Sinusitis initial stage signs. Causes, types and stages of sinusitis

Currently, a large percentage of people suffering from sinusitis remain in the world. According to statistics, the frequency of continuously ongoing inflammation is 146 cases per 1,000 population. Of these, sinusitis accounts for 65-73%. Unfortunately, modern man does not always pay due attention to the first signs of pathology, as a result of which the acute process acquires a protracted course. Another reason for the persistence of a high incidence of chronic sinusitis is the increase in the number of pollinosis, which is accompanied by an increased secretion of mucus from the nose. A person who encounters an allergy for the first time often does not recognize the cause of his disease state and continues to "carry on his feet" harmless, at first glance, the symptoms. Difficult nasal breathing combined with copious mucus production quickly leads to inflammation paranasal sinuses, the most vulnerable of which are considered maxillary (maxillary).

Features of chronic sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. chronic process characterized by a sluggish course with blurred symptoms (no fever and pain in the cheekbones, upper jaw, head, and so on). Its strengthening occurs during periods of exacerbations of the disease. Despite the absence of unpleasant manifestations, the mucosa lining the sinuses remains constantly inflamed, and any slightest stress for the body (hypothermia, overwork, etc.) will lead to an aggravation of the course of the pathology.

Speaking of chronic sinusitis, most often means more general term- polysinusitis. The fact is that protracted illness The mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses, as a rule, does not proceed locally in one cavity, but spreads to several sinuses.

Along with the defeat of the maxillary sinuses, the frontal (frontal), ethmoid (ethmoiditis), sphenoid (sphenoiditis) cavities can be involved in the inflammation process.

The main types of pathology

Sinusitis can be unilateral, if the inflammation occurs in one of the maxillary sinuses, and bilateral, when both sinuses are affected.

Depending on the way the infection enters the maxillary sinuses, the disease is distinguished:

  1. Rhinogenic. An infection caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi enters the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses from the nasal cavity when persistent rhinitis or while breathing.
  2. Hematogenous. If there is even a distant focus of inflammation in organs and tissues, there is a risk that the infection will enter the sinuses with the blood flow, resulting in sinusitis. Such processes are characterized low level defensive forces organism.
  3. Traumatic. Develops after injury. Stagnation of mucus as a result of edema is also a favorable environment for infection. In addition, the displacement of the nasal septum causes uneven entry of air into the upper respiratory tract, which leads to injury to the membrane lining them in some places and, as a result, to its growth. Mucosal hypertrophy leads to delayed natural secretions and creation favorable conditions for the propagation of harmful microorganisms.
  4. Odontogenic. Occurs with inflammation of the teeth. In this case, the primary focus of infection is the roots of the teeth, located close to the maxillary sinuses.
  5. Allergic. Appears with the development of mucosal edema against the background of abundant mucus flow with allergies.
  6. Vasomotor. In some cases, the tone of the vessels lining the inner membrane of the sinuses decreases, which leads to mucosal edema and difficulty in the outflow of secretions from the sinus. Sometimes this condition occurs when hormonal changes especially during pregnancy.

According to the nature of changes in the mucous membranes, sinusitis is distinguished:

  1. Exudative. In this case, the presence of discharge from the nose is noted. They are divided into 2 types:
    • catarrhal. The discharge is mucous and transparent, swelling of the inner membranes of the sinuses and nose is noted, the outflow of secretion is difficult. This course is typical for the acute stage of sinusitis.
    • Purulent. Discharge from the nose contains dense purulent clots (discharge may be green, yellow, streaked with blood). Such sinusitis may be preceded by catarrhal, turning into next stage when joining bacterial infection due to the stagnation of mucus, resulting in a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. This type of pathology most often develops acutely, but sometimes it can also have a chronic course.
  2. Productive. Occurs with a violation of nasal breathing. They also have several types:
    • Hyperplastic. It is characterized by thickening of the mucosa as a result of long-term inflammation, which is typical for the chronic stage of the disease. Due to the growth of the internal membranes, the inlets of the sinuses narrow, nasal breathing remains difficult (and may be completely disturbed) even in the absence of inflammation.
    • Polypous. Differs in the growth of the mucosa in the form of polyps, which is typical for the chronic course of the disease.
    • Cystic. Occurs when cysts form in the maxillary sinus (usually in only one), which have round shape and filled with liquid. The reasons for their formation may be diseases of the roots of the teeth and blockage of one of the many glands on the mucous membrane. Polyps can also become activators of cyst growth in the maxillary sinus. The presence of education makes it difficult for normal air exchange in the accessory cavity and leads to periodic inflammation.
    • atrophic. It is characterized meager discharge(sometimes with an unpleasant odor) as a result of atrophy of the mucous glands.
    • Fibrous. It is distinguished by the formation of thickenings on the inflamed mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses, as a result of which the drainage of the sinuses worsens, the removal of mucus and pus becomes more difficult.

Causes and development factors

The development of sinusitis contributes to many factors, the main of which are:

  • transferred infections (ARVI, influenza and others);
  • hypothermia;
  • allergy;
  • violation of the tone of the walls of the vessels of the mucosa;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • foci of infection in the oral cavity;
  • trauma and anatomical features;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • severe comorbidities;
  • certain medications(especially used not according to the instructions).

