Command place, how to teach a dog the command place

Where is this command used?

The “place” command is not only a standard command for the general training course, but also an ordinary household command that owners often use in everyday life. Therefore, some dogs understand it perfectly and carry it out, while others get used to its constant repetition and simply ignore it. It depends on what the dog did after the place command, and whether the owner sought to comply with it or not. If he was satisfied that the dog simply moved away from him and did not interfere with him for a while, and he did not demand actual execution of the command, in this case the dog understands this command simply as a request to move away and not interfere. In any case, the dog is able to understand that at home the “place” command means to go to its specific place, if it has one, and on the street this command fixes as a place any object chosen to designate it.

The general principle of teaching the “place” command.

Teaching a dog the place command is quite simple if the dog is interested in food and the environment in which the training takes place allows the dog to concentrate on communicating with the trainer. There is such a thing as a comfort zone. In this case, this comfort zone is fixed by an object that is used to indicate a place. The comfort of this zone around an object denoting a place is created by the contrast that a person organizes and creates between the place and the rest of the space. The simplest thing is when, after the “place” command, the trainer praises, pets and feeds the dog lying in place, and outside this place he simply ignores it or forces it to go to place. There are three possible contrast options here. The first option is good on the spot, but neutral outside the place. The second option is neutral in place, but bad out of place. The third option is good on site, but bad off site.

What is important to know and take into account when teaching a dog the “place” command.

We begin training in familiar territory and in a situation where there are no strong irritants, namely other dogs, cats, family members who are bored and want to attract attention, etc. The so-called artificially depleted environment.
The stimuli we use are food, leash jerk, intonation. The words we say are “good”, “well done”, etc. In addition to this, we need an object to mark the place, it is better if it is a rug with a pocket for treats. In addition, the dog must be in the right mood and state of activity. Before starting training, let's check the dog's food motivation by asking him to walk a few meters behind your hand, which contains food, and inviting him to put his muzzle in the pocket of the rug and take the food from there. It is very important that the dog is ready to actively obtain food; in this case, the trainer can only properly organize and play out the situation and everything will go like clockwork. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the dog to focus on the object indicating the place.

Where should you start training this command?

The “Place” command in OKD is checked in conjunction with the “To me” command. But we will not alternate between calling the dog to us and sending it to its place. Moreover, when choosing the primary base link in the behavioral chain, we will focus either on moving to a place without laying down, or on laying down and staying in place without moving towards it. By making the task as easy as possible for the dog, we will give him the opportunity to successfully cope with the exercise and earn our approval and encouragement.
Please note that it is very important to give the dog the opportunity to be successful, this creates a positive attitude towards training and in the future allows you to practice a lot and for a long time with the dog.
Place a rug to mark the location on the ground. We take the dog by the collar with our left hand and stand so that the dog’s front legs are at the edge of the mat. With our right hand we take a treat from our pocket, bring it to the dog’s nose and drop it on the mat. If the dog is hungry, he will eat it as soon as you let go of the collar. It is important that the dog eats the treat directly from the mat after you remove your hand, and not from the hand that is placed down on the mat. This is a fundamental point, since in the future the dog will have to run to the spot at your command, and not look for food in your hand. If the dog does not take food from the mat, try a couple more times. If there is no result, then either she is distracted and the situation needs to be changed, or she is full and you just need to wait. There is no need to torture either yourself or the dog; just postpone the activity until the dog gets hungry.

