Cloves are a spice and an ancient remedy. Hot spice cloves: benefits and harms

Carnation– dry unopened flowers of the clove tree. The flower buds are pink or yellow, and after drying they turn brown with a red tint. Cloves have a powerful aroma and pungent taste. The bud consists of a cylindrical receptacle, from which 4 small sepals extend from above (see photo). Ground cloves are not particularly popular, since in a short period of time they lose their consumer qualities.

The clove tree blooms 2 times per season, which allows you to harvest a large harvest. The buds are dried naturally, that is, they are simply laid out in the sun. A characteristic crack when breaking will indicate that the process is complete. After some time, the buds become plastic again.

To obtain clove oil, the leaves and buds are steam distilled. To get 1 kg of oil you need to take 20 kg of final raw materials. The oil turns out to be liquid with a burning taste and a tart aroma.

The Moluccas Islands are considered the birthplace of carnations. Today, the main suppliers of spices are the islands of Zanzibar and Pembu.

How to select and store?

Most often, when choosing spices, including cloves, people buy them in small bags that do not allow them to see the contents. If you don’t want to buy a “pig in a poke,” then buy cloves by weight.

A quality spice should have an oily coating, so take it in your hands and rub it. A large amount of essential oil is a sign of the quality of the spice.

At home, you can check the quality of cloves by placing them in a container of water. Since oil is heavier than water, high-quality cloves will float vertically, while low-quality cloves will float horizontally. If the spice fell to the bottom, you managed to buy a high-quality spice.

Another way to check the quality of a spice is to place the cloves on a sheet of paper and cover it with another one on top. Then they pass over them with a rolling pin or simply press with their hands. If the spice is of high quality, it will leave oily stains on the paper. Choose cloves that have flexible stems. If you see wrinkled and dry buds, then most likely the spice is old and when you use it you will not get the desired taste and aroma.

Cloves should be stored in a dark place in a container without access to air. If you need ground cloves, you should grind them immediately before use.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of such an aromatic spice with a piquant taste are very diverse.

Cloves contain substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. This spice increases appetite, strengthens the stomach and liver. It contains fiber, which improves intestinal motility and cleanses it of toxins and other waste products.

Cloves contain B vitamins, which take part in metabolic processes, improve the condition of muscle tissue and the functioning of the nervous system. Contains spice and ascorbic acid, which plays an important role in the functioning of the whole body. The spice also contains many minerals that have a variety of beneficial properties and are undoubtedly necessary for normal life.

Cloves have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, which helps remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of swelling.

The beneficial properties of cloves are due to its composition. Thanks to this, this ingredient is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. In our article you can learn more about the beneficial properties of cloves, as well as for what diseases it is recommended to use it.

Most often, this ingredient is added to tea, making it not only aromatic, but also very healthy. This drink is used in the treatment of viral and colds such as sore throat, ARVI, colds, sore throat and others. You need to brew cloves this way:

  1. Mix grated ginger with three cloves, then add half a cinnamon stick.
  2. Pour 500 milliliters of cold water into the container, then place the dish on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. When the water boils, add a couple of lemon slices and a sweetener of your choice (this could be honey, sugar or raspberry jam) to the container.
  4. Remove the bowl with the ingredients from the heat and add about fifteen milliliters of black tea. Leave the drink to brew for ten minutes, after which you can drink it.

The healing properties of cloves allow it to be used as a pain reliever for joint pain, as well as for headaches and toothaches.

Aromatherapy with cloves is also very beneficial for health. However, it is not the flower buds of the plant that are used, but essential oil, which has amazing properties, helping to improve memory and concentration, speed up recovery after a hard day of work, and increase blood pressure during hypotension. Aromatherapy with clove essential oil will also be useful for people with heart and vascular diseases, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system.

Among other things, using cloves as infusions or decoctions will be beneficial for men's and women's health, helping to cure diseases of the reproductive organs. To prepare such a healing remedy, you need to add a large spoonful of dried clove flowers to one liter of boiling water, leave the mixture for two hours, and then take it fifty milliliters per day. It's best to do this in the evening. The course of treatment should be at least ten days.

The benefit of dried cloves is that decoctions based on it are useful to take to improve vision, to fight acne and acne on the face, and also to combine with diets for weight loss. Clove seed essential oil, which is used for anti-cellulite massage and wraps, can also help in the fight against excess weight.

  1. Place twenty dried clove flowers in a deep container, boil water in a kettle and pour a glass of boiling water over the ingredients.
  2. Leave the broth to infuse in a dark place for a day, covering the container with a lid.
  3. The finished product should be used three times a day, drinking 1/3 cup of the decoction at a time.
  4. The course of treatment must be continuous and last at least six months.

Thanks to the detailed characteristics of cloves, you can use it at home, preparing healing decoctions and infusions based on this ingredient, which will benefit your body and help get rid of certain diseases.

