing in sailing is the proximity of the shore, and in land navigation - the proximity of the sea.


Traveling the sea is necessary; living is not so necessary.

The sea also has its migraines.

"Victor Hugo"

There were gentlemen and sailors in Charles II's navy, but the sailors were not gentlemen, and the gentlemen were not sailors.

"Thomas Macaulay"

All rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow.


If the sea does not overflow, it is only because Providence took care to supply the ocean waters with sponges.

"Alphonse Halle"

If the sea makes you sad, you are hopeless.

"Federico Garcia Lorca"

The captain on his ship is first after God, because he is not allowed to take his wife on the ship.

"Yanina Ipohorskaya"

You stand on the shore and feel the salty smell of the wind that blows from the sea. And you believe that you are free, and life has just begun. And her friend’s lips are burned by a kiss soaked in tears.
- I haven’t been to the sea...
- Okay, don’t flood it... Never been to the sea?
- I didn’t have a chance. Was not.
- We’ve already knocked on heaven, pumped ourselves up with tequila, and literally escorted ourselves... on our last journey. Hm. But you haven’t been to the sea.
- I didn’t have time, it didn’t work out.
- I didn’t know that there’s nowhere in heaven without this?
- …
- Understand, in heaven they only talk about the sea. How infinitely beautiful it is. About the sunset they saw. About how the sun, plunging into the waves, became scarlet, like blood. And they felt that the sea had absorbed the energy of the light into itself, and the sun was tamed, and the fire was already burning out in the depths. And you? What will you tell them? After all, you have never been to the sea. Up there they'll call you a sucker.
- What can you do now...

Reaching out to heaven - In the sky there is only talk about the sea...

Common expressions:

  • sea ​​- sea
  • swim in the sea - swim in the sea
  • dive into the sea - dive into the sea
  • drown at sea - drown in the sea
  • live by the sea - live by the sea (next to the sea)
  • go by sea - move (swim) across the sea (somewhere)
  • heavy / rough seas - stormy sea, strong waves
  • a calm / flat sea - calm sea
  • the open sea - open sea
  • wawe - wave
  • waves break on the shore - waves break on the shore
  • waves against lap (the boat, rocks) - waves splash (about the boat, about the rocks)
  • a huge wave - big wave
  • waves crash against (the boat, rocks) - waves break (about the boat, about the rocks)
  • surf the waves - ride the waves
  • a tidal wave - tidal wave

A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.

A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.

Thomas Carlyle

We can't direct the wind but we can adjust the sail.

We can't control the wind, but we can control the sails.

Dolly Parton

He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards the ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast.

He who loves practice without theory is like a sailor who steers a ship without a helm or a compass. He himself does not know where fate will take him.

Leonardo da Vinci

You can’t cross the sea simply by standing and staring at the water.

You cannot conquer the sea while you stand and watch the waves.



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