A good multivitamin complex for men. Vitamins for men - which are better? Vitamins to improve potency

Deficiency of biosubstances leads to a decrease in body functions, anemia, and a breakdown. Even with a healthy diet, weightlifters cannot do without vitamin and mineral doping. It supports performance, helps to adapt to heavy loads, faster and feel good. In addition, vitamins in sports affect biochemical processes that accelerate protein biosynthesis, spur metabolic processes.

How to choose

The range of multi-complexes is extensive, so it is difficult to decide on a purchase. You can focus on the lines of well-known manufacturers of sports nutrition vitamins. This:

  • American brands Optimum Nutrition and Solgar.
  • Magnum Nutraceuticals.
  • Dynamize Nutrition.
  • ultimate.

Not less popular complexes for athletes of men of the Belarusian company Maxler, which receives them from German raw materials. Additives Vneshtorg Pharma (Russia) no worse quality and cost much less.

The products presented on the market are sold in the form of gelatin capsules, tablets, packaged powders. Although the dosages and quantities are different, basically these are packages of 60 pieces weighing 345 - 365 g, based on a month of admission.

Rating of the best vitamins for men in 2018

The list is compiled taking into account the balance of compositions, effectiveness, the absence of contraindications and side effects.

  1. consists of 4 complexes and in total contains 75 ingredients that provide power and energy to weightlifters.
  2. Multivitamin for men designed for professional athletes. The complex includes 12 vitamins + 8 minerals + antioxidant complex. Among others - methionine,.
  3. sports complex Ultra Premium Vitamin contains the whole set of substances and plant enzymes.
  4. C Fit FitMax made on the extract of wild rose and acerola.
  5. Maxler Vita Me- a universal complex that increases physical and mental abilities.
  6. VP Laboratory Ultra Men's with a multivitamin formula contains several biocomplexes and more than compensates for the deficiency of organic substances.
  7. Products Universal Nutrition under the names Animal Omega and is specially designed for gaining muscle mass for men.

Complexes help to achieve high results without compromising health.

Products from the pharmacy chain

Combined formulations with lipoic acid, biotin, vitamins B, C, E are useful for tone and mood. Thus, vitamin B1 affects muscle growth and energy stability. Tableted B12 enhances protein biosynthesis and the rate of its accumulation in the muscles. The rating of pharmacy vitamins for men looks like this:

  1. Asparkam with potassium and magnesium. Trace elements regulate metabolic processes in myofibrils and osmotic pressure. The drug increases endurance, fights muscle cramps.
  2. Potassium Orate. The metabolite accelerates the course of biochemical processes, strengthens the heart muscle, and acts as an anabolic.
  3. Formula Duovita with vitamins of groups B, A, E, a set of microelements is made for active people.
  4. Tamoxifen increases the male sex hormone and blocks estrogen.
  5. Metformin accelerates the conversion of glucose into glycogen.
  6. Mildronate increases endurance and energy, regulates metabolism, protects against.
  7. Vitrum Life (USA) with minerals and suitable for men and women. Russian analogueComplivit Active.
  8. Formula Daily Formula designed specifically for power athletes.

How to take vitamins for sports

  • Morning and afternoon with food.
  • On training days, it is recommended to consume an additional 1.5 hours after exercising in the gym.

It is during the period Nutrients are needed for muscle recovery and energy.

Although bodybuilders are not in danger of overdosing, deviation from the intake regimen and exceeding the norm can cause unpleasant consequences in the form of allergies and gastrointestinal disorders.

But on this score, athletes have their own opinion. They take a double rate, explaining that water-soluble substances are excreted in 2-4 hours. However, we must not forget that fat-soluble vitamins are retained in the body for a day, therefore one dose is enough. To avoid addiction drink courses.

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At present, many people are taking vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Not a single vitamin is synthesized in the human body, so they must all come from outside. The ideal way to get vitamins in the body is food. However, malnutrition, stress, excessive physical activity and other factors lead to the fact that insufficient amounts of vitamins or their incomplete set are supplied with food (for example, some vitamins are supplied in full, while others are not). In such situations, it is necessary to take additional vitamin preparations.