Use in cosmetology

Clove oil is used for cosmetic purposes. It is added to various creams, perfumes, balms, etc. With its help you can get rid of acne, ulcers and even cellulite.

Cosmetics using cloves have a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect.

Essential oil can be used on flaky skin. The oil also has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, improving its growth and shine.

In cosmetology, the use of cloves is based on the preparation of masks and other mixtures that can provide skin, hair and body care. In this case, it is most often not dried plant stars that are used, but the essential oil of the seeds. We have collected several simple recipes for making masks at home, with which you can make useful self-care products yourself.

First of all, let's look at preparing mixtures for the face. Here are some of the highest quality and most commonly used recipes.

  • For fight acne you need to mix three drops of clove essential oil, ten milliliters of pomegranate juice and about five grams of gray cosmetic clay. Mix the products thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Before applying the mask, you need to steam your face. It is best to apply the product immediately after you take a bath. Apply a mask with cloves onto the steamed skin using gentle massaging movements, distributing the mixture over problem areas. Wait until the mask hardens completely, then wash it off with soap and warm water.
  • Anti-wrinkle Another mask with clove oil will help. To prepare it, you need to mix five drops of essential oil, a tablespoon of fermented baked milk and grated potato root, previously peeled. Leave the finished product for thirty-five minutes, applying evenly over the entire area of ​​the skin. After a while, you need to wash off the mask using warm water and cotton pads.
  • In order to get rid of blackheads and acne, you need to prepare the following mask: mix four drops of clove essential oil, twenty grams of buckwheat flour and three grams of zinc ointment, also add a little green tea to make the mask more liquid and viscous. Apply the finished product to your face, leaving the areas of the eyelids and nasolabial triangle untouched, and leave for twenty-five minutes, after which the mask should be washed off.
  • For oily skin Another mask will do, which can be prepared as follows. Take four drops of clove essential oil, one egg white and five grams of dried and crushed plantain. Mix the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass, which must be applied to a steamed, clean face for ten minutes, then rinsed off.
  • If you are concerned dry skin, then you will need a recipe for making a moisturizing mask with cloves. To make it yourself, mix fifteen grams of fresh cottage cheese, five grams of coconut oil and add three to four drops of clove ether. After stirring the ingredients, apply the mask to the skin in a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave for fifteen minutes, after which remove the product with cotton pads.
  • You can also cook peeling mask for the face, which will help not only make the skin softer, but also remove dead skin particles and cleanse the pores of oil and dirt. You can do it like this: take a deep container and add five drops of clove essential oil, twenty grams of fresh applesauce and ten grams of regular baking soda, mix it all, then apply it to a clean, dry face, rubbing the mixture with your fingertips. This mask should be left on the skin for four to five minutes, then rinsed off with water and a nourishing cream applied to the face..

Any of the above clove-based face masks will help you get rid of skin problems, but you should remember that you can use such products no more than three times a week. Also, do not forget about the correct proportions, the violation of which will not only cast doubt on the result, but can also cause harm.

Clove oil in cosmetology is used not only for the preparation of facial care products. Using this ingredient, you can make useful hair masks that will help speed up hair growth, stop hair loss and make your curls vibrant and shiny even after several dyes. We invite you to take note of several recipes for preparing medicinal clove-based hair masks, which can replace even expensive salon shampoos.

  • For dry hair, a clove mask is suitable, which can be prepared in this way: take one egg yolk, add to it a small spoon of liquid honey, five drops each of clove and burdock oil, then stir the resulting mixture until smooth. If your hair is longer than your shoulders, you should double the amount of ingredients. Distribute the finished mask over your hair, starting from the roots, and leave for an hour, wrapping your head in plastic wrap. After a while, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.
  • If you want to improve your hair and give it shine, then another mask will help. To prepare it, mix grape and clove oils in a ratio of 6:1, respectively. The finished mixture is applied to clean, dry hair, paying special attention to the roots and ends, after which the mask is left for an hour and a half and then rinsed off.
  • It is also possible to fight dandruff with the help of a homemade mask. To prepare it, you need to mix five small spoons of crushed sea salt with kefir in the amount of one glass, then add five drops of clove essential oil to the mixture. Apply the mask only to the scalp and hair roots, distributing the mixture evenly with your fingers. After this, you should wrap your hair with film and leave the mask for two to three hours, after which the mixture should be washed off with plenty of shampoo and water.

When using hair masks based on clove essential oil, remember that they may not wash off easily. For this reason, you should use a little more shampoo than usual to prevent oils from remaining on your scalp or hair.

Benefits of cloves and treatment

The benefits of cloves are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. The spice has a warming effect, so it is used in the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases.

Various decoctions and infusions are prepared based on cloves, which are used to treat many diseases. For example, a decoction of the spice helps cope with eye diseases.

Clove essential oil acts on the body as an analgesic and antiviral agent. It is included in recipes for various ointments and balms. It is also used as an antiseptic to get rid of toothache.

