Could there be an allergy to spring? Spring allergies: symptoms

While most people enjoy the spring revival of nature - flowering trees, green grass, budding buds - some suffer from allergies. Sneezing, coughing are all symptoms of this disease. And just as in other cases, to overcome the disease, it should be prescribed correct treatment. According to statistics, 20-40% of the total population is susceptible to spring allergies, and the number of patients increases every year.

There are three types of allergies: food, respiratory and contact. Allergens most often include animal hair, mold, pollen flowering plants and much more. The first signs of this spring disease begin to appear in mid-April, when maple, birch, alder, hazel, etc. begin to bloom. About a hundred plants can be allergens. Moreover, those with smaller pollen are considered more dangerous.

Many people think that allergies are not very serious illness, and therefore do not give it due importance. However, it should be emphasized that by neglecting the treatment of allergies, you can get myocarditis, gastritis, bronchial asthma, sudden changes in body temperature, not to mention weakened immunity.

Diagnosis of the disease is quite simple. The specialist compares the manifestations with the time of flowering of the plants, and also conducts tests to identify allergens.

Treatment spring allergies: ways

During the seasonal pollination of plants, many change their place of residence. But this solution to the problem is not always possible, so you have to look for other options. Effective treatment spring allergies - preventive immunotherapy. It eliminates symptoms and signs of the disease in 60-75% of cases. The essence of the method is that allergens are introduced into the body of an allergic person. Their dose gradually increases, and the person becomes immune to them over time. This method Allergy treatment requires continuous visits to an allergist for 1-1.5 months.

Another method of combating allergies is a set of measures that will protect you during the flowering period. For example, using home air purifiers, eye protection sunglasses from pollen, etc.

Spring allergies include taking antihistamines that will ease the course of the disease. With eye inflammation and lacrimation, drops "Optivar", "Patanol", "Zaditor" will help. Non-steroidal drugs are used.

Treatment of allergies to ragweed also occurs using the above methods. Only bloom of this plant starts in August and lasts until September. However, therapy should only be prescribed by a specialist. Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor. He will help you choose the course you need to get rid of the disease.

Allergy treatment in Israel is very high quality. The medicine of this country is famous for its high level development. However, not everyone can afford such treatment, as it is very expensive.

Select a category Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Allergies are more severe in spring than in any other season of the year. According to statistics, 85% of all allergy sufferers suffer from its exacerbation during this period. We’ll talk about why this happens, what the threat is and how to deal with the manifestations of this disease in this article.

Seasonal allergies are serious problem. Each season has its own list of the most aggressive allergenic agents that deliver greatest number problems. The peculiarity of this time of year is that the body, being weakened after winter cold, lack sun rays and vitamins, easily responds to the influence of any irritants.

The immune system is in a rather deplorable state, with “half a turn” colds and exacerbations of any chronic diseases.

In addition, the concentration of allergens is highest during this season. Thus, plants do not bloom in winter, there is no cold in summer, but in this “transitional” time of year absolutely all irritants can “work.” The air temperature outside is still unstable, there are frosts, and snow can fall even in May in some regions. And people, sensing the approaching heat, neglect warm clothes. Hence the allergy to cold.

Current news for 2018

Austrian scientists predict the beginning of alder and hazelnut flowering in Europe from the end of January.

So, what can you be allergic to in spring?

Spring allergens

Flowering plants cause a lot of trouble for allergy sufferers

As already mentioned, any known allergen can have its own negative impact on susceptible people. Distributing them in order of decreasing influence during this season, you can get the following list:

  • pollen from plants (flowers, grasses, trees);
  • Pets;
  • food allergens;
  • medicines;
  • contact allergies (both to clothing and household chemicals);
  • mold(activates by mid-May);
  • insects (also appear towards the end of spring).

Looking at this list, one can understand that allergies in early spring before plants bloom are quite likely, since allergy sufferers suffer not only from hay fever. It is difficult to judge when allergies end in spring, because the flowering time does not end on May 31, but continues until the end of September.

Hay fever

First of all, people are worried about spring. Hay fever brings maximum inconvenience: an allergy to flowering in the spring is rightfully considered by WHO to be a pathology that largely disrupts usual way of life life. To find out what blooms in spring during this period, you need to turn to.

