About the benefits of winter frost: what diseases does cold treat? Winter frosts: beneficial or harmful to health

Friends, with the end of the winter holidays, with the end of countless celebrations and the beginning of your working life! They also say that when you start your first day of work, this year will be so fruitful :) So, get rid of laziness and go ahead! I'm re-posting here old article, so please forgive me who has already read this.

Winter is a common thing in Russia and, according to ethnographers, it has always been perceived by the people as a festive season and a symbol of fertility. By its arrival, the future of the harvest was determined; by the amount of snow, they judged what the harvest would be like.

Snow was used as a ritual for fortune telling and other rites: it was customary to bury newlyweds in a snowdrift so that future offspring would be healthy. It’s a pity that there’s not enough snow in the cities, every year there’s less and less snow. Wherever there’s plenty of this goodness, take it into service; feel free to bury the bride and groom in their wedding attire in the snowdrifts for the good of the future!!!

The benefits of cold for the body

It is believed that warm, sunny summer weather is beneficial for the body. As is known, with the onset of the autumn-winter period the probability of colds. This is explained by the fact that protective properties The body weakens at low temperatures and is unable to repel viral attacks.

And the sun, which is a natural antibacterial emitter, shines less and at a different angle. All this leads to an increase in frequency. However, not everything is so or not entirely so.

Scientists have carefully studied the effect of cold on human body, found that low temperatures contribute to the health of the body and even have a beneficial effect on appearance. It is frost that disinfects the air, destroying viruses, allergens, and filtering out harmful particles. Low temperatures activate the body's protective properties. Hence the opinion that winter children much healthier than their peers born in other seasons. A Siberian Health has become a household word!

This is my very happy daughter Anna - a lover of winter rides.

Benefits of sleeping in the cold

  • on a winter night it is especially sweet. And not only thanks to the long dark nights, which contribute to the production of melatonin in the body, which is also responsible for sleep. It is the cold outside that is the key to a good sleep.
  • There is scientific evidence that bedroom temperature affects a person's health and weight. So the most optimal temperature is considered to be from 19º to 21º, it is in this range that special enzymes are formed in the body at night that promote fat burning. For those who dream lose weight - sleep with the window open.
  • In addition, frosty air keeps our psyche in good shape, thereby increasing resistance. That’s why in winter people are more calm, balanced, cheerful, and optimistic.

The effect of frost on the beauty and condition of the skin

  • At first glance, heavy winter clothes hide feminine beauty and charms. But only at first glance. In the course of research, it was found that it is in winter that men find women especially attractive. After all, it is during the cold months in male body is being produced greatest number sex hormones, causing men to be sensitive to women.
  • Yes, women blossom in the cold, thanks increased blood flow at low temperatures, which stimulates biological activity cells. That's why after winter walks the skin becomes fresh, smooth and elastic. And the blush on the cheeks makes even an ordinary simpleton look beautiful.
  • Cosmetologists recommend washing cold water and rubbing the face with ice cubes, while taking some care so as not to chill the skin or cause damage to it. And everyone has known for a long time what effect contrast baths give!
  • Don't forget about your lips in cold weather; they are also vulnerable to low temperatures and wind. Lubricate them with hygienic lipstick, oily gloss containing glycerin, before going to bed with any aroma oil or vegetable oil will do.

Take two basins with hot and cold water, alternately lower your face into them and hold for 2-3 minutes, and so on for 15-20 minutes, then similar contrast procedures at least 2 times a week will give a lasting effect of skin rejuvenation and prevention of wrinkles. In addition, these procedures improve vision.

Cold in human life

Cold is good for the body and even helps in the following cases:

As they say: In the cold, everyone is young!

Severe frost and low temperatures. Who is harmed by frost?

However, it should be remembered that cold in moderation, when frost within -15º-20º is beneficial for strong and healthy people. Abnormally low temperatures below -20º with normal humidity and absence of wind, but in the presence of these factors, even at -15º can hardly be called useful. Rather, it causes inconvenience for the body. Such frost does nothing but harm the body and is often fraught with consequences.

People suffering from a number of diseases should generally be careful and should avoid hypothermia in case of diseases such as:

  • Allergy to frost, which is manifested by redness of the tissues and further peeling of the skin;
  • Asthma, in which the patient, due to a decrease in oxygen in the air, experiences more big problems with breathing
  • Reno's disease - poor blood supply to the blood vessels of the fingers; at the same time, the fingers first turn red, then turn white and even turn blue;
  • Polyneuropathy of the extremities - with high sensitivity Low foot temperatures may cause loss of coordination.
  • Particularly low temperatures, when a person is in the open air, and even limited in movement, are fraught with frostbite, which can lead to severe consequences, up to amputation of limbs and skin grafts.

