Development of intuition: practical methods and effective exercises. How to develop intuition and hidden abilities: advice from parapsychologists, exercises to develop hidden talents

How wonderful it would be to avoid trouble in your life thanks to the advice of the inner voice. Intuition has repeatedly helped outstanding scientists, military leaders and doctors. Today, anyone can learn how to develop intuition and hidden abilities hidden in the depths of every person's soul.

Intuition: what is it?

The concept of intuition and insight is at the intersection of religious, scientific and occult knowledge. Therefore, interpretations of this concept can be different:

  • Sudden insight, which occurs during prolonged contemplation of abstract ideas;
  • A special sensual variety of cognition of reality;
  • Knowledge that comes not in direct contact with the subject being studied, but indirectly;
  • Hidden and latent ability to create new ideas;
  • A special mental instinct that appears in a person without the need for long training;
  • The voice of the Creator in the human soul;
  • Knowledge that cannot be explained logically and practically.

Intuition plays a decisive role when it comes to solving a complex problem in the face of a significant lack of information. Such cases take place in the course of hostilities, in medical practice, in the investigation of a crime.

A person with a developed instinct grasps heterogeneous information instantly, as a single picture.

How to develop intuition and latent abilities: exercises

Like any other human ability, flair is trainable. hard training of their extrasensory abilities over a sufficiently long period of time will make itself felt.

For this you need:

  • Every time you are about to go outside, think about what gender the first person you meet will be. After several dozen attempts, you can achieve an almost error-free result;
  • After that, you need to move to the next level: try to guess other features of the first person you meet (hairstyle, height, clothing items, etc.);
  • Whenever a phone call is made from an unfamiliar number, one should try to determine the identity of the caller;
  • As clearly as possible, imagine a loved one in your head and mentally hug him. After a certain period of time, he will come to visit or call;
  • You can quickly learn to predict the fall of one or another side of the coin;
  • With all your might, strain your attentiveness in order to discern the signs sent by fate. It could be a favorite number, cryptic coincidences, and odd slips of the tongue.

Interference with the sixth sense

Sometimes it happens that even the most persistent training of the gift of foresight does not give tangible results. But do not immediately give up: it is quite possible that there significant obstacles that hinder the development of the sixth sense:

  • The most important thing that prevents a person from hearing his inner voice is the colossal informational noise that falls on him after a hard working or school day. Because of this, you can lose the ability to truly relax and detach from reality. The best way out of the situation is meditation;
  • Stereotypes can be serious obstacles - both at the level of society and living inside the person himself;
  • Any, even extrasensory work, can be hindered by apathy, fatigue, malaise, a feeling of loss of strength, lack of sleep, etc.;
  • Bad habits often "clog" the output of a person's mental forces. Smoking, alcoholism, not to mention substance abuse and drug addiction, interfere with the coordinated work of the brain and sensory organs.

How to develop intuition and hear the guardian angel?

Each child receives his heavenly intercessor after passing the rite of baptism. Throughout life, an angel protects a person from troubles and misfortunes. But some people manage to build a real dialogue with their savior.

  1. Express your wish as accurately as possible. You can write down your innermost thought on a piece of paper;
  2. Put your thoughts in order, relax as much as possible and not be distracted by extraneous fuss;
  3. Calm your breath and close your eyes;
  4. Say a secret desire to yourself;
  5. Remain relaxed for a while longer, until the voice of the savior can be heard;
  6. For some people, the key to all problems is sent in the form of a thought impulse. Then a person, when thinking about any subject, will experience only pleasant emotions.

To be heard by your angel, you need to formulate only good wishes that are not related to material gain.

In this video, Alexander Kuskov will give a lesson on developing a sixth sense in himself, show several exercises:

How to develop the gift of foresight and intuition?

A lot of people have the ability to predict the events of the near future, but almost everyone prefers to brush aside inner voices. And in vain: if everyone followed the instructions of his heart, many troubles could have been avoided.

Consider how to find and develop the ability to foresee:

  1. First things first, you need to learn to recognize your inner gift, if any. To this end, you need to clear your mind of mental obstacles that prevent you from concentrating: sad thoughts, resentments, problems;
  2. A person who has cleansed his consciousness of any slag becomes extremely receptive to extrasensory information. It can come in the form of vivid visible images, as well as unusual auditory sensations;
  3. It is recommended to close the hole and imagine yourself in some quiet corner (for example, in the morning forest). The picture should be so alive that a sense of the reality of what is happening is created;
  4. It can be very difficult for a beginner to correctly translate the message of his inner voice into understandable logical language. Therefore, you can call on sleep for help: going to bed, concentrate strongly on the problem, and in the morning remember your dream.