Today there are multivitamin and monovitamin preparations. Multivitamin preparations contain several vitamins, while monovitamin preparations contain only one. In addition, in recent years, they began to produce a kind of functional vitamin complexes intended for a certain category of people, for example, men, women, children, athletes, etc. These complexes include a set of vitamins that are especially necessary for this category of people.

Vitamins for men - definition

In principle, women and men equally need all 13 currently known vitamins, since from the point of view of biology and physiology, exactly the same biochemical reactions and metabolic transformations occur in their bodies. However, the intensity of these biochemical reactions in the body of men and women is different. In addition, one or another biochemical reaction in the male and female body can occur with different frequencies. And as a result, the frequency and speed of the occurrence of identical biochemical reactions predetermines the existing physiological differences between a man and a woman at the molecular level.

To ensure the normal flow of cascades of biochemical reactions, vitamins are necessary. Moreover, each vitamin provides only one specific type of reaction. That is, each type of biochemical reaction requires its own vitamin. Given the different speed and frequency of the same reactions occurring in the bodies of men and women, it is clear that in order to maintain the optimal functioning of organs and systems, they need different dosages of vitamins. In addition, different compounds are especially important vitamins for men and women. Scientists were able to isolate vitamins that are especially necessary for the normal functioning of the male body, and it was they who began to be called "vitamins for men." It is worth emphasizing that the representatives of the stronger sex also need all the other vitamins, but they are especially in need of “vitamins for men”.

Thus, it becomes clear that the term "vitamins for men" means a group of organic compounds that have vitamin activity and perform important and specific functions for the male body.

What vitamins should a man take?

Vitamins for men of all ages

Due to certain physiological characteristics, men experience a particularly pronounced need for certain vitamins, the deficiency of which will most detrimentally affect their general well-being and the functions of various organs and systems. So, men need vitamins that provide an intensive metabolism and synthetic processes that are very active in their body, and it is on their speed that typically "male" signs depend - physical strength, endurance, the ability to produce sexual intercourse and release high-quality sperm, and , therefore, to the fertilization of a woman, etc. Also, a man needs vitamins with antioxidant properties, as they prevent aging and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, to which representatives of the strong half of humanity are much more susceptible than women. Thus, scientists consider the following vitamins for men:
  • Vitamin A - retinol, beta-carotene;
  • Vitamin C - ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin E - tocopherol;
  • Vitamin H - biotin;
  • Lipoic acid (vitamin N);
  • Vitamin D - ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol;
  • Vitamin B 1 - thiamine;
  • Vitamin B 2 - riboflavin;
  • Vitamin B 6 - pyridoxine;
  • Vitamin B 12 - cyanocobalamin;
  • Vitamin B 9 (B c) - folic acid.
The listed vitamins are necessary for men of any age, as they ensure optimal functioning of the body and reduce the rate of aging processes. However, depending on age, a man has a high need for various vitamins, the deficiency of which will most adversely affect his health. Consider which vitamins are most needed for men of different ages.

Vitamins for men under 40

For example, for young men (up to 40 years old), vitamins of group B are especially necessary, since they are involved in the assimilation of protein foods and activation of synthesis processes, which, in turn, ensure the construction and maintenance of a powerful muscle corset, the formation of high-quality sperm, sex hormones and etc. During the planning of pregnancy, a man, like a woman, needs to take folic acid, which improves the quality of sperm, and, therefore, favorably affects the conception of a healthy child. Also, young men need vitamins A and E, as they improve testosterone production, and, therefore, maintain excellent potency and give self-confidence. If a young man periodically drinks alcohol or smokes, then he needs lipoic acid (vitamin N) to maintain liver health. If he leads a healthy lifestyle, then lipoic acid is not such a necessary vitamin.

