What does colposcopy of the cervix provide? Colposcopy – diagnostic examination of the cervix

The real optical magnification of the device is up to 40 times, and the device can have a special LED for illuminating darkened tissues and fine vascular mesh. In modern gynecology, photos and videos of colposcopy of the uterus are used with the possibility of subsequent data storage. This simplifies comparative analysis of tissues before and after treatment. Such an examination is indispensable if you suspect diseases of the uterus that are prone to relapse (erosion, dysplasia).

Purpose of the event

First of all, colposcopy is a diagnostic research method applicable in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • itching, burning in the vagina;
  • acyclic uterine bleeding;
  • painful sensations, possible bleeding before or during sex;
  • dull pain in the lower abdomen, which is constant and increasing in nature.

If a woman discovers a rash around her external genitalia or the smear result is unsatisfactory, then colposcopy is indicated first.


As a rule, colposcopy does not have special recommendations before the procedure. A woman should only abstain from sexual activity a few days before visiting a doctor.

Douching, vaginal tablets and other effects on the cervix should also be postponed for 2-3 days so that the microflora returns to normal and the real picture of the disease can be seen. It will be enough to wash with warm water and baby soap in order to maintain personal hygiene. Colposcopy of the uterus is performed on any day of the cycle, because it does not have any contraindications.

Any changes in health or cycle failure should be reported to the doctor immediately.

How do they do it?

Colposcopy is usually prescribed after a gynecological examination; if urgently necessary, it is performed on the spot. The procedure itself is short and takes a maximum of 30-40 minutes.

The woman should sit comfortably in the gynecological chair and try to relax as much as possible. The colposcope is placed 15 cm from the perineum. First, the doctor uses a special dilator (made of metal or plastic), inserting it into the vagina towards the cervix. It allows you to assess the condition of tissues and general changes that are visible to the naked eye. This is a virtually painless manipulation that can cause only slight discomfort if there is a source of inflammation. At the same time, a woman should not strain or contract her abdominal muscles - this will only increase the discomfort and interfere with the examination.

Then the doctor begins to perform a colposcopy. Here the device itself is used, which in appearance resembles a small microscope equipped with a lighting device in the front part. Additional lighting allows you to expand the view of the vaginal walls and cervical canal. Colposcopy is not painful! You shouldn’t work yourself up in advance, thereby worsening your overall moral and, as a consequence, physical well-being. Moreover, now examination chairs are made to best suit the curves of the body, the upholstery material is pleasant to the body, and there are practically no metal elements.

Preventive colposcopy should be performed once a year. It includes a simple examination of the vagina and cervix to determine the nature of the mucous membrane and discharge. The secretions are blotted with a sterile swab, which allows you to examine the mucous membrane, vascular network and cervical canal in more detail. If there are no deviations, the procedure is completed by taking a smear. Colposcopy includes several types, so the price will vary depending on the depth of the examination.

An extended examination allows you to determine the exact geography of the affected areas. For this, acetic acid (its 3% solution) or Lugol's solution is used. Using a tampon, the selected liquid is applied to the cervix or vagina for 2 minutes. Then a second examination with a colposcope is performed. The treated areas in which pathological changes have occurred take on a spotted color. This inspection method is called the Schiller method. The procedure is also painless, you can only feel the moment of applying the liquid with a tampon. Lugol and acetic acid solution have good antiseptic properties, while simultaneously disinfecting the surface.


Visual results of cervical colposcopy, regardless of its type, are given immediately after the procedure. If areas stained with the solution are detected, a biopsy may be performed, as this may indicate a precancerous condition.

The biopsy is done with surgical forceps, which can make the procedure slightly uncomfortable. The doctor splits off the fragment needed for research, placing it in a test tube for subsequent histological analysis. A small wound remains at the biopsy site, which heals in just a couple of days.

If a woman is about to begin her period, the procedure is postponed so that the damaged tissue can heal unhindered. The results of the histological examination come in a week or two. The doctor himself sets the time for the patient’s next visit to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Types of colposcopy

There is also color colposcopy. Special solutions are used for it, which can paint the affected areas in bright colors (usually blue or green). This is necessary when examining the vascular network and small foci of disease.

