Why does women's discharge smell strong? Brown postpartum discharge

Ovulation, conception, pregnancy, childbirth - all these are necessary stages of the process, which in human society is usually called procreation. The final link in this chain is the postpartum period: a woman’s body must recover to a certain level in order to gain the ability to repeat the reproductive cycle - not only the possibility of re-conception or pregnancy, but, sometimes, a woman’s life depends on the quality of the restoration processes. Therefore, it is so important for her to constantly monitor her physical and physiological condition during this period, paying attention to the slightest signs of “failure” in the body. Vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor or an unusual color is one of the most important signs of such a pathology.

The concept of normal discharge

The postpartum period is a fairly long recovery process. Having gotten rid of the fetus in the womb, the body, like an exemplary housewife after the guests leave, puts its “house” in order: the pelvic bones are replaced, the configuration of the spine changes, the walls of the vagina narrow, the abdominal muscles and skin are tightened, but especially important processes occur in the uterus.

Regardless of how the baby is born (by natural birth or by cesarean section), the uterus begins to contract, decreasing in size to its normal state, immediately after the placenta is separated from its inner surface. Naturally, the wound surface remaining on its inner membrane bleeds quite heavily, and it is not surprising that intense contraction of the uterus is accompanied by profuse bleeding (lochia) - this period lasts up to 2-3 days.

Over time, lochia, which has the smell of normal menstrual discharge (or does not have a pronounced odor at all), changes its intensity, color and consistency - therefore, the nature of such changes should be given especially close attention, even if they do not particularly bother the young mother. As a rule, 6–7 days after birth, the discharge turns brown and becomes less abundant. True, lochia tends to increase slightly in intensity during breastfeeding, during exercise, when coughing or laughing, but this is considered a normal manifestation of more active contractions of the uterus and abdominal muscles.

They are considered normal if they are colorless, their quantity is small and without a characteristic odor. But when their volume increases, the woman begins to feel discomfort (itching, burning, stench). In this case, you need to be examined to identify the disease. The article talks about possible ailments that have such symptoms as discharge with an odor, and the treatment of these diseases.

Types of Abnormal Vaginal Odors

There are two “flavors”, after which one can judge the presence of infection:

  1. Acidic vaginal discharge. They often indicate a disease such as thrush. This disease occurs when the acidity of the microflora changes. In addition to being sour, they are white in color. The consistency is reminiscent of curd sour cream. A burning sensation may be felt in the labia area.
  2. Discharge with a rotten odor. The “aroma” of missing fish indicates the presence of a disease such as bacterial vaginosis. Even people around you can hear this stench. The disease is dangerous, because lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of discharge

  1. Violation of intimate hygiene standards.
  2. Discharge with an odor can occur during unprotected sexual intercourse in which one of the partners is a carrier of the infection.
  3. Presence of pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience surges in hormone levels. And this, in turn, provokes the appearance of unpleasant discharge.
  4. Taking antibiotics. Since such drugs kill not only negative, but also positive bacteria, as a result of the fact that the immune system is undermined, fungi appear, which then develop into thrush.

Features of treatment of candidiasis

First, both partners must be treated. If women have a discharge with an odor, and they are undergoing therapy, but their other halves are not, then there will be no benefit from such treatment. Because their partners can again give them this type of fungus.

Secondly, self-medication is dangerous. After all, a disease such as thrush can be easily confused with another diagnosis - vaginitis. And the treatment for these two ailments differs.

Thirdly, visiting a class specialist is a prerequisite. He will examine the patient, give directions for the necessary tests, and based on their results, prescribe adequate therapy. Its essence is the following - the use of special antifungal suppositories, tablets and ointments (for men) to completely eliminate the infection.

Also, in parallel, the doctor can prescribe home methods to combat thrush. We'll talk about them below.

Traditional methods of combating candidiasis

  1. Douching with soda. Odorous discharge can be eliminated with bicarbonate. It returns the desired alkaline balance and at the same time kills candida fungi in the vagina. Fifteen grams of soda must be diluted with 300 ml of boiled water. You need to douche 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending doctor.
  2. Chamomile. Many people know this plant for its undeniable wound-healing properties; it is also an excellent antiseptic. With the help of chamomile infusion, you can both douche and wash yourself. The recipe for washing is as follows: 30 grams of flowers should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let sit for 30 minutes. Discharge in women with odor can be destroyed with the help of an infusion of this useful flower.
  3. Calendula. This extraordinary plant is similar in its medicinal properties to chamomile. You can douche with a decoction of calendula. The dosage is the same as in the case of chamomile.