When the dog begins to quickly rush and greedily eat the treat from the spot, we move on to the next stage of training. The starting position is the same as in the previous stage, but after you put the food on the mat, you need to move the dog back a little and after a pause of two or three seconds, release the dog to get the food. When teaching a command according to this scheme, there is no clear division between the stage of primary initiation of the basic element and the stage of specifying the desired behavior. We simply gradually increase the distance and change the direction from which we let the dog go to a place to eat food. When it becomes inconvenient to move the dog away, the distance is too large, we turn our backs to the place and lead the dog away, holding it by the collar. When leading the dog away from a place, it is important not to use coercion with a command or strict intonation. It is ideal when the soul of a dog is controlled by one, but fiery passion. To break through to the place, despite any obstacles and obstacles, that’s what she should want. If, at this stage, we force her to become obedient with a strict command “nearby,” then the conflict between the desire to eat food and the need to obey the person can reduce her motivation to perform the action being formed. Only when it is really difficult to physically lead the dog away from a place, does it make sense and is necessary to use psychological coercion by giving the command “nearby”. It is important to understand that there is a difference between moving the dog away from the place so that it is always in its field of vision or taking it away, turning away from the place. In the latter case, more interesting objects may come into the dog's field of vision, and it may switch to them.
The trainer must understand this gradation of complexity, go through it consistently and gradually, and sincerely rejoice and praise the dog. Then the formation of behavior occurs very quickly. If the trainer begins to unreasonably complicate the dog’s task, then many dogs lose interest in such work. Only the hungry and concentrated continue to work as if nothing had happened. But domestic dogs do not always come to classes hungry. Many trainers believe that there is no need for a detailed breakdown into stages; it’s much faster to do everything at once. However, it is not. If everything is clear to the dog, it learns before our eyes, in real time, here and now. Those trainers who do not bother with consistent progress step by step, practice and practice, but their dog has never been able to consistently perform basic actions. It happens that people practice the “place” command with their dog for two months, and the result is very pale. It is important to know that if the technology is followed correctly, dog training occurs very quickly, literally before our eyes. If this is not the case, then something is being done wrong.

Another sequence for teaching a dog the “place” command.

It is possible, and in some respects even more correct, to choose as the primary link not the movement of the dog into place, but the laying of the dog in place. How it's done. We place the dog on the mat so that the pocket with food is located between its front paws. In this position it will be convenient for the dog to eat food from the pocket. While the dog is eating food, the trainer strokes it, pats it on the withers with his hand and sometimes presses it in place, fixing it by the withers, but not by the neck. At the same time, you need to say the commands “place” and “lie down” in a gentle intonation. It is important that in this generally very pleasant and positive situation of eating food, elements of coercion are unobtrusively present in the form of patting with a hand and fixing the withers with such intensity that the dog is ready to endure them and not resist. We do this exercise several times, alternating between lying in place and walking on a leash within a radius of five to six meters. Every time the dog lies still, he eats food from the pocket of the mat, and not from the handler's hand. When a dog walks near a place on a leash with its owner, there should be no distractions. The dog should wait for work and rejoice when it is again brought to the place, laid on it and fed. This, of course, will not happen if you allow the dog to do something interesting during the break between putting it down. There is no need to force the dog to go to the place. It is enough just to calmly approach him. A hungry dog ​​will soon begin to drag you to this place. To do this, it is useful to leave the food in the pocket of the mat when taking the dog away. It is important how the dog perceives this situation and what it wants now. Your goal is for the dog to develop an independent desire to move to a place, lie down on it and eat food. If you do this exercise formally, not paying attention to the fact that your dog is well-fed, is distracted by other dogs, and you are actually forcing it, then the result will be the opposite. In her perception, training will compete with more interesting activities.

A few words about a tougher approach to practicing this command.

Of course, it is possible to start learning this skill right away with harsh coercion. In this case, such coercion is necessary so that the dog forgets about other interests. The main thing she should think about is what needs to be done to avoid pressure and correction. The trainer must technically work in such a way that the dog very quickly understands that correction can only be avoided by lying still, that is where the saving comfort zone is, there is no other way out. An ordinary dog ​​owner cannot do this; he is not ready to work like that. Since the dog is a family member for him, and not an object of influence.

Further training.

After the dog has learned to run to a place on command, lie down and stay in place until another command is given, you can combine the execution of the “place” command and the execution of the “come” command into one complex. When the dog has mastered this, you can move on to various more complicated options for performing the exercise, both from the point of view of the scheme and from the point of view of the situation.

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A well-mannered and obedient four-legged friend is the dream of every owner. Impeccable execution of commands not only makes keeping a pet easier and more comfortable, but is also necessary to ensure safety. Dogs must know commands such as “Come”, “Near”, “No” (“Ugh”) by heart, because their health and life often depend on their execution.

Training with the right approach will allow the owner to teach the pet both basic and useful, as well as unusual, but interesting actions.

Read in this article

How to quickly teach basic commands at home

Dog training requires the owner not only to have patience and desire to train his dog, but also to know the intricacies of the process. It is best to start training at a young age. As a rule, dog training begins at 10 - 12 weeks. The duration of training with puppies should not exceed 10 minutes, as babies get tired quickly. The most correct training tactic at this age is the play method.