Vitamins for men after 40

For middle-aged men (40-55 years old), the following vitamins are needed:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin H;
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Folic acid.
Antioxidant vitamins (E, C and A), which slow down the aging process, allowing you to stay young and energetic for longer, and also prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases associated with it. In addition, vitamin C improves the functioning of the immune system, preventing frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases, including the common cold. Vitamins A, E and folic acid are absolutely necessary for a man over 40 years old, since they are involved in the production of sex hormones and sperm, and, therefore, support potency and the ability to conceive a child. B vitamins ensure that the processes of synthesis and protein metabolism are maintained at an optimal level, as a result of which tissues do not age. Vitamin H is the "vitamin of male beauty", since it is he who in the body of a man is responsible for maintaining the hair on the head, the health of the nails and the skin.

Vitamins for men after 50

Older men (over 55) need vitamin D in the first place, since the ability to synthesize it in the skin under the influence of sunlight is reduced. As a result, osteoporosis can develop, teeth and nails can collapse. In addition, against the background of a vitamin D deficiency, a man may experience interruptions in the work of the heart and nervous system, which is manifested by periodic heartbeats, arrhythmias, noises, pressure surges, nervousness, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, etc. The second absolutely essential vitamin is B 12 - cyanocobalamin, since the ability to absorb it from the intestines decreases significantly with age. Because of this, against the background of normal intake of cyanocobalamin in the body with food, its deficiency may develop.

Also, older men need antioxidant vitamins - E, A and C, which reduce the rate of aging, prevent chronic infectious-inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction and prostatitis, and also support sexual function. To maintain sexual function and physical activity, men over 50 need vitamins A and E.

If the condition of the liver of a man over 50 years old is not the best, especially under the condition of occasional drinking or smoking, then he also needs lipoic acid (vitamin N). This vitamin protects the liver, preventing the development of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

In addition, it is recommended to take vitamin H, which preserves the beauty of a man, preventing baldness, brittle nails and sagging skin. However, vitamin H is not mandatory for men over 50 years of age, since it has a more positive effect on appearance.

General characteristics of vitamins for men

Each "male" vitamin performs a specific function, which is very important for the whole organism. Consider the functions of vitamins for men of all ages.

Vitamin E for men reduces the rate of aging, maintains energy, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protecting them from fragility, removes excess cholesterol, thereby preventing atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. In addition, vitamin E improves the functioning of the gonads, promoting the production of testosterone and thus improving the potency and quality of sperm. Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin D for men improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthens bones and nails, and also normalizes the functioning of the heart and brain.

Vitamin A necessary for normal vision, because with its deficiency, "night blindness" develops. However, vitamin A is very important for men for another reason - it activates the process of testosterone production, thereby improving potency, sperm quality, and also sexual life. In addition, vitamin A strengthens local immunity, reducing the susceptibility of the mucous membranes of the respiratory, urinary and genital organs to various infections.

Vitamin C helps the male body to withstand stressful influences, including those associated with alcohol and smoking. Vitamin C also improves the structure of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the immune system, which prevents chronic inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin H strengthens hair and nails and improves skin condition. Vitamin H also prevents male pattern baldness. In addition, biotin reduces the rate of weight gain by regulating fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Lipoic acid (vitamin N) necessary to maintain the normal state and functioning of the liver against the background of the negative effects of alcohol, smoking and unhealthy foods, such as chips, fried meat, etc. Lipoic acid normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism and activates the thyroid gland, which leads to improved vision and hearing.

Vitamin B 1 maintains a normal metabolic rate, allowing you to provide the necessary nutrients to all organs and tissues.

Vitamin B 2 necessary for the implementation of tissue respiration, that is, the transfer of oxygen into the cell. Active tissue respiration allows to intensify metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs of a man.

Vitamin B 6 ensures the normal process of metabolism and the functioning of the brain. A good metabolism in a man is the key to the optimal and proper functioning of all organs and systems.

Vitamin B 12 necessary for the maintenance of normal metabolism, as well as for the synthesis of protein and hemoglobin. This vitamin helps a man maintain good nutrition and respiration of all body tissues. In addition, B 12 controls cell division, which is very important in the process of growth and formation of tissues with a correct and complete structure that can perform their functions well.

Folic acid necessary for the normal synthesis of the genetic material of cells - DNA and RNA molecules. Thanks to this, folic acid improves the structure of newly formed spermatozoa, significantly increasing the overall quality of sperm and the likelihood of conceiving a child.

