L carnitine use and dosage. Various reviews and comments

Today we will tell you about a popular assistant in fat burning and what are the correct instructions for using L Carnitine. This substance has long been widely known not only in the sports nutrition industry, but also outside it. It is used as a supplement and for medicinal purposes, although it is most often credited with being a fat burner. However, L-Carnitine has a fairly large number of properties, thanks to which it will be necessary not only for those who are thinking about losing excess weight. However, not everyone knows about these properties. In this article we will look at everything related to this substance from A to Z.

What is L-Carnitine?

L Carnitine is a vitamin-like substance that is produced in the body and is therefore not considered essential. It is mainly concentrated in the muscles and liver. The main task of L-Carnitine is to transport and break down fatty acids. It is important to note that it does not help fat loss by itself, since this requires aerobic exercise. That is why you can often find the clarification that the supplement does not work without prolonged physical activity.

It is also important to note that the body will not accumulate excess L-Carnitine and all excess will simply be eliminated from the body. This ensures that even exceeding the dosage will not cause serious consequences. However, what is much more dangerous is the lack of a substance in the body, which is associated with the diet and products in which it is contained, namely:

  • Fish;
  • Meat;
  • Dairy products.

Studies prove that it is the lack of L-Carnitine that can contribute to the accumulation of excess fat in the body.

Does L Carnitine help you lose weight?

Among the most frequently asked questions regarding L-Carnitine, its fat-burning properties usually stand out. With the help of additional intake of this substance in the form of a supplement, it is possible to slightly speed up the process of utilizing fats and extracting energy from them. For the same reason, the supplement is used not only by those who want to lose weight, but also by those for whom it is important to increase endurance, namely runners, athletes, etc. But, since the substance is transported to muscle mitochondria, where they are broken down into energy, it is physical work that is the main catalyst that triggers fat burning. Moreover, aerobic exercise must be prolonged (i.e., more than 20 minutes) because before this the body uses glucose as energy.

Another important property of L-Carnitine, which was discovered only recently, is the anabolic effect. Scientists found that using the supplement, subjects not only burned fat more effectively, but also increased lean muscle mass. This makes the supplement useful in any sport. It is also worth considering that taking L-Carnitine increases resistance to stress. Also, recent studies show that this substance protects muscles from destruction, so taking the supplement along with BCAA will provide much greater effectiveness in this matter.

Among the most important properties of L-Carnitine, it is also worth highlighting the function of protecting the heart. Noticeable improvements were noted after completing one course. The substance also helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol, which provides even greater protection for the cardiovascular system. In addition, in medicine, L-Carnitine is used as an important component in medications that improve potency.

To summarize, we can safely say that L-Carnitine really helps you lose weight. Moreover, it has a number of effects, or rather:

  • Acceleration of fat burning;
  • Increased energy;
  • Strengthening the entire cardiovascular system;
  • Building lean muscle mass;
  • Improved erection;
  • Protecting muscles from destruction.

It is also important that with such a list of effects, taking the substance in the form of a supplement has no contraindications. Also, the substance is not considered doping, which makes it absolutely legal and accessible.

Instructions for use L Carnitine

We decided to tell you in detail how to take L Carnitine, because many people do it incorrectly and do not get any results.

As with any medication or sports supplement, it is important to know the ins and outs of taking L-Carnitine. Not only the effectiveness of use, but also the impact on health will depend on this. Although this substance has no special contraindications, an excessive increase in dosage can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially if we are talking about the liquid form. Most supplement manufacturers aren't particularly generous with details.

Just look at the packaging and make sure that any instructions for using L carnitine speak only about the average dosage. At the same time, no individual characteristics or dosages depending on body weight, goals and types of training load are described there. Therefore, it is very important to know how and when to take this supplement, otherwise the effect of it may be significantly reduced.

First of all, we will talk about dosages. On average, the daily dose varies from 500 mg to 2 g; for example, with long-term use for the purpose of healing and strengthening the body, the dosage should be closer to the minimum. To improve fat burning and energy - closer to the maximum. Exceeding the norm of 2 grams per day is highly not recommended. Firstly, dosages over 2000 mg will not give a greater effect, and secondly, they can lead to side effects, especially those associated with discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

The second important point is to divide the dosage into 2-3 doses. This will improve the effectiveness of the supplement and eliminate any side effects. A particularly large intake of the substance at one time can affect the manifestation of insomnia. This is due to the fact that when consuming L-Carnitine, additional energy will be produced by increasing the breakdown of fats, which can also affect sleep. It is for this reason that taking the supplement at night is not recommended. It is also worth considering that when using the supplement, sweating may increase slightly. This phenomenon is absolutely natural and directly related to the action of the substance.