An owner who trains a dog on his own should adhere to the principle of consistency. Each command is processed, as a rule, in several steps. It is necessary to achieve flawless execution of each segment, and only then move on to the next stage.

Training sessions should be performed from simple to complex. Experienced dog handlers recommend that dog breeders teach their dogs only one command. The transition to another exercise should be done gradually, after strengthening the skill of the previous lesson.

During training, you should not shout or scold your pet if it does not immediately understand what the owner requires of it. The effectiveness of the lesson will increase significantly if the owner uses rewards in the form of affection and tasty treats. Undesirable behavior of a dog during training cannot be suppressed by force and rudeness. It is best to distract the animal from the wrong action and direct the dog’s energy in the right direction.

Regularity of training sessions plays an important role in successful training. You should work with your pet daily, reinforcing the learned skills until they are carried out unquestioningly. Exercises should be alternated with periods of rest, avoiding overtiring the dog. Four-legged friends learn most effectively 3 - 4 hours after feeding.

Exercises with your pet should be carried out in a calm and familiar environment. As the skill is consolidated, the practice of the command can be moved to a place unfamiliar to the dog, strangers can be invited, and distractions can be used.


The most effective way to practice the voice command is to stock up on your furry friend’s favorite treat. The best time for a lesson is before feeding the dog. The lesson should be conducted in a quiet environment. The dog should not be distracted or disturbed by anything. Holding the treasured piece in your hands, you need to show it to your pet and give the appropriate command.

The owner requires endurance. Only after the dog gives a voice (not whines, but barks loudly), can he be rewarded with a treat.

The exercise should be practiced for at least 10 - 15 minutes every day, ensuring the correct execution of the command.


One of the most common commands in dog literacy is the ability to sit at the request of the owner. You can teach the dog as follows: lightly press on the pet’s croup with your left hand, and pull the leash up with your right hand. You can hold a piece of treat in your right hand. As a rule, such manipulation forces the dog to take the required position.

At the same time, the command “Sit” is clearly and calmly given. When performing the exercise correctly, the dog is encouraged with treats, stroking, and encouraged by a voice.


You should start teaching this command only after flawlessly fulfilling the “Sit” requirement. When the dog follows the command, you should take the treat in your right hand and give the command “Lie down”. Simultaneously with the vocal signal, the hand with the treat is slowly lowered down. At the same time, you need to hold the pet’s croup with your left hand, preventing it from standing up.

As a rule, the dog reaches for a treat and assumes a lying position. If the requirement is fulfilled correctly, the animal is rewarded with a treat.


The “Nearby” command is one of the most difficult, requiring maximum concentration and attention from the owner and pet. At the first stage, you can practice it on a leash while walking. If the pet walks calmly next to you, you need to give the appropriate command and praise it, treat it with a tasty bite. This will help the dog understand what exactly is required of him.

The best time to teach a skill is after a walk, when the dog has worked up and splashed out its energy. Taking a treat in your right hand, you should call your pet to you, command “Near” and go. The pet, following the offered treat, usually chooses the same pace as the owner. Correct completion of the lesson is encouraged.

To me!

One of the main commands that characterize a well-mannered and devoted dog is the impeccable fulfillment of the “Come to me” requirement. If the pet belongs to the category of animals that love to eat, then the best motivating factor will be a treat. It should be placed in your hand so that the dog can see the tasty morsel. In a friendly voice, call the walking dog “Come to me.” If the pet fulfills the requirement immediately, he is rewarded.

The nutritional factor in training does not work for all pets. Some individuals are more happy with affection and attention from the owner than with the offered treat. In this case, you can motivate your dog by offering his favorite game. Holding a toy or ball in his hands, the owner gives the command “Come to me.” After the dog runs up, they praise him and play with him for a while.

In order for the pet to associate the fulfillment of the “Come to me” requirement only with positive aspects, in no case should you put the dog on a leash after fulfilling the command and stop walking.


A dog should be taught to use the “Place” command from puppyhood. It is best to wait until, after feeding and an intense walk, the young pet begins to settle down to rest. Having noticed that the dog wants to lie down, you need to lead it to the pre-selected territory, lay it down and give the command “Place”. Correct completion of the lesson can only be encouraged when the dog lies down and does not leave the bed or blanket.