Fluorescence colposcopy is suitable for diagnosing and detecting cancer cells. Special fluorochromes are applied to the cervix and irradiated with ultraviolet light. If cancer cells are present, areas of tissue will appear pink in the light of the radiation.

After the procedure

For several days after it, there may be a slight bloody discharge, increased leucorrhoea and discomfort in the pelvic area. If colposcopy is performed unprofessionally, inflammation and infection of the affected tissues may worsen. You should immediately consult a doctor if after the procedure you experience bleeding, unnatural thick discharge, a fever, and abdominal pain. Reviews from women who have undergone colposcopy indicate that if all recommendations are followed, no problems should arise.

After colposcopy of the uterus, you need to abstain from sexual activity for two weeks. It is also not recommended to use tampons during menstruation and douching. During this period, it is also better to postpone sports and other physical activities. Saunas and hot baths can prolong the healing time of a biopsy wound, so showering may be the best option.

There is probably not a single woman who has never visited a gynecologist - be it for prevention or targeted examination.

Sometimes, along with the usual examination in a gynecological chair, the doctor may recommend a colposcopy. What is a method? What health problems does it help identify?

What is colposcopy?

Gynecological examination, which is carried out using a colposcope - a medical optical or video device.

During the procedure, the doctor carefully examines the vaginal part of the uterus and cervix, vagina and vulva under magnification.

Medical equipment used

Optical colposcopes- devices with built-in lenses (optical unit) and a powerful light source with adjustable brightness. Modern devices make it possible to examine the tissue under examination under magnification up to 30-40 times.

Video colposcopes are equipped with high-resolution digital video cameras that provide high-quality and color images. The “picture” is transmitted to the colposcope or computer monitor. The image is saved in the memory of the device or computer, which makes it possible to subsequently compare the results of several studies.

“Look” from the inside: why do you need colposcopy?

The examination helps to diagnose diseases in a timely manner with subsequent monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment.

Basic goals

1. Detection of pathologically altered tissue areas - neoplasms of the female reproductive system in the early stages.

The most serious is cancer of the female reproductive system. In the world, cervical cancer ranks 2nd in the frequency of malignant tumors among women; in the Russian Federation it ranks 6th. Every year, 200-300 thousand women in the world die from this pathology, in the Russian Federation - about 6,000 patients.

2. Choosing the optimal treatment method: cauterization with medications, removal with a laser, surgical instrument, etc.

3. Evaluation of treatment results and dynamic monitoring of previously detected pathological formations.

Detected diseases:

* cancer of the cervix, vagina and vulva;

* erosion/ectopia - mucosal cells from the cervical canal move to the vaginal part of the cervix (looks like ulceration on the mucous membrane);

* dysplasia is the most common form of cervical precancer, in which the normal structure of mucosal cells on the surface of the cervix is ​​disrupted;

* cervicitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal;

* anogenital condylomas or warts - formations in the form of papillae or flesh-colored nodules and many others.

Advantages and advantages of colposcopy

The procedure is painless, safe and highly informative - it makes it possible to widely use the technique.

Under the control of a colposcope, a targeted biopsy is performed: a piece of pathologically changed tissue is taken, followed by histological examination of the sample. The approach ensures reliable results and early diagnosis of diseases.

When is colposcopy prescribed?

There are many indications, but the main ones are listed below:

* detection of altered or cancer cells in a smear for cytology - Papanicolaou screening test;

* spotting outside of menstruation (intermenstrual bleeding) or after sexual intercourse (contact bleeding);

* detection during a gynecological examination of formations on the cervix or vagina (erosions, polyps, cysts, etc.);

* unpleasant sensations in the vagina;

* detection of oncogenic types of human papillomavirus in a smear from the cervix;

* pulling and unrelated pain in the lower abdomen;

* painful sexual intercourse;

* discharge with an unpleasant odor from the genital tract;

* long-term colpitis that is difficult to treat and others.

How to prepare?

When is the best time to do it?

