Salmon fish raw pros and cons. Precious salmon - benefits and composition, value of red fish

is an oceanic fish that is born in fresh waters rivers and rushes to the sea. Surviving individuals turn into large predators. Their weight can reach 50 kg. Everyone knows tragic fate these fish. Obeying an ancient instinct, they return to the rivers and rush upstream to lay eggs and die from impotence.

At the same time, salmon are completely different. More precisely, under the guise of salmon, several different types fish - trout, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, taimen and some others. The meat of this fish has a delicate taste and a beautiful pink color with an orange tint. The most popular species are trout, pink salmon and salmon. In stores, carcasses of these fish can be found frozen, smoked, salted and pickled. Many dishes are prepared with them. This fish is especially popular among lovers of Japanese cuisine. Melt-in-your-mouth salmon meat goes well with rice, and therefore has become a common ingredient in making sushi. Also, this meat can often be found on festive tables as part of snacks or sliced.

But salmon is famous not only for its taste. Hidden in his meat huge reserves useful substances necessary for our body.

Salmon composition

So let's see what substances is salmon rich in?. Salmon meat is excellent dietary product. It has a lot of protein, little fat and no carbohydrates at all. Of the vitamins, it is especially rich in niacin (vitamin B3, PP). This substance has beneficial influence absolutely on the entire body - the circulatory, nervous and digestive systems. It also normalizes metabolism and hormonal balance. Salmon is rich in vitamins B5, B6, B2, B1 and many others. Among the macroelements, potassium and phosphorus lead. These substances are known to be necessary for the functioning of of cardio-vascular system, development muscle tissue And normal operation brain It also contains calcium, magnesium and sodium. Salmon meat contains a lot of microelements. It is especially rich in iron and zinc, and also contains manganese, copper and selenium.

Useful properties of salmon

Tender salmon meat is perfectly digestible, saturating the body with protein.. Therefore, it is considered a good dietary product. Salmon meat can be eaten by both children and the elderly, as well as people during the recovery period after a serious illness.

Salmon is especially valuable because it contains fatty acids, which are talked about so much now. In particular, salmon is rich in docosahexanoic acid, which helps the development and proper functioning of the brain, as well as improving memory. This substance is not synthesized in the human body, and not all food products contain it. sufficient quantity. If you want to help your brain with its difficult work, eat salmon fish more often.

Salmon meat is a real source of beauty. Vitamins B6 and B 12 help strengthen bone tissue, hair and nails, making the skin more elastic and beautiful. A large amount of potassium in fish strengthens human bones and blood vessels. Therefore, it is especially useful for children during their growth period, when the body constantly requires a large amount of “building materials” for growth and development.

For adults, it will help make blood vessels strong and clean. Research shows that regular consumption of salmon meat strengthens the walls of blood vessels and slightly thins the blood. It is also known that salmon meat has the ability to improve the absorption of sugars and fats by the body. Therefore, regular consumption of this fish reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Salmon also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, providing a relaxing and calming effect.

Harm to salmon

Salmon has a lot of beneficial properties and has no contraindications. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding to eat this fish. Some types of fish may contain small amounts of mercury. Usually she does not provide any negative impact on the human body. But even such a dose can harm an embryo or newborn.

Also, people suffering from chronic diseases digestive system and obesity. In these cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

Calorie content of salmon

Salmon is a fairly high-calorie fish.. But it’s worth considering that about two-thirds of the calories come from proteins, the rest from fats. On average, salmon fish fillet contains approximately 219 kcal per 100 grams. Certainly, energy value The taste of fish also depends on the method of its preparation. Salmon will have the fewest calories if it is steamed or fried on the grill or over an open fire. Vegetable oil and marinades that contain wine and sugar increase calorie content.

Salmon in cooking

You can prepare a lot of dishes from salmon - it is fried, marinated, steamed, added to pies, soups, snacks and much more are prepared with it.

Salmon baked in creamy lemon sauce

To prepare this dish you will need 600-700 g of salmon fillet, 2 tablespoons of capers, half a glass of sour cream, a quarter glass of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of seasoning from grated lemon zest and pepper, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 clove of garlic, lemon, herbs .

Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan, then add the pre-chopped garlic clove to it. After a minute, you need to reduce the gas to a minimum and add lemon juice, zest and pepper seasoning and capers. Stir all ingredients for 5 minutes, then add sour cream and wait another 5 minutes. At this time, you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a greased baking sheet there. olive oil. Place the fillet on it and spread the sauce on it. Some of the sauce should remain in the pan. In 20 minutes the salmon will be ready. Pour the remaining sauce over the fillet, add sprigs of herbs and lemon slices and serve.

Salmon rolls

This gourmet dish suitable for any table. You can cook it for picnics and as a snack. It is not only tasty, but also very filling.

To prepare the rolls you will need 4 pieces of fillet weighing approximately 150 grams, 4 large cabbage leaves, 3 red onions, 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 clove of garlic, cilantro, half a pod of red sweet pepper, a piece of ginger root, 1 lemon and 1 hot red pepper.

Cabbage leaves need to be dipped in hot water for a few minutes. They should be soft but elastic. Then take a deep plate, grate the lemon zest into it and squeeze out the juice, add chopped garlic. Pieces of fish need to be rubbed with seasonings - salt, garlic, pepper, sprinkled with zest and water lemon juice. The onion needs to be cut into circles, and the pepper into strips. Grate the ginger root. All vegetables and seasonings should be divided into 4 parts. On each sheet you need to evenly place onions, peppers, cilantro and ginger, and top with a piece of salmon. Carefully wrap the sheet and tie with twine. The rolls need to be baked in the oven for half an hour.

Salmon is one of the most nutritious fish. Contains a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. Inclusion in your diet can help prevent a number of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases.