Please remember that for each region Russian Federation this document is prepared separately. After all, the periods of activation of the plant world in Norilsk and Rostov-on-Don are significantly different.

However, by averaging the indicators, the most generalized flowering schedule can be identified:


Spring-autumn plant flowering calendar (can be enlarged)


  • birch;
  • maple;
  • alder;
  • lilac;
  • beet;
  • pine;
  • Linden;
  • chestnut;
  • dandelion.

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of allergens, there is an encouraging fact: weeds, which are the most powerful irritants, begin to bloom only in mid-summer.

Food allergies

It cannot be denied that this type of allergic reaction is relevant at any time. And if a person suffers from an allergy to oranges, then it will manifest itself in spring, summer, and autumn.

However, it is at this time of year that cross-allergies become most relevant.

Thus, in case of a hypersensitivity reaction to birch, symptoms may occur when consuming:

Photo: Rash on hands as a symptom food allergies
  • drain;
  • celery
  • and even potatoes.

IN " normal conditions» severe allergies there is no development for these products. But as soon as birch pollen begins to hover in the air, it becomes simply impossible to consume these vegetables and fruits.

It often happens that unripe products end up on store shelves.

There is an opinion that unripe vegetables and fruits are less allergenic than ripe or even slightly spoiled ones. However, this is not entirely true: some substances from “green” products are themselves stronger irritants than from “ready-made” ones, and their concentration is higher.

In addition, these components may be poisonous.

Household allergies

Allergy to dust and mold in spring it is not as widespread as in autumn. The fact is that fungi begin to become active only towards the end of spring, and the process of sporulation starts even later. Therefore, “mold allergy” is more of a problem at the end of the year.

And here dust mites have an autumn-spring seasonality. People, “raking up rubble” in corners after winter, inhale large amounts of dust. As a result, many of them experience worsening allergies.

Concerning pets, then they are especially “dangerous” at this time. First, active molting begins. And despite the fact that wool itself is not an allergen, it contains particles of proteins that cause negative reactions. With fur flying all over the apartment, they end up in Airways and on mucous membranes.

In addition, spring is the period of searching for a partner for reproduction. This means that all the animal’s hormonal and enzyme systems are activated in order to attract a “spouse”. The substances secreted by the beast become more active and “aggressive”.

Contact allergy

The seasonality of this disease is, of course, very arbitrary, but it does occur. On the one hand, people begin to clean their house, wash windows, someone makes repairs - hence the many household chemicals, cleaning products and even building materials.

On the other hand, spring is also a time of love for people. This means that women are starting to use twice as much decorative cosmetics, perfume. Skin overdried by winter weather requires intensive care. All these are “danger factors” for the development of allergic reactions.

In addition, people change from woolen clothes to lighter ones. But it's still too cold to wear cotton blouses. Hence the abundance of synthetics. And it very often causes skin allergies.

Medicines and insects

Photo: Red rash on the body - a severe allergic reaction to a drug

By the end of spring, mosquitoes and ticks are already beginning to become active, but for this time of year this problem not so relevant.

But the drugs used for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases and chronic exacerbations may well cause undesirable reactions.

For example, pneumonia very often appears in the spring, and it requires treatment with antibiotics. People suffering from systemic autoimmune diseases(eg lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis), need hormone therapy, which also causes allergies.

Thus, allergies in spring are multifaceted and varied in their causes. What are its manifestations?

Symptoms of the disease

Allergy symptoms in spring, as at any other time of the year, are determined by its cause.

Pollinosis is characterized by:

  • cough;
  • nasal congestion;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • conjunctivitis (the eyes turn red, watery eyes begin, and there is a feeling of sand in the eyes);
  • possible occurrence or increase in frequency of attacks bronchial asthma.

Among the manifestations of contact allergies:

  • itchy skin;
  • peeling;
  • redness, inflammation of areas of the skin in contact with the allergen.

Food allergies manifest themselves:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence,
  • as well as symptoms from “other groups”.

If we talk about how allergies can worsen in the spring, it is worth noting the high variety of symptoms. Often, allergy sufferers have reactions to several different irritants, so a person whose skin is red and itchy and sneezing while having a sore stomach is not that uncommon.