How to protect yourself in the cold

It is important, in regions where there are severe frosts, to remember this and have warm clothes made from natural materials in your wardrobe: fur coats, warm coats, hats, felt boots, warm mittens, not gloves and other equipment, especially for people going on a trip . So that this journey does not turn into a thriller with dire consequences. If possible, it is worth reducing your exposure to severe frost.

  • Strong frost should be avoided if possible, do not go outside unnecessarily and do not let children go for walks.
  • Dress warmly, replace gloves with warm mittens, use scarves, replace boots with felt boots, besides, now it’s fashionable. It is important that the clothes are natural or using nano-technologies, thermal mobility.

  • Hats are slowly disappearing from the life of a modern urban person - but in vain. In cold weather, you should not provoke the blood vessels of the brain by repeatedly narrowing (outdoors) and expanding (indoors) them. And then low temperatures cause injury to the hair follicles. A terrible disease, miningitis, which occurs from severe cooling of the blood vessels of the brain, has not yet been canceled either. So, those who are concerned about their health and care about the beauty of their hair - put on a hat and go ahead!

  • More important aspect When it comes to clothes in winter, it’s multi-layered, that is, it’s better to wear two sweaters than one warm and thick one. This creates air between the layers, which better retains body heat.
  • We protect exposed areas that are especially vulnerable to frost with special creams that do not contain water. Regular cosmetical tools won't fit here, maybe more from them more harm, because in products in the cold it crystallizes, causing frostbite.
  • We eat properly in the cold winter, mainly hot food rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, read about this in the article " .

How to stay warm in the cold

If by type of service, work, somehow life situations you need to be outside in the cold, consider a few recommendations. How not to freeze in the cold:

  1. As a rule, the face freezes first, because it is open to frost and wind. Apply mittens to your cheeks or pull a scarf for a while. As soon as our cheeks are warmed, we lower the scarf down so that there is no greenhouse effect, very harmful for respiratory tract. Therefore, never wrap your babies completely, covering their mouth and nose, avoiding frost on their clothes.
  2. If you still feel that areas of your face are tingling and loss of sensitivity - frostbite - immediately rub them with your lungs massage movements, better with your hands. But you can’t use mittens and especially snow, as was previously recommended from old advice, as microcracks can form and infection can occur.

Winter frosts We always associate them with colds and flu. But, in fact, there is much less harm from frost than from heat. High temperatures 5 times more dangerous for humans than frost. But low temperatures have a positive effect on the human body, strengthening its immunity. How to get maximum benefit for health during the frosty season?

In a recently published study from Harvard University (USA), scientists claim that walking in the cold in winter is much more beneficial for our body than walking in the summer heat. At the same time, some rules should be followed. Firstly, you should dress as warmly as possible so as not to overcool your body. And, secondly, it is worth remembering that staying in the cold for a long time will most likely harm your body. So plan a few short walks around the park. And for maximum results, it is best to walk on winter evenings, when there are as few cars as possible on the roads.

Scientists came to this result during an experiment that proved that winter air contains 30% more oxygen than heated summer air. And this means that frost has a positive effect on your skin color and reduces facial swelling.

Except cosmetic properties frosty air, scientists were able to find out that it has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system and also helps reduce cholesterol levels. So if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then you should definitely take “frost baths”. The same applies to people suffering from migraines: at temperatures below -5 Celsius, such patients experience significant relief.

Of course, frost also brings with it many dangers that can negatively affect your health. And the main risk is frostbite. As mentioned above, if an unprepared person spends too much time in severe frost, he risks seriously freezing his limbs. Hair also suffers from severe frosts. They become duller, weaker and may even begin to fall out. This is why it is so important to wear a hat in severe frosts.

These are not all useful and harmful properties frosty winter air. We invite you to take a look at the list of useful and harmful qualities frost.


· Cold causes our body to shake itself up and activates protective forces body, strengthens the immune system and helps cope with nervousness and stress.

· At the University of Toronto, Canada, where frosts are not inferior to ours, scientists have proven that in the cold season, much more serotonin is produced - the “happiness hormone”. Many clinics have already begun to use cryotherapy in the treatment of depression and neuroses. Moderate cold has also been shown to improve mental stability and mental alertness.

· Cold provides an analgesic effect. This occurs due to vasoconstriction, and accordingly a decrease in sensitivity nerve endings. While the body tissue temperature is below +5 Celsius, the supply of pain signals to the brain is blocked.

