Low frequency electric current treatment. Physiotherapy: why we are shocked

Diadynamic currents are considered one of the most effective methods of treatment. They are successfully used for pain relief, relaxation, restoration of elasticity and functionality of muscles. After reading today's article, you will find out who is shown and how this procedure is carried out.

General information

It should be noted that the device for treatment with diadynamic currents began to be used in the past century. That's why this technique cannot be considered new. Modern doctors are well aware that physiotherapy procedures can significantly improve general state patient. Moreover, the strength, shape, voltage and frequency of currents are selected taking into account individual characteristics specific person.

They were first modulated by the French scientist Pierre Bernard. It was he who became the developer of a unique treatment program with the help of electric currents. In the process of conducting numerous experiments, the researcher managed to combine several frequencies and achieve good results.

The benefits of this treatment

At correct use diadynamic currents in physiotherapy give wonderful effect. During the procedure, the device affects the skeletal and smooth muscle. This provides stimulation of the muscular corset.

During the session, the patient practically does not feel anything. In some cases, he may feel warm and slight tingling. Due to the fact that diadynamic currents of low frequency act on the receptors, a person does not experience pain.

The main effect of such treatment is achieved by changing the phases of muscle excitation and inhibition. This is especially true in inflammatory processes and spasms. The effect of the procedure lasts for several hours. Physiotherapy not only has a muscle relaxant and analgesic effect, but also improves blood circulation.

Who is shown this treatment?

It should be noted that diadynamic therapy allows you to select various combinations of currents. Very often, to improve the condition of patients, such treatment is combined with the introduction of appropriate medications. Diadynamic currents are shown to people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are excellent for bursitis, arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

They are often used to treat gastritis and physiotherapy is indicated for people who have gynecological problems. It has proven effective in the treatment of poor joint mobility, dislocations, bruises and sprains. DDT is prescribed to patients diagnosed with sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, neurosis, neuromyositis, neuralgia, neuritis and atherosclerosis.


It should not be discounted that diadynamic currents, the apparatus for the treatment of which is available in any modern polyclinic, can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, before starting the procedures, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated in people prone to bleeding and blood clots. It is also not recommended for those who suffer from epilepsy, active pulmonary tuberculosis and cachexia. Can not use similar treatment patients with sensitive skin, allergies and tumors. Also, DDT is not used for exacerbation inflammatory processes and mental illness.

Forms of current treatment

In modern medical practice Several types of such therapy are known. In the process of using a continuous half-wave form, a current is transmitted through the apparatus, the frequency of which is 50 Hz. The main goal of this treatment is to stimulate the muscles. Therefore, the current is applied at intervals of one minute.

When using a half-wave waveform, there is a gradual increase in amplitude, starting from zero and ending with a maximum value. The decrease in the frequency of the currents is carried out within eight seconds, and after a short break, the cycle repeats. This method is used to remove pain syndrome and for muscle stimulation.

Among other things, there is another scheme that is successfully used in physiotherapy. It's about on the shortened wave method of exposure to currents. This treatment allows you to stimulate the skeletal muscles.

Very often to fight some chronic diseases doctors prescribe long-term exposure. During this procedure, alternation is performed various forms current. However, do not forget that such treatment cannot be carried out during an exacerbation of the disease.

How is the procedure performed?

Devices for treatment with diadynamic currents are installed in all physiotherapy rooms. Their work must be strictly supervised by qualified medical workers. Electrodes are applied to the patient's body, the shape and size of which depend on the area of ​​influence. After turning on the device, current is supplied through them, the strength of which can be adjusted using the toggle switch located on the front panel of the device.

It is extremely important that the patient does not experience pain during the session. At the beginning of the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is possible. As the strength of the supplied currents increases, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation. After a couple of minutes, these symptoms completely disappear, and they are replaced by a slight pulsation. At the end of the session, the health worker turns off the device and removes the electrodes.

Duration and number of procedures

Despite the fact that the force with which diadynamic currents are supplied is selected individually, there are some general rules carrying out such treatment. First of all, it must be remembered that the duration of exposure to the focus of pain should not exceed ten minutes.

If the patient is prescribed therapy with long and short currents, then the polarity of the electrodes should be changed. In this case, “plus” is put on “minus” and vice versa. The minimum course of treatment is four procedures, the maximum is ten. To avoid addiction, sessions can only be resumed after a two-week break.

