Healthy nutritious food. Proper nutrition: recipes for delicious dishes

Proper nutrition, without exaggeration, can be called a guarantee of a strong immune system and excellent health, because when all metabolic processes proceed correctly and quickly, the maximum amount of nutrients is absorbed, the body works stably and without failures.

Regardless of gender, age and other characteristics organism everyone person functions the same - for normal operation it biological active substances required, the bulk of which comes from food.

Today appeared a huge number of all kinds additives, preservatives and semi-finished products, capable of making the life of modern housewives much easier. Due to the wide distribution of all kinds of fast food, hunger can be satisfied quickly and without unnecessary hassle, but the question arises: how healthy is this food?. Endless discussions about methods and maintaining health at a high level make people seriously think about how healthy they are eating and what the concept of a “healthy diet” includes.

Basics of proper nutrition

It doesn’t matter at all whether you want to lose weight or simply normalize your diet, your diet should be based on certain rules. Before you decide to make drastic changes to your diet, consider the following principles:

    don't torture themselves exhausting diets and do not accustom the body to permanent feeling hungry. If there is a lack of food and nutrients, the body does not heal, but perceives this situation as a difficult period, stocking up on nutrients. Thus, weight loss does not occur; on the contrary, you can gain weight, since energy will be “reserved” and not spent;

    follow the diet: Eat several times a day at the same time, without skipping meals. However, keep an eye on the volume of portions; it should not be large so that overeating does not occur;

    diet it should be balanced and varied- your menu must include raw fruits, rich in microelements and vitamins. Such products not only saturate the body with nutrients, but also help normalize metabolic processes. Quantitatively, vegetables and fruits should prevail in your diet over meat products;

    keep drinking regime- in the absence of contraindications (kidney disease, etc.), you should drink at least two liters of liquid per day, preferably non-carbonated mineral water or other unsweetened drinks;

    try to give preference for light food, but even if you really want something high-calorie, don’t deny yourself it. Remember that it is recommended to consume meals in the first half of the day, but after lunch you should limit yourself to a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates;

    give back preference for boiled dishes or steamed rather than fried food. Use vegetable oil when cooking;

    never don't skip breakfast- even if you get up early and have no appetite, limit yourself to something light, because breakfast helps the body recover after sleep and normalize metabolic processes;

    combine products correctly- when you eat incompatible dishes, rotting and fermentation processes occur in the intestines, which always negatively affects your well-being. Try to make your own diet as simple as possible. Natural, unmixed products should predominate in it, and let there be no more than five of them per meal;

    watch out not only the number of servings, but also quality of consumed products. We can talk about proper nutrition only when you eat only fresh foods. Try not to store cooked dishes for a long time, because even in the refrigerator, fermentation processes inevitably occur in them, which adversely affect the beneficial properties of the food;

    and finally, the last rule of healthy eating - you need to enjoy food. This means that you need to eat what you like, slowly, chewing everything thoroughly. It is advisable to refrain from talking and reading while eating.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion that proper nutrition- it's always fresh and varied food, used regularly in moderate quantities and definitely a pleasure.

Regularity of nutrition

Talking about, special attention need to give it regularity. It is very important to create a diet and not break it. According to most nutritionists optimal counts four meals a day, in which the daily food intake should be distributed approximately as follows:

    a light breakfast containing about a third of the daily value;

    a hearty lunch and dinner, including a quarter of the daily value;

    a light afternoon snack that many people completely forget about.

Distribution products should depend on their energy composition. This means that foods high in protein content ( meat, fish, beans etc.) should be used in the first half of the day, and here in evening time It is advisable to eat food that does not overload the digestive system - dairy products, vegetables, fruits. In this case, dishes should not be consumed too hot or cold - not hotter than 50 degrees and not colder than 10 degrees.

The importance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in proper nutrition

This is, first of all, proper proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their optimal content in the diet may be different for each person; in particular, this is determined by their profession. So, for example, people those engaged in mental work, it is recommended to consume daily at least 100 grams of protein, 300 grams of carbohydrates and about 90 grams of fat. When doing physical labor It is recommended to consume at least 400 grams of carbohydrates, proteins - 110-120 grams, 90 grams of fat.

In addition, people need to get a certain amount of fiber and vitamins every day. Optimally, the diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, meat and dairy products. But it is better to reduce the consumption of sweets and flour products to a minimum.

Proper nutrition and age

IN at a young age when the body is still full of strength and energy, some dietary restrictions it's really possible to do a few ignore. If a young person's digestive system is healthy and functioning correctly, then he can eat almost anything. Of course it is necessary know the limits and do not indulge in fast food, sweets and other “harmful” foods, otherwise the situation may change quickly. But for older people, it is simply necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. Especially important limit salt intake, because this product in large quantities can cause hypertensive crises. To prevent osteoporosis, it is very important for all people over fifty to eat foods rich in calcium.

Healthy foods in a healthy diet

Almost everything natural and fresh products are able to bring benefit your body, if consumed in moderation. To ensure that your meals are varied and nutritious, include the following in your menu:

    meat, of all varieties of which it is better to choose poultry, veal or lean pork;

    fish, which should preferably be consumed twice as much as meat;

    quality seafood;

    eggs - eat two or three per week;

    Whenever possible, choose natural fermented milk and dairy products without additives;

    vegetables are the basis of your healthy diet;

    berries and fruits can be consumed without restrictions, provided you do not have allergies;

    whole wheat bread;

    nuts and dried fruits can be consumed as snacks or with tea instead of the usual sweets and cakes.