The most optimal time to take L-Carnitine is considered to be the morning and the period before training, approximately 30 minutes. Moreover, the morning intake should be taken before breakfast to ensure maximum absorption. The second most important period when L-Carnitine has maximum activity in the body is physical activity. Therefore, it is important to take the supplement before you start training so that the substance has time to be absorbed and reach the muscle tissue, only then will it begin to have the desired effect. For this reason, the norm of 2 grams per day is best divided into 2 doses of 1000 mg, in the morning and before physical activity.

It is also worth considering that the liquid form is absorbed a little faster. Therefore, it often makes sense to consume it 15-20 minutes before physical activity, and not half an hour. At the same time, it is sometimes mixed with ordinary water and drunk throughout the entire workout. This may be relevant for bodybuilding, where constant intensity changes to interval intensity. Some manufacturers produce L-Carnitine with the addition of various components that increase bioavailability. Such supplements are absorbed faster, although, apart from speed, they do not provide any significant advantages over conventional supplements, and they also differ significantly in price.

How to take L Carnitine in liquid form?

The liquid form of the supplement is considered by some to be the most convenient. These can be either simple ampoules or large bottles.

– 5 ml.

– 15 ml.

Some instructions say that the supplement should be taken morning and evening, but this is not entirely correct. It is necessary to take L Carnitine before physical activity if you want to achieve a fat burning effect.

Taking L Carnitine tablets

Carnitine tablets should be taken with plenty of water. Do not chew or break the tablet before taking it - this may interfere with its absorption!

Single dosage for an average person– 200-500 mg.

Single dosage for an athlete– 500-2500 mg.

How to take L Carnitine capsules

The dosage of the substance in capsules is no different from the tablet form. The only peculiarity is that the capsules take a little longer to digest than the liquid form, since it takes time for the shell to dissolve in the stomach.

Take capsules 20-30 minutes before physical activity at the same dosage as indicated in the tablets.

Important features of taking Levocarnitine for weight loss

There are two rules that people neglect and, accordingly, do not get the desired result:

Nutrition. It must correspond to the goal - burning fat. One of the best nutritional systems is considered to be a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet.

Physical exercise. They must also meet the goal and include exercise with high calorie consumption. L Carnitine should only be taken BEFORE or DURING exercise if you want to burn fat.

Side effects of L Carnitine and contraindications

This amino acid almost never causes side effects. Occasionally, users experience vomiting and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as muscle weakness, but such symptoms are associated with individual intolerance to the substance or with a significant excess of the dosage.

Among the contraindications for taking L Carnitine are the following:

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  2. High blood pressure;
  3. Kidney diseases;
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Diabetes;
  6. Caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Best L Carnitine from sports nutrition

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Here are some reviews about L Carnitine that most accurately reflect its action:

“I started taking L Carnitine capsules two months ago. I thought about taking it for about three months, but two were enough to achieve results. I took 2000 mg per day - 1 g in the morning before cardio and 1 g in the evening before strength training. Based on the sensations themselves, I didn’t notice anything new, except that there might be more energy. But the fat disappeared much faster than usual. In two months, I lost about 8 kg, despite the fact that I did not strictly restrict food and did not take anything else. This is an excellent result!”

“As a sports doctor, I will say that taking L Carnitine is underestimated... Many people believe that it should be taken only for fat burning, but Levocarnitine has many other useful functions: lowering cholesterol levels, improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and even increasing mental and physical endurance. So, by the way, I usually advise my athletes of different categories to take L-Carnitine in courses - 1-2 months with an equal break.”

“The most favorite is the liquid form in ampoules. Very convenient to carry!!! I drink half an ampoule before training and the other half during training. It gives a lot of strength and stamina. By the way, shortness of breath has decreased and my heart is not pounding like crazy. Maybe this is also related to Carnitine?

“They combine taking El Carnitine with a fat burner. The result is always great! Sometimes I just buy fat burners that already contain this substance. Even when I only drank El Carnitine before, the result was good.”

Finally, it is worth noting once again that taking the supplement without physical activity will have almost no effect on fat burning and muscle building. Moreover, the duration of the workout should be at least 40 minutes so that you can achieve a real increase in fat burning.

A year ago I didn’t know what L-Carnitine was, but now I don’t understand how you can think about losing weight without it. If you lost 4 kg just like that, then with L-Carnitine it will be 6 kg! It’s stupid to neglect such a result, especially if the additive is cheap. And also, girls, now the topic of losing weight is very popular, but remember that without serious loads this supplement does not work at all. If you run, then at least 40 minutes, if in the gym - an hour of intense training with iron and half an hour of cardio.

Thank you very much for the good article, I have never seen a supplement described so completely. This is perhaps the best instruction for using L-Carnitine on the Internet, I even added it to my bookmarks
By the way, for the first time I learned about improving erections, I went to Google and yes, carnitine has such an effect, but I didn’t even know. Another nice bonus.