How to unleash your inner energy?

There are several ways to help your instincts come out:

  • Start doing yoga. A number of asanas are aimed at developing self-contemplation. It is advisable to start classes not according to instructions on the Internet or in books, but under the supervision of an experienced master;
  • Learn to meditate. There are several meditation techniques that are suitable for the vast majority of people;
  • Self-hypnosis: you need to constantly assure yourself that everything will turn out not to stop after the first unsuccessful attempts;
  • Walk outdoors, preferably in nature. So it will be possible to saturate your subconscious with positive energy;
  • Do not neglect reading classical literature. By joining a high culture, you can adjust your sense of beauty and expand the boundaries of knowledge;
  • It must be remembered that everyone has their own level of abilities and it is impossible to demand the impossible from your body.

Knowing how to develop intuition and hidden abilities, you can make your life much more comfortable and safer. To do this, you just need to gather your will into a fist and start practicing a special set of exercises. The power of abilities is different for everyone, but everyone will discover a new level of knowledge.

Video with exercises to develop intuition

In this video, Victoria Isaeva will talk about exercises based on NLP technology that allow you to discover hidden talents and develop intuition:

Often a person can easily find the right solution in the current situation. The answer seems to pop up in his head. This is called intuition or sixth sense. Some people have developed intuition since childhood. Others have to learn to listen to their inner voice.

How to develop intuition and hidden abilities

To develop your intuition, you need to be patient. Constantly perform certain exercises and practice in life. You need to learn to predict events. With a good result, the answers may appear from the outside. Such hints are also called "signs".

If you're trying to make a decision, fully immerse yourself in the situation. All thoughts should be occupied only with the solution of your problem. When you fall asleep thinking about it, the answer can come even in a dream. Just try not to put too much stress on your psyche, so as not to cause insomnia.

Learn to manage. Feeling fear, people try to hide from it, in connection with this, intuition is turned off. If fear develops into panic, then intuition also disappears. Fear is needed. Don't let him control you.

When communicating with other people, pay attention to their gestures, facial expressions. Using intuition, you can learn more about a person. The main thing is not to reason, so as not to suppress the sixth sense.

Staying in promotes the development of intuition. Walk more often, meditate.

How to develop intuition exercises

In order to choose the right path in life, you need to learn how to use the prompts of your inner voice. There are several ways to develop intuition.

First way. Draw three colors on paper, like in a traffic light. Tape the sheet to the wall and sit opposite. Assign a meaning to each color:

  • Green means moving forward.
  • Yellow color - be careful.
  • Red symbolizes danger.

Be calm, breathing evenly. Now imagine that you have lit all the colors. If positive, continue on. Mentally ask yourself a simple question (for example, say your name). Try asking questions that green will respond to. Then also work with yellow and red.

Each color evokes certain sensations. Green should be associated with the correct answer. Red warns of the wrong path. Practice with each color separately for 10 minutes. Then try to alternate them, gradually accelerating.

After a successful workout, it's time to move on to practice. Let's say you choose a bag. Having settled on a particular model, trust your intuition. What color of traffic light do you have in mind? If red, then continue to choose further. A green one appeared, so it's worth buying.

By constantly using this exercise on easy questions, you will learn how to apply it to more difficult ones. Intuition itself will suggest the right decision.

The second way. Take some item. Touch it with outstretched arms. Feel it, determine the distance from you. Then step back and circle with your eyes closed. Without opening your eyes, try to determine in which direction this object is located and at what distance it is now. Open your eyes and check. If you don't succeed the first time, try again. Thanks to such training, you will learn to see with your eyes closed.

The third way. If you are right-handed, take the pen in your right hand. If left-handed - to the left. Write any question on paper. Now take the pen in your other hand and write the answer to this question. At this point, your mind begins to lead this process. It turns out that you write the answer intuitively.

Well developed intuition: how to understand

Think about how often things like this happen in your life:

  • You suddenly received a call at the door or on the phone, and you guessed who it was.
  • When you go to work, you imagine your employee pouring coffee for herself. An image appears in my head. You see the color of the cup, you feel the aroma. You can even predict what your colleague is wearing today.
  • You are going to tell the news to your girlfriend, but mentally you already imagine her reaction, facial expressions.
  • The interlocutor is just about to say a phrase, and it has already flashed through your head.
  • You can predict how this or that situation will end.