Harmful foods for proper nutrition

Of course, it is hardly possible to completely give up eating unhealthy but often tasty food, however limit it is still necessary. We recommend minimize consumption:

    canned food;

    sausages and smoked products;

    fast food;

    sugar, which can be replaced with honey if desired;

    carbonated drinks;

  • margarine;

    mayonnaise and ketchup;


    flour products;

    semi-finished meat products, the most common of which are dumplings, beloved by many. However, if you prepare this food at home and are confident in the quality of the meat used, then you can occasionally treat yourself to it;

    all kinds of marmalade, toffees, caramels, etc.

As seen, eating right is not at all difficult, the main thing is to just start.

Very soon you will get used to a new, healthy diet and will be able to appreciate the positive changes that will happen to your figure and health in general.

A person’s health depends to a very large extent on what he eats. It is food that can increase immunity, performance, quality of life and push back the barrier of old age. But only proper nutrition can cope with all this.

The daily diet must be balanced. This means that it must include all the substances necessary for the body: fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

In order for nutrition to be complete, it is necessary to observe the approximate ratio of its components per day:

  • proteins – up to 20%,
  • fats – up to 25%,
  • carbohydrates – 50-60%.

When doing physical work or playing sports, protein consumption should be increased to 40% of the daily diet.

Here are a few “postulates”, or recipes for further correct actions, without which we cannot talk about proper nutrition.

  1. In order to have good health, you need to eat fruits and vegetables every day: they contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. In addition, their fiber can increase the body’s metabolism, cleanse it of toxins and is useful for the functioning of the digestive tract. It is advisable to consume vegetables, fruits, and berries raw.
  2. About drinks: it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean filtered water per day. And various juices, teas, compotes and other liquid foods should make up another 1 liter.
  3. And what is very important: with proper nutrition, dishes must be prepared correctly. If you boil, steam, or bake foods, your diet will become healthy. And when frying, if it cannot be avoided, you should use olive oil, and the process should not be long. In any case, you should not allow food to be overcooked, because then the food will not be tasty and healthy.
  4. The most healthy diet is varied. In order for the body not to get used to the same food and to receive the full amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, it is necessary to diversify the diet.
  5. Healthy eating - 3-5 meals a day. If it is not possible to have a full meal, for example, due to work schedule, then the food should be prepared at home in advance. This diet will prevent you from overeating, which will have a positive effect on your health. For proper psychological well-being, you can arrange “rest days” from healthy food 1-2 times a month to relieve the nervous system.
  6. And it is important to chew every piece of food thoroughly while eating so as not to spoil your stomach and overall health. You need to chew at least 20 times. As they say, he who chews long lives long. And no recipes will help if the person himself does not help himself.

From the table you can see which products should be preferred and which ones should be rejected.

This information and the list of recommendations below will help you create simple recipes for healthy nutrition for every day and for the holidays.

What foods contain the necessary proteins?Fish and seafood, dairy and fermented milk products, poultry, lean meat, egg whites.
What foods contain healthy complex carbohydrates?Rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, legumes, cereals, wholemeal bread.
Products containing fiberVegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, grains.
Foods containing healthy vegetable fats and omega-3 fatty acidsFish, vegetable oils, dried porcini mushrooms, lentils, potatoes, garlic.
Products containing harmful animal fatsFatty meats, fatty dairy products.
Harmful foods and drinksSausage, hot dogs, fatty meats, margarine, baked goods, alcohol, lemonade, smoked meats, mayonnaise, fast food, all sweets, energy drinks.

Sample menu for the day

You can create recipes for healthy dishes yourself based on our sample menu.

  • For breakfast, you can eat egg whites cooked in the microwave or in a frying pan, but without the yolks. Then - oatmeal or any other, drink a glass of low-fat milk or yogurt.
  • Lunch should be hearty: main courses can be prepared with great variety. For example, boiled rice or buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, chicken or turkey fillet. A salad of fresh vegetables would be nice.
  • The afternoon snack is light; any fruit or vegetables will do.
  • For dinner, you can make a vinaigrette or vegetable stew, boil or steam fish.

Every housewife is rich in recipes for proper nutrition for every day. But over time they are forgotten. Maybe our selection will help you remember forgotten things or give you new culinary recipes? And the housewife will not rack her brains over what to cook today to make it tasty and healthy.

What can you cook for breakfast?

Simple recipes for proper nutrition are very easy to learn. You just need to either remember what you have forgotten, or take something new into your piggy bank.

The main thing is to want to comprehend this new thing

  • Low-fat milk – 1 l
  • Corn grits - 1 tbsp.
  • Oil drain.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar tastes

Rinse the cereal, place it in a slow cooker, add butter, salt, and sugar. Pour in the milk and cook in the “Porridge with milk” mode until the end of cooking.

Delicious and healthy dishes for lunch

  • Carrots – 2-3 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • A pinch of salt, curry, dry ginger
  • Cream - 200 ml
  • Decoction of vegetables or meat - 3 tbsp.

Chop the onion and simmer in oil until soft and transparent. Wash the carrots and after peeling, cut into small pieces.

Peel the potatoes and cut them the same way.

Cook vegetables in broth until soft. Add spices, salt and fried onions to them.

Remove the pan from the heat and let the vegetables drain. Then use a blender to puree and add cream. Put it back on the fire and let it boil. This tasty and healthy dish can warm up a fall or winter day with its cozy color.

Bulgarians love him dearly, although he is cold. It is low in calories but quite filling. You can prepare it in a few minutes. What is the name of this mysterious “stranger”? This is famous

soup "Tator"

  • Medium fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • Low-fat kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Ground walnuts - 2 tsp.
  • Finely chopped greens (cilantro, parsley) - 1 tbsp. l.

Peel the cucumbers, cut into fine cubes or slices. Pour kefir, add finely chopped garlic and nuts, herbs, lightly salt. Mix all the ingredients and let the dish sit for five minutes to fully release the flavors of the spices. If it turns out thick, then before eating it would be a good idea to add ice or very cold water.

