Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity or “mini-abortion”: what is it? Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) – does the prefix “mini” really make the procedure safe?

Vacuum aspiration is a mini-operation during which the contents of the uterine cavity are extracted (suctioned) using a special vacuum suction. During vacuum aspiration, only the superficial ball of the endometrium of the uterus is removed; its cervix and walls are practically not damaged.

Vacuum aspiration in gynecology - the essence and goals of the procedure

For most women, the concept of “vacuum aspiration” is associated with an unwanted pregnancy, or more precisely with a certain method of terminating it. Indeed, in gynecology this method is most often used to terminate pregnancy, but other purposes of its use are also possible, in particular:

  1. Postpartum vacuum “cleaning”. Vacuum aspiration after delivery is necessary in case of poor uterine contractility to remove blood clots and placental tissue.
  2. Vacuum “cleaning” after a frozen pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage. It is carried out with the aim of extracting the fertilized egg (in case of 3D) or its remains (in case of incomplete miscarriage).
  3. Therapeutic vacuum aspiration for inflammatory diseases of the uterine cavity.
  4. Diagnostic vacuum aspiration of pathologically altered endometrium followed by histological examination.

Vacuum aspiration is performed on an outpatient basis, the procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, after which the woman must be supervised in a hospital setting for 1 hour.

Is it painful to do vacuum aspiration? No. The procedure is practically painless, as it is done under local anesthesia. A woman may feel a slight aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Termination of pregnancy using vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration () of the contents of the uterine cavity is perhaps the safest and least traumatic method of abortion of all those existing in our time. But such mini-abortions are effective only in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 5 weeks).

The most common question that gynecologists hear from their patients concerns the nature and duration of discharge after the vacuum aspiration procedure. It is not possible to give a clear answer to this, since the abundance and duration of discharge directly depends on the duration of pregnancy and other factors. But there are some “average” data.

Thus, scanty spotting bloody discharge can be observed for several days after vacuum aspiration, then it becomes serous or mucous in nature. In some women, after a short break (2-5 days), heavier menstrual-like bleeding resumes, the presence of which may be normal or may indicate post-abortion complications. Massive bleeding, yellowish discharge with a putrid odor is a reason to immediately seek medical help.

The first periods after vacuum aspiration usually begin after 30-35 days, a delay of 7 days is allowed. The menstrual cycle improves within a few months.

Rehabilitation and possible complications after vacuum aspiration

The technique of vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity is relatively safe. In most cases, no serious physical complications are observed, and long-term rehabilitation is usually not required. The most common complication is endometritis - inflammation of the walls of the uterus, and in case of termination of pregnancy - incomplete extraction of the fertilized egg. In some cases, there are more serious consequences: massive bleeding, pneumoembolism, infertility.

Recovery of the female body after vacuum aspiration occurs within one to two weeks. If the purpose of vacuum aspiration was to terminate the pregnancy, then as rehabilitation, the doctor will prescribe the use of COCs (Regulon, Novinet and others) for several menstrual cycles. If necessary, antibiotics may be prescribed.

A prolonged absence of menstruation after the vacuum aspiration procedure may indicate both a hormonal imbalance and a new conception (it is important to remember that a new pregnancy after vacuum aspiration can occur before the start of the first menstruation).

During an abortion, the hormonal stress for a woman is so strong that it takes more than one month to recover from such an intervention. Normal periods after an abortion are confirmation of the success of the procedure and the absence of complications. Therefore, what the discharge should be like, how much and when it should go, should be known to a woman who has decided to take such a step.

Termination of pregnancy involves removing the embryo and fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. Depending on the period, this can be a vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion), a regular surgical abortion, or a medical abortion. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, features of the recovery period. Only a doctor can choose the optimal method of termination after examination, including after performing an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity.

Discharge is normal

Menstruation is the process of shedding the surface layer of the endometrium. It occurs when pregnancy has not occurred. And termination of pregnancy is the instrumental or medicinal expulsion of the fetal bladder from the uterine cavity, along with which the upper layer of the endometrium is removed. In fact, termination of pregnancy replaces menstruation and the next critical days should occur “according to a new schedule.”

