What is respiratory allergy? Causes and symptoms of respiratory allergies, treatment of allergosis in children and adults.

Respiratory allergosis is a specific disease of the respiratory system, which is based on some allergic reaction. With this disease, all organs and parts of the respiratory tract are involved in the process.

The main reasons for the development of allergies

The reasons for the development of this disease can be completely different. One of the most important factors is heredity. Very often there are cases of transmission of diseases of an allergic nature from generation to generation. Can play a big role:

  • constant artificial feeding;
  • perinatal pathologies of the nervous and respiratory systems;
  • atopic diathesis;
  • the earliest exposure to various allergens on the child’s body. The environmental situation plays a great role in the development of the disease.

The consumption of various preservatives in food, the frequent incidence of acute respiratory infections, all kinds of diseases of the skin, digestive tract and intestines have a bad effect on the health of the body.

Respiratory allergies can develop due to the action of a strong allergen on the body. However, not all of them are like this. Those irritants that cause increased sensitivity can be considered the weakest antigens of external origin. In respiratory allergosis, the allergen enters the body only through inhalation.

The most common allergens are household and food allergens arising from the pollen of certain plants. Many people have a reaction to house dust quite often. All this can be explained by the fact that dust contains a fairly large number of different types of microscopic mites, mold fungi and all sorts of chemicals.

There are also cases when an allergic reaction can develop to certain medications. A feature of respiratory allergies is the presence of polyallergy, that is, the presence of several harmful allergens in the body at once.

Main forms of respiratory allergies and their symptoms

There are several main types of allergies. Depending on the form, the symptoms of the disease will differ.

Most often it develops in children and can last throughout the rest of a person’s life. The disease occurs quite often. In this case, patients complain of constant nasal congestion, and there may be scanty discharge. Added to all this is severe itching in the nasal passages, which causes constant sneezing.

This disease is most often seasonal in nature. It appears during the flowering period of many plants, which is associated with the hypersensitivity of the human body to their pollen.

  1. Allergic pharyngitis.

It is characterized by severe swelling of the entire mucous membrane covering the oropharynx. Sometimes the tongue can also be involved in the inflammatory process. In this case, the patient has a constant feeling of something foreign in the throat. But no pain is usually noted. The most common symptom is a severe, dry cough. Most often, this pharyngitis is chronic and can be combined with tonsillitis.

  1. Allergic tracheitis.

There is a rapid onset of hoarseness. The patient suffers from severe and prolonged attacks of dry cough. The cough gets worse at night and severe pain appears in the chest area. The disease can continue even for several months, and it has a wavy nature with periods of exacerbation and remission. However, what is surprising is the fact that even severe coughing attacks usually do not disturb the general condition of the body.

  1. Allergic obstructive bronchitis.

This disease is considered the most common respiratory allergosis, which affects only the lower respiratory tract. Some doctors consider this disease to be one of the types of bronchial asthma with the mildest course. This is explained by the practical coincidence of both the main causes and mechanisms of development of bronchial asthma and allergic obstructive bronchitis.

Basic principles of treatment of respiratory allergies

Treatment of absolutely any known form of respiratory allergy implies the initial and final cessation of all contacts of the body with those allergens that provoked or may be the cause of the disease.

Drug treatment involves prescribing specific antihistamines to the patient. Allergic rhinitis is often treated with various aerosols that contain glucocorticosteroids. Such drugs must be injected directly into the nasal passages several times a day. If the upper respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses are involved in the process, then vitamin therapy and some physiotherapeutic procedures are used for treatment.

To early prevent the development of possible respiratory diseases, of course, in the presence of a harmful allergen, you need to adhere to special preventive measures. For example, pregnant women who have a hereditary factor for allergic reactions should follow a special hypoallergenic diet from the very beginning of pregnancy. This is necessary in order to try to prevent the development of hypersensitivity in the unborn child. But after birth, mothers should always remember that the baby should be protected from all possible harmful allergens as early as possible. Long-term and constant breastfeeding of a child can also be considered the best prevention of allergies.

Halotherapy in the treatment of respiratory allergosis

Today, the method of halotherapy is becoming increasingly popular.

It consists of prescribing special haloinhalations, which are recommended to be combined with some breathing exercises. This method is one of the most effective for preventing the development of any respiratory diseases. Halotherapy is also often used to prevent the development of all sorts of complications associated with chronic respiratory diseases. This therapy is usually carried out in several successive courses.