The most optimal is 2-3 days before the start of menstruation or in the first 2-3 “clean” days after the end of menstrual bleeding. If necessary, the examination is carried out on the day of visiting the doctor.

How long does the procedure take?

Usually on average - about 15-20 minutes, maximum - up to 30 minutes.

It hurts?

The examination is painless, but discomfort or discomfort may occur.

How is colposcopy performed?

The procedure is performed by a gynecologist. The woman lies down on a gynecological chair, a gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina, and the cervix is ​​fixed between its doors.

Then the doctor conducts an examination using a colposcope mounted on a tripod at a distance of 20-25 cm from the gynecological chair. The device itself is not inserted into the vagina.

What is colposcopy?

There are two main types: simple and advanced.

Simple or survey study- without the use of additional funds.

During the examination, the condition of the cervix and cervical canal, the nature of the discharge, the presence of old scars or ruptures, formations (erosions, polyps, condylomas, cysts, etc.) are determined.

Advanced Research— conducting epithelial tests to assess the tissue reaction in response to drug treatment

* Test with 3% acetic acid: the doctor leaves a tampon soaked in the solution in the vagina for 40-50 seconds, then removes it and continues the examination using a colposcope. Under the influence of acid, the changed “irregular” areas of the tissue become white in color - a white spot is visible. Healthy areas do not change color. The test is mandatory and has great diagnostic value.

* Schiller's test: the doctor lubricates the cervix with Lugol's aqueous solution. Healthy mucosa becomes dark brown in color, while the changed areas remain lighter or are not colored at all.

If necessary, a biopsy is performed: a piece of tissue is taken from suspicious areas, followed by histological examination of the sample. After receiving the results, a diagnosis is made, and the doctor chooses the most optimal treatment method.

What to expect after the study?

If a simple colposcopy was performed, there are usually no consequences. The woman leads a normal life without any restrictions.

Discharge from the genital tract is possible for several days:

* during an extended study, they may have a green, yellow or brown tint - remnants of the drugs used to conduct test samples;

* bloody and spotting - after a biopsy.

Discharge is normal, is not dangerous and does not require treatment.

Sexual intercourse is possible after the cessation of vaginal discharge, but it is usually recommended to abstain from it for 10-14 days from the date of the study.

Colposcopy and pregnancy

Performed according to indications. The decision is made by the doctor in each case individually, taking into account the duration and presence of complications during pregnancy.

When is it better to abstain from the procedure?

There are no absolute contraindications, but there are some restrictions.

The study is temporarily not carried out:

* during menstruation;

* in acute inflammatory processes until recovery - for example, with colpitis;

* the first 4 weeks after childbirth, abortion or cervical surgery.

Colposcopy in the middle of the cycle is not recommended, since the abundance of mucus makes examination and diagnosis difficult.
If there is an allergy to acetic acid or drugs containing iodine, the study is carried out with the exclusion of the drug.

P.S. Colposcopy is a simple and safe method, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. Timely detection and treatment of the disease will help maintain not only health, but prolong a woman’s life for many years.

Dear women and girls, contact your doctors in a timely manner. Take care of your health!

pediatrician, resident doctor at the children's department

The diagnostic procedure of cervical colposcopy frightens many women due to ignorance of what it is and why it is needed. Firstly, you need to understand that the purpose of colposcopy does not mean that something is already wrong in the body - it is also used simply for examination. Secondly, its value as a diagnostic method is very high - the procedure allows you to identify serious diseases and pathologies in the initial stages, when treatment can bring very good results. Moreover, contrary to common fears and prejudices, the procedure is completely painless and does not involve deep intervention in the body. And now - about everything in order.