Norms of consumption of vitamins by men

Currently, the World Health Organization has adopted the following average recommended intake of vitamins per day:
  • Vitamin A - 3000 - 5000 IU;
  • Vitamin B 1 - 1.5 - 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 2 - 1.5 - 3 mg;
  • Vitamin B 3 (PP) - 15 - 20 mg;
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) - 4 - 7 mg;
  • Vitamin B 6 - 1.7 - 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 9 (B c, folic acid) - 200 - 400 mcg;
  • Vitamin B 12 - 2 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 60 - 90 mg;
  • Vitamin D - 200 - 400 IU;
  • Vitamin E - 10 - 15 IU;
  • Vitamin K - 45 - 80 mcg;
  • Vitamin H - 30 - 100 mcg;
  • Vitamin F - 20 ml of vegetable oil per day.
The list shows the average recommended intake of vitamins, which are indicative. However, in practice it is impossible to accurately calculate the dose of vitamins that will enter the body with food. Therefore, if, with a full and varied diet, today a little less than the norm of any vitamin enters the body, and tomorrow a little more, then this will not cause hypovitaminosis, since the human body is designed to tolerate such fluctuations quite calmly.

Name of vitamins for men

Currently, there are two main groups of vitamin preparations for men on the domestic pharmaceutical market - these are pharmacological agents and biologically active additives (BAA). Pharmacological agents are synthetic vitamins, "packed" in one tablet. And dietary supplements are natural vitamins obtained from various plant and animal raw materials, for example, extracts, infusions, extracts, homogenates, etc. This is the fundamental difference between pharmacological vitamin preparations and dietary supplements.

In addition, synthetic vitamins can be accurately dosed, but dietary supplements cannot. Therefore, in pharmacological multivitamin preparations, the exact and strict dosages of each vitamin included in the composition are indicated, and in dietary supplements - only indicative. Determining the exact dosages of vitamins in dietary supplements is sometimes as difficult as determining the concentration of active substances in "grandmother's" broth or infusion. On this basis, vitamin-mineral complexes of dietary supplements are almost identical to various folk decoctions, infusions, mixtures and other "medicines" that are used quite widely. Below we provide a list of vitamins for men, which are pharmacological preparations, or dietary supplements with a strict dosage of the components included in the composition. We will not list the rest of the dietary supplements in the list, since their number is too large.

All vitamins

So, the most popular, effective and safe are the following vitamins for men:
  • ABC Spectrum;
  • Azal;
  • Alphabet for men;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Aminodar;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Antoxinate;
  • Artromax;
  • Bioactive minerals;
  • Biorhythm Multivitamins;
  • Velman Tricholodzhik (Wellmen);
  • Vitiron Suscaps;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Complivit Antistress;
  • Complivit Selenium;
  • Metovit;
  • Multi-Tabs Calcium D 3;
  • Multifort;
  • Nagipol;
  • Will direct;
  • Nutricap;
  • Oksilik;
  • Oligovit;
  • Selenium Forte;
  • Selmevit and Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzinc plus;
  • Centrum Multivitamin complex from A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

vitamins with zinc

Vitamins with zinc should be included in a separate list, since they are very often used when planning pregnancy to improve sperm quality or to normalize potency. So, vitamins with zinc for men are as follows:
  • ABC Spectrum;
  • Alphabet for men;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Antoxinate;
  • Artromax;
  • Biorhythm Multivitamins;
  • Velman Tricholodzhik (Wellmen);
  • Vitiron Suscaps;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Complivit Antistress;
  • Complivit selenium;
  • Metovit;
  • Multifort;
  • Will direct;
  • Nutricap;
  • Oligovit;
  • Pikovit Complex and Pikovit Plus;
  • Selenium forte;
  • Selzinc plus;
  • Ultra Calcium & Silicon Formula;
  • Centrum Multivitamin complex from A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

Vitamins for men in various situations

Pregnancy planning for men - vitamins

When seriously preparing to become a father, a man should think about improving the quality of sperm in order to conceive a healthy child. At the planning stage of pregnancy, men need the following vitamins that improve sperm quality and normalize the level of sex hormones:
1. Folic acid (B 9 or B c) normalizes the formation of healthy, mobile and full-fledged spermatozoa;
2. Vitamin E gives spermatozoa high mobility and resistance to negative environmental factors (vaginal acid, etc.);
3. Vitamin C normalizes the synthesis of sex hormones and strengthens the cell walls of spermatozoa, making them very mobile and resistant to damage.

