Properties and uses of patchouli oil. Foot oil

Patchouli essential oil causes a surge of cheerfulness and optimism, and has an antidepressant effect. In cosmetics it is used to care for dry, tired skin. Patchouli essential oil nourishes, refreshes, renews and smoothes dry skin. Helps increase skin elasticity, renew epidermal cells, eliminate irritation and flaking. Eliminates sagging bust, abdomen and hips. Used for cellulite. Strengthens hair, gives it strength, elasticity and shine. Stimulates sexual desire - is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.


The extract is a clear liquid of yellow-brown color, often turning green-brown. Some manufacturers make it thick and dark brown in color. It is believed that the reason lies in the oxidizing metal stills for distillation. Such oils undergo secondary distillation and additional filtration before bottling. There is no scientific research into changes in composition after re-distillation, but perfume manufacturers prefer to use a higher quality product.

The scent of patchouli is musky, with notes of wet earth and wood.

Interesting: Essential oil connoisseurs can be roughly divided into two groups. The first ones fell in love with the aroma of patchouli from the first meeting. For the latter, it immediately evoked negative emotions.

Plant characteristics

Before the advent of essential oil, the plant itself was used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It is a herbaceous evergreen shrub with large leaves. The height of the plant is approximately about a meter. Patchouli blooms in small whitish inflorescences with a purple tint.

According to various sources, India or the Philippines are considered to be the birthplace of the plant. Today, the shrub is grown on an industrial scale in Malaysia, Indonesia, and China.

Fragrant patchouli leaves are used in places where they grow to scent linen, for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. With the advent of technology for the production of essential oils, the plant extract, which received its best properties, began to be used instead of plant raw materials.

Production technology

The extract is produced by steam distillation from the leaves and flowers of the plant. The process lasts from 6 to 24 hours. The longer the distillation, the better the product will be obtained. Thanks to this technology, patchouli essential oil received its properties and applications.

One of the conditions for obtaining a quality product is the use of specially prepared raw materials. For production, freshly harvested and quickly dried parts of the plant are required. They prepare near the plantations so that freshly picked leaves and flowers are not damaged during transportation.

Sometimes patchouli oil is distilled here, at the place of collection. Due to inappropriate production conditions (use of metal cubes), a low-quality product is obtained.

Currently, the main producer of oil is Sumatra (about 450 tons per year out of 500-550 tons consumed). The second position (with a significant lag) is occupied by China - about 80 tons. Next we can name India, but all products manufactured in the country remain on the domestic market.


About a quarter of the substances contained in the essential oil are patchoulol (patchouli alcohol), patchoulene, norpachulenol (the last two are classified as sexviterpenes). These components give the oil its unique aroma. Alcohol is especially important - the higher the percentage of its content in the ether, the better the product.

The substances that make up the ether primarily affect the emotional sphere, but this does not prevent the extract from being used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Properties of patchouli oil

The properties of patchouli oil are varied. Ether effectively affects the emotional sphere:

  • relieves depression, relieves nervous tension;
  • helps to concentrate;
  • increases sexuality (helps cope with frigidity).

The extract is in demand in the field of cosmetic procedures:

  • normalizes the secretion of fat through pores;
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal agent;
  • regenerates the epidermis.

Decoctions and infusions from the leaves and flowers of the plant have a diuretic effect and help reduce appetite.

Scope of application

Patchouli oil is indispensable in the perfume industry. Perfume, eau de toilette and eau de parfum, and hygiene products with this exquisite aroma are popular. And we are talking not only about women, but also about men.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antifungal properties, the oil has found application in cosmetology. It is recommended for skin problems and is used to strengthen and restore hair.

The health of the genitourinary system is another area of ​​application of patchouli extract. Ether baths have a diuretic effect. Carrying out these procedures helps to quickly remove harmful substances from the body.

Neuroses, stress, depression, low self-esteem will not be scary if you regularly conduct aromatherapy sessions after a hard day or wear an aroma pendant with 1-2 drops of a unique extract.

Interesting: In India, patchouli leaves were considered the only remedy for the bites of poisonous insects and snakes.


Patchouli oil, although considered unique, has some limitations in its use.

Sometimes, for diseases of the stomach and intestines, decoctions and infusions of patchouli leaves are used internally. When diagnosing gastritis and ulcers, it is recommended not to use the plant for treatment.