Both for lunch and dinner - always good!

Healthy eating recipes do not always involve expensive food - this is why they are especially valuable. Sometimes, from ordinary products purchased at the supermarket, you can prepare a real masterpiece that can become your signature dish.

  • Buckwheat - 1.5 tbsp. (300 ml)
  • Dried porcini mushrooms – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Celery (dry root) – 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste

Wash dry mushrooms in warm water. If necessary, chop it. Pour into a saucepan. Pour in three glasses of water and leave overnight.

Remove the mushrooms and place in a sieve. But do not pour out the water, but heat it over medium heat, do not boil.

Pour buckwheat and mushrooms into a saucepan, add celery, salt, and pour mushroom infusion. The liquid should be 4-5 cm higher than the cereal. Cook the buckwheat at high boil for 10 minutes, then 10 minutes over low heat.

Finely chop the onion and quickly fry in oil until golden brown.

When the buckwheat is cooked, you need to add the fried onion to it without stirring. Wrap the pan to keep the buckwheat warm (15-20 minutes). Before serving, buckwheat should be carefully mixed with onion. This delicious dish goes well with freshly squeezed orange juice.

  • Boiled rice – 150 g,
  • Peas (canned) and corn - half a cup each,
  • Sardines (canned) – 190 g,
  • Cucumber, green onion, parsley
  • Pepper and salt to taste

Slice the cucumber nicely. Divide the sardines into small pieces and mix with rice. Chop the parsley and green onions nice and finely. Mix all ingredients.

  • Hard cheese 150 g
  • Corn (canned, canned)
  • Raisins - a handful
  • Garlic - clove
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. homemade mayonnaise

Cut the cheese into cubes, add corn. Chop the garlic and add to the cheese and corn. Pour boiling water over the raisins, steam for about five minutes, then drain the water and add the raisins to the salad. Season the salad with homemade mayonnaise and serve!

Recipes for children

For children in childhood and adolescence, tasty, and even more so healthy, food is especially important. During this period, his growth is very active, he grows and builds muscle mass, all his organs develop, including the formation of a skeleton.
Children and teenagers should eat at least four times a day. Recipes for proper nutrition for children should be special.

Of course, not all children can eat in the morning, so breakfast for a child should be light and enjoyable. The optimal breakfast for a child can be porridge, cottage cheese, omelettes with various tasty additives. The child should have a snack before lunch. If he does not have lunch at school, parents should give him nuts, fruits, a sandwich with cheese or boiled meat, and juice.

A healthy lunch for a child after he comes home from school must consist of soup, meat or fish with a side dish. It can be boiled or stewed vegetables, legumes, durum wheat pasta or mashed potatoes.

Your child's dinner must be hot. It can be fish or lean meat with a side dish of vegetables or rice.

Of course, children need milk protein; the norm for a schoolchild is two glasses of milk, yogurt or kefir per day.

Potatoes – 4 pcs.

Greens - 50 g

Minced meat – 200 g

Chicken egg – 1 pc.

Crushed crackers - 3 tsp.

A pinch of salt, black pepper.

Break an egg into the minced meat, add breadcrumbs, add salt and pepper. Knead the minced meat until smooth and form into balls approximately the size of a walnut.

Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Place potatoes in two liters of boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes, adding salt first. Place the meatballs into the broth and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes. It should be served with fresh herbs.

Delicious holiday recipes can become favorites for both adults and children.

Prunes in batter

Prunes - 10 pcs.

Sour cream – 30 g

White of one egg

Oil drain. - for lubrication

Flour – 2 tbsp. l.

Sugar - to taste

Soak the prunes. When it becomes soft, remove the seeds. Mix flour with sugar and sour cream. Beat the whites into a foam and carefully, using upward movements, add them to the mixture. Grease the frying pan with oil, then place the prepared and dried prunes on it. After this, carefully pour the batter into it and place the pan in the oven to bake until golden brown.

Proper nutrition is the key to family health

The rules of healthy eating need to be constantly practiced - they are not as complicated as they might seem.

This should become a good habit, not a weekly diet.

Moreover, all you need is the desire to cook healthy and tasty food from healthy ingredients, but cook it correctly. And it's not difficult. We must not forget that the health of your loved ones depends on you. Have fun cooking delicious and healthy food!

Below is a very useful video about how to eat healthy.

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We all think about our diet sooner or later: problems with weight, skin, and health in general force us to open our refrigerator and skeptically examine its contents. We ask ourselves the questions “what to exclude from the diet?” and “how can I start eating right?”, we are looking for our way to a healthy and beautiful body.

Meanwhile, healthy and proper nutrition is not a strict, exhausting diet, not a mockery of the body and not depriving it of its joys, it is just a series of rules, if followed, you can radically change yourself, acquire new useful habits, a beautiful figure and significantly prolong your life.

Our body is a reflection of what we eat

It's no secret that obesity has become a huge problem for modern people - we move less, consume large amounts of fatty foods, high-calorie sauces, and sweets. There are endless temptations everywhere, and manufacturers compete to see who will offer the next super product that no consumer can resist. The result of this race can be observed on the streets of any metropolis - according to statistics, almost every second resident of developed countries is overweight. Obesity, unfortunately, leads to problems not only in aesthetics and self-esteem, but also to serious consequences for the body: the risk of many diseases is directly proportional to the amount of excess weight. Diabetes, problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive function are only a small part of the possible diseases that arise when the diet is not followed.

The good news is that in recent years, taking care of your body has begun to become fashionable: more and more calls to exercise are being made by the state and public organizations, organic and dietary products are appearing on store shelves, and advice on how to eat healthy is being disseminated in the press. .