Prevention of thrush

  1. Carry out genital hygiene daily, wash with gentle products.
  2. When having sexual intercourse, use condoms to prevent possible infection from entering the vagina.
  3. Wear underwear made of natural fabric. Don't buy scented pads.
  4. Reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates.
  5. Do not douche unless you have discharge that smells.

Features and treatment of bacterial vaginosis

With this diagnosis, a rotten smell of discharge is noted, it is colorless, homogeneous, and its quantity is small. But the terrible smell can get worse if a woman has sex. If this diagnosis is detected, the treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Eliminating bad bacteria with medications.
  2. Restoration of normal microflora. Probiotics are suitable for this purpose. It is also important to follow a special diet and strengthen the immune system.

In the first point, the attending doctor can prescribe the following suppositories: “Metrogyl”, “Klion”, “Flagil”. He also prescribes the vaginal cream “Clindacin” and the antibacterial agent “Clindamycin”.

In the second paragraph, the gynecologist prescribes the following medications to restore the microflora in the vagina: Linex tablets, Lactobacterin, Acylact, etc.

Discharge with an odor, treatment of bacterial vaginosis with folk methods

  • from oak bark;
  • from chamomile and juniper;
  • from flower honey.

Recipes for douching in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Strengthening the immune system and diet during illness

In order for complex treatment to quickly produce results, you need to take care of your immunity. To maintain it, a tincture made from the following ingredients is perfect:

  • quince - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cherries - 2 cups;
  • clean boiled water - 8 glasses;
  • medium-sized lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • medium-sized apples - 10 pcs.

The quince and apples need to be grated on a medium grater. There is no need to cut off the skin. It is necessary to remove the seeds from the cherries, and mash the fruit itself into a paste. Peel the garlic and squeeze it out using a garlic press or grate it on a fine grater. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out as much juice as possible. Mix all ingredients and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for at least half an hour. Then filter the resulting immunity drink and take 100 ml daily.

Diet for thrush and vaginosis is of no small importance. Its essence lies in the consumption of fresh vegetables, various cereals and fermented milk products. You should avoid sweet, salty, spicy, and fatty foods during this period. Drinking alcohol is generally a closed topic.

Prevention of bacterial vaginosis

There are several prerequisites to protect yourself from such infections:

  1. Having a permanent partner whom you absolutely trust.
  2. There is a taboo on casual sex, but if there is a case, then the use of a condom is mandatory.
  3. White discharge with a sour odor can be eliminated if you promptly consult a specialist (urologist, gynecologist) in case of the slightest suspicion of the presence of the disease.

From the article, you learned that heavy, curd-like discharge without or with an unpleasant odor may indicate the presence of problems such as thrush or bacterial vaginosis. And at the slightest suspicion of these diseases, you need to contact qualified specialists. Based on an external examination, as well as after passing the necessary tests, they will prescribe adequate treatment. In addition, odor-bearing discharge can be eliminated by resorting to traditional methods of treating the cause of the disease.

Normally, a woman has discharge and no odor from the vagina, provided that personal hygiene is maintained. Any infection or inflammation leads to

pathogenic microbes. It is because of them that the formation of odor-bearing discharge in women is a cause of anxiety and worry. The symptom can become noticeable and very unpleasant if the process goes too far.

Specifics of female discharge

Normal mucous discharge is translucent, and if it changes color or consistency with the simultaneous appearance of an unpleasant odor, a disease develops. Its nature is microbial or inflammatory. The appearance of leucorrhoea and its smell help determine the disease, because the symptoms of different pathologies are very specific. For example, white discharge in women may be accompanied by a fishy odor. This is a sign of bacterial vaginosis, which also manifests itself as burning and itching of the vulva.

Bacterial vaginosis

With vaginosis, the balance of various microbes is disrupted. They are constantly developing, while the number of beneficial lactobacilli is decreasing. The nature of the disease has nothing to do with inflammation and infections. It appears against the background of hormonal and physiological changes, as well as after operations, taking antibiotics, and contraceptives.

Vaginosis is always accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and there is no pain or itching. This disease must be treated, otherwise it will become an advanced process, the condition will worsen with an even stronger odor, and the leucorrhoea will take on a viscous consistency of greenish or gray color.

Vaginosis is treated with antibacterial drugs (suppositories, tablets). These include:

— vagiklin

- metronidazole.

Treatment is also carried out with suppositories, which are used in 2 stages:

- fights bacteria in the vagina

- restoration of vaginal microflora.