I thought that L-Carnitine was needed for weight loss and that’s all, but there are so many properties... I didn’t fully understand one thing, what is the difference between acetyl L-Carnitine and regular one, only in speed and a smaller dose and that’s all? It just costs more than usual, I wonder why.

I always combine L-Carnitine intake with a pre-workout supplement; in my opinion, the supplement works better. I don’t see any point in taking it in the morning. I always buy regular one, acetylcarnitine is like creatine, no matter what they add to it, simple monohydrate will still be no worse. I can advise you one thing - you shouldn’t take liquid, especially biotech. There have been precedents when on an empty stomach with a long-term diet it can lead to gastritis, but no one takes L-Carnitine on a full stomach. Capsules are most convenient. And never buy L-Carnitine in pharmacies, the dosages there are for children, if you buy them in normal quantities you can go broke.

In fact, L-Carnitine is used in many medicines and medicines. drugs, so there is nothing to be surprised about. It allows you to lose weight, but it’s not enough for quality drying. If your goal is just to lose 1-2 kg, then it will do, if you want 7-8 and completely lose fat, then you need carnitine and a good complex fat burner.
It’s also unclear which L-Carnitine is the best, but I didn’t take acetylcarnitine, it’s still new and I haven’t found any research that it’s really better than usual.

How to take L-Carnitine for weight loss if I decide to lose weight after giving birth? The doctor gave the go-ahead, all sports were allowed, except for a couple of strength exercises, now I run and exercise with dumbbells. Nowhere did I find any prohibitions for taking it after childbirth; the doctor did not say anything intelligible about this. At first I bought it, but now I’m thinking about it. If anyone has experience or you write a separate article about this, many mothers will thank you very much

Today, an increasing number of overweight people are choosing healthy weight loss methods that combine proper nutrition and an active workout regimen. But how to speed up this process without harming the body? The answer is striking in its simplicity: since the mid-2000s, a new generation fat-burning supplement, L-Carnitine, has become popular in the world of fitness, which can double or even triple the efforts of athletes to lose weight.

But you need to know how to take L-Carnitine for weight loss, because the wrong dosage of the nutritional supplement and errors in understanding the mechanism of its effect on the body can nullify all attempts to reduce body volume. People who are far from fitness training and any physical activity may be disappointed in the “magic pill,” while others who are losing weight have managed to achieve impressive results in body shaping and become graceful and slender with its help.

What kind of substance is L-carnitine? Description

Before taking L-Carnitine for weight loss, you need to find out what this nutritional supplement is and how it works. The substance called "L-carnitine" (or another common name - levocarnitine) is nothing more than vitamin B11 or BT. Under normal conditions, it is synthesized in the liver, but only if a person follows a balanced diet rich in high-quality animal protein. A natural metabolic compound (levocarnitine) is designed to naturally improve and accelerate the maintenance of normal muscle function and tissue regeneration processes. A person’s need for l-carnitine, which is contained in drugs of the same name, is 250-500 mg per day, while the liver manages to synthesize only 10 percent of this amount.

It's no secret that weight loss requires significant physical activity, so the body needs additional l-carnitine. How to take for weight loss? Reviews from fitness trainers and nutritionists advise in this case to increase consumption to 1200-1500 mg per day. This amount of L-Carnitine is considered sufficient for girls weighing 50-60 kg who want to lose weight and engage in aerobic sports. For strength training and ladies with curvier figures, you will need to increase the amount of vitamin B11 consumed to 2000-3000 mg per day. It is irrational to multiply the dose of levocarnitine enormously, since our body is able to process no more than 2000-3000 mg per day, and it removes excess vitamin naturally.

Mechanism of action

The essence of the functioning of L-carnitine is very simple: it delivers oxygen to the cells of our body, accelerates the transport of fats (fatty acids) from the depot through cell membranes to the mitochondria, where they are broken down, and then removes thermolipolysis products from the energy base of the cells, cleansing them. As a result, during training it helps a person convert fat cells into energy and increases perspiration. The main advantage is its anti-catabolic effect, which is manifested in the ability to inhibit the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates, forcing the body to “melt down” fats for energy. But how to take L-Carnitine for weight loss if you ignore regular exercise? In the absence of physical activity from cardio training or manual labor, taking vitamin B11 does not help in weight loss, as it stimulates appetite, and the body simply utilizes its excess. In large dosages, this substance is not toxic, unlike thermogenics, it does not have a negative effect on blood vessels. On days when there is no training, it is also useful for people losing weight to consume L-Carnitine.

How much of this dietary supplement can you take for weight loss on “lazy” days? You need to drink 1500 mg of carnitine (in liquid or tablet form) in the morning on an empty stomach and go for a walk, which should last at least 1-1.5 hours. It should be taken into account that for the same period of time after physical activity, free fatty acids circulate in the bloodstream: if you want to have a snack during these minutes, then the food will help the body return them to the fat depot.

