Child 1 3 frequent runny nose. Frequent runny nose in children: causes, treatment methods and prevention

A runny nose is a frequent guest in families where children grow up. Everyone knows that nasal congestion is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom. Moreover, he can talk about a wide variety of diseases. However, in most families, mothers and fathers continue to treat their child for a runny nose. This therapy is sometimes long-term. The famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky tells what a runny nose “signals” to adults, and what parents should do so that their child can breathe easily and simply.

About the problem

Even the most caring mother, who takes care of and protects her child from everything in the world, will not be able to ensure that her child never gets a runny nose in his life. This is because rhinitis (the medical name for the runny nose) most often occurs with acute viral respiratory infections. On physiological level the following happens: one of the many viruses that always surround the child gets onto the nasal mucosa. In response, the immune system gives the command to secrete as much mucus as possible, which should isolate the virus from other organs and systems, preventing it from moving further through the nasopharynx, larynx, bronchi and lungs.

Except viral form, which accounts for about 90% of all cases of children's runny nose, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, rhinitis can be bacterial. This causes pathogenic bacteria to enter the nasal cavity. The body reacts in a similar way - with increased mucus production. Bacterial rhinitis itself is extremely rare, and its course is always very severe. Bacteria (most often staphylococci) cause severe inflammation, suppuration, and toxic waste products cause general intoxication.

Sometimes a bacterial runny nose can develop after a child has suffered a viral infection. This happens because accumulated mucus in the nasal passages becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

These bacteria are usually harmless and live in the nose and mouth. permanent basis and the child is not disturbed in any way. However, in conditions of an abundance of mucus, its stagnation, drying out, microbes become pathogenic and begin to multiply rapidly. This usually happens with complicated rhinitis.

The third, fairly common cause of runny nose in children is allergies. Allergic rhinitis occurs as a reaction of local immunity to a protein antigen. If such a substance enters the body, the nasal mucosa reacts with swelling, making it difficult for the child to breathe through the nose.

In some cases, nasal congestion and impaired nasal breathing are associated with ENT diseases, such as adenoids. If the runny nose is acute (occurred no earlier than 5 days ago), then there should be no reason for special concern. In case of persistent snot and other symptoms, it is better to consult an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of viral runny nose

Viral rhinitis is the most common among children and does not require treatment as such. The mucus produced by the membranes of the nose contains special substances that are very important for fighting the virus that has entered the body. However, beneficial features the mucus will end immediately after the snot becomes thick. As long as they flow, everything is fine, parents can calm down.

But if suddenly the nasal mucus thickens, becomes green, yellow, yellow-green, purulent, purulent with impurities of blood, it ceases to be a “fighter” against the virus and becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. This is how a bacterial runny nose begins, which will require treatment with antibiotics.

Thus, when viral runny nose The main task of parents is to prevent the mucus in the nose from drying out. The snot should remain liquid. That’s why Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends not looking for pharmacy magic nose drops, because there are no cures for viruses, but simply rinsing the child’s nasal cavity with saline solutions, and doing this as often as possible (at least every half hour). To prepare the solution, you need to take a teaspoon of salt per liter container of boiled chilled water. The resulting solution can be dripped, washed out of the nose using a disposable syringe without a needle, or sprayed with a special bottle.

For instillation, you can use other means that help thin the nasal mucus - “Pinosol”, “Ectericide”. Washing with the most common saline solution, which can be bought inexpensively at any pharmacy, effectively thins snot.

The drying out of nasal mucus, which is so necessary during the body’s fight against viruses, is facilitated by the stuffiness and dry air in the room, the lack of sufficient quantity fluids in the body. Therefore, the room where a child with a runny nose is located should be ventilated and wet cleaned. Air in mandatory should be moistened to 50-70% . Special devices - humidifiers - will help parents with this. If there is no such miracle of technology in the family, you can place basins of water in the corners of the room so that it can evaporate freely, hang wet towels on the radiators and make sure that they do not dry out. A child who often suffers from rhinitis should definitely be given an aquarium with fish.

On the heating radiators in Dad’s room, you need to install special valves that can be used to regulate the air temperature during the heating season. The air temperature in the children's room should be 18-20 degrees (all year round).

During treatment of a viral infection, the child must drink. But not syrups and medicines from the pharmacy, and tea, compote of dried fruits or fresh berries, fruit drinks, regular drinking water. The drinking regime should be plentiful; the mother should serve all drinks to the child warm, but not hot, preferably at room temperature. Such a drink is absorbed faster into the body, and the likelihood of drying out the mucous membranes is significantly reduced.

If the child does not have high temperature, despite his runny nose, he should definitely walk in the fresh air and breathe more. This is where the treatment of viral rhinitis ends.

Treatment of bacterial rhinitis

If the snot changes color, consistency, becomes thick, green, or purulent, you should definitely call a doctor. Bacterial infection is a serious matter, and airing alone cannot do it. In most cases, your child will need antibiotic nasal drops. But before prescribing, the doctor will definitely examine the prevalence of the inflammatory process and only then will decide in what form to give the child antibiotics - in tablets (for extensive infection with additional symptoms) or in drops.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

The best treatment for rhinitis caused by antigen proteins is to get rid of the source of the proteins. To do this, says Komarovsky, an allergist and pediatrician must try and find, with the help of tests and special tests, the very allergen that affects the child in this way. While doctors are looking for the cause, parents need to create the safest conditions possible for the baby at home.

Be sure to remove all carpets and Stuffed Toys, which are accumulators of dust and allergens. The room should be wet cleaned more often, but without the use of chemicals, especially avoid household chemicals, which contains a substance such as chlorine.

You should wash your child’s clothes exclusively with baby powder, the packaging of which has the inscription “Hypoallergenic”; after washing, all clothes and bed linen must be additionally rinsed in clean water. Parents should create adequate conditions in the room - air temperature (18-20 degrees), air humidity (50-70%).