Thrush: a common cause of leucorrhoea

In addition to vaginosis, an unpleasant odor is characteristic of urogenital candidiasis, better known as thrush. This disease leads to copious curdled discharge and severe itching. The change in odor is often not noticeable, since normally it also has a sour tint.

When thrush is advanced, the smell changes to a sharp, sour one and becomes pronounced. Antifungal drugs are used for treatment. For example, metronidazole. Metronidazole suppositories are also used.

Trichomoniasis - leucorrhoea depends on the stage of the disease

Diseases that cause profuse white discharge in women include urogenital trichomoniasis. The process leads to the development of Trichomonas bacteria, which belong to the STD group (sexually transmitted). The discharge is liquid and has a sour odor.

In the untreated form, the disease is accompanied by foamy discharge. After a while they become like pus. Leucorrhoea takes on a sharp, sour odor at the beginning of the disease, then it resembles the smell of rotten fish. This pathology must be treated with special drugs, including: metronidazole, nitazole. Osarbon vaginal suppositories also have a good effect.

Ignoring personal hygiene

It should be noted that leucorrhoea in women does not always immediately change consistency. They can remain healthy, the same as they were before the disease. And, at the same time, they can manifest themselves as unpleasant, putrid odors. This is how not only pathologies develop, because the cause of leucorrhoea can be a simple failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. As a result, secretions collect in the folds of the labia:

- cervical canal

- vagina

Bacteria develop in these folds, which can be pathogenic in nature, and, as a result, an odor develops.

This condition does not need to be treated with drugs; it is enough to simply disinfect the genitals with a special agent (for example, chlorhexidine). Further, the rules of hygiene are constantly observed, and the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Chlamydia is another cause of fishy odor

There is another disease that causes a fishy odor - chlamydia. The disease often becomes chronic, since at first it is easy to confuse it with thrush, and the woman does not rush to the doctor, trying to cure it. This is why the disease starts, and it can only be confirmed by a smear analysis.

A distinctive sign of the protracted stage is a white, creamy discharge without itching. Chlamydia can be treated quickly with just tablets (Tarivid). Then you need to restore the vaginal microflora with the help of suppositories. You can also use herbal decoctions for tampons and douching.

Features of treatment: first - medications, then - herbs

When visiting a doctor, regardless of the disease, smear and blood tests are taken. It should be said about the inadmissibility of self-medication, because first you need to decide on the diagnosis. The regimen of medications, the disappearance of unpleasant odors and other symptoms depend on this. Even if you use medications purchased at the pharmacy yourself, leucorrhoea in women may go away, but the disease will go into a chronic stage. And that means it will constantly return at the slightest provoking factor.

Herbs for women

Often women treat leucorrhoea with folk remedies (herbs), rather than medications. This is acceptable when there is no rapidly developing process. You can drink medicinal herbs, do douching, and insert tampons if there is a slight imbalance in the mucous membrane. Herbs that have a beneficial effect on a woman’s genitals will not help with severe inflammatory and microbial processes; here treatment with medications should be started. And as a preventive measure after them, use decoctions of medicinal herbs.

For example, people call sweet clover the female herb. It is brewed like this: 1 tbsp. l. for 1 cup boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain. This amount is drunk throughout the day. The decoction is beneficial for the female genital organs and mammary glands, and maintains mucous secretions in a healthy state. Effective for douching, as well as tampons at night, are calendula flowers, oregano herb, and chamomile. Each herb is brewed as standard: 1 tbsp. l. per glass.

How many women are bothered by the smell in the intimate area, the feeling of moisture. Problems arise in sex, visiting the pool and gym becomes impossible. Women develop complexes and restrictions. They stop enjoying holidays and don’t go to theaters or parties. There is a threat to the relationship with the man you love. Meanwhile, discharge in women with an unpleasant odor is symptoms of diseases that can be treated. It is necessary to see a gynecologist on time, undergo an examination, find out the causes and solve these problems.

Causes of unpleasant vaginal odor

The female vagina has its own microflora that does not have a strong odor. You should sound the alarm if he suddenly changes. An unpleasant odor in an intimate place appears for various reasons. It could be:

  • bacterial vaginosis: appears due to a sharp growth of its own microorganisms;
  • thrush: caused by the rapid proliferation of fungi;
  • : an infection that is transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • cancer of the vagina, cervix;
  • use of contraceptives;
  • poor daily hygiene.

What vaginal discharge is considered normal?

