Cough compress - folk remedies. Effective cough compresses

Cough compress It will be most effective if you combine it with other traditional methods of treatment. In general, a compress is the most gentle treatment procedure; it does not cause negative influence on the body, thanks to which cough compresses can be applied to adults, children and pregnant women. But there are also contraindications for compresses:

    increased body temperature;

    skin damage (cracks, ulcers, wounds) where the compress is applied;

    too much young age(up to two years);

    cardiovascular diseases;


    malignant tumors;


Cough compresses can be used as separate method treatment or as an adjunct to it.

On this moment There are four types of compresses: wet, dry, hot and cold. Each of them is capable of having a certain effect on the human body, depending on the place to which it will be applied. There are also warming compresses and those that act due to nutrients.

    Before applying a compress to a child or adult, it is necessary to lubricate the skin sunflower oil so as not to damage it.

    The compress is applied to the back or chest, avoiding the heart area.

    Maximum quick effect gives a compress if you leave it on at night and remove it in the morning.

    After using the compress, the skin must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

    After the procedure, you must lie in a warm bed for at least an hour.

If you are asking the question: “Which compress is better to use for a dry or wet cough?”, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipes for making compresses at home.

How to make a compress at home?

Making a compress at home is very easy. There are many recipes for preparing mixtures for such cough compresses. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective ones.

From honey

Honey compress is the most effective and popular cough compress if you know how to make it correctly. Thanks to this compress, the cough stops after just a few days, despite the fact that such a compress is gentle. It can be put on both adults and children, and this is done in the following way:

    a small amount of honey should be spread on the chest, avoiding the heart area;

    then you should take a handkerchief and moisten it with vodka or alcohol;

    the handkerchief should be placed on the chest on top of the honey;

    You need to put plastic film on the vodka scarf so that the compress warms up your chest better;

This cough compress acts very gently, while the vodka warms up chest, and honey is absorbed into the skin, helping to cure cough useful substances. Detailed recipe You will find it in the video.

Honey cake

Another way to treat severe cough- honey cake. It works on the principle of a honey compress, only it is prepared a little differently. In order to prepare honey cake for cough, you need:

    find 20 grams of flour, honey and sunflower oil, mix all this in one container;

    knead the cake;

    wrap the cake in a bandage and apply it to your chest;

    You need to lie down with a honey cake for cough on your chest for at least three hours.

Honey cake will help get rid of bronchitis, colds and coughs at the same time. It can also be used by children and pregnant women.

From potatoes

Potato compresses are also not inferior to honey compresses in their effectiveness. In addition, potato compress is no less popular than honey cough compress. You can verify its effectiveness by testing its effects on yourself. And you can prepare it in the following ways:

    Boil the potatoes in their jackets for a compress; when they are ready, you need to put them in a bag and press a little on each potato. Don't mash your potatoes! After mashing the potatoes a little, wrap the bag in a cloth and place it on your chest.

    This method is similar to the first, only you need to mash the potatoes not in a bag, but directly in the pan. Add one large spoon of vodka to the potatoes, vegetable oil and turpentine, mix it all well, form a cake, pack it in gauze and place it on your chest.

Potato compresses are among the most effective, however, in the case of potatoes with turpentine, be careful when applying such a compress to a child. It is completely contraindicated for infants, and for an older child, the compress should be removed as soon as the skin turns red.

From mustard

TO folk methods make a compress and apply mustard. With its help you can make an excellent warming compress that will help overcome a cough. And you can do it this way:

    in one container, mix one large spoonful of mustard, honey, flour and vegetable oil;

    add one and a half glasses of alcohol to the container;

    stir the liquid and heat in a water bath to a temperature of forty degrees.

Before using a honey and mustard compress for cough, you should make sure that you are not allergic to these products.

Salt compress

To make a cough salt compress, you need one liter warm water take 90 grams of salt, stir it all thoroughly until dissolved. Received saline solution You need to moisten the handkerchief and apply it to your chest. Wrap the top in plastic and leave overnight.

From cabbage

Cabbage compress is also used quite often, especially to treat coughs in children. This is done in the following way: several whole leaves are torn from the cabbage head, which should lie for several minutes in a steam bath. After this, they should be placed to the chest and wrapped in a blanket. It is recommended to do such compresses three times a day.

Compress with dimexide

Compresses with dimexide are quite difficult for the body, so it is not recommended to use them on children under 12 years of age. You need to dilute dimexide with water in a ratio of 1:4, then you need to moisten a handkerchief in the resulting liquid and apply it to your chest. You need to keep this compress for no more than forty minutes.