If all these measures are unsuccessful and the runny nose does not go away, you may need to use medicines. Usually in this situation it is prescribed vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. They do not treat rhinitis of an allergic nature, but they provide temporary relief. Almost immediately after instillation, the vessels of the nasal mucosa narrow, the swelling subsides, and nasal breathing is restored.

These drops can be found in any home medicine cabinet, and usually everyone knows their names. In relation to pediatric treatment, these are “Nazol”, “Nazivin”, “Tizin”, etc. However, these drops cannot be used for longer than 3-5 days (maximum 7 days, if the doctor insists on it), otherwise they will cause persistent drug addiction, in which, without drops, he will always experience difficulty with nasal breathing, and from permanent use the nasal mucosa may atrophy. In addition, Komarovsky calls for the use of exclusively children's forms of drops, which differ from adults in a reduced dosage. In addition, it should be remembered that many of these drugs are strictly contraindicated in children under two years of age. List side effects for vasoconstrictor drugs is also quite large.

For treatment allergic rhinitis Calcium gluconate is often prescribed age dosage, antihistamines if the doctor considers it necessary. Children who have allergic runny nose is of a chronic, protracted nature, exacerbations occur every season, antiallergic drugs can be prescribed for local application(“Cromoglin”, “Allergodil”, etc.). The drug "Rinofluimucil" proved to be quite effective.", which is a combined product that includes hormones, antiallergic components, and antibacterial agents.

If the child sniffs his nose

Usually, parents are immediately inclined to believe that the baby is starting to have a runny nose and plan how and what to treat it with. However, says Evgeny Komarovsky, sniffing is not always a sign of illness.

If a child gets upset, cries, and then sniffles for a long time, this is normal. physiological process, in which “excess” tears flow down the nasolacrimal canaliculus into the nose. There is no need to treat or drip anything, just offer the child a handkerchief.

Runny nose in infants

Parents often ask how to treat a runny nose in newborns and infants. Evgeniy Komarovsky argues that such babies do not always require treatment as such. If it seems to the mother that the baby is snoring or wheezing in his sleep, this is not always rhinitis. In infants, the nasal passages are very narrow, which makes nasal breathing somewhat difficult. This condition does not require any other help other than creating the correct microclimate in the room, which was mentioned above. You can take your child for walks more often.

If the nose does not breathe, breathes poorly, or mucous discharge appears, it should be remembered that it is the narrowness of the nasal passages in infants that makes it difficult for the outflow of mucus, and therefore the risk of developing bacterial infection they are significantly higher than those of older children. The baby doesn't know how to blow his nose yet. Parents will need to buy an aspirator and help the little one clear the nasal passages of accumulated snot. You can drip salt solutions, give them water and moisturize them too.

If a baby has white snot coming out of his nose, it is mucus mixed with milk or formula. This happens if the child burps unsuccessfully (partially into the nose). There is no need to treat anything in this situation either. Remove white mucus, rinse the spout with saline solution.

Nasal congestion sometimes occurs during teething. In this situation, parents are also required to do the minimum necessary to create normal conditions. There is no point in dripping and treating such a runny nose; as soon as the teeth erupt, the swelling in the area of ​​the nasal passages will subside on its own.

The longer a child with a stuffy nose breathes through his mouth during influenza or ARVI, the higher the risk that not only the mucous secretions in the nose, but also in the bronchi and lungs will dry out. To avoid bronchitis and pneumonia, which are the most common complications of respiratory viral infections, you should definitely moisturize and liquefy. All methods are described above.

If, after using certain drops in the nose, a child sneezes or his eyes water, you should not attribute these symptoms to an allergic reaction to the medication. These are normal manifestations of the immune fight against the virus; treatment should not be cancelled.

A runny nose doesn't always look classic. If a child’s snot flows not outward, but inward, back wall larynx, the disease will be called nasopharyngitis. A doctor should treat him.

Any treatment with folk remedies can lead to serious complications, says Evgeny Komarovsky. All recipes offered by traditional healers are aimed at eliminating the amount of mucus. If you have a bacterial runny nose, you should not warm your nose, rinse it with warm solutions, make compresses, etc.

A child’s runny nose causes a lot of discomfort not only to him, but also to his parents. This symptom is usually associated with allergies or a cold, which can cause excess fluid or mucus to accumulate in the nasal cavity. Human nose- a kind of filter; if any particle enters it, which, in the opinion of the body, should not pass further, this leads to the release of a chemical substance - histamine - by the cells.

Causes of runny nose in children


On average, most children get a cold every 2 months, and the frequency of infections usually increases during winter. Children are more susceptible to colds because they the immune system still developing. Cold or upper infection respiratory tract usually lasts about a week and goes away on its own. The development of a runny nose in children is facilitated by the imperfection of the immune system, which is actively formed in the first years of a baby’s life. A viral infection does not respond to antibiotics.


Along with colds, it is the second most common cause of runny nose in children. Exposure to environmental allergens such as dust and pollen, and food allergy may cause sneezing, nasal congestion and runny nose. Hay fever, a seasonal rhinitis caused by an allergic reaction to pollen, can cause the same symptoms. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children can occur both in the spring, when plants bloom, and at any other time of the year. A runny nose progresses after contact with an allergen (during the first 2-3 days). Accompanied by itching, burning in the nasal cavity, sneezing, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, and discharge of clear contents from the nose.

Exposure to secondhand smoke

Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke suffer from frequent colds or upper respiratory tract infections. Moreover, their cold may last longer than that of other children. So consider quitting smoking, and be sure to try to keep your child away from places where he or she might be exposed to secondhand smoke and other irritants or strong odors.


Flu, like colds, is also caused by viruses. But a cold is considered more mild infection respiratory tract compared to influenza. The symptoms of both conditions are similar, but the flu is more severe. Influenza is characterized by excess mucus secretion, sore throat, headaches, muscle aches, and fever. . Flu symptoms may last for several days and then gradually improve. Children's runny nose is treated using antiviral and antibacterial agents, which destroy pathogenic pathogens in the body and alleviate the baby’s condition. When body temperature rises, fever-relieving agents are prescribed (in suspensions and suppositories).