Allergies in children and pregnant women

Children are the most susceptible category of people. Allergies in children in spring differ in the intensity of symptoms and their diversity. After walking down the street during the period of allergen dust, a child may become worse literally before his eyes:

  • within a few hours a severe runny nose appears,
  • frequent sneezing,
  • sore throat, cough,
  • redness of the eyes and nose.

The main danger of spring allergies for the children's population is that hay fever in them turns into bronchial asthma with incredible ease, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition for this.

Allergies to spring during pregnancy are especially dangerous in the first trimester, when all the main organs and systems of the fetus are developing.

Treatment of “spring allergies”

It is quite difficult to completely get rid of allergic reactions at home. Often (though not always) this requires the use of special immune methods, for example, allergen-specific immunological therapy. This is a kind of “vaccination” against allergens.

However, such treatment is used infrequently. In most cases they use symptomatic remedies- those that eliminate the main manifestations of allergic reactions. These include antihistamines.

Preparations from 2 and 3 generations of antihistamines, are available in the form of tablets and syrups, are easy to use and have a minimum of side effects. Effective means for allergies to spring:

  • Fenkarol,
  • Xizal.

There are also stabilizers mast cells, however, drugs from this group can only be prescribed by a doctor to avoid irreversible consequences.

Used to relieve food allergy symptoms enterosorbents. For example:

  • Smecta,
  • Polyphepan,
  • Polysorb.

They help quickly remove the allergen from the body.

To relieve skin itching and inflammation, you can use local antihistamine and hormonal ointments.

  • The first include Fenistin, Gistan;
  • The second ones are Beloderm, Advantan.

However, uncontrolled use of glucocorticosteroid drugs can lead to a decrease in local immunity and the development of skin pustular infections.

Treatment with folk remedies is also acceptable.

However, it will only be effective with contact forms, general symptoms It will not be possible to remove it, it is only possible to support the body.

So, get rid of itching and flaking decoctions of chamomile, string, bay leaf. They can be used in the form of compresses, lotions, and homemade ointments. Improves immunity well mumiyo, rosehip decoction.

But extravagant means like vinegar should not be used. And it is important to remember that if you have an “allergy to spring,” folk remedies are not a panacea. After all, they can also cause undesirable effects. Reaction, like the original allergens, having exactly the same natural vegetable origin. Do not get carried away with herbs for coughs and intestinal manifestations.

Treatment of children and pregnant women

Most antihistamines are contraindicated in both categories. There is a very narrow group of medications that can be given to children:

  • Diphenhydramine,
  • Suprastin,
  • Pilpofen,
  • Fenistil.

They are available in the form of syrups and suppositories, so administering the drug will not cause problems.

Women expecting a baby can only take antihistamines from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

More early appointment can be performed exclusively by a doctor and for health reasons. To cope with allergies, only use local treatmentzinc ointment, nasal rinses, vitamin complexes.

Starting from the 2nd trimester, in serious cases, an antihistamine may be recommended, for example:

  • Zyrtec,
  • Allertek,
  • Pilpofen.

But Zyrtec is contraindicated for women who have already given birth, because it passes into breast milk.

In general, it is difficult to answer the question of what nursing mothers can do for allergies. The optimal solution is to stop for the duration of treatment breast-feeding with a subsequent return to it (if possible), or with a transition to mixed or artificial feeding.


How to prevent allergies in spring? There are quite a lot of preventive measures:

  1. Carry out wet cleaning in the house as often as possible;
  2. Support optimal performance temperature and humidity in the house;
  3. Wipe your shoes with a damp cloth and wash your clothes every time you go outside;
  4. put on medical mask while walking;
  5. Go outside in calm weather;
  6. Walking after the rain;
  7. Ventilate the room only in the evening;
  8. Use air filters;
  9. Comb and wash pets;
  10. Do not wear synthetic clothing;
  11. Minimize the use of cosmetics and household chemicals;
  12. As prescribed by a doctor, take antihistamines or membrane-stabilizing drugs for preventive purposes;
  13. Prevent the development of respiratory diseases, receive timely treatment, preventing diseases from becoming chronic;
  14. Follow a diet.

What should you not eat if you have allergies in spring?

There is no definite answer to this question - it depends on what you are allergic to. However, you should avoid consuming potentially dangerous foods:

  • chocolate;
  • citrus fruits;
  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • wheat;
  • unripe fruits.