If this is about you, then everything is in order with your intuition. Feel free to trust her and then you will be able to solve even the most difficult task in life.

All people sometimes noticed strange features behind themselves when, for unknown reasons and contrary to logic, we made the right decisions, chose the right path, or pulled the right ticket in the exam. Many people consider this a mere coincidence and do not attach much importance, however, it should be understood that intuition is an innate feeling and must be developed, otherwise it may become dull and disappear.

What is intuition?

People call intuition the “sixth sense”, it is a kind of inner vision that helps to avoid various troubles. Numerous stories about how people refused to travel and fly in crashed planes, trains, liners, etc. only confirm the presence of intuition in humans. It is analogous to animal instinct: even before there are any signs of the presence of a hunter, the beast senses danger and leaves this place. Similarly, in a person, the subconscious mind can protect from various misfortunes and misfortunes.

How to develop intuition?

Many studies confirm the fact that intuition works best when the brain is turned off and does not perceive information from the outside. Getting rid of thoughts is quite difficult, because. everyday worries and problems fill the head and even in a dream can disturb a person. To temporarily stop the activity of the brain, one should learn the art of meditation. To do this, you need to find a cozy quiet place where you will be comfortable and no one can disturb you. Take small items with you that are convenient to sort out - pebbles, rosaries, coins, relax and start counting them without focusing much attention on this lesson.

Also, to turn off the brain, you can try the following method: write down on small pieces of paper all the problems that worry you, and on others - ways to solve them and spread them in different directions. Then mix both piles and take out one leaf at a time, as a result, very funny solutions to your problems will turn out, you will relax and be able to turn off your mind for a while.

Another effective way is to talk about nothing. If it is not possible to talk with the interlocutor, start a dialogue with your reflection in the mirror. Try reading a verse or singing a song, gossiping or complaining about the person who pisses you off.

Perhaps you know other ways to get distracted and give your brain a rest, use them as often as possible and then training intuition will be much more effective.

Exercises to develop intuition

1. Get a notebook in which you will write down all manifestations of your intuitive activity. Even the smallest indicator must be recorded in order to subsequently comprehend and compare it with other such manifestations. You can record your choice between two routes, things, decisions, etc.

2. Focus on your behavior: don't judge people for their actions and opinions, switch your attention to other subjects. Try to figure out what exactly annoys you in this person, and evaluate your feelings, but not the other person.

3. When talking with someone, try to evaluate the feelings and emotions of the interlocutor, guess his next phrases and answers to questions. This exercise helps to feel the subconscious processes of another person and hear his real thoughts.

4. Take one day and do whatever you want. No need to carefully analyze your actions, try to do both serious and frivolous things on the first impulse.

5. It is necessary to develop both hemispheres of the brain. To do this, try writing or drawing with your left hand, this activity not only trains the brain, but also helps develop various hidden talents.

6. In order to develop intuition, you need to know yourself well. This means that you can find an answer to any question about yourself and not doubt your strengths and capabilities. Think about what you love, what character you have, what goals you pursue in life, etc.

By doing these exercises daily, you can easily train your intuitive senses and avoid a lot of trouble that awaits a person every day at every step.

Greetings to all. If your intuition has helped you out more than once in life, then you know how great it is. But how to develop intuition on your own? Do you know that the sixth sense can be developed in the same way as pumping up the biceps? No? But in fact, this is exactly the case - it is quite possible to learn how to develop the inner voice, and it is worth doing this without delay.

Sixth or seventh sense?

Intuition is a premonition or inner voice of a person that can tell him what to do, or vice versa - not to do. Socrates, H. Ford, Mozart, Edison and other great people turned to the inner voice.

Learn to listen to yourself. You can even write down your premonitions, your dreams. Then analyze which feeling or premonition came true, and which dream turned out to be prophetic.

When you train your intuition, do not argue with it, but agree, and then analyze.

We must use our hidden abilities. What are we doing? As soon as intuition begins to suggest the right decision to us, we immediately begin to think logically. Intuition is often similar to fears. If there are reasons for concern, then the mind prompts: check again, is it not dangerous?

Be sure that your subconscious will find exactly the answers to the specific question that you need and that you yourself have the most powerful clairvoyance. And think that now your subconscious mind will tell you the right answer.

Exercises to train intuition

To train the sixth sense, you also need to do some exercises.