The most important vitamin for men when planning a pregnancy is folic acid and vitamin E. The fact is that vitamin E provides a normal level of male sex hormones, which, in turn, trigger the processes of sperm synthesis. And folic acid provides optimal conditions conducive to the formation of high quality sperm. Therefore, these two vitamins are the most important when planning a pregnancy.

A man can take folic acid and vitamin E a few months before the planned conception date. Doctors believe that the optimal duration of taking vitamins to prepare for pregnancy in men is 3 to 6 months.

These vitamins can be taken separately. And you can take complex multivitamins designed specifically for men at the stage of pregnancy planning. The optimal multivitamins for men at the stage of pregnancy planning are the following:

  • Alphabet for men;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Viardot and Viardot forte;
  • Complivit;
  • Profitil;
  • Selmevit and Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzinc plus;
  • SpermActive;
  • Spermastrong;
  • Orthomol Fertil Plus.

Vitamins for men for potency

Potency is best affected by fat-soluble vitamins A and E, since it is on them that the rate of production and maintenance of the concentration of the main male hormone, testosterone, depends. In other words, vitamins A and E provide the synthesis of a normal amount of testosterone, which allows you to improve or maintain potency at the required level. Therefore, to improve or maintain potency, men need to take vitamins A and E or eat foods that are rich in them, such as unrefined vegetable oil, nuts, fish, liver, milk, sour cream, apricots, etc.

In addition, vitamins C and F have a positive effect on potency, which can be taken in addition to E and A. Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, preventing their destruction, which improves the structure and function of the male genital organs. And vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which also has a positive effect on male potency.

In addition to vitamins, zinc, selenium and copper trace elements improve and maintain good potency, which are recommended to be taken in combination with vitamins A and E. Many vitamin and mineral complexes for men include these vitamins and trace elements.

Vitamins for immunity for men

To improve the functioning of the immune system and make the body's resistance to various infectious and inflammatory diseases maximum, it is necessary to take vitamins that have an immunostimulating effect. Vitamins that can improve the functioning of various parts of the immune system in men include the following:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 9 (folic acid);
  • Vitamin D.
Vitamins C, D, B 1 , B 5 and B 6 have the most pronounced immunostimulating effect in men, activating various parts of the immune system and thereby ensuring the body's resistance to infections and making the recovery period minimal.

The following vitamin complexes have a good immunostimulating effect:

  • Alphabet Classic;
  • Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus;
  • Duovit;
  • Vitrum.

Hair vitamins for men

The following vitamins help strengthen and prevent hair loss in men:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin H (B 7);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • B vitamins (B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 and B 12).
The most significant vitamins in hair care for men are two - H and E. It is these vitamins that most effectively maintain hair health and prevent hair loss. Vitamin H is sometimes even called the "male beauty vitamin" because it strengthens the hair, making it beautiful, shiny and full. If a man began to lose hair, then vitamin H stops this process.

All of these vitamins must be taken orally, and vitamin E can also be used externally, making hair masks from the solution, etc.

