What a third grader should know in English. How to organize English language learning for children in the summer?

Hi all! Congratulations on the beginning of summer!

The wrong attitude towards holidays often leads to big problems at school.
Many parents believe that their children are so busy during the school year that they don’t even want to hear about any schooling in the summer.

Yes, indeed, studying in the form in which it is present at school is not needed in the summer. Here you need to look for other approaches so that it happens unobtrusively in a playful way.

Summer holidays are a wonderful time, we all love to relax... But there is one huge drawback - during the holidays, children forget material, especially elementary school students.

In March of this year I took part in a conference on foreign languages. One of the conference speakers was Nikolai Yagodkin, a specialist in innovative teaching methods.

During his speech, he cited very interesting facts and research results in the field of language learning, many of which surprised me personally.

For example, did you know that English is considered one of the three simplest European languages? (1st place – Italian, 2nd place – Spanish, 3rd place – English)
But at the same time, Nikolay emphasized, if a student does not study the language for some time, then a rollback (forgetting) occurs. And in terms of speed of reversal, English takes first place.

This is due to the fact that during the school year children receive a large amount of information, but do not have time to consolidate it. Yagodkin says: “Language is not knowledge. It's a skill. And if we have acquired a skill and haven’t mastered it, don’t put it into practice, then we roll back... and to restore the lost skill we need the same amount of time as it took us to study.”

If your child learned English well during the school year and received good grades at the end of the year, congratulations! But if you expect that without studying English all summer, he will continue to show good knowledge at the beginning of the year, then you are deeply mistaken.

By the way, good grades are not always an objective indicator of a child’s knowledge.

What to do? Is there any solution to this problem? Now we'll figure it out.

Again, I will give an example from the speech of Yagodkin, who claims that with an intensive approach to learning a language, it can be mastered in 3-6 months! Imagine, the school curriculum can be learned in a few months instead of 10 years!

Unfortunately, teaching foreign languages ​​at school does not give the desired results. I dream of a time when all schools will use advanced techniques and our children will be real polyglots upon graduation! And while we are dreaming, in many schools languages ​​are taught the old fashioned way, teachers change frequently, the curriculum lags behind real life...

And yet, we have not stopped sending children to school and for some time we have to accept the rules of the game and live by school laws. According to my observations, the traditional education system is now in a deep crisis and if we want the best for our children, then we will have to roll up our sleeves and help our children.
I believe that the immortal phrase of Ilf and Petrov that “The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves” will be relevant for a long time in relation to school education.

So. Let's move on to practice. Before you start classes, you need to find out what the child knows and what he doesn’t know. Today we will talk about elementary school students, because the main problems with learning a language begin precisely at this stage.
And this is a very important period, unfortunately, not all parents realize this. It is in primary school that a child’s lifelong attitude towards language learning is formed. I really hope that you, my reader, understand this!

How to test a child's knowledge

1. Take the textbook you studied from and look at the table of contents. It lists the main topics that were studied throughout the year.
You can simply look through the textbook with your child and ask the student about the material covered.
Just do it delicately, don’t scold the child if he doesn’t know something. Your task is simply to find out whether he knows or not.
Alternatively, if your student does not want to answer, say that you yourself want to learn (repeat) these topics. And do not turn your survey into an interrogation or exam, otherwise the child will withdraw and refuse to talk about English.
2. If there is no textbook, you can find on the Internet the program requirements for students of the year of study you need and go through them.
3. if you yourself do not know English, then turn to someone from your environment who you and your child trust.

One of my students completed 1st grade this year using the Karpyuk textbook. The boy was brought to me at the end of the year, when they realized that he needed help. In addition to the table of contents, this textbook contains a page that lists the basic skills that a student should have at the end of the year. Here is a list of these skills for a first grader according to the authors of the textbook.