Its essence lies in the combination of basic neurovegetative, as well as adaptation-trophic processes occurring in the body under the influence of various immunostimulating substances. However, this method of treating respiratory pathology is quite expensive, so doctors offer an alternative method of treatment with the specific drug Galoneb. Its effectiveness has been proven over the years.

Specific nebulizer therapy

This therapy is a special inhalation treatment method. It has quite a few advantages:

  • used from a very early age;
  • the dosage of the drug delivered into the respiratory tract is considered the most accurate;
  • inhalations can be easily done at home completely independently;
  • the presence of many analogues of drugs;
  • a positive effect can be achieved in the shortest possible time by simply administering a large but acceptable dose of the drug;
  • inhalations do not in any way affect all other organs and systems of the body.

Thus, respiratory allergies are a fairly common disease. But it can also be prevented if you take good care of your health. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will be able to prescribe in time the most effective and efficient methods of treatment and prevention of a possible developing disease.

Respiratory allergy is an inadequate, intense pathological immune reaction of the body to the penetration of allergens into the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The term allergen refers to various third-party substances or exposure factors that provoke the occurrence of such a painful reaction of the immune system. The respiratory form means that allergens enter the mucous membrane when breathing.

Microscopic pathogens are in the air, and when we breathe they get inside, attacking the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. Hence the name - aeroallergens.

The onset of a respiratory allergic reaction occurs if there is contact with an allergen to which a person has developed hypersensitivity. The immune system, perceiving a harmless factor (foreign body) as a serious danger, begins to protect and “attack” the pathogen.

The key problem of any type of allergy is the body’s excessive, overly aggressive response to the antigen, in contrast to the normal immune reaction.

The disease occurs in different ways, for some allergy sufferers it is limited to minor discomfort (inconvenience).

Manifested by itching, runny nose. However, in some situations, such an immune disorder can cause a real threat, causing significant damage to organs and tissues. An example is the risk of anaphylactic shock.

List of typical aeroallergens:

  • house dust
  • epithelium of insects, domestic animals
  • fungal spores
  • household chemicals
  • cosmetics
  • varnishes, paints

In addition, the following are recognized as possible catalysts for an allergic reaction:

  • food products
  • sunlight
  • cold
  • stinging insect venom

Along with the respiratory form manifested (asthma, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, conjunctivitis), other, fairly “popular” types of allergosis are classified:

  • gastrointestinal
  • cutaneous

When choosing treatment tactics, the following are taken into account:

  • factor that causes an allergic response from the immune system
  • clinical manifestations of the disease

Do not try to solve this problem on your own; use only your doctor’s recommendations. Be sure to consult an allergist before using folk remedies; self-medication without consultation with a doctor is unacceptable.

The body becomes familiar with respiratory allergies most often in childhood or adolescence.

In an adult, such disorders (failures) immunity possible as a negative consequence of previous respiratory tract pathology.

Exacerbations (attacks) occur in 2-3 quarters of the year, since in the spring-summer season the air is oversaturated with odors and pollen.

Respiratory allergies

There are two basic types that manifest this type of immune disorder:

  1. Bronchial asthma is a common type of respiratory allergic reaction. Due to inflammation and swelling, at the time of an asthma attack, the bronchi “narrow” in an asthmatic, causing noticeable breathing difficulties during the exhalation phase.
  2. Allergic rhinitis - runny nose non-infectious nature, lacrimation, redness of the eyes.

The symptomatic picture is supplemented by:

  • swelling of the eyelids, throat
  • mucosal irritation

In allergic rhinitis, there are two pathology scenarios:

  1. Seasonal - probable exacerbations occur in spring and summer, the allergen is pollen and the smell of flowering plants.
  2. Year-round - nasal congestion, sneezing, lacrimation become systematic, the disease receives a permanent, year-round “registration” in the body. To these characteristic clinical manifestations are added general signs of malaise: rapid pulse, increased sweating. The catalyst for problems is often factors that we encounter on a daily basis. These include house dust, animal hair, and fungal spores.

Complete elimination of contact with the identified irritant is a fundamental condition for successful treatment of allergic rhinitis.

In most cases, the patient knows what causes such problems. By his actions, a person tries to minimize or completely eliminate the “encounter” with the allergen.

Conventionally, it is permissible to consider angioedema as a manifestation of respiratory allergy, when the swelling “affects” the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of allergosis

The therapeutic process requires an integrated approach; it is necessary to correctly diagnose the allergen causing the reaction.

