Analysis of articles on sociology. Sociological Research (magazine)

There is a review.
Co-authors: Voronov Viktor Aleksandrovich, Belgorod State National Research University, Candidate of Sociological Sciences
The article analyzes the issues of diagnosing the organizational culture of small and medium-sized businesses. The problematic characteristics of the analysis of organizational culture are considered. A systematic approach to forming research design is proposed. As promising areas for studying the organizational culture of business entities, it is proposed to pay attention to entrepreneurial culture, hypernorms, and the system of socio-legal regulation.

2. Kazimova Eva Sergeevna. IDENTIFYING THE ATTITUDES OF STUDENTS OF VLADIMIR STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER A.G. And N.G. STOLETOVIKH TO THE JURY TRIAL There is a review. The article was published in No. 66 (February) 2019
Co-authors: Smyslova Larisa Vladislavovna, senior lecturer of the department
The problems of jury trials are considered, the failure of persons to appear in court as jurors is investigated, the results of the survey are analyzed and a forecast is made.

3. Nikitina Ekaterina Gennadievna. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LIFESTYLE OF MEDICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN RUSSIA AND TAJIKISTAN There is a review. The article was published in No. 64 (December) 2018
Co-authors: Koryakina Anastasia Igorevna, Kotyshova Anastasia Ivanovna students of IGMA, Savelyev Vladimir Nikiforovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Health and Healthcare of IGMA
This article analyzes the lifestyle of fourth-year students at the Izhevsk State Medical Academy and the Tajik State Medical University. We compared the level, lifestyle, style and quality of life of students from two countries of the former USSR - Russia and Tajikistan. Based on the results of the study, one can judge the development of these countries in our time.

4. Efremova Anastasia Evgenievna. Enterprise personnel as an object of social protection There is a review.
Co-authors: Shcheka Natalya Yuryevna, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Amur State University
The article discusses the theoretical foundations of social protection of personnel at an enterprise. Social development of an enterprise means the desire for improvement in its social environment - in those spiritual, moral, social and material conditions in which the enterprise’s personnel carry out their labor functions. The main areas of social protection at the enterprise can be called: ensuring growth in labor productivity, efficiency and quality of work of personnel, stimulating them to improve their qualifications, assistance in solving management problems - ensuring the rotation of the most qualified employees and their loyal attitude to the enterprise.

5. Ushakova Marina Yurievna. Theoretical aspects of social work with the unemployed There is a review. The article was published in No. 63 (November) 2018
Co-authors: Shcheka Natalya Yurievna, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Amur State University
The article describes the socio-psychological portrait of unemployed citizens, as well as the employment service as a subject of social work with the unemployed. Statistical data on the unemployment rate in Russia are presented. The regulatory framework for social work with the unemployed is analyzed, and the pressing social problems of the unemployed are considered: social degradation, poverty, problems in family relationships and the lack of desire among the unemployed to contact employment services.

6. Advice Anton Ivanovich. The communist principle of distribution according to work There is a review. The article was published in No. 63 (November) 2018
The article proposes a new method of distribution by labor, designed to replace the currently known methods of labor distribution with the retention of their positive characteristics and the elimination of negative ones.
The solution is intended both for the peaceful transformation of capitalism into socialism, and for raising already existing socialist social systems to a new level of development.

7. Shmakov Vladimir Sergeevich. INSTITUTIONALIZATION AS A FACTOR OF TRANSFORMATION OF RURAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT There is a review. The article was published in No. 61 (September) 2018
The article provides an analysis of the institutional transformation of rural local communities of the Russian Federation. The main stages of institutional changes in the socio-economic development of the village are highlighted. The institutional basis for the transformation of the Russian village was the destruction of the system of socio-economic relations, the formation of a mixed economy, the increasing role of state agricultural policy, and the formation of human capital in the village.

8. Stavropolsky Yuliy Vladimirovich. IDEOLOGY OF SOCIALISM AS A FACTOR OF THE WORLD POLITICAL PROCESS ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE JAPANESE SOCIALIST PARTY There is a review. The article was published in No. 59 (July) 2018
The article examines the main reasons why, in the economically prosperous mid-sixties, the Japanese Socialist Party lost its ideological flexibility. The answer is that during this period the Japanese Socialist Party found itself trapped both in terms of inter-party competition and in terms of the structure of interests in the political arena. These two aspects are closely intertwined with each other and cannot be explained separately.

9. Adibekyan Oganes Alexandrovich. SOCIOLOGY OF REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC WORKSArticle published in No. 58 (June) 2018
As part of preserving the value of scientific achievements for society, actions are being taken to eliminate unpromising, ineffective work that can be supported by undeserved reviews and reviews. But productive, useful work can also be rejected. Therefore, the review work is awarded special evaluative consideration with the promotion of proper attitude towards it.