At the end of the year, a 1st grade student should know and be able to:

1. Tell the alphabet
2. count to 10
3 name 10 primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green, white, black, brown, gray, orange, pink)
4. Talk about family and friends (This is my family. This is my mother, sister, brother, dad. Grandfather, grandmother.. this is my friend. This is his mother....)
5. Talk about your favorite toy and game.
6. name school supplies (at least 10 items)
7 name wild and house animals (at least 10 of each species)
8. sing a song and recite a poem in English (several)
9. say and execute 7 commands (sit, jump, stand, play, look, sleep, run, dance)
10. Talk about the class and your room (chair, table, sofa, armchair, shelf, window, bed, floor, door. where to be?

Based on the results of testing my student’s knowledge, it turned out that out of 10 points, he was able to confidently answer only 3.
At the end of the first grade, such a result does not mean a big problem. But if you don’t take action, then some ignorance will overlap with others and grow every year.

I understand that it is difficult for parents to independently understand many of the nuances of their children’s education program, and to help you, I am announcing an action, the name of which has not yet been invented. Well, something like: “English summer 2013″ or “Summer with English” or “Useful summer 2013″... Help me choose a suitable name. Write in the comments the name you like best or suggest your own. I will be very grateful to you!

But no matter what I call my campaign to help parents, its essence is this: throughout the summer I will publish materials that will help you diversify learning English for children, fill in the gaps and prepare for a successful start to the school year.

I know from experience that children who do not stop studying English in the summer start the school year confidently and study much more successfully than their “rested” classmates. We will play a lot, because learning English by playing is much more interesting and effective!

In addition to practical material, I will also publish program requirements for elementary school students and review the textbooks that my students and others use to study.

So, you have received the task for today, try not to put it off for too long. By the way, when checking your child’s level of knowledge, you can interview all members of your family using a list of topics, this will relieve stress from the student and at the same time you will find out who is the strongest in the family in English :)

In the next post we will begin to work on an important skill that no student (of any age) can do without. Do you want to know which one?

Subscribe to updates and new articles will be sent to your email, bookmark the site, share with friends who also have children of primary school age.

Write in the comments which textbook your child studied with and what progress he has made, are there any problems? How well did he understand the material? Does he need additional classes?

That's all for today. Good luck everyone!

According to contemporaries, school gives us a compass of knowledge for drawing the square of life. Do you remember how at school in English we were forced to cram texts about the pioneer Petya, whose father works at a factory and his mother at school? How much effort we put into making all the words and texts “bounce off the teeth,” as the teachers demanded. Now it seems that all this was in vain: we both did not speak English and did not speak it after 10 years of cramming. Today we want to remind you of how we were taught English at school, and tell you how to CORRECTLY learn English. Follow our advice and everything will work out!

At the beginning of this article, we would like to make a small disclaimer: we do not accuse school teachers of “wrong” teaching methods or incompetence. The principles we have outlined are the most common stereotypes about schooling. Almost all students encountered some of them, and only some students encountered others. We propose to consider these stereotypes and get rid of them forever.

Don't let schooling interfere with your education.

Don't let schoolwork interfere with your education.

13 principles of learning English from school that are stopping you

Rules, rules and only rules... It seems that this is what the life of a schoolchild consists of. Meanwhile, not all school rules and teaching principles are worthy of taking a place in your life. In fact, most of them prevent you from gaining knowledge. Let's see what principles of school learning should be forgotten like a bad dream, and what principles should be used in learning a language.

1. Textbooks are our everything

We always associate school with a mountain of textbooks that occupied half the closet in our room. We were taught: if you learn everything in the manual by heart, you will be happy. But digging through the textbook did not bring any happiness, on the contrary: now at the mere mention of this word we feel sick.

Correct Principle: Textbooks are one of the components of learning.

Without a textbook, learning is truly impossible, but a manual is not the key to success. In addition to the textbook, when learning English, be sure to use all available materials: videos, audio podcasts, songs, online tests and games. And it is best to choose a British textbook; it is built on a different principle than our “Vereshchagina” and “Plakhotnik”. In modern English-language textbooks, the information is presented clearly and interestingly; you do not need to cram anything; you learn English in the process of communicating with your teacher. You can choose a suitable manual for yourself from our review “”, then your studies will be fun and effective, and most importantly, you will speak English.