Associated symptoms

- this is the first symptom of a respiratory viral infection (influenza, ARVI) or an exacerbation of allergies. The baby’s well-being sharply deteriorates, he becomes tearful, and the temperature may rise (with infectious rhinitis). If your child's runny nose is only due to a cold, you may observe the following symptoms:

  • Moderate temperature
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Cough
  • Green or yellow nasal discharge

If the condition is caused by an allergy, your child may have the following symptoms:

Flu can cause following signs and symptoms other than runny nose:

  • Fever with chills
  • A sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Moodiness

Often smoothly flows into nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, which is accompanied by hyperemia palatine tonsils, sore throat, hoarseness. It is precisely because of the high risk of complications of rhinitis in children that occur in the early and late stages of the development of the disease that it must be treated as early as possible, using proven means aimed at both eliminating the symptoms and the cause of the disease (viruses, allergens).

Treatment of a runny nose

Experts generally do not recommend giving over-the-counter medications for cold symptoms to newborns because they have not been proven effective in treating the condition. In children younger than 2 years, some of these drugs may also cause side effects. Therefore, never give your child cold and cough medicine without consulting your pediatrician. Also, if caused by allergies, your pediatrician may prescribe antihistamines to reduce nasal discharge and inflammation.

There are several safe home remedies you can use to provide relief for your child. Children cannot blow their nose until they are 4 years old. Therefore, the following measures or home remedies will help eliminate congestion and allow the baby to breathe normally.

Saline nasal spray is one of the simplest but most effective remedies against a runny nose, especially if it is accompanied by nasal congestion.

Salt water will make the mucus in the nasal cavity thinner, thereby making it easier to remove. Simply spray or drop a few drops of salt water into your baby's nasal cavity, and then use a nasal aspirator or roll-on syringe to suck out mucus from the nose. At the same time, keep the newborn in vertical position. You can purchase a saline nasal spray at any pharmacy or make it yourself by adding a pinch of salt to 30 ml of boiled, cooled water.

Besides, Monitor your child's hydration. It is beneficial for a baby to drink more breast milk or formula. - This effective method hydrating your baby, which helps him develop immunity against germs or infectious agents. If your baby is older than 6 months, you can also give him warm water and natural fruit juices.

Elevate your newborn's head while sleeping by placing one or more towels under the mattress. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated will help ensure proper mucus drainage. It is also recommended to use a humidifier. Dry air can irritate your baby's nose, while humid air will keep the mucous membranes moist. This will help your baby breathe easily so he can get enough sleep and rest.

Humidifier. It is especially useful in the winter months, when the air in apartments is very dry. If for some reason you can’t use it, just put a bowl with warm water near the heating device in the baby's room.

Steam atmosphere. If your baby has difficulty feeding, you can try spending about five minutes in the bathroom with a full hot water bathroom, closing the door. You don’t need to get into the bathtub, just sit next to it. Hot vapors will help soften mucus and clear the baby's nasal passages.

Runny nose in a baby

Substances that cause a runny nose in a baby can be found in the environment (wind, dust, pollen, chemical fumes, for example, from floor cleaners, tobacco smoke), and inside the child’s nose itself (sometimes milk or formula, when the baby chokes or sneezes while feeding, can get into the nose and cause irritation and inflammation of the tissues in the nasal passages). As a result, the baby's nose is stuffy and discharge may appear.

One of the most common causes of runny nose in infants. Any additional discharge, such as runny nose and drooling, can be caused by inflammation around the teeth. Your baby may have the following symptoms:

In most cases, this process is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the baby’s body’s defenses, low fever and sleep disturbances. When you have a runny nose, don’t forget to remove the mucus that accumulates in your child’s nasal cavity. This will make the child's condition easier. This can be done using a nasal aspirator: first, the secretions are carefully sucked out from one and then from the other nostril.

A little is normal during teething. But be careful if the temperature is too high.

Average normal increase the temperature that can occur during teething is about 0.1ºC. Temperatures associated with teething can be around 36.8ºC. This means that if your baby has a temperature over 38ºC (with rectal measurement), and most likely it is not related to teething.

Also, many parents think that if a baby's snot turns green, it could mean there is an infection that requires antibiotics. But this is not necessarily the case. However, the color of the snot can let you know if your baby's runny nose is caused by teething.

If your baby's snot is clear and the runny nose lasts only 2-3 days, it may be due to extra fluid and inflammatory reaction caused by teething. It can also be a symptom of a virus such as a cold, but in this case the runny nose may last a little longer.

Nasal discharge may change color, from white to yellow and green. All of these colors are normal and usually do not require antibiotics.

When to contact a pediatrician

Be sure to contact your pediatrician if:

  • Cold lasts more than 10 days
  • The child is unable to eat or drink normally due to mucus buildup in the nose
  • The child cannot breathe normally
  • Baby blows green, yellow, or brown mucus
  • The child acts nervous or irritable
  • The child is lethargic and does not urinate in the diaper for more than 6-7 hours

A baby's runny nose can be easily treated with the simple home remedies mentioned in this article. However, if your symptoms are suspicious and last several days, you should contact. Persistent and untreated colds can lead to bacterial infections such as pneumonia and ear infections.

The most common complications of a child's runny nose

Complications of a runny nose usually depend on the disease that caused it and the duration of its course:

  • If your child frequently blows his nose into a tissue or paper napkin, he may experience dermatitis of the nasal vestibule. The skin at the site of friction turns red, becomes swollen and painful. If mechanical irritation is not stopped, small blisters filled with exudate appear. When they burst, they leave behind wounds that can fester.
  • A prolonged viral or bacterial runny nose in a child provokes inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis. Its main symptoms are heaviness and pain in the frontal region, increased body temperature, thick discharge from the nose. Unpleasant sensations in the nasal sinuses with sinusitis intensify with sudden movements of the head.
  • Due to constant nasal congestion, the child begins to breathe through the mouth, the mucus thickens and dries in the lumen of the bronchi, increasing the risk of developing bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Chronic edema nasal mucosa negatively affects the condition of the lungs and can cause the development of bronchial asthma.
  • Nasopharynx through eustachian tubes connected to the middle ear. Its prolonged inflammation can cause acute otitis media.
  • The proliferation of inflamed mucosa is main reason education Polyps most often form near the ethmoid sinus, closing the nasal passages and making breathing difficult even after the runny nose has stopped.

