What are the priorities in life? Principles for choosing a woman’s key life priorities

Each of us has our own priorities, life goals and objectives, but in the end it all comes down to one thing - the desire to be happy, healthy, to have a loved one nearby, to raise decent, successful children.

For many people, the main value in life is financial well-being. This is not surprising, because without money it is very difficult to ensure a high-quality standard of living, to fully relax, and to expand your capabilities.

At the same time, the pursuit of high incomes often overshadows everything and takes energy from other areas of life. Notice how many businessmen and wealthy celebrities end up with incurable diseases and suffer from loneliness.

As they say in Vedic knowledge, energy balance is very important. This means that you cannot focus only on the area of ​​money, you need to try to improve your financial well-being, without forgetting about your family and health.

When a person is family oriented

The surest way to become a highly effective person is to focus primarily on your family. Family is something without which even the most confident and purposeful people will feel incomplete.

If a person has not created a family and lived his life without understanding what it means to have support and support nearby in the form of a loving partner and children, this will inevitably affect his worldview and will not allow him to fully develop personally.

You've probably heard more than once that the most important things in life are family and health. Whatever one may say, this is true.

If you are not feeling well, even the most money is unlikely to bring you happiness and satisfaction. If you don’t have a family, you most likely won’t be able to maintain your desire to do something for long, because you won’t have anyone to work for and achieve results for. Moreover, often lonely people fall into prolonged depression, begin to abuse alcohol, drugs, etc.

How to prioritize in life

If you want to be a happy person, learn to set your life priorities correctly. As already mentioned, the main goals of a person are to create a family and feel good.

It is better to put money in 3rd place. They should be treated as a tool for achieving excellent results in family relationships and health promotion. Otherwise, the endless pursuit of high incomes and positions will sooner or later “squeeze out all the juice.”


Human life is multifaceted, complex, unpredictable and replete with a wide variety of possibilities. No matter how much they want, two people will never be able to live their lives the same way, even if it seems so to someone from the outside. Life priorities are one of the reasons that make us and our lives so different from each other, because they are different for everyone.

The lives of two people, one of whom intends to become a senior assistant to the head of the company in which he works, and the second - the president of his country, cannot be similar.

Each of us associates different things with the word “priority”. A student, having heard this word, will imagine the end of his studies in the theater and the desired diploma, an athlete - a new personal record, a careerist - a promotion, etc. However, priority is not always and not only a big goal: in a narrow sense, this is what we preference at present. You are reading this article, which means that this activity is a priority for you at this moment in time. If the doorbell rings now, the priority will change and you will go answer it. The issue of priorities is studied in more detail at self-development trainings.

Correctly setting life priorities and goals means learning to give preference to those activities that, in the long run, will best justify the time and effort spent on them.

Determining life priorities and setting goals often depends on immediate needs, such as need or illness. A student who has nothing to feed his family will have to forget about studying in favor of earning money, and an injured athlete will have to postpone training until better times and focus on treatment. But when there is no urgent need, and there is a choice, a person tends not to value his time, scattering it on unimportant and useless, although pleasant, activities. Someone is addicted to online games, someone abuses alcohol, someone spends too much time with friends, etc. This leads to gaps in important areas of life, dissatisfaction and the search for a solution to the problem, which most often becomes correct self-organization , in particular – determining priority goals and objectives.

What are life priorities?

A person’s life priorities are always aimed at achieving certain goals; accordingly, they, like goals, can be classified according to the complexity and urgency of achievement:

  1. Long-term. By the end of my life I must...
  2. Medium term. By the age of thirty I should have...
  3. Urgent. You need to make it before the end of the quarter...

At the same time, the dependence of the complex on the simple is preserved, that is, the global goal is achieved by systematically completing a number of average tasks, each of which in turn is achieved by performing a number of simple actions.

Quentin Tarantino began his work in the film industry as a ticket salesman. If we assume that his long-term goal was “to become a cult director”, his medium-term goal was “to sign a contract with a film studio to shoot his first film,” then the immediate goal is obvious - “to find a job in film.”