In the absence of timely and effective therapy the inflammatory process is delayed, as a result of which it can spread deep into the mucous membrane, into bone tissue, other sinuses and the bloodstream, thus passing into chronic form difficult to treat.

Symptoms and signs of chronic sinusitis

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in the chronic course of pathology, bright severe symptoms(runny nose, elevated temperature and others) may be absent, but the patient is often concerned about the following manifestations of the disease:

  • general intoxication: lethargy, apathy, sleep disturbances, body aches;
  • severe paroxysmal cough;
  • the appearance of crusts in the nose, bad smell from the nose and mouth, impaired sense of smell;
  • persistent stuffy nose, ear, heaviness and pressure in the eye area;
  • persistent runny nose;
  • periodic pain in the face, upper jaw, head, neck, temples.

The main symptom of the onset of chronic sinusitis in adults is a cough. Most often, it occurs at night or in the morning due to the flow of secretions from the affected sinuses along the back of the pharynx and into the middle respiratory tract.

Features during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood

Often, sinusitis develops against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses. First of all, pregnant and lactating women fall into the risk category, whose supportive resources are shared by two. In addition, during the period of bearing a baby, almost every third of the fair sex, under the influence of hormones, develops vasomotor rhinitis (rhinitis of pregnant women), which is a good soil for the development of sinusitis.

Normally, rhinitis of pregnant women disappears within the first hours after childbirth.

Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis in a pregnant woman will be very sparing, and therefore less effective, because most procedures are highly undesirable or prohibited, and drugs are selected with particular care.

The course of treatment depends on the duration of pregnancy and the degree of neglect of the process. Therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist, since wrong actions can cause significant harm to the baby. In addition, there is a risk of infection of the fetus as a result of infection through the placenta.

In children, the peak incidence of sinusitis occurs in the autumn-winter period, when immunity decreases. Diagnosis and treatment follows the same pattern as in adults. However, the size of children's paranasal sinuses is much smaller, and their formation ends only by the age of 15–20. In this regard, the main site of localization of inflammation are the maxillary sinus and cribriform cells.

Worth paying Special attention on features anatomical structure eustachian tube in children. For babies up to three years it is rather wide and short, which requires care when organizing the position of the head during sleep with a runny nose and when washing the nose. It is important to prevent the infection from spreading to the ears and the development of otitis media.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of sinusitis includes:

  1. Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist. This is the main diagnostic method in which the doctor evaluates the nature of nasal discharge and mucosal edema. However, this does not allow us to unambiguously say whether the paranasal sinuses are involved in the process.
  2. Radiography. An x-ray image allows you to see inflammation and pathological contents in the sinuses. The downside is that the sphenoid sinus is poorly visible on it, and the method itself is associated with exposure to ionizing radiation on the body, which is highly undesirable, for example, during pregnancy.
  3. Computed tomography (CT). Most informative method visualization of the contents of all paranasal sinuses, which allows you to get a lot of photographic sections. Associated with exposure to X-rays, therefore not suitable for use during pregnancy.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The method is based on the effect of a magnetic field on the body. Also allows you to get a lot of photographic sections in the absence of the influence of x-rays. Unlike CT, MRI images are less clear and not as informative. In addition, MRI in the presence of metal objects (implants, stents, pacemakers, and so on) is impossible in the body, and the duration of the procedure with the requirement not to move makes it unsuitable for examining children. During pregnancy, MRI is preferred over CT or X-ray, but still undesirable.
  5. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the sinuses. Another method of visualizing the contents of the sinuses using ultrasound (relatively harmless and allowed for pregnant women). It is rarely used, since not all sinuses are visible and it is not always possible to judge the nature of their contents (pus or mucus).
  6. Endoscopy. Allows you to assess the condition of the mucosa, partially see the contents of the sinuses and the focus of inflammation in them. However, this method is less informative than CT, MRI and X-ray.
  7. Biopsy. Allows to exclude malignant neoplasms, fungal infection or granulomatous diseases.
  8. Laboratory methods. They include a blood test, secretion culture, an immunodeficiency test, and a sweat test. The use of these diagnostic methods provides a more accurate approach to the choice of therapy.

Diagnosis of sinusitis can combine various methods. Most often, the initial studies are an examination by a specialist and CT, after which they make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

For pregnant and lactating women precise setting diagnosis, it is recommended to perform an endoscopic examination or MRI diagnostics instead of CT. Children, in addition to being examined by a specialist, are given an x-ray, which does not include being in a stationary state for a long time during the study, like an MRI. This is enough to visualize all the most developed sinuses.

How can pathology be cured?

Treatment of chronic sinusitis requires integrated approach and long time. As a rule, the elimination of the main cause of the development of the disease and the focus of inflammation, as well as a number of preventive measures after the main course of therapy give a stable positive result.

Basic approach to conservative treatment sinusitis consists of the following components:

  • ensuring air exchange in the sinuses;
  • elimination of the focus of infection;
  • physiotherapy;
  • prevention.