Applied devices

In most domestic polyclinics, “Tonus” is installed - a device for treating diadynamic currents, the principle of which is based on receiving sinusoidal pulses with an exponential cutoff. This device is effective in dealing with various neuromuscular diseases. Since it is adapted for transportation, it can be used not only in a hospital or clinic, but also at home.

The case of the device is made of impact-resistant polystyrene. It consists of a base attached to a lid. On the body of the device there is a convenient handle, on the side of which there is a compartment for removing the power cord and cable.

Another unique invention capable of producing different kinds currents, is the so-called physiotherapy combine. It is compact in size and easy to operate. This device combines several useful features. With it, you can perform vacuum and laser therapy.

Current treatment for osteochondrosis has been used very effectively for many years and allows painlessly, and most importantly in short time to fight this disease. Physiotherapy is aimed at influencing only the desired area (excluding the effect on the body).

Among the benefits of this treatment:

  • No allergies;
  • No side effects;
  • There are no restrictions on the age and condition of patients.

In accordance with the above factors, current treatment for osteochondrosis is a common, albeit not main way fight against such a disease.

Exposure to current in osteochondrosis: the essence of treatment

A person suffering from a disease such as osteochondrosis is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures in order to activate recovery processes in the body and remove pain.

Bernard's currents in osteochondrosis contribute to:

  • Normalization of metabolism in the affected area of ​​the spine;
  • Eliminate pain;
  • Uncorking nerve endings who have been harmed;
  • Restoration of blood circulation in the affected areas;
  • Relaxation of spasmodic muscles. Read more ways to relieve spasms of the muscles of the neck.

Physiotherapy helps to strengthen immune system, makes it possible to optimize the work of the cardio vascular system, reduces the amount of medications used in treatment and ensures a faster recovery.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures relieve pain and tone muscle tissue.

Electricity treatment gives very good results in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Exists great amount types of physiotherapeutic effects on the affected areas of the spine. Usually, they are applied at the same time. However, taking into account the stage of the disease, the patient's condition and the existing contraindications to the use of such therapy, the doctor can prescribe only one of the types of physiotherapy. The key purpose of current treatment is the optimization of metabolic processes in the affected tissues and their restoration.

Contraindications to electric current treatment for osteochondrosis

Despite the fact that physiotherapy is used in the fight against huge multitude diseases, including also osteochondrosis, it also has contraindications for use. Current treatment is unacceptable:

  1. In the presence of diseases of the skin;
  2. During alcohol/drug exposure;
  3. If osteochondrosis is in an acute stage;
  4. If cancerous tumors are relevant;
  5. With diseases of the cardiac and vascular systems;
  6. During pregnancy and lactation;
  7. When individual intolerance this type of treatment;
  8. If mental deviations are appropriate;
  9. With tuberculosis.

Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate physiotherapy procedures: individually or in combination. Everything will depend on the condition of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body.

In most cases, with a competent approach and proper supervision by a doctor, current treatment for osteochondrosis gives positive results, and the disease ceases to bother and very soon and does not leave any traces at all.

If you lead correct image life and be attentive to your health, then you can avoid the appearance of most of the problems associated with various diseases.

Electrotherapy is the application of the properties of electric current with therapeutic goal, it occupies a separate major section in physiotherapy. Modern methods physiotherapy uses electric current to combat various pathologies: injuries musculoskeletal system, diseases nervous system during recovery in the postoperative period.

This article will cover various options application of electrotherapy in medicine, as well as the main mechanism of its action on the human body.

Mechanism of action

To understand why electric current has become so widely used in medical practice, you need to understand the subtle mechanisms and principles of its influence on the body.

It has its effect on human body on several levels:

  • Local. Covers the immediate area of ​​application of electric current. Stimulation occurs local circulation, increase immunity, accelerate metabolism.
  • Reflex-segmental. Electric current during the procedure causes somatovegetative reflexes, which cause vascular and metabolic changes already at the level internal organs(After all, as you know, the internal organs have connections with certain areas of the skin, by acting on which you can indirectly influence the organs).
  • Organism level. The action of electroprocedures on the body extends to the higher parts of the nervous system, then there is the release of biologically active substances (serotonin, histamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine), which, spreading with the bloodstream, provide general action physiotherapy - strengthening the immune system, mobilizing the forces of the body, accelerating the processes of recovery and regeneration.