Give me your paw

The ability to give a paw at the owner's request is mostly a matter of entertainment rather than mandatory training. However, learning this skill promotes concentration, develops memory, and emotionally brings the four-legged friend closer to its owner. The lesson is conducted according to the following methodology:

  1. The command “Sit” is given to the pet, a treat is clamped in the hand;
  2. the owner gives the vocal signal “Give me your paw” and at the same time takes the dog’s forelimb in his hand;
  3. the dog receives the treasured treat.


Impeccable fulfillment of the “Fu” or “No” requirement is a prerequisite not only for. Food waste picked up on the street and unwanted behavior towards humans or other animals are a threat to the safety of the health of the pet and others. The dog should be taught the command from the age of 2 months. The puppy needs to give a stern voice the demand “No” or “Ugh” at the moment of committing an undesirable action.

The effectiveness of the lesson will increase if, immediately after the command, the animal’s attention is diverted from the unseemly act and occupied with something interesting, for example, a game. You can give the puppy his favorite toy and start an interesting activity with him. If the dog does not respond to the command, unwanted actions should be stopped with a light slap or a sharp sound.


It is best to teach a dog to fetch deliberately thrown items using a step-by-step method. To begin with, the dog must know and follow the command “Give” and “Come”. Whenever an animal plays with its toy, for example, a ball, or takes it in its teeth, the dog should be called, command “Give” and extend your hand with a treat.

As a rule, the dog chooses a treat and releases the toy. During the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the object is thrown by the dog next to the owner.

After the pet acquires the skill of giving the object to the owner, you can begin working on the next stage. After throwing a ball or other object, you should wait for your pet to pick it up and command “Come to me.” After the dog fulfills it, the order “Give” is given. Having completed the exercise flawlessly, you can move on to practicing the skill under the “Aport” command.

To learn how to train a puppy at home, watch this video:

Unusual commands

Many owners, having successfully taught their four-legged friends the basics of canine literacy, do not stop there and teach their dogs a variety of commands and tricks. Such exercises strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between the owner and the furry pet.


It’s not difficult to practice the “slobber” command with your pet. To do this, sit the dog in front of you. To prevent the animal from suddenly jerking and causing injury, you should step on the leash with your foot. After the “Kiss” command, you need to hold a dog treat between your teeth and lean towards the dog. Performing the maneuver means that the dog can place its paws on the owner's chest.

If you attach a treat to the cheek, you can teach the dog to follow the “Kiss on the cheek” command.


You can teach your four-legged pet to serve in the following way. After sitting the dog down, take the leash in your hand. Hold a treat in your other hand and bring it to your dog’s nose. At the same time, use a leash to encourage the animal to rise. After waiting for the dog to lift his front paws off the ground, give the command “Serve” and treat him with a treat.

Spin around

The spectacular "Spin" trick is reminiscent of a circus act. Command training should be done after the dog has learned to serve. Having given the command “Serve”, you should raise your hand with a treat at a height. When performing circular movements with your hand, you must ensure that the dog repeats them. The command “Spin” is given. After the dog learns to turn around its axis on command, it can be taught to do this only by hand movement, without vocal accompaniment.

Take a bow

It is impressive for outside spectators when the dog bows to the owner. Teaching this command is similar to practicing the “Lie Down” skill. The difference is that the owner makes sure that the pet does not lower the back of its body during the exercise, but only stretches its front legs. If the dog, out of habit, follows the “Lie Down” command, then you need to place your hand under the stomach.


The exercise, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties for the pet. For training, the owner should place the dog to his left. Taking your favorite treat in your hand, you use it to “guide” the animal. After taking one step, the dog is invited with a treat to walk between the owner’s legs. The steps must be performed slowly so that the dog has time to understand what is required of him. The unlucky dog ​​can be lightly guided by hand in the right direction, but it is better to use a treat for this.


Teaching a dog to back away on command is quite difficult due to the fact that such behavior is unusual for animals. However, having set a goal and armed with patience, you can teach the dog the “Back” command. For this you will need a collar and leash. The owner holds the dog on a short leash near the collar, gives the appropriate command and begins to back away, while pulling on the leash.