The main thing in life

It is also worth remembering that not all areas of life are equally important to us and they can also be prioritized. Some people focus on their career, some devote themselves entirely to their family, for some the greatest value is their hobby, etc. Here is a general list of the main areas of life, relevant for most people:

  • Public life. Chatting with friends, going out, participating in cultural events, etc.
  • Job. Everything related to making money and self-realization through career growth.
  • Personal life and family. Communication with family, raising children, romantic relationships and so on.
  • Hobby. Any hobbies that do not generate significant income and are not a way to earn money.
  • Health. Sports, physical development, preventive and health procedures.
  • Study and self-development. Education, professional development, personal effectiveness training and any other training.

The main vital priorities can change dramatically with age. So, for example, for a young person, health will almost certainly be at the end of the list, and study at the beginning. Older people, on the contrary, are not inclined to study, because they usually already have both education and a solid store of knowledge behind them, but they closely monitor their health, because with age, many problems are discovered that are not familiar to young people.

Nevertheless, no matter what is most important in life, everything remains vitally important, and within each category there are also value priorities that require alignment. For example, social life can include both a discussion about the genres of theatrical art with a familiar art critic, and drinking alcohol in dubious company. Health for one means daily exercise, and for another it means an annual medical examination and a vacation in a sanatorium.

Maslow's pyramid

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) is an American psychologist who proposed a hierarchy of human needs from primitive to high. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is best known and popular in the form of a pyramid, but such a diagram is not found in any of Maslow’s own publications. The theory was described in the books The Theory of Human Motivation and Motivation and Personality.

“To be at peace with oneself, a person must be what he can be.” Abraham Maslow

According to Maslow, a person can experience high needs only when low ones are satisfied. In other words, thoughts about social status come only on a full stomach. Maslow noted that the hierarchy is not static, and depending on the personal qualities of a person, the sequence of needs may change. There are 5 main categories of needs:

  1. The most primitive, physiological needs. This includes the need to take food and water, rest, reproduce, etc.
  2. The need for a safe shelter and its arrangement. Permanent place of residence, safety, comfortable conditions.
  3. Need for communication. Social activity, interaction, sharing experiences, affection, etc.
  4. The need for recognition and status. Respect, career growth, etc.
  5. Spiritual needs. Self-knowledge, self-development, self-expression, self-actualization.

Maslow's theory has found wide application in the field of management and marketing, with its help opportunities are studied and means are developed to motivate the client/customer. However, in psychology, the theory did not justify itself despite its high popularity, because due to the presence of a number of problems, it turned out to be untestable.

But there is another application of Maslow’s pyramid that makes it valuable for practical self-development. With its help, each person can record their priorities and track progress towards achieving goals. The principle is very simple: at the bottom level of the pyramid is the most urgent and simple, at the top is the most long-term and difficult. Having filled out the pyramid, it is advisable to place it in a frame and place it in a prominent place or hang it on the wall so that it is always in front of your eyes, as a reminder and guide.

How to prioritize your life

The phrase “setting life priorities” sounds very pompous, but don’t be afraid of its pretentious significance, your task is to learn how to spend time correctly, nothing more. To do this, let's determine what is “right” for you personally and what eats up your time.

  1. Keep a diary.
  2. Every day, write down 2 things: the most significant event of the day and the most meaningless activity of the day.
  3. As time passes, summarize the results, highlight the most significant event and the most meaningless activity of the week, and then the month.
  4. Determine the area of ​​life that contains the largest number of important events. She is your priority.
  5. Analyze pointless activities. You will clearly see what exactly is eating up a lot of your time. You can even count the lost hours and put the calculations on the monitor as a reminder, and mercilessly stop attempts to do useless things.