First you need to know the cervix. This is a diagnostic process, an instrumental examination of this organ, as well as the vulva and vagina. It is usually prescribed to confirm or refute a diagnosis suspected by a gynecologist during a standard examination. And also colposcopic examination is carried out for preventive purposes. How often depends on age. Thus, it is recommended for all sexually active women to undergo it once a year. A - twice a year.
Colposcopy of the cervix is ​​performed in a regular gynecological chair, without anesthesia. At the patient's request, a local anesthetic can be used if a cervical biopsy is also planned. It is carried out in order to determine the nature of any tissue changes: malignant or benign. To do this, a tiny piece of tissue is pinched off with a special instrument for analysis and studied in vitro - that is, in the laboratory. Even this procedure causes virtually no discomfort to the patient. And if we talk about whether colposcopy in general is painful, then we can definitely say that it is not.
There are two types of colcoscopy: simple and extended. In the first case, the patient is placed in a chair, and a regular gynecological speculum is inserted into her vagina. While the cavity is expanded, a colposcope is installed opposite - a device that allows you to examine the condition of the cervix both purely visually and at the cellular level (look at the photo). After all, the device is a powerful microscope capable of magnifying images up to 300 times.
There is an optical and video colposcope. In the first case, the doctor examines the patient's tissue directly, through the eyepieces of a microscope. In the second, the image is broadcast in real time to the monitor. This allows several doctors to simultaneously examine the image and assess the condition of the woman’s organs. This is especially important when there are doubts when making a diagnosis.
The way colposcopy of the cervix is ​​performed in the extended version is not much different from the simple form. Everything is the same, only to make the examination more efficient, the cervical tissues are treated with special reagents. These include three percent acetic acid, a solution of iodine or potassium, as well as Lugol. Treatment with reagents makes it possible to notice changes that are not even visible to the naked eye. Thus, extended colposcopy using iodine is based on the fact that healthy tissues are stained, but sick ones are not. Vinegar allows you to assess the condition of blood vessels. Treatment of tissues with solutions is also done painlessly.
How long a colposcopy lasts depends on its type and the advanced state of the disease. Typically, a cervical colposcopy takes 15 to 30 minutes. On average - 20. A simple examination of the cervix lasts faster, an extended examination takes a little longer. The video shows the procedure.

What does examining the cervix with a colposcope reveal?

This examination can be carried out both for preventive purposes and in case of certain suspicions of pathological processes that have arisen in the woman’s body. Here are the indications for colposcopy:

  • the presence of atypical cells, which were revealed by a cytological examination of a smear taken from the cervix;
  • control and monitoring of the condition of a woman who has already had cervical pathologies;
  • suspicious areas of altered epithelium detected during a standard examination;
    suspicions of the presence of certain cervical diseases.

Thus, the main goal of colposcopy is the timely and early detection of a particular pathology. The method allows you to detect many diseases early, in the initial stages, so that treatment started on time brings positive results. Even cervical cancer, if detected in a timely manner, can be eliminated without serious consequences for the woman’s health.

This method is effective for identifying diseases and pathologies: polyps, condylomas, cysts;

  • endometriosis;
  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix and cervical canal);
  • leukoplakia;
  • cervical erosion;
  • dysplasia (precancerous condition);
  • cervical cancer.

It is important that this method and biopsy analysis make it possible to timely detect all kinds of neoplasms and the beginning of their degeneration into malignant ones.

So, for example, if the examination shows the presence of condylomas, this means that the patient is infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). And the consequences of this disease can be severe - HPV is one of the main causes of cervical cancer.

Preparation for cervical colposcopy

Since colposcopy of the cervix is ​​performed in a regular gynecological office, the procedure is quick, simple and painless, and preparation for it does not imply any special measures.

In general, you can lead your usual lifestyle.
Preparation for cervical colposcopy includes several points:

  1. It is important to make sure that there is no pregnancy; if in doubt, notify your doctor in advance.
  2. You should abstain from sexual activity for 2-3 days before the procedure.
  3. Do not use tampons, intimate sprays, tablets, suppositories, or douche.
  4. On the day of the procedure, wash with plain clean water without using detergents.
  5. You can take any neutral painkiller before colposcopy if you are afraid of possible discomfort.