Properties of L-carnitine

Of the beneficial functions of carnitine for the human body, experts note: helping to accelerate the processing of existing fat reserves, preventing the process of deposition of newly received lipids from food, normalizing the level of “dense” cholesterol in the blood, enriching the blood with oxygen and increasing efficiency, as well as reducing the period of muscle recovery. Levocarnitine deficiency, which most often affects athletes, people on mono-diet, as well as vegetarians, is manifested by a decrease in the immune response, metabolic disorders and fatigue, problems with the cardiovascular system. If, against the background of intense training or a strict diet, a person feels unwell or other symptoms of vitamin B11 deficiency, then in this case it is advisable to obtain confirmation from the attending physician about the need for additional intake.

Indications and release form

"L-Carnitine", which is involved in the metabolic processes of the body, can be prescribed in complex therapy to patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver or pancreas, endocrine organs, as well as children or adults with reduced appetite, elderly people (for improve memory and concentration). It is also useful for healthy overweight people to correct their figure. For vegetarians, the drug is recommended to compensate for the lack of vitamin B11 due to the refusal of meat foods, for athletes - to maintain endurance and increase efficiency during training, as well as to accelerate the process of building muscle mass.

Fitness trainers often advise using levocarnitine to dry the body. For effective weight loss, it is also used by people who control their weight. Depending on the form of release (in the form of tablets, capsules, powder or liquid (including syrup)), you can independently choose the method of taking L-Carnitine for weight loss. The dosage of levocarnitine in tablets, capsules or liquid will be maintained, but they must be consumed separately from meals, otherwise this will lead to a deterioration in the absorption process of the vitamin-like nutritional supplement and a significant reduction in its effect on the body.


The restorative vitamin B11 is quite safe. However, women who become pregnant should discontinue taking levocarnitine, since the use of this dietary supplement for weight loss during this period is undesirable. And only in special cases, depending on the individual clinical situation, is it allowed to be taken by ladies in an “interesting situation” and nursing mothers in complex therapy, but strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. In addition, doctors also recommend excluding carnitine from the weight correction program for people who experience increased excitability, insomnia, or individual intolerance to this dietary supplement.

How to make levocarnitine work effectively? Secrets of the reception

The main difference between the different forms of release of this product is their convenience. For example, tablets or capsules are easy to take at home or at work, and carnitine powder, concentrate or syrup can be conveniently dissolved for drinking during training. Levocarnitine goes well with any vitamin supplements, thermogenics, BCAA, as well as drinks (tea or coffee). However, it must be remembered that this vitamin-like substance significantly increases a person’s psychomotor activity, therefore, along with taking levocarnitine, it is not advisable to get too carried away with caffeine-containing drinks, especially in the afternoon. How to take L-Carnitine correctly for weight loss? You can get advice on the dosage for people losing weight from a trainer or choose it yourself. It is better for girls to start taking this dietary supplement with a small dose (1-1.5 g), gradually increasing it to 2 g. This will reveal the required amount of L-carnitine, which will allow them to achieve a surge of energy and sweating during training. In men, this figure is higher: they should start with 2 g, bringing the amount of levocarnitine to 3 g.

A good effect of drying the body is given by the scheme when, 40 minutes before training, a girl drinks 1-1.5 (or 2) grams of “L-Carnitine” in tablets, and then dissolves the same amount of powder or syrup in liquid, taking it in small sips during thirst time during cardio exercise (on a treadmill, bicycle or orbitrack).

L-carnitine tablets or capsules

What are the benefits of tablets or capsules whose main component is l-carnitine? How to take capsules that are tasteless and odorless for weight loss? Each manufacturer has different concentrations of vitamin-like substances and the number of tablets or capsules, but on average they amount to 1-1.5 g per serving. For oral use of levocarnitine, do not chew or crush the tablets, or pour the powder out of the capsules. They are swallowed whole with water 40 minutes before training or an active walk. They are taken in courses, taking into account the advice of the trainer and the opinion of the doctor. Long-term use of L-Carnitine (more than 6 months) is undesirable.

Levocarnitine liquid and powder

One of the most convenient forms of release of a vitamin-like supplement - “L-Carnitine” - is considered to be liquid (syrup, concentrate, ampoules). Unlike capsules and tablets, it begins to act much faster, since the beneficial substance from the liquid enters the blood much earlier.