It is important to correctly understand what the most significant event is. It's not necessarily something very important or exceptional. Such an event can be any little thing to which you reacted most vividly during the day. Whether the reaction was positive or negative does not matter. The point is that the events that are most important to you, that is, events from the priority area of ​​life, will be remembered most vividly. It is worth considering that the life priorities of a woman and a man can differ significantly.

The variety of forms of training does not allow you to get bored. For example, there are such effective types of training in the psychology of communication as role-playing games and modeling of extreme, stressful situations that will allow you to apply effective practices in real life.

The recipe for madness is quite simple: divide your attention between several things and be constantly stressed by the accumulated tasks. This is how the sense of control is lost, which has a detrimental effect on physical and mental health. What should you do to avoid being crushed by the rubble of unfinished business? One of the best ways is to learn to prioritize.

This is an important skill because without it we tend to take the path of least resistance. The most difficult, important, unpleasant things are relegated to the background. In the meantime, we are doing something fun and easy. This leads to extreme stress in the end: a drop in self-esteem, loss of self-esteem, awareness of wasted time.

There is a high probability that you are involved in many areas during the day: health, education, work, family. And this is not to mention the fact that you want to have at least a little fun. And when there is a lot to do, the most difficult, but also important, thing is to understand what to do first.

Exploring your life

Before setting priorities, you need to gain control over the situation and time, and for this you need to find out what is happening in life.

How have you been spending your time over the past month?

To change your attitude towards time, you need to evaluate it. Write down everything you've done in recent weeks.

How much time do you devote to each area of ​​your life? The answer to this question will help you understand what your priorities are right now.

Think about the most important areas of your life: career, relationships, personal development, finances, family.

Examine those areas that you rated from 8 to 10. If there are gaps of 2 or more points between the importance of an area and satisfaction with it, this indicates a poor balance. You are wasting your time on the wrong things.

Set new priorities to do more important things.

Third step: find out what actions, actions and tasks are missing in your life. Write down what comes to mind when you read the following questions:

  • What is the most important thing in my life right now?
  • Which area would I like to spend more time on?
  • Where should I spend less time?
  • What areas need my attention now? (e.g. health, family, finances)

Write down your actions in the order that is most important. This is your new priority list.

Let's take a closer look at this step.

How to prioritize

Method one: after a year

Let's say you have three possible paths for the development of events in life, you can only go one at a time. How can you make the right decision?

When faced with a difficult choice, imagine your life 12 months from now. You are a year older, have achieved some of your goals and are looking back on today. Detach yourself from the present with all its worries and problems. What did you do? What went wrong and what worked? What activities helped you achieve your most important goals faster?

Simple step by step process of this method:

  • Imagine yourself and your life in a year.
  • Think about how you achieved all your goals.
  • Create a to-do list that will lead to this.

Imagining yourself in a year (five, ten years), you can look at your life from a completely different perspective. You'll be more likely to figure out what works and what doesn't. Using this information, you can change your priorities and choose more effective options.

Method Two: Reverse Thinking

Typically, when prioritizing, you'll be faced with a to-do list and try to figure out which is more important. But not with the Reverse Thinking method.

You need to start with the task that you consider to be your top priority. For example, complete a project by the end of the day. So priority #1 is to complete the project. To make sure that this task is truly the most important, start comparing it with others that are on the main list.

Let's say priority #2: review all business metrics and adjust the schedule if necessary.

As you think about the long-term rewards and impact of each activity, compare their potential outcomes and make sure that priority #1 really trumps #2. For example, the entire company's job and your bonus depend on whether you complete a project. Thus, by figuring out what is less important to you, you can determine what is more important.

Method Three: Balanced Scorecard

This method (Balanced Scorecard) is mentioned in 4,000 books presented on the Amazon website. This at least indicates that it is worthy of attention.

The biggest advantage of this method is its ability to identify the actions and goals that bring the most value in several areas. If you don't know which task provides the most significant benefit on multiple levels, take out a pen and paper and write down the following. But first, think about your goals and expected results. Set realistic expectations based on your skill set and the amount of time available.