Medical therapy

Ensuring proper air exchange and eliminating the focus of infection is achieved by using a number of drugs:

  1. vasoconstrictor. They increase the tone of the capillary walls, narrow their lumen, as a result of which the mucosal edema subsides, and breathing is restored. The main disadvantage is that their use for more than one week is addictive, which may cause the opposite effect - after application it does not get better, sometimes the condition even worsens. Of these, nasal sprays or drops based on the following substances are most often used:
    • phenylephrine (Vibrocil, Nazol Baby, Nazol Kids), acting from 2 to 4 hours, is most suitable for children;
    • xylometazoline (drugs: Otrivin, Galazolin, Xymelin) - lasts up to 8 hours;
    • oxymetazoline (drugs: Nazivin, Nazol, Rinazolin) - lasts up to 10 hours;
    • naphazoline (preparations: Naphthyzin, Sanorin) - acts from 4 to 8 hours;
    • sea ​​water (Marimer, Solin, Physiomer) - has not only a vasoconstrictive effect, but also helps to flush the nasal passages from accumulated mucus.
  2. Hormonal agents (corticosteroids). Most effective if nasal congestion is caused by an allergic reaction. Among local preparations apply: Avamys, Flixonase, Nasonex, Tafen nasal. Do not be afraid to use them, as they act locally and provide high efficiency treatment.
  3. antiseptics. In addition to the disinfecting action, they have drying properties. Often use Protargol, Sialor and so on.
  4. antibiotics. Before their use, it is necessary to determine the pathogen by sowing the pathological contents of the sinus, however, in this case, a puncture is required. In addition, on the mucous membrane of the sinuses and nose, the microflora is extremely diverse and laboratory conditions is able to grow unevenly, for example, Staphylococcus aureus often displaces other pathogens, even if the sinus contents are taken cleanly. In addition, the results of sowing have to wait from 3 to 5 days. Therefore, some specialists select the drug without their expectation. If the prescribed antibiotic does not lead to improvement within 2-3 days, then consideration should be given to selecting antibacterial agent another row. Mainly appointed:
    • Local funds. They act exclusively in the focus of inflammation. These include drugs such as Isofra, Polydex with phenylephrine, Bactroban ointment and others. In addition, antiseptics can be used a wide range actions for washing the nasal passages (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin and others).
    • Systemic drugs. Mainly used in difficult cases. The following groups of these funds are most effective:
      • penicillins (most preferred);
      • macrolides (used for allergies to penicillins);
      • cephalosporins (permissible during pregnancy, administered intramuscularly, used when penicillins or macrolides do not work);
      • fluoroquinolones (a synthetic substance that has not yet become addictive in most modern bacteria);
      • aminoglycosides (used if the others do not work).
  5. Phytopreparations. Made on the basis medicinal plants with added chemicals. They gently relieve inflammation, promote the removal of mucus, restore mucous membranes and normalize breathing (Pinosol, Sinupret, and so on).
  6. Mucolytics. They contain herbal ingredients. These funds help to thin the thick secretion and remove it from the sinus cavity (Mukaltin, Acetal C and others).

The most commonly used medicines - photo gallery

Galazolin constricts the capillaries of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which breathing is restored
Sialor has antiseptic properties due to the presence of silver ions in its composition
Isofra - topical antibiotic, which is very popular
Amoxicillin is a commonly prescribed oral antibacterial drug.
Avamys will relieve tissue swelling
Sinupret promotes the removal of accumulated mucus from the sinuses Mukaltin helps to liquefy the viscous secret accumulated in the maxillary sinuses

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy is aimed at activating metabolic processes in the lesion and a deeper effect of drugs. Each method requires an average of 10 to 15 sessions every other day or daily. Most of them are prohibited during pregnancy, except for inhalation using a nebulizer. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • ultrasonic impact. Promotes massage, warming and blood flow to the tissues of the epithelium, thus stimulated metabolic processes in them, and the production of beneficial enzymes is enhanced.
  • Medication inhalations. They help to thin thick secretions (mucolytics), relieve swelling, eliminate inflammation (antibiotics). Spraying drugs into small particles and directing them to the affected area is more effective than using them in the form of drops, ointments and sprays.
  • Electrophoresis. Medicines enter the problem area in the form of active ions. This improves blood circulation in the sinuses and warms them up.
  • Phonophoresis. It combines the supply of medication and the effect of ultrasound, resulting in a deeper, directed effect of the drug in combination with warming up, improving metabolic processes and increasing blood flow.
  • UHF and microwave (electromagnetic therapy). Ultrashort and superfrequency electromagnetic waves cause an instant expansion of capillaries in the tissues of the sinuses, resulting in an increase in blood supply with a good outflow of fluid. The procedure increases vascular permeability, enhances metabolism, accelerates the removal of metabolic products, and dissolves edema. UHF acts mainly on surface structures, and microwave has an effect at a depth of up to 4–6 cm.
  • Mud cure. From therapeutic mud, rich in minerals, cakes are made and superimposed on the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses. A thermal effect is created that contributes to the deep penetration of its medicinal components, the elimination of inflammation and liquefaction thick mucus in the sinuses.
  • Diadynamic impulse currents. This procedure eliminates pain without the use of analgesics.

