The best spices for health. Wild garlic and green onions

Doctors have proven that you can heal with the help of spices. Spices - effective medicines in the fight against cardiovascular and even oncological diseases.

The main advantage of spices is high content antioxidants,” says Igor Sokolsky, Ph.D. pharmaceutical sciences, specialist in phytochemistry. - These substances can weaken destructive effect free radicals, causing oxidative stress in the body, which is to blame for many of our troubles - from the appearance of wrinkles on the skin to the appearance serious illnesses- cancer, diabetes and heart disease. A pinch of spices contains more antioxidants than a glass of berries.

Useful properties of spices

Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Moreover, the effect of using spices is comparable to taking medications - the level of cholesterol in the blood drops by 10-15%. The anti-cholesterol effect is especially pronounced in turmeric and cinnamon.

Fighting a cold

Ginger, cloves, and cinnamon have a powerful stimulating and tonic effect, mobilize internal strength, and activate blood circulation. As a result, the person recovers faster.

Helps you lose weight

“Firstly, spices add flavor to any food,” explains Tatyana Pilat, doctor medical sciences, professor, member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. - Secondly, they stimulate digestion and activate metabolic processes- as a result, the body is saturated with a small amount of food. Latest Research Scientists have proven that even spicy snacks served before lunch do not whet the appetite, but, on the contrary, contribute to rapid satiety: the capsaicin they contain quickly causes a feeling of fullness - as a result, a person eats less. In addition, capsaicin increases energy expenditure by 23% and inhibits the development of fat cells.”

Increase desire

There are many aphrodisiacs among spices. It’s not for nothing that nutmeg is called a women’s spice, and basil is a man’s spice - the essential oils they contain stimulate the functioning of the glands internal secretion. Volatile enzymes contained in vanilla affect the central nervous system.

Save from cancer

Antioxidants in spices actively fight carcinogens. A substance has been isolated from turmeric that blocks biochemical processes, leading to the development of tumors of the neck and head. And horseradish is a molecule capable of destroying cancer cells. “Works on the study of anti-carcinogenic properties biologically active substances horseradish were carried out in Russia too,” says Igor Sokolsky. - Indeed, it has been proven that in vitro (“in vitro,” i.e., by direct action on cancer cells), horseradish extract inhibits their development and suppresses reproduction. However, in a living organism this effect turned out to be very weak. So horseradish is used as a preventive measure.”

The most healthy spices

Bay leaf

Leaves of laurel - an evergreen shrub.

What treats:
Improves digestive processes, heart function, increases appetite, and is used for exacerbation of arthritis and skin diseases. Has a diuretic and disinfectant effect. Inhalations with laurel essential oil are recommended for infections respiratory tract. Bay oil- a recognized remedy for sinusitis.

A universal spice, used in soups, marinades, meat and fish dishes.

And another curious detail: moths and cockroaches cannot stand the smell of bay leaves.


Roots perennial plant cruciferous family.

What treats: Powerful tool to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands. It has a pronounced diuretic effect - it is used to treat inflammation of the urinary tract, when kidney stone disease, cystitis, gout and rheumatism. Poultices made from fresh horseradish are used for frostbite, facial neuralgia and rheumatism of the joints.

Cooking: Horseradish used as an independent seasoning and as a base for making sauces.

Peculiarities: Horseradish is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. Has a whitening effect - against freckles and age spots recommend wiping your face water infusion horseradish.


Ginger root.

What treats: Helps with nausea of ​​any origin. Relieves migraine and arthritis attacks, stimulates the immune system. A recognized remedy for colds and coughs. Restores protective forces body.

Cooking: Mandatory seasoning for dishes from raw fish- The Japanese believe that ginger has antihelminthic effect. An essential component of curry seasoning, present in all ketchups. Widely used in cooking - gingerbread and gingerbread cookies, lemonade.

If you add ginger at the beginning of cooking, the taste and aroma will be much stronger.


Stamens of a flower of the crocus family.

What treats: Promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy, therefore it has psychotropic effect, relieving pain and depression. Improves digestion, cleanses lymph, kidneys and liver, relieves cramps, removes blood stagnation in blood vessels, improves complexion and increases potency.

Many national dishes are flavored with saffron - Indian pilaf, Spanish paella and Italian rice, French seafood soup (bouillabaisse).

Peculiarities: The most expensive spice - 1 kg costs about $1000.

A strong tonic - an excessive dose can lead to hyperexcitement and tension. A few grams of fresh saffron can even kill.