Delicious and quite affordable. One of the versatile fish from which you can prepare many dishes.

What kind of fish is salmon?

Salmon is the common name for several species of fish in the Salmonidae family. Found in the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some species from this family live in fresh waters of northern and middle latitudes.

Most species of the family are valuable commercial products. Not only because of the taste of meat, but also of caviar.

What it looks like and where it is found

Salmon is a predatory fish. Among all representatives there are fish from a few centimeters in length to 2 meters. Accordingly, different weights (from a few grams to 45 and above) and life expectancy, which can range from one and a half to 13-15 years.

What unites everyone:

Long, laterally compressed body;

Small silver scales;

Gray-blue color of the back;

Black spots on the sides;

Multi-rayed fins on the abdomen;

Two dorsal fins;

Pink (salmon) color of meat (with the exception of whitefish and nelma).

Surprisingly, there is nothing in their DNA that would indicate such a color. This color is unique only because of the diet. The main food for the fish that salmon themselves feed on is red algae.

Salmon are anadromous with the exception of freshwater species. This means that they are born in freshwater. Then they migrate to the ocean and return again to spawn in freshwater.

Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 to 5 years. She lays fertilized eggs at the mouth of streams and rivers, where she herself was born.

Almost all salmon (especially Pacific ones) die after spawning. Scientists explain this by the fact that in preparation for spawning, their body undergoes many changes. In addition, making your way to the place where the eggs are laid, a lot of energy is lost. Moreover, when from sea ​​water When a fish enters freshwater, it stops eating. Which also depletes the body and energy.

Atlantic species die rarely and are able to spawn 3-5 times during their life.


There are many types of salmon. They are mainly divided into two large ones: Atlantic and Pacific.

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) or noble salmon. Better known as salmon. Breeds in rivers of Western Europe, ranging from the north of Portugal to Norway, Iceland, Greenland. Also along the coast North America. In the sea it is found mainly off the coast of Greenland.

Another species, Salmo trutta, is commonly called trout.

Pollution of the main habitat and overfishing have brought this species to the brink of extinction. Commercial fishing today is practically unprofitable. Most fish are farmed in the waters of Chile, Norway, Canada, and Great Britain.

The Pacific species (Oncorhynchus) combines several names: sockeye salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, lobster, grayling, omul and others. They are often simply called salmon or trout.

On the territory of our country, large spawning grounds for this red fish are the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, and Kamchatka.

Why is it useful?

Previously, salmon was considered a rare and expensive fish. Although the price for this type of fish product remains high, it is always on sale. However, it should be noted that the majority are farmed and not wild salmon.

They love it for its taste and usefulness. chemical composition. Salmon meat contains:

Minerals: phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium, selenium, iodine, manganese and others;

Vitamins of group B, A, D; E;

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acid;


Antioxidant astaxanthin;

Amino acids: alanine, arginine, aspartic and glutamic acid, glycine, lycine and others.

A small amount of vitamin K is found in it.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial features

Salmon is a fish rich in phosphorus. This mineral is involved in:

Building and maintaining bones and tooth enamel;

Formation of energy processes;

Acid-base balance.

Wild salmon provides 18 percent of daily norm potassium Farmer - 11%. In fact, it has more potassium than bananas. This mineral is important for the cardiovascular system. Primarily to stabilize blood pressure. Reduces the risk of stroke, excess accumulation water in the body.

In addition, it contains other important minerals, including those with antioxidant properties like selenium.

Selenium is a mineral found in soil and some foods. A person needs a small amount of it. But it is important for human health:

Protects bones;

Supports work thyroid gland;

Reduces the risk of cancer.

A 100 gram serving gives 59-67 percent daily requirement adult.

The meat of these fish contains almost the entire complex of B vitamins:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 18% RDI

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 29% RDI

Vitamin B3 (niacin) - 50% RDI

Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid) — 19% RSP

Vitamin B6 - 47% RDI

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) — 7% RSP

Vitamin B12 - 51% RDI

These vitamins are necessary for:

Digestion of food;

Energy generation;


Nervous system;

Metabolic processes;

Hormone production;


DNA production and repair.

Reduces inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases.

Like all fish, great source vitamin D. Its deficiency is associated with:

The presence of rickets in children;

Development of osteoporosis in the elderly;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

Rheumatoid arthritis;

Multiple sclerosis.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 can be obtained from other foods, particularly nuts and seeds. However, according to scientists, it is easier for the human body to absorb them from fish.

These fatty acids:

Preserves skin and hair;

Supports the heart muscle;

Reduce the risk of mental illness;

Protect blood vessels;

Participate in the formation of red blood cells;

Reduce the risk of coronary disease;

Prevent chronic diseases.

Like fatty acids, protein is an essential nutrient. In addition to participating in muscle building, it is involved in many other processes:

Protects bone health;

Supports muscles during weight loss and aging;

Helps speed up the healing of injuries and wounds.

One 100 gram serving contains 22-25 grams of protein. An adult is recommended to consume at least 20-30 grams per day.

Astaxanthin is a compound with antioxidant properties that belongs to the class of carotenoids. These connections:

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;

Reduces “bad” cholesterol;

Enhance “good;

Protects the brain and nervous system;

Prevent skin damage;

Improves skin condition, helping you look younger longer.

Benefits for the human body

Eating salmon is useful for preventing:

Inflammatory joint diseases;

Cardiovascular diseases;


Nervous disorders;


Decreased immunity;

Premature aging.

It is useful for patients to include it in their menu:



Rheumatoid arthritis;


Alzheimer's disease;


Atherosclerosis of blood vessels;

Multiple sclerosis.

Helps control weight and reduce body fat.

In older people and children, it improves brain performance.