Preventive diet

A special diet for the treatment of sinusitis has not yet been invented, but there are a number of general recommendations, allowing you to quickly cope with the infection:

  • heavy use warm water for liquefaction and withdrawal of pathological secretions;
  • use alkaline products, such as whole milk, greens, bananas, spinach;
  • introduction to the diet of foods rich in vitamin A, the "builder" of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx (egg yolk, yogurt, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, carrot and beet juice, cucumbers, spinach);
  • the use of garlic and horseradish root, which help relieve inflammation and thin the secretion of the sinuses;
  • use mineral water, which will help replenish the supply of minerals;
  • limiting the use of salt, which retains moisture and contributes to the preservation of puffiness;
  • reduction in the use of fried, sweet, flour, fatty, marinades, alcohol - these products help slow down metabolism, reduce immune defense body, contribute to lowering the pH of the blood (acidification).


When the methods of conservative therapy do not help, or the cause of the development of sinusitis is getting into the sinus foreign object, it is advisable to use the most radical and effective approach treatment is surgery. Modern techniques make it not only painless, but also minimize contraindications and the development of complications. In some cases, the operation causes less damage to the body than the drug effect. For example, during pregnancy, long-term use is highly undesirable. vasoconstrictor drugs and antibiotics, while non-puncture methods or even a puncture imply only a single local anesthesia and the introduction of antiseptic solutions into the sinus.

The main types of surgical treatment of sinusitis are:

  1. Puncture, or puncture of the nose. This is a therapeutic and diagnostic manipulation, during which you can take the contents of the paranasal sinus for examination, determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The operation is performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia, depending on the general condition of the patient.
  2. Balloon sinusoplasty. It is a new low-traumatic method, in which a flexible catheter is inserted into the maxillary sinus through the natural nasal passages, strengthened there by inflating the cuff, thereby expanding the fistula area. The sinus is then flushed medicinal solution, causing its contents to be deleted.
  3. Sinus catheter Yamik. Also, a non-puncture method of aspiration of the contents of all paranasal sinuses by creating negative pressure in them. The sinus catheter consists of three tubes, two of which are equipped with cuffs. Inflating, they delimit the area of ​​the fistula exit into the nasal cavity from its communication with the pharynx and the entrance to the nose. Then, a vacuum is created in the resulting small space, which facilitates the evacuation of the accumulated purulent secret from the maxillary cavity.
  4. Endoscopic surgery. It is carried out through an endoscope, which is a fiber-optic tube equipped with channels through which additional instruments can be inserted. A feature of the operation is visual control with good illumination of the nasal cavity.
  5. laser treatment. It is also carried out using an endoscope, but the main working tool here is a laser. Its radiation is absorbed by the cells of the mucosa and leads to a microburn of its surface, thereby removing edema, accelerating metabolic processes, increasing local immunity and increasing blood flow.
  6. Operation Caldwell-Luc. The most radical surgical intervention, which is used when all less traumatic methods do not work. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is the cleaning of the cavity from pathological contents and the removal of altered areas of the mucosa through the hole under the upper lip.

IN postoperative period the patient should especially carefully monitor the condition of the nasal cavity. Doctors often recommend flushing saline solutions and the use of antiseptics.

Folk methods

Alternative recipes can be combined with traditional methods of treatment or used to prevent relapses. Widely used:

  1. Hot soda inhalation. It should be poured into a glass of 2 tbsp. l. soda, which must be poured with half a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to breathe fumes. Soda helps to liquefy the thick secret of the sinuses and relieves swelling.
  2. Instillation of beetroot juice. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 tsp. beetroot juice and 1 tsp. olive oil. It is necessary to instill 3 drops in each nasal passage in the morning. Beetroot juice has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    There are cases when, after unsuccessful traditional therapy, chronic sinusitis completed treatment beetroot juice and massage, which within 3-4 months led to a complete recovery.

  3. Turundas with propolis. Used to eliminate inflammation. To do this, mix a teaspoon of olive oil and 4-5 drops of propolis tincture. Insert overnight into the nasal passage from the affected side of the sinus turunda soaked in the resulting mixture. Propolis is an excellent natural antiseptic, and olive oil softens and moisturizes irritated mucous membranes.
  4. Aloe juice. It can be instilled 2-3 times a day, 3 drops in each nasal passage.
  5. Onion juice. Relieves inflammation, has a slight antiseptic effect. It must be mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:1 and instill into the nose 2-3 drops up to 5 times a day.
  6. Turundas with Vishnevsky's ointment. Usually they are inserted into the nasal passage at night, which helps to remove purulent contents.
  7. Hot oil inhalations. Oils tea tree, eucalyptus and mint help to ease breathing, relieve swelling and inflammation.

Means for the treatment of sinusitis at home - photo gallery

Beetroot juice helps relieve inflammation
Vapors of soda solution help reduce the viscosity of the secretion of the maxillary sinuses
Propolis - powerful natural antiseptic
Aloe juice helps restore mucous membranes and draw out pathological contents from the sinuses
Onion juice has a mild antibacterial effect

The development of sinusitis occurs in stages. The increase in the symptoms that appear depends on the pathogen and the person's immunity. Stagnation of the mucous secretion is an ideal environment for the reproduction of microbes and the development inflammatory process.