If the doctor was unable to immediately determine the cause, then laboratory tests are carried out:

  • tests, samples for various antigens

After accurately identifying the irritant, the necessary antihistamines are prescribed. Medicines normalize the functioning of the immune system and help the body quickly get rid of (remove) antigens. Among medical prescriptions are antihistamines of four generations:

  • first - Suprastin, Fenkarol, Tavegil
  • second - Claritin, Kistin Zodak (drugs contraindicated for heart patients)
  • third - Telfast, Zyrtec, Cetrin
  • fourth - Erius, Desloratadine, Ebastine, Cetirizine

The selection of the drug and the choice of treatment tactics (dosage regimen) are carried out by an allergist, always taking into account the severity, nature of the disease and the age of the patient.

Since the treatment is complex, if necessary, the following is included in therapy:

  • topical treatments - ointments, drops, sprays
  • physiotherapeutic procedures

Therapeutic measures for allergies are necessarily accompanied by strengthening the immune system.

Unfortunately, not everyone strictly follows the doctor’s instructions.

Many, after initial improvements and relief of symptoms, independently adjust the dosage, or, considering themselves recovered, completely stop taking the prescribed medications. This is a gross and unacceptable mistake.

Some people take antihistamines uncontrollably for a long period of time, mistakenly believing that this will cure them.

The final result is disappointing - allergic problems worsen, intensify, becoming chronic.

Folk recipes

The use of recipes requires caution, taking into account the individual response of the body to the components.

Consultation with your doctor is required!

In the recipes described below, we will focus on the fight against allergic rhinitis - a “popular” form of respiratory allergy.


Drops from herbal components are an adequate replacement for vasoconstrictors, the use of which is limited due to mucosal degeneration. Take topically, orally.

Beneficial features

  • The plant has a positive effect on the immune system, which provides significant support for allergies of various natures.
  • The healing qualities are due to the rich content of biogenic stimulants - they accelerate the processes of growth and tissue regeneration (restoration). They activate vital processes, which enhances overall resistance to disease.

Aloe composition contains:

  • phytoncides
  • antioxidants
  • polysaccharides
  • beta carotene
  • vitamin C, B, PP, E
  • enzymes

Aloe juice is a reliable protection against viruses and bacteria; it is permissible to take:

  • locally (drops) - eliminates swelling, inflammation, helps protect the mucous membrane from infections
  • inside - normalizes digestive processes, which experience difficulties with enzyme deficiency, characteristic of

Antiseptic properties help against:

  • burns, cuts
  • boils, acne
  • purulent inflammation
  • eczema
  • dermatitis

How to cook?

First leave the plant on a “starvation diet”, do not water it for a week, then the concentration of active substances will increase.

We place the cut leaves in the refrigerator - unfavorable conditions “force” the plant body to produce biogenic stimulants.

Ten days later, the foliage is thoroughly crushed, after being washed with cold water. Using a thick gauze layer, squeeze out, then boil for three minutes.

Useful qualities do not last long. Take freshly squeezed orally, diluting 100 ml with water, single serving 30 ml. The course is three weeks.


  • hypertension
  • haemorrhoids
  • fibrous formations
  • liver pathology

Sea buckthorn oil

An auxiliary natural component that prevents the growth of bacteria. Eliminates dry mucous membranes that occur after vasoconstrictor drops.

The consistency is thick, the oil “gently” envelops the mucous membrane, inflammation subsides. As a result, swelling gradually subsides and the amount of secretion produced decreases. The nasal passages are normalized breath.

Oil properties

  • antioxidant
  • regenerating
  • antimicrobial


Useful qualities are due to the composition:

  • vitamins
  • mineral acids, substances
  • simple sugars (glucose, fructose)
  • starch

There are diametrically opposed points of view about the benefits and harms of honey for allergy sufferers. The truth “sits” approximately in the middle, since allergies are an individual pathology.

Allergens vary among patients, so it is necessary to evaluate the possibility of using honey separately in each specific situation.

Previously, beekeeping products were clearly included in the list of active allergens that were categorically unacceptable for allergy sufferers.

However, honey is able to “qualitatively” strengthen the immune system, which is fundamentally necessary for allergic pathologies.

The percentage of patients with a “direct” (immediate) allergy to honey is insignificant. The connection between an allergic reaction and the pollen of plants from which the bee takes bribes is much stronger.