Before choosing one or another compress for yourself, you need to consult a doctor and also find out if you are allergic to any drug. In this case, cough compresses at home will only benefit you.

Parents in Lately often used to treat their children traditional therapy. Pharmacy products have whole line contraindications and side effects, and often help much more slowly and effectively than we would like. Children's body sometimes exposed, and because of this the baby suffers from pain in the larynx, severe runny nose and cough. wonderful folk method Compresses are used for coughs. It is only important to know what can be used and consult with your doctor about the procedure.

Types of compresses

- This universal remedy, with their correct implementation there should be no side effects. Exist different types, the most common are the following:

  • alcohol compress
  • hot
  • cold
  • oil
  • dry
  • water

The attending physician should indicate which compress to use. If we're talking about about the child’s health, then you should not self-medicate. In combination with compresses, the doctor may recommend a copious diaphoretic drink based on medicinal herbs And regular tea. In this case, the effect on cough is doubled.

Features and application

This procedure is used for the following diseases:

  • laryngitis
  • bronchitis
  • pharyngitis
  • acute respiratory disease
  • pneumonia or

There are several rules for installing compresses, non-compliance with which can lead to negative consequences. Here are the main recommendations:

  1. Before applying any product, it is important to coat the child’s body with olive or some other vegetable oil. The baby's skin is very sensitive and delicate, the oil will protect the skin from burns and other damage.
  2. When a compress is applied to the chest, it is important to ensure that it does not come into contact with the place where the heart is located.
  3. While the compress is placed on the baby's back and chest, you need to make sure that he lies under a warm blanket all this time. It is more practical to do the procedure all night, easier than a child put to sleep.
  4. At the end of the process, the skin is wiped and lubricated with baby cream.
  5. The child needs to be changed into warm and dry clothes. In the children's room, it is important to close the windows to protect it from drafts and hold off on walks outside.

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If the baby is a little over a year old, then alcohol compresses and mustard plasters should absolutely not be used.


IN in rare cases given traditional treatment is contraindicated. Compresses should not be applied in the following cases:

  • at high body temperature
  • if the back and chest are damaged: abrasions, cuts, scratches
  • compresses are not used until the age of one year
  • for heart failure and other cardiac pathologies
  • for various neoplasms and dermatological disease skin
  • if your baby is allergic and suffers from high blood pressure

If the child has been treated with antibiotics, then the curd compress is contraindicated.

Also, do not forget that cough compresses are helper method treatments, they are much more effective if carried out together with drug therapy.

Treatment rules

There is no need to think that the compress is performed without any rules; we must not forget about the baby’s individual sensitivity and intolerance to some components. The method of use also directly depends on the degree and nature of the cough.

The compress is made in several layers:

  1. When making the first layer, you must definitely use insulation material. In this case, a scarf, scarf or terry towel is ideal.
  2. For the second layer, gauze, bandage and cotton wool are used.
  3. For the third layer you will need paper, film or polyethylene.

The main goal of the procedure is to warm up the inflamed areas, and thereby provide bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and. The mucus dilutes and is released through the respiratory organs.

The compress lasts from an hour to six. If fulfilled vodka compress, then it will take even less time (20-30 minutes to prevent burns).

Cabbage compress

Cabbage - wonderful vegetable for a compress, because it does not entail any negative consequences. This method is especially effective for severe wet cough, tracheitis and bronchitis, for removing phlegm. Moreover, cabbage has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Cooking method:

  • To begin with, you should take several large ones (for a compress, use White cabbage). Leaves need to be taken from the middle; the first and second layers may be infected and dirty. So, the leaves are thrown into boiling water and boiled for several minutes to disinfect and soften, then the leaves are cooled a little so as not to burn the skin and applied to the back and chest. The child is wrapped in a warm blanket and polyethylene is placed on the compress.
  • The cabbage compress can be left overnight, but under close supervision. If the leaves cool down, the baby will get hypothermia, and the situation will only get worse. Therapy is done several times per knock for five to seven days. If the child is not allergic to honey, then a cabbage leaf can be spread with it. The method is also effective for treating adult cough.