To prevent the development of complications, the cure of the disease should begin in the early stages. Later forms are not so easy to treat. There are times when it is required surgical intervention. On this basis, many have a question about what are the symptoms of the initial stage of sinusitis.

In most cases, the disease appears on the background of sinusitis. initial stage diseases can pass without bright severe symptoms. In the case of symptoms, we can talk about the beginning of the progression of the inflammatory process.

There are three stages of disease progression:

  1. subacute- the initial stage of the disease. Symptoms of the disease are very easy to confuse with the symptoms of SARS.
  2. Acute. There is a deterioration in the human condition.
  3. Chronic- diseases.

initial stage

On early stage disease sinusitis has the following signs:

  • the appearance of severe rhinitis;
  • alternate laying of the nostrils;
  • the strongest swelling.

The surest sign of the disease is a change in the patient's well-being for the worse. The symptoms are getting worse every day. The treatment at this stage is most effective, since it affects only the area of ​​​​the paranasal sinuses.

Important! If such symptoms appear, be sure to consult a doctor to prevent complications and the transition of the disease to an acute form.

Acute stage

This period is characterized by the appearance of pain in the sinuses. Pain can also appear when pressing on the cheekbones. Perhaps the appearance of a toothache, which is associated with the accumulation of pus.

Painful areas are accompanied by pain in the head. Unpleasant sensations are greatly intensified in the evenings and disappear by morning.

The increase in spasms is noticeable when the head is tilted down. Nasal discharge is usually clear or bloody.

The patient may experience symptoms:

  • heat, up to 39 °С;
  • labored breathing;
  • severe swelling of the nose;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of appetite;
  • redness of the eyelids.

chronic stage

If it is wrong to treat the disease in the acute stage, then the form of the disease becomes chronic. With irregular medication, sinus inflammation persists. chronic course alternates with periods of calm illness.

The main symptoms continue to be:

  • nasal congestion;
  • rhinitis;
  • the release of purulent masses when blowing out.

The last sign is observed in the morning. During the day, purulent discharge does not bother the patient.

Treatment of sinusitis at the initial stage

Treatment of the subacute stage of sinusitis can be carried out both at home and in the hospital. In most cases, the cure for the disease is carried out with the use. Neglect of them often leads to the transition of the disease to more severe form. After the doctor makes a diagnosis, traditional medicine can be used as an addition to the main medicines.

Nasal lavage

Enough effective way initial treatment is sinus lavage.

This method replaces any pills. Shows high efficiency in the course of a runny nose for more than two weeks.

For washing, you need to prepare a solution: Add a teaspoon to 1 glass of water.

The medicine must be at the optimum temperature. Before the procedure frontal part better warm up.

This can be done within 5 minutes.

  • draw the resulting solution into a special device or an ordinary syringe;
  • inject liquid into one nostril under pressure;
  • close the nostril, blow your nose;
  • repeat the same with the second nostril.

At one time it will be enough to perform the actions 5-6 times. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in a day 2 times with an interval of 8 ocloc'k. After such washing, the nose must be dripped with drops prescribed by a doctor or prepared independently.

Instillation of drops

Juice can be used as drops for the nose with a disease:, or . Carrots and beets help kill disease-causing microbes, while aloe clears pus from the sinuses.

With sinusitis, honey drops will also help. Weak solution the product is instilled into the nose. Honey can be substituted. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to grate the product and pour it with boiling water. After leaving to infuse all night.

In addition to drops, an ointment made from cyclamen will also help. To get the medicine, you need to mix and add Vishnevsky's ointment. After washing the passages, twist the turundas, dip them in the prepared product and put them in the passages for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the nose again.

Drops in the nose with sinusitis are used to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa

Self massage

Overcoming sinusitis can help self-massage. This requires the base of the nose, its wings, as well as temples, the back of the head, and the bridge of the nose. Each point should take 1-2 minutes. This method helps improve blood circulation.

Attention! It is necessary to carry out a cure at home only after consulting with your doctor.


It is much easier to prevent a disease than to fight it later. It is extremely important to take care of yourself and observe some rules:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • consume as many vitamins as possible;
  • Healthy food;
  • breathe fresh air, walk more often;
  • during epidemics, rinse the nose;
  • avoid crowded places.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is extremely important to start curing the disease at its initial stage, before it becomes acute. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and advice.

The specialist will tell you how and how to treat sinusitis at the initial stage in order to overcome the disease in short time.

Catarrhal sinusitis is a disease manifested by an inflammatory process in maxillary sinuses nose, which is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane without the formation of purulent discharge.

Edema with sinusitis of this form is the main symptom of the disease, in which the outlet openings of the maxillary sinuses are closed. As a result of this, the formed mucus cannot go outside. The gradual accumulation of exudate in the sinuses leads to the activation of the inflammatory process. The danger of the disease lies in the likelihood of inflammation spreading to neighboring vital organs, which can subsequently lead to serious complications: meningitis, phlegmon, periostitis ophthalmic orbit, blindness. With timely diagnosis and well-conducted therapy, sinusitis of this type can be treated without any special difficulties.