Step one: state your goals.

Find out what really matters to success. Make a list of goals and expected results that you would like to achieve by the end of the day, week or month.

For example, as a project manager, you may be interested in the following goals: complete projects A and B, increase productivity, increase monthly income.

Step two: outline all your tasks.

To find the tasks with the highest value, you first need to identify all your priorities. Create a table with the goals and objectives that fall under each activity.

Goal: Complete Project A. Activity: Meet with the team, create an action plan for them, track the results of their work.

Goal: increase productivity. Activities: improve your schedule, meet with your team and familiarize them with it, remove unnecessary tasks or outsource the least important ones, analyze which tasks take the most time.

Step Three: Create a Balanced Scorecard for Priorities.

If you have four main goals, draw four intersecting circles and write the name of your goals in each. Then evaluate which actions result in duplicative benefits—that is, they help achieve multiple goals at the same time.

For example, a meeting with a client can lead to faster progress on a project and increased monthly income. Analyzing your team's work leads to increased productivity and faster completion of projects.

“Two birds with one stone” - this expression suits this method perfectly. Apply it to all areas of your life and you will see that one task can affect several of them. The more thoughtfully you analyze, the more accurately you will set your priorities.

Method four: Covey matrix

You've probably already heard and read about it, but you can't help but include it on our list: this method is too good. It helps in setting priorities and reducing stress levels. When you realize that you are doing everything right, the tension goes away.

Renowned personal growth writer Stephen Covey suggested dividing a piece of paper into four sections, drawing a line across and a line from top to bottom. Think about the things you've been doing lately and place them in one of four quadrants:

  • Important and urgent.
  • Important and not urgent.
  • Unimportant and urgent.
  • Unimportant and not urgent.

You should keep most of your tasks in the “important and not urgent” quadrant and prevent them from moving into “important and urgent”. And the unimportant, urgent and not urgent must be strictly filtered, and many things must be abandoned.

The simple idea that the Covey matrix leads us to is that in important matters we must not allow blockages and rush jobs. This is fraught with errors, omissions, conflicts and can have a negative impact on life. Analyze your life: what important things will become urgent very soon? The list can contain dozens of different things. This is what is needed and what should be started now.

Method five: ABCDE

Motivational speaker Brian Tracy loves simple and effective techniques. His main credo: think, plan and work faster. He uses this approach in his strategy called ABCDE.

Here's how it works: write down on a piece of paper all the things you need to accomplish in the next month. This alone will help you feel relieved, because seeing a list of goals in front of you means removing the fog from your head.

Tasks A are the most important.

These are the most important matters that have significant consequences for your destiny. They may not be particularly pleasant, but they must be completed - and the sooner the better.

If you do not complete these tasks, you will lose money, health, a loved one, maybe even your life. In Tracy's own words, these are “frogs” that need to be eaten. These are the things that should be done first.

If you have many A tasks, you need to divide them by priority. Now the most important thing will look like A-1, the second most important thing is A-2, then A-3, etc.

TasksB have smaller consequences.

Performing Type B tasks also has minor consequences. Can they be sacrificed? It all depends on the situation. For example, if you have task A, but it cannot be done at the moment, immediately get to work on B. And vice versa, you should not engage in procrastination and self-deception if task A can be completed now.

If you have an unfinished project that will affect your destiny, then you should not clean up until it is completed.

Tasks C have no consequences.

Type C tasks are things that would be nice to do, but that have no consequences whether you do them or not. For example: calling a friend. Such activities do not affect your life in any way.

You cannot perform tasks of type C if A or B remains.

TasksD can be delegated to someone.

Tasks D can be safely delegated to someone else. This helps free up more time for tasks A.

A simple example: invite a cleaner instead of tidying up yourself.

TasksE needs to be removed from the to-do list.

Problems of type E are not problems at all. Gossip, video games, social networks, aimless surfing - all that does not affect your life in any way and that you should not waste time on if you have more important tasks. They can be replaced with type C - instead of social networks, call a friend.