Preventing a runny nose in a child

First of all you should:

  • avoid people with obvious signs respiratory infection
  • Be outside more often, because there the risk of infection tends to zero
  • dirty hands- one of the main sources of respiratory infections

Viruses can live on them for up to 24 hours, and during contact with the face or food, they enter directly into the child’s body. Keep an eye on your baby’s hygiene, and if he is old enough to take care of himself on his own, don’t forget to have a preventative conversation about hygiene at the beginning of the fall-winter season.

Also, so that the mucous membrane retains its protective functions, it must not be allowed to dry out. The air in your home should be clean and humid. In the cold season, radiators and air conditioners interfere with its maintenance, so the nasal mucosa must be regularly washed with a physiological solution of table salt. Do not forget about ventilation, wet cleaning and walks with the baby.

Chronic runny nose is a prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease occurs as a result of a long course of acute inflammation that has been treated incorrectly or health care was not provided at all.

Why do children and adults constantly have snot in their nose: causes of chronic runny nose

The nasal mucosa begins to become inflamed under the influence of various agents - microbes, viruses and environmental factors. The causes of chronic runny nose can be quite varied. According to experts, a constant runny nose is one of the important factors, provoking chronic inflammation.

In this case, a chronic inflammatory process can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

Among other reasons persistent runny nose Experts name the following factors:

  1. Disturbed anatomical proportions in the nose. Such disorders include a deviated nasal septum, which often leads to unilateral hypertrophy of the nasal concha. Can lead to chronic rhinitis birth defects and acquired defects.
  2. Long-lasting effect on the mucous membrane irritating factors. They can be dust, gases, chemical substances. Contact with mineral and metal dust can cause injury to the nasal mucosa. Chalk and flour dust cause the death of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, resulting in stagnation of mucus in the nose. Moreover, the accumulation of dust in the nasal cavity can not only cause constant snot, but also the formation of nasal stones, which are known as rhinolitis.
  3. Physical environmental factors, namely dry or cold air, disrupt the normal functioning of the nasopharynx.
  4. Poor circulation in the nasal mucosa against the background systemic diseases. Impaired blood circulation can be caused by hypertension, kidney disease, dysmenorrhea, constipation, alcoholism, and pathological processes in the endocrine and nervous systems.
  5. Long or wrong technique some medications. The cause of the development of vasomotor rhinitis, in which snot constantly flows, is often overuse vasoconstrictor drops.

An allergic reaction is another common reason why a child or adult constantly has snot. can be seasonal or year-round, giving a person unpleasant sensations.

Inflammation of the adenoids or the formation of polyps in the nose can also provoke excessive secretion mucus from the nasopharynx. Sometimes only surgery can return a person to normal functioning.

The reason why the snot constantly flows must be determined by an otolaryngologist. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist prescribes treatment.

Types of chronic runny nose and their symptoms

The main symptoms of chronic runny nose are: constant discharge from the nose and its stuffiness. However, when different types disease, its symptoms may have some differences. In otolaryngology, several types are known chronic rhinitis.

The following classification of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is considered traditional: catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic and vasomotor chronic rhinitis:

  • – a type of nasal disease that occurs against the background of advanced acute rhinitis. Chronic catarrhal rhinitis develops due to deep penetration of microbial agents into the mucous membrane. Due to the prolonged action of microbes in the mucous membrane, hard destructive changes, which significantly reduce local immunity. Most often, patients visit a specialist’s office with complaints of regular mucous discharge from the nose of a predominantly thick consistency. Constant runny nose and nasal congestion are the main signs of catarrhal chronic rhinitis in both children and adults. Usually there is alternating congestion of the nasal passages, and the patient may also periodically be bothered by headache.
  • manifests itself in the form of constant and pronounced difficulty in nasal breathing. This form of inflammatory process develops as a result of thickening and proliferation of the mucous membrane in the lower part of the nasopharynx. Symptoms of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis are observed, such as impaired sense of smell, discharge of mucopurulent secretion from the nasal cavity, headaches, nasal tone, and decreased attention. At long term hypertrophic rhinitis, which has already acquired chronic form, there is a loss of smell, and soon taste, as atrophy of the olfactory endings occurs.
  • , as a rule, develops through prolonged contact with dust and harmful gases in industrial conditions. This disease can also occur against the background long-term use vasoconstrictor drops or the presence of a lesion in the body chronic inflammation. The disease manifests itself as loss of smell and constant dryness in the nose. These symptoms of chronic runny nose cause the patient severe discomfort due to itching in the nose. There is almost no mucous discharge; a little viscous secretion is released, which soon dries out and turns into dry crusts. On the background atrophic rhinitis An infectious inflammatory process in the nose often develops, which significantly aggravates the course of the disease.
  • is the result of a dysfunction of the neural regulatory devices that are responsible for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx. Changes in the condition of the vessels of the mucous membrane usually cause a constant runny nose in adults, less often in children.

Constant snot in the nose can also occur with allergic chronic rhinitis. Many experts share the opinion that allergies, as increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane to certain irritants, occur only after chronic inflammation. The main signs of this disease are copious mucous discharge from the nose with a liquid consistency, frequent sneezing, and nasal congestion. Often allergic rhinitis occurs with conjunctivitis, which also occurs against the background of allergies.