Eating salmon during pregnancy and breastfeeding may improve a child's learning ability and academic performance. In preschoolers it serves as a prevention of hyperactivity syndrome. It will help schoolchildren to bear loads well.


Fish caught at sea is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. It can accumulate heavy metals and mercury, which are harmful to the fetus and the growing child's body.

Since fish meat is mostly red in color, some people may experience an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to limit consumption for people who are obese and prone to speed dial weight.

Consuming at least two servings per week will fully satisfy many of the body's nutritional needs without harm to health.


Red fish is one of the most healthy products on the planet. Thanks to his widespread, its value is known to everyone. However, few people know that salmon can also be hazardous to health. What are the benefits and harms of salmon: let’s learn more about what this popular product hides.

Description and types of salmon

Salmon is the common name for several species of fish in the genus Salmoniformes. They live in the northern Atlantic and Pacific oceans and are anadromous. This means that most salmon species are born in fresh water, migrate to the sea, and return to fresh water to spawn or spawn.

The appearance of salmon varies greatly from species to species. Some fish are silvery-blue in color, while others have black spots on their sides or bright red stripes. Most salmon maintain one color when they live in fresh water and then change it when they live in salt water.

Most often industrially mined the following types this fish:

Vitamins and minerals in salmon

Salmon is one of the most nutritious foods. This healthy fatty fish is simply loaded with nutrients, so it can minimize risk factors for a number of diseases. Plus, it's delicious, versatile, and widely available.

Salmon is one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Each one hundred gram serving of farmed salmon has 2.3 g of these compounds, while a similar serving of wild salmon has 2.6 g.

Unlike other fats, Omega-3 fats are known as “essential” fats, meaning everyone is recommended to get them from their diet because the body cannot create them itself.

DHA and EPA are credited with several benefits to the body, such as reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, lowering cancer risk, and improving arterial cell function.

In addition, the benefits of salmon for humans are explained by the considerable level of B-vitamins. One hundred grams of the product contains the following quantities:

  • B1 (thiamine): 18% DV;
  • B2 (riboflavin): 29%;
  • B3 (niacin): 50%;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid): 19%;
  • B6: 47%;
  • B9 (folic acid): 7%;
  • B12: 51%.

These vitamins are involved in several global processes in the body, including converting food into energy, creating and repairing DNA, and reducing inflammation, which can lead to heart disease.

All B vitamins have been found to work together to support optimal brain and nervous system function.

Important! Salmon fish is an excellent source of several B vitamins, vital for creating energy, fighting inflammation and protecting blood vessels and the brain.

Among other things, salmon are a good source of potassium. This is especially true for wild salmon, which provides 18% of the daily value in one hundred grams. This mineral controls blood pressure levels, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Therefore, the benefits of salmon are especially important for men over 50 years of age.

Fish has a high percentage of selenium. It has been proven that this mineral protects the health of the skeletal system, alleviates thyroid diseases and prevents cancer.

Astaxanthin reduces the risk of heart disease by reducing LDL cholesterol(“harmful”) and increasing HDL (“beneficial”). It is believed that the substance tends to react with Omega-3, protecting the brain and nervous system.

Nutritional value and calorie content of salmon

Salmon are protein product. Like Omega-3 fat, protein is an essential macronutrient that a person should get from their diet.

It plays in the body important role, including helping to recover from injuries, protects skeletal system and supports muscle mass during aging and weight loss.

Another property of fish is as follows. Additionally, tryptophan, found in salmon, is a source of seratonin, which may help combat depression.

Additionally, since this fish is an excellent source of vitamin D, eating it may also help improve your mood, protect against degeneration macular spot and help with bone health.

One piece of salmon weighing 125 g contains 22 - 25 g of protein. The calorie content of a serving of this size will be 185 kcal, which is not that much. This product contains 0.9 g of saturated fat, and unsaturated compounds with healing properties, are contained in the amount of 3.6 g. It does not contain carbohydrates. Therefore, the benefits of salmon for pregnant and lactating women are undeniable.

Important! The human body needs proteins to maintain bone and prevent bone loss. muscle mass. Salmon provides 22 - 25 g of protein per 125 g.

Useful properties of salmon

Eating fish twice a week is said to be a great way to improve heart health. People who eat this product regularly are protected from developing a variety of conditions that can cause harm. Omega-3 reduces inflammation in the body. This process is the basis of many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer and arthritis. Omega-3 properties can prevent blood clots that cause serious harm.

Some studies also show that healthy fats may help slow cognitive problems such as Alzheimer's disease and age-related decline cognitive ability. In this regard, the benefits of salmon bellies, which contain the most fat, stand out.

For the heart and blood vessels

Eating salmon fish on a regular basis can protect against heart disease. This is due to the properties of salmon to increase Omega-3 in the blood, which can balance increased content Omega-6 fatty acids in the blood, which is common in some people.

When the balance of the above two fatty acids is imbalanced, the risk of heart disease increases.

For the brain and nervous system

All larger number Research shows that including salmon in your diet can improve brain function. It reduces depressive symptoms, protects fetal brain health during pregnancy, reduces anxiety, slows age-related memory loss and reduces the risk of dementia. Salmon at breastfeeding recommended in mandatory, thanks to the above properties.

Important! Frequent consumption of salmon fish may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, protect fetal brain health during pregnancy, and reduce risk age problems with memory.

For bones and joints

Bones are extremely important in the body - they provide structure to the body, protect organs and muscles, so it is important to take care of them. A balanced diet with sufficient calcium and vitamin D from salmon provides the building blocks for healthy bones as you age. The properties of this product are simply exceptional.

For vision

It has been proven that people who regularly consumed Omega-3 were at a lower risk of developing macular (retinal) diseases. Since salmon is rich in these substances, it beneficial features for improving vision are invaluable.