Make a list of important things to do.

This is a very useful practice. You need to make two lists.

First: cases that represent the big picture. For example, learning English, reading three books on communicating with people and implementing tips in life, creating a startup.

Second: what you need to do every day. These could be repetitive activities: exercise, reading, meditation.

It is important to break down the things on the first list into their components and start doing them. At the same time, make sure that the tasks from the second list are also completed. Balance is what will allow you to live a full life.

Find out what your core values ​​and principles are.

Values ​​and principles are the rules by which people live. They are especially useful when you are faced with a difficult life situation. For example, to act honestly or dishonestly in business? Your moral principles will help answer this question.

Principles and values ​​are also good because they allow you to look at the big picture. Sometimes we are so focused on details that we don’t understand what we are doing and why.

Find out what your most time-consuming habits are.

Almost every person does something that sucks time. He has an excuse: I worked hard, and now I’m resting. But is spending time on social networks a vacation? This habit causes stress to many people.

Make a list of time wasters. Find out how many hours they take up each day. How about a week? This valuable time can be spent on something more important. For example, for type A problems according to Brian Tracy's method.

Find goals for your priorities.

If you have a goal tied to a priority, then working towards it will be much easier. What is the difference? For example, your priority might be to interact with people because you are shy. And the goal could be reading books on, attending events, meeting a certain person.

Use reminders.

This is perhaps the most effective advice to take immediately after you have set your priorities. It allows you to stick to them and not forget about them. After all, how often have you tried to introduce something into your life and gradually forgot about it? We started running every day, after a week we were already running 3 days a week, and after a month we were lying on the couch and thinking, what kind of running is this, are you already so tired?

Remind yourself every day of what your priorities are. A set of multi-colored stickers costs a penny, but can bring invaluable benefits. Post them around your apartment, use reminders on your phone or laptop, bombard your psyche with this information and don’t let yourself forget about it.


Prioritization is a process that requires the development of many skills. You need to learn the art of making lists and much more. Here is a list of books that will be useful at the start:

  • "On the Limit" by Eric Bertrand Larssen.
  • "Effective Time Management" Brian Tracy.
  • "The Book of Self-Power" by Tony Robbins.
  • “Power is limitless. How to Achieve Personal Achievement by Tony Robbins.
  • “What will you choose?” Tal Ben-Shahar.
  • "Don't Distract Me" Edward Hallowell.
  • "Getting Things Done" by David Allen.
  • "To hell with all of it! Go ahead and do it." Richard Branson.

We wish you good luck!

A confused woman usually tries to have time to “live” (take a walk, do repairs, dress up, etc.), without understanding why exactly she needs to have time for THIS?! 😕 She spends a lot of time, supposedly on convenience, success, development, self-realization,...

And it’s not even months, girls!!! And the years! 🙆 and when I ask her, “Why have you been doing something for so many years that doesn’t bring you the desired tangible result?”, in response I often hear a phrase like, “You learn from mistakes... miracles don’t happen...”, ... ahem, oooookay , but then why are these mistakes needed if there is no ability to accept them as experience and, at the moment of the next “loss,” not to be disappointed, but to learn a lesson?
❗Well, tell me, where do contradictions appear in a woman, leading her to self-deception, which makes her rush to live? Have you ever thought about it? I will share with you - Where a woman gets her confidence that the most important thing in her life has not yet happened, it is ahead. ...!!! Oh, mom... Wrong priorities!!!

How long can you live in some kind of future, where subconsciously you still hope for a miracle, but do not see the most important thing in your present? A miracle is happening now!! You are this miracle))) ☺ - study yourself! I know what I’m talking about, years of fruitless life are extremely sad, believe me!

Authoritative methods allow everyone, in just 7 days in the format of individual practice, to achieve what you cannot achieve for years... Look for yourself as an individual! Look for opportunities, Knowledge, Teachers! Develop yourself and ask yourself more often what is more important to you NOW? And answer honestly! Next, everything is simple - act!😘 and life will become rich, timely, satisfying! 👏👏👏Good luck to you!