2. Grades are an indicator of your intelligence

Oh, this assessment system, how many complexes it has created among schoolchildren! And how many adults still believe that a “C” in English at school is proof that they have no ability for languages ​​and are not even worth taking up their studies.

Correct Principle: The main thing is knowledge, not grades.

The goal of your training should be knowledge and the ability to use this knowledge for your benefit. Forget about your bad grades at school. The main goals of learning English are to speak it, understand it and be understood. Use various tests to check how well you understand a particular topic, and which topics you should devote more time to.

3. Mistakes are terrible.

Remember how at school we were afraid to make a mistake because the teachers scolded us for it, lowered our grades and threatened to complain to our parents about our negligence? After such studies, a conditioned reflex is triggered in us: I will not speak English, otherwise I will make a mistake and I will be punished. The fear of making a mistake is detrimental to learning English. The fear of “blurting something out” is the founder of the language barrier. It is precisely because teachers were strict about mistakes that school graduates today cannot speak English, even if they know grammar well and have a good vocabulary.

Correct Principle: Mistakes are normal.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, modern English teachers don’t punish you for mistakes, they won’t scold you or consider you a stupid person. The approach has changed: now mistakes are just an indicator that you need to repeat the topic in which you feel unsure. Feel free to speak English even if you know your speech is imperfect. Until you know where you are making mistakes, you will not correct them and, therefore, will not speak English fluently and competently.

4. A three-column dictionary is your best friend

From the first months of learning English, we started a dictionary notebook, divided into 3 columns: word - transcription - translation. It was assumed that using such a dictionary it would be easy and convenient for us to learn new vocabulary. However, in reality it turned out that we could, at best, memorize the words, but the principles of their use in speech remained beyond our understanding.

Correct Principle: A subject dictionary is more efficient.

Do not divide your dictionary into three columns; this method has already proven to be ineffective. New vocabulary is best learned in context, so write out a whole sentence with a new word or a fragment of a phrase. Then you will study not just the translation of the word, but the principle of its use. Moreover, write down words on one topic in one section of a dictionary notebook; it will be easier for you to learn vocabulary that is related in meaning.

5. Textbook and dictionary - everything you need for studying

The strict school curriculum involved teaching schoolchildren only from textbooks. Very, very rarely did teachers use any additional materials. After graduating from school, we suddenly discovered that we did not understand English by ear at all, and of the phrases in English we only remembered the notorious “London is the capital of Great Britain,” which in no way would help us find a common language with foreigners.

Correct Principle: Use a variety of resources.

Educational materials should be of interest to you, especially since today on the Internet you can find hundreds of different educational resources to suit your taste. Supplement manual training with multimedia materials. Read about it. Listen to podcasts, we have described in detail how to work with them in. Read books, you can start with adapted literature, the benefits of which you can learn about. You can also learn English with the help of music, check out the article “”.

6. Pronunciation doesn't matter

At school, even the strictest teachers allowed us to say “fenkyu” (thank you) and “zys” (this). Perhaps they believed that loading children's heads (or rather, tongues) with the intricacies of pronunciation was overkill. However, in reality it turns out that when we speak English, we are understood only by our compatriots, whose pronunciation is no different from ours.

Correct Principle: Good pronunciation is the key to mutual understanding.

7. Playing and studying don't mix

At school we were always taught: the educational process is a serious thing, there is no place for games. Outside of class, we had to do exercises using the same uninteresting textbooks and write down words in a dictionary. Maybe this is why we grew up and perceive studying as boring cramming from a textbook and studying the dictionary from A to Z.

Correct Principle: Entertainment and English are quite compatible.

Not all entertainment is a waste of time. English can and should be learned through games, apps and social networks. For example, take a look at one of the. Or install yourself several of . And don’t forget to subscribe to news from groups that publish useful materials on the English language, for example, our groups for English learners: In contact with And Facebook.