Co-authors: Malyshkevich Natalia Vadimovna, student of the Grodno State Medical University. Scientific supervisor: Gres S.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Grodno State Medical University
The topic of supporting patients with terminal stages of disease is very relevant for our society. Due to the fact that the topic of death and incurable diseases is taboo, there are many stereotypes that this category of citizens cannot be helped because they cannot be cured. In order to provide quality care, it is important that society knows and understands the main aspects of palliative care. However, assistance to incurable patients in the Republic of Belarus is provided both by the state and by charitable organizations. The purpose of the work is to explore the operating conditions of structures providing hospice care and the attitude of society towards hospice in the Grodno region.

11. Stavropolsky Yuliy Vladimirovich. Ecogenomics on the threshold of breakthrough scientific discoveries There is a review.
The most interesting and potentially attractive area for the application of ecogenomic technologies from both social and financial points of view is the pharmaceutical industry. In the first half of the 21st century, the unwillingness of combinatorial chemistry to meet the expectations of high profits from the production of new drugs increased the interest of the pharmaceutical industry in natural products. In this regard, the ecology of the oceans is of great interest. For example, approximately half of all cancer drugs are derived from marine organisms.

12. Stavropolsky Yuliy Vladimirovich. Application of eco-efficient measures in reclamation technologies There is a review.
Scientific research in the field of reclamation technologies has not been a high priority until recently. Here, often, everything depends on the specific country. The costs of environmental degeneration vary enormously from country to country. One of the fundamental problems of biodegeneration is monitoring its development. Customers and land owners need detailed information about time costs. In this regard, biodegeneration is less certain compared to other reclamation technologies.

13. Frolovskaya Alexandra Andreevna. Measures for social adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care There is a review.
This article analyzes the problem of orphans and children left without parental care, including their socialization and adaptation after leaving a government institution. The article discusses measures aimed at more effective work on the social adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care.

14. Frolovskaya Alexandra Andreevna. Social rehabilitation with disabled people through physical education and health work There is a review.
Co-authors: Antipova Evgenia Igorevna, senior lecturer at South Ural State University
Research related to the importance of physical education and health work for the rehabilitation of disabled people is considered. The expediency of sports in the lives of people with limited mobility is substantiated.

15. Adibekyan Oganes Alexandrovich. WHY ARE THERE NOT SALE EVERYWHERE AND ALWAYS?
Sales of familiar products at incredibly discounted prices delight customers. But they are saddened that this does not happen in all trading enterprises, and not for all goods, not continuously. Few people believe that the product has not justified itself, that competitors have won, the warehouse is full, and that the rented premises need to be vacated. Rather, they believe that the merchants felt sorry for the buyers and decided to give them a gift, but because they had already become rich. How, after all, really?

16. Adibekyan Oganes Alexandrovich. EXPRESSION OF THE STATUS OF NATIONS BY SPORTS. There is a review.
A sport based on physical exercise, linked to competition, and performed in front of fans, has long become an international spectacle. World championships in individual sports and the Olympic Games are unimaginable without the competition between countries to show respect for this type of activity through the achievements of their athletes. Does this serve as a status qualification for nations? There would be no question if all states were one-national. But, in addition to the long-standing multinationality, there is also emigration and immigration without obstacles to the purchase and sale of athletes. Taking into account the national factor in sports life is interesting, important, and worthy of attention.

17. Council Anton Ivanovich. Principles of remuneration There is a review. The article was published in No. 54 (February) 2018
The article examines all possible principles of remuneration and draws conclusions about their applicability in the future.

18. Kanishchev Kirill Valerievich. Mass culture and its influence on various spheres of society There is a review.
Co-authors: Averkina Tatyana Nikolaevna, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation, teacher of history and social studies at VUVK named after. A.P. Kiseleva, Voronezh
Mass culture is a form of culture that dominates among the majority of the population, characterized by low quality characteristics and an orientation toward the “average person.” One part of society criticizes mass culture, considering it faceless and propaganda. Another part recognizes its effectiveness in supporting the spiritual and moral unification of individuals. At the same time, no one denies the global influence that mass culture has on the collective consciousness and mind. This article is devoted to a more detailed study and analysis of the presented influence, as well as its connection with various spheres of society.

19. Gryzunova Margarita Viktorovna. Internet addiction problem There is a review.
Co-authors: Voloshina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technology, Fine Arts and Design
The article examines the phenomenon of Internet addiction. This article may be of interest to people who have encountered this problem or observed symptoms of this problem in friends. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of Internet addiction and ways to solve it.

20. Akumova Regina Maratovna. Sociological survey on reproductive attitudes of Chinese men and women aged 15 to 40 There is a review. The article was published in No. 52 (December) 2017
Co-authors: Popova Natalya Mitrofanovna, head of department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
The article presents the results and analysis of a sociological survey of 50 Chinese men and 50 Chinese women in the cardiology and endocrinology departments of Wuhan Union Hospital in Wuhan, China, 2017 as part of the international exchange program for medical students.