According to the nature of the energy conducted to the patient, the methods of electrotherapy are divided into remote and contact, according to the magnitude of the voltage - into low-frequency currents (galvanization, electrophoresis) and high-frequency currents (darsonvalization, franklinization), according to the mode of exposure - into direct currents and alternating currents ( impulse). Next, we will dwell on some of them in more detail.

Methods using direct currents

One of the methods of physiotherapy using direct electric current is galvanization. With a relatively low current strength (about 50 mA), the voltage reaches 80 volts.

The skin has a high resistance to current with such parameters, which is why the most significant reactions develop with this method of physiotherapy. The patient has reddened skin under the electrodes, as well as a burning and tingling sensation, which may gradually increase during the session. This is due to the formation of heat, changes in the habitual movement of ions in the skin and the pH of the environment.

Biologically released active substances, activated enzymes increase blood flow to the application area. Burning and tingling in the area of ​​the procedure depend on the duration of exposure, and also increase with increasing current strength. Thus, electrotherapy with direct current enhances lymph and blood circulation, stimulates metabolic processes, enhances the secretion of glands, and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

More often in medical practice, electrophoresis is used. Electrophoresis is the combined action of a current and a certain amount of a drug.

Since ions in the skin under the influence of electroprocedures move at a low speed, and the resistance of the skin is high, the pharmaceutical preparation penetrates only into the upper layers of the skin, creating a depot in it. From it, the drug slowly spreads through the body with the bloodstream, so you should not expect an immediate effect with this procedure. Only a few percent of the dosage of the drug used in electrophoresis gets into the depot.

The benefits of the procedure include:

  • Applies to almost any part of the body.
  • The therapeutic effect can last up to several days, as a depot of the drug is formed.
  • Minimal amount side effects, drugs introduced into the body in this way have no effect on the internal organs.
  • The drug is in active form- ionic.

Since the main action that is produced by the current during electrophoresis occurs directly under the electrodes, the main indication for the appointment of such a physiotherapy as drug electrophoresis is the presence of various local pathological processes. A systemic effect on the body is usually not observed, with the exception of cases of disorders of the autonomic nervous system, when even from small dose drugs may develop a reflex systemic reaction.

Methods using impulse currents

For pulsed currents, the strength and voltage do not have constant values. It is these currents that formed the basis of electrosleep - the impact on the body as a whole through the scalp. This procedure is designed to normalize the state of the central nervous system. The current is passed through the closed eyelids and the mastoid region using special electrodes.

The receptors of the scalp are monotonously irritated by the current, weak currents even at the same time penetrate into the subcortical-stem parts of the brain, causing the normalization of the CNS function. As the nervous system begins to function better, its effect on other organs also changes. This is what can explain positive effect from electrosleep in many diseases.

Diadynamic therapy is another way to use pulsed currents in medicine. It has the following properties:

  • Improves local blood flow, dilates blood vessels, relieves vascular spasms.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes.
  • It has an analgesic effect.

This method of physiotherapy is widely used in diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

Amplipulse therapy produces all the effects similar to diadynamic therapy, not only in superficial departments skin, but also in internal organs. With some current parameters, it can cause a strong muscle contraction, which is used when necessary for electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves.

Electrical stimulation is used to enhance the work of certain organs and systems. Most wide application received electrical stimulation of the heart, muscles and nerves.

Methods using high frequency currents and voltages

Darsonvalization is based on the use of high frequency current. The current passing through the skin cells expands the small blood vessels and enhances the intensity of blood flow in them, eliminates vascular spasms. Thus, tissue ischemia passes - the associated pain and paresthesia.

Therapeutic application of exposure to a constant electric field high voltage called franklinization.

Having a local effect, this method of physiotherapy activates metabolic processes in the scalp, brain and its membranes, and when exposed to the wound or ulcer area, it dilates blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure, relieves spasms in their presence, stimulates erythropoiesis. Franklinization is indicated for disorders of the functions of the nervous system, with poorly healing wounds.

Methods based on the effect of electric and magnetic fields

UHF therapy - use in medicine effects electromagnetic field ultra-high frequency to certain areas of the body. Such a magnetic field has a large penetrating power. It passes through the skin with subcutaneous fat, penetrates into blood vessels, joints, bones, bone marrow and other tissues.

Inductothermy is the use in medical practice of a high-frequency magnetic field that releases heat in tissues. The method is based on the formation of heat obtained from a cable close to a certain part of the body, through which a high-frequency current passes, producing an alternating magnetic field. Heat arises in the deepest tissues human body.