How to take liquid L-Carnitine for weight loss? You can drink it without diluting it with water or combining it with meals, and you can also make a workout solution to quench your thirst (at the rate of 1.5 g of levocarnitine per 0.5-0.75 liters of water). The liquid with levocarnitine from the ampoule is drunk immediately before cardio exercise, and after 5-10 minutes the concentration of the substance in the blood increases, the person feels a surge of strength, which makes the workout as effective as possible. “L-Carnitine” (powder) is also suitable for dissolving in water. How to take this type of sports nutrition for weight loss? Although this form of levocarnitine is absorbed more slowly than its liquid counterpart, it is much faster than the tablet version. In addition, it is the powder that allows you to obtain the most accurate dosage of carnitine. You can take it in its pure form with water, or prepare a healthy cocktail from it to quench your thirst during training.

Various reviews and comments

Most opinions about the drug from athletes and people who closely monitor their weight are positive. At the same time, many of them note that to get rid of extra pounds you need not only to use L-Carnitine. How to take for weight loss? Reviews recommend combining this drug with physical activity. Gaining lean muscle mass and maximizing the burning of fat reserves thanks to L-Carnitine intake helps to change the structure of the body and make the figure more graceful. In addition, when using the drug along with a diet, many feel better, increase endurance during (walking, running, etc.), as well as strength training.

L-Carnitine helps quickly restore muscles after anaerobic exercise and eliminate pain from intense muscle work. Almost all users note the uselessness of the drug for a passive lifestyle and even its harm, since it has a stimulating effect on appetite. By accelerating the processes of fat metabolism, levocarnitine increases cravings for food, for which it sometimes receives negative reviews. But in the presence of physical activity, the nutritional supplement is harmless, since it is spent on the restoration of muscle tissue.

Cost of the drug "L-carnitine". How to take for weight loss

The price of various analogues based on this vitamin-like substance and their composition differ significantly from each other depending on the manufacturer. The instructions for the drugs indicate the set of components, how to take them for weight loss, as well as other information about these sports nutrition products. In addition, the compositions of the dietary supplements themselves, which include additional vitamins and minerals for better absorption of the main component, can be very different. But so-called pure levocarnitine is also produced: “Carniton” - 20 ml solution and 1 g tablets (Russia), domestic solution “L-Carnitine” (50 ml) in the middle price category (250-350 rubles), tablets (20 pcs.) “Carnitona” costs about 300 rubles, ampoules (7 pieces) - about 700-800 rubles, or 20 ampoules - from 2000 rubles and above. The BIOTECH USA company set the price for 500 mg tablets (60 pcs. or 30 servings) in Russian currency at 885 rubles, and a package of 20 effervescent tablets at 300 rubles. The American leader in the production of dietary supplements, the company Solgar, introduced to the market a package of 30 L-Carnitine tablets costing about 2,000 rubles. A bottle of liquid levocarnitine from the same manufacturer (473 ml) will cost the buyer approximately 3,500 rubles.

The modern sports nutrition market is represented by a large group of drugs called “fat burners.” There are many varieties, but one of the most popular is L-carnitine (aka levocarnitine). An overview of the pros and cons of the best (according to athletes’ reviews) L-carnitines is in our rating.

What is levocarnitine needed for?

L-carnitine is a natural substance that the human body partially produces itself with a sufficient amount of protein foods (meat, poultry, eggs, etc.).

Fundamentally, carnitine is not exactly a fat burner. Rather, it is a dietary supplement that helps speed up metabolism, increase endurance and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Accordingly, the intensity of the training increases, and obtaining energy from fat accumulation becomes, albeit somewhat a side effect, but no less desirable.

An important clarification - carnitine will not be of any use without the essential components: physical activity(especially cardio) and balanced nutrition. Hence the different opinions about the drug. Dissatisfaction is usually expressed by those who were hoping for a “magic pill” that would help them lose weight while sitting on the couch. But people for whom the notorious healthy lifestyle is not an empty phrase consider L-carnitine to be an excellent help for achieving good physical shape.

Forms of release of L-carnitine


In this form, carnitine is absorbed faster by the body, and, therefore, begins to act faster. The disadvantage is the presence of preservatives and sweeteners.


On the Russian market, this type of L-carnitine is most often found in two versions: pharmaceutical (in the form of sachets or bags for dissolution in water) and sports (many brands simply package carnitine in their own containers). The inconvenience is that the powder needs to be diluted with something, however, the convenience is that it can be added to the finished drink.

Tablets or capsules

This option takes longer to digest than the liquid form, but contains a minimum of foreign substances. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the composition and concentration of pure carnitine.

In pursuit of a slim figure and weight loss, many become addicted to dubious dietary supplements with little-studied composition. Perhaps they allow you to achieve a quick effect, but, as a rule, at the cost of your own health.

Indeed, finding useful and safe drugs today is not easy, but it is a feasible task. Athletes in particular love to use L-carnitine for weight loss and muscle building. This is a vitamin-like substance that is completely harmless and completely natural.


L-carnitine is a substance related to B-vitamins, synthesized in the human body. Present in the tissues of some muscles and liver. Accelerates metabolic processes, supports the activity of coenzyme A (it oxidizes fatty acids). Used to treat kidney diseases.