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Potato compress

When using potatoes, two compress options are used:

  1. Recipe No. 1. Preparation: 2 large or 4 small potatoes are boiled with their skins on. Then the boiled potatoes are placed in a bag and kneaded with your hands. You will get a soft cake. Next, you need to take a natural towel and place it on the baby’s chest, not forgetting that it should not be placed on the heart area. To avoid burns, fold in 2-3 layers. The potato cake is evenly placed on the towel and everything is covered with film. The chest is wrapped in a woolen scarf. The compress is left until it cools to room temperature.
  2. Recipe No. 2. You will need the following ingredients: ethanol, potatoes, vegetable oil. Preparation: The potatoes are boiled and mashed. Then honey, a few tablespoons of alcohol and oil are added to the potatoes. Everything is thoroughly mixed to a pasty state. When ready-made product Once it cools down a little, you can apply it to the baby’s back and chest in an even layer. The compress does not last longer than an hour and a half.

How to prepare a honey compress?

This compress can be prepared in several ways:

  • Melted warm honey gently rubbed on the skin, then the chest and back are covered with film and wrapped in a terry towel to keep warm. The treatment lasts 30 minutes, during which time the honey has time to completely soak in. This method effectively used for bronchitis.
  • A mixture is made of: a tablespoon of honey, three large spoons of water are added. The entire mixture is heated and applied to the child’s body. The compress does not last long and is used when there is a dry cough.
  • Liquid honey is mixed with vegetable oil and flour (one to one). For adolescence You can add a little vodka or alcohol, as well as mustard, to the mixture. The compress is heated, then a small cake is formed and applied to the baby’s chest and back for half an hour.

At any time of the year we are susceptible to colds and viral diseases. The cooler the weather, the higher the risk of getting a cough. Almost no illness goes away without a cough, and it is sometimes difficult to cure it.

Thanks to coughing, the body gets rid of phlegm, mucus and germs. He tries to “spit” everything out. There are 2 types of cough - dry (non-productive) and wet (with sputum).

The cough lasts about 10-14 days, sometimes accompanied by elevated body temperature. When a cough occurs, it must be treated as soon as possible. There are drug treatments for cough and treatment folk remedies. Drug treatment prescribed by a specialist, and the patient chooses folk remedies himself.

Let us examine in more detail the treatment of cough with compresses at home and their contraindications.

Compresses are gauze bandages soaked in medicine, which are applied to the chest and back. When treating cough compresses, the mandatory conditions are:

  • absence elevated temperature bodies;
  • age - over 1 year;
  • no allergy to the drug used in treatment;
  • complete skin on the chest and back - without cracks, scratches, cuts or irritation.
  • V childhood Use cough compresses with caution. Burning and strongly heating agents are excluded, because they can burn children's skin;
  • Pregnant women are allowed to use compresses for cough treatment only using potatoes or cabbage.

Important!!! Apply compresses to the chest with the exception of the heart area!

Let's take a closer look at cough compresses at home using folk remedies:

  1. Honey compress. Honey – effective remedy in the treatment of cough. The chest area is lubricated with honey heated to a warm state and covered with an alcohol gauze bandage for 30 minutes. Then apply a plastic bag and wrap it in a warm shawl or scarf. The honey compress is very effective; the cough subsides after 5-7 days.
  2. Cabbage compress. Large leaves are torn from cabbage, smeared with honey and applied to the chest and back. The top is also covered with a plastic bag and a warm woolen bandage. It is better to leave this compress overnight.
  3. Potato compress. Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender, cool slightly, place them on cling film or a bag, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey and gently apply them to the chest for 1 hour. You should also cover with a warm woolen shawl or scarf. Children should place a cotton towel under the hot potatoes to avoid burning their skin.
  4. Vodka compress. Before using the vodka compress, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with rich cream or sunflower oil. Blot cloth or gauze with vodka and apply to the chest area and back. Cover the top with polyethylene and a woolen scarf. In childhood, a vodka compress should not be used.
  5. Radish compress. To begin, squeeze the juice out of the black radish and moisten a cloth or gauze bandage. We carefully place it on the chest away from the heart and wrap it with a bag and a warm bandage. The radish compress has a strong warming effect, so it is recommended to remove it after 30-40 minutes. To avoid burning children's skin, use pulp rather than radish juice. The cake contains less juice, but the effectiveness is not lost. It is laid out on the chest and covered with a sack and woolen cloth. As soon as it starts to burn strongly, remove it immediately.
  6. Compress with salt. The salt must be heated in a frying pan, cool slightly and put into a cotton sock or bag. Apply to your chest until it cools completely. It is advisable to be under a blanket during this procedure.
  7. Oil compress. A thick cloth or thin towel is moistened with vegetable oil, preheated in a water bath. Apply to the chest and back. Cover with a bag and a woolen shawl. Procedure time – 1 hour.
  8. Mustard compress . Knead the dough from 1 tablespoon mustard powder, 1 tbsp. spoons of flour, honey and vegetable oil. Roll out two flat cakes onto the chest and back. Cover with a bag and wrap in a woolen scarf. If it doesn’t burn too much, then hold on for as long as possible.
  9. Curd compress. The curd is heated, drained excess liquid and spread on a gauze bandage. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Cover with a plastic bag and a woolen shawl. This compress can be left overnight.
  10. Compress with dimexide. Dimexide is the most effective remedy for treating cough, but it must be used with caution. It is not recommended for use in children (under 12 years of age). Dimexide is used only for external use; inside is strictly prohibited, because it is poison for the body. To make a compress, you will need to moisten a thick cloth in a diluted solution of dimexide (1:3 with water) and apply it to the chest and back. Cover with a bag and a woolen scarf or shawl. After the compress, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