Where to go in the spring for allergies?

It is best to go to the northern regions or countries, where plants have not yet begun to bloom, where nature is still in a frozen state.

Thus, allergies in the spring are a serious problem that can cause a lot of inconvenience to susceptible people. She makes her own changes to the usual way of life. However, by following some preventive measures, you can reduce the inconvenience to a minimum.

Flowering trees are a wonderful period when everything around transforms and becomes more beautiful. However, not all people can enjoy spring. For some, this is the time of allergies, when the nose and eyes begin to itch, lacrimation and profuse rhinorrhea are observed. The symptoms bother both children and adults, complicating the learning process and reducing performance. Nowadays, there are many techniques that allow you to accurately identify the allergen and determine treatment tactics.

Symptoms of spring allergies

After contact of pollen with the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, an allergy develops, which is characterized by damage not only to the upper respiratory tract, but also the digestive system.

Allergy symptoms in spring are represented by rhinoconjunctival syndrome. It begins to appear immediately after inhaling the “provocateur”. The first sign of illness is sneezing, which is defensive reaction body and is aimed at removing pollen from the nose. The person also notes itching in the nasopharynx, swelling of the mucous membrane and difficulty breathing.

An integral symptom of the disease is profuse rhinorrhea. Nasal discharge is watery and clear, which is distinctive feature from an infectious runny nose. The latter is characterized thick snot with a yellowish tint.

Spring allergies are also manifested by lacrimation, photophobia, conjunctival hyperemia, itching and discomfort in the eyes.

In addition, there may be a cough and swelling of the tissues of the neck, which compresses the larynx and causes shortness of breath. The face becomes puffy, it is possible skin rashes and itching, but the temperature remains within normal limits.

Children are characterized by signs of digestive dysfunction, which are expressed by nausea, loss of appetite, flatulence and diarrhea. The child becomes capricious, irritable and has difficulty sleeping at night.

The severity of signs of the disease depends on the characteristics of the immune system, the concentration of pollen in the air and the duration of contact with the allergen.

What causes the seasonality of allergies?

The main cause of the disease is pollen. The time at which symptoms of the disease appear depends on the flowering period of the plants. Allergen particles, settling on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, stimulate the release of histamine immune cells. It has an effect on blood vessels, which leads to their expansion and the release of biologically active substances.

As a result, the liquid part of the plasma enters the tissues, swelling, hyperemia of the mucous membrane appears, and the allergic reaction progresses. In spring, hay fever is most often diagnosed, that is, a specific immune response to pollen inhalation. The greatest severity of signs of the disease is observed in dry, windy weather, when the concentration of the “provocateur” in the air increases and it can be transported over long distances.

Seasonal allergies in spring can develop during flowering:

  • in March willow, apricot or cherry plum;
  • April cherry, peach, oak, maple or lilac;
  • May chestnut, linden, clover, bird cherry, mulberry, dandelion or poplar.

The peak incidence occurs in late April and May.

Possible complications

Allergies without adequate treatment can become complicated:

  1. anaphylactic shock, which without timely medical care can lead to fatal outcome. Symptomatically, the pathology is manifested by severe swelling of the neck, suffocation, bronchospasm, fainting, dizziness, decreased blood pressure and nausea;
  2. bacterial infection. Long-term storage signs of allergy reduces the protection of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx, which in turn increases the risk of infection. Complications can be expressed as purulent conjunctivitis or sinusitis;
  3. formation of polyps;
  4. bronchial asthma. Attacks of suffocation may occur periodically, only after direct inhalation large quantity pollen. Over time, shortness of breath becomes a constant companion to allergies, provoking the development of asthma.


To diagnose an allergy, you need to do a skin test and examine the blood for the presence of immunoglobulins E. In controversial cases, it may be necessary additional examination. An important point is collecting anamnesis.

Skin and provocative tests

Such tests can only be used in the absence of pregnancy, acute period allergies or infectious-inflammatory diseases. To obtain reliable results diagnostics, hormonal and antihistamine medications are canceled in advance for the patient.