For skin

With age, the skin begins to appear dark spots, wrinkles and freckles. In fact, young women may have oily or dry skin that is prone to acne or flaking. Salmon is highly recommended for improving skin health.

Omega-3, protein and vitamin D will help cells produce collagen, keratin and melanin. This beneficial property will help the skin retain water, thereby reducing wrinkles and blemishes. Astaxanthin helps destroy bacteria and toxic oxygen radicals and improve skin elasticity. These properties indicate great benefit salmon for women.

For thyroid diseases

The beneficial properties of salmon, as already noted, lie in its high Omega-3 content. Eating this fish has a direct connection with thyroid health due to its high iodine content. It's no surprise that salmon is part of balanced diets that are beneficial for this disease.

For cancer prevention

Cancer can be caused by an imbalance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body, leading to toxic growth, inflammation and uncontrolled cell proliferation. How can we reduce this harm?

Adding this fish to your diet can help increase the levels of the first component, thereby reducing inflammation and the amount of toxins in the body. It has been proven that the beneficial properties of salmon can be used to treat cancer and prevent its progression. They can also prevent chemotherapy-induced muscle loss.

For diabetes

Getting enough healthy fats on a regular basis is especially important for diabetics who have increased risk heart disease and stroke.

DHA and EPA protect the cells that build blood vessels, reduce inflammatory markers and improve arterial function after eating. People who regularly eat salmon have a reduced risk of heart failure and are less likely to suffer from heart disease.

Fish is an excellent source of high-quality protein, which helps you feel full. Moreover, the beneficial properties of salmon fillet speed up your metabolism.

Important! Fatty salmon contain omega-3 fats, which reduce inflammation and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

Salmon for weight loss

Eating salmon helps you lose weight and keep it off. Like others high protein foods, they help regulate hormones that control appetite and promote satiety.

In addition, the properties of this fish are such that after eating it, the metabolic rate increases. Fatty acids may promote weight loss and reduction of belly fat in overweight people.

In addition, salmon is very low in calories. A 125-gram serving of salmon has only 206 calories, while less fatty types even less - 182 calories.

Important! Eating salmon can help control weight and reduce appetite. This occurs due to increased metabolic rate and insulin sensitivity.

At what age can salmon be given to children?

Researchers have found that the fatty acids DHA and EPA, in certain combinations, can help reduce ADHD symptoms(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children. This combination has also been found to be beneficial for children with autism and dyslexia. Every nursing mother needs salmon, as its properties are amazing.

The harm of this fish to a child can be caused solely by allergic reaction. If there are no such manifestations, you can safely make it a regular part of the children's diet. Medical recommendations It is reported that two servings of fish per week are beneficial for a child. For children aged one to two years this is 30 - 40 g of product, 50 g for children aged three to six years, 70 g for a child over six years old.

It is believed that probable harm from fish can occur due to the mercury content in it. However, salmon are considered safe in this regard.

Which salmon is healthier: farmed or wild?

A healthy diet includes two to three servings of oily fish per week. Salmon is perhaps one of its most popular varieties. It does not have a strong fishy smell or strong taste, is easily available and can be prepared different ways.

But in last years It is advised to choose wild salmon instead of farmed salmon to get all the beneficial benefits and properties. There are several reasons for this.

First, farmed salmon live on an artificial diet. Some farms feed fish with food that cannot be found in the ocean: fishmeal and oil, chicken, grain and vegetable protein(most often soy). The result is meat that contains more calories and unhealthy Omega-6 fatty acids that can cause harm.

Farmer's grade also contains more than twice more quantity fat, including saturated fat. However, both types have almost equal amounts of protein and cholesterol. Selenium levels are also twice as high in wild salmon compared to farmed salmon. There are benefits from consuming such salmon, but it is better to choose wild species with the best set of properties.

Farmed fish can also be toxic and cause harm. For example, commercially prepared steaks are sometimes contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

The benefits and harms of salmon caviar

Salmon caviar is not just a wonderful delicacy. It also has some outstanding benefits and health benefits. Thus, one tablespoon of caviar contains more than 1 gram of healthy unsaturated fats.

In addition, it is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is responsible for creating red blood cells and helping the body utilize fatty acids. Selenium, the benefits of which are undeniable, is also found in caviar. It works as an antioxidant in conjunction with vitamin E to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and other compounds in the body that can lead to heart disease or cancer.

Caviar is also rich in vitamins A and E, which are essential for cell growth and health immune system. A tablespoon of caviar contains about one tenth daily value these connections.

Salmon roe also has high content protein and low in trans fats and carbohydrates, the abuse of which is harmful. This delicacy is also rich in potassium, which reduces blood pressure. Potassium is also thought to help prevent the accumulation of kidney stones, and some migraine sufferers find it helps relieve symptoms.

The harm of salmon caviar may lie in the fact that it has high level cholesterol. The sodium content of the product is another drawback. Caviar is soaked in saline solution during processing, which leads to an increase in the content of this substance. The properties of this product are identical to those of salted fish. The benefits of such salmon are not in dispute, but excess salt reduces it somewhat.

Benefits of salmon milk

Salmon milk can benefit the body due to its high protein and healthy fat content. Their properties are similar to those of the fish itself. They can be prepared in a variety of ways: fried and used as a filling in pies, pancakes, and so on. The only harm of this product is associated with a possible allergic reaction.

The benefits and harms of smoked salmon

Smoked salmon has beneficial and harmful properties. Just like fresh, it is good source protein, vitamins B and D, magnesium and selenium. High amounts of DHA and EPA help reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease.

On the other hand, smoked salmon has large dose sodium For example, 120 g of the product contains 666 mg of sodium, which is more than one-third of the daily value.