Exercise 1: Psychoradar

To accomplish it, you will need some goal, some object. Stand up, stretch out your hand and index finger. Try to feel your target: how far it is located, what vibrations come from it.

After establishing contact, close your eyes, spin around yourself. When you stop, feel in which direction and how far this object is from you.

Did you feel? Open your eyes, see if it's right. If you made a mistake, then try to understand why it happened, what prevented it. Do the exercise a few more times.

Practice psychoradar until you can "see" objects with your eyes closed. After that, do household chores with your eyes closed, first for 5 minutes, then longer.

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Exercise 2: Q&A

Write any question on a piece of paper with the hand that you always write with. Then, take a pen in another, write down the answer.

By doing the exercise with the wrong hand, you include the mind in the work, that is, you give free rein to intuition. This means that the answer to the question will be made by intuition, that is, truthful.

Note: Try starting sentences with your working hand and finishing with the other. For example, "I drink milk because...", etc. These exercises will not only help develop the gift, but even help in the fight against excess weight.

Exercise 3: Traffic Light

Draw a traffic light on paper, attach the picture in the center of the wall, sit in front of it. Label each color:

  • Red - Stop! It's not safe ahead.
  • Yellow - Attention!
  • Green - Go! The path is free.

The task is this: you need to “light up” all the lights of the traffic light, while imagining how they light up. Remember how emotions are “turned on” from these actions.

Then we will learn to “turn on” the green light. First, ask yourself questions that you can definitely answer correctly. (Husband's birthday, your name, etc.) Green is confidence, serenity, real certainty. If the green light is on, then everything is fine, you have chosen the right decision.

Then we go to the yellow light. Feel the tension, remember all the impressions that you have with this color. Most often, the yellow color warns that it is already dangerous ahead, that caution will not hurt.

We go to the red light. Try to feel the danger or lack of result. You must certainly have the conviction that nothing can be done yet.

First, give the lights 10 minutes each. Then speed up the switching speed, a variety of colors, imagine more opportunities. Along with switching lights, try to learn how to change your state, control feelings.

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Exercise 4: Alphabet

You need to train every day.

How to do? At first, it is better to perform the exercise while standing, then try sitting. We record how many seconds we perform the exercise in order to see progress every day.

You call the letter out loud (for example, A), there is a red letter P next to the letter, then we raise the Right arm and left leg up (at the level of the elbow and knee, it is not necessary high). Then say B and raise your left arm and right leg, ... the letter G raise both hands and stand on your toes. If you make a mistake, repeat the letter. This is such a simple game, but the result is incredible!

The meaning is this: there are neural connections between the right and left hemispheres (there are about 100 billion of them at birth). They are designed to clearly express their thoughts, quickly respond in non-standard situations (which, among other things, are situations of interaction).

A well-functioning, trained brain is the key to quick and accurate decision-making, the ability to convince, influence, and effectively interact. Do you have such cases: you watch TV, you understand that you know this actor, but you cannot say his name out loud ...

Or vice versa, you read the paragraph of the technological instruction, go to the second one and understand that you didn’t remember the first one, you have to re-read it again. This happens to everyone, because neural loops arise in both the right and left hemispheres.

How to put it into practice

Start with the simplest, for example, choosing shoes for an evening out. Introduce black and orange shoes alternately. When you combine a dress with orange-colored shoes, you will have a red light, and as soon as you imagine black shoes, a green light should light up. If the green light is on, then your choice is correct.

  • Acting intuitively, try to write a recipe for a dish by its name, then compare it with the real recipe. When you get a phone call, try to guess who called.
  • Ask yourself questions and answer them yourself, quickly change your state, that is, quickly concentrate and relax easily.
  • Flip a coin and guess what will fall out: heads or tails. After the 200th toss, your accuracy will noticeably improve.
  • Communicating with any person, try to guess his emotions. “Read people” is a very effective intuition exercise. Tune in to the feelings, thoughts of the object, try to recognize them. This skill can serve you well in the future.
  • Imagine any event that should happen to you all day, for example, how your boss will look when you give him a completed, very difficult task. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail, do not miss even the smallest details.

Ask yourself questions: why, who, when, how. Remember - the correct answer is already "sitting" inside you. Develop your intuition to become that magician who makes only the right decisions!

There are ways to learn to see whatever you want. How to do it? First, relax, it is better to do this before going to bed.

Close your eyes and start looking at your eyelids from the inside. You will see blurry, black and white pictures, but that's just the beginning. Then color clear images will appear.