After removal of the fertilized egg, bloody discharge appears. How long menstruation lasts after an abortion depends on the presence or absence of concomitant pathologies in the woman and complications of the intervention. Normally, they last up to five to seven days, like regular menstruation. But small deviations are also possible.

  • Postponement of allocations. Immediately after the interruption, there may be no blood clots or even spotting. They may appear on the second or third day after the abortion.
  • Increased duration. Discharge after the procedure may last longer than normal periods, up to seven to ten days.
  • The appearance of pain. Contractions of the uterus after an interruption are more intense than during a girl’s normal menstruation. The longer the pregnancy, the stronger the pain.

The next menstruation after the termination should occur 25-35 days after the removal of the fertilized egg. In terms of their characteristics, they should not differ from the usual menstruation of a given girl. If deviations occur, you should consult a doctor to rule out complications.

Menstruation after mini-abortion

Vacuum aspiration is carried out within 21 days from the date of missed period. At this time, the gestation period is about five weeks. During the procedure, a special apparatus placed into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal (cervix) is used to suction the fertilized egg. This is possible due to the fact that by this time it is not yet tightly fixed to the walls of the uterus. Therefore, on the eve of vacuum aspiration, it is important to accurately determine the gestational age in order to avoid further unpleasant complications.

The surface layer of the endometrium is removed along with the fertilized egg, so heavy periods after a mini-abortion are extremely rare. You can also expect the following:

  • discharge immediately after manipulation is scanty and spotting;
  • on the second or third day the bleeding intensifies somewhat;
  • the duration of the daub is no more than five to seven days;
  • The next period is exactly 25-35 days later (about a month later).

After surgery

Surgical abortion is used to terminate a pregnancy after five weeks. Using special curettes (reminiscent of metal loops on a stem), the fertilized egg and embryo are removed, and then the walls of the uterus are carefully scraped out. The last action is necessary, since after five to six weeks the fetal bladder is tightly fixed to the walls of the uterus, forming the chorion - the future “baby place”. If curettage is not performed thoroughly, complications will develop, and the monthly cycle after surgical abortion will be disrupted.

After such an abortion you can observe:

  • immediately after the procedure, the discharge is abundant, with clots;
  • over the next three to five days, only a small daub remains;
  • The first menstruation after an abortion comes 25-35 days after the intervention.

If used with tablets

Medical abortion is considered the safest and most gentle for the body, which is confirmed by reviews of women who have undergone it. In many countries, its implementation is allowed for up to 12 weeks or more. In Russia, in most regions, abortion using pills is carried out only up to five to six weeks.

The essence of a medical abortion is to create a special hormonal background in which a woman has a complete miscarriage. For such an abortion, it is necessary to take medications in two stages.

  1. First, it is necessary to create a detachment of the fertilized egg.
  2. Then - provoke contractions of the muscles of the uterus to expel it.

Together with the fertilized egg, the functional part of the endometrium, which was necessary for its attachment, leaves. Menstruation after a medical abortion should normally be of the following nature:

  • after the first portion of tablets there is no discharge or slight spotting;
  • after the second portion of tablets, heavy discharge appears within 24 hours;
  • from three to seven days they retain the character of normal menstruation;
  • a new menstruation occurs 25-35 days after the start of bleeding.

What is considered a pathology?

Timely detected pathology is half of successful treatment. Therefore, if you have any doubts about the normality of your condition, you should contact a specialist and wait for the doctor’s answer. The following discharges should alert you.

  • Very plentiful. If a woman has to change three or four maxi pads within an hour, she should consult a doctor. Heavy discharge most often indicates incomplete emptying of the uterine cavity. Heavy periods can occur either one day after a vacuum, surgical or medical abortion, or 20-30 days later.
  • Long lasting smears. Scanty brown discharge for more than 2 weeks also indicates pathology. It is possible that a placental polyp has formed in the uterine cavity, but sometimes this is the first symptom of a hydatidiform mole (a malignant tumor from embryonic tissue affecting the walls of the uterus).
  • Periodically for a month. If the discharge does not stop, but appears periodically - sometimes heavy, sometimes spotting, you need to consult a doctor. Sometimes women mistake such discharge for their second period, which begins immediately after an abortion. In fact, this is abnormal bleeding that can intensify at any time.
  • With an unpleasant odor. Painful and foul-smelling discharge indicates an infection. This happens most often when there is inflammation in the vagina or non-compliance with recommendations after an interruption.
  • Ambiguous color. If the discharge after an abortion becomes yellow or purulent in color, you should consult a doctor. This is the first evidence of the development of inflammation.