Before fish is smoked, it is treated by adding salt in the form of brine (a mixture of salt, water and spices) or salt crystals. Salt reduces the moisture content of salmon, which helps extend its shelf life. It also helps prevent the growth of germs that can cause food poisoning.

Most smoked salmon is cold smoked, meaning it is cooked at a temperature that is not hot enough to potentially kill harmful bacteria. Therefore, there may be harm from Listeria monocytogenes, a bacteria that can cause rare but serious food poisoning, especially among pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems.

Hot smoked salmon is lighter in color and more fluffy. It is processed at a temperature of about 80 °C and is completely ready for consumption. Despite the heat treatment, it can also cause harm if technological processes are disrupted.

There is also concern that eating smoked foods may increase the risk of cancer. Smoked salmon contains nitrates and nitrites, by-products smoking Their harm lies in the fact that they can be converted in the body into N-nitroso compounds, which are carcinogenic. Thus, there are both benefits and harms of smoked salmon for the body.

Is canned salmon healthy?

Canned salmon is rich in protein, vitamin D, calcium (from the bones) and healthy fats omega-3. Therefore, its benefits seem obvious. The ideal serving of these canned foods is 75 g, or half a cup (125 ml).

All types of canned salmon (pink salmon, coho salmon and sockeye salmon) will be useful choice. Purchase better than canned food with bones to get greatest number calcium. The harm may come from high sodium content, so it's best to look for the least salty product.

Benefits of salmon oil

First of all, the benefits fish oil salmon lies in its ability to reduce inflammation. This is very dangerous process. It can cause weight gain, joint pain, autoimmune conditions, stomach ulcers and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon oil regulate the hormones responsible for this. The latter, in turn, activate cellular pathways, gene expression and anti-inflammatory biomolecules that prevent migraine, arthritis, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, inflammation-induced obesity, etc.

The benefits of salmon fish oil are that it improves skin health, promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss by providing nutrition to the follicles.

Cooking salmon at home

Salmon has healthy and tasty meat that is easy to cook. It is delicious baked, pan-fried or grilled, added to salads and pies, and so on. To extract from salmon maximum benefit For health and to reduce harm, it is advisable to use fat-free cooking methods.

Salmon in cream sauce

Most salmon recipes suggest eating it with the skin on. But to get the maximum benefit from the product, it is better not to use it. To make salmon in cream sauce really tasty, you need to use thick, heavy cream.

One of these recipes requires:

  • 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1/4 cup chicken or fish broth, or white wine, or water;
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. frying oils;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • 700 g salmon fillet;
  • parsley for garnish.


  1. Prepare lemon cream sauce. To do this, pour the lemon juice, broth and cream into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce the temperature to low, cover the pan and simmer gently for 10 minutes, adding salt and pepper.
  3. At the last minute or two, open the pan and increase the cooking temperature to thicken the sauce a little.
  4. While the sauce is preparing, rinse the salmon in cold water and wipe with paper towels.
  5. Pour oil into a saucepan and heat it over high heat for 90 seconds.
  6. Then the fillet is placed in a saucepan.
  7. Fry it for 3 - 5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish. A 3cm thick fillet will take about 5 minutes to cook.
  8. Using a metal spatula, turn and cook for another 1 to 5 minutes.

The finished salmon fillet is placed in a deep plate and poured with hot sauce. To decorate, sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Salting salmon

For pickling raw fish placed in a mixture of salt and sugar. The process continues for 4 days in the refrigerator, after which the lightly salted salmon is thinly sliced ​​and eaten cold.

It is usually served as an appetizer, but is also great on sandwiches or as a main dish. Cured salmon has a similar flavor to smoked salmon, but has a firmer texture. In addition, this method of preparation causes much less harm and more benefits, since the processing lightly salted salmon minimal.

For the salmon pickling recipe you will need:

  • salmon fillet – 500 g;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara.

If the salmon fillet is thicker than 1.5 cm, it is better to cut it into 2 layers.

The salmon is placed in a glass dish, sugar and salt are rubbed into it on all sides.

Cover the container with a lid, place it in the refrigerator and leave it to salt for 4 days, after which the salted salmon can be eaten.

Salmon harm and contraindications

Salmon may be harmful due to its purine content, which can cause exacerbation of gout attacks. Therefore, if you have this disease, you should not eat fish.

Another possible harm may cause possible allergic reactions to the body.

There is debate regarding the benefits raw salmon. Doesn't he have harmful properties? In fact, it is not harmful if you consume fresh, certified product purchased from a reliable source.

How to select and store salmon

If you want to buy wild salmon, you should choose Pacific salmon. This is due to the fact that the Atlantic variety available commercially is almost always farmed.

Fresh salmon should never smell fishy. The meat should be bright and moist, not discolored around the edges. When purchasing whole salmon, pay attention to following signs: His eyes should be bright and clear, his skin should be silvery, shiny and firm to the touch.

It is better to eat raw fish immediately after purchase. Otherwise, the benefits of raw salmon will come to naught.

You can store chilled fish in the refrigerator for two days.

A possible way to preserve fish is in a pan with ice. To do this, place the fish on a layer of crushed ice in a pan and cover with a second layer of ice. Ice will need to be added as needed.

Whole fish carcass, as well as fillets and steaks, perfectly retain their quality in the freezer for up to three months.


Knowing the benefits and harms of salmon, we can draw the following conclusions. This fish is nutritious product, which has several impressive properties for humans.

Consuming at least two servings weekly will help meet the body's need for nutrients and reduce the risk of developing heart pathologies, cancer and a number of other diseases.

Among other things, salmon is easy to prepare and delicious. Adding it to your regular diet can significantly improve your quality of life.