Cloves help combat bad breath, even after eating garlic and onions. Its use, in addition, is an excellent prevention of caries.

If you apply clove oil to wounds and boils, they will heal faster.

Among other things, dried cloves and its essential oil are actively used in the treatment of inflammation of the organs of vision, joints, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as ear pain. However, in order for cloves to benefit the body, it is necessary not only to take into account contraindications, but also to follow the instructions, as well as observe the proportions when preparing the medicine. Remember to consult your doctor before using cloves.

Use in cooking

Cloves are widely used in cooking and most often they are included in recipes for various marinades that are necessary for preparing fish, meat and poultry. The spice is used in the manufacture of homemade meat products, for example, sausages, etc. In Georgia, the spice is added to first courses to obtain a sharper taste. A variety of sauces are prepared using cloves.

Cloves are used in desserts, for example, in puddings and various cakes. The spice complements the taste of compotes, tea and other drinks.

Cloves are also used in preserving vegetables, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

Secrets of use

So that the spice does not spoil, but only improves the taste of the final dish, there are several secrets in its use:

There are specially developed standards that determine the required amount of cloves for preparing a particular product:

  • 10 kg of mushrooms – 1-2 g;
  • marinade for fruits and vegetables 10 l - from 3 to 5 g;
  • 1 kg of dough – 4 pcs.;
  • 1 kg of cottage cheese – 4 caps;
  • for 1 liter of liquid (soup, compote) – 2 kidneys.

If you use other spices during cooking, the amount of cloves should be reduced by 2 times.

What can I substitute in the recipe?

In some recipes, cloves can easily be replaced with other ingredients, and the taste of the dish will not be affected at all. For example, if you can't find the product you're looking for, you can use cinnamon instead. This spice has a similar aroma to cloves, and when ground it is almost indistinguishable from ground clove buds. At the same time, you can add cinnamon both to desserts and baked goods, and to first or second courses to give them a piquant flavor.

Nutmeg can also be an excellent substitute for cloves. It can also be used to prepare various dishes, but most housewives prefer this ingredient specifically in baked goods.

Allspice can also replace cloves, but in this case it is not recommended to add the product to baked goods or desserts, since pepper is only suitable for preparing first and second courses, salads and meat.

In addition to other products, cloves can be replaced with basil and anise if you care not about the taste of the spice, but about its beneficial properties. These ingredients are suitable for preparing medicinal infusions, but it is better not to add them to food instead of cloves.

Harm of cloves and contraindications

Cloves can be harmful to people who suffer from hypertension. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use the spice. Cloves are contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity, ulcers, as well as for overwork, and severe physical and psychological stress. You should not use cloves if you have an individual intolerance to the product.

Before using clove oil, you need to check if you have any allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of it to your hand, and if you feel a burning sensation, you should immediately wash it off and not use it again. When used internally, follow the dosage: no more than 3 drops. Never drink oil on an empty stomach.

Application against ticks, mosquitoes, midges, ants and flies

Cloves are often used as a remedy against insects such as ticks, mosquitoes, midges, ants and flies. Some housewives prefer to simply scatter the dried buds of the plant in the room in those places where insects live most often, but it is much more effective to use a spray. It’s very easy to prepare, you just need to do the following:

  1. Take a glass of water and pour it into an iron mug, then pour two spoons of powdered cloves into it. If you don't have one on hand, you can use clove essential oil or grind dried flowers in a coffee grinder.
  2. Place the mug with the ingredients on the fire and boil for five minutes.
  3. Cool the resulting mixture, filter and pour into a container with a spray bottle to make it convenient to spray the liquid around the room or on the body.

Using this homemade bug spray is also very easy. Every time you are going to go to the forest or to the river, just apply the spray to clean skin, wait until it dries, and then you are ready to go. Thanks to this product, you will not be afraid of mosquitoes or ticks, even if you are going to spend the night outdoors. However, it should be remembered that people with an individual intolerance or allergy to cloves are prohibited from using such a spray.

People call the clove tree Syzygium aromatica. And in Latin it sounds like Syzygium aromaticum.


Cloves, which we often use for culinary purposes, are none other than the buds of the clove tree.

The tree itself is a tropical plant belonging to the myrtaceae class. The bark of the clove tree is dark gray in color. A large number of branches extend from the trunk, which are covered with dense green foliage. The oval leaves reach a length of about 25 cm. Interestingly, the upper side of the leaf is equipped with small glands.

During the flowering period, which is twice a year, the ends of the branches of the clove tree are covered with inflorescences, which are formed by semi-umbrellas. The flowers are equipped with double 1.5 cm perianths. The calyx of the flower is red. Four white petals with a pinkish tint form a corolla, from which fluffy stamens are visible. After flowering, oblong purple berries ripen on the clove tree. They are 2.5 cm long and slightly more than a centimeter wide.