The basics of healthy eating, or how to eat healthy

When creating a healthy eating menu, you should remember several general rules: firstly, you need to eat often and in small portions. It’s most convenient to get yourself a small plate that can hold a handful-sized portion. No need to be afraid of hunger! A healthy diet involves 5-6 meals per day. It is also good to accustom yourself to eat at the same time - this will stabilize the functioning of the stomach and will promote weight loss.

The second important rule is to remember about calories. There is no need to scrupulously calculate them throughout your life every time you eat; just watch your diet for a week or two, and the habit of automatically “estimating” the calorie content of food will appear by itself. Everyone has their own calorie intake; you can find it out, for example, by using a special calculator that is easy to find on the Internet. For example, a 30-year-old woman weighing 70 kg with a height of 170 cm and little physical activity needs about 2000 kcal per day. To lose weight, you need to consume 80% of calories from the norm, that is, in our example, about 1600 kcal per day. Additionally, there is no point in cutting down your diet - the body will simply slow down its metabolism, and such a diet does more harm than good.

Rule three - we maintain a balance between “income” and “expenses”, that is, the energy that is spent by the body on basic metabolism, work, sports, and calorie intake. Food includes four main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and dietary fiber - all of which are necessary for our body. The only question is which of them (fats and carbohydrates are different), in what quantities and proportions to consume. Approximate recommended values ​​are 60 g fat, 75 g protein, 250 g carbohydrates and 30 g fiber. The fourth rule is to drink water. Often we don’t want to eat, our body simply mistakes a lack of fluid for hunger and forces us to eat something that we really don’t need. One and a half or more liters of clean drinking water will help get rid of pseudo-hunger, make the skin more elastic, improve the general condition of the body, and speed up the metabolic process.

And the fifth rule is to choose products wisely. Read labels, composition and calorie content of products, exclude fast food, mayonnaise sauces, products with chemical additives, preservatives, and dyes from your diet. You must know what you eat, and then the path to beauty and health will become quick and enjoyable.

Healthy food

We will try to answer the age-old question “what to eat to lose weight?” The main thing when creating a menu for a healthy diet is maintaining a balance between expenses and consumed products.

So, you definitely need to include in your healthy diet every day:

  • cereals, in the form of porridges and muesli, rich in slow carbohydrates, which will provide our body with energy;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots) provide the body with dietary fiber - cellulose;
  • legumes are a rich source of vegetable protein, especially necessary for those who rarely or do not eat meat;
  • nuts, especially walnuts and almonds, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, microelements;
  • fermented milk products: natural yoghurts (without added sugar), kefir, low-fat cottage cheese provide calcium and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • saltwater fish contains protein and essential omega-3 fatty acids;
  • fruits and berries are a storehouse of vitamins, heal the skin and protect the body from diseases;
  • lean meat - chicken breast, rabbit, beef - a source of protein.

Healthy products should not contain preservatives, artificial colors, or palm oil. It is better to limit pickles - you can treat yourself to them from time to time, but you should not get carried away.

If you have a problem with excess weight, then you should give up sugar altogether, even if you have a sweet tooth and cannot live without a cup of sweet coffee in the morning - sweeteners will solve this problem. Don't be afraid of them; high-quality natural-based substitutes are harmless, contain virtually no calories and taste good.

Strictly prohibited!

We've decided on healthy foods, let's look at the list of foods that are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition:

  • Sweet carbonated drinks. They do not quench thirst, irritate the gastric mucosa, and, as a rule, contain a monstrous amount of sugar - about 20 g in each glass, artificial colors and flavors, and preservatives.
  • Deep fried food. French fries, chips, crackers and anything that is fried in large amounts of oil should be eliminated from the diet. Carcinogens, lack of nutrients and fat are not what a healthy body needs.
  • Burgers, hot dogs. All such dishes contain a mixture of white bread, fatty sauces, meat of unknown origin, appetite-stimulating seasonings and a large amount of salt. What do we get as a result? A real calorie “bomb” that instantly turns into folds on the body and does not carry any nutritional value.
  • Mayonnaise and similar sauces. Firstly, they completely hide the natural taste of food under spices and additives, forcing you to eat more, and secondly, almost all mayonnaise sauces from the store are almost pure fat, generously seasoned with preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and other harmful substances.
  • Sausages, frankfurters and semi-finished meat products. There is hardly any need for any explanation at this point - just read the product label. And this is only official data! Remember that under the “pork, beef” items in the composition, skin, cartilage, and fat are most often hidden, which you would hardly eat if they were not so skillfully processed and beautifully packaged.
  • Energetic drinks. They contain a heavy dose of caffeine combined with sugar and high acidity, plus preservatives, dyes and many other components that should be avoided.
  • Instant lunches. Noodles, mashed potatoes and similar mixtures, which just need to be poured with boiling water, contain large amounts of carbohydrates, salt, spices, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives instead of nutrients.
  • Floury and sweet. Yes, yes, our favorite sweets are one of the most dangerous foods. The problem is not only the high calorie content: the combination of flour, sweet and fatty foods multiplies the harm several times and instantly affects the figure.
  • Packaged juices. Vitamins and other beneficial substances almost completely disappear during processing. What benefit can there be from a concentrate diluted with water and flavored with a fair amount of sugar?
  • Alcohol. Enough has already been said about its harm to the body, we will only note once again that alcohol contains calories, increases appetite, interferes with the absorption of nutrients, and if the minimum doses are not observed, it slowly destroys the body, because ethanol is a cellular poison.

The transition to a balanced healthy diet will not be a burden if you follow simple recommendations.

First of all, don't starve yourself. If you feel discomfort, eat an apple, some nuts, dried fruits or muesli.