Important: You can use preparations containing patchouli internally only after consulting a doctor.

Where to buy and how much does patchouli oil cost?

Not all retail outlets offer high-quality natural patchouli essential oil. It should be remembered that not all manufacturers use the appropriate equipment. Sellers often pass off synthetic analogs as natural products.

For patchouli oil, the price in the pharmacy ranges from 140 to 1750 rubles per 10 ml. When choosing, you must remember that high cost does not always mean high quality. When determining the price, sellers take into account the cost of raw materials (it differs in different regions) and the cost of delivery of products. Extracts from popular brands will definitely cost more. At retail outlets that receive oil through intermediaries, the cost will also be higher. We recommend choosing retail outlets that work without intermediaries and with reliable manufacturers.

Patchouli essential oil "Oleos"

Compound: 100% patchouli essential oil obtained by steam distillation.

Volume and form of release: 10 ml in dark glass bottles.

Storage: store in tightly closed bottles, at a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Best before date: 3 years.

Patchouli essential oil has anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antispasmodic, regenerating, and rejuvenating effects. Aphrodisiac, eliminates impotence, frigidity. Relieves excessive nervousness, antidepressant. Increases concentration. Repels moths.


Patchouli essential oil is used in the perfume industry, medical and cosmetology, aromatherapy, and even as a magical remedy that can solve financial problems.

The magic of patchouli scent

Many experts in the field of isotericism attribute magical properties to the aroma of patchouli essential oil. It is believed that it serves as a talisman and attracts financial well-being. Ether is dripped onto clothes to avoid trouble. Some are convinced that 1-2 drops of phytoessence in a wallet will fill it with a significant amount of banknotes. There are also those who moisten credit cards with the extract.

It is unknown how true such statements and methods of defense are. Most likely, it’s a matter of random coincidences and a person’s ability to believe in the magical properties of a fragrance.

In medicine

In the medical field, patchouli essential oil is used as a wound healing agent. A mixture of 5 parts of extract and 10 ml of soybean, olive or jojoba oil will quickly heal scratches and abrasions. Baths of 7-8 parts of patchouli ether and 300 ml of warm water will help cope with gynecological problems.

ATTENTION! Essential oils are highly concentrated phytoessences. For cosmetic purposes it should be used only in a mixture with vegetable base oils.

Before starting to use essential oil, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction.

Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1/3 teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply to the inner surface of the forearm or behind the ear, or apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to a handkerchief and inhale periodically throughout the day. The use of the tested oil is possible if after 12 hours there is no allergic reaction on the skin, headache, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, or swelling of the face.

In cosmetology

Cosmetology is an area in which the use of patchouli oil knows no bounds. The face, chest, and body will look young and fit for a long time if you regularly use caring compositions with the phytoessence of a tropical plant. It moisturizes dry skin, normalizes oiliness, tightens aging skin, fights inflammation (pimples and blackheads), and restores hair structure.

Patchouli oil for face

To look good, you need to take care of your face. Conventional cosmetics cannot always solve the problems. By choosing patchouli oil for your face, it is easy to preserve your beauty, prolong youth, and sometimes even restore it.

For dry skin

A mixture of oils will help to moisturize dry, chapped skin and relieve irritation: chamomile, Leuzea and patchouli (10 ml, 4 parts, 2 parts each, respectively). It is applied to the face in a circular motion and left for 30 minutes.

For oily skin

To normalize the amount of secretions from the sebaceous glands, it is recommended to wipe your face with enriched lotion twice a day. Patchouli oil is added to it at the rate of 1-2 parts of ether per single dose.

For acne

Acne can seriously ruin your face. A composition of 10 ml of grape oil and 5 parts of patchouli ether will help eliminate it. Apply twice daily.

For aging skin

After 30 years, the skin needs additional nutrition. To correct the contours of the face, it is recommended to use a combination of oils: , patchouli and (2 parts each). It is added to 10 ml of almond oil. You can use any vegetable.

For rejuvenation

A composition of 3 parts of patchouli extract and 20 ml of olive oil (you can use 10 ml of oil and 10 ml of honey) will help to start the process of cell regeneration and smooth out wrinkles. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes.

For body

The skin of the body also needs care as it ages. Patchouli essential oil will help make it beautiful, toned and more elastic.