8. Cramming theory is the main thing

Remember how we learned by heart long formulations of the rules of the English language or 40 new words? For some reason, knowledge of theory and rote learning did not help us speak English. Despite this, some teachers believed that the main thing was to force students to memorize the next paragraph or a couple of dozen words, and everything would immediately fall into place.

Correct Principle: Theory without practice is nothing.

Learning by heart is useful, but regular cramming will not help you understand, for example, when to use the word choose and when to select. You need to support the theory with practice: use these words in speech, guided by the context, read the studied words in articles, listen to audio and video. This way it will be easier to remember new vocabulary. The theory must be supported by a significant amount of practice.

9. Curriculum - “not a step aside”

The school curriculum was the same for everyone, regardless of the interests and characteristics of the student. We all had to strictly follow it, no matter how illogical and inconvenient it might be at times. So it turned out that after 10 years of study, most of us only remember a phrase like “Who is on duty today?”, which we have nowhere to apply today. However, teachers cannot be blamed for this: they were the same “prisoners” of the education system as we are.

Correct Principle: The training program should be tailored to your needs.

If you study English with a personal teacher, you have every right to an individual approach. For example, in our online school, teachers adapt to your needs and skills: each topic is covered for as long as you need to understand it, and the teacher tries to make the lessons as interesting as possible for you. And if you study at, then the training program is completely tailored to your needs and interests.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Education is what remains after you have forgotten what you learned at school.

10. Study for the sake of study

At school, no one told you why you were acquiring knowledge. The vague “if you don’t study, you’ll become a janitor” had an impact on few people. Learning a language “because it’s necessary” is not at all interesting.

Correct Principle: Studying to achieve a desired goal.

To make your studies as productive as possible, determine the purpose of learning English. If you know that you are learning English in order to reach the heights of your career ladder, communicate with foreign partners, feel comfortable when traveling, enroll in a prestigious foreign university, watch new TV series before anyone else in the original language, then you are unlikely to have the desire to give up everything on the halfway. A tempting prospect will be an excellent incentive to study.

11. Vacations are a time when you can forget about studying

And this principle, rather, we derived for ourselves. Remember how we fussed before the end of each quarter or semester, and after receiving the grade, we immediately forgot about definite articles, English tenses, passive and active voices. Rest is time free from studying.

Correct Principle: Regular exercise is the key to success.

If you want to feel constant progress, then you will have to forget about long breaks in learning English. Knowledge disappears from the head much faster than it gets there. Agree, it’s stupid to spend time and money learning a language only to forget everything after a couple of months. Therefore, do not allow long breaks in training. The best results come from regular exercise. It is advisable to study 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours, and on the remaining days devote at least 15-20 minutes to English. 1-2 days a week “take a day off” in English. With this schedule, within a couple of months you will feel significant progress. To avoid getting bored, choose several activities and create a small schedule. For example, on Monday you watch episode 1 of your favorite TV series in English, on Tuesday you do some grammar exercises, on Wednesday you read a chapter of a book, etc.

12. A schoolteacher is enough to make you talk.

The school teacher was considered the only person who could teach you English. It was believed that a teacher could provide all the necessary knowledge, and there was no need to study outside of school.

Correct Principle: Look for every opportunity to communicate in English.

If you want to learn to speak English, use every opportunity to communicate: English courses, individual lessons with a teacher, communication with native speakers. You can communicate with native speakers on the websites interpals.net or italki.com. Text, talk, improve your English.

13. Group training is your only option.

At school, the class was usually divided in half, and we learned English in a group of 10-15 people. Moreover, this group included both diligent students who quickly mastered the material and careless poor students who did not learn the construction there is/are until the 11th grade. The entire group was taught according to the same program, regardless of the personal characteristics of the students.

Correct Principle: Individual lessons are the right choice.

Learning English at school is not very effective, not because of the teachers or the curriculum, but because there are 20-30 people in a class, which is too many for productive classes. Therefore, instead of being disappointed in your own abilities or scolding school teachers, try the most effective way to learn a language - individual lessons. And if you are limited in time, then try our school. Online lessons are a new word in learning, and perhaps this word will appeal to you.