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to prevent the pet from turning and moving to the sides. If the requirement is fulfilled correctly, a treat is given.

To practice this command, some dog handlers use a narrow and long corridor, in which it is extremely difficult to turn around, and the pet and owner are forced to back away.

Jump in the ring

To train an animal to jump through a hoop or ring, you need to stock up on equipment. The hoop should be of such a size that the dog can easily pass through it. At the first stage, to execute a command, an object is placed on the ground. The demand “Come to me” is given in a voice.

With a treat in hand, the owner guides the dog through the hoop. If the dog passes it calmly, you can give it a treat. Then the hoop is raised above ground level - and the lesson is repeated. You should learn in stages, gradually raising the device above the ground.

To learn how to teach your dog different commands, watch this video:

How to teach an adult dog commands

There are situations when it is necessary to train and raise an adult dog. Of course, the process of learning commands is easier and faster from a young age. But even adult pets, with a competent approach and patience, acquire the required skills. First of all, the new owner must be given time to adapt the animal to new conditions and only then begin training.

Many dog ​​trainers recommend using a clicker as a tool for training an adult dog. The device emits a sound signal, which should be associated by the dog with the correct actions on its part. As a rule, the sound of the clicker when the command is executed correctly is reinforced with a treat. This produces certain conditioned signals in the animal that contribute to successful training.

Teaching your dog commands is a fun and rewarding activity. A well-mannered dog will not cause inconvenience to others or harm its health. Animal training must be carried out consistently and regularly. Patience, positive motivation, and the owner’s correct approach to the elements of training are the key to successful mastery of the required skills and impeccable execution of commands by the four-legged friend.

Useful video

To learn how to teach commands to an adult dog, watch this video:

Any pet needs to be trained in order to teach it order in the house. A dog owner should begin proper training as soon as a puppy appears in the house. In fact, there are many special commands that animals must master, but in this article I would like to pay attention to the main “Place” command, which explains to the animal where its place in the house is for rest and play. You can teach your puppy the “place” command by using special gestures and rewards.

In order to quickly and effectively teach a puppy the “place” command, it is enough to apply simple training rules and be attentive and friendly to the animal.

1. Determine the place in the apartment that will be intended for your puppy to stay. Arrange it with a special basket or just a soft rug.

2. It is better to teach the puppy the “place” command after eating and finishing games. In this state, the puppy will want to lie down and rest. It is at this time that the puppy will begin to look for a place where he can lie down. This is the right moment. You can move the animal to a place prepared for it.

3. Use the voice command “Place.” To do this, take the puppy to the prepared place and say “place” while gently holding the animal while stroking it. If the puppy runs away, you should do it all over again. Bring your pet, lay it down, give a command and pet it. Only when the puppy remains in place can you treat him with something tasty. This exercise must be repeated for several days in a row, 2-3 times a day, so that the animal can learn the algorithm of your actions.

4. When the puppy grows up a little, he needs to continue to be taught the place. To do this, you need to teach the puppy to come to the place itself at the request of the owner. Just sit near his rug and call the puppy, repeating his name and the “place” command. Don't forget to give the animal a treat after following the command correctly.

5. Also, the puppy must understand where his place is after performing various actions. For example, when an animal has eaten, it can be called to its place with the command “place”. Additionally, you can use the command when the puppy is on his mat and you decide to play with him. After playing, you need the puppy to come back. Give the command and point your finger at his place. If the dog does not comply, then take him to his place and repeat the command. At the beginning of your training, any execution of your command must be encouraged by the animal. Repeat the exercises as needed.

6. This type of exercise is suitable for teaching the “place” command on the street.

Take some object with you on a walk that will mark a place for your puppy. Using the “down” command, place him near his place and give the “place” command. Then move some distance away and call your pet. Once your puppy has followed your command, reward him with something tasty. After this, extend your hand forward towards his place, taking the animal by the leash, say the command “place” and move towards his place.

Try to let your puppy, not you, run first. Give a voice command as you move the animal to its designated location. As soon as the animal lies down in the designated place, give it a treat. Do this exercise several times during your street walks.

Your pet must learn to perform not only the voice command “place”, but also using special guiding gestures. Exercise your puppy regularly, preferably in a good mood. And then you will get amazing results.