For cellulite

To get rid of the hated “orange peel”, it is recommended to mix 6 parts of patchouli and 20 ml of any vegetable oil (ideally apricot or almond). A massage 3 times a week with this composition will help you feel young and slim again.

For the chest

Women are aware of age-related problems associated with breasts that have lost their elasticity. A massage mixture of almond oil (25 ml each), geranium oil (5 ml each), and patchouli oil (2 ml each) will help return to its former shape.

Patchouli for hair

Beautiful hair is a worthy decoration. What to do if they become dry, lifeless or, conversely, greasy? Weakened hair is another problem that we have to deal with. Patchouli essential oil for hair easily eliminates these problems.

For dry hair

You can restore beauty, shine and vitality to your hair regularly (2 times a week for two months) by making a mask of 30 ml of base oil (coconut, almond) and 6 parts of patchouli ether. The composition is applied to the hair for 40-45 minutes.

For oily hair

You can get rid of oily shine by making a mask of 4 parts of patchouli extract and 30 ml of base oil once a week for three months. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add 2 egg yolks to the mixture (they do a great job with fat content).

To strengthen hair

The effect on the hair follicles helps strengthen hair. It is recommended to mix 6 parts of patchouli phytoessence and 20 ml of base oil (for dry hair - coconut or almond, for oily hair - burdock or jojoba). The composition is intensively rubbed into the scalp in the evenings and left overnight.

In aromatherapy

The aroma of patchouli has made the oil one of the most popular in aromatherapy. It charges with vigor and optimism, and has an antidepressant effect. After treatments with plant oil, artistic inclinations are revealed and concentration increases.

The extract can be used when taking a bath (15 parts) and for aromatizing a room (5-7 parts per aroma lamp).

Like an aphrodisiac

Patchouli essential oil is one of the best aphrodisiacs. It effectively affects both men and women. Before a romantic date, you can not only take a bath or light an aroma lamp, but also get an exciting massage. 5 parts of patchouli oil and 10 ml of apricot or peach will restore male strength, liberate a woman and relieve her of frigidity, increase sexual desire, and help her feel confident.

Today we are talking about the properties of the amazing patchouli essential oil, whose history of use in medicine, cosmetology and even magic has acquired both a lot of facts and a lot of legends.

It was used to treat fabrics in ancient India, added to perfumes at the court of Napoleon, used ether to attract money and treat diseases, and it was believed that patchouli was a strong antidote to snake bites.

Is this oil really so unique and endowed with special properties?

History of discovery and brief characteristics of patchouli ether

Initially, patchouli oil was widely used in ancient India as an antidote to snake bites and poisonous insects.

The oil of the tropical patchouli bush became famous and widely used in the Middle Ages.

Later, during the time of Napoleon, when the plague was raging in France, not a single self-respecting lady left the house without first placing a few leaves of this plant under her shawl.

They provided the owner with a pleasant aroma, protection from unpleasant odors, and also repelled insects.

Since then, this particular smell has been associated with youth and beauty, which is why the aroma of patchouli is widely used in perfumery.

Oddly enough, in the next century, the fashion for a strange but pleasant smell passed, and its use even became a bad taste.

Elsa Schiaparelli, a fashion designer who stood at the origins of high fashion, managed to return patchouli to its former pedestal.

In 1937, she decided to add a touch of fragrance to her new perfume, which subsequently captivated the whole world.

patchouli plant

What is patchouli?

Patchouli is a low shrub whose natural habitat is the expanses of the Philippine Islands, India and Malaysia.

Today it is grown far beyond their borders: in Burma, Sumatra, Paraguay and China.

The color of essential oil can vary, mainly reddish-green and dark brown.

But the consistency is always the same: the oil is viscous and viscous.

Its smell remains unchanged. The young oil gives off a warm, pungent note, vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of a forest after rain, trees and damp earth.

Over time, a subtle, sweet, noble scent appears.

The oil has a unique smell

How is patchouli oil obtained?

To extract the valuable extract, the leaves of the bush are dried naturally and then treated with steam.

The ester contains patchulol, that is, patchouli alcohol, which is extracted from the plant.

Since it is the main component, the quality of the product directly depends on its quantity.

The integrity of the aroma is also created by adding alpha-patchoulene, guayene, and boulnesen.