With this procedure, various changes occur: blood flow accelerates, blood pressure decreases, improves peripheral circulation, microcirculation, rheological properties blood, there is a decongestant effect, regeneration processes are stimulated, blood clotting decreases. Since the hematopoietic function is stimulated bone marrow, then the number of erythrocytes in the blood increases, respectively, hemoglobin grows, the ability of leukocytes to capture (phagocytosis) increases. Immunity is also strengthened, muscle performance is increased, and a calming effect is manifested.

General contraindications

There are some of the most general contraindications for treatment electric shock. These include:

  • Severe general condition of the patient, exacerbation of decompensated somatic disease.
  • Heart or respiratory failure.
  • Poor liver and kidney function.
  • Violations of the blood coagulation system.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy (applies to relative contraindications, most of the methods can be freely used in the first half of pregnancy, in the second - if indicated).

Despite these contraindications, the final decision on the appointment of physiotherapy is made by a physiotherapist based on a general, holistic impression of the patient's state of health and determination of his treatment needs.

Electrotherapy in physiotherapy in modern world has ubiquitous application. Electric current therapy is used in hospitals, outpatient medical institutions, used at home, in cosmetology, and also as part of spa treatment. Specialists – physiotherapists are guided in a huge variety of methods of electrotherapy. It is they who choose one or another method of treatment depending on the needs of their patient.

Today there are many unique techniques treatment various diseases in which there is a direct effect on the human body magnetic fields, current pulses, laser, etc.

One of the most popular methods is magnetic therapy, effective and indicated for many diseases and pathologies.

For the treatment of various pathological diseases, doctors use pulsed currents in physiotherapy. The impact of currents occurs in a certain rhythm, which is set on a special medical device that corresponds to the rhythms of any work. internal system or an organ of the human body, the frequency of the applied pulses also changes.

Appointments for use in medicinal purposes low-frequency current pulses can be a series the following diseases and manifestations:

  • electrical stimulation muscle tissue;
  • removal of pain;
  • antispastic effect;
  • action that has a vasodilating effect;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • damage to the neuromuscular apparatus;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • other diseases endocrine system;
  • cosmetic problems with the skin;
  • violations of intestinal motility;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs genitourinary system).

During the procedure, the impact on the muscles of pulsed currents is replaced by the so-called rest phases. With each subsequent action, the amplitude of the pulsed current and its rhythm gradually increase and, thus, reaching highest point, and then, also smoothly decrease its value to zero.

The electrodes, through which an electric current impulse is applied, are placed on certain points on the patient's body, through which the impact on a certain muscle group is carried out. The current strength is calculated by the doctor in such a way as to visually see muscle contractions, but at the same time not cause discomfort to the patient during the procedure. Typically, the current can be between 10 and 15 mA. As a rule, the course of treatment consists of 15 to 20 procedures, each of which lasts 15 or 30 minutes.

Pulsed currents are used in different types of physiotherapy:

  • electrosleep. With this type of physiotherapy, low-intensity portions of current impulses are exposed, thus normalizing the functionality of the central nervous system. This effect is carried out through the head receptors. Classical electrosleep uses pulses at a frequency of 1 to 150 Hz, with a duration of 0.2 to 0.3 ms. With this procedure, electrodes of a bifurcated sample are applied to both eyes of the patient, as well as to the region of the mastoid process. As a result of such manipulation, normalization is noted brain activity, improving blood circulation, the work of all internal organs and systems.
  • diadynamic therapy. It is carried out using low-frequency pulses of a polysinusoid shape, with a frequency of 50 to 100 Hz. Pulses are applied separately or in a process with continuous alternation of short and long periods. The epidermis resists the impact of such a current, causing hyperemia, expansion of the walls of blood vessels and increased blood circulation. At the same time, muscle tissues are also excited, the nervous system, it turns out to be a common healing effect. Thus, the work of the circulatory system, in particular, the peripheral one, is activated, all metabolic processes in the body, decrease pain. This method of impulse therapy is used to treat the peripheral nervous system, the musculoskeletal system.
  • Interference. Low-frequency impulse currents (from 1 to 150 Hz) are used, with a constant or variable frequency. This technique improves performance motor muscles, enhances blood circulation, reduces pain, activates metabolic processes. More effective treatment with therapy subacute stages diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Amplipulse therapy. Electrotherapy is carried out using sinusoidal simulated currents with low frequency (from 10 to 150 Hz), as well as medium frequency (from 2000 to 5000 Hz). Such a sinusoidal current perfectly penetrates through skin without causing irritation, while there is a stimulating effect on muscle fibers, nerves, improves blood circulation, metabolic processes. Treatment is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, traumatic injuries, problems of the nervous system and many other pathological conditions.
  • electrical stimulation is used to excite or significantly enhance the functionality of certain internal organs and systems. Today, the most common types of electrical stimulation are stimulation of the heart, nervous system and motor muscles. Also, therapy is indicated to maintain the vital activity of muscle tissue and its nutrition, to prevent such a phenomenon as muscle atrophy during a period of forced inactivity, to strengthen muscles during recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Fluctuating. Currents of partially or fully rectified alternating current, low frequency (from 10 to 2000 Hz) are used. When exposed to such currents, irritation and excitation of tissues occurs, lymph and blood circulation increases, the movement of leukocytes is activated, and the work of muscle tissue is stimulated.