The bark of cinnamon shoots, a shrub from the laurel family.

What treats:
Daily use 1 teaspoon of cinnamon reduces the level of sugar and “bad” cholesterol in the blood, normalizes arterial pressure. It has antimicrobial properties and helps preserve food at home longer.

Making desserts (goes well with apples), canning, and marinades.

Peculiarities: Loses aroma quickly. The flavor of cinnamon sticks is more consistent - but they are difficult to grind.


This spice has nothing to do with the flower of revolution. These are dried flowers clove tree.

What treats:
Clove oil- the strongest antiseptic. During ARVI epidemics, it is recommended to use it for aromatherapy. Cloves have an anesthetic effect for toothache and facilitate breathing in case of respiratory tract disease.

Cooking: Adds a piquant taste to marinades - mushroom, meat or vegetable, and ensures longer storage of seasonings and sauces.

Does not tolerate prolonged heat treatment. Boiling removes the flavor of the cloves and imparts a bitter taste to the dish.

The main advantage of spices is their high content of antioxidants, says Igor Sokolsky, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialist in phytochemistry. - These substances can weaken the destructive effects of free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the body, which is to blame for many of our ills - from the appearance of wrinkles on the skin to the occurrence of serious diseases - cancer, diabetes and heart disease. contains more antioxidants than a glass of berries.


Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Moreover, it is comparable to taking medications - the level of cholesterol in the blood drops by 10-15%. The anti-cholesterol effect is especially pronounced in turmeric and cinnamon.

Fighting a cold

Ginger, cloves, and cinnamon have a powerful stimulating and tonic effect, mobilize internal strength, and activate blood circulation. As a result, the person recovers faster.

Helps you lose weight

“Firstly, spices add flavor to any food,” explains Tatyana Pilat, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. - Secondly, they stimulate digestion and activate metabolic processes - as a result, the body is saturated with a small amount of food. Recent research by scientists has proven that they do not even whet the appetite, but, on the contrary, promote rapid satiety: the capsaicin contained in them quickly causes a feeling of fullness - as a result, a person eats less. In addition, capsaicin increases energy expenditure by 23% and inhibits the development of fat cells.”

Normalize hormonal background, increase desire

“Saffron has a beneficial effect on women’s reproductive system, in particular, normalizes hormonal levels, says Tatyana Pilat. “There are known cases where taking 2-3 saffron pestles during premature menopause helped restore the cycle.” It’s not for nothing that nutmeg is called a women’s spice, and basil is a man’s spice - the essential oils they contain stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands. Volatile enzymes contained in vanilla affect the central nervous system.

Save from cancer

Antioxidants in spices actively fight carcinogens. A substance was isolated from turmeric that blocks biochemical processes leading to the development of tumors of the neck and head. And horseradish is a molecule that can destroy cancer cells. “Work on studying the anti-carcinogenic properties of biologically active substances of horseradish was also carried out in Russia,” says Igor Sokolsky. - Indeed, it has been proven that in vitro (“in vitro,” i.e., by direct action on cancer cells), horseradish extract inhibits their development and suppresses reproduction. However, in a living organism this effect turned out to be very weak. So horseradish is used as a preventive measure.”


Bay leaf

Leaves of laurel - an evergreen shrub.

What treats: Improves digestive processes, heart function, increases appetite, and is used for exacerbation of arthritis and skin diseases. Has a diuretic and disinfectant effect. Inhalations with laurel essential oil are recommended for respiratory tract infections. Bay oil is a recognized remedy for sinusitis.

Cooking: A universal spice, used in soups, marinades, meat and fish dishes.

Peculiarities: It is recommended to remove before serving the dish to prevent the bay leaf from becoming bitter. Prohibited for use during pregnancy. When stored for a long time, it loses its aroma and becomes bitter.

And another curious detail: moths and cockroaches cannot stand the smell of bay leaves.


Roots of a perennial plant of the cruciferous family.

What treats: A powerful remedy for enhancing the secretion of the digestive glands. It has a pronounced diuretic effect - it is used to treat inflammation of the urinary canals, kidney stones, cystitis, gout and rheumatism. Poultices made from fresh horseradish are used for frostbite, facial neuralgia and rheumatism of the joints.

Cooking: Table horseradish is used as an independent seasoning and as a base for making sauces.

Peculiarities: Horseradish is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. It has a whitening effect - for freckles and age spots, it is recommended to wipe your face with an aqueous infusion of horseradish.