Beneficial properties of patchouli essential oil

Patchouli oil has a specific smell

Like other essential oils, patchouli extract:

  1. Patchouli calms and helps reduce anxiety
  2. Relieves the development of depression and worsening stress
  3. Helps to tune in to positivity and sensuality
  4. Tones the soul and body
  5. Helps increase vitality
  6. Helps you focus and increase productivity
  7. Stimulates unloading of the subconscious and cleansing of the human soul and mind
  8. Helps stimulate imagination, creativity, artistry
  9. Improves mood and harmonizes our emotional state

Patchouli oil in cosmetology

The cosmetic use of essential oil is no less well known.

If you look closely at the labels on anti-aging skin products, you will notice that they contain tropical shrub extract.

He is capable of:

  1. Get rid of sagging skin
  2. Remove wrinkles, folds, peeling
  3. Clear acne marks
  4. Relieve oily shine, irritation, inflammation
  5. Stop dandruff formation
  6. Save from the consequences of allergic reactions
  7. Cure from fungus

Patchouli oil is widely used in cosmetology

This product is an excellent additive for enriching shampoos, lotions, creams, rinses and other cosmetics.

One of the most sought-after cosmetic properties of patchouli extract is the treatment of the so-called “orange peel”.

Etherol restores elasticity to even the most flabby and sagging skin.

This effect is due to the fact that the oil helps remove excess fluid from the body, reduce appetite and treat skin imperfections.

Mystical patchouli: true or false?

Its properties as a talisman and a real magnet for money are also known.

No one can give a clear answer to the question: is it true or false?

Some believe that a financial love spell is nothing more than a fiction, based on the use of scent on the shawls of rich ladies who, due to their origin, found equally rich husbands.

Others believe that a drop of extract in a wallet or on a credit card will increase the financial well-being of the entire family and bring everything they desire.

Many people consider patchouli oil to be a money talisman.

The magical properties of patchouli essential oil depend largely on whether you believe in them.

If you think that a drop of fragrant oil will help you get out of a difficult financial situation, then this is probably what will happen!

Tip: Charge the supplement before testing the mystical effect. To do this, take a bottle of essential oil in your hands and hold it thinking about wealth and desired purchases. Experts in this matter recommend diluting the oil with a base and applying it to places on the body where blood pulsation is especially noticeable. According to them, such an application will provide maximum effect.

We should not forget about visualization. Be sure to imagine yourself as the owner of everything you want.

Focus on the sensations. Create the most realistic picture of your near future.

To make it work, take the idea seriously and don't let skepticism take over.

The magic of oil will work if you believe in it.

How to lure money into your home with patchouli

You can make aromatic oil bring money into your home in the following ways:

  1. Treat everything you use to make money with undiluted oil. For example, if you need a computer for work, drop some oil on your mouse, keyboard, or router.
  2. Be sure to apply the extract to your wallet, credit cards, lucky coins or banknotes.
  3. Make a mixture of patchouli oil and cedar etherol in a ratio of 7 to 5. Lubricate a green candle with the resulting liquid. It should be lit strictly on the sixth day of the lunar calendar.
  4. "Financial" bath. In a container, combine sea salt and one part each of cinnamon, patchouli and cedar. Place the mixture in the bath while the water is running. You need to relax and imagine yourself in the desired role of a successful, rich person. The duration of the water procedure is 20 minutes.
  5. Use a special medallion with a few drops of extract so that the help of the oil is always nearby.

Tip: Patchouli goes best with mint, basil, ginger and vetiver.

TOP recipes for using patchouli essential oil in home cosmetology

We have prepared better recipes for using patchouli oil in home cosmetology

The properties of patchouli essential oil for the skin provide maximum effect when used correctly:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of sesame oil and 5 drops of shrub leaf extract. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin daily. A couple of weeks of use, and the skin will become cleaner, tone up, and gain elasticity.
  2. 2 drops of patchouli, grapefruit, ylang-ylang and 10 ml of skin cosmetic should be massaged onto the face every morning. As a result, you will very soon notice the disappearance of wrinkles and dullness.
  3. A face mask is made from base oil and a few drops of patchouli. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse off first with warm, then cold water. The basis for oily skin should be grape seed oil, for dry skin - jojoba oil, aging skin needs wheat germ oil. To restore cells, choose avocado squeeze, for rejuvenation - walnut.
  4. The most effective way is to use patchouli leaf oil in a steam bath. Two drops of neroli, leuzea and patchouli are diluted in a liter of hot water. You need to hold your face over the steam for about 10 minutes to remove oily shine and open pores.