The main thing is to choose the right honey plant, using special testing that allows you to determine the degree of allergic influence of the plant on the body. Linden honey is considered the most “calm”.

If there are no such problems, the body perceives honey products normally, then they must be included in the treatment of allergies. After all, they “work” by restoring the immune system, saturating the body with valuable microelements and minerals.

Regular chewing of honeycombs will help (allergies are no exception), removing negative symptoms.

The course is long, the treatment interval is six months, but the effort expended will not be in vain, the risks of exacerbation of allergic rhinitis will be minimized.

The effectiveness of the therapy can last up to five years.

If, with the onset of seasonal exacerbation, the symptomatic manifestations of respiratory allergies are clear and pronounced, then preparatory preventive “work” must be started in advance.

In advance, before the onset of exacerbations, use according to Art. l. honeycomb honey

Until the allergy symptoms subside, continue to eat honeycomb honey, drink honey water, and chew the wax caps more often if necessary.

A reasonable combination of the above-mentioned actions contributes to the effective fight against non-infectious rhinitis.

Black elderberry

The berry helps with exacerbations of hay fever, restoring and strengthening the immune system. It is acceptable to use alone or in combination with other medicinal plants.

The chemical composition is enriched with flavonoids (strong antioxidants), more than in blueberries and cranberries.

Useful qualities:

  • increases hemoglobin
  • enhances liver function

How to make elderberry juice

Select ripe fruits, wash, and pour boiling water for ten minutes. Then, pour into a colander, grind, squeeze out the juice, add sugar at the rate of 300 g. per kilogram of berries. Bring the resulting mixture of juice and sugar to a boil, fill pre-sterilized containers, and close with a lid. For exacerbations, take a tablespoon three times a day.

Herbal remedy for runny nose

The recipe is simple, but it can “support” the body in moments of struggle against respiratory allergies.

Required components:

  • burdock rhizome, dandelion, nettle - 4 parts
  • strawberry leaf - 3
  • wormwood - 2

Grind thoroughly, mix, and brew in a thermos. One tbsp. l. collection per 300 ml. After steeping overnight, strain in the morning and drink in equal portions throughout the day.

Be patient, take two two-week courses, with breaks of thirty days.

In the future, keep your runny nose under control by repeating the course every year.

Comment on the recipe

Let's take a closer look at the components of the collection.


Its versatility and prevalence in recipes are due to its composition and impressive list of biologically active substances. Most are concentrated in the ground part.

Chemical composition:

  • Flavonoids - fight inflammation, disinfect. Let's highlight artemisetin - a natural antibiotic that does not allow bacteria to multiply and has a detrimental effect on E. coli.
  • Glycosides - normalize digestion, create a choleretic effect.
  • , with which bitter wormwood is saturated, have a cardiac stimulating effect. Chamazulene - an anti-inflammatory substance obtained from the plant is used in the treatment of asthma, helps with burns, dermatitis.
  • Organic acids - perform cleansing procedures and ensure stability of the nervous system.
  • Tannins - heal wounds, prevent bleeding, eliminate diarrhea, fight infection.

The rich representation of minerals in wormwood (selenium, bromine, zinc, molybdenum, magnesium), vitamins A, B, C, allows the plant to be used for various pathologies of the gallbladder and kidneys. Effective against polyps, proctitis.

In relation to allergies, if there is no allergy to the plant itself, then the herb is prescribed independently, or together in collections with other herbs.

The bitterness of wormwood has a tonic effect on the immune system, detoxifying the body.


  • porphyria
  • epilepsy
  • pregnancy
  • ulcer, acute variant of cholecystitis, pancreatitis,
  • anemia
  • allergy to plants with identical properties - daisies, chrysanthemum, ragweed, marigold

The issue of interaction of wormwood-based drugs with drugs and dosage requires special, close attention.

Never exceed your doctor's prescription; consultation is required.

Independent manipulations with the dosage regimen, overdose, long-term uncontrolled use, with a high degree of probability can significantly aggravate the situation.

List of possible problems:

  • intoxication
  • mental disorder, excessive agitation
  • seizure activity
  • the appearance of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia
  • hallucinations
  • clouding of consciousness

Conclusion: the medicinal and risk components of the properties of this herb are often “located nearby.” Be sure to discuss with your doctor the therapeutic options of wormwood for your condition.

Strawberry leaf

A multivitamin that will strengthen the immune system, improve metabolic processes, enriched with citric, quinic, and malic acids. Strawberry foliage prevents inflammatory manifestations.