The shape of a tree at a young age resembles a pyramid. As it matures, its branches begin to droop down. The height of the tree usually fluctuates around 12 m. Under favorable conditions, some representatives can grow up to 20 m. The lifespan of the clove tree is about 100 years. The entire tree is permeated with aromatic oil: leaves, bark, flowers.

Where does it grow?

Indonesia and the Malay Archipelago are the native places of the clove tree. Currently it grows in India, Sri Lanka, the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, and Tanzania. Moreover, Tanzania owns the lion's share in the production of the famous spice - 90%.

Method of making spices

When the inflorescences have gained strength, but have not blossomed, they are collected and dried. Peduncles are removed. Not every tree is suitable for harvesting. Only those older than 6 years. Drying does not require any special conditions. It is in this dried form that they reach us. The clove tree produces a rich harvest. In general, the cost of producing spices is low, which is why cloves are inexpensive.


Cloves have a very pungent taste. In this case, the pungency is contained in the petiole, and the aroma is contained in the cap. A quality seasoning has an oily feel. Especially the petiole. If you press it and drag it across a piece of paper, it should leave a meaty line.

If you need ground cloves, it is better to grind them immediately before use. Store-bought ground cloves are less fragrant.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of dry clove buds contain 323 kcal.

In terms of nutritional value, cloves contain:

  • Proteins – 6 g.
  • Fats – 20 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 27 g.

Chemical composition

  • Essential oils (about 20%), the lion's share of which belongs to eugenol (85%).
  • Tannins (20%).
  • Dietary fiber (about 35%).
  • Ash.
  • Water.
  • Vitamins (group B, PP, C, E, K).
  • Minerals (Mg, Fe, Cu, K, Na, P, Ca, Se, Mn, Zn).

Beneficial features

Cloves have many beneficial properties that are due to the presence of eugenol in its composition:

  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiviral (staphylococci, dysentery pathogens);
  • disinfectants;
  • diuretics.


  • Cloves increase stomach acidity, resulting in heartburn.
  • Increases muscle tone - this is harmful for a pregnant woman, as it can cause a miscarriage or harm the health of an unborn baby.


  • Children's age (up to two years).
  • High blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • A general state of overwork and a state of internal tension.
  • Cloves should not be used by people suffering from gastritis with high stomach acidity.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose, as this may cause digestive upset.


Both flowers and bark are used to make oil.

Clove oil is a very useful product to have at home. It's not that difficult to make it yourself. The main ingredients are olive oil (100 ml) and clove buds (1 tbsp). Put the composition on the fire, remove after boiling. Pour the cooled oil into a convenient container and use as intended.

Properties of clove oil:

  • Clove oil is a necessary remedy during cold epidemics. And if you were unable to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, clove oil would be the ideal remedy. Inhalations with its use will relieve cough.
  • For toothache, moisten a piece of cotton wool with clove oil and place it on the sore tooth. Relief will not take long to arrive.
  • Clove oil is added to basic massage oil. This composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the patient with arthritis and arthrosis and will relieve pain and inflammatory symptoms.
  • Clove oil speeds up the healing process of wounds. It is enough to apply an oil lotion to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Fights acne.
  • Clove oil is used in aromatherapy. It perfectly relieves stress and nervous irritation.
  • The cosmetics industry cannot do without clove oil. It is added to various balms and creams, and flavored eau de parfum.


In cooking

  • One of the most widely known uses of cloves in cooking is in marinades and pickles. It is added when preserving cucumbers and tomatoes. Cloves are one of the most important ingredients in making homemade ketchup. Another advantage of this spice is its ability to enhance preservation. Try preparing a simple and aromatic tomato salad with cloves for the winter. Onions (half rings) and tomatoes (slices) are placed in jars in layers. If you took a 3 liter jar for cooking, then put 4 laurel leaves and 4 cloves on top. You can add peppercorns. Next, pour the marinade over everything. The marinade is prepared from water (liter), salt (3 teaspoons) and sugar (4 tablespoons). The marinade must be boiled in advance. Pour it over the tomatoes and onions and sterilize for 10 minutes. At the 8th minute, pour in 6 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence. Next, we roll up the hot jars with lids, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket until the next day.
  • Confectioners use a mixture of cloves, cardamom and cinnamon when making their masterpieces. It is used to flavor sweet pastries, various compotes and puddings, mousses and punches.
  • Cloves pair perfectly with black pepper. This mixture gives an indescribable aroma to meat dishes (pork, lamb). It is also used in the preparation of various sauces and complements the tender meat of turkey and chicken.
  • Using cloves you can prepare a fragrant and healthy tea drink. Just throw 3 clove buds into boiling water. After 10 minutes the tea is ready. It is very important not to boil the cloves, otherwise all the beneficial substances, including the aroma, will evaporate, and the dish will acquire a bitter taste.