The following skin tests can be used to make a diagnosis:

  1. scarification. Patient on inside the forearms are cut through applied drops of solutions containing allergens. Results are assessed after 20 minutes, 24 hours and 48 hours;
  2. intradermal. By using insulin syringe thick skin 0.02 ml of solution with a “provocateur” is injected;
  3. The prick test is considered the most reliable. The technique involves injecting the allergen 0.1 cm deep into the skin on the inside of the forearm.

If tissue swelling, hyperemia or itching occurs, the test is regarded as confirmation of an allergy.

As for provocative tests, they should be performed exclusively under conditions medical institution. The allergen can be introduced:

  • intranasally. First, the nasal passages are instilled with a solution that is used for an intradermal test. Then a more concentrated liquid is applied with high content allergen. If sneezing, itching and rhinorrhea occur, the test is considered positive;
  • inhalation. The solution must have minimum concentration"provocateur". When signs of bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) appear, as well as when changes in spirometry are recorded, the allergy is confirmed.

Laboratory methods

Blood tests can be carried out in acute phase allergic reaction, since it does not imply interaction of the “provocateur” with the immune system. To make a diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

  • indirect method of performing a skin test. The patient is injected intradermally with blood serum containing IgE in a volume of 0.1 ml. A day later, 0.02 ml of the allergen should be injected into the injection area and the reaction should be assessed after a quarter of an hour;
  • determination of IgE (RAST, ELISA), and the first study is considered more sensitive and reliable.

Only by analyzing anamnestic information, results laboratory diagnostics, as well as additional tests, it is possible to accurately identify the allergen.

Treatment of spring allergies

To get rid of the symptoms of the disease and prevent their further occurrence, it is necessary to identify the allergen. Only by limiting contact with him can one hope for relief. general condition. If the influence of the “provocateur” cannot be completely eliminated, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, hormonal and vasoconstrictors to block an allergic reaction and reduce the severity of symptoms.


This direction of therapy involves accelerating the removal of the allergen from the body and preventing further contact with it. For this purpose it is recommended:

  • upon arriving home, rinse your nose with saline solution, which will help remove the allergen from the nasal cavities;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the room daily, which will reduce the concentration of pollen in the air;
  • walk in the evening or early in the morning, preferably in calm weather or after rain;
  • avoid places with large concentrations of flowering trees;
  • perform plasmapheresis to reduce the amount immune complexes in the bloodstream.

Specific immunotherapy

The goal of specific immunotherapy is to reduce the body's sensitivity to the allergen by gradually becoming accustomed to it. Desensitization is achieved in the following way. The patient is injected subcutaneously with a solution containing the allergen in a minimal dosage. According to a certain pattern, the concentration of the provocateur gradually increases, thereby developing the resistance of the immune system.

Immunotherapy is prescribed for severe course allergic reaction and ineffectiveness of antihistamines and hormonal medications. The technique is used only during the period of remission, when there are no clinical symptoms diseases. Introduction of the allergen into acute stage is fraught with deterioration of the general condition and progression of the disease.


Antihistamines are widely used to block an allergic reaction. The drug inhibits the production of histamine, which stimulates the progression of the disease. There are several types of medications, differing side effects and duration of action.

The main difference between drugs of the first and third generations is the absence of the inhibitory effect of the latter on the central nervous system. They are prescribed to patients whose work requires concentration. In addition, they are not addictive, which allows them to be used over a long period of time.

Brief characteristics of medications:

  1. first generation. Their use is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, dryness in the nasopharynx, constipation, drowsiness, urinary retention, decreased visual acuity and muscle weakness. Duration of action is 4-6 hours. Addiction develops within a month, which requires constant replacement of the drug. This group includes diphenhydramine, diazolin, tavegil, as well as suprastin;
  2. second generation. They act within 24 hours and are not accompanied by drowsiness or central nervous system depression. The tablet can be taken regardless of food. Drugs can be prescribed for a long period(up to a year), as they are not addictive. After completing the therapeutic course, the effect persists for another week. This group includes loratadine and claritin. Among adverse reactions it is worth highlighting cardiotoxicity, which limits their use in elderly people with heart failure;
  3. third generation. The main disadvantage is high price. This group includes Zyrtec, Telfast and Erius.

Note that first-generation medications can be used to quickly provide assistance and short-term relief of the patient’s condition.