The foliage must be collected fresh, at the berry flowering stage, and then dried.

It is contraindicated during pregnancy as it tones the uterus.

Burdock root

With the allergic nature of inflammation, the importance of the procedure for cleansing the body of toxins increases significantly.

Burdock, having the necessary qualities, copes well with this task.

It has a detrimental effect on internal toxins produced in large quantities during allergies.


  • painkiller
  • moderate laxative
  • sweatshop
  • diuretic

Burdock rhizome stimulates the enzymatic functions of the pancreas, which has a positive effect on the “well-being” of the skin. Helps normalize digestion processes and cleanses the intestines.

The plant is an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant, helping the body by destroying pathogenic microorganisms and eliminating manifestations of allergies.


A universal plant, rich in vitamins, microelements, and organic acids. Nettle foliage contains:

  • iron
  • potassium
  • manganese
  • vitamins K, E, B, C

Medicinal properties:

  • improves immunity
  • “inhibits” various etiologies
  • pronounced tonic effect


  • respiratory tract diseases
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • high blood sugar


Due to the presence of fiber, the roots of the plant do an excellent job of cleansing the body of harmful substances.

Useful qualities:

  • improves the performance of the pancreas
  • stabilizes the production and flow of bile
  • normalizes digestion (the gastrointestinal tract functions smoothly and efficiently)
  • improves metabolic processes
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones
  • removes harmful salts


  • intestinal, respiratory allergies
  • skin pathologies (dermatitis, diathesis, seborrhea, sunburn)


  • four-millimeter, ducts (can move due to the outflow of bile)
  • attack of stomach ulcer
  • increased acidity
  • individual intolerance

Liquorice root

Helps with bronchial asthma, colds, when the secretion is difficult to separate, thick, viscous.

A teaspoon of crushed root per quarter liter of water. Boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take 70 ml.


  • heart failure
  • obesity
  • pregnancy

Long-term use causes swelling and impaired diuresis. For children, taking it for more than a week is unacceptable, as it increases the release of estrogen.


The plant helps asthmatics, neutralizes asthma attacks, calms in stressful situations, eliminating spasms and “attacking” allergic manifestations. Fights excessive sweating.

The amount of vitamin C is not inferior to kiwi. Promotes effective removal of sputum.

The best expectation of performance is from fresh young shoots of hyssop, but if this is not possible, then the dry version of the herb will do.

The recipe is simple, brew 3 tbsp in a thermos. l., after waiting ten minutes, close the lid. We insist for an hour and filter. Course for a month, take 200 ml.

Respiratory allergy is a disease that is caused by various substances and is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. Allergic diseases are a big problem in modern society. Approximately 15-27% of the population suffers from this pathology. Damage to the respiratory system accounts for a third of all diseases. For the most part, they are not severe, but they bring significant inconvenience in social life, study, professional activities and financial costs.

Allergic pathologies of the respiratory system include allergic rhinitis, hay fever and bronchial asthma. Often these diseases are combined, which is why they are called respiratory allergies.


Respiratory allergies are caused by various substances. They can be divided into several groups:

  1. Household irritants - mites in house dust, animal dander and saliva, insects, house plants, feathers and fluff in pillows.
  2. Natural allergens – plant pollen, mold fungi.
  3. Substances that pollute the environment - tobacco smoke, car exhaust gases, nitrogen and sulfur oxides.
  4. Professional pollutants – latex, chemicals used in production.
  5. Medicines – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin.

Respiratory Allergy Symptoms

Respiratory allergies happen along the way seasonal And year-round. Seasonal is characterized by periods of exacerbations and remissions. Exacerbations have a clear beginning and end. More often this is the spring-summer period - the flowering period. This form is characterized by a cross-allergic reaction to plant products - nuts, honey, seeds, halva.

Year-round is characterized by a more constant course and is more often associated with household allergens. Minor remissions are observed when away from home. There is also some seasonality during the breeding season of mites in house dust.

A typical manifestation of a respiratory allergy is:

  • Itching of the nose, palate.
  • Sneezing.
  • Mucous discharge from the nose.
  • Swelling of the nasal cavity.
  • Cough.

With a prolonged course, difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired sense of smell appear. Symptoms of eye damage are often associated - lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva, itching.