Secondly, drink a lot and choose healthy drinks. Chicory is good for weight loss - it suppresses hunger due to the large amount of fiber in its composition and has a beneficial effect on the body. Green tea is also beneficial, especially with ginger.

Diversify your diet! The more different healthy foods you consume, the more your body receives various microelements, vitamins, and amino acids.

If you really want something forbidden, eat it for breakfast. Of course, it’s better to give up unhealthy foods altogether, but at first it helps to think that sometimes you can still pamper yourself.

The fewer unnatural ingredients in food, the better. If you want to eat healthy foods, it’s better to choose a piece of meat instead of sausage, fresh vegetables instead of canned ones, muesli instead of buns.

Creating a “Healthy Eating” Menu

How to start eating right? First of all, you need to find out how many calories your body needs. Let's say it's 2000 kcal daily. In order to lose weight, you need to consume 1600 kcal per day, distributing it over 5-6 meals.

So, let's create a healthy food menu for every day:

Breakfast. Should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins, it can include:

  • oatmeal, muesli or grain bread;
  • kefir, unsweetened yogurt or a piece of cheese.

Second meal– light snack between breakfast and lunch:

  • any fruit weighing approximately 100-200 grams, or some nuts, dried fruits;
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner should be the largest meal of the day:

  • 100 grams of buckwheat or brown rice, pasta made from durum flour. You can add carrots, onions, peppers to the dish;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • A salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with yogurt, a small amount of soy sauce or flaxseed oil.

Afternoon snack, between lunch and dinner - another light meal:

  • A small piece of fruit or a glass of freshly squeezed juice, preferably from vegetables.

Dinner– light and tasty:

  • 100-200 grams of lean beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, fish or legumes;
  • Salad made from cabbage, carrots and other fiber-rich vegetables.

And finally, a couple of hours before bed:

  • A glass of kefir, chicory or drinking unsweetened yogurt.

Throughout the day, you can drink unlimited quantities of water, green tea and chicory drinks with natural extracts of rose hips, ginger or ginseng.

Serving sizes are indicated approximately and will depend on individual parameters - daily calorie intake, rate of weight loss and other individual factors. In any case, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

Proper nutrition is a very healthy habit. This is an opportunity not only to lose weight, but also to maintain health. The article will provide delicious recipes for healthy eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It should not only be healthy, but also tasty. The first meal can consist of porridge, fruit, cottage cheese. You can also choose a heartier breakfast option with meat and vegetables.

Proper nutrition: breakfasts (recipes)

Porridge "Minutka"

To prepare, take:

  • 1 glass of one percent milk (preferably with a short shelf life);
  • 2 tablespoons large oat flakes (slow cooking);
  • 1/3 ripe banana;
  • 1 teaspoon of thin natural honey;
  • 1 tablespoon frozen blueberries or raspberries.

Cooking steps

  • Pour milk over the cereal in the evening. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.
  • In the morning, place the semi-finished porridge product in the microwave for a few minutes.
  • Meanwhile, cut the banana into cubes.
  • Add honey, berries, banana to hot porridge.
  • Stir and eat, slowly and with pleasure.

Pumpkin and apple platter for breakfast

To prepare, take:

  • 300 g peeled and seeded pumpkin;
  • 2 firm green apples of sour varieties;
  • 15 g vegetable oil;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Cooking steps

  • Chop the pumpkin into cubes (no need to chop it, otherwise there is a risk that it will disintegrate).
  • Core the apples and cut into slices.
  • Place the pumpkin and apples in a Teflon cast iron pot, add vegetable oil and half a glass of water.
  • Simmer covered for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  • Remove from stove. Add cinnamon and honey. Mix.
  • This dish is suitable for both breakfast and afternoon snack. Can also be used as a dessert.

Proper nutrition: lunch (recipes)

The lunch menu can consist of both the first course and the second. You can eat half a serving of soup and part of the second. You shouldn't overeat.

Soup “Green” with sorrel and spinach

To prepare, take:

  • 400 g veal;
  • 1 bunch of young sorrel;
  • 1 bunch of spinach;
  • half a large bunch of green onions;
  • a third of a bunch of fresh young dill;
  • young beet tops;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons low-fat sour cream;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil;
  • dried laurel, black peppercorns, rock salt;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • 150 ml tomato juice or grated tomatoes.

Cooking steps

  • Pour cold, clean (filtered) water over the veal. Cook for one hour, skimming off the foam.
  • Peel the onion and finely chop it into cubes.
  • Sauté in a frying pan for about five minutes. Then add tomato juice and sour cream. Simmer for a few more minutes.
  • Boil and peel the eggs. Cut into cubes.
  • Add randomly chopped spinach, sorrel, onion, dill and beet leaves to the broth. The beets can be cut smaller.
  • Cook for five minutes, add salt to your taste.
  • Add stewed onions with tomatoes and sour cream and chopped eggs to the soup.
  • Let it boil, cook for another two minutes. Add laurel and a few peppercorns.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into the soup. Simmer over low heat for several minutes.

This option for proper nutrition (soup) is a very healthy recipe for children and adults.

Creamy chicken soup with zucchini

To prepare, take:

  • 1 skinless, boneless chicken breast;
  • 2 young zucchini or zucchini;
  • 1 white onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1\2 bunch of parsley;
  • a few tablespoons of low-fat sour cream;
  • salt.

Cooking steps

  • Rinse the breast, cut into pieces, add cold water to cover by a centimeter.
  • Cook for twenty minutes, descaling.
  • Add coarsely chopped zucchini, onion, and carrots to the saucepan.
  • Cook until all vegetables are fully cooked.
  • Add coarsely chopped parsley.
  • Simmer for about five minutes.
  • Place the soup in a bowl and blend with a blender until smooth.
  • Return to the heat and let it boil. Add salt to your taste.
  • Serve hot, adding a spoonful of sour cream. You can dry rye crackers. It's also very tasty.