General symptoms


In most of clinical cases, the edematous form of sinusitis requires the use of exclusively conservative methods treatment. The basis of drug therapy is the normalization drainage function sinuses and restoration of nasal breathing.

Drug groups

Commonly used therapies include:

  • to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and prevent the transition of the disease to purulent form, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are prescribed;
  • in addition, antihistamines are prescribed. The most effective for sinusitis are: Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin. Preparations of this group can eliminate the pronounced manifestations of catarrhal sinusitis, relieve swelling of the sinus mucosa, reduce the allergic component;
  • to eliminate local symptomatic manifestations, the use of nasal agents is recommended, vasoconstrictor action. Drops such as Nazivin, Sanorin, Galazolin can be prescribed. Such drugs should be used for no more than one week, otherwise addiction may occur. As a rule, this period is sufficient for complete deliverance from illness;
  • not the last place in the treatment of catarrhal sinusitis is occupied by local procedures, the main of which is the procedure for washing the nasal passages. Regular rinsing the nose helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, improve the discharge of inflammatory exudate from the sinuses, and normalize nasal breathing. For such events, you can use both water-salt solutions purchased at the pharmacy, and a solution prepared independently with the addition sea ​​salt. Such procedures are characterized by increased efficiency, with their repeated use.

We strengthen immunity

To correct violations immune status prescribed immunostimulating drugs and good nutrition. During the recovery period, to improve therapeutic and preventive effect applied massage and physiotherapy.

Possible Complications

In the absence of proper treatment, the edematous form of sinusitis turns into purulent stage. There is a general deterioration in the patient's condition, since symptoms of intoxication occur, expressed in the appearance of purulent discharge, a significant increase in temperature, chills, increased sleepiness. In this condition, the patient needs an urgent visit to the otolaryngologist for re-examination and changes in the treatment regimen. Usually, the patient is recommended to perform a puncture of the maxillary sinuses.

Also to the consequences catarrhal form sinusitis is a direct chronization pathological process. edematous sinusitis chronic nature more difficult, and treatment is extremely difficult. Therefore, special attention is paid to preventive measures.

For preventive purposes, rhinitis of various etiologies should be treated in a timely manner, be sure to consult a doctor in case of acute respiratory diseases, avoid injury to the face and head.

Very often, people, having discovered the first signs of rhinitis, accompanied by weakness and loss of efficiency, do not pay due attention to this, believing that this mild form of a cold will pass on its own. Sometimes behind such seemingly frivolous symptoms, a very dangerous disease can be hidden, which, if not properly treated, has various side effects and complications.

is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Almost always it appears due to repeated deep or colds that have been badly and dishonestly cured. But, in addition to colds and runny nose, neglected teeth, especially the upper ones, are another reason. The nose is blocked and mucus begins to accumulate inside. After that, pus begins to stand out.

The usual symptoms of sinusitis are loss of smell, heaviness in the head, pain in the temples and bridge of the nose, enough - within 37-38 degrees. But, besides all this, a person's memory worsens, working capacity decreases and fatigue increases.

It should be noted that if you do not start treating sinusitis at the initial stage, then it will develop into the next, purulent stage. As a result, you will develop other serious diseases.

In the acute course of the disease, the thin mucous membrane that covers the maxillary sinuses becomes inflamed. Negative impact also turns out to be located in this area blood vessels, as well as on connective tissue. During the transition of sinusitis to chronic stage, there is damage to the bone walls of the maxillary sinuses and submucosa. Any people are susceptible to sinusitis age category. This disease develops regardless of the gender of patients. According to statistical data, which can be found on specialized Internet resources, as well as in mass media, the peak of development of sinusitis falls on the autumn and winter time of the year. In early spring, exacerbations of this disease also occur.

Causes of sinusitis

As a rule, the cause of sinusitis is an infection that enters the nasal cavity through blood or inhalation. There are several underlying conditions that interfere with nasal breathing. This is a curvature of the nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (enlarged turbinates), in children - adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose.

When people take swabs from the nose during a physical examination, as a rule, a so-called person is found in a person, which lives in the human nasopharynx for a long time. The latter, if he had not been examined, would not have known that he was a carrier of bacteria. long time these bacteria may not cause serious damage to health. But even with a common cold, staphylococcus aureus can become more active and show its pathogenic properties.

Modern medicine has identified numerous causes of sinusitis:

    injury to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses;

    penetration into the nasopharynx of viruses and pathogenic bacteria;

    poorly treated runny nose;

    advanced form of a cold;

    prolonged stay in a room where the air is too dry and heated to a high temperature;

    being in a draft;

    inhalation of chemical fumes (usually this occurs in hazardous production);

    neglected condition of the teeth and non-compliance with oral hygiene;

    external influence aggressive media on the mucous membrane;

    allergic reaction of the body to various external stimuli;

    dangerous diseases such as, fungal infection mucous, etc.

Regular use of drops intended for the treatment of rhinitis is the main cause of congestion a large number mucus in the maxillary sinuses, against which sinusitis develops.