As you can see, the rules of learning English that we were taught at school can be forgotten. Time changes, and we change with it. However, the school also had very useful techniques, which we wrote about in the article “”. So if you failed to learn English at school, do not despair: new methods and techniques for learning the language will be your key to unlock the lock on the door of knowledge. Try to use new principles and do not forget to read our blog, we will help you achieve your goals.

Dear parents!

As a result of learning a foreign language in the 2nd grade of primary school, the student should know:

Alphabet, letters and their sounds, diphthongs (reading 2 vowel sounds);

Basic reading rules

Pluralizing nouns (adding an endings);

Vocabulary on the topic of animals, family, toys, names of some objects, school;

Basic verbs, adjectives;

Numerals from 1 to 12,



- prepositions(on, in, under, above, in front of, behind, between)

Be able to:

Listen to the teacher's speech;

Participate in basic dialogue (introduction, greeting, farewell, congratulations, gratitude);

Briefly talk about yourself, your parent, your friend;

Briefly describe his name, how old he is, where he lives, what he has (have, has– have) what is (on the table, ...) (thereis/ are- there is) what he can do (can- be able to);

Ask questions, answer them (is it here? Do you have it? Do you know how? What is your name? How old are you? Do you like it?

English alphabet

Rules for reading English transcription signs

in English

Analog of pronunciation in Russian

Vowel sounds in English

Approximate analogue
In russian language

[ d ]

[ d ]

[ ]

[ A ] - short

[ b ]

[ b ]

Single sounds

[ d h ]

[ j ] - soft

[ i: ]

[ And ] - long

[ f ]

[ f ]

[ a: ]

[ A ] - long

[ h ]

[ and ] - soft

[ i ]

[ And ] - short

[ g ]

[ G ]

[ ɔ ]

[ O ] - short

[ h ]

[ X ] - very soft

[ ɔ : ]

[ O ] - long

[ k ]

[ To ] - aspirated

[ u ]

[ at ] - short

[ l ]

[ l ]

[ u: ]

[ at ] - long

[ m ]

[ m ]

[ e ]

like a Russian lettere soundless
th ]

[ n ]

[ n ]

[ ε: ]

like a Russian lettere soundless
th ]

[ p ]

[ P ] - aspirated


[ s ]

[ With ]

[ əu]

[ OU ]

[ t ]

[ T ] - aspirated

[ au ]

[ aw ]

[ v ]

[ V ]

[ ei ]

[ Hey ]

[ z ]

[ h ]

[ ɔ i ]

[ Ouch ]

[ t ʃ ]

[ h ]

[ ai ]

[ ah ]

[ ʃ ]

Average between [w ] And [sch ]

[ r ]

[ R ] - soft

Sounds in English that have no close analogues in Russian

[ θ ]

Dull interdental sound, as in a wordthank you (you)Thank you - hold your tongue between your teeth and try to pronounce S [es] or F [ef]

[ æ ]

Open sound
[ uh ], as in the wordbad bad.
Found in the group of Turkic languages, soft e.

[ ð ]

Voiced interdental sound, wordsthis this Andthat That - hold your tongue between your teeth and try to pronounce the sound Z [ze]

[ ŋ ]

Nasal sound [n ]. When pronouncing, the back of the tongue is close to the palate.
In words with endings
-ing - everything [`evriθiŋ]all

[ ə ]

Neutral sound, somewhere between [A ] And [uh ].
Meets in a group
Turkic languages,
very soft e.

[ w ]

The sound [B] is pronounced with aspiration and elongated lips.

Plural of nouns

Table of English numbers




sri (s – tongue between teeth)















heating element




fuel rods


Yellow- yellow (yellow)

Green- green (green)

Blue- blue, blue (blue)

Brown- brown

White- white (white)

Red- red (red)

Orange- orange (orange)

Pink- pink (pink)

Purple- purple (ash)

Black- black (black)

Pronouns (who? What?)