Concerning antihistamines for intranasal administration, the following positions can be distinguished:

  • allergodil, as one of the most powerful medicines;
  • vibrocil, which contains not only an antihistamine, but also a vasoconstrictor component;
  • Sanorin-analergin gently eliminates the signs of allergies.


Treatment for allergies in the spring may include the use of the following groups medicines:

  1. saline. They are prescribed to moisturize the nasal mucosa, cleanse it of pollen particles and reduce tissue swelling. Among the drugs it is worth highlighting Humer, Salin, Aqualor, Aqua Maris and Dolphin. They are available in the form of drops or spray. Saline solutions are absolutely safe and can be used over a long period of time. They prevent the accumulation of secretions in the paranasal sinuses and the development of sinusitis;
  2. vasoconstrictors. Medicines are prescribed for quick fix swelling of the mucous membrane, restoration of nasal breathing, as well as ensuring the outflow of secretions from the paranasal cavities. Duration therapeutic effect depends on the main active substance drug and can be 4-12 hours. Medicines should not be used longer than a week because of high risk development of addiction. Frequent nasal instillation leads to decreased sensitivity blood vessels to the effect of the drug, which requires increasing the dose to achieve vasoconstrictor effect. Also, medications can dry out the mucous membranes, which can lead to atrophic rhinitis. Sanorin and naphthyzin act for up to 4 hours, xymelin and otrivin for up to 8, and nazol and nazivindo for half a day;
  3. hormonal. They have powerful anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Steroid drugs are often prescribed when antihistamines are ineffective. The first results of hormonal therapy should be assessed three days after the start of use. TO undesirable consequences addiction refers to ulcerative lesion mucous membrane and bacterial infection against the background of suppression of local immune defense. This group includes Avamys, Nasobek and Nasonex.

To prevent signs of allergies from bothering the patient in the spring, several rules must be followed. The main task of prevention is to prevent the body from contacting the “provocateur”. The set of activities includes:

  1. avoiding walking in dry, windy weather;
  2. using glasses to protect your eyes from pollen;
  3. limiting your stay in places with flowering trees;
  4. daily wet cleaning;
  5. ventilation of the room;
  6. storing books, decorative pillows and other items that can accumulate dust and pollen in closed cabinets;
  7. limiting the use of aromatic substances (perfume);
  8. daily shower (twice a day).

Also, do not forget about regular preventive examination, which will allow diagnosing the disease on early stage and prevent the development of complications. If it is not possible to completely protect yourself from the effects of pollen, it is recommended to start taking antihistamines two weeks before the plants bloom.

For most people, spring is associated with wonderful changes, sun and freshness, but some people are forced to perceive this time of year not so rosy. The reason for this is spring allergies, which darken life with annoying symptoms that create serious discomfort. Many people have a reaction to plant pollen - hay fever. This type of allergy is seasonal in nature, as it is tied to the flowering of a particular plant.

Causes of spring allergies

About 200 years ago, it was believed that spring allergies were associated with hay. English doctor Bostock advised that there was some kind of hay fever. This opinion was used in medicine for another 50 years, after which it was proven that hay has absolutely nothing to do with it, since spring allergy symptoms appear due to the effect of plant pollen on the body. Despite this, the term "hay fever" can still be heard frequently today.

Nature provides difficult process for plant propagation. The pollen grain encodes genetic information about the plant as a whole, which is transmitted during pollination. For a certain reason, the human body begins to perceive pollen as a carrier of genetic code that is harmful to the body. In the spring season, a lot of plants are pollinated, and therefore there are many potential allergens in the air.

When the body begins to produce antibodies against pollen particles, the first symptoms of an allergy appear. She happens to be immune disease. In addition, the disease is often inherited. So, if one of the parents has an allergy, then there is Great chance reactions to one of the allergens in a child, but if both parents suffer from allergic reactions, then the likelihood of their manifestation in the baby doubles.

The most common plant allergens include:

  • Acacia;
  • Hazel;
  • Alder;
  • Ash;
  • Birch;
  • Maple.

In general, about 100 plants can provoke spring allergies, but some of them provoke the disease very rarely. For example, pollen coniferous trees very large, therefore rarely causes any reaction.

In most cases, spring allergy symptoms subside by the end of May, but not always. It is worth consulting your doctor about how to reduce the intensity of the symptoms. For example, if you are allergic to birch pollen, it is recommended to refrain from raw carrots, red varieties of apples, kiwis, peaches and apricots. But if a person reacts to hazel, then hazelnuts are contraindicated for him.