Team "Place!" necessary in order to control the location of the dog in the apartment and on the street. In the future, the execution of the command becomes more complicated and reinforced in the general dog training course. For service dogs, performing the command “Place!” is a basic skill on the basis of which the protection of things and other objects left by the owner is subsequently practiced within the framework of the ZKS.

How to train a puppy to return to its place on command

Teach your puppy the command “Place!” preferably from the first days of his appearance in the house, that is, from the age of 2-3 months. As soon as the puppy lies down to rest or falls asleep, pick him up and carry him to his bed, while saying the command “Place!” If the puppy tries to get up and leave, return him to the bed again and repeat the command. Hold the puppy in place for a few seconds, then reward him with a treat. In the future, reinforce the command by teaching the puppy to go to the place on command. To do this, you can first throw a treat on the bedding so that the puppy can see it, and immediately give the command “Place!” The next stage is that a treat is placed unnoticed, after which a command is given, after which the puppy finds a “pleasant surprise” on the bed. At the final stage of training, the baby is first given a command, and he receives a treat after he has completed it, i.e. in its “place” from the hands of the owner.

Teaching a small dog the command “Place!” must be done very carefully, without making excessive demands on it. The owner must understand that it is physically impossible and even harmful for a puppy to carry out the command “to stand still”, that is, in the way that adult dogs do, remaining in “place” for a long time. This is due to the fact that the nervous system, including the so-called “excitation” and “inhibition” mechanisms, is not yet fully developed in a 2-3 month old puppy, so it is difficult for him to concentrate for a long time on one type of activity. Thus, up to the age of 4-5 months, a good result of teaching the command “Place!” It is considered if the puppy goes to the “place” on command, staying there for at least 1-5 seconds, and also lies down there himself, without a command, when he wants to rest or take a nap.

Important! Never punish a puppy or an adult dog in its “place” - the pet should associate this bed or bedding with its own, protected and safe territory and not cause negative associations. If this simple rule is violated, teaching the command “Place!” will become significantly more complicated.

Teaching the command “Place!” according to OKD rules

Once the dog reaches the age of 6-8 months, you can begin training the “Place!” command. according to a complicated scheme in accordance with OKD standards. Here the already learned skill is reinforced - to return on command to the place at home, and a new “element” is added: the dog is taught to stay on command in a specific place on the street or in someone else’s apartment. An important difference from initial training at home is that in OKD much attention is paid to training “stamina”, that is, the dog’s ability not only to go to the “place” on command, but also to stay there for a long time.

Young dogs, as well as dogs that have a good reaction to treats as a reinforcer, are trained to perform the “Place!” command. using a technique called “taste rewarding”. It consists of 3 stages:

  1. Leaving an object familiar to the dog on the ground that indicates a place, you need to bring the dog to it, and using the commands “Lie down”, “Place!” make him lie down next to him. After completing the task, the dog is given a treat.
  2. The trainer moves 3-5 m away from the dog and calls the dog with the command “Come to me!” After the dog has approached and stayed near the trainer for 5-8 seconds, it is again shown a treat held in its right hand. “Luring” the dog with it, the trainer simultaneously pronounces the command “Place!” 1-3 times. and again leads the dog to the chosen place, places it there and gives it a treat.
  3. Gradually, giving the command “Place!” after the dog has approached, the trainer, slightly behind the dog, ensures that it returns to the object on its own. Each such “return” is rewarded with a treat. After all, the dog is rewarded only after it independently returns to its place on command. After developing the initial skill, the trainer begins to work on the distance from which the command is given, gradually increasing it from 3 to 15 m.

How to teach the command “Place!” adult dog

In addition to the methods described above, adults, as well as lethargic, sedentary and poorly motivated dogs for food, can be taught the command “Place!” using the contrast training method. In this case, the scheme of action is similar to that described above, but instead of a treat, a short leash is used to entice the dog back to the place: after a short stay next to the trainer, the dog is taken to the place, stopping with light jerks of the leash attempts to be distracted, linger or go in the other direction . After the dog is brought to its place and forced to lie down, it is given a treat, praised and stroked. Using a leash, it is necessary to stop the dog’s attempts to leave the place before the “releasing” command. Gradually, the trainer ensures that the dog returns to its place without a leash only on command, after which you can work on increasing the distance to the norm.