Sports vitamins for men

Sports vitamins for men are not needed by all men who lead an active lifestyle. So, if a man fully eats and does sports every day for no more than 1 - 2 hours a day, then he does not need any vitamins. If a man goes in for sports for more than 2 hours a day or works hard physically, then he needs vitamins that improve metabolism and absorption of nutrients, as well as accelerate synthesis processes. Indications for the use of sports vitamins are the following conditions:
  • Fatigue, lethargy, fatigue during training and other signs of vitamin deficiency;
  • Intensive training schedule;
  • Strong physical exertion that a man must withstand;
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body of a man (for example, with obesity, diabetes, etc.).
Doctors and scientists believe that during a period of intense physical activity, a man needs the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 3;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin A.
These vitamins can be taken in courses individually or in the form of specialized vitamin and mineral complexes intended for men involved in sports. The most popular and at the same time balanced vitamin sports complexes for men are the following:
  • Animal Pak Universal Nutrition - produced by the leader in the development of sports vitamins pharmaceutical company Universal Nutrition;
  • C Fit FitMax - is a pure vitamin C derived from rose hips and is natural;
  • Opti-Men Optimum Nutrition - a complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements suitable for men who train seriously;
  • Activite Sport MHP - a vitamin and mineral complex that includes vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids and coenzyme Q 10;
  • 100% Ultra-Premium Vitamin Pack MuscleTech - the complex contains the daily norm of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for a man;
  • CO-Q10 50 mg Scitec Essentials - contains antioxidant vitamins and elements;
  • Fish Oil SoftGels Optimum Nutrition - contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K in the form of natural fish oil;
  • Armor-V MusclePharm - a balanced vitamin complex;
  • Animal Omega Universal Nutrition - contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F);
  • Calcium Zinc Magnesium BioTech is a vitamin complex for men who are actively and seriously involved in sports. Supports the normal condition of joints and ligaments;
  • CultiVate SAN is a multivitamin complex consisting of substances synthesized by probiotics and enzymes;
  • Daily Formula Universal Nutrition - vitamins for professional athletes.

Rating of sports vitamins for men

Different vitamin complexes are ideal for different purposes. Therefore, there are several ratings of sports vitamins for men, taking into account their properties and effects.

Consider the rating of the most popular sports vitamins for men and their properties:
1. Opti-men Optimum Nutrition ideally creates conditions for gaining muscle mass and burning fat;
2. Adam stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, allowing you to quickly recover from intense physical exertion;
3. Monster Multi is suitable for men who are serious or professional in sports. Effectively supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
4. VitaForm is recommended when increasing the intensity of training;
5. Animal Pak 44 Universal Nutrition increases the body's stamina;
6. Daily fomula Universal Nutrition supports the balance of strength and energy in a man;
7. MultiPro 32X AST is suitable for men who lead an active lifestyle without strong physical exertion;
8. Orange Triad Controlled Labs supports the immune system and ensures the elasticity of the vascular wall;
9. Dr. Feel Good SAN is suitable for men who lead an active lifestyle without strong physical exertion;
10. Armor-V MusclePharm improves immunity, gives strength and energy.

As you can see, the listed vitamins are intended for various purposes. Therefore, when choosing a sports vitamin complex, it is necessary to determine exactly why a man is going to take it.

A complex of vitamins for men - a brief description and reviews of the most popular drugs

Consider a brief description and reviews of men about some of the most popular vitamin complexes.

Vitamins Alphabet for men

This complex contains not only all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also herbal extracts that improve the functioning of the male reproductive system. Actually, it is these herbs that make the vitamin-mineral complex "male".

According to reviews of the Alphabet for men, the drug has good efficacy and a very affordable cost, so almost every person can afford it. In the Alphabet, all vitamins, on the basis of mutual compatibility, are divided into three tablets, painted in different colors. This arrangement of active substances improves their absorption, which leads to a much more pronounced and tangible effect compared to taking other multivitamins for men.

According to reviews, the Alphabet for men helps to increase tone and efficiency, as well as speed up the recovery process after work, which allows you to spend less time on rest. In addition, vitamins literally energize, vigor and good mood for the whole day.

Men who are faced with the problem of spring beriberi, and, consequently, constant colds, hair loss, drowsiness, low performance and lack of sexual desire, note that one course of Alphabet vitamins significantly improved their well-being and completely or partially eliminated all painful symptoms.

Vitamins for men Duovit

Vitamins for men Duovit contain practically vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. These vitamins, according to the reviews of men, perfectly support performance, reduce fatigue at work and help to quickly recover during periods of very powerful mental or physical stress. Duovit also helped men overcome frequent colds, loss of strength and poor health in the spring, autumn or winter periods of the year. Vitamins improved overall well-being, there was a surge of strength and energy, and cheerfulness remained throughout the day.