The aroma of cloves is very rich and pronounced. In this regard, the spice must be added to dishes very carefully. Otherwise, it will simply interrupt the taste and smell of the dish. Cloves are added in ground form to sauces, and as a whole to main sauces. If you need to bake a meat tenderloin, you can simply stick a clove into a piece of meat.

In medicine

When losing weight

Since cloves are very rich in vitamin and mineral complex, they are useful and recommended for people on diets.

Another benefit of cloves is that it improves the process of high-quality digestion of food. Therefore, lovers of a slim figure can be sure that excess “fat” will not be deposited anywhere.

Coffee with cloves reduces appetite and tones the body

Drink delicious and aromatic tea with cloves and lemon. Moreover, anyone can cook it. To do this, cook sugar syrup from 3 teaspoons of sugar and 100 ml of water over low heat. Brew black tea (1 tablespoon per 2 cups of boiling water). The tea is infused for 5 minutes. Next, it is filtered and mixed with sugar syrup, the juice of half a lemon and 4 clove buds. After 2-3 minutes you can enjoy your drink.

At home

Blood-sucking insects do not like the smell of cloves. An aroma lamp using cloves will get rid of annoying mosquitoes.

You can decorate the New Year's table with fragrant decor from oranges and cloves.


Since the clove tree is an evergreen and heat-loving plant, it can only be grown in greenhouse conditions. It needs a positive air temperature of 17° to 25°. The clove tree propagates by petioles, seeds, or its branch can be grafted onto another tree. The seeds are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, simply scattered over the surface. They should be sprinkled with soil on top, then covered with film and wait for shoots, which should appear after 4 weeks. When the first two leaves appear, the plants are planted. In the future, the clove tree needs to be pruned and pinched, thus forming a crown.

If a cut petiole is used, then its cut must first be treated with root and then placed in a mixture of peat and perlite. Next, the petiole is covered with film. The soil for planting should be slightly acidic. Drainage and a hole in the pot are required. You can prepare the soil yourself. Mix one part of wet peat, coarse sand, humus, leaf soil and two parts of turf soil. It is optimal to place a pot with a tree near the southern windows. Excessive lighting should be avoided. The sun can burn the leaves.

Water the clove tree regularly. For irrigation you need to use water that has settled. In addition, the clove tree needs spraying. In winter, watering is slightly reduced and spraying is stopped. To feed the tree, mineral nitrogen and potassium fertilizers containing fertilizers are used, which are applied to the soil in the spring and summer; in winter and autumn there is no need to feed the clove tree. Transplantation is carried out in the spring. The plant must be protected from drafts.

Under natural conditions, seeds are germinated in nurseries. Plants are planted in a permanent place of growth at 4 years of age and specifically during the rainy season. To prevent the sun from damaging the tree, it is covered with a canopy or a plant is planted next to it that would shade the seedling. In the sixth year of life, the clove tree bears its first fruits. It produces the largest harvest starting from the age of 20. This period lasts 30 years. In general, the clove tree is used up to 60 years of age.

  • You can determine how high-quality the spice you purchased is by throwing it into water. The more essential oils a bud contains, the heavier it is. Floating and not sinking indicates low oil content.
  • The ancient Chinese were required to chew some clove buds before visiting the emperor. Fulfillment of this condition was an integral etiquette and tradition of those times.
  • Recent research suggests that cloves inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors. In the near future, scientists plan to develop a drug based on cloves that will cure blood cancer.
  • From cloves, French chefs came up with an original additive to soups and broths. Peel the onion and stick 5 whole clove buds into it. Then this “assembly” is lowered into a saucepan where the dish is prepared. The invention is called a nail-studded onion.
  • Cloves are used in magical rituals that get rid of enemies. A handful of clove buds are thrown in a deserted place against the wind. For the ritual to work, you need to leave without looking back.

You can find seasonings in any housewife's kitchen. Among them there will definitely be cloves. These are small dark brown sticks, spherical in shape at one end. The seasoning is loved for its bitter, spicy taste and rich aroma. It is an integral component of many culinary masterpieces.

A little history

If you get acquainted with the composition of this spice, it will become clear that it was no coincidence that people attributed healing properties to it. Cloves contain a fair amount of B vitamins, vitamins A and E, which give youth and beauty to the skin, and vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting. It also contains zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, selenium, copper, manganese, and iron. 100 g of product contains 20 g of fat, 6 g of protein, 27 g of carbohydrates, 34 g of fiber, 6 g of water. Clove consists of 20% essential oil. It is often included in perfumes or eau de toilette. Looking at the composition of the spice, it can be compared to a multivitamin. However, it has beneficial properties and contraindications. For medicinal purposes it must be used carefully.

Harm of cloves

There is no doubt about the obvious benefits of this spice, but not everyone can use it. As you know, cloves (a spice) have beneficial properties and contraindications.