The doctor should tell you about the procedure, its importance, and possible unpleasant moments.
The doctor should notify the woman when it is better to do a colposcopy and on what day of the cycle. In principle, if the procedure is necessary, the sooner the better, then it can be done on any day, except for your period. The fact is that bleeding will significantly distort the results and worsen the view. It is best to undergo examination in the first half of the cycle - three to five days after the end of menstruation. It is possible later, but after ovulation a lot of mucus accumulates in the cervical canal, which worsens the examination.
How much a colposcopy costs depends on the clinic’s pricing policy, the equipment used (video or regular colposcope), and the region in which it is located. The price varies from 1000 to 2500 rubles. In addition, do not forget that in a private clinic you need to consult a doctor before the procedure, which will also cost a fee. In a municipal clinic, the question of the cost of cervical colposcopy usually does not arise. The procedure prescribed by a doctor is carried out free of charge.

Research results

The results of the study can show both the normal state of the cervical tissue and the abnormal state. A healthy cervix is ​​even, smooth, and pale pink in color. The presence of pathologies is indicated by:

  • non-standard vascular pattern - capillaries are tortuous, arranged in a mosaic pattern;
  • punctuation – small red spots interspersed with light areas;
  • areas not stained with iodine have an unusual shape and structure.

During the examination itself, the specialist pays special attention to modified, non-standard areas. What a colposcopy shows should be interpreted by a doctor and only him. The interpretation of the results may not be clear to the average person. It is possible to detect both widespread erosion of the cervix, as well as precancerous and even cancerous neoplasms in non-standard areas. Therefore, after the research is carried out and the results are ready (and they will be ready from several days to two weeks, depending on the clinic), you must definitely come for a second appointment with the doctor.
The doctor will give a detailed description of the results, explain what to do next, and also tell you what the cervical biopsy showed. If necessary, he will prescribe additional examinations and select the correct treatment.

Colposcopy and pregnancy

Many people are interested in whether colposcopy of the cervix during pregnancy is possible. In general, bearing a child is a relative contraindication to the procedure. Relative, because if colposcopy is absolutely necessary, the woman’s health, safety and future life depend on it, the procedure is carried out.
And colposcopy of pregnant women is also permissible if the pregnancy is proceeding correctly, nothing threatens to interrupt it, the period is short, the fetus is attached correctly, the placenta is normal, and the benefits of the procedure exceed the possible risks. Or if the pregnancy is planned to be terminated. If pregnancy is desired, and possible complications for the unborn baby exceed the importance of the procedure, it should be abandoned.
If colposcopy is still necessary in this situation, it is carried out without reagents whenever possible. A biopsy is also undesirable during this period.

In any case, before undergoing colposcopy, a woman must make sure that there is no or no pregnancy. You should tell your doctor about this and your own doubts in advance.

He will reschedule the procedure until there is some clarity regarding the woman's condition. And in case of emergency, it will be carried out in compliance with all precautions.

After the procedure

Since such a diagnosis does not involve any special intervention in the woman’s body or traumatizing her tissues, she can go home immediately after the procedure and lead a normal lifestyle. The only thing that can bother her is psychological discomfort.

Discharge after colposcopy is possible - dark brown in color if the method was extended. The color of the discharge does not mean the presence of blood. This is where the remaining iodine comes out. Since it stains your laundry a lot, you can use a panty liner during this period.

There may also be discharge with a small admixture of blood - if colposcopy was performed with the collection of biopsy tissue. As a result, when it is injured, minor bleeding is possible, accompanied by slight discomfort and no pain.

A biopsy performed during the examination imposes certain restrictions on the woman, unlike a simple procedure. So, for two weeks she should refrain from sexual intercourse, heavy physical work and sports, the use of tampons, vaginal suppositories and douching - until the damaged tissue heals.

Contraindications and complications

There are no absolute contraindications to this procedure. The following are relative:

  • Menstrual or any other uterine bleeding. Blood does not allow us to carefully examine organ tissues or assess the condition of the mucous membrane. The value of diagnostics in such a situation is practically zero. Therefore, colposcopy can be performed only after menstruation has passed.
  • Pregnancy. Any intervention in the female organs can be dangerous for the child. Read more above.
  • Recent childbirth or surgery performed on the female organs. During this period, even colposcopy can injure tissues and cause harm to the patient’s health. You should wait one and a half to two months, and in case of any complications, until they completely resolve.
  • Exacerbation of candidiasis (thrush). In this situation, heavy discharge will interfere with the examination. You should wait until the candidiasis goes away and only then perform a colposcopy.
  • Virginity. Any manipulations of this kind, including a standard gynecological examination with a mirror, are carried out only for women who are sexually active.