It is important to monitor not only the quality of the purchased product, but also the correct dosage and application.

Undiluted oil can be applied to the skin only pointwise.

For a massage or mask, a few drops of etherol should be mixed with water, base oils or cosmetic creams.

Even such a healthy oil may have contraindications

Contraindications for use

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Breastfeeding
  3. Asthma
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  5. Individual intolerance
  6. Allergic reactions
  7. Age restrictions: up to 1.5 years, after 60 years.

As with other oils, before each use of patchouli you need to check your own reaction to the drug.

To do this, a few drops of oil with a base are applied to areas of increased sensitivity of the skin, often on the wrist, a day before the planned procedure.

If after 24 hours a feeling of discomfort does not appear, use can be continued; if it does, it is highly undesirable to resort to subsequent use of etherol.

Patchouli essential oil is called a gift from the sun. Just a drop can work wonders. The texture is similar to castor oil, viscous and viscous, the color is slightly emerald.

Boost your health with one drop of patchouli and positive thoughts. and increase your financial wealth.

Aromatherapy using ether helps calm the nervous system. Gain strength by inhaling the tart and spicy aroma of patchouli.

Creative individuals who are overloaded with work will find inspiration after inhaling the magical vapors. Emotional overload contributes to a surge of strength for people in creative professions.

The use of oil has a positive effect on the endocrine system and resolves hormonal problems:

The magical properties of patchouli oil to attract success and money

In ancient India they believed that essential oils had magical properties. A drop of patchouli will bring love and peace into your life.

To make love last forever, give your other half an aromatic locket.

But don’t throw away the jar if there are still at least a couple of drops left. This is a bad omen and can worsen your financial situation.

Also, you should not give an open jar to a friend - there is a risk of passing your luck into other hands. It’s better to buy new oil, the low price will please you.

Important! To avoid counterfeits, buy essential oils at a pharmacy. Do you want to catch your luck by the tail? Attract cash additions to your wallet.

Use any magic recipe to attract success and money:

Do you believe in miracles? Then use an aromatic assistant.

Use in cosmetology for women and men

Patchouli is used as a perfume fragrance for men's cosmetics. The spicy aroma gives a man confidence.

Aroma oil in strong concentration treats impotence, restoring sexual desire. Mixed with other essential oils, patchouli is also used to make women's perfumes.

Daily aromatherapy helps to cope with excess weight. The smell of ether reduces appetite. To avoid losing your diet in the evening, light a candle treated with oil.

Patchouli for women is a universal remedy suitable for everyone.

It will help get rid of skin problems in adolescence and stop age-related changes.

Cosmetic aroma products will help in the fight against acne and wrinkles.

The use of oil stops inflammatory processes, accelerating the regeneration process. Adding ether to cosmetics promotes the healing of scars and scars.

Patchouli is suitable for all skin types, helping to normalize the sebaceous glands and improve complexion.

Due to the high content of trace elements, patchouli should not be used in its pure form.. It is better to add creams and oils to enhance their effect.

To avoid an allergic reaction, apply a test sample to a small area of ​​skin and wait 20 minutes. If you experience rashes or burning, you should not use the oil.

Healthy recipes

  1. Face mask for acne.
    Mix 1 tablespoon of sesame seed oil with a few drops of patchouli. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

    Daily use of the oil recipe will significantly reduce acne.

  2. Mask for mature skin.
    To restore youth and freshness to your face, mix 1 tablespoon of peach oil with patchouli (no more than 5 drops).

    Apply the mask all over your face and neck, leave to absorb for 30 minutes. If your facial skin is dry, remove excess oil with a cotton swab. If your skin tends to be excessively oily, wash off the mask with water.

  3. Hair Mask.
    To strengthen the hair roots, add a couple of drops of ether to 1 tablespoon of castor oil, heated in advance in a water bath.

    Apply the mixture to the roots and leave for an hour. This mask should be repeated every week. After 2 months of use, your hair will become noticeably thicker.

Patchouli during pregnancy

Aromatherapy is also useful during pregnancy. A drop of patchouli oil will help the expectant mother relax and calm down. But due to its heavy composition, ether should not be used for cosmetic purposes.