You you

V (lips with a tube)













He, she, it (animals, objects)

Possessive pronouns (whose? Whose? Whose?)

yours, yours










his her










In(in) – in, on(He is at, under(ande) – under, nextto(next that) - next to,behind(behind) - behind,infrontof(in dandy of) - ahead of something,between(bitvin) - between

Rules for reading letters and letter combinations

Reading vowels

: - longitude (pull the sound)


Open syllable

Closed syllable


+ re



[æ] uh (mouth wide open)


[ α :] A:


[ɛǝ] uh


letterA before
-ss, -st, -nt, sk
readHow [ α :]





[ǝ:] ёо (е and о together)







[ɔ] O


[ɔ:] O:


[ɔ:] O:

Ii/ Yy



[i] and


[ǝ:] uh:







[ʌ] A


[ǝ:] e:


[ȷuǝ] yuue


Reading consonants






1. Before e, i,at


cent, civil, center


car, cook, cup, back


1. Before e, i,at


rage, gin, gym

2. Before a, o, i, all consonants and at the end of a word

[g] g

s es

1. At the beginning of a word, before voiceless consonants and at the end of a word after voiceless consonants


spam, set, stop

2. Between vowels, at the end of words after vowels and voiced consonants

[z] z

goose, bees, beans

x ex

1. Before consonants and at the end of words


next, sex

2. Before a stressed vowel



Reading combinations of consonants







[ ʃ ] w

ship, scholarship, sheep




chair, March, chewing


After short vowels


match, swatch


After short vowels


back, snack, crack


1. At the beginning of significant words and at the end of the word

[ θ ] s (tongue between teeth)

thin, birth, thick

2. At the beginning of pronouns, function words and between vowels

[ ð ] z (tongue between teeth)

that, bath


1. At the beginning of a word, before all vowels exceptO

[w] in (lips with a tube)

where, what

2. Before the letterO

[h] x



Before vowels




At the beginning of the word

[n] n



At the end of a word

[ ŋ ] n (nasal sound)




[ ŋk] NK




[f] f



At the beginning of a word before vowels



Reading combinations of consonants and vowels






1. Beforek in a stressed syllable

[ ɔ :] long O


2. Before other consonants in a stressed syllable

[ ɔ :l] o:l

ball, small



[g] g

guard, league


Before consonants in a stressed syllable




1. Before final consonants (except r) or a combination of consonants



2. Beforer


bard, ward




light, bright,

First time in third grade? Our job is to know exactly what awaits the child in an English lesson. Read the list of the most important skills for third graders and make your own to-do list.

– teacher website

As a rule, a third grader approaches the learning process more consciously. It is impossible to recognize a former dreamer in a child: the child tries to act according to the model in everything, constantly checking the template. During this period, the English language program becomes significantly more complicated. Let's look at what a child should know and be able to do by the end of the third year of study.

1. Skills and abilities

Know the alphabet, spell words.
- Write words from the conversation topics covered.
- Make up your own simple sentences based on the model, supplement the sentences with the necessary words.
- Read short texts consisting of simple sentences after listening to them recorded.
- Maintain a small conversation, recognize the interlocutor’s speech and respond to it.
- Understand the general content of short stories by listening and while reading.
- Participate in simple dialogues: be able to say hello and goodbye, apologize, thank, congratulate and respond to congratulations.
- Question your interlocutor using the questions “Who?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “Whose?”. The volume of dialogue is 2-3 replicas on each side.
- Compose a short story about yourself, a friend, family, home, animal using a 6-7 sentence model.

2. Grammar

Let us remember that at an early age it is given only in the form of ready-made phrases. Nevertheless, In third grade, more attention is paid to grammar than in the second. And The first grammar exercises are introduced. Here's what your child should know from this section:

Grammar tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous.
- General questions and with question words: what, who, where, how.- Incentive sentences in the affirmative form: Help me, please.
- Verb have got in affirmative, negative, interrogative sentences .
- Verb to be in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences
- Modal verb can.
- Indefinite article A and the definite article the.
-Plural of a noun.
-Personal pronouns I, we, you, they, he, she, it.
-Demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those.
-Prepositions of place: on, in, under, next to (at), in front of, behind, between.