Why there may not be “critical days”

A delay in the next period after an abortion always worries a woman. This can happen due to functional disorders and hormonal changes or for more objective reasons.

Menstruation failure. Immediately after conception, the body seriously changes its hormonal levels, which is necessary for successful pregnancy. Abrupt termination of pregnancy can provoke disruptions, the severity of which depends on the age of the women, the presence of gynecological diseases, and the number of abortions in history. Timely treatment will help to avoid serious complications, for example, ovarian dysfunction, functional ovarian cysts.

  • If there were problems before. When your periods were irregular even before pregnancy, it is quite difficult to calculate when they will come after an interruption. Sometimes it is a month, and in other cases it is two or three.
  • The fertilized egg remains in the uterus. If during termination of pregnancy the amniotic sac was not evacuated, the pregnancy will develop further. The absence of menstruation for a month and a positive pregnancy test should prompt a woman to this idea. But it should be remembered that a weak second line may be normal for another two to three weeks after the interruption. This is due to the slow removal of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, the pregnancy hormone) from the body.
  • New pregnancy. If menstruation does not occur after an abortion, a new pregnancy must be ruled out. In the first month after an abortion, a woman may conceive again if she is not properly protected from pregnancy. An ultrasound will help you figure out whether the fertilized egg is old or new, by which you can determine the due date.
  • Excessive scraping of the uterine walls. One of the negative aspects of surgical abortion is that in an attempt to carefully remove the fertilized egg, the doctor may excessively scrape the walls of the uterus. It may take several months for the endometrium to fully recover. The pregnancy test will be negative, and there will be no other signs (nausea, weakness, decreased blood pressure).

What is observed when prescribing contraceptives

Often on the day of a vacuum or surgical abortion, the doctor recommends starting to take hormonal contraceptives in order to protect against a new pregnancy.
In this case you can expect:

  • periodic spotting before the next menstruation;
  • very scanty new menstruation;
  • absence of critical days for two months.

How to avoid complications

To ensure that the termination of pregnancy is completed completely, it is recommended:

  • perform an ultrasound of the uterus immediately after the procedure and ten days later;
  • take a blood test for hCG in ten days;
  • choose a reliable method of protection immediately after interruption.

If there is a suspicion that menstruation after an abortion is pathological, you should immediately consult a specialist. This is especially true in the following cases:

  • if the discharge is long and abundant;
  • if there is spotting for more than two weeks;
  • if other signs of pregnancy persist;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • if there is no menstruation 35-40 days after the abortion.

Termination of pregnancy is a serious detriment to a woman’s health. In order to reduce the amount of damage and protect the body from complications, it is important to know when menstruation begins normally after an abortion. And if you suspect a pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor to clarify the situation.


Vacuum aspiration, what is it, when is it performed, for what reasons, what consequences and complications can it have? This procedure, which is a method of obtaining the contents of the uterine cavity, is used to diagnose certain gynecological diseases, as a treatment procedure for complications after childbirth, frozen pregnancy, and also to terminate pregnancy in the first trimester. Let's take a closer look at all the appointments.


This is a simple procedure performed in many public and private clinics. The main condition is that a vacuum abortion is performed in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 3 weeks of missed menstruation. The maximum period is a week longer than a medical abortion, and the procedure itself is much cheaper. Thousands of women have gone through this.

It is determined whether termination of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) is possible after receiving the results of smears on the flora, conducting an ultrasound examination, which looks at the location of the fetal egg and its size. In some cases, more often if the abortion is performed in a hospital setting, blood tests (general, biochemical, coagulogram, syphilis, HIV, viral hepatitis), urine tests, and consultation with a therapist may be required.