In the last trimester of pregnancy You should be especially careful when choosing cosmetics and exclude products that contain patchouli ether.

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Patchouli essential oil has a dark yellow, even brownish color. It is characterized by a spicy, tart, resinous-woody aroma. Patchouli is reminiscent of the smell of wood, Indian spices and a burning fire. Quite thick in consistency, with low volatility. Therefore, the smell of the oil can be felt even after 2 or 3 days. This feature is used in perfumery to maintain the stability of perfumes. The main producers of fragrant patchouli are Malaysia, India, Paraguay, China, Burma, and Singapore.

Patchouli extract is extracted from the leaves of the Pogostemon plant using long-term steam distillation. The combination of all components of patchouli oil is absolutely unique: the main ingredient is patchouli alcohol - it is responsible for its unique smell. The quality of the oil depends on the saturation of patchoulol - after all, it is determined by its concentration by almost 50%.

Properties and application

The fragrant smell of patchouli has a very intense effect on humans, since it has many different properties: diuretic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory. The oil strengthens the immune system and has antiviral protection. It is also a unique aphrodisiac, a good antidepressant and antiseptic.

Use in medicine

Widely used to treat many skin problems. Particularly effective against fungal infections. In undiluted form, it is used to treat small cuts and wounds (applied pointwise to the affected area of ​​the skin). Thanks to its excellent restorative properties, the use of patchouli makes scars, small cracks, scars, and acne marks less noticeable. Patchouli compresses are used to reduce skin inflammation.

Steam inhalations with essential oil are recommended for the treatment of colds and sore throats. In addition, they can treat hemorrhoids and allergic rashes. It is a powerful aphrodisiac, as it contributes to a significant increase in sexual desire and potency. Patchouli blends well with incense, lavender, cedar, sandalwood oil, geranium, jasmine, verbena, bergamot and rose.

Application in cosmetology

With constant use of patchouli oil for hair, it returns healthy shine, restores, strengthens, and eliminates dandruff.

Suitable for all skin types, but due to its rejuvenating and tightening effect, it is especially suitable for aging skin. It also returns lost tissue turgor well, so it is used to restore skin elasticity in the area of ​​the chin, buttocks and chest. But patchouli will also be an excellent remedy for young skin. Patchouli oil wonderfully nourishes the epidermis, accelerates the healing of acne, and removes redness and swelling.

Use in aromatherapy and perfumery

Since it contains many volatile aromatic substances, it is actively used in the perfume industry. It is often included in men's perfumes. It is characterized as a warm, heavy, very sensual tart smell.

Aromatherapy with this essential oil relaxes, alleviates symptoms of depression, stress and nervous exhaustion.

It is an excellent remedy for moths. It is recommended to leave a bottle of patchouli oil open in the closet.

Oil dosage

In concentrated form, patchouli essential oil should be used very carefully.

  • cosmetic products are diluted with 2 drops of patchouli extract;
  • no more than 2 drops per 5 sq.m. are dripped into the aroma lamp;
  • when used as a massage oil, add 2-3 drops per 10 g of olive oil;
  • for compresses, take 3-4 drops undiluted, which are applied to a damp cloth;
  • 6-7 drops are poured into the aroma bath, first dissolved in an emulsifier, which can be cream, salt or honey;
  • for gargling - add 2 drops of extract to 0.5 tsp. emulsifier, and then stir in a glass of water;
  • for inhalation, pour 1-2 drops of extract into well-heated water, throw a towel over your head, then inhale the resulting vapor for about 10 minutes;
  • When making cosmetic ice for skin care, about 5 drops of patchouli are combined with an emulsifier (1 tsp), then a glass of water is added, poured into molds and frozen. Use this product to tone your face, neck and décolleté twice a day.

Such a strong concentrate can only be used externally. Before using it, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


  • pregnancy at all stages;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • asthma of any etiology.

You should refrain from using it if you have individual intolerances or allergies.

The variety of uses of this essential oil allows you to take care of the body. Patchouli is an excellent assistant in skin and hair care. The unique composition and healing properties of patchouli oil make it possible to restore elasticity to the skin, and shine and softness to the hair. Thanks to this oil, it is easier to restore the integrity of the skin after dermatitis and cuts, relieves stress and calms the nervous system.