The female body is individual, and vaginal discharge is also specific. Many factors influence their number and color: age, medication use, health problems, pregnancy. The following discharges are considered healthy:

  • cream, white: after sex with a condom;
  • copious, liquid: in the morning, if unprotected sexual intercourse was performed at night;
  • transparent, white: immediately after sex without protection;
  • light, milky in color, viscous: during pregnancy;
  • pink ichor: after childbirth, caesarean section;
  • brown: in the first months after starting to take contraceptives.

Normal discharge associated with menstruation includes:

  • transparent, mucous - in the middle of the menstrual cycle, before ovulation.
  • insignificant, jelly-like - in the second part of the cycle.
  • creamy, abundant - at the end of menstruation.
  • scarlet color, with blood - during menstruation.
  • dark or brown – within two days after menstruation.

There is no need to worry if you experience vaginal discharge when it:

  • in the form of transparent mucus;
  • do not have a strong pronounced odor;
  • thick consistency;
  • in small quantities;
  • not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • do not irritate the mucous membrane;
  • do not lead to itching of the genitals;
  • do not cause an increase in temperature.

What diseases are indicated by discharge with an unpleasant odor?

If unpleasant odors appear in the intimate area, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor, since these are symptoms of diseases that have serious consequences. If the diagnosis is made on time, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment leading to recovery. What diseases are we talking about? Among them:

  • delay, menstrual irregularities;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • infertility.

One of the common ones is vaginal dysbiosis, or gardnerellosis. It is characterized by a strong fishy odor, itching, burning and the appearance of viscous mucus of a greenish-yellow hue. Gels, creams, and tablets are used for treatment. The fungal disease candidiasis, or thrush, differs in symptoms. This is a curd-like discharge with the smell of onion, garlic, or sometimes it smells like sour kefir. There is a disease with an ammonia odor. It intensifies during sexual intercourse. Both partners are treated by taking antifungal medications.

What other problems could there be with similar symptoms:

  1. Colpitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, has different forms and symptoms of the disease. Often there is discomfort during sex, cutting pain, increased discharge in the form of mucus and pus, and impaired urination. For treatment, suppositories, gels and antibiotics in the form of tablets are used.
  2. Postpartum copious discharge with a specific putrefactive odor indicates emerging inflammation. These symptoms are closely monitored by doctors in the maternity hospital.
  3. Abundant transparent discharge in women, if it is colorless, may indicate inflammation of the appendages and diseases of the cervix. It is worth visiting a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.
  4. Very often, the cause of an unpleasant odor in the intimate area is sexually transmitted diseases. These include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis. All of them can have serious consequences. However, if you undergo treatment from a venereologist in time, the disease will recede.


If white discharge with an odor appears in the intimate area, this is a sign of thrush. They often come in the form of a film or resemble cottage cheese in appearance. This disease also occurs in women who are not sexually active. Sometimes white discharge with a fishy odor appears with bacterial vaginosis. To correctly prescribe treatment, the gynecologist must take a smear.


Yellow discharge indicates an infection in the vagina or uterus. If they are thick and yellow-green in color, then the causative agent of the infection is gonococcus. The disease is accompanied by itching and an unpleasant burning sensation in the genital area. If such symptoms appear after unprotected sex, you should urgently see a doctor. Sexual infections, such as trichomoniasis, also have a foamy structure. When purulent diseases occur, the appearance of yellow discharge is accompanied by an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

If a woman has had an abortion or had a difficult birth, there is a danger of developing inflammation caused by staphylococci, streptococci - endometritis and adnexitis. Their symptoms are yellow discharge. Thrush is characterized by a sour smell and the consistency of cottage cheese. When a woman experiences yellow discharge between periods, this indicates the possibility of inflammation in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. The process is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.


One of the main reasons for the appearance of such discharge is inflammation of the organs responsible for reproduction: the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina. More often, these diseases are transmitted during sex and are associated with decreased immunity, poor ecology, and poor intimate hygiene. The color and nature of purulent discharge depends on the type of infection that led to inflammation. They are thick and white-yellow in color with purulent vaginitis. With Trichomonas - greenish-yellow, in the form of foam.


In the female body, the vaginal microflora constantly contains a fungus of the genus Candida, which helps maintain constant acidity. When its quantity increases sharply, the disease thrush occurs, which is accompanied by cheesy discharge. In addition, sleep disturbances, burning and itching occur, and urine comes out painfully. A white coating appears in the vagina. There are several reasons for this disease:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • medicines;
  • decreased immunity;
  • environmental influences;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • stress;
  • use of synthetic underwear.