Before the procedure, the woman is given injections of a sedative, as a sedative, and an antispasmodic to relax the cervix. The procedure usually does not require dilation of the cervical canal, since the diameter of the catheter inserted into the uterus is no more than 6 millimeters. Everything lasts literally a minute. The woman experiences moderate pain in the form of a spasm. Afterwards you need to lie on your stomach for 30-60 minutes and you can go home if your health allows. Usually the procedure is quite easy. Vacuum aspiration rarely has consequences. Sometimes the abortion may be incomplete, then you will have to repeat the procedure or have a surgical abortion. Heavy bleeding after a mini-abortion almost never happens. There may be hormonal imbalances, but they are minor, since the pregnancy is terminated early.

Discharge after vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity can continue like regular menstruation, sometimes it can be much shorter, lasting 2-3 days. It's bad if there was no blood at all. Perhaps there is a spasm of the cervix, and the blood simply cannot leave the uterus. And this threatens a severe inflammatory process. In this case, you need to do an ultrasound and, if necessary, surgical curettage.

Menstruation after vacuum aspiration begins on its own time, that is, on average 28-35 days from the day of the abortion. If there is a delay, you need to take a pregnancy test if you had unprotected sexual intercourse after an abortion. Or wait a little. With prolonged amenorrhea, this is a delay of menstruation for one month or more, progesterone may be prescribed. When it is stopped, bleeding will begin.

It should be noted that the cycle will not go astray if you start taking hormonal contraceptives immediately after an abortion, which will also save you from unwanted pregnancy.

Medical reasons for treatment

Often the procedure is carried out not at the request of the woman, but out of medical necessity. For example, vacuum aspiration for a frozen pregnancy. This is an opportunity to avoid cleaning the uterus, a much more “bloody” and unpleasant procedure. If a pregnancy is not developing, it is necessary to remove the fertilized egg with membranes from the uterus, otherwise it will all begin to decompose and cause an inflammatory process, and perhaps even sepsis. Abroad, women with a frozen pregnancy are usually given 2-3 weeks, during which a spontaneous miscarriage can occur. But in Russia it is customary to immediately do vacuum aspiration or cleansing of the uterus.

The same procedure can await women in the first days after the birth of a child. Not all women's uterus contracts well, and postpartum discharge (lochia) normally disappears. Sometimes they linger in the uterus for a long time, and this is fraught with an inflammatory process. In many European countries, vacuum aspiration is performed after childbirth if lochiometra is diagnosed on ultrasound. In domestic hospitals, it is often suggested to start with Oxytocin, try to “start” uterine contractions, and then, perhaps, there will be no need to suck out the contents of the uterus, everything will come out naturally.


Vacuum aspiration has indications not only related directly to pregnancy and childbirth, but also to the diagnosis of gynecological diseases. Thus, it is often performed on women with suspected endometrial hyperplasia. Or if you are planning a myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids). After all, no one will remove the neoplasm without a histological analysis of the endometrium. In the case of a good result of the ultrasound examination and the patient’s young age (up to 35 years), curettage of the uterine cavity in order to simply obtain confirmation that there are no endometrial pathologies is not performed. It is being replaced by a much more gentle procedure - vacuum aspiration of the endometrium, performed without anesthesia, and even in most cases without the use of local anesthesia. It is not required. Let us clarify that it is more correct to call this procedure pipel biopsy or aspiration biopsy. It is indicated under this name in the price lists of clinics. Pipelle biopsy is also prescribed for long-term infertility, in preparation for IVF.

So this is how it all happens. First, the woman takes a regular smear for flora. The doctor must make sure that there is no inflammation. Otherwise, during the procedure, pathogenic microorganisms can be introduced into the uterine cavity, and then acute endometritis will begin.

Depending on the purpose of the study, the day of the menstrual cycle for pipel biopsy can be chosen differently. Knowing that the procedure is, to put it mildly, unpleasant, many women shortly before the procedure take painkillers and antispasmodics (to avoid spasms of the cervical canal). This issue should be discussed in advance with a gynecologist. However, you should not immediately think that the procedure is unbearably painful. Women have different pain thresholds. Another good pain reliever is lidocaine spray. If the clinic does not have it in stock, you can purchase it yourself and bring it to your appointment.

The woman lies down on a regular gynecological chair. The doctor installs a speculum and treats the cervix with alcohol (may pinch). After this, a thin catheter is inserted into the uterus. It should be noted that its diameter is 2-3 millimeters, which is 2 times less than during abortion. After all, there is no fertilized egg in the uterus, the diameter of which is matched to the catheter. This means that introducing it is much faster and easier. Literally within 30 seconds, the endometrium is absorbed from different parts of the uterus. Afterwards the catheter is taken out. The procedure is completed. After it, pain, like cramps, in the uterine area and slight bleeding may persist for some time.

Vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity imposes slight restrictions on sexual activity after it. If everything goes without complications, then you need to abstain from sex for a period of 3-4 days. By the way, good news for those planning a pregnancy. There are statistics that prove that after an aspiration biopsy you can get pregnant immediately. Scientists do not yet know the exact reason for this. But most likely, there is a positive reaction of the endometrium to its slight trauma.

One of the gentle ways to terminate a short-term pregnancy is a vacuum abortion. Vacuum abortion is prescribed:

  • if a woman had an unsuccessful medical abortion;
  • if there are deviations (defects) in the development of the fetus;
  • if the mother is unable to bear a child (chronic diseases);
  • if a woman herself wants to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Description of vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is carried out for short periods (up to three months). The shorter the period, the faster and easier the whole procedure is.

The average duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. After an abortion, the woman remains under the supervision of doctors for some time to ensure the success of the operation.

This method is called gentle because the amount of damage caused to the uterus is insignificant. In the process, only the mucous membrane is damaged.

Who is contraindicated for vacuum abortion?

Like any procedure, the vacuum method of abortion has its own contraindications:

  • The fertilized egg is outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). Abortion by vacuum in this case is simply impossible. After all, it is possible to cause incurable damage to the mother’s body.
  • If a woman is sick (acute infectious diseases). There is a huge risk of infection in the uterine cavity.
  • Physiological characteristics (poor blood clotting).
  • If a woman gave birth less than a year and a half ago.

Pain during vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, no pain is felt during the procedure.

The consequence of such a surgical intervention, as with any type of abortion, is nagging and cramping pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. They last about 2 days until the uterus restores its previous size.

The process of performing a vacuum abortion (mini abortion)

Using an electric vacuum pump, negative pressure is created in the uterus. Under the influence of the apparatus, the fertilized egg is detached from the walls of the uterus and sucked into a prepared container. The process does not use metal dilators, thanks to which the cervix is ​​not injured. The risk of infertility after a vacuum abortion is minimal.

Before starting the process of terminating a pregnancy, a woman undergoes a consultation with a gynecologist and undergoes the necessary tests. Standard blood and urine tests, blood clotting tests, ultrasound, hepatitis and HIV tests are standard.

After a thorough check of the tests, the patient is allowed to have a vacuum abortion. The entire process is carried out by a qualified doctor in a specialized institution (hospital).

The vagina and cervix are treated with an antiseptic, and anesthesia is injected into the cervix. If necessary, in cases where the woman has not given birth before, the cervix is ​​dilated for further insertion of a rigid tube. The fertilized egg is sucked out using a tube.

During the procedure, the woman may feel cramps, which stop immediately when the tube is removed. During the removal of uterine tissue (abortion), symptoms of nausea, weakness and excessive sweating are possible.

The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes, after which the patient rests in the ward where her condition is observed.

Upon discharge, antibiotic treatment is prescribed to prevent inflammation, as well as painkillers if the pain is too intense.

Sex after a vacuum abortion

Intimacy (sexual intercourse) is prohibited for a month after an abortion. During this time, injured uterine tissue heals, and sexual activity can cause inflammation. After complete healing of the genital organs, you should begin having sex using condoms.

Consequences of a vacuum mini abortion

Any abortion, even a mini abortion (vacuum) is an invasion of the natural process of the body. Any invasion, especially surgically, has its consequences. This is stress throughout the body, which is clearly expressed by tangible symptoms.

Discharge after vacuum abortion

Bleeding begins immediately after aspiration. This is a natural reaction of the body to such interference. Many women think that these are ordinary periods, but this is not the case.

The duration of bleeding should not exceed 10-14 days. Abundance should decrease with increasing time after abortion.

Bleeding is not normal if:

  • accompanied by unbearable pain;
  • the abundance of discharge does not decrease;
  • blood clots are present.

If you have such indicators, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain after vacuum abortion

Pain in the lower abdomen is expected after a mini-abortion. Associated with uterine contractions. Lasts about 3-5 days. They are not subject to treatment.