Separately, it is worth noting that Duovit vitamins as part of complex therapy or independently improve sexual function and the general condition of a man with chronic prostatitis. Almost all men who took Duovit note that the painful symptoms of prostatitis either completely disappeared, or their severity significantly decreased, and sexual function, on the contrary, improved. As the men figuratively put it under the influence of Duovit, "life began to improve."

In addition, according to the reviews of men, Duovit helped to eliminate acne on the face, back, shoulders and neck and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Vitamins for men Wellman

Vitamins for men Velmen (wellman) contain almost the entire set of vitamins and minerals necessary for a man in a daily dosage. Reviews of these vitamins are ambiguous, which is associated with the peculiarities of their action. So, in many men, in the first 20-30 minutes after taking, they provoke nausea, which, however, goes away on its own. Vitamins do not cause any more unpleasant effects, but nausea is poorly tolerated, and men cannot take vitamins. But those men who manage to “wait out” nausea note that vitamins literally charge them with energy and vigor, which persist throughout the day even with very intense physical and mental stress. Moreover, the effect of vitamins Velman is usually noticeable if a man works intensively (mentally or physically) or he has hypovitaminosis. Against the background of normal health and the absence of hypovitaminosis, or heavy loads, the effect of vitamins is practically not noticeable.

Vitamins for men - how to choose

Choosing vitamins, it is necessary to be based on their properties, desired effects and health status. So, in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to take complexes with vitamin C, since this will improve well-being and slow down the progression of pathology.

With improper nutrition (eating spicy, salty and fried foods), drinking alcohol and smoking, it is necessary to take lipoic acid (vitamin N), which reduces the negative impact of these factors on the liver.

Men who play sports or work physically should take B vitamins, which will help to maximize the use of protein.

With baldness or poor condition of hair, skin and nails, vitamin H is recommended.

To improve potency and sexual life, vitamin E is needed, which can be taken both independently and as part of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Rating of vitamins for men (best vitamins for men)

Today, men have compiled the following unofficial ranking of vitamin complexes based on their effectiveness, ease of use, cost and other important parameters:

On the shelves of pharmacies you can see a great abundance of vitamin complexes. You can choose the right remedy from this amount on the advice of a doctor. If you have recently had a serious illness, have undergone surgery, or smoke a lot, drink alcoholic beverages, you will need a fully balanced vitamin complex with a daily dose of vitamins and minerals that meets WHO recommendations to maintain the body and replenish the necessary substances.

In the presence of serious chronic diseases, vitamin complexes should be selected on the advice of a doctor.

The ideal solution would be to choose the vitamin complex Complivit, Centrum, Supradin, Selmevit, Aerovit. With the help of these preparations, it is possible to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in a short time, restore and strengthen the immune system.

For those leading a sports lifestyle, who are forced to observe a regime of increased loads for a long time, an additional intake of vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as zinc, magnesium, and potassium is required. An excellent solution would be the purchase of vitamin complexes under the trade: Alfavit, Centrum, Vitrum, Supradin. These preparations contain the entire daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals, help to quickly get in shape even after intense training.

Currently, many representatives of the stronger sex are forced to sit for a long time. A sedentary lifestyle and increased stress on vision is a supply for course intake of the Complivit Ophthalmo vitamin complex. It contains: lutein, vitamin A, selenium, all B vitamins, zeaxanthin. This combination supplies the body with substances necessary for normal metabolism and helps reduce the load on the optic nerve.

Remember, vitamins and minerals should be taken under the supervision of a specialist. An excess of active substances is no less harmful than their deficiency.

In the season and colds, when the incidence rate has exceeded the permissible threshold, it is worth paying special attention to strengthening. Choose vitamin complexes and a high content of vitamin C, B.

How long to take vitamin complexes for men

When buying any multivitamin complex, carefully read the instructions. As it is rational to apply also in the fall within 20-30 days. With a therapeutic purpose, the intake of vitamins should be recommended by your doctor. During the summer, instead of vitamin complexes, include in your diet a large number of vegetables and fresh herbs, spend enough time outdoors.