  1. The spice should not be eaten by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under two years of age.
  2. It is contraindicated in patients with hypertension.
  3. For people with gastrointestinal problems, cloves (useful properties and contraindications are discussed in the article) are not recommended. The use of seasoning should be limited to those who suffer from peptic ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, increased fatigue, and overexertion.
  4. One should not forget about the beneficial properties and contraindications of cloves when using clove oil for medicinal purposes. Take it orally on a full stomach, no more than three drops per day, with plenty of water.

Cloves in medicine

Due to its composition, this spice is still popular among lovers of traditional medicine. But she does not tolerate careless treatment. Like any medicine, cloves (spice) have beneficial properties and contraindications. Treatment must be carried out carefully, strictly following the recipe.

  1. Arthritis. Add 5-7 drops to your regular massage and rub it on the sore joint.
  2. Ear ache. Take a glass, throw 5 clove buds into it and boil for 15 minutes. Cool. Place 3 drops into the sore ear three times a day.
  3. Digestive problems. Add a pinch of ground cloves and black pepper to a teaspoon of honey. Should be taken before meals twice a day. People with gastrointestinal problems should use seasonings such as cloves with caution. Beneficial properties and contraindications must be taken into account equally. It is better to consult a doctor before starting to use a folk remedy.
  4. Inflammation of the eyes. Grind 1 clove bud. Combine the powder with water to make a paste. Apply it to the affected eye. Treatment is carried out over several days.
  5. Cold, cough, runny nose. Grind the cloves to a powder and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Eat the mixture very slowly, slowly dissolve.
  6. Cholera. In Asia, this disease is treated with clove decoction. Add 5 spice buds to three liters of water and boil to 1 liter. The resulting decoction is drunk until recovery occurs.
  7. Toothache. Chew 1 clove bud for a couple of minutes. The same method will help freshen your breath.

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties and contraindications. Recipes in cosmetology

Cloves are unique in their properties. It is often found in creams, lotions, and balms. It can also be used at home. But no matter how good cloves are, the beneficial properties and contraindications must be taken into account when using it.

You can make a refreshing mask. Take a tablespoon of pharmaceutical clay and cream (you can use milk) and mix with three drops of clove and mint oil. Add a teaspoon of honey if desired. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 5 minutes. Wash your face with water and lubricate your skin with nourishing cream.

Clove oil will help get rid of pimples, blackheads, and wounds. Lightly dampen a cotton swab in it and wipe the problem areas of the skin. Do the procedure 1 time daily. Clove oil will help make your skin firmer. Take a portion of the day cream sufficient for one application and add 1 drop of oil to it.

For oily skin, mix 2 drops of clove essential oil with a teaspoon of cosmetic oil. Apply daily. When using the spice for cosmetic purposes, you need to remember that cloves have beneficial properties and contraindications. Recipes must be strictly followed, otherwise you may get severe burns.

Cloves in cooking

The traditional way to use cloves in the kitchen is to prepare vegetable, meat, and mushroom marinades. The spice gives dishes a piquant taste and is an excellent preservative. It goes well with cabbage and other vegetables, meat, fish, and perfectly complements soups and broths, and cold appetizers. It is added during stewing with whole buds. To prepare fried dishes, use it in ground form. Confectioners do not ignore the spice. It is included in recipes for compotes, punches, mulled wine, puddings, sweets, gingerbreads, and cookies. It is best to combine the spice with cinnamon so that the taste of cloves is not hot. Cloves are added while kneading the dough. For 1 kg it is enough to put 2 buds. No more than 2 buds per 1 liter are added to drinks. During cooking, cloves are added at the very last moment. It cannot be boiled, otherwise it will lose its wonderful aroma. If you add too many cloves, the dish may taste too sweet and even bitter. If the dish contains vinegar or alcohol-containing products, then this seasoning cannot be added. The food will taste bitter. When using several seasonings in a recipe, cloves should be one seventh of the total. Otherwise, it may drown out the taste and aroma of other spices.

How to select and store

It is better to buy it whole; ground spice spoils quickly and is not as fragrant. The color of the carnation should be red-brown, the bud should be oily, and the branch should be flexible. The more dried out the cloves look, the older they are. Its aroma and taste are not as rich as fresh cloves, but they can be used for food. To check for the presence of essential oil, you need to put the buds in a container of water. A good carnation will be held vertically with the head facing up. If the spice lies horizontally, then it is very old. Store cloves in a tightly closed container in a dry, dark place.

Cloves are often used in perfumes. The famous composition Paloma Picasso contains this spicy note in its aroma. Perfumers call clove the queen of spices.

The spice was not popular in the Soviet Union. It was replaced with coluria, which tastes similar.

The spice clove and the carnation flower are not related. The seasoning is grown from the seeds of a tree of the myrtle family, which grows exclusively in the tropics. Cloves are a unique natural product because they are used in different areas of life: cooking, medicine, cosmetology. It is necessary to take into account all the points when using a spice such as cloves - the beneficial properties and contraindications must be studied comprehensively.