Do this exercise every day, gradually the outlines will take on clear forms. The energy will flow to the brain and begin to awaken the nerve endings that are responsible for clairvoyance.

Ask questions to your subconscious. After daily training in a relaxed calm state, you will learn to find answers to your questions. This technique should be practiced daily for 15 minutes.

After a certain time, you will enter this state in a matter of minutes, find answers to questions.

Everyone has intuition, well developed - not everyone. It is also called the sixth sense of a person. Let's see what this feeling is.

Intuition- this is the ability of a person to anticipate an event, to foresee it even before it happens. A well-developed intuition is the first step towards clairvoyance.

In other words, intuition is a tiny part of the powerful ability lost by a person to see clearly, that is, to penetrate with an inner eye into the essence of things and phenomena.

Why is it possible at all to foresee or foresee events that have not yet taken place?

According to esoteric concepts, any phenomenon, thing or event, before appearing in our physical world, first appears in the spiritual, subtle-material world. And it is precisely this that people “feel” intuitively, subconsciously.

People with a developed "sixth sense" feel not what will be, but what has ALREADY happened, ALREADY happened, ALREADY exists. This is a simple transfer of information from the subconscious to consciousness, from the right hemisphere to the left.

How to develop intuition?

As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres - left and right. The left is logic and good judgment, the right is anticipation and impulsive decision making. In most people, the left hemisphere is more developed and dominates over the right.

The right hemisphere, as a high-precision receiver, receives signals from the Subtle World in the form of images, pictures, and the left hemisphere is able to translate them into phenomena understandable to our mind.

Thus, in order to develop intuition, one must develop more the right hemisphere, as well as the connection between both.

Intuition Exercises

Intuition can be developed just like the muscles in the gym. To do this, you need to exercise regularly. Here are some exercises to develop the "sixth sense":

Exercise "Deck of cards"

Pick up an ordinary deck of playing cards "face down", take out 4 cards at random from it and put them in front of you. With your left hand, make a few circular motions over each of them and try to "see" the suit of each of them. Let go of all your thoughts, turn off logic and trust only your feelings. Red color should be felt as heat, black as cold. Make your choice and turn over the cards to see if you "see" the color correctly. After you can accurately identify colors, move on to suits, then to pictures, and so on.

Exercise "Traffic light"

The purpose of this exercise to develop intuition is to develop a signal system in yourself, like a traffic light. Green - yes, red - no. Close your eyes and imagine a two-color traffic light. Ask yourself aloud questions that require a clear answer - yes or no. For example: “My name is Anya?”, “Am I 27 years old?”, “Am I a brunette?” etc. Ask both right and wrong questions and watch the colors of the traffic lights. You may see other colors, each one is different. Once the alarm system is in place, use it to find answers to questions you don't know.

  • Develop your right brain

As you know, the right hand is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain, and the left - with the right. That is why the majority dominates the left side of the brain, so 90% of people are right-handed. Conclusion - you need to develop the left hand. To do this, try to “turn it on” and load it as often as possible. For example, get into the habit of brushing your teeth with your left hand, holding a spoon or fork in it when eating, combing, writing, drawing, and so on. Personally, I do “left-handed days” a couple of times a week, that is, I try to do everything with this hand all day.

  • Practice meditation

When meditating, your whole body relaxes, logic and reason are turned off, the thought flow stops, and intuitive sensations come to the surface of consciousness. Regular practice of meditation greatly develops intuition and increases the ability to foreboding and intuitive insights.

  • Listen to yourself more

Listen to your inner feelings. If you are going to an important meeting, a date or a visit, try to feel the future event in yourself. Just think about it and listen to yourself. Did you feel light and joyful, or did you feel a heavy and oppressive feeling? Remember to compare your feelings with real events.

The development of intuition according to the Silva method

Below you will find a video clip that tells you how to learn to develop a "sixth sense" with the help of.

From it you will learn whether it is possible with the help of intuition:

  • Understand other people without words and feel their thoughts?
  • Make the right decisions and avoid mistakes?
  • Do not miss the opportunity and always go the right way?
  • Plan your personal life?
  • Get a "Route Map" for your entire life?
  • Learn to heal yourself and other people at a distance?

Developing Intuition with Reiki

The music in this video is charged with a special energy " Intuition 999" to activate and strengthen the "sixth sense". This system is designed to stimulate the ajna chakra and open the "third eye".

Develop your intuition and listen to your heart!

Artur Golovin




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