Which American president was the first to visit 50 states. Interesting facts about us presidents

Traditionally, on Saturdays, we publish answers to the quiz for you in the Q&A format. Our questions range from simple to complex. The quiz is very interesting and quite popular, but we just help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the correct answer out of the four proposed. And we have another question in the quiz - Which president was the first in US history to personally visit all 50 states?

  • A. Richard Nixon
  • B. Dwyat Eisenhower
  • C. Ronald Reagan
  • D. Gerald Ford

The correct answer is A. Richard Nixon

A huge country and a huge territory, each US state can be compared in size to small states. During election campaigns, future presidents travel with election campaigns around the states, but usually these are those cities where the support of a candidate is traditionally high. One of the presidents visited all the capitals of the regional capitals, and no one has broken his record yet.

The president who has personally visited all 50 states is Richard Nixon.

In addition, he is the first president to visit China and the USSR.

Richard Milhouse Nixon(January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) became the only president in the history of the United States of America to resign before the end of his term.

So the 37th president was remembered by many events, but the end of his reign was very sad.

Nixon resigned after the Watergate scandal in 1972, when 5 people were detained at the Watergate complex in Washington, DC, setting up spy equipment that monitors the headquarters of the Democrats. Litigation lasted until 1974, when tapes of Nixon's conversations were made public, in which he discussed how to obstruct the Watergate investigation with the help of the FBI and CIA. After that, the president lost all allies and was forced to resign.

Good evening, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. Today on our calendars is September 16, 2017, Saturday. So on the air of Channel One there is a TV game "Who wants to become a millionaire?". In the article you can find out the answers to the most difficult questions that were asked in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" for today, 09/16/2017.

The first part of the program was attended by: Valdis Pelsh and Tatyana Arno. A fireproof amount has been chosen - 800,000 rubles

Question 1 (500 rubles)
What is the reaction to the Mantoux test sometimes called?
A: "button"
B: eyelet
C: "lightning"
D: lock
Correct answer - A

Question 2 (1,000 rubles)
What tragedies did Pushkin write?
A: microscopic
B: miniature
C: small
D: tiny
Correct answer - C

Question 3 (2,000 rubles)
What is the name of a plant in the gourd family?
A: crazy cucumber
B: crazy tomato
C: crazy eggplant
D: inadequate squash
Correct answer - A

Question 4 (3,000 rubles)
What doesn't have spans?
A: at the stairs of the building
B: near the railway track
C: at the bird's wing
D: at the Palace Bridge
Correct answer - C

Question 5 (5,000 rubles)
What are the characteristics of the Sphynx cat?
A: does not meow
B: no wool
C: doesn't drink milk
D: makes riddles
Correct answer - B

Question 6 (10,000 rubles)
In what work is the main character's name Grigory Melikhov?
A: "Virgin Soil Upturned"
B: "Sassy"
C: Quiet Don
D: "Destiny of Man"
Correct answer - C

Question 7 (15,000 rubles)
Which country is considered the birthplace of yogurt?
A: Czech Republic
B: Serbia
C: Albania
D: Bulgaria
Correct answer - D

Question 8 (25,000 rubles)
The king of what musical direction did fans call B.B. King?
A: bit
B: blues
C: rock and roll
D: rap
Correct answer - B

Question 9 (50,000 rubles)
How many wings does a dragonfly have?
A: 2
Correct answer - B

Question 10 (100,000 rubles)
Which battle first took place on April 24, 1918 near Villers-Bretonneux?
A: air
B: underwater
C: tank
D: anti-air
Player Answer - B
Correct answer - C

Win: 0 rub.

The following players participated in the second part of the program: Rovshan Askerov and Yuri Nikolaev. A fireproof amount has been chosen - 400,000 rubles

Question 1 (500 rubles)
What does the chicken do with the eggs?
A: hoarding
B: postpones
C: lends
D: pawnshop
Correct answer - B

Question 2 (1,000 rubles)
What do they say about unrequited love?
A: unfolded
B: unsubtracted
C: undivided
D: unmultiplied
Correct answer - C

Question 3 (2,000 rubles)
What kind of fish did Kostya the sailor catch in the popular song?
A: cod
B: flounder
C: red mullet
D: mullet
Correct answer - D

Question 4 (3,000 rubles)
What do voters give to a deputy?
A: order
B: order
C: order
D: failure
Correct answer - B

Question 5 (5,000 rubles)
Where, figuratively speaking, are completely surrounded troops?
A: in jug
B: in a cauldron
C: into the boiler
D: in a can
Correct answer - C

Question 6 (10,000 rubles)
What is the name of the autobiographical story of Arkady Gaidar?
A: Kindergarten
B: "Gymnasium"
C: "School"
D: "University"
Correct answer - C

Question 7 (15,000 rubles)
Which sport has only net playing time?
A: bandy
B: ice hockey
C: field hockey
D: football
Correct answer - B

Question 8 (25,000 rubles)
The city with what name existed in pre-revolutionary Russia?
A: Krasnoyarsk
B: Krasnogorsk
C: Krasnodar
D: Krasnouralsk
Correct answer - A

Question 9 (50,000 rubles)
In 1972, what document did the authorities of Stuttgart issue to the bear Girl from the Filatov Circus?
A: bachelor's degree
B: driver's license
C: zoo pass
D: international passport
Correct answer - B

Question 10 (100,000 rubles)
Who actually wrote "Ode to the wise Kyrgyz-Kaisak princess Felitsa, written by the Tatar Murza"?
A: empress
B: princess
C: Countess
D: peasant woman
Correct answer - A

Question 11 (200,000 rubles)
What, according to Leo Tolstoy, did he need for fruitful work?
A: coffee
B: tea
C: milk
D: kvass
Player takes hint 50:50 - options B and C remain
Next, the players take the clue The right to make a mistake: the first answer is C, the second answer is B
Correct answer - B

We bring to your attention 45 interesting facts about the presidents of the United States, which you probably did not know before.

  • Abraham Lincoln is the only US president to have worked as a licensed bartender. He co-owned the Berry and Lincoln Saloon in Springfield, Illinois.
  • The only unanimously elected President of the United States was George Washington. He also refused to receive the presidential salary, which at the time was $25,000 a year.
  • Grover Cleveland was the only president in US history to serve as an executioner. Before the presidency, he served as the sheriff of Erie, New York, one day he had to either carry out the death sentence himself, or hire an executioner for $ 10. Cleveland chose to execute the prisoner himself.
  • In 1902, while hunting, President Theodore Roosevelt took pity on a little bear cub. This episode was seized on by toy factories that began to churn out the still popular "Teddy Bear"
  • George Washington never lived in the White House. At that time, the capital was in Philadelphia, as well as other cities. Washington was also the only president who did not represent any political party.
  • James Garfield became the first president to ever speak on the phone. When talking to Alexander Bell, who was 13 miles away, the first thing he said was: "Please speak a little slower."
  • Thomas Jefferson became the first president to be inaugurated in Washington DC
  • Grover Cleveland is the only President of the United States to have been elected to two non-consecutive terms. He was the 22nd and 24th President
  • Martin Van Buren was the first president - a US citizen. All previous presidents have been British subjects
  • Six U.S. Presidents named James: Madison, Monroe, Polk, Buchanan, Garfield, and Carter
  • Dwight David Eisenhower was the only president to fight in World Wars I and II
  • Richard Nixon became the first president to visit all 50 states and made the first visit to China
  • President Herbert Clark Hoover ordered servants working in the White House to stay out of his sight. Otherwise they could be fired
  • President Ulysses Grant smoked about 20 cigars a day. After winning the civil war, he was presented with 10,000 cigars. He later died of throat cancer
  • At John Tyler had more children than any other US president. Eight children from the first marriage and seven from the second
  • James Madison was the smallest US president, his height was only 164 cm, and his weight was 45 kg
  • George Washington delivered the shortest inaugural address ever. It consisted of only 133 words.
  • William Henry Harrison delivered the longest inaugural address of any U.S. president. It consisted of 8578 words and lasted 100 minutes. On the day of the inauguration, the weather was bad. A month later, Harrison died of pneumonia, becoming president, serving in his post for the shortest time
  • Presidents: Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson, and Ford were Freemasons, many of the symbols featured on American dollars
  • The body of John Harrison, father of the President Benjamin Harrison , was stolen from a grave and sold to a medical college in Cincinnati, state Ohio to conduct experiments. The body was later reburied
  • President Rutherford Hayes suffered from lyssophobia - an obsessive fear of going crazy
  • Three US Presidents died on July 4: Thomas Jefferson (1826), John Adams (1826) and James Monroe (1831). Calvin Coolid g - the only president born on July 4 (1872)
  • In 1945, the US Congress voted to have Franco Delano Roosevelt profiled on the 10 cent coin.
  • George Herbert Walker Bush only U.S. president whose full name is four words long
  • The first child to die in the White House was the 12-year-old son of Abraham Lincoln
  • The assassin of President James Garfield shot his victim in the back five times with a British Bulldog pistol. According to the killer, he chose this gun because it would look good on the stand of some museum. Currently, no one knows where this gun is.
  • William Howard Taft nicknamed "Big Bill", was the largest president of the United States. He weighed 325 pounds, which often caused him to get stuck in the White House bathroom, from where he was repeatedly pulled out by his advisers.
  • During the election campaign of Theodore Roosevelt, he was assassinated. Having received a bullet in the chest, Roosevelt ended his speech anyway.
  • In order to play golf in snowy weather, Woodrow Wilson asked to paint his balls black
  • Thomas Jefferson wrote the inscription for his tombstone, which stated that he was the author Declaration of Independence and founder of the university Virginia . However, he forgot to mention that he was the President of the United States
  • Abraham Lincoln was the first bearded US President
  • The last words of T. Roosevelt were - "Please put out the light." T. Jefferson - "Is this the fourth?". John Adams - "Thomas Jefferson is still alive", although Jefferson had passed away a few hours earlier
  • To get to his inauguration site, George Washington had to borrow $600 from his neighbor.
  • Washington, Jackson, Van Buren, Taylor, Fillmore, Lincoln, A. Johnson, and Cleveland didn't go to college. A Harry Truman became president in the 20th century without higher education
  • The capital of Liberia, Monrovia, is named after the 5th President of the United States, James Monroe.
  • In the United States, there was not a single president who would be an only child in the family.
  • Abraham Lincoln was the first president born outside the 13 colonies.
  • Some historians argue that the American revolutionary John Hanson (1721-1783) should be considered the first president of the United States. he was the first leader of the Confederacy, as stated in some government documents

Photo usa-info.com.ua

On Monday, February 15, the United States celebrates Presidents' Day. Its official name is Washington's birthday. This federal holiday was established in 1879 in honor of the first President of the United States, George Washington, who was born on February 22.

  • Abraham Lincoln is the only US president to have worked as a licensed bartender. He co-owned the Berry and Lincoln Saloon in Springfield, Illinois.
  • George Washington was the only unanimously elected President of the United States. He also refused to receive the presidential salary, which at the time was $25,000 a year.
  • Grover Cleveland was the only president in US history to serve as an executioner. Before the presidency, he served as the sheriff of Erie, New York, one day he had to either carry out the death sentence himself or hire an executioner for $ 10. Cleveland chose to execute the prisoner himself.
  • In 1902, while hunting, President Theodore Roosevelt took pity on a little bear cub. This episode was seized on by toy factories that began to churn out the still popular "Teddy Bear"
  • George Washington never lived in the White House. At that time, the capital was in Philadelphia, as well as other cities. Washington was also the only president who did not represent any political party.
  • James Garfield became the first president to ever speak on the telephone. When talking to Alexander Bell, who was 13 miles away, the first thing he said was: "Please speak a little slower."
  • Thomas Jefferson became the first president to be inaugurated in Washington DC
  • Grover Cleveland is the only President of the United States to be elected to two non-consecutive terms. He was the 22nd and 24th President
  • Martin Van Buren was the first president who was a US citizen. All previous presidents have been British subjects
  • Six U.S. Presidents named James: Madison, Monroe, Polk, Buchanan, Garfield, and Carter
  • Dwight David Eisenhower was the only president to fight in World Wars I and II
  • Richard Nixon became the first president to visit all 50 states and made the first visit to China
  • President Herbert Clark Hoover ordered servants working in the White House to stay out of his sight. Otherwise they could be fired
  • President Ulysses Grant smoked about 20 cigars a day. After winning the civil war, he was presented with 10,000 cigars. He later died of throat cancer
  • John Tyler had more children than any other US President. Eight children from the first marriage and seven from the second
  • James Madison was the smallest US president, his height was only 164 cm, and his weight was 45 kg.
  • George Washington delivered the shortest inaugural address ever. It consisted of only 133 words.
  • William Henry Harrison delivered the longest inaugural address of any U.S. president. It consisted of 8578 words and lasted 100 minutes. On the day of the inauguration, the weather was bad. A month later, Harrison died of pneumonia, becoming president, serving in his post for the shortest time
  • Presidents: Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson, and Ford were Freemasons, many of the symbols featured on American dollars
  • The body of John Garrison, father of President Benjamin Harrison, was stolen from the grave and sold to a medical college in Cincinnati, Ohio for testing. The body was later reburied
  • President Rutherford Hayes suffered from lyssophobia, an obsessive fear of going insane.
  • Three US Presidents died on July 4: Thomas Jefferson (1826), John Adams (1826) and James Monroe (1831). Calvin Coolidge is the only president born on July 4th (1872)
  • In 1945, the US Congress voted to have Franco Delano Roosevelt profiled on the 10 cent coin.
  • George Herbert Walker Bush is the only President of the United States whose full name consists of four words.
  • The first child to die in the White House was the 12-year-old son of Abraham Lincoln
  • The assassin of President James Garfield shot his victim in the back five times with a British Bulldog pistol. According to the killer, he chose this gun because it would look good on the stand of some museum. Currently, no one knows where this gun is.
  • William Howard Taft, nicknamed "Big Bill", was the largest president of the United States. He weighed 325 pounds, which often caused him to get stuck in the White House bathroom, from where he was repeatedly pulled out by his advisers.
  • During the election campaign of Theodore Roosevelt, he was assassinated. Having received a bullet in the chest, Roosevelt ended his speech anyway.
  • In order to play golf in snowy weather, Woodrow Wilson asked to paint his balls black.
  • Thomas Jefferson himself wrote the inscription for his headstone, it said that he was the author of the Declaration of Independence and the founder of the University of Virginia. However, he forgot to mention that he was the President of the United States
  • Abraham Lincoln was the first bearded US President
  • The last words of T. Roosevelt were - "Please put out the light." T. Jefferson - "Is this the fourth?". John Adams - "Thomas Jefferson is still alive" although Jefferson had passed away a few hours earlier
  • To get to his inauguration site, George Washington had to borrow $600 from his neighbor.
  • Washington, Jackson, Van Buren, Taylor, Fillmore, Lincoln, A. Johnson, and Cleveland didn't go to college. And Harry Truman became president in the 20th century without a higher education
  • The capital of Liberia, Monrovia, is named after the 5th President of the United States, James Monroe.
  • In the United States, there was not a single president who would be an only child in the family.
  • Abraham Lincoln was the first president born outside the 13 colonies.
  • Some historians argue that the American revolutionary John Hanson (1721-1783) should be considered the first president of the United States. he was the first leader of the Confederacy, as stated in some government documents
  • William McKinley became the first US President to board the ambulance that sent him to the hospital after being shot.
  • Warren Harding was the first president to speak on the radio, the first to drive to his inauguration, and the first to be elected by women with the right to vote.
  • Abraham Lincoln was the tallest US President at 6.4 feet (195 cm)
  • John F. Kennedy was the first Roman Catholic president, the first Boy Scout president, and the first president born in the twentieth century.
  • Gerald Ford is the only president who managed to become vice president and president without being elected by the people. He was named Vice President after Spiro Agnew stepped down and President after Nixon's early departure.
  • Rutherford Hayes was the only US president to ban alcohol from the White House.
  • Andrew Johnson became the first US president to be impeached. However, Johnson was acquitted, by a margin of only 1 vote. The next impeachment was announced 131 years later, President Bill Clinton.

1. What document did the authorities of Stuttgart issue in 1972 to the bear from the Filatov circus?
2. The city with what name existed in pre-revolutionary Russia?
3. In which sport only net playing time is recorded?
4. What is the name of Arkady Gaidar's autobiographical story?
5. In what work is the main character's name Grigory Melekhov?
6. How many wings does a dragonfly have?
7. Which country is considered the birthplace of yogurt?
8. Who actually wrote "Ode to the wise Kyrgyz-Kaisak princess Felitsa, written by the Tatar Murza"?
9. What, according to L. Tolstoy, did he need for fruitful work?
10. What battle first took place on 04/24/1918 near Villers-Bretonneux?
11. Which president was the first in US history to personally visit all 50 states?
12. Which country in Africa is the largest in area?
13. What is the name of a mollusk that feeds on other mollusks - monkfish?

Answers in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" for September 16, 2017

  1. driver license
  2. Krasnoyarsk
  3. hockey
  4. "School"
  5. "Quiet Don"
  6. Bulgaria
  7. empress
  8. tank
  9. Richard Nixon
  10. Algeria
  11. angelfish


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