When mucus drains down the back wall of the throat, which usually occurs with allergic and catarrhal types of inflammation, the patient may experience a cough. In addition, a constant runny nose in a child more often than in adults leads to the development of such diseases respiratory system, like bronchitis and pneumonia. This is caused by more weak immunity child, as well as the inability to blow his nose and cough normally. Pathogenic mucus from the nose flows down into the respiratory tract, causing an inflammatory process there. The mucus that descends from the nasopharynx into the throat causes irritation, delivering painful sensations. A constant runny nose and snot in adults and even children often cause night snoring.

A special place in otolaryngology is occupied by such a type of chronic disease of the nasopharynx as fetid runny nose, or. This disease is an inflammatory process with severe atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. A characteristic symptom of ozena is a large number of thick mucus that forms into crusts with a foul odor. With a long course of the disease, thinning of the bone tissue of the turbinates and nasal walls becomes inevitable. The patient is concerned not only about copious discharge, but also about dry mucous membranes, nasal congestion, and a sharp decrease or complete absence of sense of smell. The patients themselves feel putrid smell from the nasal cavity, sometimes people around can hear it.

Diagnosis of chronic runny nose in an adult or child

If a child constantly has snot and this has been observed for a long time, he must be examined by a specialist. Even adults should not delay dealing with a chronic runny nose, as it can cause many dangerous complications. During the diagnostic process, it is important for a specialist to identify not only the reason why snot constantly flows from the nose, but also to determine the type of disease. Precisely from the production accurate diagnosis efficiency depends further treatment diseases.

As a rule, diagnosis includes the following actions by a specialist and methods of examining the nasal cavity:

  1. Analysis of patient complaints and studying the medical history. At this stage, it is important for the otolaryngologist to know what type of nasal congestion is observed in the patient - constant or periodic, and how long it has been bothering him. It is also important to know the nature of nasal discharge, whether there are crusts, dry nose and other signs of rhinitis.
  2. General examination of the patient. Some external signs can help a specialist make a diagnosis: with allergic rhinitis, the patient’s eyes usually become red and watery; with vasomotor rhinitis, the fingers and the tip of the nose become cold and blue, there is increased sweating and a decrease in body temperature.
  3. Examination of the nose. At this stage of examining the patient, in order to make a diagnosis, rhinoscopy and endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity are performed using special instruments. Highly qualified and experienced otolaryngologists can, in many cases, determine the type of chronic rhinitis based on the condition of the nasal mucosa.

With hypertrophic rhinitis, there is an increase in the size of the nasal turbinates, the mucous membrane becomes red or bluish in color, which does not disappear even after use vasoconstrictors. Upon examination, a specialist may notice a narrowing of the nasal passages.

With atrophic rhinitis, the mucous membrane becomes pale in color, it looks dry and thinned. The nasal passages, as a rule, are significantly dilated, and dry crusts can be found on the mucous membrane.

During examination of the nasal cavity of a patient suffering from allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, the nasal turbinates are usually swollen, may be pale or bluish, sometimes with red spots. After using vasoconstrictors, swelling decreases. Mucus may be found in the nasal passages with allergic rhinitis.

If a chronic runny nose in an adult or child is caused by anatomical disorders of a congenital or acquired nature, they will be detected during the examination.

During the diagnostic process, the specialist determines the reactivity of the patient’s nasal mucosa to the action of vasoconstrictor drugs.

With a chronic fetid runny nose, an otolaryngologist, during an examination of the patient’s nasal cavity, discovers many dry crusts that line the entire surface of the mucous membrane in a thick layer. These crusts usually have dark green color, sometimes mixed with blood.

Among the methods of hardware diagnostics, if one of the types of chronic rhinitis is suspected, the following studies are carried out:

  • endoscopic examination to exclude the proliferation of adenoid tissue and inflammation of the adenoids;
  • radiography and computed tomography to exclude the development of chronic sinusitis in the paranasal sinuses;
  • rhinomanometry - the method consists of assessing the resistance of air flow in the nose before and after the use of vasoconstrictors; it can also be used to determine the effectiveness of treatment for persistent nasal congestion without a runny nose.

If a specialist suspects that allergic rhinitis is occurring in the patient’s body, allergy tests may be prescribed. If allergy tests are negative, a smear is taken for eosinophils. If these substances are present in the body, the otolaryngologist makes a diagnosis of “non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilic syndrome.” This means that the patient has confirmed allergic rhinitis without certain allergens.

Experts rarely make a diagnosis of “vasomotor rhinitis”, since it is very difficult to determine. They put it in the case when it was not possible to confirm any of the possible varieties chronic rhinitis.

How to get rid of a constant runny nose: remedies for chronic rhinitis

The causes of chronic runny nose and its treatment are closely related, because incorrect prescription of medications will not only not eliminate the symptoms, but will also cause many complications. That is why treatment for chronic runny nose can be prescribed only after determining its type.

If the patient suffers from allergic rhinitis, before treating persistent runny nose and nasal congestion in adults and children, it is important to exclude contact with the allergen. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially if the patient is allergic to flowering plants. General antihistamines and local action. – good remedy for chronic runny nose, it is prescribed not only for allergic origin diseases, but also with catarrhal rhinitis.

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of a persistent runny nose in an adult with the help of specific immunotherapy. This method is based on the body's adaptation to gradually increasing concentrations of allergens. With this approach to the treatment of allergic rhinitis, allergy tests are taken first; the procedure becomes impossible without identifying the allergen.

How to get rid of chronic runny nose if it has an atrophic version of this disease? It becomes mandatory to prescribe moisturizing sprays and drops, as well as drugs that improve the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. For atrophic rhinitis, vitamins A, D and iron supplements are effective.

What to do if you have constant nasal congestion without a runny nose: treatment of snot in children and adults

Often, patients turn to an otolaryngologist with complaints that they are bothered by constant nasal congestion without a runny nose, which is most often a sign of allergic rhinitis. Vasoconstrictors will help eliminate this symptom; however, it is not recommended to prescribe such drugs yourself. Overdose and exceeding the course of treatment can cause addiction and the so-called “ medicinal rhinitis" Among vasoconstrictors for children and adults, drugs such as, have proven themselves well.