Possible complications are also minimal and only occur if the procedure was performed by an unqualified specialist. As a rule, difficulties are associated with taking a biopsy for analysis. If this is done incorrectly or if unsterile instruments are used, an inflammatory process may begin. Here are the cases in which you should consult a doctor immediately:

  • heavy or long-lasting bleeding;
  • pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature increase;
  • not bloody but unusually heavy discharge for 5–7 days;
  • significant deterioration in general health.

The procedure and analysis, carried out according to all the rules, guarantee safety for the patient and quick recovery.

Anything that seems suspicious about your condition should be discussed with your doctor. In general, the success of the procedure largely depends on the specialist. He must tell you all the information, starting with why colposcopy is needed, how to prepare for it, and ending with what to do in case of certain violations. And most importantly, the doctor must take care of the woman’s psychological state and dispel all her fears - both before and after colposcopy.

Colposcopy is a diagnostic method widely used in gynecology. Every woman who is faced with the problem of changes in the cervix or some more serious problems knows what colposcopy in gynecology is.

Why is colposcopy needed?

What is colposcopy in gynecology? This is the research method that is needed to predict the possible composition of the cells of the cervix, if there is a goal to identify this part of the most important organ of the female reproductive system.

Colposcopy is the main method for detecting cervical cancer. However, it is impossible to make a diagnosis solely on the basis of colposcopy data, since it only allows one to determine the location for a targeted biopsy. What colposcopy shows, namely, altered areas of the cervical mucosa, must be checked by other methods. This is the only way a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

How is colposcopy done?

Colposcopy involves visually examining the epithelium of the part of the cervix that extends into the vagina through a colposcope (a binocular microscope equipped with an optical system and focused lighting). This procedure can be performed during a routine gynecological examination, as no special preparation or anesthesia is required. The procedure itself takes no more than 15 minutes and is very well tolerated by women.

At the very beginning of the study, the doctor examines the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina using mirrors and under the magnification of a colposcope. If necessary, at this stage, biomaterial is collected for cytological examination. Then the doctor proceeds directly to colposcopy. It runs two tests in sequence:

  • test with acetic acid (the most informative test that allows you to narrow unchanged blood vessels);
  • text with an iodine solution, which allows identifying glycogen in the analyzed epithelium).

These tests allow better visualization of areas of the cervix that may be considered suspicious. With their use, the procedure is called, without them, it is simple and has almost no clinical significance.

If a colposcopy is prescribed - a procedure for examining the cervix, then the woman is usually advised to abstain from sexual activity a day or more before the procedure, and also not to douche, not to use vaginal creams, suppositories, tablets.

Colposcopy: indications

So, why do colposcopy? What does colposcopy mean? Colposcopy is of great importance for identifying precancerous and cancerous diseases, and therefore is prescribed for the following indications:

Women often wonder how often to do a colposcopy. According to gynecologists, this study should be carried out at least once every three years. Between studies, you must, however, take smears for cytology once a year. Colposcopy is not needed as long as the smears are normal.

The decision whether to do a colposcopy is made by the doctor, but for her peace of mind, a woman can decide to undergo this examination herself.

The word colcoscopy scares many patients. They do not know that this is a modern examination that will reveal the slightest disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs, if any.

Colposcopy of the cervix is ​​a medical manipulation of examining the vulva, vaginal walls and cervix for the purpose of diagnosing pathologies; the procedure is performed using a special device - a colposcope with standard magnification. Colposcopy is one of the most gentle diagnostic methods currently available in the field of gynecology.

What is colposcopy in gynecology

What does colposcopy show:

  • analysis of the condition of the walls of the vagina and cervix;
  • identifies the lesion;
  • diagnoses neoplasms at the initial stage;
  • material is taken for analysis for the purpose of further diagnosis of pathology.

Typically, colposcopy is prescribed if there are suspicions of pathologies of the female genital organs.