The recipes for popular compresses described above can be used both independently and as a additional treatment, combining them with the main one. But in any case, do not forget that before using them (especially for treating cough in children), you must first consult with your doctor. Be healthy!

P.S. Sincerely, site administration.

Similar materials

Children? The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, treatment must be not only effective, but also safe. In addition, there are situations when there are very few ingredients on hand from which you can prepare a remedy to relieve your baby of a cough. That is why we offer you several options for compresses; at least one of them will surely suit you!

Let us immediately make a reservation that not all doctors consider this method of treatment to be effective. Some recommend compresses, while others say that it is a placebo, allowing parents to feel that they are doing something to alleviate the baby’s condition. It’s impossible to say anything unambiguously about this, so it’s worth trying to make a compress and understand individual reaction on it exactly your child.

In general, a compress is made to activate blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. It is believed that this promotes more intense production of interferon, which helps the body cope with the disease.

Onions, aloe, mustard, cabbage, potatoes and much more can be used as components for compresses. More on this below!

How are compresses generally made?

Before you start treating your baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the theory. Because incorrect use of even the most successful compress may not provide any benefit.

A cough compress (it doesn’t matter for children or adults) should consist of several layers.

  1. Internal (a kind of “filling” of the compress, which relieves cough). This layer can be gauze or a bandage soaked in alcohol, vodka, or some tincture. The “filling” can also be potatoes, onions and other components.
  2. External (in other words, warming). Its purpose is insulation. For this, a large terry towel, a down scarf, or a woolen shawl can be used. It is important that the outer layer covers the entire chest of the patient, retaining heat.
  3. Insulating layer. It is located between the inner and outer layers. This quality is usually served by special paper for compresses or oilcloth/cellophane; dry gauze or a bandage (placed in several folds on top of the inner layer) can be used.

What not to do?

  • Regardless of whether an oil compress is made for a child’s cough or, for example, a honey compress, the inner layer should never be placed in the area of ​​the heart.
  • If a child has a high temperature, then compresses should not be applied.
  • Compresses are not indicated for children under one year of age.

Which cough compress to choose for children?

This will depend on what type of cough your baby has.

  • Productive cough (also called “wet”, “wet”). Distinctive feature This cough is sputum production. In this case, it is advisable to make a compress from cabbage leaves and paraffin.
  • Dry (in other words, unproductive). In this case, sputum is not released when coughing. A suitable solution would be compresses made from honey, oil, potato, with alcohol, and mustard.

Note that there are also universal compresses that are suitable for getting rid of dry and wet cough. These include potato, butter, and curd.

How to make oil compresses?

Traditionally, oil is found in every home, so this treatment is very affordable and at the same time effective.

  • vegetable oil should be placed in a metal container and heated in a water bath; soak a napkin or thick towel with warm oil, then place a compress on the child’s chest, put paper for compresses or parchment on top of it (polyethylene/cellophane is strictly forbidden to be used!); Place a large towel or down/woolen scarf/shawl on top.

This compress should be kept for at least two hours; it is acceptable to leave it overnight.

There is another recipe option that is recommended for bronchitis:

  • squeeze the juice from the black radish, combine it with vegetable oil, preheated in a water bath, moisten a thick towel or napkin in this mixture; We place the compress on the baby’s chest; the further sequence of actions is exactly the same as described above.

After half an hour or an hour, the compress must be removed. A signal that the treatment time has expired is the appearance of light sweat or a burning sensation on the baby’s face.

Important! If the baby's skin is red, it should be lubricated with Vaseline.