Marina Targakova:

The most important thing a woman wants from a man is a feeling of security. This includes housing security, financial security, and her security as a wife and mother of his children. A woman has the right to demand this. A man is obliged to give it to her, otherwise there is no point in getting married.

The science of love means learning to give freedom, learning to be happy for your loved one, learning to forgive, learning not only not to demand anything from your loved one, but also not even to expect anything in return for your love.
You need to think better about your loved one, “finish” him, and not expose all his shortcomings, because whatever niche you give to a man, that’s what he will occupy and really become like that.

What should a woman's priorities be in life?


A woman should put her husband first in her life. When a daughter is born, the mother becomes attached to her. This means that the daughter will be overly touchy, but feminine, in general it’s normal. If a boy is born, then he becomes weak-willed and capricious in this case. And the husband becomes destitute. A woman can receive love from children, relatives, girlfriends, because she is the generator of this very love. But a man is not the source of love. He is a consumer in this regard. He receives the main energy of love from his wife.

If the wife switches to the child, he gets nothing. As a result, he has three options: 1) find someone else, 2) start drinking, 3) switch to work. But in this case, the man will still be overexerted, because at home he needs to somehow relax. That is, as soon as a woman makes a child the basis of her life, her family begins to fall apart. The husband is not satisfied, the child will be selfish. Therefore, a woman should know that her desire to give her life to a child is a loop that leads her to the destruction of the family. Because she must take care of her husband first and children second. If the mother cares more about the father, then the children will respect the father. If the mother cares more about them, then they will not respect the father.

I have previously written about how the yang world influences female nature. But even if you understand how your lifestyle negatively affects your health, this does not mean that you will immediately radically change your life. Why does this happen: we want one thing, but do something completely different?

A question of priorities

Did you know that your priorities have the most active impact on your life? What does it mean? You may want to dance, paint, do crafts, do housework, and raise children. However, if these dreams and desires are not your priorities (and most often this is exactly what happens - our dreams are just dreams), then you will do anything but what you dream about.

Moreover, such a prioritization is much more harmful for women than for men. After all, making money is a man’s responsibility. And the motivator for a man (unlike a woman) is not so much need as a sense of responsibility for himself and his family. Thus, a man does not go against his essence.

In the case of a woman, the situation is different. As a rule, women push their desires and dreams further, deeper, sacrificing themselves. An unloved, but highly paid (or at least paid) job, an inconvenient schedule - this is what attracts a woman for whom survival becomes a priority. Constant stress, tension and dissatisfaction lead to apathy, fatigue and irritability. After all, such a life goes against the essence of a woman.

In this state, a woman stops even seeing the opportunity to do something she loves, to somehow fit it into this life. After all, she has no time for such nonsense - she needs to provide for her family.

What does changing priorities lead to?

From my personal experience, I am convinced that changing priorities has a very, very beneficial effect on life. For a while, my main priority was survival. I had to pay rent, I wanted to buy myself delicious food, beautiful clothes, and high-quality cosmetics. So I worked at a good job, in a good office, with good people. And everything would be fine, but that’s not what I wanted at all.

But I wanted to dance, knit, sew, write, take photographs. I tried hard to fit all these hobbies into my schedule. But the fatigue that accumulated throughout the day and week did not allow me to do this for a long time and productively. Everything was in fits and starts.

And then I reconsidered my priorities. I realized that it is more important for me to get enough sleep, to be free from the office schedule and to do what is truly interesting and enjoyable to me.

Leaving the office finally allowed me to take a big step forward on my development path. I got what I had long dreamed of - a life that I manage myself. This does not mean that there is no longer a need to pay expenses, it’s just that now it is done with joy and pleasure and there is enough energy for everyone and everything.

Life is truly worth dedicating to your dreams.