We should not forget that colcoscopy is not a cytological study. However, it will be possible to work with the data obtained during manipulation to take material for cytological analyses.

The methods used in this inspection allow us to identify problems at the earliest stages of development. In particular, diseases that are asymptomatic at first, but lead to the most serious consequences.

Many people wonder how colposcopy is done? How painful is a colposcopy? The specialist examines the patient on a gynecological chair traditionally, but uses a colposcope, with which the resulting image is magnified by the required number of times. Access to the cervix occurs through a gynecological speculum. In total, this procedure takes no more than thirty minutes.

Digital colposcopy is also used. What is this? This is an innovative way to examine the cervix. A special optical device is used for this. Its scientific name is digital colposcope. This is a binocular that is equipped with a powerful light source and a device for recording images in digital format. The digital research method is used to obtain accurate information about the changes occurring in the vagina and cervix and to clarify their nature. This method also makes it possible to record images of mucous membranes, which can later be useful for consultation for the purpose of more detailed analysis.

When is the best time to do a colposcopy?

Indications for a colposcopic examination are determined by the attending specialist. So the question of when and for what symptoms a colposcopy can be done should be answered by a gynecologist at an appointment. Colposcopic examination is a procedure necessary to examine the cervix, as well as the vagina and surface of the vulva. The examination is carried out using a colposcope. The excellent multi-magnification ability of this microscope allows the gynecologist to examine the uterus more closely.

How often can a colposcopy be done? According to certain medical indications. Let us remind you that an examination using a colposcope is carried out by a doctor only if there is an indication for the procedure. These include:

  • diagnosis of cervical cancer, including during pregnancy;
  • diagnosis of cancer of the vulva, vagina;
  • precancerous condition of the vagina, vulva or cervix;
  • detection of formations on the uterus in pregnant women;
  • inflammatory processes in the cervix;
  • the presence of warts on the genitals;
  • fungal infections on the vaginal mucosa;
  • monitoring changes in affected areas;
  • for cervical erosion, colcoscopy is also performed.

If a potential patient is thinking about the question of which day of the cycle a colposcopy is performed, it should be noted that the optimal time for an examination is the first three days after the end of menstruation. In some cases, colposcopy can be performed on other days of the cycle, which is usually warned about by the attending physician.

It is worth noting that conducting a colposcopic examination in pregnant women is one of the mandatory procedures. The fact is that various kinds of pathological changes in the cervix are diagnosed in a large number of female representatives. Very often observed pathologies are a consequence of decreased immunity. During pregnancy, they can progress and develop. This, in turn, will negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and her child. A contraindication to performing extended colposcopy is only intolerance to acetic acid or iodine by the patient’s body in some cases.

Colposcopy during pregnancy

Colposcopy during pregnancy, as mentioned above, is one of the most important studies for expectant mothers. Qualified specialists recommend conducting such a study without fail, in order to identify pathological neoplasms and timely therapy. This procedure during pregnancy is completely harmless for both mother and child. You should not be afraid of this manipulation or think that its implementation will harm the baby. This diagnostic method will not be able to provoke spontaneous abortion. This means that all fears about this are in vain. Quite the contrary, a colposcopic examination is designed to promptly recognize potential harm and help eliminate it in a timely manner.

However, preparation for colposcopy is very important. It includes the following points:

  1. abstinence from sexual activity for 2-3 days before the examination;
  2. refusal to use any intimate creams and suppositories;
  3. refusal of the douching procedure.

Following these simple steps will help the pregnant woman prepare for this procedure. In this case, the examination will be absolutely painless. Colposcopy after childbirth is not performed only in the first six to eight weeks, and during this period the procedure is not performed after a course of cervical therapy, which was performed using a destructive or surgical method.

Discharge after colposcopy

Quite often, after a colposcopic examination, slight vaginal bleeding may be observed, there may also be a delay in menstruation after colposcopy, and some patients have a stomach ache after colposcopy. In these cases, you should use sanitary pads for several days. The discharge is associated with the treatment of the cervical mucosa with special solutions that are used during extended colposcopy.



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