Publishing house help. Specialists of the publishing house "ANALYTICS RODIS" LLC (text designers, translators, proofreaders, scientific editors) can help authors in publishing articles on sociology. We offer:

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  1. Urgency– The magazine is published six times a year. Every two months - a new set of articles in the next issue. It is possible to add an article to an already formed issue if an article on sociology needs to be published very urgently.
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Updating the problems of professional self-determination of youth


Analysis of the article by V.V. Ignatiev sociological research at a military university

V.V. IGNATIEV SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH AT A MILITARY UNIVERSITY. The relevance of this study is due to the fact that in recent years the so-called “means of sociological diagnostics” have become an integral element of the practical activities of sociologists. This term, proposed by V.V. Shcherbina, entered the lexicon of domestic sociologists as a special type of means of obtaining social information

Analysis of the article by G.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova, P.V. Romanov, E.P. Antonov. Domestic violence against children: strategies for explanation and counteraction // 2008. - No. 1. – P.51-54.

G.R. YARSKAYA–SMIRNOVA, P.V. ROMANOV, E.P. ANTONOVA. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN: STRATEGIES FOR EXPLANATION AND COUNTERACTION // 2008. - No. 1. – P.51-54. This article is devoted to the study of such a phenomenon as domestic violence against children. An attempt has been made to explain this phenomenon and ways to counter its spread. Home and family, as you know, are the safest place for children

Analysis of the article by E.M. Shcherbakova drug invasion in Russia, what statistics say // Socis. – 2004. - No. 1.

E.M. SHCHERBAKOVA DRUG VIOLENCE IN RUSSIA What the statistics say // Socis. – 2004. - No. 1. Article by E.M. Shcherbakova’s “Drug Infestation in Russia” is devoted to the study of the spread of cases of drug addiction in our country. In recent years, drug addiction and related crime have become a serious threat to Russia's national security and its future.

Analysis of the article by Z.E. Dorofeeva unemployed in modern Russia // Sotsis. – 2008. - No. 2.

Z.E. DOROFEEV UNEMPLOYED IN MODERN RUSSIA // Socis. – 2008. - No. 2. This article is devoted to studying the problem of unemployment of a fairly large part of the population of modern Russia. The social and economic position of an individual and a household largely depends on its position in the labor market, i.e. from access to the main economic resource – income-generating labor activity. In the context of the transition to the market, the problem of employment has become a purely personal matter.

Analysis of the article Zborovsky G.E., Shuklina E.A. Education as a resource of the information society // . 2005. No. 7. P. 107-113.

Zborovsky G.E., Shuklina E.A. Education as a resource of the information society //. 2005. No. 7. pp. 107-113. –. In the domestic sociological literature of recent years, issues of modernization of Russian education have been actively discussed. However, as Zborovsky G.E. writes, consideration of this issue is limited mainly to “today”; the prospect of the formation of an information society is not sufficiently taken into account

Analysis of the article by I. M. Kozin on strikes in modern Russia

I.M. KOZIN STRIKES IN MODERN RUSSIA Article by I.M. Kozina is devoted to the analysis of the strike movement in modern Russia.

Analysis of the article by I.Yu. Lyalugene, L.A. Rupshene, the influence of labor migration of parents on the socialization of adolescents // 2008. - No. 1.

I.Yu. LYALUGENE, L.A. RUPSHENE INFLUENCE OF LABOR MIGRATION OF PARENTS ON THE SOCIALIZATION OF ADOLESCENTS // 2008. - No. 1. Authors. LYALUGENE Irena Yurgevna Lyalugienė – Doctor of Social Sciences (Educology), Professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences at Kaunas University of Technology. RUPSHENE Lyudmila Antonovna – Doctor of Social Sciences (Educology), Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy, Klaipeda University

Analysis of the article by Kozochkin T.L. Differentiation of schools as a factor in the quality of general education // Sotsis. – 2008

Kozochkina T.L. Differentiation of schools as a factor in the quality of general education // Sotsis. –. Kozochkina Tatyana Leonidovna – graduate student at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Analysis of the article by Kozochkin T.L. Differentiation of schools as a factor in the quality of general education // Sotsis. – 2008. - No. 8. – pp. 115-118.

Kozochkina T.L. Differentiation of schools as a factor in the quality of general education // Sotsis. – 2008. - No. 8. – pp. 115-118. Kozochkina Tatyana Leonidovna – graduate student of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Analysis of the article features labor and management practices in enterprises with a predominance of female personnel

EAT. ZHIDKOVA PECULIARITIES OF LABOR AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN ENTERPRISES WITH A PREDOMINANCE OF FEMALE PERSONNEL - consideration of the concentration of a female workforce with specific characteristics in light industry enterprises.