If it is deficient, the body cannot process fats from food, which leads not only to obesity, but also to heart problems.

Preparations based on this substance are actively used in official medicine.


Losing weight with L-carnitine is nothing but advantages with almost no disadvantages:

  • activation of fat burning processes;
  • the ability to use other additives;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • protection of the heart and blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • facilitating cardio and strength training;
  • general strengthening and immunostimulating effect;
  • no muscle pain after training;
  • increase in lean muscle mass;
  • reduction of fatigue - mental and physical.

By using dietary supplements with it, you yourself will notice that your workouts have become much more successful and effective. Endurance increases, and with it you reach new heights - accordingly, you lose much more calories.

Names. In different sources, L-carnitine can be found under different names: levocarnitinum, l-carnitine, vitamin Bt, levocarnitine, vitamin B11.

Mechanism of weight loss

L-carnitine can be safely used for weight loss, since its properties guarantee not only improved well-being and the effectiveness of training, but also amazing external changes in the figure.

It performs the following functions:

  • protects muscle tissue from splitting;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system, which is very important for losing weight (no irritability) and intense exercise (elevates your mood, thanks to which training is carried out regularly, without disruption);
  • converts fats into energy, preventing their deposition in different parts of the body;
  • prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles;
  • prevents the development of overtraining syndrome;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • shortens the recovery period after sports;
  • keeps the level of coenzyme A stable in the body, which is very important for optimizing energy metabolism;
  • promotes detoxification from cytotoxic organic acids and xenobiotics;
  • increases endurance indicators;
  • accelerates protein metabolism;
  • is an anabolic, i.e. it promotes the growth of muscle mass.

So it can be used in two directions: to increase the effectiveness of strength training, as an anabolic steroid, and to reduce body weight, as a fat burner. But this method of dealing with extra pounds is not for the lazy - without training, there will be no result.

Origin of name. The term “L-carnitine” goes back to the Latin “carnis”, which translates as “meat”, because there is quite a lot of it in this product.

Indications and contraindications

Preparations based on L-carnitine can be officially used by athletes. They are not prohibited by the Anti-Doping Commission, so many do not stop using it even during competitions.

Therapeutic indications:

  • infertility in men;
  • hypoperfusion;
  • encephalopathy;
  • skin diseases: seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, focal scleroderma, eczema, lupus erythematosus;
  • growth retardation;
  • intense physical activity - to reduce fatigue, increase performance and endurance, as an anabolic and adaptogen;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic cardiopathy, stroke;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • Swan-Pearson neuropathy;
  • obesity;
  • pathologies caused by carnitine deficiency: Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos and Beals syndromes, tuberous sclerosis, progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • brain damage;
  • post-infarction conditions;
  • rehabilitation after operations and serious illnesses;
  • MERRE, MELAS, NARP, Kearns-Sayre syndromes;
  • angina pectoris;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Indications for weight loss:

  • rapid fatigue during physical activity;
  • pain, cramps after training;
  • tremors of the limbs, very tense muscles;
  • lack of results when playing sports, despite their intensity;
  • visceral fat on the abdomen;
  • shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, rapid heartbeat during training.


  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • insomnia;
  • epigastric pain;
  • hypertension;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • dyspepsia;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • lactation;
  • oncology;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure;
  • trimethylaminuria;
  • epilepsy.

This substance cannot adversely affect the functioning of organs. But it triggers processes that force the body's systems to work in enhanced mode. And if initially everything is not in order with your health, it may simply not cope with it. So be sure to take note of this list.

From the history. In the USSR, DL-carnitine chloride was used to treat diseases of the nervous system, although there was no data on the benefits of this product for the central nervous system.

Rules of application

It is very important to know how to take L-carnitine to get the most benefit from it. Methods and dosages are determined by various factors. The leading role is played by the chosen drug and individual characteristics.

On the market you can find different dietary supplements with levocarnitine: in capsules and tablets, in liquid form, in powder. Each one comes with instructions that you must follow. If the recommended dosage or dosage regimen does not suit you for some reason, you can always adjust these parameters with your trainer.

This option is even preferable, since the instructor will be able to professionally evaluate your personal data and, based on them, recommend how best for you to take the purchased drug. This will depend on your starting weight, health status and the intensity of your intended training.

Capsules and tablets

This is the most convenient and popular form. The correct intake of L-carnitine in capsules and tablets is determined by the instructions for each individual drug, since the concentration of the active substance in them may be different.

If you have a choice between tablets and capsules, give preference to the latter. They are absorbed into the blood faster.

In liquid form

Concentrated syrup or a light solution of L-carnitine is taken regardless of meals. It is drunk undiluted. Athletes are recommended to consume 15 ml before training once a day. The duration of the course is 6 weeks, then there is a break of 2 weeks and the previous scheme is repeated again.