The use of various medications, in the form of drops, can cause nosebleeds to start. This is explained by medicines are too strong an irritant for the mucosa and tissues of the maxillary sinuses, as a result of which blood vessels can burst and nosebleeds begin.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults

Symptoms of sinusitis is the appearance of pain in a person in the nose and near the nasal region, which gradually increase. Pain is less pronounced in the morning, increasing in the evening. Then the patient begins to lose a specific place with unpleasant sensations and his head begins to hurt. If the process is one-sided, then the pain is noted on one side.

Also, the patient is constantly tormented by a runny nose. Mucous (clear) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose is observed. This symptom may not be present if the nose is severely blocked.

Patients have a fever: sometimes it reaches 38 degrees, and sometimes higher. This temperature occurs in people who are sick with acute sinusitis. If the process is chronic, then high temperature rarely appears. Patients experience malaise, which is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, sleep is disturbed.

The disease of sinusitis is accompanied by certain symptoms:

    the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose (over time, particles of pus may be present in them);

    nasal congestion;

    memory impairment;

    feeling strong pressure in the region of the bridge of the nose, which increases when the head is tilted;

    sleep disturbance;

    labored breathing;

    loss of working capacity;


    fever (often the temperature can rise to 40 degrees);

    the appearance of chills;

    lethargy, weakness and general malaise;

    pain in the nose, spreading to other parts of the body (forehead, eye sockets, etc.);

    apathy, lethargy, sleep disturbance, etc.

Bilateral sinusitis is considered quite rare disease, which has a pronounced clinical picture and proceeds in a more severe form. The cause of the development of this disease can be any inflammatory or infectious diseases. When carrying out diagnostic measures, specialists palpate the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, causing pain in patients. In the treatment of bilateral sinusitis, patients are prescribed complex medication and physiotherapy.

This disease is widespread among patients of different ages. Polypous sinusitis is not amenable to medical treatment. The only way to cope with the disease is to surgical intervention. Polypous sinusitis develops against the background of: acute course of various allergic diseases; congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal septum; inflammatory processes progressing in the sinuses.

The manifestation of this form of sinusitis begins with the occurrence of problems with nasal breathing. Patients begin to breathe through their mouths as their nasal cavities are blocked. Polyposis sinusitis is often accompanied by copious secretions mucus (clear or yellow-green) from the nose. Many patients complain of dullness of taste buds, lack of appetite, distraction, headaches, etc.

Treatment of polyposis sinusitis is carried out in a hospital. The patient is transferred to the operating room and surgically remove overgrown tissues that interfere with normal nasal breathing. Some specialists try to treat small polyps with medication, prescribing steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, etc. to their patients. Such therapy is only in isolated cases brings a positive result, since the desired effect is achieved only with surgical treatment.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is most often diagnosed in patients who have an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. This disease often goes into an exacerbation stage, which, if not properly treated, can lead to the development of various complications. During the progression of this disease, many patients experience inflammation in the organs that are in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

The cause of chronic sinusitis can be any pathogens: viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc. This form the disease can develop against the background of existing nasal septal defects, which can be either congenital or resulting from mechanical impact. Very often, chronic sinusitis is diagnosed in patients who have problems with their teeth. Even simple caries can act as a distributor of infection and provoke the appearance of this disease.

allergic form sinusitis can develop against the background of any external factor that aggressively affects the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. The body, when exposed to an allergen, begins to show a response, which manifests itself in increased tearing, removal of mucus from the sinuses, swelling, etc. In most cases, this form of the disease progresses in spring and autumn.

With allergic sinusitis, patients experience the following symptoms:

    temperature increase;

    nasal congestion;

    the appearance of pain in the area eyeballs, cheekbones;


    headaches, etc.

With allergic sinusitis, some patients have experienced complications, which in most cases are caused by the growth of polyps in the nose. Such growths interfere with normal nasal breathing, therefore they are subject to surgical treatment. Traditional medical and physiotherapeutic treatment does not bring a positive result in this case.

Patients first need to determine the origin of the allergen that caused the development of sinusitis. Upon discovery, it should urgently restrict any contact with him. It is advisable to pass comprehensive examination, which will reveal which allergens the patient's body reacts to. After completing a course of antiallergic therapy, patients are prescribed special drugs.

At the stage of recovery, patients need to restore nasal breathing, making special exercises. Proper nutrition(in most cases assigned special diet) And complete failure from bad habits will contribute to the speedy restoration of the work of many internal organs and systems. With allergic sinusitis, patients are very useful for long walks in coniferous forests, the air of which has healing properties and is ideal for people who have problems with the bronchopulmonary system and respiratory tract.

Purulent sinusitis

Purulent sinusitis often develops against the background of infectious, viral and colds that were not treated in a timely manner. In most cases, this form of the disease is diagnosed in patients who, with the manifestation of symptoms of sinusitis, neglected the quality medical care and instead self-medicated.

The main reasons for the development purulent sinusitis are harmful microorganisms and bacteria, products whose vital activity provokes the appearance of inflammation and the accumulation of purulent deposits in the maxillary sinuses. In an advanced stage, this disease can affect bone tissue and closely located organs. In order to prevent the appearance of purulent sinusitis, it is necessary at the first manifestations of the disease to contact the local doctor, who, after the examination, will refer the patient to a highly specialized specialist.