Ginger root.

What treats: Helps with nausea of ​​any origin. Relieves migraine and arthritis attacks, stimulates the immune system. A recognized remedy for colds and coughs. Restores the body's defenses.

Cooking: A mandatory seasoning for raw fish dishes, the Japanese believe that ginger has an antihelminthic effect. An essential component of curry seasoning, present in all ketchups. Widely used in cooking - gingerbread and gingerbread cookies, lemonade.

Peculiarities: If you add ginger at the beginning of cooking, the taste and aroma will be much stronger.


Stamens of a flower of the crocus family.

What treats: Promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy, therefore it has a psychotropic effect, relieving pain and depression. Improves digestion, cleanses lymph, kidneys and liver, relieves cramps, removes blood stagnation in blood vessels, improves complexion and increases potency.

Cooking: Many national dishes are flavored with saffron - Indian pilaf, Spanish paella and Italian rice, French seafood soup (bouillabaisse).

Peculiarities: The most expensive spice - 1 kg costs about $1000. A strong tonic - an excessive dose can lead to hyperexcitement and tension. A few grams of fresh saffron can even kill.


The bark of cinnamon shoots, a shrub from the laurel family.

What treats: Daily consumption of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon reduces the level of sugar and “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and normalizes blood pressure. It has antimicrobial properties and helps preserve food at home longer.

Cooking: Making desserts (goes well with apples), canning, and marinades.

Peculiarities: Loses aroma quickly. The flavor of cinnamon sticks is more consistent - but they are difficult to grind.


This spice has nothing to do with the flower of revolution. These are dried flowers of the clove tree.

What treats: Clove oil is a powerful antiseptic. During ARVI epidemics, it is recommended to use it for aromatherapy. Cloves have an anesthetic effect for toothache and facilitate breathing in case of respiratory tract disease.

Cooking: Adds a piquant taste to marinades - mushroom, meat or vegetable, and ensures longer storage of seasonings and sauces.

Peculiarities: Does not tolerate prolonged heat treatment. Boiling removes the flavor of the cloves and imparts a bitter taste to the dish.

Spices are very useful, but everything is good in moderation, harmonious. Spices were the first medicines in human history.
A very useful reminder on spices: the properties of spices and herbs, their use and beneficial properties, what to add where.

Vegetarian food- this is great art, it will completely replace you medications. Every food product is a medicine if it is used in accordance with knowledge of the mechanism of action on the body, properly prepared and taken in required quantity. You should study and use spices in food in the right proportions, which will lead you to quick recovery. - Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov

Calamus, sweet flag


Anise, as a seasoning is almost universal, it is added to meat and fish dishes In salads and marinades, anise perfectly complements the taste of baked goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, and is an excellent addition to vegetable dishes, which include beets, cabbage, carrots, and cucumbers. Anise widely used in canning vegetables and preparing drinks. Anise vulgaris (anise femoris) increases milk lactation in nursing mothers and is good vitamin remedy. Anise used as an antipyretic, choleretic and anti-spasmodic agent to improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Using anise seeds as a seasoning for food improves digestion because... anise seeds have a stimulating effect on the motor and secretory functions of digestion, have an expectorant and disinfectant effect. They are used for bronchitis, cough, whooping cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Star anise - star anise

Star anise has a general strengthening effect on the body, the spice is used in food to prevent flu, sore throat and infections, during stress, star anise strengthens the nervous system - it is an excellent calming plant. Star anise has emollient and expectorant properties for infections of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, improves endocrine and immune system. Star anise stimulates the production of estrogen, helps relieve premenstrual pain and normalize the cycle. Star anise has anti-inflammatory, carminative effect. Star anise fruit improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate digestion, relieve spasms and enhance intestinal motility. Essential oil star anise improves digestion, thins mucus and has an expectorant effect. Star anise enhances lactation and is also an excellent diuretic. Star anise tea is given to children for loss of appetite and diarrhea in young children when teeth are being cut.

Basil, basil, spices and herbs

Basil greens stimulates collagen synthesis in cells, which helps restore skin elasticity and youth.

Fresh basil greens It has a bright aroma and is used as a seasoning for many dishes. Basil goes with greens, eggs, chicken, crab salad, in egg, pasta dishes, cheese, fish. Basil harmonizes with tomatoes, sweet peppers, beans; it is also added when pickling cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and mushrooms.