· Low temperatures have a positive effect on the rejuvenation of the body. So now cryochambers are actively used in anti-aging therapy. With limited exposure to cold, blood flow begins to internal organs and the smallest blood vessels- capillaries. For many people, by the age of 30, especially if they are not very keen physical activity, the network of capillaries narrows. And thanks to the effects of cold, the capillaries begin to fill with blood again.

· Ice compresses. We all know from childhood that in case of bruises, we should apply something cold to the damaged area. The same method works for arthritis and arthrosis. And making an ice compress is not at all difficult: place a terry towel on the sore joint, and an ice pack on top and sit for 10-15 minutes.

· In winter, as a rule, we are more focused, active and ready to work, but in summer, during the hot season, on the contrary, we feel constant lethargy.

· Children born in winter period, are much more resistant to colds than those born in the summer. Life expectancy for those born in winter is also longer. Scientists examined the physical parameters of 20 thousand newborns in several countries and came to the conclusion that those born in the middle of winter are larger than born in summer. Moreover, in Austria, scientists analyzed census archives and found that those born between October and January live on average 7 months longer than those born between April and June.

· Winter air is much cleaner, since snow acts as a kind of natural filter - it collects harmful particles and impurities.

· And most importantly, it is much easier to hide from the cold than from the heat. You can always wear a warmer sweater or two. But hardly anyone can escape the hellish heat.


· Already at temperatures below -10 Celsius there is a risk of frostbite of the extremities. And with high humidity and strong wind his negative impact is only increasing.

· It is especially important to keep your head warm. Firstly, hypothermia often leads to vascular spasms, which leads to increased blood pressure and headaches. And with a strong cooling of the head, there is a risk of getting frontal sinusitis - inflammation frontal sinuses and even meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain. And, secondly, as mentioned above, frost negatively affects hair.

· You've probably often noticed how your ears turn red in the cold, and this is quite normal. But if your earlobes turn white, then this is a cause for concern. This may be the first sign of otitis, which can quickly develop into chronic.

· As we wrote above, walking in the cold is good, but you should dress according to the weather. Short jackets at low temperatures can easily lead to bronchitis, pneumonia and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscles). You may also have an attack of sciatica.

· And those who try to look beautiful in the cold and the cold, continuing to wear thin tights and short skirts, also face a lot of unpleasant facts. Such addictions lead to cystitis, nephritis and inflammation genitourinary system. Men also put themselves at risk when they don't wear tights under their pants. So, when choosing clothes in winter, think first of all about your own health.

· Hands are particularly at risk at low temperatures. Therefore, when choosing between gloves and mittens, it is better to choose the latter. It is also necessary to use special hand creams, and, in the absence of such, you can use any oil-based cream.

· And finally, the legs. Since blood circulation noticeably slows down in the cold, the feet begin to freeze first, because the blood simply does not have time to warm them. And hypothermia of the feet can lead to various diseases: sore throat, exacerbation of sinusitis, bronchitis, as well as myocarditis. Experts say freshly washed socks are the best way to combat the cold.

These are the kind of surprises it can present to you frosty winter weather. As you can see, cold temperatures can have both positive and negative effects on you. Negative influence. But you shouldn’t be afraid of frost (by the way, in psychology there is even a term “cryophobia”, that is, fear of cold). Doctors say the best way to overcome it is to smile and laugh as much as possible. After all, when bad mood you freeze much faster. Therefore, do not forget to smile more often - it warms you up!

For a long time, scientists considered warm weather to be the most comfortable for the body. But, having carefully studied the effect of cold on the body, they found out that low temperatures are most beneficial for health.

Contrary to popular belief, people get sick most of all not in cold weather, but in the slushy off-season and during thaw periods, says Alexander Karabinenko, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy, Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogov.- Frost disinfects the air, destroying viruses, germs and allergens, and conditions it, filtering out harmful particles.

It is also known that low temperatures activate the body's defenses. This partly explains the fact, not proven by science, but known to all pediatricians: winter children are the strongest and healthiest.

A winter's night's dream

It is known that good sleep- a guarantee of health and wellness. And people sleep best in winter.

Chris Idikowski, professor of sleep medicine international center in Ottawa, I found out that this is explained not only by long dark nights, which contribute to maximum production of melatonin in the body, thanks to which we sleep soundly. Have a good sleep the cold outside the window also contributes to cool room falls asleep quickly and sleeps more soundly.

Frosty air is also good for the psyche.