Cloves have been popular for a long time. Its scope is very wide. It is used as a spice in culinary recipes. It is distinguished from other seasonings by its specific pungent smell and burning taste. The clove seasoning, the medicinal properties of which are known from our forefathers, will help get rid of many serious diseases.


What is the spice made from? The seasoning is the dried, unopened buds of the clove tree, which is native to Indonesia. It looks like a small carnation, the cap exudes a sharp spicy aroma, the stem has a burning taste.

As a seasoning, it has a very rich composition. It contains minerals, acids, vitamins A and B, and essential oils.

Minerals include:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium.

The main component of the seasoning is eugenol, contained in the essential oil, and is the cause of the pungent odor, as well as a wide range of medicinal properties.

Medicinal properties

The spice cloves can have a multifaceted effect on the human body. Many people use the seasoning for therapeutic purposes as an analgesic, antispasmodic, cleansing, antiseptic, sedative, carminative, and diaphoretic.

It is used in all areas of medicine. With the help of seasoning you can relieve toothache, eliminate periodontal disease, caries, and stomatitis. You just need to chew the dried bud or rub the powdered product on your gums. It will eliminate bad breath.

Helps get rid of frequent headaches; to do this, mix it in equal quantities with cinnamon and almonds, grind it, pour boiling water until a thin paste forms. The pulp is applied to a clean gauze cloth and applied as an application to the sore spot.

People suffering from high blood pressure can get rid of it with the help of the seasoning. Several buds are poured with boiling water, then the decoction is drunk three times a day. This application is used to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma.

To eliminate debilitating hiccups, milk is boiled with several dry buds, drunk in small sips, rinsing the mouth. Clove milk will help cope with sore throat.

Dry cloves are widely used in gynecology. It eliminates menstrual pain, helps with childbirth, promotes the health of the female reproductive system, and helps cope with infertility.

Normalizes the digestive system, improves appetite, promotes better digestion, helps with intestinal diseases such as colic, flatulence, diarrhea.

Important! Clove oil is used for rubbing for pulmonary inflammation, clove decoction is used for wiping purulent wounds, burns, cuts, for rapid healing.


When using recipes from traditional healers that contain dry buds, you need to be careful, since cloves are not suitable for everyone and have some contraindications.

  1. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and ulcers should not use the oil as a medicine.
  2. It should not be used by pregnant or lactating women, as the use of the seasoning can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and provoke termination of pregnancy. When feeding a child, you should not use the spice, as this will change the taste of the milk. The baby may stop breastfeeding.
  3. It is not recommended to use the spice for people with low blood pressure and mental disorders.
  4. Decoctions and other clove remedies should not be given to children under three years of age.

One of the side effects that arose during use is individual intolerance to the components that make up the dry clove bud.

Use in cooking

Cloves are widely used in cooking due to their unique aroma.

  1. The spice is used to prepare various marinades for meat, fish, and vegetable dishes.
  2. The spice of cloves is used when preserving vegetables for the winter. This helps improve the taste of canned cucumbers, tomatoes, and other vegetables.
  3. The spice is also very often used to prepare sausages.

When purchasing on the market, you can find prefabricated seasonings that include cloves.

Advice! How to check the quality of edible cloves at home? You need to throw a few buds into hot or cold water. They should sink to the bottom of the glass. If the buds float on the surface, then the seasoning is of poor quality and empty.

The seasoning should also be used with caution for culinary purposes. Add to the dish in small quantities, otherwise the aroma of cloves may overwhelm the taste of the main product.

How to cook a dish with added spice? It must be remembered that during long-term heat treatment of various dishes, the spice should be added only after cooking, otherwise the aroma will disappear and the heat will remain, which will give the dish an unpleasant taste.

Cloves have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Medicinal compositions containing seasoning or oil are varied. Each recipe reveals the beneficial properties of the spice.

If you decide to turn to such recipes, it is important to study the full information, find out why it helps, how to properly prepare decoctions and tinctures, in what doses to use, as well as the benefits and harm that the seasoning can cause to a person.

Several buds are ground into powder and taken several hours before meals, washed down with a glass of boiled, cooled water. The course begins with taking seven grams, increasing the dose each time. The duration of treatment is a month, taken three times a day. Having gotten rid of worms, continue to take clove powder once a week for prevention.

  1. Tansy grass, wormwood, and dry cloves are ground to a powdery structure.
  2. Take one teaspoon of powder once before meals with a glass of water.

Treatment lasts three weeks.

Advice! The clove-herbal mixture has an unpleasant bitter taste; honey is added to eliminate it.

Another medicinal recipe that will help get rid of helminths once and for all.

  1. To 10 grams of clove powder add 100 grams of flax seed powder.
  2. Take up to 25 grams of dry mixture once every day, which is one tablespoon.
  3. The course is 30 days, taking according to the scheme: 3 days of admission, then one day of rest and so on.

Powder made from dried buds will help get rid of fungal diseases and expel pathogenic viruses and bacteria from the body.