What is important for a woman in life: five priorities Each of us has our own vision of female happiness: some dissolve in children, some in work, some in taking care of themselves. Today we’ll talk about what is important for a woman in life, because if priorities are set incorrectly, there is a possibility of unpleasant surprises.

For example, if you spend all your time with your children, your husband will be offended; if you disappear at work, your children will grow up deprived of attention, which will result in difficult relationships in adolescence, etc. What should come first for a woman to have a harmonious life?

1. Health The main responsibility of a woman is to be healthy. A sick wife or mother will not make anyone happy. Only a healthy woman is desirable, loved, tender and caring. Taking care of your health should be your main job: get rid of bad habits; normalize your diet (more fruits and vegetables, dairy products, less meat and flour); do sports: dancing, Pilates, fitness, whatever brings you pleasure; Watch your emotions, don’t get too nervous and don’t take criticism to heart. Remember! In the end, any criticism is a subjective opinion and should not interest you.

2. Attractiveness Any woman is beautiful, it is important to prove it to yourself and get rid of complexes. If a woman is confident in herself, she likes her own reflection in the mirror, a man will like her too. What is needed for this? Not so much: visit a beauty salon as needed; buy yourself comfortable and beautiful clothes, do not spare money on them; do not be aggressive - a woman in anger cannot be attractive; smile more, give light and warmth to those around you, beauty should be not only external, but also internal.

3. Being a wife Yes, yes, a wife is not the most important thing, it’s like one of the roles of a woman. Loyal, reliable, wise, interesting, understanding, “cozy” and beautiful - this is the wife who prioritizes the three above points.

4. Self-development It's never too late to learn. Try to spend less time on social networks, and in your free time do something useful, because with a woman who is always looking for something, learning, studying, there is always something to talk about. read as much as possible; watch movies with meaning; Unleash your creative potential: sing, draw, knit.

5. What is important for a woman in life: being a mother Today it is considered right and obligatory to give up your desires for the sake of children. As a result, we got a generation of spoiled egoists. Psychologists have proven that mothers who, first of all, take care of themselves and their husbands, have children who are more obedient and attentive. Remember. Children are always and at all times brought up by examples, by what they see, first of all, in the family. Once a mother understands this, the hard work of raising her offspring becomes pleasant and easy work. To summarize, love yourself, set women's priorities correctly and you and your family will be happy!

Hello, dear friends. Are your plans falling apart due to lack of time? Sometimes it happens that life turns into an endless “Groundhog Day”. All efforts are spent on solving everyday issues, but they don’t get around to the rest. Depression rolls in like a wave, tension accumulates... What to do? Get out of the vicious circle. How? Now let’s look at specific examples of a person’s life priorities and principles. Why exactly in this “coupling”? To plan correctly, you need to understand what to focus on. Let's get started.

Setting priorities

Dwight David Eisenhower is the 34th President of the United States. To cope with his responsibilities, he had to invent his own technique. The President drew a square and divided it into 4 cells. There were two scales at the edges. They determined how important and urgent the matter was. If you want to use the Eisenhower Matrix as a tool for setting priorities, you should get to know each “quarter” in more detail.

1. Important and urgent

What you need to do right now. The tasks in the cell can be divided into 2 main groups: those related to health and safety and emergency situations that create obstacles.

To make it clearer, I will give a few examples. When you have a serious illness, self-care should come to the fore. The same applies to extreme fatigue. Sometimes rest or entertainment may be necessary. Repairing equipment is another activity worth adding to the square.

Why is this the main cell? First, let's remember what priority is. Literally translated, this means “first.” We put tasks that are urgent at the top of the queue. They need to be tackled here and now. What to do if things are also important? Bring them forward, bypassing the others.

2. Important, but not urgent

Key square. Before getting to the main cell, things usually get stuck here for a long time. For example, indifference to one’s own health often leads to serious illness. The person is worried about the symptoms, but he puts off visiting the hospital until the last minute. If you don't push yourself to exhaustion, you won't reach exhaustion. You can also insure against equipment breakdowns.