Dinner: proper nutrition (recipes)

Chicken breast “Tenderness” with yogurt sauce

To prepare, take:

  • 1 chilled boneless chicken breast;
  • 300 g of natural unsweetened low-fat yogurt;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1/3 bunch of young dill;
  • dried laurel, sea salt, allspice peas;
  • 1-2 cucumbers;
  • 1 onion in peel.

Cooking steps

  • Peel the breast, wash and cover with cold water. Bring the breast to a boil, remove the scum, add a little salt, add laurel and allspice.
  • Wash the onion well and cut it with a cross. Don't clean! Throw into the boiling broth.
  • Cook for 30 minutes over medium heat.
  • Leave to cool in the broth, after cutting into 8-10 pieces.
  • Cool the yogurt in the refrigerator, add a little salt, add garlic (finely chopped), chopped dill.
  • Place the chicken slices on a plate, pour over the sauce, and serve with fresh cucumber.
  • You can also add cucumber to the sauce. Then you need to first grind it on a coarse grater.

A delicious and quick recipe for proper nutrition in a slow cooker - vegetable stew with turkey

To prepare, take:

  • 500 grams of turkey fillet (both red and white meat are suitable);
  • 1 large eggplant;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1-2 young zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 ripe tomatoes;
  • 200 g white cabbage;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices, lemon juice.

Cooking steps

  • Set the multicooker to the “Frying” mode.
  • Pour oil into a bowl and heat it up. Throw in the turkey meat, cut into medium strips. Fry for 10 minutes.
  • Peel onions, carrots, eggplant and zucchini. Cut into medium sized cubes.
  • Shred the cabbage into strips.
  • Grate the tomatoes.
  • Finely chop the garlic and dill.
  • Add all the vegetables to the meat, mix and add salt to taste. Add 100 ml of water (boiling water). Close the lid. Set the multicooker to “Stew” mode for 30 minutes.
  • Open the lid, add grated tomatoes, herbs with garlic and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. If desired, you can include any spices in the recipe.
  • Close the multicooker and continue to simmer for another five minutes.
  • The stew can be served either hot or cold.

Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss

“Oatmeal” - a recipe for proper nutrition

This recipe is not only healthy, but also delicious. Very good for those who want to lose weight. In addition, it is quite easy to prepare. Even novice cooks can do it.


  • 2 tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat or oat bran;
  • 2 chicken eggs;

Cooking process

  • Pour boiling water over the bran and rolled oats until they are covered.
  • Stir until it becomes a not very thick porridge.
  • Add eggs beaten until smooth.
  • Bake in a non-stick pan like pancakes.
  • You can use yogurt, fresh berry puree, honey, or cottage cheese as a sauce.

This recipe for proper nutrition for every day will diversify the diet of someone losing weight. If you bake oatmeal pancakes of large diameter, you can flavor it with different fillings. The filling is laid out on half of the pancake and covered with the other half.

Filling with cottage cheese and herbs. Combine low-fat cottage cheese with unsweetened yogurt, parsley and a clove of garlic.

Vegetable filling. Cucumber, carrot, tomato, onion, celery cut into strips. Stir, add salt.

Chicken and mushroom filling. Cut the boiled chicken breast into cubes. Also chop the boiled champignons randomly. Mix chicken, mushrooms with unsweetened yogurt, add salt.

With such fillings, oatmeal is suitable for both breakfast and a hearty lunch.

Children can be offered an option filled with fruit and honey, sweet cottage cheese with dried apricots or raisins.

Proper nutrition (recipes for the week): how to organize yourself?

At first glance, it seems that maintaining a healthy diet is incredibly difficult. You need to eat often, variedly, and also healthy food. How can you organize yourself so that all this is not a burden, but a pleasure?

First, you should create a sample menu for the week. This won't take much time. It is better to write down your meal plan on a piece of paper and attach it to the refrigerator.

The next step is to create a grocery list for the same week. This will also not be difficult, because the nutrition is correct, therefore, we do not need any complex products, additives or spices.

All that remains is the daily purchase of dairy and fermented milk products, fresh herbs and some small items.

You can also cook for several days. For example, on Monday, buckwheat for breakfast. On Tuesday the same buckwheat is for lunch. Save time. It's easy to make braised chicken breast for several days. You can make a vegetable sauté. The main thing is desire.

Ten steps to eating healthy

Not everyone can handle a sudden change in diet. Therefore, it is better to gradually change your gastronomic habits.

  • Replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt.
  • Make a salad from fresh vegetables every day.
  • Try to boil, bake, stew, and not fry.
  • Eat two fruits a day. Even if you don't feel like it!
  • Don't over-salt your food.
  • Replace your lunch and dinner plates with smaller ones.
  • Remove ketchups, sauces, jams and condensed milk from the refrigerator.
  • Make it a rule to drink water from a beautiful jug. Place it in a visible place. This way he will attract your attention.
  • Make vegetable straws for snacking. Cucumber, carrots, cabbage, celery are suitable.
  • Do not buy sausages and sausages more than once a month.

These rules are not very complicated, but they will help you acquire the right habits and gradually switch to healthy eating.

Proper nutrition: simple recipes (video of preparing tilapia on an onion bed with cheese)

We present to your attention a recipe for an easy-to-prepare tilapia dish. Tilapia is a freshwater fish containing about one hundred Kcal. It is low-fat and suitable for dietary nutrition. The fish cooks very quickly. In addition, it is usually sold in fillet form, which makes the cooking process easier.

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We will talk about how to eat healthy. Each category of people will have its own menu. We will definitely look at which foods are healthy.

Let's not ignore junk food. In this section we will also mention it as a warning of danger to human health.