Basil has a pungent taste and can be added to dishes to suit your taste. Nettle pesto with basil.

Recipes from country weeds

Nowadays it is quite difficult to imagine any cuisine in the world where food is not flavored with all kinds of seasonings or spices. And each of us has at least black and red pepper in our kitchen. U good housewives- at least a dozen different fragrant jars and bottles.

But often, chasing taste sensations, we don’t even think about whether this or that seasoning will bring benefit or harm to our body.

But spices not only saturate the taste with pleasant notes, but also affect the functioning of the body and the well-being of a person in general. Absolutely every spice or seasoning has its own unique properties. But few people know about this. And in general, few will be able to distinguish a seasoning from a spice. But this also matters.

So, let's sort it out in order.

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Who is who, or how to distinguish seasonings from spices?

At a minimum, seasonings and spices differ in that the former mainly affect the taste buds, while the latter, on the contrary, affect the olfactory and occasionally the thermal ones. However, you need to understand that even when the food is already in your mouth, most of it pleasant sensations you get it from the olfactory receptors. Remember how tasteless food becomes when you have a stuffy nose?

Spices must be added to food according to certain calculations. You should not allow too much spice - this will spoil the taste. In small quantities, spices will not even be noticeable in your dish. Therefore, you need to look for a middle ground.

The situation with seasonings is also very interesting. As a rule, seasonings in pure form practically non-existent. Most of them are prepared according to a special recipe in combination with other seasonings or spices. Therefore, seasonings are divided into vegetable (their units) and chemical.

So, seasonings include mustard, horseradish, vinegar, tomato paste and even mayonnaise. Bay leaf, cloves, pepper and cinnamon are already spices. And “spices” is what unites them, the everyday name for herbs and seasonings.

What are the main benefits of spices?

The history of spices runs deep in history. The beneficial properties of seasonings and spices were noticed by ancient healers. They found that spices contribute better absorption food, and in addition, kill bacteria and prevent decay processes in the body. But alone important nuance– spices will only bring benefits if consumed in moderation.

Spices differ in their composition. Interestingly, nature has enriched some of them with vitamins.

So, just a pinch of seasoning can have a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole, in particular digestion, as well as endocrine, nervous and of cardio-vascular system. Spices accelerate the movement of enzymes, absorb impurities in cells and promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Interestingly, most healthy spices are quite exotic and are not easy to find. But there are also useful seasonings and spices among those familiar to us. We have compiled a list of the 10 most useful and at the same time most affordable spices.

10 healthiest spices

1. Black pepper

Unofficially, black pepper is called the “king of spices.” He received this title due to his popularity. Well, black pepper is definitely found in every home. And it’s not for nothing that people loved him so much. This spice not only adds interesting notes to the dish, but also has many beneficial properties.

In particular, black pepper stimulates digestive processes and has a great effect on the functioning of the stomach. Black pepper also has a positive effect on blood circulation. Also, the “king of spices” prevents the formation of blood clots, removes toxins and has a beneficial influence on metabolic processes.

Moreover, black pepper is useful both in its whole form and in ground form. Black peppercorns are added to broths, pickles and even some meat dishes. Ground also appears in meat products, and also in various sauces and soups, adding spice and fragrant aroma to the dish.

2. Cinnamon

It is a natural catalyst for metabolism. So it is recommended for everyone who is losing weight. But in addition to its “magical” weight loss properties, cinnamon has no less beneficial properties. Thus, the components included in cinnamon help reduce glucose and cholesterol in the blood, improve blood circulation, and also produce cartilage lubrication.

In addition, cinnamon disinfects and kills fungi. The most common uses of cinnamon are in baking and confectionery. But you can also find cinnamon in some sauces. And by diluting your tea or coffee with cinnamon, you can plunge into the world of the East.

3. Paprika

A real find for men, as it enhances potency. Paprika also has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract. If you feel any discomfort in the stomach, then paprika will help eliminate cramps, gas formation and flatulence. Paprika also has a positive effect on blood circulation - it thins the blood, improves its flow to tissues and organs, and in addition, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Paprika goes well with cheese, seafood, fish and meat. There are several types of paprika, which have found their use in Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish, Indian and Mexican cuisines.

4. Ginger

Nature has given man one cure for many diseases. And this, oddly enough, is ginger. Ginger root acts simultaneously as an antispasmodic, analgesic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, ginger root is an excellent preventative for women's health. Eating ginger prevents infertility, relieves uterine tone, and increases libido. Pregnant girls are also recommended to use ginger - this will reduce nausea during toxicosis.