Using cloves for weight loss

When using spice for weight loss, it is important to follow all recipe proportions so as not to harm the body and get maximum effect.

To normalize weight, the use of clove oil and powder has the same effect. With the help of essential oil, an anti-cellulite body massage is performed, which helps burn excess fat and even out the skin texture. To obtain a similar result, the oil is used for wrapping.

Important! Drinking tea that contains clove powder helps you lose weight.

In pharmacy chains you can find a medicine called clove oil. It is packaged in small bottles of several milligrams. It is a highly purified natural essential oil. The pharmaceutical product must be used strictly according to the attached instructions. The benefits of essential oil are identical to the medicinal properties of cloves in the form of a seasoning.

In the form of a seasoning, cloves occupy an honorable place among the compositions of traditional medicine; it is important to know why it is useful and how to take it correctly. Its uses vary, but it is mostly used as a pain reliever. It is also known that using a decoction of cloves relieves itching from mosquito bites in children.

Carnation– a well-known seasoning, indispensable in the preparation of marinades, sauces and confectionery products. This spice cannot be confused with any other - its aroma and pungently spicy taste are so unique.

Its widespread use in cooking sometimes overshadows its amazing medicinal properties. Meanwhile, cloves have been used in medicine since ancient times.

Cloves are native to the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia, but over time the spice has spread widely throughout the world. It represents the unopened flower buds of the clove tree Syzygium aromaticum, which belongs to the myrtle family. Dried flower buds resemble a nail; the cap has the most delicate aroma, and the burning part is concentrated in the petiole.

This medicinal plant has an exceptionally rich composition. About 30% is occupied by plant fibers. The inflorescences contain large amounts of carotene, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and B vitamins.

The mineral composition is represented by iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, selenium, manganese and zinc. In addition, the buds contain glycosides and tannins. By far the most valuable component of cloves is eugenol, contained in the essential oil. This substance is the source of the specific aroma and most of the healing properties.

Cloves are a champion in terms of antioxidants. According to recent studies, 15 ml of clove essential oil contains the same amount of antioxidants as 45 kg of blueberries.

Effect on the body

Cloves are a natural analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and diaphoretic. The spice has long been widely used for dental diseases, to intensify labor and labor pains, to speed up the healing of wounds and for eye diseases.

With its help, doctors managed to defeat even malaria and cholera. In Ayurvedic culture, cloves have found their use in cleansing the lymphatic system and as an aphrodisiac. For medicinal purposes, clove oil containing eugenol or clove buds are most often used.

Medicinal properties

And today it would be unwise to ignore the numerous healing properties of this plant, the list of which continues to be expanded by numerous studies.

The long list of health benefits of cloves is responsible for its many health uses. This explains the variety of methods and recipes of traditional medicine using this spice.

But before you use cloves, It is worth checking it for the presence of useful substances. It's very simple: take a pinch of spice and throw it forcefully into a pan of water. A high-quality spice with a large amount of essential oil will sink to the bottom, and a completely dried one will remain on the surface - such a seasoning is completely unsuitable for either cooking or treatment.

With absence clove oil, it’s easy to make yourself. To prepare, you will need 100 ml of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of seasoning. Mix the ingredients and bring to a boil using a water bath. The oil, strained and cooled to room temperature, is ready for use. For storage, use a cool place.

Clove oil successfully treats boils, abscesses and other skin lesions. For arthritis, massage with clove oil relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Rubbing this oil helps get rid of fungal skin diseases.

For otitis media Clove oil reduces pain and inflammation - it should be instilled into the ears several times a day.

toothache Cotton swabs soaked in clove oil and placed on a sore tooth will help soothe.

Sore throat and chronic throat diseases are treated with hot milk with the addition of a few clove buds crushed in a mortar.

Improves digestion a teaspoon of honey mixed with a pinch of black pepper and cloves. The mixture should be taken a few minutes before meals.

Severe headaches go away, if you rub a few drops of oil in your palms and massage your forehead and temples with them.

For asthma and bronchitis inhalations with a few drops of clove essential oil will come to the rescue, and for rheumatism– warm baths (15 drops of oil per bath).

Clove essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy, as its aroma is considered the aroma of attraction and success. The oil has the following psycho-emotional properties: it calms, eliminates the expectation of failure, puts you on the path of personal improvement, brings success in business and prosperity.


With all the positive properties, Not everyone can use cloves:

  • prohibited for use by children under 2 years of age;
  • it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as it helps to increase the tone of the uterus;
  • cloves should not be used by people with high blood pressure;
  • it should not be used in the presence of ulcers and gastritis with high acidity;
  • may cause individual intolerance.

The aromatic spice, translated from Greek as “divine flower,” was not without reason valued in ancient times as worth its weight in gold. Its medicinal properties, undeservedly forgotten today, were used by many emperors and pharaohs. But if you look at this seasoning with different eyes, it will reveal all its healing capabilities.



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