If a woman, in addition to thrush, is diagnosed with cervical erosion, the curdled discharge becomes pink because fresh blood is released. It’s another matter when hormonal imbalances occur along the way. A brown color appears due to impurities of coagulated blood. Curd-like green discharge is formed during genital purulent infections. Look at the photo. This is what white discharge looks like when you have thrush.

Foamy and thick

Foamy, thick discharge indicates the body's reaction to trichomoniasis. Men do not get this disease, but they become carriers of it during sexual intercourse. Sometimes it occurs due to basic non-compliance with hygiene rules. Accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, burning sensation, and frequent urination. It is treated with special drugs.

Bloody: red or brown

The color of these secretions is associated with the presence of blood in their composition. Before menstruation, brown discharge signals the onset of endometriosis and hormonal disorders. In the middle of the cycle, they are signs of polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes infertility. In the last days of your period, your period may turn dark brown, sometimes black, with blood clots. This indicates the possibility of chlamydia and herpes. Brown discharge after menstruation signals the threat of an ectopic pregnancy.

Red or scarlet discharge indicates cervical erosion if it begins a few days before menstruation. During pregnancy, they signal placental abruption. There is a threat of termination of pregnancy. If discharge appears after sexual intercourse, this signals that the woman has microcracks in the vagina or erosion of the cervix.

Which doctor should I contact?

Depending on the symptoms of the disease, in which an unpleasant odor appears from the vagina, you should contact different specialists. If you experience itching, watery mucous discharge, or a burning sensation associated with sexual intercourse, you should visit a venereologist. It will also help with purulent vaginal discharge, which is accompanied by excessive urination. The doctor will order tests if he suspects that you have become infected with sexually transmitted diseases after unprotected sexual intercourse. Based on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

You should visit the gynecology department in other cases. Discharge in women with unpleasant odors is often associated with physiological processes occurring in the body. Menstrual irregularities, inflammatory processes in the uterus and vagina, the presence of tumors, complications during pregnancy are reasons to visit a gynecologist. Only he, having done all the tests, will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Video: how to treat discharge with the smell of rotten fish

Watch the video and you will understand the reasons why women have discharge with unpleasant odors. Find out whether this is dangerous to health and how to behave in such a situation. In the video you will receive information from famous medical experts. You will learn why it is important to consult a doctor in time to conduct an examination and get rid of a disease in which there is a fishy smell from the intimate area.

A slight secretion of mucus from a woman’s genitals is a normal physiological process. After all, mucus is produced to protect the uterus and ovaries from infection. If, nevertheless, any pathological process begins in them, then this is immediately reflected in the nature of the discharge. A sour odor, heterogeneous composition or appearance of color, even if there are no other signs of illness, are a reason for a gynecological examination. Delay can lead to the spread of infection and serious complications.

Such discharge has a sour odor due to the presence of lactic acid produced by lactobacilli. These bacteria are part of the normal vaginal microflora. In addition to them, there are so-called opportunistic microorganisms (Candida fungi, Gardnerella fungi), which under certain conditions can multiply rapidly, which leads to diseases.

Normal discharge with a sour odor has a mucous consistency and is uniform in appearance. They are usually clear or white. An acidic environment is detrimental to various types of infection. Mucous, slightly acidic secretions do not allow them to penetrate the uterus, appendages, and urinary organs of a woman, thus protecting them from inflammation. The discharge consists of secretions produced by the glands of the cervix, as well as dead epithelial cells (which are constantly renewed in the cervical canal and in the vagina).

The intensity of discharge in young women is greater than in mature women. This is explained by fluctuations in the ratio of various sex hormones. After 25 years the situation becomes more stable.

Copious discharge with a sour smell may appear during pregnancy, which is also explained by hormonal shifts. At this time, all processes of tissue regeneration in a woman’s body intensify, including intensive renewal of the cells of the mucous membranes. At the same time, the volume of secretions increases.

When the discharge is pathological

If the discharge has an unusual color (green, intense yellow, brown, black, bloody), it is liquid, heterogeneous in consistency, and has a strange smell, this indicates the presence of an infectious or tumor process in the body. In this case, only a gynecological examination and examination will help to find out the exact cause of the odor and other symptoms.

Treatment cannot be delayed, as the infection can quickly spread to all organs of the genitourinary system. And if it is a tumor, delay is generally dangerous for the woman. Other symptoms (pain, fever, cycle disorders) also indicate the disease.