In the chronic course of the disease, the general condition of the body suffers and internal organs are affected. Systemic manifestations include:

  • Irritability.
  • Fatigue, lethargy.
  • Headache.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Weight loss, depression.
  • Increase in body temperature to 37.5 C.
  • Shortness of breath, suffocation.
  • Damage to joints, kidneys, heart.


To identify respiratory allergies, a systematic approach is needed using laboratory and instrumental research methods. It is necessary to consult an allergist who will help determine the cause of the disease.

For an accurate diagnosis, consultation with an ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, or pulmonologist may be required. Skin tests are performed to determine the specific cause of the disease. Inflammatory changes in the nasal mucosa are confirmed by taking smears and swabs from the nasopharynx.

To exclude other pathologies, it may be necessary to conduct X-ray studies - radiography of the sinuses, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Allergic inflammation can also be detected in a detailed blood test - an increase in ESR and an increase in the number of eosinophils are noted.


Several groups of medications are used to treat allergic reactions. The leading position is occupied by antihistamines. This is a long-known and used group that relieves the symptoms of the disease well. All drugs can be divided into 3 generations. Representatives of the first generation (diazolin, suprastin, fenkarol, tavegil) begin to act immediately after taking the tablet. They are used in injection form to relieve emergency conditions.

But these medications have a side effect - drowsiness, decreased concentration. This feature must be taken into account by drivers and people working in hazardous conditions. These drugs become addictive quite quickly, so it is necessary to change the drug every 7-10 days.

Second generation drugs (loratadine, cicerisine) do not affect the central nervous system, but have cardiotoxic effect. They should not be used by people with cardiovascular diseases. The advantages include their long-lasting action (24 hours), which allows you to take the drug once a day.

Representatives of the third generation (desloratadine, Telfast) do not have the disadvantages of their predecessors. They can be used for a long time, without threat to the nervous system and heart. The downside is the higher cost of these medications.

To treat local manifestations of allergic rhinitis, nasal corticosteroids (nasonex, flixonase) are used. These sprays have proven themselves and can be used by both adults and children. A feature of nasal corticosteroids is their exclusively local effect (they are not absorbed into the blood) and the effect persists for up to one month after use.

Vasoconstrictor drops are widely used - xylin, naphazoline. They relieve swelling of the nasal cavity and make breathing easier.


Prevention is aimed at eliminating contact with allergens. You need to create a hypoallergenic environment at home. To do this you need:

  1. Regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation of premises.
  2. Replace feather pillows with synthetic ones.
  3. Beat pillows and blankets regularly.
  4. Limit contact with animals.
  5. Place carpets and books in glass shelves.
  6. During flowering, limit your time outside.

Following simple preventive measures and taking medications in a timely manner will help avoid exacerbations of respiratory allergies and maintain an active lifestyle.

Respiratory allergosis includes a set of diseases in which the respiratory tract is affected under the influence of allergens. It can manifest itself in both adulthood and childhood. However, most often lesions of this nature appear in 2–4 year old children. Treatment of each disease is symptomatic.

Causes of diseases

Respiratory allergosis affects the airways

Respiratory allergosis can have two types of origin: infectious and non-infectious. For each of the diseases, damage to the respiratory tract or part of it may occur:


If the lesion is infectious in nature, then the functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted by the penetration of viruses, bacteria or microorganisms of fungal origin.
In the non-infectious form, allergosis manifests itself for a number of reasons.

    Symptoms of damage occur when aeroallergens penetrate. These include plant pollen, dust with the secretions of cockroaches and mites contained in it, as well as animal hair.

    Irritation may occur when exposed to food allergens.

    The occurrence of allergic diseases is influenced by the use of medications.

    Often, symptoms of respiratory tract damage are observed upon contact with household chemicals and cosmetics.

Depending on the causes, the symptoms of the disease may vary. Therefore, treatment is prescribed only after a mandatory examination by a doctor.

Forms of allergosis and their symptoms

Headache in a child

Respiratory allergosis in children can be expressed in various forms. They differ in the localization of the reaction when exposed to a stimulus.

    Symptoms of allergic rhinitis often appear in childhood. When irritation occurs, a person experiences congestion in the nasal passages, slight mucous discharge from the nose, and conjunctivitis. In this case, the child develops an itchy nose, which causes sneezing. He may feel a headache and malaise. Allergic rhinitis often occurs during the flowering period of plants, but can also occur year-round.

    With allergic pharyngitis, extensive swelling of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx is observed. In some cases, inflammation spreads to the tongue area. In this case, children often experience a sensation of a foreign object in the throat, a lump that does not go away. Pharyngitis is characterized by a strong dry cough.