It is important to know what to do if snot constantly bothers a person when vasomotor rhinitis. Experts recommend that their patients avoid provoking factors; regular physical exercise, contrast shower, medicinal nasal sprays designed to treat this type of runny nose.

There is simple advice on what to do if you have a constant runny nose, regardless of its origin. This is rinsing the nasal cavity with an isotonic saline solution. In some cases, reflexology and acupuncture become effective; such methods are used by doctors who are supporters of alternative medicine.

How to quickly cure a chronic runny nose at home?

How to cure a chronic runny nose due to an abnormality in the structure of the nasopharynx? The only treatment for rhinitis caused by congenital or acquired anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx is surgical intervention. This operation is known as septoplasty.

Treatment for a persistent runny nose with simultaneous nasal congestion and mucous discharge may involve the use of hormonal sprays. Such drugs are quite effective and at the same time safe, they are practically not absorbed into the blood and do not affect hormonal background body. Many of these products are approved for use in children aged 2 years and older.

At long-term storage complaints and inefficiency conservative treatment, the only method to get rid of a constant runny nose is surgery. Modern surgery based on the principles of minimally invasiveness and maximum organ preservation. During the operation, the nasal turbinates are not removed completely or partially, but gentle destruction is carried out choroid plexuses mucous membrane, which led to nasal congestion.

In some cases, surgical treatment of atrophic rhinitis is also indicated, but it is aimed at narrowing the nasal passages rather than widening them.

How to treat chronic runny nose in children and adults?

Treatment of chronic runny nose in a child should be as effective and safe as possible. At improper treatment the disease can lead to serious consequences, and if prescribed potent drugs It is difficult to avoid side effects.

Regardless of the type of runny nose, if it is accompanied by copious mucus production, it is important to regularly clear the nose of pathogenic contents. In order to relieve the baby's condition with nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictors, such as Brizolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin Baby. They can be used for no more than 5 days, so that the mucous membrane does not get used to it.

Parents should know what to do if their child constantly has snot, because they not only disrupt the baby’s normal functioning, but can cause a cough and sore throat. If the inflammatory process is bacterial in nature, a sign of which is yellow or green discharge, it is advisable to use topical antibacterial drugs such as Isofra and. You can also put Bactroban 2% ointment into the nasal passages.

If a child is prone to frequent rhinitis, otolaryngologists recommend using a local immunomodulator. It can also be used as a prophylactic when the first signs of viral rhinitis are detected.

Parents are interested in what to do if the child has a constant runny nose, but there is no desire to give the child powerful medical supplies. In such situations, experts can recommend the use of homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies made on the basis natural ingredients And plant extracts. Well proven homeopathic medicines Ocarizalia and Euphorbium compositum. It is advisable for children to drip their nose with slightly warmed drops; to do this, the bottle of medicine should be placed in a container of warm water for several minutes.

Treatment of chronic runny nose in children and adults at home

If you are looking for ways to quickly cure a chronic runny nose without harm to your health, you can undergo therapy using traditional medicine.

Many people treat chronic runny nose at home by using the following remedies:

  1. Internal use in a ratio of 1: 5. This medicine will strengthen the body's defenses, take the medicine 3 times a day, a teaspoon before meals. You can also drip this medicine into your nose.
  2. Inhalations with the addition of honey hot water will help relieve the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, speed up the process of cleansing the nasopharynx. Place a spoonful of honey in a container with hot water and breathe in the healing steam for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Onion infusion. For bacterial rhinitis the best remedy will become a bow, because it has antimicrobial effect. To prepare the medicine, you need to chop one medium-sized onion, pour in 6 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, leave in a cool, dark place for 10 hours. Place a few drops into each nostril no more than 3 times a day. Such onion infusion can be stored for a week.
  4. Using beet and carrot juice drops is another way to cure a chronic runny nose at home. It is necessary to grate red beets and carrots, squeeze out the juice, mix with the same amount of vegetable oil, adding a few drops of garlic juice.

How else to treat chronic runny nose in adults to prevent the development of complications? It is often possible to increase the body's defenses through massage of bioactive points. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day, while simultaneously massaging the wings of the nose on the right and left sides for 1 minute. Usually to get rid of unpleasant symptoms rhinitis, 10–20 procedures are required.

Benefits of use folk remedies The fact is that they can be used to treat runny noses in children, pregnant and lactating women. Having discovered symptoms of rhinitis, you need to find out as quickly as possible why you have a constant runny nose that lasts for a long time. Constant nasal congestion causes oxygen starvation the whole body, against the background of which headaches, fatigue appear, and soon diseases of the heart, blood vessels and other organs may develop. Mouth breathing can cause chronic tonsillitis, the appearance of bad breath, diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

I wouldn’t say that I have a chronic runny nose, but if I have a cold
starts, then without him it’s no different and, of course, without a sore throat. AND
For some reason, my colds always went away so hard and for so long (((
I couldn’t recover for almost two weeks before, but not this last time.
times when I used Bioparox for treatment, I also treated my throat with it
sore and runny nose. So he helped me not to get sick by killing germs and not
allowing them to enter the body.

Unfortunately, almost all parents sooner or later face the problem of a prolonged runny nose in a child. A long runny nose in a child is considered to be one that lasts more than ten days. In this situation, the child has difficulty breathing, he speaks with a characteristic nasal tone, and breathes through his mouth. A large amount of discharge is formed in the nose - sometimes it is colorless and liquid, sometimes it is yellow-green and thick. If the child does not yet know how to blow his nose on his own, it seems that snot is constantly flowing from his nose.

A runny nose is not at all a harmless disease, as many people are accustomed to thinking of it. In addition to the fact that children have difficulty breathing with a constantly stuffy nose, they begin to have headaches, sleep is disturbed, and their ears may hurt.