Salmon is a fish that has gained popularity due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that salmon contains few bioactive peptides that control inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.

A serving of salmon contains (% Daily Value):

  • 153 kcal;
  • Vitamin B12 – 236%;
  • Vitamin D – 128%;
  • Vitamin B3 – 56%;
  • Omega-3 – 55%;
  • Protein – 53%;
  • Vitamin B6 – 38%;
  • Biotin – 15%.

Salmon is ideal food for those who care about their health.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help recover from illness. With regular consumption of salmon, the brain functions better.

Omega-3 acids slow down the aging of the body by restoring chromosomes in cells. Women over 35 years of age are recommended to eat salmon 3 times a week to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of heart and vascular problems. Salmon prevents the development of arrhythmia, stroke and high pressure. This effect of fish on humans is explained by the actions of amino acids. They lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and prevent scarring of the walls of veins and arteries.

Improving mood and strengthening the nervous system

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of brain disease and depression. Teenagers who consume salmon in moderation go through adolescence more easily. Older people have a reduced risk of cognitive impairment.

School and university students who eat salmon weekly show top scores academic performance than those who do not eat fish at all.

Joint protection

In the ongoing studies, interest was generated by calcitonin, which is an important female hormone. It regulates the balance of collagen and minerals in bones and tissues. Calcitonin, together with Omega-3 acids, have unique anti-inflammatory properties that benefit joints.

Improves metabolism

The amino acids contained in fish lower blood sugar levels. Salmon is good for diabetics and those who want to prevent this disease.

The combined action of the antioxidant selenium, vitamin D and omega-3 acids stimulates the action of insulin. Thanks to this, sugar is absorbed faster and its level in the blood decreases.

Improved vision

Astigmatism and dryness of the eye shell are eliminated due to the combined action of amino acids and omega-3 fats. Chronic dry eye and macular appearance ( chronic problem, in which the material in the center of the retina is at the back eyeball worsens and there is a risk of vision loss) are also not scary for salmon lovers. Eating 2 salmon per week will reduce the risk of these problems.

Cancer prevention

Red fish does not accumulate carcinogens, which increase the risk of cancer. Selenium and other antioxidants protect the body from cancer.

Eating salmon reduces the risk of certain types of cancer: colon, prostate and breast cancer. To prevent cancer, fish should be consumed at least once a week.

Maintaining beauty

Healthy fatty acids support hair, skin and nails healthy condition. This effect of fish on the body is explained by the action of selenium. This antioxidant is sold in pharmacies, but it is obtained from salmon meat.

With age, the amount of collagen in the human body decreases and wrinkles appear on the skin. In this case it helps salmon caviar. It activates the process of collagen production, and vitamins and minerals, which are contained in salmon caviar, stimulate metabolism.

Salmon caviar is also good for hair. The vitamins and minerals contained in caviar make hair thicker and give it shine.

Harm to salmon

Smoked salmon is very harmful to the body. It contains toxic substances.

If you are allergic to the salmon family, fish should be excluded from your diet.

Salmon contains purines, which worsen gout. If the disease worsens, completely stop eating fish so that salmon does not harm your health.

Do not eat salmon raw. In sushi and other dishes where fish is not exposed heat treatment, helminth larvae are found. To avoid unpleasant consequences and folk remedies will help get rid of worms.

Salmon may contain mercury. This problem is not a problem for adults, but expectant mothers and young children should stop eating fish.

Salmon that is farmed fish farms, protect against diseases with special feeds. They add antibiotics, soy and genetically modified organisms. Eating such fish is a health risk, as the substances accumulate in the muscles of the salmon and subsequently enter the human body.

Salmon to which dyes are added is harmful to the body. You can recognize this by the rich red color of the fish.

Salmon raised near drains contains production waste. Although red fish does not accumulate carcinogens, what was poured down the drain is partially contained in salmon.

How to select and store salmon

Helps reduce harm to salmon and increase benefits right choice fish.

Place fresh salmon in a cool place and store steak and fillets on top of ice.

Pay attention to the smell. It should be fresh, without any plastic tints.

Remember that fish are sensitive to temperature changes. How long salmon can be stored depends on when the fish was caught. Fish caught the day before purchase is stored for 4 days, and fish caught a week earlier is stored for 1-2 days.

The shelf life of fish is increased by freezing. Place the fish in a freezer bag and place in the coldest part of the freezer. This way the fish will be stored for 2 weeks.

Olga Polyanskaya

Salmon or fish of the salmon family is the kind of fish whose taste is usually liked even by those who simply do not like other fish. It does not shrink much in size after frying and stewing, does not fall apart and does not turn into an unpleasant mush.

Nutritional value of salmon

IN healthy salmon a lot of nutritious protein and the so-called good fat. Just 100 grams of this healthy fish provides a person with the daily requirement of vitamin D. Salmon is almost the only natural product with such a serious request. The same 100 grams of wild red fish contains half the daily value of vitamin B12, niacin, selenium, vitamin B6 and magnesium. Canned salmon has a higher calcium content (due to the bones).

More detailed information look for food rating systems in the chart. In addition to the nutrients shown in the chart, salmon contains more than 80 other nutrients that are below the daily average, although they also in a positive way affect our health.

What are the benefits of salmon?

Scientists have not yet fully figured out why eating large amounts of salmon is beneficial to human health. Most likely, it's all down to the magical omega-3 fatty acid that fights inflammation in our bodies. After all, inflammation is at the root of many health problems, including heart pain, diabetes, some types of cancer and arthritis. Omega-3 also prevents the formation blood clots- the main cause of heart attacks.