    When allergic tracheitis occurs, hoarseness appears. A person may experience attacks of dry cough, especially at night. In this case, pain is felt in the chest area. Tracheitis can manifest itself over a long period of time, either exacerbating or reducing symptoms.

    The most common disease is allergic obstructive bronchitis. In this case, damage is observed only in the lower respiratory tract. In some cases, the disease is associated with mild bronchial asthma.

    With allergic laryngitis, swelling of the larynx occurs. The child develops a barking cough and hoarseness.

Often the symptoms of respiratory allergosis are confused with ARVI. Therefore, incorrect treatment is often prescribed, which does not lead to a positive result. However, there are some characteristic features that distinguish allergosis from a viral disease.

    With allergy, the child is in a normal state.

    The baby's appetite is not affected.

    There is no rise in body temperature.

    The child plays and stays awake as usual.

The main difference between the diseases is the nature of the manifestations. In case of allergic damage to the respiratory tract, the reaction is observed after a few minutes or hours. With ARVI, the condition may worsen gradually.

Treatment of diseases

Suprastin is an antihistamine

Since the disease is allergic in nature, treatment of children includes mandatory use of antihistamines. The doctor may prescribe first, second or third generation drugs. Among the drugs with antihistamine action are:





In children, treatment is carried out in the form of drops. These include Zyrtec, Zodak, Fenistil. But for severe allergic reactions, Suprastin is often used, the dosage of which is calculated based on the age of the child.
Therapy is also mandatory with vasoconstrictor drugs. Among them are:

Activated carbon removes allergens

They relieve swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, preventing the appearance of a runny nose and mucous discharge. They also help make breathing easier.
Treatment involves taking enterosorbents in combination with prebiotics. You can remove the allergen from the body with the help of Enterosgel, Smecta, Activated carbon. You can normalize the intestinal microflora with the help of prebiotics Hilak-Forte, Duphalac, Lactusan. They can be used from the first day of the baby's life.
You can cope with the manifestations of respiratory allergosis with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures. The effect is observed from:



The child is prescribed therapeutic exercises aimed at overall strengthening of the body. During such exercises breathing is trained.
It is important to immediately eliminate contact with the irritant to avoid increased signs of respiratory allergosis. If this is not possible, then immunotherapeutic treatment is performed. However, this method is not suitable for all children, as it can enhance the development of the reaction.

The process of allergy development is very complex, in simple terms it can be described as follows: a certain substance that is contained in food, or comes into contact with the skin, or is simply present in the air, for some unknown reason, is perceived by the body as a danger that can destroy its internal environment.

Immunity, in turn, is designed to protect the body from all kinds of threats; it perceives a dangerous substance as an antigen and produces antibodies. As you know, antibodies remain in the blood. When the body is exposed to a dangerous substance again, the antigen and antibodies cause an allergic reaction. Thus, the body reacts to.

What is respiratory allergy?

Respiratory allergosis is an allergic disease of the upper respiratory tract, in particular the bronchi, nasopharynx, nose, and trachea. Respiratory allergosis can be caused by infectious (bacteria, viruses, microorganisms) or non-infectious allergens.

Non-infectious allergens are in turn divided into:

  • Household products that play a major role in causing respiratory allergies. Homemade has a complex composition, and if the patient has increased sensitivity to all components or at least to a separate part of it, then respiratory allerosis is inevitable. House dust mainly consists of the secretions and excreta of house dust mites and cockroaches. Mites are found in toys, carpets and even bedding.
  • Pollen, we are talking about all kinds of plants and flowers, poplar fluff and, no matter how strange it may sound, the spores of mold fungi. Their spores are smaller in size than pollen and spread easily, especially in places with high humidity.
  • Food allergens are less aggressive, but eating fruits or some other product can cause allergic reactions, laryngitis and even bronchial infections.
  • Medications, various antibiotics, and even aspirin are active.
  • Chemical, this applies to chemicals and preservatives, products and various components of products.

Symptoms of respiratory allergy

The main symptoms are copious fluid discharge from the nose, a burning sensation in the nose, sneezing, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and eyelids, headaches, a slight increase in temperature, drowsiness, a general state of malaise and irritability against this background.

Treatment primarily involves removing or limiting the body's exposure to the allergen that causes the allergic reaction. The next stage of treatment is pharmacological. The patient must take medications prescribed by an allergist-immunologist. Without consulting this doctor, self-medication is fraught with serious consequences for the body. In some cases, speleotherapy is prescribed.

This treatment method involves staying in the microclimate of a cave or salt mine, because... Any allergic reaction is a consequence of a polluted environment; staying in a clean environment has a positive effect.

It is very important to accurately determine the cause of respiratory allergy. After all, it is not always possible to permanently remove an irritating allergen, for example, house dust; no matter how much you wipe it, it reappears on the furniture. In this case, the allergen is injected under the patient's skin with a gradual increase in dose.

Respiratory allergosis in children

Predisposition to allergic diseases is transmitted at the genetic level, i.e. by inheritance. If the child's parents have allergies, this fact increases the likelihood of the child contracting respiratory allergosis.

Children aged 2–4 years are most susceptible to respiratory allergosis. It is at this age, when transitioning from breastfeeding to new foods, that children encounter an immune reaction to aggressive allergens.

Most often, the following forms of respiratory allergosis are observed in children:

  • allergic laryngitis, accompanied by swelling of the larynx, “barking” cough, hoarseness;
  • allergic tracheitis, accompanied by coughing attacks, redness of the face, vomiting;
  • allergic bronchitis, accompanied by paroxysmal cough with frequent relapses.
  • allergic pneumonia, accompanied by pathological changes in the lungs, x-ray reveals local swelling of the lung tissue;
  • allergic rhinitis, accompanied by difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, itchy nose, sneezing, headache, malaise, conjunctivitis. This form of allergosis is seasonal or year-round.

Seasonal rhinitis is associated with allergies caused by pollen from flowers and trees.

Respiratory allergosis has received wide coverage in the new book by Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky entitled “ARI: a guide for sensible parents.” This book is a guide that comprehensively reveals the problem of acute respiratory diseases in children. The author set himself the task of uniting parents and the pediatrician in the fight for the child’s health, so that their efforts would be joint and effective.

Komarovsky does not change his style and comprehensively describes the issue in simple and intelligible language. Many parents will find answers to their questions regarding childhood acute respiratory diseases. Now you can easily find out how to get rid of snot and how to get sick less often.

Treatment of respiratory allergosis in children

When treating respiratory allergosis in children, the main thing is to eliminate contact with the causative allergen, and the sooner the better. A noticeable relief in the child’s condition will immediately follow. Unfortunately, these measures alone are unlikely to succeed. Drug treatment will also be required.

For children in the treatment of allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, antihistamines of the I, II and III generations are prescribed, these are drugs such as Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin, Gistalong, Telfast, etc. To relieve nasal congestion, vasoconstrictors are often recommended, for example, Nazivin, Otrivin, Tizin and etc.

If it is impossible to avoid contact with the allergen, children are also given injections of the allergen under the skin.

When a child has high sensitivity, start with a minimal amount. Only if there are no symptoms and the child is feeling normal, the procedure continues with increasing the amount of allergen administered. Sometimes such treatment lasts several years. By strictly adhering to the doctor’s instructions, the disease will certainly recede.

Another method of treatment is therapeutic exercises; it helps the body resist and trains breathing. It should be noted that patients with respiratory allergosis must be registered with a local doctor and an allergist.

Traditional methods of treating respiratory allergosis

Despite the level of development of medicine, many people trust only traditional methods of treating various diseases. Respiratory allergosis is no exception. Traditional medicine has prepared several recipes for this disease:

Tripartite sequence:

For allergies caused by household allergens, it is recommended to take an infusion of the tripartite series. Five grams of dried herb are infused in one glass of boiling water for 24 hours. Next, you need to strain the infusion and take a glass twice a day. The exact duration of treatment with the tincture has not been determined; it is advisable to take the tincture for a year.

Herbal Blend:

For allergies caused by dust, it is recommended to drink a tincture of horsetail, centaury, St. John's wort, as well as dandelion and rose hip roots in equal proportions. All this is filled with water and put on fire. When the mixture boils, it should sit. It is recommended to take it three times a day for three months.


In case of an allergic reaction to the flowering of ragweed and poplar, dandelion is recommended. When the dandelion blooms, you need to collect its leaves, wash and chop them. Then put it in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice for its subsequent dilution with water in a one-to-one ratio and boil. Take three tablespoons of the decoction before meals twice a day.

Cedar oil and nuts:

It should be noted that all of these recipes strengthen the immune system and improve the body’s ability to resist external irritants and allergens.



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