This is the part that teaches you how to prioritize correctly. Take care in time to ensure that the condition does not become critical. Don't run tasks! There is enough time for them, but you shouldn’t relax.

Examples of activities from the second group:

  • regular visit to the gym
  • establishing relationships with clients, family, acquaintances, etc.
  • planning a working project, working on it.

3. Urgent, but not important

Things don't always go according to our plan. New priorities can appear literally out of nowhere. This is fine. Here we will include those tasks that are urgent, but are not key. For example, unexpected guests.

Cases from the third and first cells are often confused. This is the main problem of determining life priorities. The arguments sound quite logical: since this issue needs to be resolved quickly, it means it is important. You must distinguish between importance and urgency!

Did your boss ask you to call an ordinary client? This needs to be taken care of soon. However, the task is not so pressing. It is advisable to forward such things to others. For example, “transfer” the call to someone from your subordinates. If you want to find a new performer, think about who this action is more important to than you. Who would write it in the first square?

4. Not important and not urgent

This is where the entertainment remains. They should be given attention, but in moderation. Entertainment activities keep you in good shape and give you a rest, but they also distract you.

Ideally, the first cell should be empty. Why? Setting priorities correctly means being able to keep everything under control. As soon as something falls into the main square, consider that you have failed. Sometimes a combination of external circumstances leads to “accidents,” but these are rare cases. In addition, most of these problems can be protected in advance.

Goals depend on principles. Some people devote all their energy to career growth, others try to succeed in relationships. I suggest familiarizing yourself with attitudes that help you grow in general.

Life principles

Authors of methods rarely pay due attention to the function of worldview in human life. Much depends on temperament, character and view of what is happening. Different people will give the same thing different priority. And they will be right in their own way! Everyone has their own opinion. For some, communication with parents is an important part of life, but for others, unfortunately, they forget about their roots. Some people attend church once a week; for others, the issue of religion fades into the background.

What are the principles of life? I'll tell you about the most important ones. They affect all areas: from work to family.

1. Kindness. Do you think there is too much evil and injustice around? Mohandas Gandhi argued: “You yourself must change in yourself what you want to see in a changed world.” However, it is better to watch the film “Pay Another”, which clearly shows the importance of mercy.

2. There are many of us. Do you feel like everything is going down the drain? Take a look around. Surely there is someone next to you who will support you. There is no shame in turning to others for help when you cannot cope on your own. We really like to close ourselves in a “shell”. This also applies to everyday issues.

3. Courage. Of course, we should not forget about reasonableness. There is no need to go against each other just because of your rebellious nature. Just don’t be afraid to take on new things, try to “break through”, even if others don’t succeed. They probably just aren't trying. Make your own chart of 50 goals in life and strive for them. Keep notes in your wish diary and monitor your progress. I have already talked about how to set goals correctly.

4. Live in the moment. The past is experience, the future is distant prospects for which you should work. It happens that previous events drive us into a vicious circle. Moral injuries force you to stop and run on a wheel. This will get you nowhere. You can hope for the future, but you cannot breathe in it and forget about reality. Otherwise, such desirable prospects will simply collapse.

5. Look for connections. Constantly analyze yourself and others. I mentioned that the mistakes of others save a lot of energy and time. Try to understand not only the world, but also yourself.

6. Learn. It's never too late to learn something or master a new skill. The oldest student in the world, Alan Stewart, graduated at 97! There is no need to give up on yourself prematurely. Age is just a number in a passport, not a sentence.

7. Love. It's as natural as breathing. Without love for family, children and partner, life becomes an existence. Don't be afraid to trust. Unfortunately, sometimes our feelings betray us, but we should take this as a life lesson. Let me remind you that you can’t live in the past!

Such a system is a purely individual thing. You may have different settings. The main thing is that they exist. What should a person’s life priorities be and how to sort them into categories? I hope you are ready to answer this question. What is your most important principle? See you again!



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