Patchouli oil has been famous for over a hundred years and is one of the most versatile and popular essential oils. Its aroma is unique, ambiguous, it is one of those smells that either captivates you forever or will be rejected from the first moment. And the use of oil is very diverse, from medicinal purposes and cosmetic procedures for hair and skin to attracting money and using it for aromatic purposes.

The smell is woody, resinous with noticeable notes of roots and earth. In compositions made from essential oil mixtures, the aroma of patchouli always prevails, introducing a hint of some bitterness, astringency and Indian spices. Patchouli oil harmonizes perfectly with the oils of grapefruit, lavender, bergamot, ginger, basil, etc. The oil itself is a rather thick liquid, the color of which can vary from bright yellow to yellow-green tones. It is produced from the leaves of the patchouli bush, which, unfortunately, does not grow in Russian latitudes.

Patchouli oil includes a huge list of constituent substances, the most interesting and unique of which is patchouli alcohol - patchoulol, the content of which directly determines the unusual aroma of the oil. Typically its share ranges from 30 to 50%, and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons are mainly responsible for the depth and harmony of the odor.

Over time, patchouli essential oil only improves its beneficial properties.

This product has found wide application in many areas: medicine and its various branches, cosmetology, aromatherapy, treatment of the nervous system. This distribution of patchouli essential oil is determined by a number of beneficial properties that it possesses and the effect it has on the human body.

  • Patchouli oil is famous for its bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which help cope with various skin diseases and eliminate fungus, which is also used in the care of intimate places.
  • Tightens the skin, gives it elasticity and firmness.
  • It is considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs for men and helps solve problems with potency and the urinary system.
  • Strengthens the body and increases immunity to infectious diseases.
  • Eliminates cellulite by removing excess water from the body and controlling appetite.
  • It has a calming effect on the nervous system, normalizing the overall emotional level.
  • Suitable for oral care.

Contraindications to the use of patchouli oil:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • the presence of stomach diseases and ulcers;
  • age up to 2 years.

Uses of patchouli essential oil

Patchouli oil can also be used in everyday life, for example, against moths, by treating cabinet shelves with it. But still more interesting is its use on the human body, examples of which are discussed below.

Thanks to its healing and antimicrobial effects, as well as its exquisite aroma, patchouli oil is widely used in cosmetology to restore, treat and give a healthy appearance to skin, hair, nails and even intimate places. This product can be used as the main ingredient or a few drops can be added to ready-made cosmetics, such as creams, masks, shampoos and gels. However, it has been proven that the effectiveness is much greater with regular use of patchouli essential oil as the dominant component in a formulation with additional natural ingredients. Below are some interesting recipes for using patchouli oil at home.

Patchouli oil for hair care

Regular use of patchouli oil for hair will not only help give it a healthy shine and strength, but also, when rubbing the mixture into the scalp, eliminate dandruff and premature hair loss.

To prepare the mixture you will need 2 tbsp. any base oil, for which jojoba, shea butter, almond or coconut oil are ideal. 4...5 drops of patchouli essential oil are added to it, and the resulting mixture is distributed over the surface of the scalp and rubbed in with circular massage movements for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, the mixture is washed off in the usual way.

Mask for oily hair

Its composition is quite simple: you need to take 1 chicken yolk, 2 tbsp. olive oil, add 3 drops of patchouli oil to the mixture and carefully distribute the resulting mass over the entire length of the hair. To carry out such a mask, the hair is usually hidden under a plastic cap or bag, and additionally wrapped with a scarf or towel on top. The procedure lasts 45 minutes, after this time the mask is washed off.

Patchouli essential oil is used to tighten pores and dry out oily skin, moisturize and nourish dry facial skin, help fight various types of irritation, swelling, blemishes and acne, and also smooth out wrinkles and give the skin a toned appearance. You can enrich your facial cosmetics with a few drops of patchouli oil, apply it directly, undiluted, to problem areas (pimples and blemishes), or use it differently, additional options are presented below.

Ice cubes recipe

Cubes prepared in this way are suitable for daily rubbing of the facial skin to make it velvety, firm and eliminate fine wrinkles. It is recommended to carry out the procedure during the morning toilet, rubbing the cube over the face with massage circular movements. To prepare ice cubes, you will need to mix a glass of warm clean water with 1 tsp. liquid honey (if it is thick, then it is preheated in a water bath). When the mixture is ready and the honey is dissolved in water, you can add 4...5 drops of patchouli essential oil. After this, the solution is poured into a container for freezing the cubes and sent to the freezer.