Low temperatures keep the vegetative system in good shape nervous system, which is responsible for counteracting stress, explains Svetlana Shishkova, candidate of psychological sciences, neuropsychologist.- Therefore, people reflect, become depressed and start wars and revolutions mainly in the spring and autumn, and in the winter they usually remain calm, cheerful, optimistic and even-tempered.

Rosy beauty

It is believed that bulky winter clothes do not allow women to show off their beauty. Misconception! Researchers from Harvard University have proven that men find women most attractive when... winter time of the year. As it turned out, during the cold months, men produce the greatest amount of sex hormones, which makes them treat women especially carefully.

And women bloom in the cold.

Low temperatures activate blood flow and stimulate the biological activity of cells, says Anna Stenko, doctor medical sciences, head of the department of the Beauty Institute on Arbat. - Therefore, after winter walks, the skin becomes fresh, smooth and elastic and acquires a pink tint.

That’s why, by the way, cosmetologists recommend morning washing with cold water and wiping your face and neck with ice cubes. And in professional cosmetology, cryoprocedures are actively used, which cause forced activation of cellular metabolism and literally erase wrinkles from women’s faces.

However, frost procedures - both home and professional - require caution, warns Anna Stenko, - an overdose of cold can lead to rosacea and frostbite, which not only does not work, but also requires rehabilitation.

But you definitely shouldn’t sit at home in the cold. Winter walks and especially active ones winter views sports (skiing, skating, etc.) activate blood circulation and keep muscles toned, therefore they are actively recommended by doctors to maintain health, beauty and prolong life!

Cold helps

When intoxicated- The easiest way to sober up quickly is to go out into the fresh air. However, be careful: if you are very intoxicated, you can fall asleep right in a snowdrift.

For headaches- a compress of ice cubes will narrow dilated blood vessels.

For bruises- You can quickly remove a bruise using a cold compress. The main thing is to apply the cold without delay!

For sore throat- Americans treat sore throats with ice cream: they believe that the cold anesthetizes and relieves swelling.

For joint pain- local dosed exposure to cold relieves swelling, inflammation and spasms.

How many people - so many opinions. Some believe that frosts are harmful and dangerous, others that they are beneficial and even promote rejuvenation.

Scientific research, in turn, leans towards the benefits of Russian cold.

Benefits of frost

Firstly, on hot days we feel weak, get tired faster, and quickness of mind and sobriety of judgment disappear somewhere. In cold weather, on the contrary, we are active and ready for action.

Secondly, how we cope with extreme temperatures also influences our well-being and behavior. It is almost impossible to hide from the heat, but you can protect yourself from the cold with the help of warm clothes and hot battery.

Thirdly, 10 years ago, scientists at Harvard University concluded that heat is 5 times more dangerous for humans than frost. Researchers analyzed 6.5 million deaths in the fifty largest American cities from 1989 to 2000. It turned out that two days of severe frosts provoked an increase in the average mortality rate by 1.59%. While the two-day sweltering heat caused an increase in the mortality rate by 5.74%. Consequently, the cold is much safer than the scorching heat.

Fourthly, scientific research It has been proven that children born in winter are much healthier than those born in summer, and their life expectancy is longer. Scientists examined the physical parameters of 20 thousand newborns in several countries and came to the conclusion that those born in the middle of winter are larger than those born in the summer. The meticulous Austrians also analyzed census archives and found that people born between October and January lived on average 7 months longer than those born between April and June.

Fifthly, frost mercilessly destroys germs and viruses, and snow purifies the air big city, acts as a filter, it collects harmful particles and impurities.

And lastly, but perhaps one of the most important proofs of the benefits of frost is that cold activates the body’s defenses, boosts the immune system, and trains the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for resisting neuroses and stress.

Damage from frost

On the other hand, doctors say that frostbite can threaten us even at a temperature of minus 10-20 degrees; cold is especially dangerous with high humidity and strong wind. However, even without the possibility of frostbite, the cold does not always have a positive effect on the human body.

2. Hair. Hypothermia of the scalp has a detrimental effect on the hair, contributing to the appearance of dandruff and skin inflammation, hair follicles weaken, which can cause hair loss. And in general, it’s cold to even look at a person who walks around in the cold without a hat!

3. Head. Hypothermia of the head itself can lead to vascular spasms. Which in turn can cause aching headaches and changes in blood pressure. And if you get a severe cold in your head, there is a risk of getting frontal sinusitis - inflammation of the frontal sinuses and even meningitis - inflammation of the lining of the brain. So it’s better to sacrifice your hair in the cold than your own brains.