3. Basic words and expressions

A third grader must repeat the vocabulary he learned last year and gradually learn new words and expressions:

🔢 Numbers from 10 to 100

👨‍👩‍👧 Family

Who is this? This is my grandmother/grandfather/grandson/granddaughter/grandparents/aunt/uncle/cousin.
His(mother) is tall/short/strong/happy/kind/old/young/beautiful.
Her(aunt) lives in America.

🏫 School

How many pens are there? — There are 15 pens.
What is your favorite subject?— My favorite subject is Maths/ English/ Reading/ History/ Geography/ PE/ Science/ Art/ Music/ Handicraft/ Nature Study/ Computer Study.
What lessons do you have on (Monday)? — On (Monday) we have (Art and Maths).
There is a library / a gym / a canteen / a playground in our school.
Schoolchildren wear a school uniform.

🏡 My home

What's this?– It’s a computer / cupboard / refrigerator / mirror / shelf.
Whose is it?- It's dad's.
What are these?- They are (cars).
Whose are they?- They are Bob's.
Where is(the chair)? – It's on / in / under / next to(the table).
Is (Bella) in the (kitchen)? - No, she is in the living-room / hall / bathroom / bedroom.
There is(a cup) on the (table). There are(plates) in the (cupboard).

🎈 Toys

Whose is this(musical box)? - It's Mary's. It's her (musical box).
Where is our (ball)? – It’s under / on / in / next to the (table).
This(car) is fast / slow / new / old / beautiful.

🚲 Entertainment and hobbies

I can ride a bike / fly a kite / play the piano / play the guitar.
What are you doing?— I am listening to music / making a sandcastle / watching TV / painting a picture.
Is he riding a bike? - Yes, he is / No, he isn’t.
Do you like(playing football)? - Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
Does he like(watching TV)? - Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

🌞 My day

What time do you (get up)? — I (get up) at 7 o’clock.
In the morning I get up / wash my face / clean my teeth / have breakfast / go to school.
In the afternoon I have lunch / do my homework / play with my friends.
In the evening I watch TV / read books / play computer games.
At night I go to bed.
What do you do on Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday?
On (Sunday) I play football and visit my grandma.

🐥 Animals

This is a cow / sheep / horse / spider / lizard.
It has got(long) legs and a (big) mouth.
It can fly / crawl / climb / swim / talk.
It is funny / fluffy / clever / cute.

🍒 Food

What's your favorite food?– My favorite food is fruit/vegetables/water/lemonade.
I like(apples).
I don't like(ice-cream).
Do you like(pizza)? - Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Does he like(jelly)? - Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
Can I have the menu, please? - Here you are.
Can I have some (rice with vegetables), please? - Here you are.

Advice to parents: Listen carefully to your child’s stories about English lessons. It is important to understand whether the child likes the teacher and the subject itself. Favorite English lessons in elementary school are the key to good performance in a foreign language in the future.

If everything at school is difficult and boring, find a teacher who will make it easy and interesting.

The site's teachers always know what their little student is interested in and adapt the lesson to his interests as much as possible. That is why Third graders really love our English lessons ❤️️

Everyone knows that people learn from mistakes. But why do them when you can learn from others? Indeed, in the case of the English language, avoiding mistakes can save you time, money and your own nerves.

Today we will talk about exactly what not to learn English. In this article, you will learn what is blocking your learning and how to deal with it.

Bad advice #1:
Don't try to speak English until the time comes and you feel ready for it.

Each person decides for himself when to start speaking the language. However, there is no need to rush into this. You don't want people to laugh at the mistakes you make, do you? First you need to learn tenses and other grammar, and develop a large vocabulary. Once you learn all this, one day you will speak English. Until then, there’s no point in trying.

How to do it right: You need to start speaking the language from the very beginning. "Speaking" is a skill that needs to be gradually developed.