All articles will go at the very end. But before you start, I recommend that you read the information about healthy eating. She goes below. I am sure you will find a lot of useful information for yourself here.

10 healthy foods

Let's start by looking at 10 healthy foods that we should all pay attention to. Of course, there are many other healthy foods. But unfortunately, you can’t list them all. Therefore, for now we will limit ourselves to ten.

In principle, they are enough for the eyes. These products will help you improve your health and normalize proper nutrition. Let's get to know them in more detail below.

Broccoli is rich in fiber, folic acid salts, potassium and calcium. There are also special substances that can reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.

Never overcook broccoli. This destroys all the beneficial microelements necessary for our body.

Some people believe that potatoes are bad for us. But fortunately, this is not entirely true. Yes, if you deep-fry it or eat chips, then such a product will do more harm than good.

But if, for example, you bake potatoes in foil, then all their beneficial properties will be preserved. So potatoes are also useful.

Due to its high antioxidant content, lettuce leaves are very beneficial for us. They contain many vitamins, as well as selenium, zinc, calcium, iron and other beneficial substances.

Be sure to remember that lettuce leaves should always be eaten fresh. This way the beneficial properties are preserved. And when stewing or heat treatment, all these properties are lost.

Use 100 gr. eating fatty salmon or trout more than 4 times a week completely covers the body’s need for omega 3 fatty acids. We need these acids for good functioning of the nervous system, as well as for metabolism.

It is worth noting that you can find a lot of proteins in salmon. In 100 gr. This fish can be obtained up to 26 grams. protein. This is much more than in meat or chicken. So for good muscle growth, be sure to eat salmon.

Many people claim that eggs are very harmful. But fortunately, this is not entirely true.

In general, the white and yolk in a chicken egg are very beneficial for us. And the cholesterol they contain has nothing to do with increasing cholesterol in the blood.

Eggs are an excellent source of easily digestible protein. This is especially important for athletes who engage in heavy physical activity.

A cup of natural oatmeal is a great breakfast food. Like any other porridge, oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which helps digestion.

It is also worth mentioning that oatmeal is cooked from coarse grains and contains a lot of complex carbohydrates. This way you won't be hungry until lunchtime.

This is a great product to help you get rid of short snacks.

Yes, this is the same lemon. Unfortunately, many people don't like him. But in vain! After all, this is also a very healthy food product for humans.

If you consume lemon every day, you will be able to achieve the norm 100% vitamin C. It also increases the level of good cholesterol and strengthens bones.

Be sure to try seasoning your salads with lemon juice. And of course, don’t forget to put a slice of lemon in your tea. This way your drink will become not only tasty, but also healthy.

It is also worth mentioning that pectins, which are contained in oranges and lemons, promote digestion processes. Therefore, consume at least a few slices every day.

Nuts are very rich in iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium. By consuming them, we reduce blood cholesterol levels due to monounsaturated fats. Nuts also reduce the development of various heart diseases.

However, you need to remember that nuts are very high in calories. Therefore, I recommend eating no more than 30 grams per day.

Anyone who often eats strawberries, blueberries and other berries suffers less from memory disorders and lack of logical thinking.

Also due to polyphenol in these berries, people are less obese. Because polyphenol prevents the formation of additional fat cells.

Strawberries are also very useful for hypertensive patients. This berry has a beneficial effect on normalizing high blood pressure in humans.


Water is rightfully considered one of the important sources of nutrition. After all, life itself is impossible without water.

Unfortunately, the quality of drinking water is often far from ideal. Therefore, it is advisable to drink only tested water obtained in environmentally friendly areas.

This was the top 10 healthiest foods for humans. Of course, there are a lot of healthy foods in the world. But first, pay attention to what was listed above.

Healthy food for the liver

Let's switch to healthy nutrition for the liver. You probably know that the liver is a unique organ. Its main function is to neutralize toxic products in the body.

It doesn’t matter which way, but the liver decomposes all toxins. Bile acids are also synthesized. This is important for digestion. The liver also produces the synthesis of immune proteins.

But it's not that important!

The main thing is to take care of the liver itself and not disrupt its work. Therefore, I want to provide you with some very healthy foods that help perform various functions of the liver.

Turmeric contains a substance curcumin. It helps liver cells produce bile acids better. This way the gallbladder is better freed from its contents. Thus, there is no stagnation and formation of gallstones.

It is worth saying that with poor nutrition and poor quality of bile, stones form in the gallbladder. Curcumin causes the bladder to empty and prevents these stones from forming.

As mentioned earlier, the liver performs the function of ridding the body of toxins. Some of these toxins can act as carcinogens. These are substances that cause cancer.

And broccoli contains a substance isothiocyanate. It helps the liver cope better with detoxification.

You probably noticed that it has a pungent odor due to allicin. This substance has 2 functions:

  1. helps empty the gallbladder;
  2. reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Thus, garlic, thanks to allicin, is involved in a number of processes that allow the liver to remain healthy.

Of course, there are other foods that are good for the liver. But first, remember at least 3 main products that provide the greatest efficiency in your work.

Healthy food for children

Let's talk about healthy nutrition for children. The children's menu should include products of both animal and plant origin.

The quality of healthy products is also important for children's health. Take only the freshest and free of chemicals.

Always pay attention to the composition of food products. Even completely undesirable ingredients are sometimes added to baby food.

Parents should also hold children to specific meal times. That is, it should be:

  • breakfast with easily digestible carbohydrates (porridge, cottage cheese);
  • lunch with hot and main course;
  • afternoon snack with juice, dairy product or fruit;
  • lighter dinner with a milk drink.

Please note that there should be a calm environment when eating. Do not use loud music or TV.

Be sure to tell and intimidate your children about junk food. Explain to them why they should not eat such food and that terrible things can happen.