Ginger also calms and relieves fatigue. It goes well with meat and seafood (it’s not for nothing that sushi is always served with ginger). Very unusual notes appear in tea with ginger root.

5. Garlic

Garlic is popularly called a “killer of germs and bacteria.” It's true, garlic excellent medicine from a cold. And as in fresh, and in dried form. Interestingly, garlic also helps lower blood sugar levels, reduces blood clotting, and even fights tumor cells.

Garlic feels ideal in borscht, jellied meat, and all kinds of meat dishes and assorted vegetables.

6. Bay leaf

This is an excellent pain reliever. Bay leaf also relieves inflammation, prevents decomposition, rotting and fermentation. The beneficial properties of bay leaves were noticed by ancient people. In ancient times it was used as a medicine for rheumatism, dysentery and diabetes mellitus. Bay leaf is also good remedy to calm down nervous system.

“Bay leaves for flavor” are added to almost any dish. It's hard to imagine your favorite soup, vegetable stew or stew without adding a bay leaf.

7. Nutmeg

Nutmeg is especially good for treating male ailments - it helps to cope with impotence and uncontrolled ejaculation. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Nutmeg in all forms is useful.

It can be found in all kinds of sauces and ketchups. Nutmeg adds a piquant flavor to them. And in minced meat, baked meats, sausages and fish, nutmeg reveals new flavor notes. Baking, desserts and alcoholic cocktails nutmeg will give a pleasant aroma.

8. Cloves

The dried buds of the tropical clove tree Syzygium with a pungent taste and distinctive aroma are known as cloves. Since ancient times, cloves have found their place in cooking and have become a favorite spice in many cuisines around the world. It has been found not only as a rich addition to food, but also as an excellent cure for many ailments. Even the ancient Chinese chewed cloves to get rid of bacteria and, in addition, to get rid of bad breath. Cloves also have a positive effect on the nervous system - it calms, relieves tension and irritability, fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, cloves increase appetite and the production of digestive juices.

In crushed form, cloves can be found in hot meat dishes, minced meat and broths. In general, cloves are an excellent addition to preserves and all kinds of marinades. Interesting taste sensations Cloves work well when combined with cinnamon in desserts.

9. Turmeric

You can find turmeric mainly, as mentioned above, in dishes Indian cuisine- This is, first of all, chicken meat, vegetables and legumes, as well as various sauces and broths.

10. Coriander

An excellent remedy for calming the nervous system. This was noticed by Hippocrates, who was the first to use coriander as a cure for epilepsy. Coriander can relieve tension and calm hysteria. But this is not the only beneficial property of coriander root. He eliminates congestion liver, accelerates regeneration processes, tones the heart muscles and blood vessels, and also improves appetite.

The best companions for coriander are fish and meat, mushrooms and vegetables. Coriander is often added to all kinds of marinades. And they supply seeds alcoholic drinks and even baked goods. This gives the dishes a special aroma and interesting notes. Remember the taste of Borodino bread? Coriander plays a very important note in it.

Can spices be harmful?

Like any medicine, spices also have contraindications. But also don’t forget about the “dosage”. Seasonings and spices are beneficial only when used in moderation. And here keyword- “moderate”. If one pinch of spices is beneficial for the body, then two may already be unnecessary. It is important to understand that it is better not to get carried away with spices.

  • This is especially important when working with nutmeg. The consequences are not the most favorable - headache and hallucinations.
  • Ginger may cause bleeding.
  • Cloves are contraindicated for pregnant women, as it increases muscle tone, and in pregnant women, the tone of the uterus, which can be fraught negative consequences up to miscarriage.
  • Turmeric should be taken with caution by patients with hemophilia and those who often complain of low blood pressure.
  • Coriander may disrupt menstrual cycle in women, therefore ladies should also treat its use with special attention.
  • Ginger, cinnamon and paprika are harmful to those who have problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as those suffering from pancreatitis.

But don’t forget that any dish can become bright if you know the secret of using seasonings. Try to add only healthy spices to your dishes. This way the food will be both tasty and healthy.

Is it healthy to add seasonings to food? Seasonings not only give dishes an excellent taste, but also have a positive effect on our health - they prevent the occurrence of many diseases and ailments. For example, it has been proven more than once positive influence seasonings for digestion. Therefore, it is important to get to know their beneficial properties better. To do this, we present to you list of the most healthy seasonings , the consumption of which is recommended by European nutrition expert Monika Wilczynska.