Residents of dusty cities most often suffer from various types of allergies. It's connected with environmental factor, toxic emissions into the air, dustiness of the atmosphere. If the disease is hereditary in nature, then it appears for the first time in childhood. By the age of seven, it is usually clear that a child has hay fever.

Additional factors that contribute to the development of allergies are:

  • Weakened immunity;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Low stress resistance.


Spring allergy symptoms are often confused with colds or reactions to another allergen. Differentiation is carried out based on the seasonality of the manifestation of symptoms. It is worth understanding that their intensity can be individual. If, upon contact with pollen, a person develops following symptoms, then it’s time to go to an appointment with an allergist:

  • Runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • Dry cough;
  • The presence of conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, when it swells, itches, turns red, becomes dry, painful);
  • Painless sore throat;
  • Itching in the nose, ears;
  • Possible skin manifestations in the form of urticaria, dry skin, peeling (rarely encountered in spring allergies).

It is not necessary that the patient will exhibit the entire complex of symptoms at once. For some they occur one at a time or in various combinations. When it is windy and sunny outside, the signs become more intense, but after rain they weaken. Allergy sufferers feel better indoors(this is one of the main differences between an allergic reaction and an acute respiratory viral infection). At the first symptoms of spring allergies, you should urgently consult a doctor, as the disease is fraught with complications.

In a certain part of people, it is not hay fever that manifests itself, but an allergy to the spring sun. If you ignore the disease, it begins to be accompanied by complicated conditions. First, attacks of bronchial asthma appear. Since this condition significantly weakens the immune system, a person gets sick more often, and infections easily penetrate the body.

Attention: the symptoms of ARVI with proper treatment completely disappear within a week, but spring allergies can bother you for much longer.


Many people believe that spring allergies are not a serious disease. This is completely misleading. In the absence of treatment, the patient begins to experience fluctuations in body temperature, myocarditis, gastritis, and the immune system weakens and cannot fully resist harmful microorganisms. As a result, in parallel with allergic diseases, another viral or viral disease may develop. bacterial nature, which will seriously complicate further therapy.

Diagnosing hay fever is simple. Doctors simply compare it with the flowering time of certain plants, and then conduct skin allergy tests outside the flowering season. The method also remains relevant immunological research blood. It is important to contact allergy centers in a timely manner, without waiting for complications. To do this, it is worth analyzing the symptoms and differentiating them from the signs of colds.

Treatment of spring allergies

Certainly, ideal method Therapy for the disease is to change the place of residence for the period when the allergen plant blooms. You need to go to a place where this plant simply does not exist or the flowering season does not coincide with your region. However, not everyone can afford such luxury. Most allergy sufferers are tied to their place of residence due to work or study.

Treatment for pollen allergies should be under the guidance of a powerful allergist. The technique is selected individually. If you need urgent specialist advice, ask us a question. Our employees will give you a detailed answer on your situation.

Treat allergies different methods, but the most popular ones are:

  • Preventive immunotherapy

This technique shows high efficiency in 60-75% of cases. It consists of the following: the patient is injected with small doses of the allergen outside the flowering season. Gradually, the amount of the administered substance increases, and the body develops resistance to it. This treatment lasts 1-1.5 months and requires regular visits to the allergist’s office.

  • Allergen protection

Of course, with this technique it is ideal to completely eliminate contact with the allergen, but this is not always possible. The use of home air purifiers and mosquito nets on windows is becoming relevant. It is better not to ventilate during the flowering period of a dangerous plant, but to walk only in windless, humid weather. Immediately after a walk, you should change clothes and wash your clothes, as pollen also settles on them. When outdoors, be sure to protect your eyes with sunglasses.

  • Drug treatment of allergies

This therapy is carried out symptomatically. First of all, it consists of antihistamines. By taking such medications against spring allergies, you can get rid of symptoms (rhinitis, conjunctivitis) or at least significantly alleviate the symptoms. Among modern anti-allergenic drugs, Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritil have proven themselves well. Before taking any medication, you should consult your doctor.