Honey-based compresses

Before undertaking such treatment, you need to make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction to honey, otherwise the consequences may be unforeseen.

  • take in equal parts (usually one tablespoon each) the following components: honey (liquid), vodka, vegetable oil and mustard powder; mix it all and add a little flour to make a fairly stiff dough; heat the mixture in a water bath and apply it to a napkin; then put compress paper or parchment on top of it, and a warm scarf or terry towel.

Keep this compress for 15-20 minutes; if a burning sensation occurs, remove it immediately.

It is better to make a honey compress for a cough for a child under 12 years old without vodka.

Compresses based on potatoes and cabbage leaves

Such warm compresses for coughs have been made for children by many generations of parents, so there is no doubt about their usefulness.

Recipe with potatoes:

  • Boil the tubers in their uniforms until tender, then drain the water and crush the potatoes (without turning them into mashed potatoes) and put them in plastic bag, which must be tied well; the compress is wrapped in a towel and placed on the chest, avoiding the heart area; Remove the compress when the potatoes have cooled.

Recipe with cabbage:

  • Heat the cabbage leaves in a water bath until they become soft enough but do not burn the baby’s skin, then place them on the baby’s chest and back, with parchment or cellophane and a towel on top of them; You can leave it for 2-3 hours or for the whole night.

Alcohol compresses: why you should use them carefully

Compresses based on vodka and alcohol are quite effective in some cases; one of the recipes was described above (with honey). But these funds should be used very carefully. For example, it is better not to give a vodka compress to a child for cough if he is under three years old.

In addition, the following points should be taken into account:

  • use pure alcohol if the patient is under 12 years old, it is not worth it (it is better to give preference to vodka or, if it is not available, alcohol, which is not stronger than 45 degrees);
  • how younger child, the more water there should be in the compress, the less alcohol;
  • Alcohol-based compresses last no more than 2-3 hours (during this time the alcohol evaporates), so keeping them longer is pointless.

Child cough compress (alcohol), recipe:

  • Combine 80 ml of water with 20 ml of alcohol, apply the liquid to the flannel, put the compress on your back, covering it with polyethylene on top; so that the entire structure does not slip, it can be fixed elastic bandage(not tight!); It's better to put it on a child warm pajamas(optimally - flannelette); After a couple of hours, remove the compress.

Now you know which cough compress children should use in a given situation. But, still, if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor and apply compresses with full confidence in the correctness of their actions. Good luck and good health!

Cough is a frequent companion to respiratory diseases and colds. Many patients avoid using medications when this symptom, giving preference natural remedies. ethnoscience has big amount recipes to help get rid of this involuntary physiological reaction of the body. Among them, compresses for severe coughs, which are treated in the evening, are considered effective. But we must remember that folk remedies are not a panacea for all diseases, but only serve as a auxiliary treatment to traditional therapy.

Treatment with compresses

A compress is a physiotherapeutic procedure that involves applying a multi-layer bandage soaked in medicine to a sore spot. For coughs and colds, different types of dressings are used - dry/wet, hot/cold, oil-based or alcohol-based - because they have a number of advantages:

  • An effective and affordable folk remedy.
  • Ease of use.
  • Immediate effect.
  • Absence side effects In most cases.
  • efficiency and safety.

Among important conditions, on which directly depends therapeutic effect, – strict adherence to the rules for applying compresses. Experts recommend observing the following conditions:

  1. Prepare everything in advance necessary materials(fabric, cotton wool, polyethylene, medicines, herbal teas, products, etc.).
  2. Lubricate the place where the bandage is applied on the body with herbal or Vaseline oil. This way you will mark the area where the compress will be applied, since it is forbidden to place the compress on the heart area, both from the back and face, as well as on the spine area.

Since warming compresses are considered the most effective in treating coughs and colds, we will take a closer look at how to correctly perform this procedure. After all, the effect directly depends on the correct application. If you do not follow the recommendations, you will not be able to cure your cough quickly.

Therapeutic dressings that have a warming effect include several layers - inner, middle, outer. Required condition is their imposition in a certain sequence:

  1. Inner layer: gauze/bandage moistened with medication, intended for direct application to the skin.
  2. The middle layer - polyethylene, film, oilcloth, dense fabric - prevents getting wet (liquid leakage) and has a slight warming effect.
  3. The outer layer, the main purpose of which is to retain heat. Cotton wool, a woolen scarf/shawl, a terry towel, and a scarf work well for this task.