Reading time: 6 min.

Recently, a strong half of humanity has begun to pay more and more attention to their health and appearance. Men eat right, give up bad habits, take various vitamin and mineral complexes and nutritional supplements. We bring to your attention top 10 best vitamin complexes for men .

Lamin Vision

The drug consists entirely of natural ingredients: L-carnitine, Paraguayan tea leaves, Eleutherococcus root, pollen and vitamin C. The vitamin complex helps to resist stress, stimulates the physical and mental performance of the body. Also, the drug regulates the level of hemoglobin, cholesterol, red blood cells, normalizes the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, lowers blood pressure and increases potency. Contraindicated: some allergic people, people with increased nervousness or severe atherosclerosis.

Orange Triad Controlled Labs

The preparation contains vitamins and minerals that strengthen joints and ligaments, as well as ingredients that have a beneficial effect on digestion and the immune system. Designed for men with a mobile lifestyle, athletes who expose themselves to intense stress, and for people of age. Since the complex contains elements of beef and shellfish, it should be avoided by some allergy sufferers, diabetics and people with high blood pressure.

Wellman capsules

The vitamin complex belongs to the restorative and health-improving complex and contains 9 vitamins and 10 minerals. The drug gives an additional stimulus for mental and physical activity, speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system and improves body tone. It is often used to eliminate asthenia, mental disorders, headaches, memory disorders, dizziness and tinnitus. In the spring and autumn, Wellman helps to fill the lack of nutrients. Rarely causes allergies.


Although a special "male" version of the vitamin complex does not exist, "Oligovit" is still very popular among the strong half of humanity. Since the main mission of the drug is to provide a person with the elements necessary for the life of the body, its daily norm contains vitamins, minerals and excipients in the optimal proportion. The vitamin complex is designed to: improve the functioning of the immune system; normalize metabolic processes; restore the body after long-term treatment; increase the activity and efficiency of a person.

Vitiron Suscaps

The Vitron Suscaps complex includes: 11 vitamins, 10 minerals and 3 trace elements. Its distinguishing feature is the high digestibility of the components by the male body. The drug will be a real find if you have: severe stress, vitamin deficiency, increased physical activity, reduced performance, a period of convalescence or the effects of antibiotic treatment. Vitamins increase tone, improve general condition, increase resistance to colds.


Vitamin complex of 13 vitamins and 11 macro- and microelements. It is considered the best drug both to supplement a meager or unbalanced diet, and in the form of additional protection for the body in connection with living in an environmentally harmful environment. "Centrum" will also help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, strengthen immunity and stabilize vision.


This is a universal vitamin complex, which is great for a male audience. "Vitrum life" has the entire spectrum of minerals and trace elements necessary to keep the male body in good shape. So the drug: will help improve the general condition and appearance; relieve fatigue and drowsiness; increase efficiency and improve brain function; increase testosterone levels; will saturate the body with vitamins A, C, E. The vitamin complex will also help overcome stress and nervousness.


It is a combined preparation designed for men leading an active lifestyle. The composition of the vitamin-mineral complex includes substances that activate metabolism, stimulate metabolism, prevent premature cell aging and hair loss, increase efficiency, improve memory, relieve fatigue and reduce the risk of anemia. "Duovit" protects against stress and infections, as well as harmful environmental influences.

Man's formula

The preparation contains 20 different vitamins, 11 minerals and 4 medicinal plant extracts. Thanks to this, the vitamin-mineral complex helps a man: improve health, increase immunity and performance, improve vitality. The drug is simply indispensable in case of increased physical or mental stress and a cold. Also, Man's formula will help with the improvement and restoration of potency, activation of vital energy and exacerbate sexual sensations.


One of the most popular complexes, because it contains all the useful substances necessary for men, and it is not very expensive. As part of "Alphavit": 13 vitamins and minerals, Siberian ginseng, L-carnitine, taurine and carotenoids. Preparation: will help increase endurance, raise the tone of the body, improve the functioning of the reproductive system, protect against the negative effects of the environment and improve brain performance. The daily dose consists of three tablets with an individual composition.

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