Pain and swelling in the vagina are also normal and disappear after a few days.

Chest pain usually does not bother patients, due to the fact that a mini-abortion is performed for a short period of time. But they can rarely be present; it depends more on the woman’s physiology.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion

It is impossible to say exactly when your period will begin, because this process is individual. From the day of the mini-abortion, about 40 days pass before the start of menstruation.

Full restoration of the menstrual cycle depends on whether the woman has given birth previously or not. For those who have given birth, this period is shorter (about 3 months). For others, this process can take a long time (up to 6 months).

During the first menstruation, discharge may be scanty. If the menstrual cycle has not returned within a couple of months, you need to consult a gynecologist.

If you don't have your period for a long time after an abortion, take a pregnancy test. The result is positive - the vacuum abortion was not successful or you have an ectopic pregnancy. If the result is negative, you should wait a little longer.

Complications after vacuum abortion

Complications after a vacuum mini-abortion are quite rare, but this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

Perforation of the uterus . With a vacuum abortion, it can only occur due to mechanical expansion of the cervix with a special instrument.

Incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. It manifests itself in heavy bleeding and incessant pain in the lower abdomen. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

Cervical spasm. The cervix closes quickly and blood remains in the uterine cavity. This causes constant pain and fever. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Ectopic pregnancy. If during the vacuum procedure the pregnancy was in the tubes, then it remains. Symptoms include abdominal pain and pain during intercourse. Surgery required.

A woman after a mini-vacuum abortion should visit special support groups or consult a psychologist. After all, abortion not only causes physical harm, but also emotional harm. It is necessary in any way to prevent the occurrence of depression, which will only slow down the process of recovery of the body.

The video will tell you in more detail about the consequences of abortion.

There are two methods of vacuum aspiration (also called suction aspiration).

  • Manual vacuum aspiration. This procedure can be used approximately 5 to 12 weeks after your last menstrual period (early first trimester of pregnancy). It involves using a specially designed syringe to perform suction. This method is not available everywhere, but may be more affordable than machine aspiration in some geographic areas.
  • Machine vacuum aspiration. This procedure is a common method used in the first 5 to 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Machine vacuum aspiration involves the use of a hollow tube (cannula) that is attached to a bottle and a pump that provides a gentle vacuum action. The cannula is inserted into the uterus, the pump is turned on, and the tissue is gently removed from the uterus.

Manual vacuum aspiration procedure

Manual vacuum aspiration usually takes from 5 to 15 minutes. It can be performed safely in a clinic or doctor's office using a local anesthetic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen. The procedure includes:

  • You are placed on the examination table in the same position as for a pelvic examination, with your feet on the gynecological equipment and lying on your back.
  • The vagina and cervix are cleaned with an antiseptic solution.
  • A numbing medicine (local anesthetic) is injected into the cervix.
  • If necessary, a small instrument is inserted into the cervix to slightly dilate it. However, in most cases the extension is not necessary.
  • A thin tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. A hand-held syringe is used to suction tissue from the uterus. As the tissue is removed, the uterus will contract. Most women experience cramping during the procedure. The cramps go away after the tube is removed. Some women also experience nausea, sweating, and a feeling of weakness. But usually the symptoms are less severe than with machine vacuum aspiration.

Machine vacuum aspiration procedure

About 90% of all abortions occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Abortion rarely affects your ability to become pregnant in the future. So it is possible to become pregnant within a few weeks immediately after the procedure. Avoid sex until your body has fully recovered, usually at least one week. Use contraception in the first weeks after an abortion. And also condoms to prevent infection.

Depression may occur due to pregnancy hormones changing after an abortion. If you continue to have symptoms of depression such as fatigue, sleepiness, changes in appetite, or feelings of sadness, emptiness, anxiety, or irritability for more than two weeks, contact your doctor about treatment.

The hospital or surgery center may give you instructions on how to prepare for surgery, or a nurse may give you instructions right before your surgery.

Immediately after surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room where you will be monitored and cared for by nurses. You will likely stay in the recovery room for a while and then go home. In addition to any special instructions from your doctor, the nurse will explain information to you to help you recover. You'll go home with printed care instructions, including who to contact if problems arise.



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