Contraindications to the use of therapy impulse currents can be:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tumors;
  • the second trimester of pregnancy, in which impulse therapy is used very carefully;
  • bleeding;
  • fresh hemarthrosis.

The action of current pulses on the body causes irritating, exciting and stimulating effects that can help with therapy. various diseases, pathologies and complications.

When the current passes through the tissues of the body, it causes tissue tension, enhances the work of cell membranes.

Thus, it activates their functionality, excites cells and improves their vital activity, nourishes muscles, restores work nerve fibers, vessels, joints. Amenable to effective treatment with pulsed currents is a disease such as prostatitis.

When applying therapy, the patient receives the following results:

  • Blood flow improves, respectively, and the substances of drugs used to treat prostatitis penetrate tissues faster prostate.
  • Decreased stagnant processes in the pelvis.
  • Improves metabolism, which strengthens the entire body.
  • Improves the synthesis of prostate secretion.
  • Increases the permeability of cell membranes.

For effective therapy prostatitis, you can apply electrotherapy with different types impulse currents. Galvanization allows you to influence prostate currents of low frequency with continuous action, it relieves inflammation, relieves pain. Medicinal electrophoresis helps to enhance the effect of medications, as tissue permeability at the cellular level increases.

With electrical stimulation, there is an increase in the function of the muscle tissue of the pelvis, which helps in the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system. Thanks to this technique, many patients with prostate problems receive high-quality and effective treatment. Reviews, both from doctors and patients, indicate that complex therapy with current pulses is one of the most effective methods of treatment and prevention of prostatitis and many other diseases.

Treatment of diseases with the help of electric current was practiced even before the invention of current sources, by means of living beings that produce electricity. The ancient Greeks successfully healed paresis and treated tissue diseases using rays that lived near the coast. In modern electrotherapy, treatment with current different frequency in demand and enjoys continued popularity in the treatment of neuralgia, muscular atrophy and even gynecological diseases.

Ways to use electricity

Physiotherapy has a wide arsenal of methods for restoring health with the help of electricity. There are several directions:

Current treatment devices

For galvanization sessions wide use in the physiotherapy rooms he received the Potok 1 electrotherapy apparatus, which can be used both for electrophoresis and galvanization even at home. The price of the device is a little more than ten thousand rubles.

The low-frequency therapy device "Elesculap 2" is more expensive, but also more convenient, it has a modern design, a liquid crystal display and wide range frequencies. This device allows you to generate pulses of various shapes.

The most expensive device "Radius-01FT" is designed for use in medical institutions, but if necessary, it can also be used at home. The device allows you to carry out almost all known effects of electric current on the body, including electric sleep.

Diseases preventing electric treatment

Electrotherapy has quite extensive contraindications, in which the use of electric current for medicinal purposes becomes dangerous. It is impossible to treat pregnant women at any time, and with the following diseases:

  • feverish conditions, purulent diseases skin and internal organs, acute inflammatory processes.
  • Intolerance to electric current or medication used for electrophoresis.
  • heart disease, heart attack, or ischemic disease hearts.
  • The presence of a pacemaker or other implanted device.
  • Fractures of bones with multiple fragments.
  • Any sharp convulsive states such as angina pectoris or surgery.

The doctor prescribing electrotherapy procedures will definitely conduct complete analysis health status of the patient and warn him of possible consequences. That is why it is desirable to carry out all procedures in medical institution, and at home it will be safe to use special devices only after consulting a doctor.

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