Levocarnitine powder is a crystalline white concentrate without taste or odor. Easily soluble in water, you can even drink it with juice. Economical in terms of dosages. The only drawback is that it takes time to prepare. For convenience, manufacturers provide the product with a measuring cup.

You can find carnitine in sticks, which is very convenient: 1 stick = 1 serving. Each drug is accompanied by instructions for use from the manufacturer, which indicate the recommended dosage.

General tips:

  1. The first portion of the powder is in the morning before meals, the second is 30 minutes before training.
  2. If your physical activity is intense, you can drink 3 times a day.
  3. Course: 2 months of weight loss / 2 weeks of rest. You can repeat this scheme for six months.

The maximum daily dosage remains the same as when using capsules - 3,000 mg, but it is not necessary to reach this level. Depending on the purpose of using levocarnitine powder, daily doses may be different:

  • for complex therapy: 1,200 mg;
  • for athletes: 2,000 mg;
  • weight loss: 1,500 mg.

Pay attention to the following powdered preparations:

  • 300 g of pure carnitine from RPS Nutrition (USA);
  • weight loss + improvement of blood circulation, brain and heart activity from Scitec Nutrition (USA);
  • concentrate of carnitine, taurine and B vitamins from Ostrovit (Poland);
  • lipotropic complex with mineral supplements, caffeine with anabolic and neurostimulating effects from PowerPro (USA);
  • complex with trivalent chromium and plant extracts from BioTech (USA);
  • 4 forms (pure, waste, acetyl, fumarate) with flavors from CarnibolicNutrabolics (USA);
  • 300 g of levocarnitine tartrate without additives from Anabolic Innovations (USA);
  • 700 ml acetyl L-carnitine with stearic acid from SAN (USA).

These are the most effective powder preparations that have proven themselves in the dietary supplement market.


There is another way to use L-carnitine - injecting a 10% solution into a muscle or vein. Prescribed if oral administration is impossible (in case of injuries to the oral cavity, digestive organs). The dosage is determined individually.

  1. 100 mg of the substance is diluted in 50 ml of sodium chloride solution (0.9%).
  2. It is injected into the vein slowly: in a stream (about 3 minutes) or drip (about 60 drops/min).

Keep in mind that L-carnitine injections are often accompanied by discomfort. Side effects include damage to blood vessels and soft tissues.

Of all the methods of using drugs with levocarnitine, injection is the most effective, but at the same time not entirely successful. Firstly, not everyone can give themselves an injection. Secondly, painful sensations afterward interfere with training.

Be careful. L-carnitine has a twin brother, its synthetic analogue - D-carnitine, which does not have the most positive effect on the body. Research shows that some unscrupulous manufacturers of sports nutrition may include it in dietary supplements. Read the ingredients of the drugs you purchase carefully so that it is not listed there.

First, you should decide where you will purchase drugs with L-carnitine:

  • to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is better to buy the medicine at the pharmacy;
  • for weight loss, give preference to dietary supplements, which can be ordered on numerous online resources;
  • To increase the effectiveness of your training, use sports nutrition, which is sold in specialized stores.
  1. L-carnitine can be taken not only in the form of medications and dietary supplements. This substance is found in excess in food products (the list is given below).
  2. Anabolic steroids and lipoic acid enhance the effect of L-carnitine.
  3. It promotes weight loss only with aerobic exercise. If it is advisable for men to exercise in the gym, then gymnastics, dancing, Pilates, etc. are suitable for women.
  4. Don't go hungry. Adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition: meals should be frequent and portions should be small.
  5. Low-fat foods should predominate in the diet.
  6. It is recommended to lean on proteins and limit the consumption of carbohydrates.
  7. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  8. not recommended.
  9. Workouts should last at least 30 minutes.

Foods rich in L-carnitine:

  • Orange juice;
  • peanut butter;
  • bacon;
  • White bread;
  • Ground beef;
  • chicken breast;
  • pasta;
  • ice cream;
  • rice (boiled);
  • pork;
  • asparagus;
  • beef steak;
  • cod;
  • whole milk;
  • eggs.

Include these foods in your daily diet to enrich your body with this natural substance.

On a note. L-carnitine is destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, if the foods on the list above can be eaten raw, eat them without cooking them on the stove.

Side effects

Levocarnitine has side effects, but they are very rare. An overdose is practically impossible, because all excess substances are actively excreted in the urine.

If the instructions or contraindications are violated, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • allergic reactions;
  • insomnia;
  • painful digestion (dyspepsia);
  • pain in the abdomen (gastralgia);
  • smell from the mouth;
  • nervousness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • increased appetite;
  • vomit;
  • seizures;
  • nausea.