Acute sinusitis

With the development of an acute form of sinusitis, patients often complain of general malaise, weakness, chronic fatigue and decreased performance.

In some cases, the disease can occur without pronounced symptoms, but usually it is accompanied by:

    rise in temperature;

    strong secretion of mucus, mixed with pus, from the nose;

    the appearance of swelling;

    difficult breathing;

    sleep disturbance;

    the appearance of pain during palpation of the maxillary sinus area, etc.

Become the cause of the development of this disease can:

    birth defects nasal septum;

    mechanical damage cartilage and bone tissue in the nose;

    viral and infectious diseases transferred on the legs;

    tendency to allergic reactions to any external irritants, etc.

Treatment of the acute form of sinusitis takes several weeks and includes constructive drug therapy.

Odontogenic sinusitis

Odontogenic sinusitis often develops against the background of an acute inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. The causative agents of this form of the disease are: staphylococci, mixed infection, streptococci. Bad condition teeth and non-compliance with daily oral hygiene can also cause odontogenic sinusitis.

With the progression of this form of the disease, immunity decreases in patients, bone tissues can be damaged, pain appears, etc. To prescribe effective therapy, it is very important to correctly determine the focus of the disease and identify its pathogen. After that, a group of antibiotics, antihistamines and other medications is selected.

Sinusitis is a very complex disease which, if properly treated, patients may experience serious consequences:

    the appearance of swelling of the maxillary sinuses;

    inflammation of the mucous membrane;

    violation of nasal breathing;

    strong highlight nasal mucus;

    accumulation of pus in the maxillary cavities, etc.

After treatment of sinusitis, some patients develop various complications:

    very often the acute form of sinusitis passes into the chronic stage, which requires a longer constructive treatment;

    inflammatory processes develop bronchopulmonary system, tonsils of the pharynx and other organs;

    against the background of the inflammatory process, otitis media appears.

Patients who have been diagnosed with an advanced stage of sinusitis may face more serious complications, in which various diseases appear:

    organs of vision;

    brain, etc.

When complications go beyond the boundaries of the bronchopulmonary system and damage to other internal organs, patients may encounter. In the event that the patient, upon identifying the primary symptoms of sinusitis, immediately goes to a medical institution and undergoes medical and physiotherapeutic treatment, he will be able to avoid any consequences and complications of this disease.

Warming up the nose is strictly prohibited when acute form sinusitis, as under the influence of a high temperature regime, a rapid spread of infection throughout the body can occur. It is possible to warm the nasal area in those cases when the maxillary sinuses are already almost completely freed from pus and the patient is at the stage of recovery.

To date, there are various methods of warming up the nose with sinusitis:

    heating with salt. This method is familiar to many people since childhood, when parents applied a hot bag of salt with a stuffy nose. To prepare such a hot “compress”, you need to heat a glass of rock salt in a frying pan and put it in an ordinary clean sock. Such a hot pad should be applied to the bridge of the nose and kept for 10-15 minutes;

    heating with chicken eggs. For engagement this method two hard-boiled eggs are required. After the eggs are removed from the boiling water, they should be immediately wrapped in a towel. A hot towel is applied in the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses and is held until the moment of partial cooling;

    warming up the nose with inhalation. To do this, boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water from it. Leaning over the pan with steaming potatoes, you should cover yourself with a blanket so that the desired temperature regime. Within 10 - 15 minutes it is necessary to take deep breaths through the nose or mouth;

    warming up the nose with a blue lamp. The action of this device is aimed at the destruction of bacteria and infections. Blue lamps are actively used to disinfect rooms in which there were sick people. In most cases, blue lamp warming procedures are part of complex drug therapy.

Before using any of the existing methods of warming up the nose with sinusitis, each patient should consult their doctor. The specialist will foresee any side effects and help you choose the safest method for your patient.

Is it possible to go to the bath with sinusitis?

Many patients who have been diagnosed with sinusitis are interested in the question of visiting the Russian bath and Finnish sauna. With the progression of this disease, people should be careful to take any water procedures. Doctors recommend that their patients refrain from visiting steam rooms with acute sinusitis. At this stage of the development of the disease, patients are advised to soar their feet by adding mustard or various essential oils to the water.

To prevent the development of sinusitis, it is necessary to regularly carry out a number of preventive measures:

    when visiting the street, dress according to the season;

    strengthen your immune system folk remedies and special medicines;

    take vitamins and mineral complexes;

    exercise regularly (you can visit Gym, swimming pool, fitness club, etc.);

    take long walks in the fresh air (preference is given to park and forest areas);

    do breathing exercises that help normalize nasal breathing;

    with the manifestation of the primary symptoms of rhinitis, it is necessary to take measures (massage, rinse the nasal passages, use special drops and other drugs)

    Go to healthy eating, reconsider your daily diet and enter only healthy foods;

    completely abandon bad habits that cause irreparable harm human body;

    timely treat any diseases against which sinusitis may develop;

    take care of your health, try not to expose the body to hypothermia;



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