Remember how you learned your native language. First, you began to pronounce words, then put them into simple sentences, improving and improving your skills over time.

The same should be done with the English language. Practice new material immediately. Have you learned a new word? Make up a few sentences with it. Have you read the rule? Make up your own sentences using it.

Bad advice #2:
Study English only at a convenient time. And if you have something to do, put off your studies

What difference does it make whether you study English today or postpone your lesson until tomorrow? There are many more important things to do right now, and you can study English in any free time.

If you have something to do (a lot of work, important meetings, dance classes, bad mood), put off your studies. Better come back to it when you have enough time.

How to do it right: You need to study English systematically if you do not want to stretch out your learning for years. The more often you practice, the faster the results will be.

Imagine that you want to learn to dance. What results will you get if you exercise once a week? What if every day?

Having canceled or postponed an activity once, you will do it a second and a third time, and then give up completely. From the very beginning of your studies, decide on a clear schedule and stick to it.

Bad advice #3:
The only way to remember English grammar is to memorize all the rules

To know English grammar, you need to learn all the rules. To do this, take a table of times, the thickest English textbook and start learning them by heart.

After you have learned all this, you can safely say that you know English grammar. After all, now you can easily retell any rule.

How to do it right:Tell me, do you learn something just to know it or to be able to use it? If you memorize a textbook on how to drive car, can you drive a car in practice? If you memorize a guide on how to ski, can you go without falling?

In order not to just retell the rules of English grammar, but to be able to use your knowledge in life, you need to practice each rule in practice.

However, it is not at all necessary to learn it by heart. You just need to understand when it is used and learn how to construct sentences using it.

Bad advice #4:
If you paid for a course or a tutor, they are obligated to teach you, even if you are not going to put in any effort

If you paid your money for training, now it is the teacher’s problem to teach you. You don't have to do your homework or put in any effort on your own. You are only required to attend the lesson, and the teacher must do the rest.

How to do it right: The teacher and teaching method greatly influence the effectiveness of your classes. However, 50% of the result depends on you.

If you do not do your homework, you will not consolidate the material covered in class, and, therefore, you will not be able to move on. In addition, it will be difficult for the teacher to determine which topic you understood and which one is worth returning to again.

If you are not going to put in the effort, then any learning will be in vain. Do you remember the famous cartoon about Vovka with a magic casket, when he asked in surprise: “And you, what will you eat for me?”

You must understand that you need the result, because you want to speak English. Your teacher already knows how to do this.

Bad advice #5:
You need to communicate in English without knowing grammar. All you have to do is learn conversational phrases

You can communicate with foreigners without knowing grammar. What difference does it make if you form your sentences incorrectly? They will still understand you.

Learn a couple of colloquial phrases and commonly used words. This will be enough for you to communicate, because sign language has not yet been canceled.

How to do it right: Everyone enjoys talking with competent people. Of course, if you get lost, they can explain the way to you using gestures and a couple of familiar phrases. But expressing your thoughts and communicating with interesting people in other countries will not help you.

If you want to communicate fully, freely and competently, be able to express your thoughts and understand other people, you need knowledge of grammar to formulate your thoughts correctly.

Bad advice #6:
You cannot start speaking a language after 1-3 months. Remember your old experience.

Are you told that you can speak the language in 1-3 months? Feel free to tell the person that this definitely does not happen.

Don’t even listen to how the training is structured and what results it produces. Just remember your old experience.

How to do it right: Forget about your negative experience. There are methods that will help you speak in a short time. You just haven’t met them before.

Of course, you must understand that no miracles will happen, and you will not know English perfectly during this time. However, you can easily learn to communicate on simple topics. And by adding new topics and grammar, very soon you will improve your English significantly and be able to communicate with foreigners.

Don't be upset if you recognize yourself in these tips. After all, it’s never too late to improve and make your training effective. I hope these tips will help you point your learning in the right direction.

Dear readers, what bad advice do you remember from your study experience? Let's discuss them together and find the right way to fix them.



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