Add 1 drop of essential oils of patchouli, leuzea and neroli to 0.5 liters of hot water. You must hold your face over the container with the solution for 5 minutes. After the procedure, you need to let the skin dry on its own without wiping it with a napkin or towel. In addition to cleaning the pores, such a simple procedure has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Anti-aging mask

Here it is proposed to create a mask based on mixtures of essential oils of geranium, rosemary and patchouli, taken in the same quantity - 2 drops each. They are added to base olive oil (1 tbsp). All components are mixed and applied to the face for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, the mask is not washed off, but simply removed with a paper napkin.

To prepare the mixture you will need to add 5 drops of patchouli oil to 10 ml of sesame oil. It is recommended to apply the resulting substance only to problem areas - scars, small scars and old acne spots. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2…3 times a day.

Patchouli oil for skin care of the body, hands and feet

To care for the skin of the body, arms and legs, massages, baths and baths are most often recommended. The skin will noticeably tighten, refresh and rejuvenate, and the signs of various skin diseases and injuries will disappear.

Fill the bath with not too hot water (no more than 40 0) and add 6...8 drops of patchouli essential oil. It is advisable to add the oil not directly to the bath, but to first dilute it in a glass of warm milk or cream. You need to take such a bath for 10...15 minutes at least 1...2 times a week.

Hand bath

Add 5...6 drops of patchouli oil to a container with warm water and put your hands in it for 10...15 minutes. This procedure gives elasticity to the skin of the hands, helps fight the signs of skin aging, and is also simply irreplaceable for mycoses and stubborn wounds.

Warm water is poured into the bath and 6...7 drops of patchouli essential oil are added. Lower your legs for 10...15 minutes. Carrying out such baths 1…2 times a week will help get rid of unpleasant foot odor and also prevent the appearance of fungus.

Massage with patchouli oil

The mixture is prepared from patchouli oil and base oil, taken in a ratio of 7:10, respectively. Olive, peach, almond or corn oils are suitable as a base. A massage using a mixture of oils calms the nervous system, relaxes and at the same time gives firmness and elasticity to the skin of the body, effectively tightens problem areas and tones.

Some people confidently claim that patchouli oil has a number of magical properties, the main one of which is attracting money and material wealth. Whether this is true or not is for everyone to decide for themselves.

In order for wealth to flow into your hands, during the procedures you need to think about it and visually imagine a future purchase. You can simply apply a small amount of patchouli oil mixed with any oil of plant origin to the places where the pulsation of the blood is most noticeable, or you can treat it with objects in any way connected with the receipt of money: a wallet, bank cards, work items, with a mixture of essential oils .

To do this, make a mixture of 1 drop of cinnamon oil, 2 drops of nutmeg oil, 5 drops of cedar oil and 7 drops of patchouli oil. The resulting substance is applied using a cotton swab, but in no case with your hands.

You can carry patchouli oil with you in an aroma locket, then you will be able to mentally attract capital into your hands at any time.

This product is considered one of the most ancient oils used to increase potency in men. The heavy aroma of patchouli oil is considered a masculine scent, which helps it to fully reveal itself in intimate moments. It is enough for a woman to apply a mixture of essential oils to her skin instead of perfume half an hour before the meeting so that the man feels an irresistible attraction and desire for her.

The mixture is prepared by mixing 6 drops of sandalwood oil, 4 drops of cedarwood oil, 2 drops of ylang-ylang and 2 drops of patchouli oil. Of course, they should be diluted in a base base, for example, avocado, apricot or almond oil, taken in an amount of 30 ml.

In addition to applying the mixture to a woman’s body, you can use other options for using the essential mixture to enhance a man’s desire:

  • aromatization of indoor air. Here you can use an aroma lamp or a spray bottle;
  • taking an aroma bath together. Of course, if conditions allow;
  • erotic aroma massage.

Patchouli oil - benefits, properties and application: video

Oil price

The price of patchouli essential oil can be very different - for 10 ml of the product you can pay from 150 to 2000 rubles. Cheaper patchouli oil can either be diluted in the base oil, while the content of the main component there is extremely low, or simply be a fake.



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