After applying a therapeutic warming bandage, the patient should be provided with complete rest (preferably bed rest). After the expiration date, the compress can be removed, and the patient needs to wipe the skin dry and put on dry clothes.

Compresses are most often applied to the chest or back.

Effective recipes

Traditional medicine has many different recipes for warming compresses, with the help of which you can get rid of severe coughing attacks in short time. Thanks to the temperature effect they all eliminate spasms respiratory organs, and also remove muscle spasm in the chest area, activate blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs, promote rapid penetration of the medicine into the source of inflammation.

The recipes for many compresses can be used not only by adults, but also by children. The most popular methods among patients that help in the fight against respiratory diseases, which are based on natural ingredients:

  1. A compress recipe made from potatoes boiled in their jackets will help you quickly and effectively get rid of a dry cough. Mash the hot root vegetables (along with the skin). Place the mashed potato mass in the middle of the straightened gauze cloth/bandage, wrap with the remaining free ends of the gauze. Apply to the chest and back area, cover with cellophane and a warm thing. Fix it so that it does not fall apart, and insulate it with an additional blanket/blanket. Keep the compress until the potatoes cool (on average 2–2.5 hours).
  2. A curd bandage that relieves sharp reflex exhalations that accompany a cough. Warm the cottage cheese slightly. Squeeze out excess liquid from it, wrap it in gauze, and place it on your chest. Cover with polyethylene, insulate, and leave the bandage on overnight.
  3. Cabbage compress with honey is one of the most safe procedures in the treatment of a diseased diaphragm. Wash the freshly cut fleshy cabbage leaf thoroughly, dry it, then lightly knead it with your hands or using a rolling pin. Inner side cabbage leaf Lubricate with honey mixture, place the greased side on the skin. Cover the top with polyethylene, insulate it, and fix the bandage if necessary. It is allowed to be left for the entire period of sleep. After a cabbage compress, improvement occurs immediately.
  4. Honey compress. It is enough to smear the neck, back, chest thin layer bee product, insulate. This will help eliminate the cause of cough due to the bactericidal properties of honey.
  5. Salt compress is a gentle procedure. For it you need to dissolve 100 g of table/sea salt in a liter of water. Moisten gauze/bandage in the resulting solution, apply it to the neck or chest, cover with plastic wrap and insulate. It is recommended to remove the bandage in the morning.
  6. An alcohol compress is the most common recipe that treats even the most severe cough. Take vodka or diluted alcohol and heat to 40° C. Moisten the inner layer of the compress, squeeze lightly and apply to skin. Cover with the middle and outer layers, fix if necessary and add additional insulation. It is not recommended to keep this compress for more than 4 hours.
  7. An oil compress is prepared similarly to an alcohol compress. Lightly warmed vegetable/olive oil is used as a warming base. A few drops may be added essential oils– menthol and eucalyptus. Since oil can damage clothes, it is better to wear old clothes.
  8. A recipe based on Dimexide solution has proven itself well. The medicine must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 and heated to 40° C. Then proceed as when applying alcohol compress. Leave the bandage with Dimexide for 1 hour, then remove and wipe the skin in the area of ​​application with clean water.

The recipe for a compress for a severe cough, which cures in the evening, is based on a mixture of honey, vinegar, mustard powder and vegetable oil. Take the indicated components in equal proportions, for example, 1 tsp. Mix and add enough flour to them to form a flat cake. Place the finished cake on your chest, cover thick fabric(polyethylene/cellophane will not work in this case), wrap it in a warm woolen scarf and leave it overnight. In the morning, cough symptoms will disappear without a trace. Patients who tested the effect this method on themselves, they claim: “We cure coughs even in small children with this cake. The recipe is painless, simple and very effective. The process of making a miracle cake can be turned into exciting game for a child".

Before using any folk remedies, consultation with a doctor is required.


Despite the good therapeutic effect and quick results, warming compresses have a number of contraindications. These include the following:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Acute phase of the disease.
  • Pathologies of cardio-vascular system, increased blood pressure.
  • The presence of neoplasms and tumors of various etiologies.
  • Skin diseases, including warts, moles, papillomas in the area of ​​the compress.
  • Patients under 1 year of age.
  • Individual intolerance or allergic reaction on the components included in the warming bandage.

Among the variety of proposed compress recipes that allow you to get rid of the symptoms of colds and coughs in a short time, choose the one that will be the most effective for you. Although this procedure It is safe; you cannot treat it yourself. Before using compresses for coughs, you should consult your doctor.



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