Causes of pathological discharge that has a sour odor

The main reason for the appearance of such discharge in women is candidiasis (thrush), an infectious disease associated with pathological changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora. It is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection, although infection with the fungus from a sexual partner is possible. As a rule, in men the disease occurs in a latent form. However, they can be carriers of the fungus.

Why candidiasis is dangerous?

If you do not consult a doctor in time when leucorrhoea with a sour odor appears and do not carry out a course of appropriate treatment, then the fungal infection can spread to the kidneys and other organs. Chronic candidiasis periodically manifests itself with relapses. The result of advanced disease is cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages, and infertility.

Often, along with the candida fungus, other types of infection nest in the body. For example, candidiasis can accompany gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis), also associated with a sharp decrease in the level of lactobacilli and the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in the vagina.

Thrush often occurs in pregnant women. A sharp change in hormonal levels and weakened immunity are to blame for this. When affected by the fungus, the tissues of the genital organs lose their elasticity, which during childbirth can cause ruptures in the cervix. In addition, while passing through the birth canal, the child becomes infected with a fungus. Subsequently, this is fraught with health problems for him.

Video: Causes of candidiasis. Complications and treatment

Symptoms of the disease

The causative agents are Candida fungi. They are always present in a certain amount in the body of a healthy woman, along with beneficial bacteria that prevent their development. A sour smell in women's discharge may mean that the balance is disturbed and fungi begin to multiply excessively. In this case, symptoms of thrush occur:

  1. White, abundant discharge with a characteristic cheesy appearance. They have a specific smell of sour milk.
  2. Severe itching in the vagina, caused by irritation of the mucous membrane and the formation of plaque on its walls.
  3. Burning and stinging when urinating.
  4. Pain during sexual intercourse.

If an inflammatory process develops in the vagina, it can spread to the internal genital organs. In this case, the color of the discharge changes to yellow or green, and an unpleasant odor occurs. Pain in the lower abdomen and back may occur.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of curdled discharge with odor

Weakening the body's defenses is one of the main factors in the occurrence of thrush. Previous illnesses of a cold, infectious or other nature can contribute to a decrease in immunity.

Long-term treatment with antibiotics can lead to changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora, as they destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria. The body's defenses are reduced due to physical and emotional overload, sudden climate change, and lifestyle.

Leucorrhoea associated with thrush with a sour odor appears in the presence of endocrine pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus. The cause of candidiasis can be treatment with hormonal drugs, as well as disruption of normal hormonal levels (during pregnancy, after abortion, as a result of ovarian disease).

Comment: This disease has no direct connection with compliance with hygiene rules. However, the cause of pathological changes in microflora can be the use of inappropriate products for the care of the genital organs, as well as improper douching.

Diagnostic methods

Before starting treatment, it is necessary not only to ensure the presence of fungi, but also to detect other microorganisms that cause concomitant infectious diseases.

Warning: Self-medication for candidiasis is unacceptable, since only a temporary improvement in the condition occurs. In this case, the disease will become chronic. In addition, unknowingly you can aggravate the symptoms of other diseases and increase the risk of complications.

Sometimes women confuse candidiasis with vaginosis. The approach to treating these diseases is different, so examination is necessary for successful treatment.

A preliminary diagnosis can be established after a gynecological examination and palpation of the uterus and appendages. At the same time, the condition of the vaginal mucosa is studied, and an increase in organs due to inflammation is detected.

An accurate diagnosis in the presence of odor-bearing discharge in women is established by examining a vaginal smear under a microscope to determine the number and type of fungi, detecting gardnerella, as well as gonorrhea pathogens. In addition, the acidity of the vaginal environment and the content of leukocytes (an indicator of the presence of an inflammatory process) are determined.

The PCR method is used (determining the type of microorganisms by the nature of DNA), which makes it possible to detect the presence of mycoplasmas, gardnerella and other pathogens.

A blood test for hormones, as well as for sexually transmitted infections, makes it possible to determine the cause of pathological discharge that has an odor (sour or other).

Video: About the dangers of self-medication for pathological vaginal discharge

Treatment for candidiasis

Treatment is required for both sexual partners. The main role is played by antifungal drugs and antibacterial agents (in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories). Douching with herbal infusions (chamomile or calendula) or a soda solution is used to normalize the microflora and eliminate inflammation.

After treatment, periodic administration of antifungal drugs is prescribed to prevent relapses. Such drugs must be taken for preventive purposes during antibiotic treatment.



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