Let's list the most useful seasonings:

Ginger – hot root

Ginger is one of the oldest medicinal plants, which is also an excellent seasoning. Ginger comes from the tropical regions of Asia and Oceania.

The ginger rhizome is used as food, called “hot root” in Asian medicine, the use of which causes “fire in the body.”

Ginger has an intense aroma containing zingiberol, which is one of the components of essential oils. Gum substances, including gingerol and zinferon, are responsible for the fiery, slightly bitter taste.

All these substances also have medicinal properties. Thanks to them, ginger promotes digestion (stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, is a choleretic and antispasmodic, treats flatulence), relieves nausea (currently included in medicines against motion sickness), prevents vomiting after anesthesia and chemotherapy, protecting against the formation of blood clots by reducing platelet aggregation, adds the nutrition expert.

Ginger is an important addition to the menu of people with increased level cholesterol. The spice also acts as an anti-inflammatory, reduces pain and stiffness in the joints, treats colds, migraines and various infections. Ginger has antiseptic and refreshing properties; ginger tea can be used to gargle a sore throat.

Turmeric is a cheaper variety of saffron.

Turmeric seasoning is also considered by experts to be one of the most useful seasonings; it is the yellowest seasoning. Turmeric comes from southern Asia and has strong smell and a sharp, fiery taste. Like saffron, turmeric adds flavor to dishes yellow, which Marco Polo wrote about.

Medicinal turmeric is famous for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, choleretic, cleansing, diuretic, hepatoprotective, tonic and antimutagenic properties.

Turmeric helps fight stones gallbladder. Also used to treat colic, dysentery, hepatitis, colds, chickenpox, scabies, conjunctivitis, liver, as well as genitourinary system. The use of turmeric is beneficial for indigestion and rheumatoid arthritis.

Turmeric is used in cosmetics, including facial skin care.

Spicy clove - the power of essential oil

Dried flower buds of the spice carnation, a small, evergreen tree native to tropical regions.

Spicy cloves owe their healing properties essential oil, which is recognized as an antiseptic and analgesic, as it relieves toothache. The essential oil has a characteristic odor due to the presence of eugenol.

This compound is a very powerful antioxidant that helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. In addition, spicy cloves can be used in the fight against high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, it is also treated gastrointestinal diseases. Spicy cloves improve digestion and metabolism. This excellent remedy to relieve stress, has a stimulating effect on the psyche, relieves fatigue and mental exhaustion, which is useful for patients suffering from insomnia.

Garlic - medicine in cloves

Garlic is native to Asia. However, due to his not particularly whimsical climatic conditions, is grown throughout most of the CIS, where it has gained significant popularity as an addition to various dishes, rolls, pickles, and is used as medicine.

Eating garlic improves digestion, absorption and assimilation of food, and also increases the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Garlic is used in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, hay fever and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. At elevated temperature Eating garlic increases sweating, which affects the decrease in temperature. Experts say garlic can significantly lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and prevent heart attacks and strokes.

In the course of research, it became known that garlic is an effective antioxidant, and its sulfur-containing components have anti-cancer properties, says the expert.

Cumin - Digestive Seasoning

The ancient Greeks and Romans used cumin as a digestive aid.

– This is not surprising, since cumin has antispasmodic properties and is known as carminative. This seasoning improves digestion and eliminates bloating. Cumin also has diuretic properties, says the expert.

Cumin is often used in the treatment of bronchial inflammation or cough. Cumin is considered safe for use by children, therefore it is found in medicinal teas that relieve the symptoms of colic, as well as in other medicines.

Cumin is known to have properties that stimulate lactation. The astringent properties of cumin help in treating sore throat. Cumin infusion is recommended for people suffering from stomach ulcers and duodenum, as well as those with liver problems.

Dill - medicine from the garden

Dill is a popular plant that grew in the gardens of our grandparents. Often used as a medicine against colic and bloating.

Dill - known remedy, which stimulates lactation, is included in medicinal teas for nursing mothers, says the expert.

The use of dill regulates kidney function, eliminates bad smell from mouth. An infusion of crushed dill is beneficial for the body. You should know that eating dill improves digestion and helps relieve constipation, which makes it not only one of the healthiest spices, but also a natural medicine.

That's not all. Eating dill helps remove harmful toxins from the body and also promotes appetite in case of lack of it.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs