Holistic healing. History and essence of holistic medicine

Holistic approach to health and to life in general - this is the basis of youth, beauty and longevity!

A holistic approach to life is a person's acquisition of own strength and self-control, activation of one’s own hidden capabilities inherent in Nature.

The first mention of a holistic approach to health is found in China almost 4 thousand years ago, during the reign of the dynasty Yellow Emperor Huan-Ti. The system of healing the body was focused on the treatment and prevention of diseases and used healing power herbs, psychophysical system of breathing and physical exercises, natural nutrition natural products, and also placed discipline and self-control at the forefront.

The disease was seen as a consequence of the loss of inner harmony and spiritual balance.

There is now a return to a holistic approach to health, where the basic focus of power a person is “Here and Now”, in the present moment. It doesn’t matter when the illness came, when relationships with other people deteriorated, finances ran out, or the business failed. Until now, our lives have been dominated by thoughts and feelings, as well as words, which have shaped our current situation. By realizing this fact, taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions, we take the first steps towards our healing.

Currently, with the advent of the Age of Aquarius, New Energies are coming to Earth, which bring to man new tools for healing complex life situations and diseases of the physical body.

Available to us today techniques, that allow activate cellular knowledge of our bodily organization . These dormant abilities include clarity of consciousness, deep peace, excellent health and rejuvenation. It is very important to determine which aspects of our lives enhance our vitality, and which ones interfere and resist natural processes.

The main responsibility for a person’s mental, physical and spiritual health lies with himself, because the source of healing lies within our cellular biology!

Currently, it has developed all over the world vibrational energy healing, Methods are being improved, and more and more competent, competent healers are appearing who understand that man is a multidimensional creature, complexly structured, requiring a synthetic approach to the healing process, disease prevention, and health preservation based on the new knowledge of the New Age that is being revealed to people. But before you get acquainted with the methods of vibrational healing, you need to have an idea of ​​what structures of the human body they work with. And here science helps us synthesize into a single whole idea of ​​health, find optimal ways for each person, methods for correcting the imbalance, let’s get acquainted with some key concepts, which will expand our understanding of man, his physical and spiritual organization and the inextricable connection with everything that exists on planet Earth.


Now science is on the verge of the final completion of research on the human genome. Scientists are interested in identifying the clear structure of DNA and deciphering the sequence of individual elements that make up genes. But who laid this key of life in us and what guides DNA in fulfilling its most complex role in the body? Research by many scientists shows that DNA is a matrix placed in us by the Creator, containing all the information necessary for the healing of each person and all human race generally. Scientifically proven - We are Divine Beings and we naturally have the ability to heal ourselves. .

Our biological DNA has two helices, visible under a microscope. But there are ten more spirals whose functions were lost and can be activated today. In total, there are 12 DNA helices, arranged in layers, which are “wrapped” in a crystalline structure - a memory that stores all the knowledge about our life, including about past incarnations.

Thus, there is a constant exchange between the 12 strands of DNA and the 12-segment crystal memory, but at present it is difficult. This is why a person cannot remember how to effectively regenerate tissue, how to protect himself from many diseases and infections, since most of biology “does not remember” how to protect himself from them, how to live longer on this planet, since some parts of biology cease function over time or are chemically suppressed.

With the 12-segment crystal structure surrounding the human DNA code communicated Earth's magnetic grid system , which took on a new orientation by 2002, and Activation of DNA codes has now become possible!

The 12 strands of DNA contain sets of instructions that allow the human body to live up to 950 years. Currently, most of this encoding is ineffective because it does not receive information from the memory core. It is in the core (in crystal structure) memory contains information that will help the chemical component of DNA “remember” how these mechanisms work. The basis connecting the cellular level of human biology with the Earth’s Magnetic Grid is magnetism . Every cell in the human body has the ability to self-diagnose. Today there is an awakening and reunification (through the magnetic component) of the memory core and code system.

Currently there are various techniques , allowing you to activate DNA codes. The pure intention of a human being triggers mechanisms for activating subtle structures and promotes healing at many levels of its organization . These techniques allow one to draw from the reservoir of cosmic energy (the Earth’s Magnetic Grid) as much as a person needs at a given stage of his development in accordance with his natural Wisdom.

In order to understand how some methodological systems work, it is necessary to understand which organs human body participate in the reception and transmission of information, in the translation of one form of energy into another, which physiological processes while happening. First it is important to note that our thoughts give rise to our reality, shape our life experience .


The human brain is capable of perceiving every frequency of thought of the One Divine Mind, the total internal Knowledge. But today it perceives only those frequencies that allows himself to accept. Most people are tuned to receive thoughts that match the frequency level public consciousness , dominant in limited thinking, when most of the brain is inactive. A person rejects those thoughts that the public consciousness does not accept, thereby refusing to penetrate beyond its limits, limiting the possibilities of developing his brain and accepting thoughts of high frequencies. The pituitary gland activates only those parts of the brain that receive low-frequency thoughts. The only reason that a person exhibits genius, is the openness of his thinking to the contemplation of daring thoughts, brilliant, going beyond the limited thinking of man. He allowed yourself to have such thoughts and occupy your thinking with them. Most people can't accept high frequency thoughts That's why , that he has yet to activate those parts of the brain that will make it possible reconfigure your thinking process.

At this time, the great thoughts of limitless understanding pouring out upon humanity are bouncing off the “receiving device” of the light structure and are sent back through the spiritual component of the human being into the river of thought of the Divine Mind. To have a closed consciousness means not to allow the possibility of the existence of something that cannot be sensed by the senses of our body. And yet this is not so. Everything that is thought out, everything that is dreamed and imagined already exists in the sphere of existence, for this is how everything created on this planet arose, and this is what will become our experience. This is how a person forms his own reality, which, due to closed thinking, he cannot understand, cope with ailments, failures in various fields life experience.

Each person, while still a child and under the influence of social consciousness, has accepted a program according to which he must grow up, grow old and die. This is why, as man accepted this thought, he began to weaken the life force within his body, because the thought of old age sends a low frequency electrical spark to every cellular structure. The lower the speed, the faster body loses flexibility because the body's ability to rejuvenate and recover decreases.

The human brain is a receiver electrical frequency thoughts, it consists of different departments, where different frequencies of thought are received, housed and amplified.

Contrary to popular belief, the human brain does not generate thoughts. This organ accepts and places a thought, passing through the Spirit of a human being, transforms it into electricity, strengthens and sends through the central nervous system to all parts of the body, every cell for awareness And understanding .

The higher the frequency of a person’s thoughts, the more actively the whole body receives nutrition and the ability to restore and regenerate, the more active and lives longer Human. Thus, our thoughts shape our life experience and lengthen or shorten our lives.

Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, so you cannot treat the body without treating the soul.


Unity and Integrity of a person - these concepts underlie the holistic approach in medicine. The term “holistic” comes from the Greek word holos – one, whole.

Holistic medicine is fundamentally different from modern (official, orthodox, Western - synonyms) medicine. To understand the difference, let's make a comparison basic principles and methods of these two directions.

Official medicine.

Fundamental base western medicine limited to knowledge of anatomy and physiology at the level of the physical body.

✔ Disease is an error that does not have a “positive” meaning, only a “negative” one. In essence, a disease is a symptom or a set of symptoms with which it manifests itself.

✔ Diagnostics First of all, it relies on the achievements of scientific and technological progress - laboratory and hardware methods. Kit diagnostic studies standardized, and individual human needs are not taken into account. True The cause of the disease is usually not determined. Very often the effect is passed off as the cause.

✔ Treatment is not aimed at the cause of the disease, since most often it is not established. Treatment does not take into account the integrity of the body, and even more so the multidimensionality of the human being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and other levels). It is aimed at the symptom by which the disease manifests itself. Symptom– this is a hindrance, an enemy. And they fight with enemies (treatment = suppression). This situation encourages a person to take a passive position in the treatment process and encourages him to entrust his recovery to someone else (the doctor).

✔ Treatment methods- This is primarily the suppression of symptoms using pharmacotherapy. Use of standardized schemes, approved by the ministry healthcare, does not take into account the individual characteristics and needs of a particular person.

In general, this approach only “drives” the disease deep inside, and the body is forced to again look for ways to compensate (we treat one thing and cripple another).

In addition, the liver, kidneys and other systems have an additional task - eliminating the toxic load caused by the use of symptomatic and replacement pharmacotherapy. By the way, according to statistics in the United States, among the factors leading to the death of patients, treatment with medicinal methods of classical medicine occupies one of the first places.

Western medicine has undoubted success in the field of therapy emergency conditions, surgery, etc. However, the use of the same surgical interventions is very often not justified and is a reflection of the failure of therapy conservative methods. A the uncontrolled and thoughtless use of pharmaceuticals has led to the development of new diseases and a general weakening of people's health.

Holistic medicine.

Holistic medicine this is medicine holistic. It considers a person as a multidimensional system, as a unity of body, mind, psyche, energy, soul and spirit, and also takes into account the natural and environmental features of his place of residence and social status.

Holistic medicine is also integrative(from integration - combining some parts into a whole). It is the quintessence of world experience and is based on the synthesis of all the knowledge that it possesses modern humanity regarding living organisms and the structure of the Universe.

The holistic approach is based on effective combination the richest experience of traditional medicine with new scientific knowledge in the field of quantum physics, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, with all the possibilities of modern medicine.

✔ Health- this is a state full physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

✔ Disease– this is a lack of harmony, a failure in a previously established, well-balanced order, as well as an attempt to restore the disturbed balance.

Moreover, the purpose of illness is to send us an alarm signal that we are doing something wrong and that something needs to be changed if we want to be healthy.

✔ Diagnostics implies a comprehensive individual approach - both methods of traditional and alternative medicine(for example, diagnosis by pulse, tongue, skin, kinesiological testing, etc.), and modern capabilities laboratory and hardware research. The main task is to find the true cause of the disease at whatever level it may be - physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

✔ Treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Symptom- this is a friend, an assistant. This is the same control light thanks to which the body communicates with us.

The goal of holistic medicine is HEALING! This means maintaining and restoring health, helping a person find himself and achieve a state of internal harmony, agreement with himself and the outside world.

Healing works on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Healing assumes active participation of the person himself and does not welcome the delegation of this task to others. It often requires courage, determination, will and a sincere desire to become healthy.

✔ Methods treatments are varied, but they all involve restoring and maintaining health in its holistic sense. It is important to note that holistic medicine does not reject the use of pharmaceuticals or surgical intervention, if it is really necessary and justified.

Traditional medical systems(Chinese, Tibetan, Ayurvedic, etc.) themselves are complex and self-sufficient; they use a huge arsenal of methods and means to maintain health.

There are many methods of holistic medicine, which, depending on the situation, are used both as monotherapy and in combination. various combinations. Here is just a short list of them:

Acupuncture, reflexology, su-jok

Homeopathy, homotoxicology

Chiropractic, osteopathy, applied kinesiology

Herbal medicine, aromatherapy

Hirudotherapy, apitherapy

Qigong, yoga

Therapeutic massages

Floratherapy - treatment with Bach flower infusions

Art, dance and color therapy

Body-oriented psychotherapy and many others. etc.

P.S. There is terminological confusion everywhere in literature and the Internet. Remember: traditional medicine (from the word tradition) is medicine with a thousand-year history, for example, Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has nothing to do with modern orthodox (classical) medicine! Term unconventional I don’t think medicine is correct at all and I don’t use it.

Holistic medicine - an alternative direction within the framework of traditional practice, which became widespread in the early 90s of the last century in the USA, and then in Europe.

Term "holistic" comes from the Greek word "holon", meaning "wholeness", "integrity". The concept of this movement is that a person is indivisible and represents a single whole in the space-time continuum. According to this theory, each individual is part of the Universe and fully reflects its structure. The holistic approach states that the most effective method treatment of diseases - increasing the health potential of a sick person. It is based on the fact that all living things are filled with vitality, the breakdown of which leads to illness, and activation of which leads to recovery. A holistic medicine practitioner helps a patient identify what aspects of their life strengthen, support natural processes, and which ones interfere and oppose them. The task is holistic medical practice is the harmonization of scientific and non-scientific methods of therapy for various forms and variants of the course of chronic diseases.

Some of the most common holistic medicine treatments include:

Acupuncture- impact on human organs and systems using special needles through acupuncture points. Includes a traditional Chinese method (in addition to needles that are inserted into certain points of the body, herbs are used in treatment, physical exercise and diet) and the scientific method used in conventional medicine.

Chiropractic and osteopathy- restoration of mobility of the spine and joints, relaxation of the surrounding muscle tissue.

Phytotherapy- use in medicinal purposes various parts of plants in the form of decoctions, tablets and ointments. It is believed that herbs have the ability to maintain the vitality of the body by activating it protective functions. As with some other types of holistic medicine, herbal treatments use the results of special examinations of the iris of the eye. Thus, doctors receive Additional information about the condition of diseased organs.

Iridology has great importance for the prevention of various diseases.

Homeopathy- for the first time as a system was developed by the German physician Samuel Hanemann (1755-1843) - a method of treating a disease, which consists in the use of small doses of those drugs that are in large doses cause healthy person signs of this disease. Currently, the methods of combined homeopathy and homotoxicology are very popular.

Aromatherapy- auxiliary branch of medicine. Treatment is carried out with oils extracted from various plants. The oil is rubbed into the skin or inhaled (in the form of inhalation).

Toxic substances(endogenous and exogenous toxins) cause protective reactions in the human body, the manifestations of which are diseases. The essence of diseases is to restore the balance disturbed by toxins liquid systems. Diseases are states of toxicosis caused by homotoxins, as well as protective processes aimed at healing the body.

As homotoxins, H. H. Reckeweg considers all chemical, biochemical, as well as physical and mental factors, which can cause problems with human health. The appearance of these pathological factors causes regulatory disorders in the body. Homotoxins can have both exogenous and endogenous origin. The author of the theory developed a fairly clear table of the progression of homotoxic reactions in phases. In this case, the phases were divided into three blocks (each with two phases). The blocks are arranged in the table from left to right.
The first block is the humoral phases, that is, occurring at the level of reactions in the fluid media of the body and not yet affecting the structure of the cell. The first phase is the excretion phase. Its distinctive feature is the removal of homotoxins through physiological tissue openings. The second phase is the inflammation phase. It is characterized by pronounced processes of homotoxin elimination in combination with fever, inflammation and pain.
These phases are easily reversible, they correspond to excretion and during treatment one should strive to transition to the next, more deep phases to the humoral phases, which will correspond, according to Hering’s law, to the movement of the process from the inside to the outside.
The second block, the matrix phases, is intermediate, between the cellular (degenerative) phases and the excretory humoral phases. The third phase is the deposit phase. It is characterized by benign deposits, which may result in secondary diseases, for example due to reduced free space or overweight. The fourth phase is the impregnation phase. It is the latent phase. Homotoxins and retoxins penetrate into the intracellular space, affect intracellular structures and enzymes and disrupt the functions of the cell membrane. This phase can proceed latently and become Locus minoris resistentiae, that is, a weak link in the overall chain of processes occurring in the body. When the phases of this block occur, the body becomes unable to adequately remove homotoxins, while the only way out for him, it becomes first the deposition (accumulation) of homotoxins, and then their further penetration into the cell (beyond the biological barrier) - the impregnation phase. This barrier is symbolized by the so-called biological cross-section, an imaginary boundary line between the phases of deposition and impregnation, which is a criterion for the transition pathological process into the realm of organic change. Or in other words, it distinguishes the processes of simple deposition (accumulation) of homotoxins in the matrix from the processes of embedding toxic substances in his structural components. While in the deposition phase simple elimination of homotoxins is still possible, in the impregnation phase there are already structural and functional changes and spontaneous elimination of homotoxins by the body itself is difficult.
According to Hering's law, progression from the phases of the first block to the phases of the second is a deepening of the pathological process - moving it from the outside to the inside, which we often observe due to the chronicity of the disease caused by the use of allopathic treatment. With proper treatment, the progression of the pathological process from the matrix phases to the humoral phases is a great benefit for the patient.
The third block of the table - cellular phases is a block of extremely difficult to reversible states (a block of deep organics) when these phases occur, the body is harmed in the form of deep structural damage. However, even during these phases, the removal of homotoxins from the body is advisable, since the latter, accumulating more and more, can finally block the organs from performing their functions, and with their adequate removal (depending on the situation), some structural restoration of already damaged organs cannot be ruled out. structures. The fifth phase is the degeneration phase. It is characterized by the destruction of intracellular structures due to exposure to homotoxins, which leads to the formation of degeneration products. According to Reckeweg, dyscrasias and organic disorders. The sixth phase is the phase of dedifferentiation. The action of homotoxins leads to the development of neoplasms in various tissues.
Rekeweg considers this phase as a biologically expedient attempt by the body to maintain existence by accumulating homotoxins in malignant tumors(the so-called condensation principle).
From the above it should be clear that cellular phases, if considered in the light of Hering’s law, are a process of extremely deep changes and they reflect the state of the body<загнанного в угол>, and movement from cellular phases to matrix phases will be beneficial for it.
Using this scheme, it is possible to construct a so-called model of the vicariation phenomenon. Vicariation is the process of movement of a disease from one phase to another and/or from one organ system to another. The so-called progressive vicariation means the development of the disease, or according to Hering’s law, the movement of the process deeper (chronization of the disease) and regressive vicariation is the transition of the disease to a less dangerous phase, promoting the recovery of the patient; according to Hering, the progression of the process from the inside to the outside.
Homotoxicology is based on the principle that any disease is the most natural way removing toxins, viruses and bacteria from the body.
The task of the attending physician and the treatment he prescribes is to help the body in this fight, to support it, and not to weaken and suppress its defensive reactions.
So, for example, when food poisoning Vomiting and diarrhea occur, with the help of which the body is cleansed of toxins that caused poisoning. At elevated temperatures, the development of microorganisms is inhibited and interferon is produced. And it would be unreasonable to suppress external symptoms, leaving the cause of the disease inside the body.
This is true for any other disease from psoriasis to schizophrenia and even cancer. Antihomotoxic therapy (as a complement to classical homeopathy) considers all diseases as the body's defense reactions against homotoxins.
Unfortunately, orthodox (allopathic) medicine has taken a completely different path, the path of eliminating individual symptoms of the disease, since individual, isolated symptoms diseases are easy to measure, record and monitor. It is within this approach that considerable effort has been spent on developing powerful means against fever, against inflammation, against cough, against high blood pressure, against insomnia, against diarrhea, against constipation and so on and so forth.
As a result, such therapy has become mainly symptomatic therapy, narrowing its scope to destruction individual symptoms diseases. It is sad that the result of such a treatment that suppresses the body’s expedient reactions is a progressive vicariation or movement of the main process inward, that is, against Hering’s law. And he pays for this wrong approach the patient receives both new diseases and further deepening of old ones. Thus, the treatment regimen used by allopathic medicine does not take into account two main aspects of medical knowledge:
1. Most of the symptoms of the disease are alarm signals that arise in the harmonious structure of the human body. Symptoms, as a rule, are the final links of a long pathogenetic chain, the beginning of which often lies much deeper - in processes very remote from the visible symptom.
2. Pharmacological and toxic effects The results obtained from the use of allopathic drugs are local in nature and allow only limited conclusions to be drawn about the effectiveness of therapy at the level of the whole organism.
Thus, it is obvious that for a practicing doctor who follows orthodox theory and insists on simplifications and convenient methods of treatment, scientific discoveries are of great importance, and the general feeling of health of the patient, on the contrary, has practically no significance. For a doctor who professes the principles of holistic medicine, the patient’s subjective feelings are the decisive factor; for him, accordingly, the above principles and laws of development of the pathological process are valuable in that they are a guiding thread that allows one to see in which direction the process is really going.
Guided by the views of holistic medicine, medical researchers are constantly developing new diagnostic and treatment methods.
One of these methods was developed in 2000 by H.V. Schimmel, as a continuation of the concept of the vegetative resonance test - the photon resonance test (PRT), a method that, according to the author, allows for a more in-depth diagnosis,<вплоть до резонансного уровня клеточного ядра ДНК>, compared to other electropuncture methods.
According to H. Schimmel, this method allows diagnostics to be carried out as if layer by layer, on four resonant diagnostic level X.
Four resonant diagnostic levels according to H. Schimmel.
1st resonant level - Blood, lymph, organs, organ systems.
2nd resonant level - Cell (with cell membrane, protoplasm, cellular organelles and mitochondrial DNA).
3rd resonant level - Cell nucleus, s outer part DNA core (outside the double helix).
4th resonant level - Cell nucleus, s internal part DNA core (inside the double helix).
When developing the method, H. Schimmel formulated<принцип дымовой трубы>, which consists in the fact that<Дымовая труба должна быть всегда открыта кверху (наружу, вовне)>! This means that for the therapy of each subsequent level, the work with the previous one (more superficial) must be completed, that is, the exit for the toxins to be removed outside must be cleared.
If therapy is carried out in such a way that what has been said is observed, that is, the external level is released first and only then the subsequent ones, the treatment proceeds quite gently without unnecessary exacerbations. And if we carefully analyze this approach, it becomes absolutely clear that this principle corresponds<закону Геринга>, as well as, naturally, the theory of homotoxicosis, being an additional criterion for monitoring the therapeutic process for a doctor who knows this technique.
Thus, the title of this article becomes clear.<Закон Геринга, теория гомотоксикоза и принцип дымовой трубы - три угла зрения на холистическую медицину>.
Modern medicine has made huge strides in its development. At the same time, from year to year, there are more and more chronic patients, and new incurable diseases are appearing. All larger number patients are treated with new, powerful medications that certainly provide relief, but never cure, addictive fraught with mass side effects and, ultimately, unfortunately, leading to further chronicization of the process. In addition, modern medicine has split into many narrow specializations, which, in addition to being rational, also has a serious disadvantage. Doctor - narrow specialist approaches the disease exclusively from the point of view of its specialization, completely without taking into account the integrity of the body, the complex relationships of its individual organs and systems. Many patients, especially those suffering chronic diseases, felt the futility of this approach, but, having no information about alternative treatment methods and convinced by doctors that<хронические болезни не лечатся>forced to undergo universally practiced orthodox treatment. Meanwhile, in medicine there is a so-called holistic, that is, a holistic approach to a person, which was used by ancient Chinese doctors (the well-known method of acupuncture), as well as a concept that has existed for about two hundred years homeopathic treatment. We deliberately do not reduce it only to the homeopathic method, since it contains enough general principles development of the disease, giving the doctor the opportunity to see in which direction the process is going, towards further chronicity or cure.
This is how the history of mankind develops, that everyone new stage its development is a repetition of previous stages, but at a new level of knowledge. The principle of spiral development applies here, and medicine is no exception. Therefore, it is not surprising that the homeopathic method and holistic approach to treatment are being revived today and are finding more and more supporters, both among doctors and patients.
The founder of the homeopathic method is the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who, being an observant person, noticed a striking similarity between the picture of cinchona bark poisoning (quinine) and the symptoms of malaria, for the treatment of which quinine was used. Having received these unexpected results, Hahnemann suggested:<Если хинин, вызывающий симптомы малярии у здорового человека, может излечить эту болезнь, то это означает, что лекарство действует как подобное. Оно излечивает больного за счет способности вызывать такие же симптомы у здорового!>For six years, Hahnemann and his followers tested new substances on themselves, recorded and summarized the results of their observations. They were amazed to notice the similarity of the resulting symptoms with many diseases. Giving patients with similar symptoms tested the substances on themselves, doctors were shocked by the results obtained.<Целебная сила лекарств определяется их симптомами, подобными болезни, но превосходящими её по силе>S. Hahnemann subsequently writes.
It turned out that a homeopathic medicine can be prepared from almost any substance taken from the nature around us. Animal medicines were created, plant origin, and even from minerals, various other inorganic substances.
As a result of the work done, Hahnemann formulated the basic laws of the method: the law of similarity -<подобное лечится подобным>and the law is endless low dose. And a little later, his outstanding follower Konstantin Goering discovered another equally important law, which was later named after him. Hering's law goes beyond homeopathy as a method of treatment; its essence is that with a true cure, reverse development symptoms of the disease, and in the opposite order to the one in which they arose. In addition, mental symptoms disappear first, then physical ones, first in the upper part of the body, then in the lower part. Long years Official medicine did not recognize either Hahnemann himself or his teaching, but the high effectiveness of the method and the consistency of its founder’s students bore fruit. Homeopathy has gained recognition not only in Germany and almost throughout Europe, but also in Eastern countries. In India, for example, it has become the main medical method. In Russia XIX - XX centuries. homeopathy occupied its rightful place. Maybe such a long period of successful existence, or maybe modern conditions our lives led to what we see today - the homeopathic renaissance.
And yet, what is homeopathy? Communicating with big amount people and asking this question, you inevitably come to the conclusion that very few people know what it is, but there are any number of misconceptions about this. And the most common of them is that homeopathy is herbal treatment. Some reduce the essence of the method to the use of small doses. This, of course, is closer to the truth, although it is also incorrect, since (and this is fundamental) the point is in using not small, but infinitely small doses. According to the law of physics (Avogadro’s law), with such dilutions there are no molecules left in the solution active substance and, accordingly, from a biochemical point of view, such a drug cannot work. By the way, most critics of the method base their arguments on this, explaining successful results treatment with placebo effect (pacifiers). The effect, they argue, occurs due to the patient’s suggestibility. Such criticism does not, however, explain the success of using homeopathic medicines on animals and infants. In order to understand why a drug that does not contain molecules of the original substance (unless they are accidentally introduced) works, it is worth briefly describing the technology for preparing a homeopathic drug. In addition, specialists are recommended to read the article by V. N. Sorokin<Российская гомеопатическая фармакопея - результат научных исследований спиртовых растворов в технологии лекарственных средств>.
There are several methods, but the classic one is Hahnemann's method. The starting substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 110 or 1100 and shaken vigorously, then the procedure is repeated required quantity times, sometimes quite a lot (maybe 1000 times). You can imagine how much of the original substance remains in such a solution! It is believed that with intense shaking, water remembers the structure of the original substance and replicates information about it. Be that as it may, the solvent (water) acquires new properties, which, by the way, is confirmed by spectral analysis and other by physical methods, and with each new stage (dilution and shaking), the effect of the drug intensifies and becomes deeper. The scope of the article does not allow us to dwell on this issue for a long time, but at present there are works that objectively prove that a homeopathic medicine has certain frequency properties and causes a certain resonant response in the human body, triggering the process of self-regulation.
What is attractive about homeopathy for today's patient? Unlike conventional medicines, which affect the symptoms of a disease, a homeopathic medicine stimulates the body's own reserves, what Hahnemann called the vital force, and eliminates the possibility of getting therapeutic effect in one organ or system at the expense of others, avoiding a number of undesirable consequences associated with the use of conventional, allopathic drugs. In addition, a correctly prescribed homeopathic medicine causes, with the body’s reserves preserved, a gradual reversal of the disease, even a chronic one.
The effect of the prescribed drug is the more powerful and effective, the more fully it corresponds to the real picture of the disease and the patient’s personality, and the main problem of homeopathic treatment has always been diagnosis, the direct consequence of which is the prescription of the drug. The purpose of the drug depends on how accurately the homeopathic doctor determines the constitution of a person, a certain type with all physical, psychological characteristics and predispositions to a particular disease.
Whatever you say, with the deepest analysis, still we're talking about about certain conclusions of the doctor, about his assumptions. I would like to have a method in my hands that makes it possible to check how accurate these assumptions are. And there is such a method. It turns out that the effect of a homeopathic drug causes a certain reaction in the body, and it can be registered and measured at biologically active points of the body, even if the drug was not taken orally, but was simply in contact with the patient.
This reaction is quite subtle; it can be registered using modern equipment. Thus, homeopathic doctors today have new opportunities for diagnosis and control over the course of treatment, and, accordingly, for increasing its effectiveness.

Palsing or Holistic massage(direction of body-oriented therapy) - is a holistic system and is a preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation method. Palsing - universal remedy for quick and high-quality relaxation, harmonization and healing. Holistic massage is good diagnostic method muscle tension associated with transferred psychological trauma, or muscle armor, according to Reich. As well as a good technique for “loosening” these clamps.

This technique is aimed at:

  • to normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems
  • massage is useful for the rehabilitation of patients after a heart attack and stroke
  • treatment of problems musculoskeletal apparatus
  • headaches of different origins, swelling, chronic fatigue, constipation
  • activates immune system, normalizes blood circulation and promotes the removal of intracellular waste
  • diseases of the genital area
  • indicated for older people to restore flexibility, elasticity, and mobility to joints and tissues
  • alleviation of age-related phenomena and slowing down the aging process, alleviation of the problems of adolescence and menopause
  • Preparing for childbirth for pregnant women
  • the high effectiveness of this method when working with children (from 5 years old), including problems of hyperactivity, neuroses and various types of dyslexia
  • withdrawals stress conditions and tension, achieving mental balance and strengthening the nervous system.
  • post-traumatic conditions (victims of psychological, physical and sexual violence)
  • used for psychosomatic and emotional disorders, states of fear and depression
  • improved coordination
  • Recommended for weight and figure correction. Improving fluid circulation, coupled with stress relief, makes palsing good remedy cellulite prevention

Palsing sessions help smooth out the gaps between reason and impulse, between public and personal, conscious and unconscious, and soften conflicts between intellect and feeling, between others and oneself.

Contraindications: acute infectious diseases, injuries skin, bleeding, mental illness, malignant neoplasms, thrombophlebitis, recent transactions on joints (less than 3 months).

The creator of the method, Tovi Browning, having worked for many years as a professional massage therapist, osteopath and reflexologist, concluded that in order to cure a person of some disease, it is not enough to treat him only with physical level– a holistic approach is required. She proposed a system that combined important components of psychosomatic concepts and techniques, which opened up new possibilities in the prevention and treatment of various disorders. Thanks to the principles underlying pulsing technology, this method has a wide range of applications.

Everyone who has ever come into contact with a holistic massage has experienced unusual sensations. The leader of the session easily rocks the patient at a rhythm close to the heart rate of the baby in the womb: 120 - 160 times per minute. In this case, a deep relaxation of the nervous system occurs - similar to how a child calms down when rocked. It evokes feelings of reliability, security and warmth, which contribute to a deep healing process.

A holistic approach to wellness is based on two basic principles of life: rhythm and water. Where there is life, there is water and movement. It is known that human body(like the surface of the Earth) consists of 60-80% water. Water is the secret of the origin of life. Even before birth, a baby knows that life is movement. The rhythm of palsing penetrates to the very depths, healing our body and soul. It is water, one of the softest substances, that erodes hard rocks. Thus, during a holistic massage session, our physical and mental barriers dissolve.

Most healing systems use methods of influence associated, to one degree or another, with pain - physical or mental. Holistic massage - the path to healing through positive emotions, instead of pain and suffering. And there is no need to relive the traumas that created these barriers - it is a miracle that we survived so many life traumas at all. Our nervous system responds more effectively to pleasure than to pain. Pulsing is a new language, unfamiliar to our way of thinking and behavior patterns that have grown out of suffering and, often, push us to an unconscious search for pain.

Holistic massage leads to lasting improvements in health precisely because of its gentleness. The law of nature says: “Where there is a force, there is always a reaction.” And we succeed in using forceful approaches to solve our problems, even when it drains our strength and does not lead to the desired results. In contrast, a soft approach, like calm water, “flows around” conflicts, and we achieve what we want – without unnecessary effort.

Otsmat Arakut is a holistic (Holistic, whole) system in itself, and can also be used in combination with other treatment methods - complementing them and enhancing the effect.

First there was the Word, i.e. idea. And it sounded like this: “we need to co-create (jointly create) some kind of organization that will unite all those who want to live in happy families, to be natural and spontaneous throughout their entire life.life without losing the enthusiasm for living together on Earth." CENTER FOR CREATIVE DISCLOSURE



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