Preventive measures

  • You should avoid walking from 5 to 10 am, as this is the peak time of dust (going outside should be rescheduled if possible);
  • It is better to walk in damp weather, and not in the sun, while the pollen is nailed to the ground by moisture;
  • During forced exits to Fresh air(for example, on the way to work) it is better to use a gauze bandage;
  • Decorative cosmetics aggravate the course of spring allergies, so their use is minimized;
  • After returning to the premises, clothes are immediately changed;
  • Pollen is found on animals that are outside, so if they live in the house, they are bathed;
  • During the blooming period of the allergen, laundry should not be dried in the open air.

Spring! This is the end of winter, the first rays of the sun, the awakening of nature. It would seem that everyone should rejoice in the warmth and admire the emerging colors.

But, at the same time, with the beginning of flowering, about 40% of the population of our planet suffers from spring allergies - hay fever. For people susceptible to this disease, from mid-April to the end of May, it is difficult period, especially in dry and windy weather.

Plant pollen is almost invisible, it is carried by the wind over long distances through the air, settles on any surface, penetrates the home, and gets clogged in all the cracks. According to statistical values, All more people suffer from allergies in the spring, the symptoms of which usually arise due to poor nutrition, weakened immunity, increased stress, neglect of one’s health.

Spring allergies - symptoms

Recognizing this disease is often difficult. Most people confuse it with a cold and for many years do not suspect that they suffer from hay fever.

Similar symptoms:

  • pain in the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • increased fatigue

It is also necessary to pay attention to the signs that are absent with a common cold: body temperature is within normal limits, a decrease in runny nose with increased humidity, and in a closed room the signs of a cold decrease.

With severe manifestations of spring allergies, the following manifestations occur:

  • upon contact with an allergen, itching, burning, redness, hives, swelling, and possible blisters appear on the skin;
  • irritation of mucous membranes, headache;
  • asthma - the airways narrow, breathing is difficult, barking cough, wheezing, sore throat;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • lowering blood pressure

What to do

This is an eternal question in unclear situations. People, in most cases, do not like to go to doctors, begin to self-medicate, resort to folk remedies, run to the pharmacy and buy the first drug they come across.

These unreasonable actions provoke the development of the disease. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of spring allergies, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Only medical worker appropriate qualifications will be able to determine the disease, the degree of its development and, after research and analysis, prescribe treatment.

Treatment methods

Once an allergen has been identified, it would be ideal to change your place of residence and move to another climate zone. As prescribed by your doctor, take antihistamines, sorbents or hormonal agents and undergo immunotherapy treatment.

Prevention of immunotherapy consists in the fact that increasing doses of the allergen are introduced into the patient’s body over a long period of time. The human body begins to produce antibodies itself and stops reacting strongly to irritants.

How to protect yourself from spring allergies

Scientific research has shown that it is impossible to completely get rid of the symptoms of spring allergies, but it is quite possible to reduce suffering.

To do this, bring the intestinal microflora back to normal, since a weakening body increases susceptibility to diseases. Avoid exposure to air, walk after rain, when pollen is nailed to the ground and is not carried into the air. environment. Do wet cleaning at home more often, especially faithful assistant will become a washing vacuum cleaner. Cover the windows with gauze. Periodically moisten curtains and tulle on windows. Do not dry clothes outdoors. Change your daily routine and try not to go outside in the morning. Wear on the street Sunglasses and, if possible, cover all exposed skin. Upon returning from the street, you need to take a shower and wash your hair. Do not use decorative cosmetics and perfumes. Eliminate flour and fatty foods, citrus fruits, nuts, alcohol. Drink more water, tea, coffee.

Help from traditional medicine

Abuse traditional medicine should not be, but take note of a few simple and effective methods acceptable:

  • take 3–4 tablets activated carbon every day. Helps remove allergens from the blood;
  • drink a decoction of celandine brewed until golden brown instead of tea;
  • symptoms improve if taken in spring Apple vinegar with water and honey (1 glass of water, 1 tsp of affected, 1 tsp of 6% vinegar);
  • compresses of nettle leaves and roots on the affected skin will reduce itching;
  • solution baking soda and salt will perfectly help to rinse the nose and its congestion

Thus, there are many ways to relieve allergy symptoms in the spring. And even if you can’t completely get rid of the problem, you can reduce the manifestation and live ordinary life healthy and happy person.



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