Never deprive children of sweets. Yes, it's harmful! However, I do not recommend completely depriving your child of sweets. This is one of the wonderful moments in childhood. Therefore, you should not completely get rid of it. You just need to know when to stop.

Don't use sweets as a reward. This is how you accustom your child to harmful things.

From early childhood, form the habit of proper nutrition in children. We will talk about this below.

Healthy eating with family

Maintain a healthy diet with your family. Remember that it is parents who are the object of imitation for the child. Therefore, always know that your children follow your example.

It is no secret that children begin to use foul language precisely in those families where they often quarrel.

Kids also pick up everything else. Including nutrition rules. Therefore, if you want your child to eat properly, start with yourself first.

If you constantly eat various hamburgers, buns, and so on, then your child will be drawn to these products. Thus, it will be much more difficult to prove him otherwise.

How can you prove it if mom and dad eat all sorts of rubbish themselves? And then they begin to prove something to the contrary.

Therefore, always start with yourself. Be a good role model for your child.

Shopping trips

When shopping, try to take your baby with you often. This way he will remember healthy products that need to be bought. In the future, they will become familiar to him.

Be sure to let him choose his own foods. Make something like a game. So you can easily accustom your baby to vegetables and fruits.

Involve children in the cooking process

The child should be involved in the process of preparing healthy food. So he becomes interested. There is a great desire to try the prepared dish.

Be sure to let him cook the vegetables and fruits that he himself chose.

Experiment with the way you serve your food

Don't forget about the process of preparing dishes. For example, you can use a beautiful design of the dish so that the child will like it. This way you entice your baby to eat healthy food.

If you give some vegetables, try different cutting options. Can be cut into beautiful cubes, diamonds or circles. All this affects the baby's interest.

So if your child does not eat vegetables, try cutting them in a special way or giving them without cutting. In general, experiment.

You can even put funny faces on a plate or make crafts in bright and beautiful colors. This also helps teach children to eat properly.

Healthy food for pregnant women

Let's talk a little about healthy nutrition for pregnant women. This is very important for those who are carrying a child within themselves. After all, here you need to constantly feed the fruit. And this requires a lot of effort and time.

We use only healthy food! After all, the expectant mother should receive everything she needs for herself and her child. It is also very important that the food is safe.

That is, food safety issues are the highest priority in this period of time.

Because of this reason, the World Health Organization does not recommend using such fish for a pregnant woman's menu. (tuna or shark).

Biorhythmics of nutrition

You also need to use all other food products wisely. To do this, you need to use the rules in nutritional biorhythms.

What it is?

We have products that work very well in the morning. But it is highly undesirable to use them in the evening.

And vice versa.

There are some foods that are best consumed only in the evening. Thus, you need to properly distribute food throughout the day.

Diet until 15:00

Carbohydrates are essential for breakfasts and morning snacks. The body needs energy in the morning. We can get it from whole grains. For example, from rice or buckwheat.

Porridges combined with vegetables also work well. That is, if you combine morning porridge with seasonal vegetables (greens, beets, carrots...), then such a product will work better.

It’s also a good idea to include fruit for a morning snack. For example, seasonal apples, citrus fruits or kiwi. They are rich in essential vitamins for pregnant women.

But in the evening it is not advisable to use carbohydrates. They provide too much energy that the body cannot cope with in the evening.

As a result, all excess is converted into fat. Therefore, in the first half of the day, eat cereals and fruits.

Diet after 15:00

For evening meals, it is important to provide those foods that are a resource for recovery processes.

Our body recovers at night. And if we give light proteins, then we get everything necessary for these processes.

Light protein- this is a protein that has time to break down and work in the body even before going to bed. These include mozzarella, eggs, sea fish or white lean meat.

All light protein foods should be combined with non-starchy vegetables. That is, instead of carrots, it is better to take greens or bell peppers. They are much more effective.

Healthy food for weight loss

Let's talk about healthy nutrition for weight loss.

How many times a day should a person eat?

This number is 5. Five times is the optimal dose for proper nutrition. What do you need to eat to keep your figure in normal condition?

Let's look at these approaches:

  1. Breakfast- the most important meal of the day. The main energy is collected at breakfast. It consists of carbohydrates. Mostly porridge. There are many types of them. Therefore, what kind of cereals you eat does not matter. But it is best to eat oatmeal or buckwheat.
  2. Small snack- a little nourishment for the body between breakfast and lunch. I recommend using fruits, vegetables or dairy products. The main thing is to alternate different snacks every day. That is, one day, fruit. Second day, vegetables and so on.
  3. Dinner- a full meal. Here you need to adhere to the law of one plate. There is only the first or there is only the second. But not all together. I also recommend using alternation. Some days we use soups. The second day we use dishes for the second. For example, a side dish of vegetables + meat or fish. You can add seafood to the fish.
  4. A meager snack- refreshment between lunch and dinner. We use fermented milk products or vegetables. We do not consume carbohydrates under any circumstances. It is better not to consume them after 15:00.
  5. Dinner- should be the easiest because at this moment the body is preparing for sleep. I recommend using vegetables. You can also use fish or seafood.

These are the basic rules of healthy eating for weight loss. However, I would recommend all this to those who are okay with their weight. After all, you need to constantly keep in shape.

Also note that water must be present at each point. With water, food will be easier to digest.

Everyone should remember this rule: healthy cereals are the basis of a healthy diet!

There is even a saying: “Soup soup and porridge are our food.” If we take this saying, then there were about 60 variants of cabbage soup alone in Ancient Rus'. And even more porridge.

By her own porridge is an amazing product. It was even served as a holiday dish.

In general, Russian traditional cuisine is considered by some to be quite primitive (cabbage soup and porridge and nothing else). But this is only at first glance.



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