An important element in mastering the command “Place!” is the dog’s ability not to leave him even in the absence of the trainer. To do this, the latter leaves the dog in place and hides so that the dog does not see him, but is in plain sight. When the dog tries to get up from the shelter, the command “Place!” is given. with threatening intonations, holding the dog in a given position.

If you need to teach the command “Place!” For an adult dog “from scratch”, for example, taken into your home from the street or from a shelter, start training from the “puppy” level, without skipping a single stage, and only then proceed to practicing the command according to the standards of the general training course.

How is the “Place!” command performed? on OKD exams?

At the command “lie down,” the owner or trainer forces the dog to lie down, and a thing is placed in front of it, indicating “Place!” The command “Place!” is given, after which the person moves 15m forward from the dog.

After the first command, the dog must quickly run up to the trainer, and then, also on the first command, return to its place and lie down no further than 1 m from the object.

The trainer, after holding for up to 30 seconds, approaches the dog and gives the command “Sit”; Until this moment, the dog should be in a lying position. The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not return to its place or places it further than 2 m from the abandoned item. Tips and nuances:

How to avoid common mistakes when teaching a dog the “Place!” command:

The distance between the object and the place where the dog lies down when executing the command should not exceed 1.5 m;

It is undesirable to reinforce each dog’s call with a treat - this way it will not have an incentive to return to its “place”;

It is necessary to periodically change the position of the object so that the dog associates the location of the “place” with it;

You cannot use a retrieval object to mark a place: the dog will try to take it in its teeth and take it to the owner.

To practice the command “Place!” According to OKD standards, it is better to start after the commands “Come to me!”, “Sit”, “Lie down” have been mastered.

From the first days of the puppy’s stay in the house, the animal should be accustomed to the fact that it will have its own separate place for sleep and rest. Unconditional execution of the command “Get in place!” necessary for both miniature breeds and large pets. Along with this command, in the alphabet of dog etiquette, toilet training the puppy is of paramount importance.

Read in this article

Setting up a resting place for the puppy

With the appearance of a furry fidget in the house, the owner should take care of arranging a cozy nest. The animal should associate it with safety, warmth and evoke positive emotions.

For this purpose, a place for sleeping and rest should be arranged in a quiet corner of the living room. The bed or house where the dog will rest should not be placed on the aisle or in damp and cold rooms. Air conditioning systems and close proximity to heating appliances should be avoided.

Experienced breeders recommend setting up a place to rest in a quiet and peaceful part of the house. For miniature and medium-sized dog breeds, you can purchase a comfortable dog bed in specialized pet stores. Pets are happy to live in foam houses. For large dogs, special beds are available for sale, reinforced with a frame structure and equipped with soft textile sides.

You can arrange a place for your pet to rest and sleep yourself. For these purposes, a small mattress or blanket is suitable, which should be equipped with a removable cover so that it can be cleaned regularly.

Having prepared a warm bedding or bed, the owner can begin training the puppy. The first steps in mastering the “Place” command should be taken as soon as the animal gets tired after a walk.

A tired puppy usually begins to lie down to rest. At this moment, the pet should be taken to an equipped bedding or bed and in a friendly but firm voice give the command “Place” and step aside. If the dog settles down, he should be petted and treated with a treat. When training, you need to show patience and perseverance, as the puppy can get too excited, forget about sleep and follow the owner.

The animal should be taught to sleep and rest in a strictly designated area every time the puppy gets ready for bed. Treats and petting will help reinforce the skill. The owner should ensure that the young pet flawlessly carries out the command without encouragement. The puppy should develop only positive associations with the “Place” command, therefore, during training, punishing the dog for disobedience is excluded.

How to accustom a dog to a new place

If, due to some circumstances, the owner has changed the pet’s sleeping and resting area, or the animal is in an unknown habitat, the dog should be shown its personal territory. It is advisable to take the bedding from the old one and lay it on the new bed. This technique will calm your four-legged friend and make you feel safe.

To get accustomed to a new place, the dog should be allowed to sniff it and get used to it. Having called your pet with a friendly shout, you need to point to the bed prepared for him and give the appropriate command. A positive result must be reinforced with treats and affection.