4. Ears. In the cold, the ears turn red, and this is considered normal reaction body, but whitening of the earlobes should under no circumstances be allowed! Since this is already fraught with inflammation - otitis, which can quickly turn into chronic form. Therefore, in cold weather you should wear a hat that covers your ears.

5. Top part bodies. Walking tour In the cold, wearing a light jacket can result in bronchitis, intercostal neuralgia, as well as myositis (inflammation of the muscles of the neck and back). If you get a bad cold chest, pneumonia and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) may develop. Hypothermia of the lower back can provoke an attack of radiculitis. So, girls, it’s better to forget about low-waisted jeans and short jackets for a while.

6. Bottom part bodies. The consequences of the fact that we try to look fashionable even in cold weather, namely, we continue to wear skirts and thin tights, can be nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), cystitis (inflammation Bladder) and inflammation of the genitourinary system. Men also put themselves at risk when they don't wear tights under their pants. Therefore, in cold weather, it is more advisable to make a choice in favor of health, so that with the arrival of spring you will be able to show off.

7. Hands. Already at a temperature of minus 10 degrees, gloves are much inferior to mittens. Hypothermia of the hands is fraught with polyarthritis (inflammation of the joints). And if the thermometer shows about 15 minutes, then before going outside, lubricate your hands with protective cream. If there is no special cream, then any fat-based cream will do.

8. Legs. “I went barefoot in the cold to see my sweetheart!” - beautiful, but only in song. In fact, in the cold, blood circulation slows down, and often the legs are the first to freeze, because the blood simply does not have time to warm them. Hypothermia of the legs can provoke a sore throat, exacerbation of sinusitis, bronchitis, and myocarditis. Winter tourists claim that freshly washed socks are the best way to warm your feet; those you’ve already walked in at least a little lose this. wonderful property. And, of course, high quality winter shoes, if it is not possible to buy very warm boots that will keep you warm even in severe frost, purchase a pair of natural fluffy insoles.

Weighing all the pros and cons, we can quickly come to the conclusion that nature does not have bad weather, and frost is also useful and necessary. And it’s only up to us to enjoy the frosty patterns and snowdrifts or to endlessly mope, complaining about the weather.

Romanchukevich Tatyana
For women's magazine website

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Although many people now do not feel much desire to leave a warm apartment and go for walks, we want to tell you what benefits you will receive if you do decide walk through the winter park.

The effect of cold on the human body

Of course, as with everything in the world, walking in the cold has both advantages and disadvantages. But despite the fact that many people are wary of active recreation outdoors in the winter, it is even more useful than relaxing in the summer.

The fact is that frosty air contains more oxygen than at other times of the year. Accordingly, this becomes the reason for the improvement in the well-being of many people. In addition, winter Walking reduces headaches, inflammation, normalize blood pressure and improve the condition of problematic skin.

The benefits of frosty air

Let's look at a few examples positive influence winter air on human health.

Weight loss

Cold air helps a person burn more calories, since the body has to make more efforts to maintain normal temperature bodies.

Improved mood

Winter is the period when people most often complain of depression. As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, we are increasingly forced to stay at home, which leads to worsening mood and apathy. Walking on fresh air will help resist depression, producing endorphins necessary for our good mood.

Strengthening Bones

Vitamin D is important element to keep bones strong and strong. But, unfortunately, in winter we are increasingly at home. This means that you need to develop the habit of walking outside for at least 15 minutes a day. This time will be enough to produce vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. Moreover, it is Winter sun less dangerous to human health than summer.

Pain reduction

We all know it's cold reduces inflammation, for example, in a sprained ankle. But this method of using cold also works on a larger scale. Cold temperatures can reduce inflammation and pain throughout the body.

Disease Prevention

Walking outdoors reduces risk stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer (breast and colon), Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases and depression by 20-60%. Walking also improves sleep quality and reduces blood pressure, cholesterol levels and helps reduce anxiety. The immune system is also strengthened.

At the same time, of course, there is no need to overdo it. At sharp decline body temperature or during prolonged exposure to extremely low degrees, a person can get the opposite result: colds, flu, sore throat, frostbite, etc.

Therefore, if you like excursions in the park in winter, practice walks before going to bed or walk to work, do not forget to dress warmly, not get too cold, keep your hands and feet warm, drink more warm tea, and then winter will pass for you without any troubles.

To experience all the benefits of frosty air for yourself, we invite everyone who needs such walks in nature to visit our park. In the Beremitskoye Nature Park you will thoroughly enjoy all the delights of winter leisure.



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