Therefore, if parents are concerned prolonged runny nose in a child, this is a reason to visit a doctor, even if other symptoms of the disease - cough or fever - are not observed. And this doctor is an otolaryngologist, since dealing with a runny nose is sometimes quite difficult, and some tests are required.

Why does a child have a persistent runny nose?

Scientifically, a runny nose is called rhinitis. This is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It can be caused by allergic or non-allergic reasons. Acute rhinitis caused by viruses, lasts 7-10 days. Children get sick quite often - sometimes up to 6 times a year. If a runny nose appears only when the child is sick and goes away with recovery, this is natural. But if all the symptoms continue for too long, we may be talking about so-called chronic rhinitis.

Rhinitis, as we have already said, may have an allergic etiology. Many adults also experience this type of runny nose - for example, in the spring, during the flowering of trees and grasses. But in the case of a constant runny nose in a child, you cannot do without visiting an allergist: after all, it is impossible to independently identify the allergen; for this you need to undergo a series of tests. The reason causing allergies, there may be a certain number of products, pets, and even ordinary house dust.

It should be remembered that vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which we are used to using for a runny nose, do not have the desired effect for allergic rhinitis. This will require the systemic use of antihistamines (including nasal sprays), which are prescribed only by a doctor. Of course, you need to take care of eliminating allergy-provoking factors and ensuring a comfortable microclimate in the room.

Chronic runny nose in a child is a reason to carry out special examinations. As a rule, it involves surrender general analysis blood and urine biochemical analysis blood, x-ray or computed tomography sinuses, as well as bacteriological culture fluid discharged from the nose. The latest analysis allows you to determine the pathogen if rhinitis has infectious nature, and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics. That’s right – after all, treating rhinitis is quite difficult.

An X-ray or CT scan will determine whether a runny nose is caused by sinusitis or sinusitis. In some cases, with advanced sinusitis, the child will need to be treated in a hospital.

How to cope with persistent rhinitis

A constant runny nose in a child is a reason to change the microclimate in the apartment if the air in it is too dry. Nasal cavity dries out, and the drops only aggravate the situation, since there is big risk getting used to their action. Therefore, be sure to humidify the air - best with a special humidifier. Do wet cleaning regularly and ventilate the room in which the child is located well.

The general treatment regimen for a runny nose is as follows:

  • Thorough rinsing of the nose;
  • Moisturizing the nasal mucosa;
  • The use of drops that reduce mucus secretion;
  • Use antibiotic drops if necessary;
  • Use of antibacterial ointments.

Antibacterial agents and antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor. Frequent runny noses in a child can be avoided if the mother masters the technique of rinsing the nose. Of course, this is not very pleasant, but it is extremely effective on early stage disease. Washing is carried out with saline solutions. For babies, you can use special seawater sprays.

Drops such as protargol or collargol reduce the amount of mucus in the nose. If a child has frequent runny noses, parents usually start instilling vasoconstrictor drops into him, but it is better to give preference to solutions with oil based(such as Pinosol), which do not dry out the mucous membranes. Besides antibacterial drugs, in some cases, special local hormonal sprays are prescribed. Cold inhalations of saline solution using a nebulizer moisturize the mucous membrane well.

Runny nose frequent illness, which occurs not only in adults, but also in children. Adults, due to their already established character and conscious understanding of reality, can rationally approach the disease itself and its treatment: accurately identify the nature of the runny nose, its causes, and thanks to this, receive appropriate treatment from a doctor.

When applied to children, everything becomes a little more complicated: the child cannot accurately describe what hurts and where, so we can only learn about the causes and source of a runny nose by external signs.

If a child has thick snot (green, white, blood-red), first of all, to determine an effective treatment method, it is very important to identify the cause of the disease and the nature of the discharge due to its color.

Timely recognition and elimination of the causes of a runny nose will help not only to avoid complications, but also to minimize the risk of its subsequent occurrence.

We recognize the cause and begin treatment

A child’s snot cannot appear out of nowhere, but illness is not always the cause of its occurrence. A child, after crying, may also become sleepy after a while, but why do you ask?

The thing is that excessive secretion of tears leads to the fact that some of them do not come out, but end up in the nasolacrimal canal, which contributes to the formation of mucus.

Most common cause the development of excess mucus, snot in a child, are viral respiratory tract infections.

Slime is antiviral agent, fighting the disease, but when it turns from a liquid state to a thick one, this is a sure sign that the baby’s nose is not coping with its duties, both respiratory and protective.

Each discharge, characteristic in color, and they are divided into green, yellow, white and transparent, has its own reasons for its appearance and its consequences in the absence of the necessary treatment.

In order to determine a set of measures for treatment, you need to know what became the source of the disease.

Pediatrician Dr. E.O. Komarovsky notes that a runny nose in a child cannot be cured until the disease that became its source is identified. Based on this, he identifies following reasons diseases:

  • Excessive “temperature shock” of the child’s body – hypothermia or overheating;
  • Allergic reaction - in this case, Komarovsky notes the “companions” of snot: swollen facial features, tearing from the eyes and nasal itching;
  • The air in the child’s location is too dry or, conversely, humid. Very often, the main and main cause of snot is precisely insufficient air humidity rather than some kind of disease. This is explained by the fact that the usual mucous runny nose thickens in dry air and becomes not a means of fighting viruses, but a breeding ground for them, since pathogenic bacteria multiply in thick mucus;
  • A weak immune system becomes a gap for entry into the child’s body various infections and bacteria that lead to colds, the most common are cough and runny nose.

There are also reasons that do not indicate the presence of any disease:

  • Excessive air dust: it is important that the child is surrounded by a clean environment (clean, not hygienic - these are two different concepts: for the normal functioning and development of the body, it is impossible for the child to live in sterile conditions, everything should be in moderation). If under such conditions a child begins to sneeze and cough, do not be alarmed: they contribute not only to the removal of phlegm from the body, but also to its natural cleansing of unwanted particles;
  • An insufficiently developed mechanism for clearing mucus from the nasal passages: this reason is typical for children under the age of 2-3 months;
  • The child cried a lot, which led to the appearance of mucus;
  • : due to the growth of teeth, the nasal sinuses are excited - as a result, excessive salivation occurs, which then develops into a runny nose and clear, thick snot.