Analysis of the article by Panova L.V., Rusinova N.L. “Inequalities in access to primary health care” from the SOCIS journal (No. 6, 2005)

Analysis of the article by Panova L.V., Rusinova N.L. “Inequalities in access to primary health care” from the SOCIS journal (Lyudmila Vasilievna Panova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Analysis of the article by R.A. Durnev “Life Safety Culture”

Analysis of the article by R. DURNEV “LIFE SAFETY CULTURE” The purpose of writing the work is to reveal the concept of “life safety culture”.

Analysis of the article The role of the family in the formation and development of language

P.M. YARMIEVA. THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE. -. The purpose of this work is to consider the role of the family in the formation and development of language. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that a characteristic feature of today in Tatarstan is the increase in the number of interethnic marriages. According to statistics, the general picture based on data from the 1970-90s is as follows: if in 1970 the share of mixed marriages was 7.8% of all families, in 1979 - 10.7%, in 1989 - 14, 9%, in 1994 - 14.4% of the total

Analysis of the article by S.N. Varlamova, A.V. Noskova, N.N. Sedov’s marriage contract in Russia: from past to future // Socis. – 2008. - No. 1

S.N. VARLAMOVA, A.V. NOSKOVA, N.N. SEDOVA MARRIAGE CONTRACT IN RUSSIA: FROM PAST TO FUTURE // Socis. – 2008. - No. 1. Marriage, a legitimately recognized form of relationship between a man and a woman with the goal of creating a family, has come a long way in evolution. Each historical era constructed its own models of marital behavior, putting various semantic discourses into the concept of “marriage”. Marital behavior of people is based on ideas about the essence of love, as well as norms of sexual behavior

Analysis of the article “Are the peoples of the North dying out?”

Analysis of the article Author of the article "Are the peoples of the North dying out?" BOGOYAVLENSKY Dmitry Dmitrievich - senior researcher at the Center for Demography and Human Ecology of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Analysis of the article. Zborovsky G.E. Social comparison as an everyday phenomenon and a sociological problem

Zborovsky E. Social comparison as an everyday phenomenon and a sociological problem. SOCIS. Social comparison is a necessary element of everyday life and everyday behavior of individuals, as well as an integral component of the ideology of society and specific social communities.

Analysis of the article. The significance of demography as a sociological science, and its importance, from this point of view, for finding ways out of the socio-demographic crisis

Information about the author of the article Mikhail Nikolaevich Rutkevich - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. The views he expresses in the article make it possible to classify him as a supporter of left-wing views, opponents of liberalism in the economy and supporters of government regulation.

Sociological Research (magazine)

"Sociological Research (SotsI)"

national scientific-policy


12 issues per year

A country:


Publication history:
Web site:

"Sociological Research"(or "SotsIs") - the leading monthly Russian scientific and socio-political magazine in the field of sociology and ethnography. Founded in 1974.

The first editor-in-chief of the journal was Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. G. Kharchev (1974-1987). In subsequent years, the journal was headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. V. Dmitriev (1987-1995). Since 1995, the position of editor-in-chief has been occupied by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Zh. T. Toshchenko. Vladimir Ivanovich Staroverov has provided significant scientific support to the journal for many years.

The journal publishes articles on the theory and history of sociology, the results of sociological research and experiments in the field of economic, social, political and spiritual life of society both in Russia and abroad; educational and methodological materials for sociology teachers; bibliographic reviews and reviews, as well as information about scientific conferences.



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See what “Sociological research (magazine)” is in other dictionaries:

    Scientific journal of the Institute of Sociology and Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Basic in 1974, published in Moscow 4 times a year. Illuminates theoretical problems of sociology and results of sociology. research. Has permanent headings: theoretical and methodological. Problems… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (“Sociological Research”), scientific journal, organ of the Institute of Sociological Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1974, published in Moscow 4 times a year. Covers theoretical problems of sociology and the results of sociological research.... ...

    Monthly scientific and socio-political magazine of the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1974, Moscow. Founders (1998) publishing house "Science", Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sociological institutions in the USSR- departments and organizations carrying out theoretical and applied research into sociological problems. Depending on the affiliation of S. u. in the USSR are divided into: 1) institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences and union republics that carry out the development of theoretical ... Sociological reference book

    Periodicals on sociological problems began to be published in various countries at the end of the 19th century, reflecting the process of the formation of sociology as an independent science. Among the first S. zh. were: “Revue Internationale de sociologie” (P., 1893);... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNALS IN RUSSIA- professional sociologists magazines appeared on the territory of the former USSR only in the 60s. Until this time, articles on sociology were published (and are still published) in such journals as Questions of Philosophy (since 1947), Problems of the World and... ... Russian Sociological Encyclopedia

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