Equally exciting are the scientific speculations that omega-3 has good potential for treating Alzheimer's disease and other age-related memory problems. People who get enough fatty acids from their diet suffer less from depression, aggression, and suicidal thoughts. This fact is confirmed by a 2-week study conducted by doctors, when participants were given a vitamin complex with omega-3. Result: reduction of aggressive reactions by 1/3.

So, what organs and systems of our body will thank us for eating salmon?

For muscles, enzymatic and hormonal systems

Proteins or amino acids are essential components of our cells, tissues, enzymes and hormones. Salmon proteins (as well as proteins of any other fish) are easily digestible human body. They do not have side effects, do not contain carcinogens. Salmon fish is a source of good fat (omega-3), which also plays a vital role in maintaining our health. Salmon is rich in several minerals. For example, the same selenium that you can buy at the pharmacy, necessary element for the growth of tissues, hair and nails, most often obtained from salmon proteins.

For the cardiovascular system

While omega-3 acid helps reduce cholesterol, maintains the flexibility of arteries and veins, and enhances cardiac peristalsis, salmon amino acids come into their own. They help reduce blood pressure, have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, and prevent scarring of the walls of arteries and veins, significantly reducing the likelihood of a heart attack.

For normal metabolism

Omega-3, vitamin D and selenium work together to enhance the action of insulin, thereby facilitating the absorption of sugar and the subsequent reduction of its levels in the blood.

For vision

Once again, the ubiquitous omega-3s, along with amino acids, help prevent astigmatism, dry skin, vision loss and chronic fatigue eye. Rest assured, science has proven that people who regularly eat red fish have better vision until old age.

For the nervous system

Omega-3 is one of the important components brain activity, improves memory and maintains a high level of attention for a long time. In combination with amino acids, vitamins A and D, as well as selenium, fatty acids protect the nervous system from aging, act as natural relaxants, and relax the brain. Salmon is also useful in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Perhaps this is why fish lovers are considered more intellectual than meat lovers.

Other Health Benefits of Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids improve skin texture, add shine to eyes, skin, hair and nails and protect beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Salmon is a universal source of protein for children, the elderly and simply sick people.

Farmed versus wild salmon

Recently, conflicting evidence has emerged regarding the benefits of wild and farmed salmon. To be honest, most of the salmon sold in markets and supermarket chains today is farmed salmon. And the concentration in such fish harmful substances may be 10 times higher than normal for wild salmon. There have even been cases in Europe where salmon were farmed in areas with high heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead. These pollutants enter the fish through food and settle in the fat layer.

Since people today eat much more salmon than 20-30 years ago, which nature simply cannot reproduce itself, pollution standards for red fish raised in an artificial environment have also changed. For example, in the United States, the USDA and FDA (National Cancer Institute) rules, which are friendly to salmon breeders, allow a fairly high concentration of pollutants per 1 kg of fish mass. While the law regulating the quality of wild salmon (EPA) has remained unchanged since 1984.

To consumer fears about this, farmers counter that salmon in artificial reservoirs turns out to be fattier, which means it contains much more of the magic omega-3 acid. However, precisely because of the potential high concentration harmful substances, many prefer to cook red fish in a way that reduces the amount of fat in the finished food. In addition, factory feed based on soy, wheat, etc. does not contribute to the production of omega-3 in the fish’s body.

Read also: Oily fish - consequences of consumption.

Fortunately, salmon are not susceptible to all pollutants. For example, mercury levels are equally low in wild and farmed salmon. If you absolutely must have wild salmon, buy canned salmon - most of today's canned fish are wild-caught.

Salmon is an oceanic fish that is born in the fresh waters of rivers and rushes to the sea. Surviving individuals turn into large predators. Their weight can reach 50 kg. Everyone knows the tragic fate of these fish. Obeying an ancient instinct, they return to the rivers and rush upstream to lay eggs and die from impotence.

At the same time, salmon are completely different. More precisely, several different types of fish are combined under the guise of salmon - trout, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, taimen and some others. The meat of this fish has a delicate taste and a beautiful pink color with an orange tint. The most popular species are trout, pink salmon and salmon. In stores, carcasses of these fish can be found frozen, smoked, salted and pickled. Many dishes are prepared with them. This fish is especially popular among lovers of Japanese cuisine. Melt-in-your-mouth salmon meat goes well with rice, and therefore has become a common ingredient when preparing sushi. This meat can also often be found on holiday tables as part of appetizers or as slices.

But salmon is famous not only for its taste. Its meat contains huge reserves of useful substances needed by our body.

Salmon composition

So let's see what substances is salmon rich in?. Salmon meat is an excellent dietary product. It has a lot of protein, little fat and no carbohydrates at all. Of the vitamins, it is especially rich in niacin (vitamin B3, PP). This substance has a beneficial effect on absolutely the entire body - the circulatory, nervous and digestive systems. It also normalizes metabolism and hormonal balance. Salmon is rich in vitamins B5, B6, B2, B1 and many others. Among the macroelements, potassium and phosphorus lead. These substances are known to be necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the development of muscle tissue and normal brain function. It also contains calcium, magnesium and sodium. Salmon meat contains a lot of microelements. It is especially rich in iron and zinc, and also contains manganese, copper and selenium.

Useful properties of salmon

Tender salmon meat is perfectly digestible, saturating the body with protein.. Therefore, it is considered a good dietary product. Salmon meat can be eaten by both children and the elderly, as well as people during the recovery period after a serious illness.

Salmon is especially valuable because it contains fatty acids, which are talked about so much now. In particular, salmon is rich in docosahexanoic acid, which helps the development and proper functioning of the brain, as well as improving memory. This substance is not synthesized in the human body, and not all food products contain it in sufficient quantities. If you want to help your brain with its difficult work, eat salmon fish more often.