Teaching an adult animal to sleep on its own bed

Quite often an adult animal comes into the house. Training in this case becomes more complicated. An adult dog has his own habits and may lack certain skills. An unfamiliar environment also makes learning difficult.

For the training process to be successful, the owner first needs to introduce the dog to the new home, let the dog sniff everything, go around all the corners and hidden corners. When the dog calms down, you can begin to accustom it to your territory using exactly the same techniques as a small puppy.

To learn how to choose a dog bed, watch this video:

We train the animal for the command “Place!”

In order for training sessions to accustom your pet to a bed or bedding to be effective, The owner must adhere to the following rules and recommendations of dog handlers:

Training your pet to perform the “Place” command should take place in a calm environment. At first, you should avoid distractions and conduct classes without strangers. However, when the dog learns to flawlessly carry out a command, you can complicate the task and carry out training in the presence of other household members, achieving its precise execution.

To learn how to train a dog to sit, watch this video:

How to toilet train a dog

A puppy should be taught to relieve himself in a strictly designated place at the age of 2 - 4 months. Tactics depend on the breed of the animal and the toilet chosen by the owner. Miniature pets, such as Chihuahuas, in apartment living conditions are often accustomed to a tray or a special oilcloth. Medium and large dogs are most often walked on the street or in the courtyard of a private house.

Be patient until you go outside

Most owners prefer their pets to spend time outdoors. Dogs not only relieve themselves, but also play and develop physical strength and endurance. Adult animals can wait until the next walk and not crap in the apartment. Due to their physiological characteristics, puppies up to eight months of age cannot endure for a long time, and the owner should know this.

Before the age of 4 months, puddles and more serious consequences on the carpet and floor are common. You should not punish the puppy, much less rub his nose in “dirty tricks.” Teaching a dog to be clean is a long process and requires endurance and patience from the owner.

Once the puppy reaches four months of age, toilet training should begin. Every time after waking up and feeding, the animal must be taken outside. When the pet does its business, you need to praise it and treat it with something tasty. Only after this can you play and walk with the dog. You should choose a place for the toilet outside that is quiet and windless, so that foreign odors and other animals do not distract the dog.

Until the age of 6 months, your pet should be walked at least 5 times a day. If a puddle does appear, you should not punish the puppy. At the age of six months, the frequency of toilet walks can be reduced to three.

Walk on oilcloth/tray

Recently, dwarf dog breeds have become incredibly popular in megalopolises and large cities: Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, toy terrier, Petit Brabançon and others. The miniature size allows you to organize a toilet for them in a city apartment. For this purpose, trays or special absorbent diapers are used.

The principle of training a dog to wear a diaper is to limit the free space. To do this, the puppy is fenced off from the rest of the room using boxes, providing him only with a place to rest and an absorbent diaper. Carefully observing the animal, it should be praised and treated with a treat at the moment when the puppy does its business after sleeping on a special cloth.

It should be placed on a diaper after feeding and active play, rewarding each time for a positive result. The fact that the puppy wants to go to the toilet is indicated by his behavior: he spins around in one place, sniffs the floor in search of a diaper.

Some dogs for some reason do not want to use a diaper. In this case, you can use newspapers. When the dog gets used to shitting on them, they can be placed in the tray.

For diaper or litter box training to be effective, it is important to choose the right location for it. To do this, you should watch the puppy. At first, the tray or diaper can be placed in the place chosen by the animal. Gradually, when the pet gets used to going where it should, the tray can be placed in a place convenient for the owner.

Relieve yourself in one place on the site

If the dog is kept in a country house or dacha, it will be convenient for the owner if the dog relieves itself in a designated area, and not throughout the entire area. You can teach this behavior by walking your dog after eating near the preferred toilet area. When the animal does its job where it needs to be, it needs to be praised and treated with something tasty.

This manipulation should be carried out every time you walk the dog. After some time, the dog will develop the habit of shitting in the same territory. But only if it is periodically cleaned.

Accustoming an animal to the “Place” command and cleanliness is the basis of canine literacy. Knowing your territory and unquestioningly obeying the owner is not an easy task, requiring patience and goodwill. Consistent actions aimed at developing the necessary skill will help to accustom your pet to cleanliness.

Useful video

To learn how to toilet train a dog, watch this video:

Team training place. How to teach a puppy the “Place” command? How to avoid common mistakes



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