As a rule, all side effects after taking the drugs disappear within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

On a note. It is very useful for men to take L-carnitine not only for losing weight and building muscle mass, but also to improve their reproductive function. This substance promotes sperm activity and is even prescribed for the treatment of infertility.


Which L-carnitine is best for weight loss? The choice is not easy to make, since there are a lot of drugs based on it.

  1. Acetyl L-Carnitine from Dymatize (USA). $24 for 90 capsules.
  2. Acetyl L-Carnitine from Maxler (Germany). $18 for 100 tablets.
  3. Acetyl L-Carnitine from Twinlab (USA). $54 for 120 capsules.
  4. Alcar from SAN (USA) - tablets. $44 for 100 pcs.
  5. Carni X from Scitec Nutrition (Hungary). $16 for 60 capsules.
  6. Carnipure from Gaspari Nutrition (USA) - in powder. $35 per 100 gr.
  7. Attack L-Carnitine from Power System (Germany) - solution with guarana and caffeine. $21 for 500 ml.
  8. L-Carnitine from Power System (Germany) - solution. $31 for 1,000 ml.
  9. L-Carnitine-3 000 from Maxler (Germany) - concentrate. $25 for 1,000 ml of solution.
  10. L-Carnitine-750 from Maxler (Germany). $23 for 100 capsules.
  11. Capsules L-Carnitine from Weider (Germany). $19 for 100 capsules.
  12. Liquid L-Carnitine Extreme Formula from Weider (Germany). $24 for 20 ampoules.
  13. L-Carnitine Power from SAN (USA) - in capsules. $19 for 60 pcs.
  14. Xtreme L-Carnitine from Dymatize (USA). $18 for 60 capsules.
  15. L-Carnitine from Myprotein (UK). $12 for 90 tablets.
  16. L-Carnitine from Ultimate Nutrition (USA). $20 for 30 tablets.
  17. Concentrate L-Carnitine from VP Laboratory (UK). $31 for 1,000 ml of solution.
  18. L-Carnitine from Maxler (Germany) - solution. $38 for 1,000 ml.
  19. Liquid L-Carnitine from Optimum Nutrition (USA). $10 for almost 350 ml.
  20. L-carnitine from GlavActiv (Russia). $6.7 for 60 capsules.

To find the best drug for you, try different options.

Through the pages of history. L-carnitine was discovered in 1905 by scientists V.S. Gulevich and R.P. Krimberg. They isolated it from muscle tissue.


L-carnitine is the main active ingredient in many medications that can be used both for therapeutic purposes and for weight loss. The most popular analogues:

  • Alimba is an Italian drug;
  • Carnitene;
  • Carnifit;
  • Cartan - a medicine for stomach disorders, available in powder for solution or injection ampoules (manufactured in Greece);
  • Elkar is a means for improving metabolic processes; you can purchase an aqueous solution (with a dropper and a test tube) and ampoules for injection.

Firm buttocks, a thin waist, pumped up abs - all this is quite possible if you introduce L-carnitine into your weight loss program. Men will have those very coveted six-packs, and women will be able to delight others with their ideal figure. At the same time, your health will remain in perfect order, and in some situations even improve.


Acetyl-L-Carnitine, polyvinylpyrrolidone (stabilizer), talc (anti-caking agent), tablet coating: HPMC (thickener), polyethylene glycol 6000 (glazing agent), titanium dioxide (color).


Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an essential nutritional component for the optimal development of the human body, found mainly in muscles. This is an amino acid, a vitamin-like substance, whose characteristics are close to B vitamins. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is absolutely necessary for the normal provision of the body with its own energy and for the metabolism of fats, and, consequently, for all life processes.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine, being a bioactive substance, makes a positive contribution to the normalization of the body's metabolic processes. It plays an important role in providing the body with energy, i.e. delivers fat to the muscles, where it is burned to release energy, slows down the aging process of cells. If the body's need for Acetyl-L-Carnitine is not met, this manifests itself in chronic fatigue, weight gain, and decreased physical activity. Providing Acetyl-L-Carnitine in adulthood is very important for maintaining quality of life. With increased mental activity, heavy physical or emotional stress, and active sports, the need for Acetyl-L-Carnitine increases.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine has a wide spectrum of action: activates the metabolic process; plays a huge role in fat metabolism, i.e. promotes the conversion of fat into energy, which leads to a decrease in the volume of body fat and a decrease in excess body weight; reduces fatigue during prolonged brain activity; increases the body's performance and endurance during sports or any other physical activity; reduces the period of time required to recuperate and provides a feeling of vigor.

The daily dose of 1 tablet contains:

Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 500 mg, this is 167%, which does not exceed the upper permissible intake level - 900 mg.

Nutritional and energy value of 100 g: fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 0 g, calorie content 0 kcal (0 kJ).

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Not a medicine.


As a dietary supplement to food - an additional source of Acetyl-L-Carnitine.



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