Salmon meat is a real source of beauty. Vitamins B6 and B 12 help strengthen bone tissue, hair and nails, making the skin more elastic and beautiful. A large amount of potassium in fish strengthens human bones and blood vessels. Therefore, it is especially useful for children during their growth period, when the body constantly requires a large amount of “building materials” for growth and development.

For adults, it will help make blood vessels strong and clean. Research shows that regular consumption of salmon meat strengthens the walls of blood vessels and slightly thins the blood. It is also known that salmon meat has the ability to improve the absorption of sugars and fats by the body. Therefore, regular consumption of this fish reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Salmon also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, providing a relaxing and calming effect.

Harm to salmon

Salmon has a lot of beneficial properties and has no contraindications. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding to eat this fish. Some types of fish may contain small amounts of mercury. Usually it does not have any negative effects on the human body. But even such a dose can harm an embryo or newborn.

Also, people suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive system and obesity should not eat salmon. In these cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

Calorie content of salmon

Salmon is a fairly high-calorie fish.. But it’s worth considering that about two-thirds of the calories come from proteins, the rest from fats. On average, salmon fish fillet contains approximately 219 kcal per 100 grams. Of course, the energy value of fish also depends on the method of its preparation. Salmon will have the fewest calories if it is steamed or fried on the grill or over an open fire. Vegetable oil and marinades that contain wine and sugar increase calorie content.

You can prepare a lot of dishes from salmon - it is fried, marinated, steamed, added to pies, soups, snacks and much more are prepared with it.

Salmon baked in creamy lemon sauce

To prepare this dish you will need 600-700 g of salmon fillet, 2 tablespoons of capers, half a glass of sour cream, a quarter glass of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of seasoning from grated lemon zest and pepper, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 clove of garlic, lemon, herbs .

Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan, then add the pre-chopped garlic clove to it. After a minute, you need to reduce the gas to a minimum and add lemon juice, zest and pepper seasoning and capers. Stir all ingredients for 5 minutes, then add sour cream and wait another 5 minutes. At this time, you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet there, coated with olive oil. Place the fillet on it and spread the sauce on it. Some of the sauce should remain in the pan. In 20 minutes the salmon will be ready. Pour the remaining sauce over the fillet, add sprigs of herbs and lemon slices and serve.

Salmon rolls

This delicious dish will suit any table. You can cook it for picnics and as a snack. It is not only tasty, but also very filling.

To prepare the rolls you will need 4 pieces of fillet weighing approximately 150 grams, 4 large cabbage leaves, 3 red onions, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 clove of garlic, cilantro, half a pod of red sweet pepper, a piece of ginger root, 1 lemon and 1 hot red pepper.

Cabbage leaves need to be immersed in hot water for a few minutes. They should be soft but elastic. Then take a deep plate, grate the lemon zest into it and squeeze out the juice, add chopped garlic. Pieces of fish need to be rubbed with seasonings - salt, garlic, pepper, sprinkled with zest and poured with lemon juice. The onion needs to be cut into circles, and the pepper into strips. Grate the ginger root. All vegetables and seasonings should be divided into 4 parts. On each sheet you need to evenly place onions, peppers, cilantro and ginger, and top with a piece of salmon. Carefully wrap the sheet and tie with twine. The rolls need to be baked in the oven for half an hour.

Salmon is a fish that has gained popularity due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that salmon contains some bioactive peptides that control inflammation in the digestive tract.

A serving of salmon contains (% Daily Value):

  • 153 kcal;
  • Vitamin B12 – 236%;
  • Vitamin D – 128%;
  • Vitamin B3 – 56%;
  • Omega-3 – 55%;
  • Protein – 53%;
  • Vitamin B6 – 38%;
  • Biotin – 15%.

Salmon is an ideal food for those who are concerned about their health.

The beneficial properties of salmon will appear with regular consumption of fish. Salmon is best digested with vegetables. A salad made from red fish and vegetables is more effective than antidepressants sold in pharmacies.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help recover from illness. With regular consumption of salmon, the brain functions better.

Omega-3 acids slow down the aging of the body by restoring chromosomes in cells. Women over 35 years of age are recommended to eat salmon 3 times a week to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of heart and vascular problems. Salmon prevents the development of arrhythmia, stroke and high blood pressure. This effect of fish on humans is explained by the actions of amino acids. They lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and prevent scarring of the walls of veins and arteries.

Improving mood and strengthening the nervous system

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of brain disease and depression. Teenagers who consume salmon in moderation go through adolescence more easily. Older people have a reduced risk of cognitive impairment.

School and university students who eat salmon weekly show better academic results than those who do not eat fish at all.

Joint protection

In ongoing research, interest has been generated by calcitonin, which is an important female hormone. It regulates the balance of collagen and minerals in bones and tissues. Calcitonin, together with Omega-3 acids, have unique anti-inflammatory properties that benefit joints.

Maintaining beauty

Healthy fatty acids keep hair, skin and nails healthy. This effect of fish on the body is explained by the action of selenium. This antioxidant is sold in pharmacies, but it is obtained from salmon meat.

With age, the amount of collagen in the human body decreases and wrinkles appear on the skin. In this case, salmon caviar helps. It activates the process of collagen production, and the vitamins and minerals contained in salmon caviar stimulate metabolism.

Salmon caviar is also good for hair. The vitamins and minerals contained in caviar make hair thicker and give it shine.

Salmon poses great harm to the body. It contains toxic substances.

If you are allergic to the salmon family, fish should be excluded from your diet.

Salmon contains purines, which worsen gout. If the disease worsens, completely stop eating fish so that salmon does not harm your health.

Do not eat salmon raw. In sushi and other dishes where fish is not heat-treated, helminth larvae are found. They will help you avoid unpleasant consequences and get rid of worms.



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