The primary task of a parent when thick snot of any color appears in a child: green, yellow, white, transparent - is to contact a doctor in a timely manner and avoid self-medication.

Independent actions are possible only if the causes are identified, so that the doctor can use them to determine the disease that is bothering the baby.

Consistency and color of discharge as an important indicator of disease

Thick nasal discharge is not only a symptom of an existing disease, but also a kind of barrier that protects the unprotected body from dust, excessive humidity or dryness, harmful bacteria and viruses.

Their color indicates the severity of the disease, its type and stage.

The color of nasal discharge and its consistency will help determine the source of snot in a child. There are five types of snot, differing in color:

  • Mucous transparent discharge. The reason lies in an allergic reaction to some factor, “temperature shock” or normal teething. Very often they are normal physiological indicators of the body, which effectively fights attacks from the outside world;
  • The secretions secreted by the nasal glands are thick and have a green, white, yellow or blood-red color: evidence of a bacterial infection, which, if insufficient or improperly treated, can develop into a bronchial cough, sinusitis, pneumonia or otitis media:
  • Thick white snot: is the initial (in the case of an inflammatory and infectious process) or final ( allergic reactions) stage of the disease. If treatment is not prescribed correctly, they can develop into more severe form with yellow or green discharge that is extremely bad smell.

White snot is not yet a reason to panic: first of all, check whether the air in the room is sufficiently humidified and increase the amount of fluid consumed - maybe the cause of the child’s illness lies precisely in this.

In relation to small children: check for inflammation of the gums; if there is inflammation, then mucus is evidence of teething.

If all of the above reasons have been eliminated, and the amount of snot has not decreased, you should start rinsing the nose by first instilling vasoconstrictor drops or saline solution;

  • Thick green snot: already a cause for concern. This is a symptom indicating the presence in the body chronic diseases respiratory tract: pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis. If the snot, in addition to being green, also has an unpleasant odor, this may be evidence of sinusitis or adenoids. The smell appears due to the presence of pus in the discharge, which is formed as a result of a bacterial infection. Green color mucus is given by enzymes responsible for fighting viruses, and may also indicate that the immune system is actively resisting infection, but, unfortunately, is not coping due to excessive accumulation of dead cells (leukocytes) and pathogenic organisms mucus thickens and is difficult to remove from the sinuses. The “companions” of these secretions are fever, cough, and often blood streaks in snot. Do not be afraid of a cough (if it is not chronic, protracted); properly selected expectorants and mucolytic drugs will help remove mucus and speed up recovery from a runny nose. In severe, advanced forms, green snot develops into sinusitis or otitis media;
  • Thick yellow snot: a clear sign the fact that the disease has reached the deep sinuses of the nose, where pus has accumulated (typical of sinusitis, which can occur in children over 3 years of age). Most often, yellow snot is the result, a consequence of untreated and neglected green discharge from the nose and a phenomenon indicating the onset of inflammatory process sinuses;
  • Thick snot with bloody spots. There are several reasons for their appearance: mechanical trauma to the nasal mucosa (scratch, cut, capillary rupture), pressure.

Effective treatment without complications

First of all, you need to understand that it is easier to predict a disease and do everything to avoid it than to cure it.

A set of measures aimed at optimizing the room and environment in which the baby is located will help reduce the risk of your child's exposure to diseases accompanied by symptoms such as green, yellow or white mucus:

  • Minimizing the child’s contact with the allergen;
  • Daily wet cleaning of the entire room with children's disinfectants;
  • Maintaining a sufficient level of moisture and temperature in the room. Even at night, the room must meet indicators such as 18-20˚C - temperature regime, 50 – 70% — relative air humidity level. It’s better to dress your child warmly and provide him comfortable sleep in a favorable environment: sufficient humidity, temperature and ventilation;
  • Regular walks with the child: subject to the obligatory observance of the rule: no matter the weather, we dress like that: do not overheat the child and do not let him freeze;
  • Daily morning and evening ventilation.
  • Other actions:
  • Give your child as much fluid to drink as possible;
  • Systematically clean and moisturize your child's nasal passages to minimize the amount of sinus secretions that accumulate. Effective means for this can be drugs such as ecterocide, saline solution and pinosol. Do not overdo it - no more than 8 times a day;
  • We ask the doctor for recommendations about possible ways hardening and gradually apply it in practice;
  • We give the child the right amount of vitamins with food: vitamin C.

Proper treatment is the key to health

Don't be surprised if your doctor prescribes cough suppressants or eye drops to treat thick snot.

It’s easy to explain: cough medicines help thin thick mucus not only at the bronchial level, but also at the nasal level. Expectorants such as carbocysteine, acetylcysteine, and ambroxol have proven themselves to be effective.

And eye drops wash the nasolacrimal canal and remove excess mucus from there - only pediatricians recommend instilling them not into the eyes, but into the nose. Most often doctors prescribe sodium sulfacyl.

Important! Self-medication of a child is worse than the disease itself, since it is not the runny nose itself that is dangerous, but its complications.

Therefore, if your child has green, yellow or white snot or other nasal discharge, seek a recommendation from an ENT doctor: he will prescribe a course of treatment, prescribe the necessary drops and prophylactic agents, identify the cause and make a diagnosis.

Only after visiting a specialist, begin to act, because the health of your child depends on it: the speed of relief from symptoms is not the main thing, but the effect achieved, which will not cause complications.

A child's runny nose is good. This statement is probably shocking to any mother. After all, we are accustomed, as soon as a child’s nose starts to run, to instill a lot of remedies to eliminate the problem. How to behave correctly if your baby has a runny nose? The answer will be given by pediatrician Boris Skachko.



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